06/02/2013 1 bitse project an examination of barriers which inhibit the transition from school to...

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06/02/2013 1

BITSE ProjectAn examination of barriers which

inhibit the transition from school to employment for persons with

disabilities »

Categorization of barriers_Learners

Centre de la Gabrielle - MFPASS at Claye-Souilly, France

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Centre de la GabrielleCentre de la Gabrielle• A service provider for people with mental disability•Created in 1972 by MFPass•250 professionnels daily assist 500 children, teenagers and adults in special education, vocational training, housing, work and artistic mediation.• It develops autonomy, inclusion and competencies.• Among the 12 services of Centre de la Gabrielle, ther are 2 sheltered employment companies (gardening, industriel laundry, packaging).• CAP VAE project : helps adults in sheltered environment to access qualification and integrate the open labour market.

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whom?Adolescents from 14 years old with impaired cognitive functions , inducing learning disabilities.

Why ?To introduce them to a pre-professional training in order to promote their social and professional integration.

How ?In alternating time:Class for school learning.Prevocational training workshops.Educational and therapeutic support if needed.

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Social Skills

BehaviourLife in Society

Means : Sport, board games, theatre, creative activities.


Civic skillsPublic transportation use




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Learning Skills Based on the Common Base Skills: Skills which must be acquired by the end of a regular

French schooling.

CFG "General Certificate of Training"APER "First Certificate in Road Education“ (Cross

the road , respect traffic lights, stay on the sidewalks)ASSR 1 and 2 “Road safety School Certificate “ (required to apply for a driving license).B2i “Computing & Internet Certificate"


Essential Skills

Promote integration

Communicate Talk Develop Personal expression

Write/ Read Count / Calculate

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Vocational training The skills learned are all based and adapted on the CAP (Professional Aptitude Certificate)

reference level for the appropriate workshop.



Know-howGesturesTechnical professionalsSafety Procedures

Promote Integration

Internship preparationPerfecting techniques

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The DISPEHThe DISPEHIs a new system created 5 years ago to try to reduce some barriers from school

to Employment led by the Ministry for education

Pooling three technical platforms that teach and validate professional acts : 1 - IMPRO 2 - CFA (Apprenticeship centre)3 - Companies.

The DISPEH can develop bridges between special schools (IMPRO) mainstream training centres and employers in order to give people with learning disability the opportunity to develop professional skills and facilitate their integration into the labour market.

The goal :

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Introduction to various technical platforms that are available at different IMPROs through trade accessibility introductory internships

14 to 16 years old :

The principlesThe principles

Start a training during 3 years or 2,000 hours .The training consists on : a time in an Apprenticeship centre + IMPRO + 8 weeks of internship in a company.

Based on the validations, the student may join a regular environment.

Goal :

16 to 20 years old :

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When the awareness of work , the rhythm, the respect of safety rules are not acquired, an orientation to an occupational centre is selected.

Adaptation appears required:

At the end of IMPROAt the end of IMPRO

Professional skills are being acquired and require additional training, in this case, the sheltered environment can be a bridge.

The work doesn't make " sense " :

Deemed ready for work:

Professional gestures, rhythm, teamwork, safety regulations, the taking of initiative are acquired.The mainstream orientation is evaluated.

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Categorization of barriers, our results and suggestions…

Attitudes / perception

• Stereotypes: learners feel judged because of their disability• Better to change the point of view about People with

disabilities• Not enough skills to work in regular environment• Need more time to acquire more skills• They are lacking autonomy (socially and professionally)• More work experience is required

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Categorization of barriers, our results…


• 70% find an internship with trainer’s help• Only 8% of families participate in search for

internship• 40% have a negative vision of the internship• Forced to make internships which do not correspond

to their wish

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Categorization of barriers, our results…


Difficulties during their vocational training because of :• Rhythm of work• Demands of regular work (the mobilization of specific

knowledge that they don’t have yet)• Relationship with the hierarchy• Lack of support • Lack of transport

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Categorization of barriers, our results…


• Not enough time and experience• The classrooms are overcrowded • Not enough link between the school and the company • Lack of knowledge and experience to work in regular

environment• The education not adapted to the intellectual disability (« to

much to learn »)

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Categorization of barriers, our results…

Ressources/ opportunities/ information

• The jobs are not diversified• The learners can’t find easily the information about their

futur job • Lack of individual accompaniment • Difficult to find internships well adapted to their skills• Lacking information about other opportunities

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Categorization of barriers, our results…


• Schools too much far from the place of residence • Easier to find an internship in big cities• More logistic means towards small towns

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Categorization of barriers, our results…

Economic reason

• The current economic situation in France would not allow to find a job easily

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Thank you for your attention!!!!!


Micheline DUBOISAnd Centre de la Gabrielle

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