070109 virtual worlds and the enterprise metanomics transcript

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Metanomics is a weekly Web-based show on the serious uses of virtual worlds. This transcript is from a past show. For this and other videos, visit us at http://metanomics.net.




JULY 1, 2009

Metanomics is a weekly broadcast on the serious uses of virtual worlds. Visit

http://metanomics.net. Metanomics is owned and operated by Remedy Communications.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Hi. I’m Robert Bloomfield, professor at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. Each week I have the honor of hosting a discussion with the most insightful and the most influential people who are taking Virtual Worlds seriously. We talk with the developers who are creating these fascinating new platforms, the executives, entrepreneurs, educators, artists, government officials who are putting these platforms to use. We talk with the researchers who are watching the whole process unfold. And we talk with the government officials and policymakers who are taking a very close look on how what happens in the Virtual World can affect our Real World society.

Now naturally, we hold our discussions about Virtual Worlds in Virtual Worlds. How else could we find a very real place where a global community can convene, collaborate and connect with one another. So our discussion is about to start. You can join us in any of our live Virtual World studio audiences. You can join us live on the web. Welcome, because this is Metanomics.

ANNOUNCER: Metanomics is filmed today in front of a live audience at our studios in Second Life.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Hi, and welcome again to Metanomics. What would work be like in 20 years? Our guests today Margaret Regan, of the FutureWork Institute, predicts that the typical worker will be spending less than half of their time in the office and a lot of their time communicating with colleagues and customers through wireless technologies. The people we work with will be far more diverse than they are today, and the workplace will have to adapt to new generations of very different attitudes and outlooks. What does all of this mean for our jobs and for the Virtual World industry? Stay tuned to find out.

Thanks to all of you who are attending Metanomics today, including those viewing live on the web. Join in with your comments and your questions.

ANNOUNCER: We are pleased to broadcast weekly to our event partners and to welcome discussion. We use ChatBridge technology to allow viewers to comment during the show. Metanomics is sponsored by the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University and Immersive Workspaces. Welcome. This is Metanomics.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Before we talk with Ms. Regan, we are delighted to welcome back Tony O’Driscoll, our Metanomics learning correspondent. Tony’s been very busy lately as he finishes a new book with Karl Kapp and prepares for the second 3D Teaching, Learning and Collaboration Conference in San Jose this fall. Let’s take a few minutes to put Tony O’Driscoll In The Spotlight. Tony, welcome back to Metanomics.

TONY O’DRISCOLL: Good to see you again, Rob.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Great. I know that you just finished your book Learning in 3D:

Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration, which is going to come out in January of 2010. For starters, what’s the one thing you want people to take from this book?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: I think the most important thing that Karl and I realized, as we looked at a lot of the cases over the last 18 months, is that this is not your grandfather’s learning environment, Rob, and that the affordances of the 3D contexts provide many more opportunities to enrich the learning experience than we’ve had in the past.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: So specific examples that you’d like to emphasize?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: I think, you know, it’s featured in our book and also was featured in 3D TLC, some of the stuff that Margaret will be talking about in terms of how the affordances of a 3D virtual environment allow people to experience diversity and inclusion issues in a much more visceral way is one really, really good example of how some of the

mechanisms and macrostructures, as we call them, of the 3D environment allow people to have a richer experience in the environment than you could ever hope to have in a classroom role-play setting for instance.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: You mentioned just then macrostructures, and I had a chance to look at chapter four of your book, and you talk about these four macrostructures. You say instructional designers should be sure they’re activating within a 3D learning environment: agency, exploration, connectedness and experience. So could you maybe just pick one of these, agency maybe; what exactly is that, and how do people take advantage of that macrostructure in a 3D environment?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: Basically when we started to look at all the different attributes of the technology and started to turn that into an instructional-design methodology, if you will, or architecture, one of the things that makes this environment different is that each of us has agency through an avatar, which means we have the ability to operate the avatar within the environment and take action and have interaction. And, to a certain extent, in other 2D flatland collaborative applications, you don’t have that agency. You might be able to rustle up in a modicon or something, but you don’t really have as much agency. So it all begins, I think, the value proposition of 3D begins with agency, particularly when you’re talking about immersive learning environments. There is some discussion, as you well know, about what good is an avatar, and do you really need an avatar, that the 3D environment doesn’t necessarily need to leverage avatars. I think, for 3D learning experiences, the notion of agency is absolutely critical.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Do you see avatar and agency as being very tightly linked?


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Can you have agency without the avatar?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: Oh, I think you could have agency without the avatar, particularly interacting with, let’s say, 3D data, but I think if you’re looking for--this is where the others fold into each other, Rob. If you’re looking to create an experience like some of the diversity and inclusion experiences Margaret will no doubt be talking about today, the

avatar’s agency and also even appearance could play a role in the learning that’s driven home through the activity. So yeah, in this case, I think how you position the avatar, what kind of persona that avatar takes on and the activities they engage in can all be shaped and configured, if you will, to drive home a pretty significant learning experience in the virtual context.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Now you have talked about these macrostructures, but you also have other ways that--you’ve organized the features that people are trying to take advantage of in Virtual Worlds. You also talk about various sensibilities, for example. Could you walk us through the larger model?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: Yeah. So within agency exploration connectedness and experience, what we tried to do was tie it to two things. One is a set of what we call 3D learning archetypes, which are if you want to think about them as reusable learning objects that can be used over and over as instructional vehicles. So for instance, a treasure hunt or a guided tour or a conceptual orienteering activity or a critical incident, those would fall into experience. If we’re talking about the sensibilities, we talk about the sensibilities of the technology itself. There’s a sense of self, which ties very closely to agency. That’s the kinship you feel with your avatar.

There’s a sense of space and the pervasiveness of practice, which is tied to exploration. There’s the enrichment of experience, which clearly links to the experience macrostructure. And then, in terms of connectedness, there’s the power of presence, which we feel right here right now and the depth of distance. Both of those are really coming together in this Metanomics show today. And finally, this one is most germane, I think, to Second Life with the capability to co-create artifacts or experiences.

So what we’ve tried to do with this chapter four, which is the one I sent you, Rob, is essentially line up what are the eight design principles that you should be adhering to in developing learning, how those overlay onto the four macrostructures of agency, exploration, connectedness and experiences, what are the specific 3D learning archetypes that you can employ and kind of snap together, to create a rich 3D learning experience and what technical affordances or sensibilities are being leveraged from the perspective of the platform that you’re using to make those 3D learning experiences come to life. That’s essentially the crux of the matter, as it relates to this book.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: We had a question. Someone wanted a reminder on the title of the book. It’s called Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and

Collaboration. And, again, that will come out in January of 2010. So a very early book tour for you, Tony.


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Thanks for talking with us about it. I’d like to move on and talk about the 3D Teaching, Learning and Collaboration Conference in San Jose, which is in late September. I was at the first 3D TLC Conference in Washington, D.C. in April, and I’m wondering: What lessons did you take from that first conference? What will you be keeping, and what will you be changing for this next one?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: As you well know, with the community that comes to 3D TLC, there’s not much control that I have, apart from just trying to be the orchestrator of content. They’re all going to Twitter, whether you want them to or not. They’re used to the back channel in the Virtual World, and they’re going to demand it. But I have asked for kind of a big screen so that people can all see the Twitters as they float by, because I’ve seen that being used quite successfully in other conferences.

In terms of the content itself, we’re always looking for more content and great examples. If you have them, either email them directly to me or submit them through the [chart?]. I can tell you right now we’ve had twice as many submissions so far as we did for the first 3D TLC. And the first 3D TLC kind of had to take on a panel format to accommodate the number of submissions we’ve had. So I’m also looking for ideas on how you can get more content into a two-day format. What we did in the past, as you well know, Rob, is we had panels with three people on them. And we’re trying to think of some other creative approaches to get more content across.

The other thing I’m pushing for pretty hard is having a virtual component to the Conference, above and beyond the Twitter screen, but maybe a more 3D virtual component to the Conference. So those are the things I’m working on at the moment. And any and all ideas are welcome from the community.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And you’re still looking for speakers.

TONY O’DRISCOLL: Sure. If there are any ideas, concepts, case studies, it is going to be very case-study focused. What did come out from 3D TLC, Rob, as I think you’re aware, was, people liked to see the practical applications of the kind of things that Margaret and others are doing to leverage this technology for business benefit. So that is going to be a recurring theme.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. Great. Well, I think that’s about all the time we have for this opening segment, but, Tony O’Driscoll, thanks so much for joining us, telling us about your book on learning in 3D and the upcoming Conference. Everyone can check. I believe the website is just 3DTLC.com. Is that right?

TONY O’DRISCOLL: That’s right. And also there’s the folks at Virtual Worlds News have broken out a 3D TLC blog as well because they’re getting a lot of news items that they feel--they want to give it its own channel.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Great! Well, I’m always glad to see enterprise applications of Virtual Worlds, to get some traction. So congratulations on having such a successful first conference. They asked for an encore, and I fully expect to be there myself.


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. Thanks for joining us on Metanomics, and I’m sure we’ll see you again next season. Okay. Now it’s time for our main event. Our main guest today is Margaret Regan, president and CEO of the FutureWork Institute. The FutureWork Institute is a global virtual web of alliances that models and co-creates flexible, inclusive workplaces. I am, of course, taking this from their official documents, and I am very much looking forward to hearing what that actually means. I do know the Institute operates in four continents: North America, Europe, Asia and Latin America, as a global incubator of innovation and change. And it particularly focuses on addressing diversity, work-life balance, the future of organizations and their employees. Margaret, welcome to Metanomics.

MARGARET REGAN: Thank you very much, Rob. It’s a pleasure to be here.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I guess just for starters, tell us a little more about the FutureWork Institute. What exactly do you do?

MARGARET REGAN: Well, as you said, we are a global consulting firm. We’ve been in existence for over 20 years, first as the global diversity practice of Towers Perrin. And, as of seven years ago, we spun off about a hundred people around the world into the FutureWork Institute. And what our tagline line says is that we translate future trends to transform organizations. And because we operate on four continents and we work a lot with large companies, what we do is prepare them for the workforce and the marketplace of the next ten years. So for the last 20 years we have been studying the next ten years, wherever we are. In 1990, it was 2000, then 2010, etcetera. And we have a particular specialty coming from our roots in Towers Perrin, in diversity and inclusion and human resource trends.

So this takes us very often into broad culture change issues because, if we’re going to prepare for the workplace of the future, we have to make sure, with a much more diverse workforce, that everyone there feels welcome or valued. And, of course, that takes us into sensitive issues, issues of race and ethnicity and gender and sexual orientation, religion, generational differences, people with disabilities. And all of the things that sometimes make people feel like an “other” in an organization.

So when we work with our clients, we are actually engaging them in three different ways. We’re looking for a mind shift. We’re looking for a heart shift. And we’re looking for a skill shift. And the mind shift comes when they see the compelling business case we make for the changing workforce in the marketplace. The heart shift comes when they hear the data from our organizational assessments, when many of their employees are actually speaking very emotionally of not feeling included because they happen to be different from the majority. And the skill shift comes from our education and training around creating a more inclusive workplace. So that’s what we do.

Who we are is a little bit different. Who we are is a virtual global consulting firm that

operates in three different ways. We have a principle called “My Job, My Way.” Another one called “My Business Our Way.” And the third one called “My Perks Our Way.” So as you can see, we are modeling what we think work will be like in the future, as we consult the companies on how they can prepare for that future.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: You mentioned that you have a close relationship with Towers Perrin, and I’m just wondering. They were in the news just this week. They’re having some major organizational changes there: a merger with another firm. Do you see that affecting FutureWork Institute?

MARGARET REGAN: Actually, it might have seven years ago, but right now they’ve announced a merger with Watson Wyatt. Towers Perrin was an investor in FutureWork when we spun off seven years ago, but, in these seven years, we’re really developed our own reputation. We’re out on our own. We’ve paid back their investments, and so it really won’t impact us, except that I was a partner there for 15 years so I definitely have very close relationships with some of the other partners there, who will be very much impacted by it. So on a personal level, yes. On a business level, we really have been operating on our own for the last seven years. So on a business level, it won’t, but on a personal level, we’re certainly concerned to see them succeed in this new merged company.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And let’s move on to some of the things that you’ve been writing lately. In particular, you wrote an article for Money Magazine’s thirty-fifth anniversary issue on the future of work. The headline, which no doubt an editor wrote rather than you personally, but it was “Goodbye Wired Desks, Hello Wearable Wireless Networks.” And then you say in the article by the year 2042, quote, “There will be no workplace as we know it.” What forces do you see driving us that way, other than just the fact that wireless technology exists and presumable will get better?

MARGARET REGAN: Well, I know when I give a lot of presentations on the future of work, it frightens people a bit. If they like change, they love it. If they don’t like change, they basically say, “When can I retire?” So I generally start talking about maybe in the next five years, before I go to 2042, and what we’re really seeing is that people will work, first, about 40 percent of their time in the office, 40 percent of the time at home, and then 20 percent in what we call the third place, which could be Starbucks, the local park, an internet café, anyplace where they can get a wireless connection. But we will be

connected all the time, and that will blur the work and life boundaries even more than they’re blurred today.

The virtual reality experiences that we’re going to talk about today will be integrated into this real life so people will attend meetings, participate in business-learning simulations. They’ll travel to distant places, and they’ll create their digital clones or avatars, but they won’t be necessarily physically going anyplace.

When I was talking about 2042, as they asked me to do for that particular article, and I said we’ll go from wired desk to wireless personal wearable networks so we’ll communicate from everywhere, and it will really have little meaning to demand that someone comes to work. This is the face time that we hear about in so many of the focus groups that we do today. So we will have left behind the role-based, the rote application of the job description, and work will feel more like a Hollywood movie.

And, if you think about it, managers, directors and team members come together around a specific project. They collaborate intensely, and then they disband. That’s the Hollywood movie production schedule, and that’s what we’ll see. And we’ll have smart machines that’ll do everything that can be programmed into them. And there will be jobs that exist that will demand problem-solving, managing teams, they’ll probably go global virtual teams, and creating new ways to make life easier. We’ll see a lot more outsourcing and home-choring, which is doing it within the home. And you’ll see people outsourcing part of their personal life to concierge-type assistance in India. MyManInIndia is one of them. And people in other countries will be glad to perform personal tasks for you while you sleep.

So work will look very, very different, and there will be few people coming into the office with their manager insisting that they make sure they’re there at 5:00. And we will also have a new generation taking the power as the baby boomers rewire themselves, who will understand that work is really about results and not about physical presence. Right now that is a very tough concept to get across to most people in power. It won’t be so tough 20 years from now.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: As you talk about this, I see lots of challenges both to businesses and to the employees. I’d like to start with a couple issues facing employees in

the future of work. And the first one is, I hope you don’t mind my pointing out that I got an email from you about this Metanomics event at about 3:30 in the morning. And so as we go global, do we get to sleep?

MARGARET REGAN: Yes. I think one of the things I’ve been studying a lot, although people who know me don’t quite believe it, is the importance of sleep as we live in this world where we have an umbilical cord of the electronic tether all the time. And you got an email from me at 3:30 in the morning because, when you run a global firm, many of your clients are up, and that’s the beginning of their workday. Now the question do I get some sleep, I actually do. If I go to bed at 3:00, I do not get up at 6:00, and everybody who knows me knows that. So I do arrange my life so that I get at least six, seven or sometimes even eight hours of sleep a night.

And I think that’s very important because what the studies are saying about our always-connected life is that people are taking the time from one or another end of the day. They are either staying up later to get their work done or getting up early in the morning, and they’re cutting back on the sleep that they need. So when you look at the younger generation, the Millennial, the Gen Y, the studies on this generation say they are the most overtired generation that we have, and they are sleepy at work at least two days a week because of the time and the multitasking that they’re used to doing with texting, watching television at the same time they’re working. So it is a very big concern in this always-on world, that people’s health will suffer from the lack of sleep.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. And now a related question actually comes from an audience member Devon Alderton, who asks, “Won’t there be multiple revenue streams, less of the traditional full time employment that most people have now?” As we go virtual, as you talk about this sort of film production model where people come together on a project and disband, that sounds like a very stressful life. We’re all going to be seeking very short-term jobs without the job security and the benefits that we know and love, those of us who are employed in this economy. So how do you see that playing out?

MARGARET REGAN: We actually do a lot of focus groups around the world on this issue of job security, long-term jobs, etcetera, and we do see that we’ll be moving from these long-term relationships to more situational employment relationships. And people will build portfolio careers with multiple employers. Now if we talk to the different generations at

work, every time I speak to a large audience in a company, I say, “How many of you been here 10, 20, 30 years?” And the hands are still going up at 30 and 35 years. And then I ask the question, “What about the newest generation coming in? How many of them do you think will be here for 20 years?” And the audience shouts out, “Probably none.” Which is a very big concern to the companies that we work with, who are used to these long-term careers. And, if you look at the statistics just in the United States, the baby boomers tended to stay on a job an average of 8.9 years. The Generation Xers, 2.8 years. And the Millennials or the Gen Y, which is the youngest generation at work, 1.8 years.

So for a younger generation who are going to have ten careers in their lifetime and maybe six or seven of them don’t even exist yet, the idea of staying at one company for 20 years doesn’t make much sense. And there is another social dynamic that plays out here. When we talk to the Gen Y’s in their focus groups, they will say, “Our parents stayed with a company for 20 years for job security. They got laid off. The psychological contract was broken. We don’t think it’s a good idea to put all of our eggs in one basket, as the saying goes, for one company. And we think it’s better to build our portfolio skills by concentrating on “me incorporated” so that I can have, as I move from employer to employer or go into my own business, which a lot of people aspire to, I am building these portfolio skills, and I am not doing the same job over and over again for ten or fifteen years.” So there will be a different definition of job security. There will be a different definition of what loyalty means.

And I know it’s hard for a lot of people who’ve grown up in the traditional work world to see, but when we talk to the younger generation, even in large companies, they really do not see themselves as dedicated completely to their company. They are committed to the work. They’re energized. They’re excited about it, but they do not see themselves there 15 or 20 years. Now I’m speaking in generalities. I do not mean everyone. I do mean what the research is saying about how differently people look at loyalty, job security, etcetera, and it’s even in this recession we’re finding that the Gen Y’s will stay longer, but they’re still looking around for something that helps them balance their work and life more. And when you see the switch, the research says that the boomers were more work-focused and work came first. The Gen Xers are more in between work and life as important. And the Gen Y’s are definitely more life-focused as the primary focus. So the switch in how you look at work is going to bring a big switch into how we do our work.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Let me turn to the challenges facing the businesses, and

another audience member MrsAishaLaDon Xenno gets at this by talking about why face time is important, and she says, “They want to watch you and micromanage. So if I’m leading a global virtual team, the type that you describe, where people are not coming into the office, how do I maintain control and make sure that what’s happening is what I want to happen?”

MARGARET REGAN: This issue of face time is a very big generational debate we have all the time. We have baby boomer managers who do walk around the office at night, to see who is there. And when we run what we call generational debates in live debates, the younger generation says to them, “Why do you care where I am? I actually can get this work done better if I’m at home. Maybe if I put my child to bed and then do it for a couple of hours after. All you should care about is that you have the resulting deliverable at 9:00 the next morning when you need it.” And the future will have to have managers that manage by results and who do not believe that presence equals performance.

It is one of the biggest issues we have when we work with executive teams on this issue of work-life flexibility, my job my way, DeLoitte calls it “mass career customization,” where I kind of design my career and how I relate to work very differently from the person next to me. But you will see more of that because, if you see what’s happening in the four generations, the baby boomers are rewiring themselves. They’re not necessarily retiring, but they don’t want to work the way they did and just live to work. The Gen Xers are absolutely going through the work-life frustrations as they try to get flexibility, and they have to model their life on their baby boomer managers.

And the Gen Y’s are coming in and saying, “If you don’t give me flexibility, I’ll just go someplace else.” So we have three or four different generations asking for a new way to work, and the paradigm that’s shifted is that the workforce has changed dramatically over the last ten to fifteen years, but the workplace in many of our large organizations has not, and it will have to shift as we look at the future.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Well, thank you. The first item on my agenda was just to look at the future of work and hear your ideas, and those are fascinating ideas. I guess I’m almost a baby boomer. I’m just, I think, a hair young, but certainly there’s some things in there that excite me, some things that make me a little nervous, but I think we’re all going to look forward to the next five, ten years.

Let’s then move on to what appears to be a central part of what the FutureWork Institute is doing today to help companies deal with the challenges of today, and a lot of that, as you mentioned, focuses on diversity issues. And a good deal of that addresses something you call micro-inequities. What are those?

MARGARET REGAN: Yes. Micro-inequities is a word that’s really come into the diversity and inclusion vocabulary probably in the last four or five years, and the two most popular topics globally when we do training around diversity inclusion are how to manage across four generations at work. And then how to deal with the micro-inequities that happen every day to people. Micro-inequity is what it sounds like: little inequities. They’re the everyday acts of exclusion, of devaluation and discouragement that are very often unconscious when people do it. They’re subtle slights that really sap people’s energy. They can be a gesture, a tone or snub, but what they do is, they de-motivate employees, and they erode trust. And they also really impair productivity and performance.

If you’re looking for innovation, they kill innovation. They disconnect team members, and they absolutely sabotage diversity efforts. We just recently did a global survey on what are the micro-inequities that impact people in different parts of the world. One of the biggest ones right now is when you are telling somebody something that you’re very emotional about and it’s really important to you, and they take out their Blackberry, their PDA or something, and they’re checking their messages while you’re telling them something because they’re multitasking. And what people say is, “It’s really devaluing my time and me when I’m not important enough in what I’m saying for you to just look at me and have a conversation.”

The other one we hear a lot that goes on at meetings is where somebody offers an idea, the manager dismisses the first idea pitched and says, “Great. Thanks. Now who wants to get the ball rolling?” Or many women say they put an idea forward; it doesn’t seem to be heard. Five minutes later, very often a man puts it forward, and the manager will say, “Great idea. Let’s go with that.” And the woman will say, “Am I invisible? Didn’t anyone hear me?” The message is, “Why should I take your idea seriously?” So it’s not a big thing, but, when that happens over and over, it grinds exceedingly small, and it’s very wearing on people.

Another one we see a lot is that he counts. You don’t count introduction. So two people will be being introduced, and you’ll say, “This is Jane who graduated from Penn State. She

runs all our terrific marketing campaigns,” etcetera, etcetera. “And this is Fred. He’s from Bridgeport. Shake his hand.” So you go on and one about one person, and then the other person gets a very kind of short, to the point, not very excited introduction. They’re very little things, but when they happen over and over and when I am a person of color, suppose I’m a Black person and you’re constantly coming up to me and saying, “You’re so articulate. You’re so articulate,” that’s nice, but the rest of that sentence can be, “You’re so articulate for a Black person.” And so for someone who is a young Black man, who has always been articulate, who comes into a workplace, and he’s told that over and over, and he notices that other people aren’t told that, it begins to be wearing. Or you look at a Chinese person [CROSSTALK]



ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Actually another audience member Bevan Whitfield is saying there’s never an excuse for rudeness. And one of the things I’m wondering is, a lot of the things you’re describing are, frankly, just plain rude and could happen to, you know, anyone could say them to anyone. But then there’s the other layer to it, which is that people would be systematically rude in these little ways to people of certain races or to women or whatever. Do you see the bigger issue being, you know, dealing with the diversity aspect of it? I probably do rude things by pulling out my Blackberry to everyone. Are you focusing on both of those or more the diversity aspects?

MARGARET REGAN: Yes. We actually start by focusing on the overall micro-inequities I was talking about. And the Blackberry is a big one. And, by the way, everyone doesn’t agree that it’s rude. We have big debates on this. We have some cultures where everybody does it so it’s okay. Other cultures where it’s not okay. And we have CEOs telling people--we had one CEO who sends around an envelope, and you have to put your Blackberry in there so you won’t do it. Somebody else has been putting a dollar every time they take it out because there are cultures who feel it’s rude. There are cultures who feel it is just the way we do business. But it does happen. I just saw somebody say people with disabilities it happens all the time.

I was running around the world a few years ago. I hurt my leg, was in a wheelchair for about six weeks. It was just amazing the way people talked to me. I went to give a speech at a large hotel in Florida, for a big client, and they actually paid for my husband to wheel me in because I couldn’t walk. I had really, really hurt my knee. And, as I got the door, the bellman started to shout at me, “For people like you, we have this,” and he was shouting. And so my husband said, “She is neither deaf nor is she mentally incapacity in any way. Why do you insist on shouting?” And he kept doing that. And during those whole six weeks, when I was quote “a person with a disability,” I can’t tell you how many micro-inequities that I felt that made me very, very uncomfortable, and I realized I really wasn’t good at this. So people with disabilities, as one of your participants said have it happen to them all the time. But they do very much impact people.

If you look at levels of engagement connected to micro-inequities, and you look at even global studies of people who are fully engaged, mildly engaged or disengaged at work, you will see the people with the highest percentage of disengagement will say they are the subjects of constant incivilities on micro-inequities. And, by the way, we don’t talk about them because it’s not sexism, racism. It’s not any of the isms. It’s the more subtle things because we’ve gotten more sophisticated about our isms. So it’s the more subtle things that we do that really impact how people feel every day about coming in to work.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: This leads very naturally into the next topic I want to discuss, which is: How do you, at FutureWork Institute, help firms deal with this? And we really haven’t talked about Virtual Worlds at all. What role do Virtual Worlds play in that?

MARGARET REGAN: Okay. I’ll start by saying how we basically help companies and then talk about the role of Virtual Worlds. As I said, we deal with the mind shift, the heart shift and the skill shift. And, in the mind shift, we do a tremendous amount of research globally on what these trends are, depending on the industry we’re working in, the country we’re working in, so we have these multimedia presentations we do, to really wake executives up, who are mostly baby boomers, about how quickly these changes are coming.

For example, last week, in the middle of one of my speeches, I said, “Just look at this week.” What happened in Iran got all over the world with Twitter. Michael Jackson’s death meant that so many people went to where they get their news first, which was to Google,

that Google thought it was a virus and shut down. When you see how quickly this is coming upon us, you need to really look at the whole landscape of the workplace and the marketplace and realize that you need to change. And so we do a lot of mind-shifting that way. We do scenario planning for the future, where people look at the trends that will impact the future and what it means for their business.

When we get to the emotions of the heart, we do a lot of organizational assessments. We have people of all the different groups, affinity groups, African Americans, Asians, people with disabilities, gays, lesbians, whatever group is in the workforce, who tell us what they feel like being in this company and what the climate for diversity inclusion is. We do surveys so we have the quantitative part. And then we interview executives. We put all the data together really to move people to say, “This is our house, and people don’t feel included here.”

And then we have to take them to the skill shift, if you think about head, heart and hands, we have to take them to, “So what do you do? How do you deal with the micro-inequities?” We do a lot of coaching, lots of mentoring programs, putting together diversity councils, employer resource groups. We help people measure the progress and measure the climate for inclusion.

And, in all of that, when you ask about the role of Virtual Worlds and what led us there, it was really about four different things coming together at the same time. First of all, we are the FutureWork Institute so our clients always expect us to be ten years ahead and to lead them into the future of training and learning and collaboration. Then the economy hit, and many of our clients had to cancel large meetings or anything that required travel, any kind of travel and lodging because those costs just went--nobody was allowed to move. Put on top of that the desire to be green, and then the diversity component of that is that much of our diversity work that deals around an emotional reaction to being an “other,” if you want to get to the heart part of it, requires people to walk in the shoes of someone who is very different from them. And that’s hard to do.

We do exercises in our real training where you get a card, and, for that evening, you have to think you’re that person, and come back the next day and discuss how your life would have changed at home, how your manager would have acted differently, how your colleagues would have acted differently. So we do that in live training. But when we came

to the Virtual World, we found a way to do diversity simulations that would allow people to enter into that world by having an avatar of a different race, gender, generation, etcetera, and going around the world and talking to people as that person. So those are the things that led us into the Virtual World, and we have been, for about the last three years, working on three different platforms in the Virtual World with our clients. So that’s really what brought us into the use of the Virtual Worlds, as a way to get people to understand some of the diversity issues that we talk about, in a very different way.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I understand you personally don a number of different avatars of different races, genders, outfits and all that, and so you’ve experienced this very personally.

MARGARET REGAN: Yes, I certainly do. It’s part of the research that we have been doing about how you are received in this large world, if you just take Second Life, if you appear as a different kind of avatar from what you are. And I’m not talking about furries now or other types of avatars that I know are prevalent in Second Life. I’m talking about someone from a different race or gender. So when I first appear, if I’m appearing at a client meeting, I look like I do now in a business outfit. But, if I’m just Futura Cosmos, I actually have an outfit that has the FutureWork template, my logo, on it, and I kind of fly around the world that way. But I’m still a white woman.

If I want to really experience something different, I then turn into a number of different people. I morph into an African American Gen Xer in a business suit, and I get a very different reaction when I go around to talk to people in the World of Second Life. Then sometimes I go right into being an African woman in native dress, and I get a completely different reaction. Or, I might be a younger African American millennial, and I get a different reaction. I have avatars; I morph into an Argentinean Gen Xer, which I’m just doing the generations. The hardest one for me to do and even create in Second Life was a Black woman who was older. As you know it’s very hard to kind of look older in Second Life.


MARGARET REGAN: So I actually had to have someone make this one for me, even to

have the hair that might be more typical. So I do have another avatar, and when I go out as an older Black woman, I have some very interesting conversations. I have a group of Gen Xers. I have Puerto Rican Xer and Italian Gen Xer, an Irish Gen Xer. I’m a French baby boomer. I’m a Swedish Gen Xer, Brazilian. I have another one that’s a Chinese older baby boomer that gets a very different reaction from my young Japanese millennial one. The Middle Eastern boomer that I have is a person who wears long garb and is quite different looking from many Second Life avatars, and she has very interesting conversations. And then I end up with a Latina boomer. The most unusual one I have is a Maori Tribe millennial, a Malaysian and then an Indian Xer. All of these are personas of Futura Cosmos.

The experience I have is completely different when I am those people. Last week--go ahead.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Well I was going to say, this brings up a question that Valiant Westland posed earlier. All these people are coming in--and we’re doing business virtually, and presumably Virtual Worlds won’t be just for diversity training, but people will actually be collaborating in them. And this is Valiant’s question: Do you see the rise of Virtual Worlds breaking down the micro-inequity barriers that you’re talking about by potentially eliminating subconscious judgments made about age, sex, etcetera? Or will they just have their own micro-inequities as Metaverse engineers suggests?

MARGARET REGAN: Yes, I think it’s both. I definitely see and when I talk to people and people come up to me when I speak to large audiences, they will tell me, people with disabilities especially will tell me that, in the Virtual Worlds, especially in Second Life, they can fly, run, walk. They can run businesses, etcetera. And they can meet lots of other people. If you look at the people who are agoraphobics and can’t go outside the house, they can practice doing that. So you have many people who can lose some kind of a disability behind an avatar. You also have very interesting reactions.

I had an older Black man who came up and told me that he experienced so much prejudice in his life that his son does not experience because his son operates globally with lots of friends behind an avatar, and he’s very knowledgeable about technology. So he teaches people much older than him, who are White and very traditional, that would never have listened to his father at the same age. So he said to me, “I do see the positive

part of it.” So that’s one thing.

On the other hand, then there are other micro-inequities that come about, about how you should look in these Virtual Worlds. At the conference that Tony did, one of professors talked about sending out some students dressed in these outfits that looked like Kool-Aid bottles. And she sent three of them into one of the clubs in Second Life, to see how long they would last, looking like that. And they came back, as she explained it, actually emotionally changed by the experience because they were rejected by people in that club, saying, “You’re not like us. What are you doing here?” And she thought it would take them 15 minutes to come back, and they came back in five minutes, feeling really terrible about being an “other.” So it’s another kind of rejection by how you decide to present yourself and whether or not other people will accept you as a furry or a dragon or, you know, a Kool-Aid person. So I think it goes both ways. In some ways, it’s very helpful. In other ways, other micro-inequities will come about in that World.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. Fascinating stuff. There are so many questions from the audience chat, but we’re running out of time, and I wanted to move on to a last topic that is your three-step approach to introducing people to Virtual Worlds. That you first bring them into Unisfair and then into ProtoSphere and then into Second Life. We don’t have a whole lot of time, but if you could just quickly sort of walk us through what you do and why you do it.

MARGARET REGAN: Yes, I’d be happy to. This was great learning for me because our audience are corporate executives who buy our services. But the learners are corporate managers, many of whom are baby boomers, and I refer to them as digital immigrants, as opposed to the digital natives who are coming in from the younger generation. And so what we have to do is, we have to meet them where they are and move them to the next stage. So if I take our clients and the client example and start with the first stage of Unisfair. This was our client Sodexho, a very large client who usually has a diversity summit every year in Paris. They fly executives in, etcetera. It’s a wonderful event.

This year, as most of my clients did, they had to cancel because of the cost of bringing all those people together, but they said to me, “This is such an important event for us. We have to find another way to do it.” So we introduced them, not to Second Life, by the way; they asked us, “Can we all meet in Second Life?” They wanted to bring a thousand people

in, who had never been there before, for this meeting. And, because I know all these different Worlds, I said, “Not yet. You’re not ready for that. You’re just graduating from WebEx. And, if you want to go the next step from WebEx, go to another platform.” So we used Unisfair. And Unisfair, different from the other Worlds, is web-based. They think that they have avatars. And when you look at the visual of Unisfair, there are actually no avatars there, but all my clients think they’re avatars. They’re actually shadow people, but they really think they’re avatars. And that’s fine because it at least feels like a Virtual World.

There you do an approach that’s called video/audio SimuLive so you can record part of it, and then you go live, talking to thousands of participants, and you hope the technology works and luckily it did for us. The good part of that is, you can do a whole event, as we did. We did a global inclusion summit, with people from four or five different continents. We had close to a thousand people there in one day. And it’s now up on demand for fifteen hundred people a day can come in and have that same experience so it makes it very cost-effective.

What they experience when they go in is, they come into the main hall. I appear. I actually just kind of come out of nowhere, and I appear, not as an avatar, but as myself walking on the path of this Virtual World. I welcome them, and then I disintegrate. I disappear. They go into the conference center. They hear their executive’s speech. We have panels from all over the world. They go into exhibit halls. We had interactive theater, which we recorded beforehand. They all go into a networking lounge, and then they can collect documents for the resource center. That’s what we called stage one.

We had a very successful event, and it was Sodexho, and it was Microsoft people who came in. We had a great learning from that event, which was--we had all kinds of topics set up in the networking lounge so people could talk about all these diversity topics. All anyone wanted to do was stand in the lounge, find their friends, talk in many different languages about what a cool thing this was, how they could use it, wasn’t this great and basically just do a lot of social networking.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I’m just paying attention to the time and hoping we can hear just a little bit about stage two in ProtoSphere.

MARGARET REGAN: ProtoSphere is our second level. It is designed for an enterprise. It’s secure. You do have avatars. They’re much easier to manipulate. It has [voice chat and text?] chat. You can share applications. We have a generational training simulation in there. And there people can have their own spaces to collaborate, to work. There’s a Wikipedia. We have a client who’s using this to bring in all their [MBAs?] from different parts of the world and to onboard them into the company. And that is very successful, and that is what we suggest if people do not want an open World like Second Life, but they want their own secure World.

The third stage, we did this for Cisco who wanted to use Second Life to bring all of the women together from all of the women’s networks. And that’s where we have FutureWork Island, which has the amphitheatre, a lot of simulations on diversity aspects, a World Café. You can go on a [Paradigm Blanket?] and work in different parts of the World. There’s a building on the Future workforce and workplace. And you can also come in there and choose one of the 16 to 20 avatars we have alive on FutureWork island and go through the simulations, without having to go through a lot of the “Come on to orientation island, build your avatar,” which frustrates a lot of our clients. So we go from there [CROSSTALK]

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And, of course, the people have the experience first with Unisfair and then with ProtoSphere.

MARGARET REGAN: Yeah. So some of them are ready for--

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Gentle introduction.

MARGARET REGAN: Right. To be ready for Second Life, you have to be a company [AUDIO GLITCH] where you’re already meeting people [in there?] so it’s not so strange. It’s very hard to take a company like Sodexho, which is more traditional, and move them to the third stage. So they were very happy with stage one. They’ve done recruiting in Second Life, but for a meeting of a thousand people, there was no way to get through the firewall, the learning curve, etcetera.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Well, fascinating views today on the future of work, on the nature of diversity and micro-inequities, the role of Virtual Worlds in training companies and changing hearts and minds and skills in the business world, not in politics. So thank

you, Margaret Regan, for joining us today on Metanomics. It was really fascinating stuff, and I hope we’ll be able to get you back.

MARGARET REGAN: Thank you. I enjoyed it.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Now it’s time for our regular closing comment, Connecting The Dots. Earlier this week, former Metanomics producer, Lynn Cullens, passed me some very welcome news about Peggy Sheehy. Peggy is a library media specialist and instructional technology facilitator at Suffern Middle School in New York State. And, as viewers of Metanomics know, because she’s been on twice, she’s been working tirelessly to bring students and teachers into Second Life. So what’s the news? This week, Peggy Sheehy won the Making It Happen Award, which is issued by the ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education, and was conferred during their big convention just this week. The name of the award is a pun, by the way, because Making It Happen can also be read as Making I-T Happen, and that is exactly what Peggy has done, by bringing what by now must be more than a thousand students into Second Life.

From the ISTE website, I read, quote, “Making It Happen is an internationally recognized awards program for educators in the field of educational technology integration in K-to-12 schools. The program identifies and rewards educational technology leaders around the world for their commitment and innovation. Commitment and innovation indeed. This is a real honor for Peggy, and it’s a success not just for Peggy, but for thousands of educators who are active in Second Life and see Virtual Worlds as an important part of the future of education. As John Lester, Pathfinder Linden, said on Metanomics last summer, the educators in Second Life are an unusually innovative and collaborative group, and businesses have a lot to learn from their successes.

One thing we can learn, and this is my point today, is that we need to change the way we talk about the current technological state of Virtual Worlds, just like some people, because of their jobs, have to change the way they talk about the weather. Now everyone’s probably heard the old saw that everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. Well we, who are active in Second Life and other Virtual Worlds, are constantly talking about the platforms that feel like our homes or our classrooms. And we talk about them like people so often do about the weather.

We make small talk about firewalls and crashes, the problems with search, and we debate whether clunky interfaces are a bigger problem than high bandwidth demands. Just like we would complain about rain or snow and debate whether it’s the heat or the humidity that makes us feel so uncomfortable. There’s some entertainment value in that, but it’s not all that productive. But when we are trying to, as Peggy’s award says, when we’re trying to make it happen, we need to sound more like airline pilots and air traffic controllers. These people talk about the weather, not because they’re going to change it and not for small talk, but because they have to live with it and work around it. So we need to make sure everyone knows which squalls are on the horizon, which storm clouds will pass first so that we can plot our trajectories and use the right de-icing tools.

What Peggy has shown us is that, come hail or sleet or freezing computers, we can work with the inclement weather that Virtual Worlds are continually handing us, and, as the award says, make it happen.

Linden Lab says they’re going to remake their interface and make many, many other changes, and I fully expect they will. And other Worlds will come forward with their solutions too. The clouds will disperse, but right now we need to keep on our raincoats, keep close tabs on the weather patterns and keep up the hard work because, when our fair-weather friends and colleagues come into a Metaverse of sunny skies and stable, approachable Virtual Worlds, we will need to have already figured out what these Worlds are good for, what exactly is that “it” that we want to make happen and how we can do it in a way that achieves our goals as educators, businesspeople, civil servants, political activists. That isn’t easy to do, and I’m happy to see that people, like Peggy Sheehy, who are doing it so well, are getting the recognition that they deserve.

Speaking of recognition, I would like to close by noting that this will be our last show for the spring 2009 season. We’ll probably have a special event in late July, to explore some new developments in the industry and then start up again in late August or early September. For right now, at the close of the season, I’d like to give a number of people the recognition that they deserve for making Metanomics happen throughout our spring season. Obviously, special thanks to our friends at TreetTV for filming and broadcasting; Remedy Communications for producing and promoting the show, particularly Joel Foner and Dusan Writer.

Thanks especially to the long list of people who don their bad-weather gear every week and work in the blustering winds of live machinima. So in no particular order, thanks to our avateer, JenzZa Misfit, who makes us look so real; to Gentle Heron, for voice to text translation; Transcriptionist Writer for complete text transcriptions; Jennette Forager, for overseeing our volunteers. And, of course, our many volunteers--I hope this is a largely complete list: Alleara Snoodle, Beryl Greenacre, Dev Alderton, Evansmom Goodspeed, Farqot Gustafson, Ozzie Wozniak, Gwyneth Writer, Jane2 McMahon, Lyna Lagios(?), Nanny KO(?), Tammy Nowotny.

And then, of course, we have our event partners: JenzZa Misfit, at Muse Isle; Cindy Ecksol and Rose Springvale, of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators; Bevan Whitfield, at Rockliffe; Hydra Shaftoe, at Orange Island; Stella Costello and Larry Pixel, at NMC Outreach. And finally, special thanks to Bevan Whitfield for tirelessly promoting Metanomics, along with many other fascinating events of interest to our Metanomics community, events run by Nokia, Rockliffe University and any number of other venues and organizations.

I apologize for anyone I left out. Metanomics is one: it really does take a village, and I just don’t have that good a memory. So if I left you off, thank you. Thanks, of course, to our audience and community who join us every week. This is Robert Bloomfield signing off. Take care. And, I hope to see you at the Second Life Community Convention in San Francisco. Bye bye.

Transcribed by: http://www.hiredhand.com

Second Life Avatar: Transcriptionist Writer

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