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Post on 08-Nov-2021






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z5a . -





V H 1 IeesA 1 J fl11 n

j T v t y 'AV






l'eri ,f LUtnhiiryli StmlWHH11.SAI.K k KKTAII.


II A V A lilttlv,'t elephone 'o. IT".

Ooo.Is I ver-- promptly.


K S T B 1. 1 II K I 17 10,

iffected l" I 'ON EVERYj22gSr: at the current rates j

of prenaium.

Total. im IMurrd tn - - i--i'i , i oo

Cliu! arraiiK"1 hy 111 !'X-- i -- , llls- - a'"1 l'"''1 :

with promptitU'lf H!il liberality,

The lurisilii tion of the Una! 1 ritui.is ( (ih.- - c

W. Macfarlane & Co.,

31dAWtf AgeuD for the Hawaiian UUnOrt.



I'API TA I. I 0. 000,000


IiiHiirHi'V l all !eu-ritl-1ir' ill i.e ert'ecte.i at Moderate Kates of Preaium, hy the iiinlers;r:ieil.

WM. i. IliWIN fe CO

2u:tf Manaifers f..r IU. Islands

xj rr x o xc

Fin ami Marine Insurance Co.

Of New ZelHiil.t'APIHL. : IO.OOO.OOO

11 Honolulu, for tiie n4-i,- lslan.l.s, ine an- -

.lersisfiie.1 are prepared to accept riaica aifjirist rirein .lA'el!ini;s. stores warehousesan.imen-tiand.se- ,

on fa vora.nl terms. .Marine ri.iit.s onfreiithw. bottomry, profits and commissions.

IseH iromittjr MIJutel A-- mitllr.19-I- wtf WM. O. IRWIN A. CO. i

Kohala Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines ami Liquors


Fej drinks l,er, .lescrSpllo.,n ijecie I ty.

El, PI. Webb,I'roprietor.


Hons? Carpenter & BuildtT,lit Alaken SIrpt.

fur- - esrirt" rites und n.rike i t r.; t.s forany dewripMon 01 o..d !,mi.l;i:is.

lohhinil of all kinds done, ar. t s.it,sf.ict,i.,nguartu tee.lI.

Charges as low an the I.c.vi-s- f 7 tf


31 iin u fa f tu r i 1 1 g A e wel e r ,- .r . . 4 t l i' i

Iloiioinlti. II. I.r.ar p to rer;;u r.s.n .

Fiu'dNIimI or Cufuruislifi

CoTTi.E ON I.t NAI.II.O AND HKi 'ill s'Hs.,f irT".:sl.ed '."ti. r ;efe for h j'i eli ee.i I se

'if horse in.l n-r- i atfe; larie aar-leu- Apy.ly to' MAS J.

127 f -. Fort an.'. Ilte! st.


lo . Four I It K kt .

H. J. 'Nolte, Pro3r.opkv ow t a. a. TILL in e. H

F!KST-fL.l- S Lrfl!:. f OFFF.K,

TF.A, Sl)l .VI Kit. C.iMAK !.F.

Ci2fary fnl rl Vlifj a --


Plain a.i 1 Fancy PIPF personally seiec-..- i from

the "A aicifa.-t;irr-rs- , and a Lartte Variety


SOZERS' ARTICLES.Ivers o 31 I.I.I A iti-- l :1:id an K.' u'.nW

eefttaft a !!.on he pr-- Nes.

!;. i'i . ipr'.e-- i r ro;il le pieHMei! to -- r.orea ''ti-- t

f r .m .'.ts and the p il.ilc snfr!ivh.. may desire a


Clans spreckels Wtn. O. Irwla.



noNoi.ru." HAWAIIAN I -- LAND,;i


Irvv K.xfhatie on the priiif:pttl parts of th.vvoriil.

Will recHVr ilfposits on open account, n.aKe.'!etious ami comfuct a trnera! hankimj au.i J


Deposits ljea.rii:jf Interest in their avinvrs I'epartnient subject to published rules au1rwtnkitio.is. 17oc'tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,H'holfalP !)-le- rt inImM,rter' Root.s. ?hoe. Haw, Men's Funnsh- -

in? and Faocy (ioo.J.s. No. 11 Kummni tr. eHonolulu. H. I.

cue sn.-- m. att--c ri t tttt At 1 n

VV M. U, lxtWIXl S. UO.,f. K FA4-ro- R Rnrt (ommiionA.it.VW. ilouomiu H.I.

-- -


vr-- n

L CZ UU-- ,

r "KOLESALE DFAI.EK.H A.VI) tEi ai Jolhers in Vfl.Nta and LIiiL'Gk.-- .

Ta. V2 Kaalininaoii Street.HONOt.t'U-- .

iH-r- S

H. HACKFELD h CO.,, , EXEKAI, COMMISSION AliEMS.VT Jri tf ijueen t., Honolulu, H.I.

r. BA.VNtN'U. W. MAJCKTkNS. p orrKK(Ki.T

J)t HOFFSCHLAEGEE & CO.,Tnirter t OkiiiniiHHiou .Tf erfhnnts.A UUeen Street, iioriolil:!!. n. 1. 27-- tf

WM. McCAXDLESS.. 1 4ueen .Street,

r :sli Market. Dealer in choicest BKKK, VKALMUTTON', r IsH, etc.

i .xhinnimr Orders careful! V attendedt i.ive stock furnish! to vessels at riortuot;ce, and veetaoies of ail icind.s suppiie.t toor!!r- - J? rf

NOTICET HEKF.EY tilVF. NoTICE THAT FROM ANDI .at'rer thi i date I will not he responsible for

lav deb tit .' octmcted without the written orderof "mvse If or wife. saMCFX PARKF.R

Hl. noir.l.i, September 10, lew;. :J7 dec 11

W. H. ALDEICH.4iiiral II n in Aent,

Ha.-- removed to J. I. DiWs.ett'- - sro-- e, Queen sr.,where he w.li attend to any business ectr'istedto bis rare.


Oriers for milk resyertfully soliciteil. andpromrt .utentioa " r- -a to the delivery ot the

iJllt, t .

f'--y ,hof Oljrapll RoOI).

-- VETl NICHOu's HTOKE. FORT STREET.net t t tie snur.tia (ai:ery. c.CT.ire.

raits and lews, tirst-claa- s work. sati(!acTioiiguaranteed. 11 aj'J t. A. (joNSAI.VFS.

Eriiploviiieiit OfRoe

nr-H- E t:ndf.rsi.;ned ftas movf.d into1 the nrrice of Mr. J. E. W 'iseinaf w .e

wii! he prepared to f;:r-i:s- boiisehoid serrants.. oil-- ct hiiis. 1 An;o- - hmese interpreting, and ageneral business. 51 Sui'uNO.

DR. r. GOTOI)tiYiriAN AND st'TAiiEoN. T.EPSusY A1 speciality. ( it';ce hours at Kak.iak.i. from

'. to II i. ni every iav except .Sunday. Will visitpatients it their residence hy request. All ofhej

trerne:! at his orhce, corner of P'ltirh- -e-- -' and lierer.uiia JTrees. othce hour from 1

' p to. ; sunday . f s to VI . in. 11'iaprJ


'i-H!- -: rnTTAOE N..W GrCUPIKD Mil F.l. w . Ticker, .oniai ni nj six rooms - it n

ci.-tii- . pantry, veranda room, etc. There .4lla.-ies- '.irriatie house, servant's rnmu. til :n';.cd irder pplvto E. It. HENDRY, it Pu-iti- c

:i.r !'.V i.re('il.'s Stcre, Fort street. ".s.ier tf



Commercial Advertiser


Even Morning Except Sundays.

Hfl!CHUTHJNS:Daily P. V. Advkhtisfk, one viar '' i

Daily I. C. Auvkktiskr, six montln ' 00 j

Daily I. C. Advkrtiskk, three months 1 50Daily P. C. Aivkktiskk, per month o'Wehki.Y P. C AovtRTfsK.--., one jr 5 00

" ei:u Subscription, W. p. c. A. iri'.lti'hn? j

Pjsliie; . - 5 50 j

Payile Inciri'i'ily in Advance j

Social Economy.

1 Ax'.-;-:

n vi oT- - VN

7 7

111IIIar a gal ! Iiw?, if the charge ez much

fur a feller ez they do fur a gal. Sue, we'lbetter lt ice cream slide an' stick tr lra-nad- e.

Harper's Bazar.

5,ion after Gen. arrived in London j

his daughter wa.s tal:en in to dinner by a man j

who hail not lcn pres? sited to l.. Afterthey were seated they c Tnpared notes, and j

agreed to tell each orh.-- whom t!:y knew ofthe company. Miss Scheivk l can on her j

right. '"That's "That's siich a j

one." "That's the American minister (she j

didn't say it was her father'., until finally she i

came to herself. "Now, Tin Julia i.-h- nek.but I don't know who you are." j

Greeley was a Donnybrook fair Irishmanthrougn an.l tnrougn. lie nf pei ana woiand tore Uke a mad bull wh--n angry. His j

manuscript was ei:rable. and a "ub" o :

caaionally got hold of it. Greeley had writ- -

ten an article entitled "William II. Seward." ;

A "sub" named Peter Haekett, fresh fromSli--o- . set it up 'Richard the Third." anddashel away with great conn. lenee till tie ,

come across Greelev's quotation from Shakespeare: " Tis true, 'tis pity; pity 'tis 'tis true."The Sli-- o zentlenian was somewhiit puzzled, i

, a p. , , . e .. i

oreeiev entereu cue coiupaiug ij)-- ii u.

Proof of his artiel. The Sligo gentlemanrusiieii over to me pnucwpuei , m nnn,and triumphantly read : " It'- - five, it's forty,it's forty, it's live, and what the devil's that.'"Then and there Grer-le- o:ired to pay Mr.Hai-kett'- s passage back to Ireland.

It Is relat.?i that a committee of westerr.men. headed by Mr. Lovejoy, proMired fromPresident Lincoln an important ord--- r lookingto the exebauge of eastern and westernanl.liers, with a view to more efTective work.Repairing to the office of the secretary, Mr.Iivejoy expiaiiiesl tlie scneme, a-- j ne naa n nbefore to the presiilent, but w: met by a Hitrefa-il- . -- Eat we Iiave the preaid.nt'.s order. '

sir. sai.l Lijvei.-.v- . "Did Lincoln givp you anorder of that kind: saltt Htoiiton. "lie ii.l,sir." "Then he's a .1 ! f",l." s.ai.1 the irateecn'tarr. "Do you mean to say the president

is a d d f.xiir a.-k-eil Love joy. in amazement."Yes, sir, if he save, you such an order asthat," The bewilderr-i-i congresman fromIllinois bto.k himself at once to the presidentand relatol the result '.f hL conference. -- DidStanton iy I a.s a d 1 f.i.'" asked Lin-col:- i.

at the ci.jse of the r ital. "He did. -- ir :

and re;?ateil it." Thoughtfully nursing hisS. the president said: -- Weil. Stanton gener-

ally means what he says, and is nearly alwaysright. If he aid I a d d lvl. I suprs .se

I am." San Francisco Argonaut.

A t. Louis Irummer Lenrns nt theHiv;il iry.

A Chicane, dmnimer baiance.1 his chin on7 . '

the edre of the seat in trout of him and ticii.eda. .andy-haire- d passen'-r'- s ear with the re- -

mark: j

-- You've len m Chira- - . .fw.-.--r-- Where r-- Chicago."An liui-er-ai- look oamt- - info the sandy- -

ha:ri man's eves."Let me se," he nithd rtros--t-ectiv!y-:

'pears to me I must hare passtsi throuirhthere. I've traveit-- d a cssi d.-al- . I kn.w '

I've heard rh name Wiiac line ofr a. i id it n

-- Line of r:ad.' Why. it's the bizt mil-- 'roail center on earth."

"Li L'h'.caco a piace w!i,-- r the trams st.pfor dinner:"

-- Naw." said tb lisrti.-t.-l di-i:n- "Chi-- :oa-- is a place wher-- i tiie passtnri str-- f.--

ilinner. "

"Of course, that's what I meant." explainedthe rfil-lialr- "i '.nan -- r.tly. "Fact us," hewent on with i;nr!de;it;al frankness,traveleii so mucii and in s many dilter-er.- t

piaiHss in my life that I don't pretend toremember mnre'n a - marker f What'sthe ruinie of the In .fe--J in ("Jncao:"

"Th'-r- e ain't any," said the

"Then he walked for-v.ir- d the filter. liUedhis mouth full of water and ar-l-- sl h:

"V.lio is that evil eye-1- , pink ha;r-d- . I:nnpvlesrzed. prair--e earil mirtl at rh other sineof the car:" he asked of the conductor, whwas passing through tne train.

"Do vr-- mean the jnntlenian '.:ki;i'.r oiit rfthe wind.iw:"

-- Ya-af.'

"He's a aer-"ha- r. L i.is.-- Detroit

--TM, --TT, . . u. -- . .i . am. t it y nas a;iu.Len'e . d' le--s ma-.- i lts. w'i;ie atiy rr.ceTtv baseliaJ ame a.u .iitncr. from --'.'")) to

" tjx). Tina is one if the benveeisjunil and rntiwie. lialr.uv re American.

T':ie.r are hr-.l- e, v.vt. pr--t?- tnilcase aj riie way thr-iti- rh- - desert, rf i;j,!nt the fat man who a ,n.r-n.ler (,n aLot lay when ninnin to oat. a a train io.u'tUliziz ot tiii Bo-ito- u Courier.




Ash lord V AMltlorl,ATI'OUNKVS, )l'NKKIJ,OP.K, 80I.ICITOK-S- ,

AliVOCAl'Ks, KTC.j OIHre -- HonoI Ilil Hale, ..IJoininir th Post

4Mw tf


AflortM'j hikI ouiifiellor Nt I.rh,OrS.e N. 12, Spreckels Klock, Honolnl.,

17G ort'ltf

KOI L V.KOWN. ATTOt XK W ANDCi Notary Public, Campbell' Kl-t- Mrrchantstreet


A T TO li N i; V - A T - L A W ,

An.l Solicitor In Chancery Onic, Oampheir.liiK k, story, rooms s and 8. Kutranco onMerchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 41 tf


AN- D-


Kent K.Mtnte in nrt of the liluicBouKht..soll and Deased on Commission,

Ioarm NeROtiateil and l,eal Documents Drawn

. 37 IKI IfAST STKKKT,Oa.ette Block. Honolulu, 4S tf

'Tl 1 J " 1 1

OflV)l 1() 1 1 f ilTl jnlTlPr.



(liolefl tlent trout I'lneot ller4

milie and hippln supplied on HlfORT

N. 1 IcK and at the

Loucsf 3Iiii'kc:t Prices.

A II meats dejj vered from Mns market ar tti'ronifly r.ill d irn mediately after killin( hy meansof a n pHtent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeji.t so treared retains all its jmcy properties,and 'Ji OCA K A NTKKfs Tf KKKP 1lS'IKHA FT V. K DKI.IVKRY THAN KRF.HHI.Y-KII.I.K-

M KA 1 . 47-t- f

riiON- - 1 5 . VT CK

Foundation Timbers ! !

We have jut received frowi Australia a few Iron-har- k

Foundation Timber.

!r.N-IAx- 2l liiCliet. 13 fionsf.

,nl ItxiH lr,e, l feet tnn- -

These tirnhr, as tb(r name signifies, arnearly as solid and durable as iron, and forfoundation pnrpo.es, or other of like nature,cannot be surpassed.

Vr. (r. Irwin Oo.nil novr.tf


ITITLES !!Just received, ci brli fYiNsf'FtO,

iHFiiicyoiii Mute

'A'hx-r- i ire offered for sie on reaoona'de termApply tr- -

WM. a IRWIN A-- COl.V, sap'l tf


a i fiat

.r Advertising an 1 Joh Prlnttotrf i e

f(eile ( ommf rrlsl t.ticrtlsor

ftTlc wHi from tn's date r,e presented for payovmt rno't't.lr.

H 'o' ,; i Lu-h '?,


Spruanco, Stanley & Co.,I mport"r nl Johtiers of Fine


IIO front Hi., Hn it t'rnnlM-- .

'2 tf w




CLAY, Ktc.211-21- 3 DHt'MMNtreet, het. tiny aixt Washlnutoii,

P. O. llnx 2,2i2. HAN KltAN( ISCO.



112ri(1 14 l'liip treet, Han Frnclco, Cal

Agents for Klrby's Kaiita Cruz Tanner!. KolaHarness and all other kinds of leather.

4 e8 lv


ELLIS Sd MILLEKWholesale and CommlHsiou Dealers In

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 NPKA It HTItKKT,

Between Marktand Mission, HA I KHANCHCO(r Onlar Kollrltetl. 6le( lr

Whitticr, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-a- S Front St., t t Nun FranUo


3Iain & Wiiiclicster,Manufacturers and Iinporteri) of

lfnrneii. rll!e4, ISrlillex, M hli.COLLARS, SADDLEIty WAI5E, F.T(J.

Sun. 214, 21fl, 218 and 22ii Rattery Htret, HanIr ran im-o- . Illustrated ratslogtie sent

on applir itiori. H I m nU J b


Tht rewum that Thoumnrlt cannot grt rurert ufa F. MIX AI, WKAKir..tS. LOSS Of MAS-UQO- It,

tintt the mull of aluitf,riUrae or frrfuri,otring to n romplirnHrm railed I'll OX TA TOA

ItHE A. IR. LIEItlO'X IN VIGOR A TOR itth: ONL Ycurrfor I'ROX TA TOflRIIF.A. I'Hrf.f 1.00 per jtnrkrtqr, 8 jirtrkayrn, f 10(10. Otttrtr InHealth ami Rrif-Annly- untt frrt AMmn LIE-BI- O

ItlSFE SB A R Yfor lHriwnr9 of Mr,4f0 Oeary St., fan francmro. Cat.

!((- - tf

Docile, Sweeney & Co.,Nan I'rmi !, 4'itl.

Wholesale dealers in I'.nti' r, Cheese, I,rJ , a ndall kin'lsof provision.

soli; acjknts roitl.ildiy, nrNcill A I.MI.v'h ne,l

ftcals.if. yt. Dwiici'x if.itaii- - rirAiti ciiiisK

I r sunttlfnry VrrhHKf'H Vlrniia nl

Ham Naitsnge,Anil . W. Hiitiie'i riMT " flrittl ol

l anneil Nalnion. V'i rnch'i'i B7

0. 31. Josselyn iV Co.,Importers and Wholfsrlp Iifnlrsln

Ship Chandlery,IHsnil SO Narhft StSnn rrnnrUest-- .

Agents fo Tannton Sheatlnnar M?tal MamrHCtar-irii- f

Com pan r. I2fe?.-- r

WA7EKH0USE k LESTER,Importers of

And CAPvLTAOi: MATKHIAf..1ft to 23 Benle Street. Nun FrRie I


LEVI STRAUSS & CO.,11 and It flattery street, n Francisco f a'.

Importers of Foreign and fiornestfe Urygimifn,Hosiery, Ladies Arid fieri' Fnrrdstflnr (okI

Sole Proprietor ant M ari'ifscf nrar of theceje.harte.f PATF..V1 RI VK TKH I I OTHINd,

I J !n?1 S7


3 Fort Nlreel,Hare on hand New Foreign and Homemai


JWatdics Ilrnct'U't, Necklet'Pins, Iirkcfs ('locks.

And orna'ner ts of all If lads,

Silxror txn 1 Gold PJnto.1 Icifsinl Solid SMver Tm Jeti.

SoltHt,!,. for Presentation.


Kenlrinic In nil It oriho.9S Si.te Alton's for Kltiy's Fye Preset rrs

li roar'c l vl

We have mi hand a con-,i.jnm- t of '

Automatic Trash Feeding j

Furnaces. !


Fo four mid rive foot ruriiaffS.roiiiplflf with j

,lf tr, r,1Hke ar- - now ir. snrcsful optfration t i

Spi - . Make tiijar Conjimny ami otherpia'i. atioiK--. A Iso, a ronvr.i!ii.-!i- of j

rilter Presses,Havii.K all the lat.-.- t improvements.

PLANTERS AND 0TIIEKSlnr,i ar(. r(.fiUt.,l u, cU an.l examine theaiiove. For pru es ami further particulars apl"y

Win. G. Irwin fc Co..

BONE MEAL!!1 Ije under.-iirne- d are now previareij to re

ceive or.ler for this Celebrated Fertilizerf ,i,lck A hUudtnFnUct':ry j

(lie inii'iniiiff is a rt'jKiri oi nivtietit .arts, as obtained by Guernical analy-sis:

Wat.-- r . . S.K) per centOii,';siiic Matter 23. IS " "SdicioUs .Matter.... 4.G5 " "Lirae 31.7u " "


Pliosphoiic Acid 2..11 " 'Oxide ai Iron . .85 " "


Carbonic Act 1. i.s; "j

Alka Salts .52 "lii-i.O-

-- "" """ ' ' '

Order Received will have I'romptfind Careful Attf 'fltiOl.

W. (t. I rwin ct Co..j

Agents or the Hawaiian IslandsiMtfi


i i . f .

Manufacture and Supply all k!.:s of

i:o!x. .VewH. j

1'lnt iul !,! I I'sjip rH.

1 ine. Elo.


20."i i,DICHD.rir Slret.reSephone No. IT. s.N FRANCISCO.

S Hl Attettjm Kiten f

i.nrxr Contract.

Tho HisflonIron &. Locomotive Woiks,

Crnerof Beaie ii;el Howard streets,


VV. H. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOOUF. superiatendent

T 1 I f.D T. Its OF MAt'IfiNKRY, INIf ail jrs branches; tamwit, steaio.snip,Ijiid Knines arid Roiier. iliirh Pr-wi- irt orfomponn.l.sTKA M VKSSKl.t, of ail kinds, hnilt complete

with If 11 its of Wood, Iron rr Composite.ORDr.VA KV KNoINKM coo. pounded when ad- - ,'

V.SrtOie.sT PI A M I. 1 .' Sf It KM, Barnes Rifl Steam Tutcs

c..r..str.icte.i with reference to the trade inwhich they ar to he e.nployeo". sp-'-ed-

, ton-mtii-

and dra.': of water if uaran teed.sco a r :.n i.r-- s a n r scoa r-m- a kino ma- -

Cllt.VKIiY ni.s.ie after the most, approvedp.atis. a iso, .ail Rc.iier Iron Work connectedmere .vith.

lA' V f F'R 1'i'PK, of Koiier or sheet Iron, of anysi.e, m.i.le ;a sultah! lengths for connectiin

or Sf,e.-r- s R'.i.e.J, pri.'h.'d andp,u s-- .l f. r sh pm-ii- t. reaoy to r. i iveted oncue j

IfVi.KA 11. I :i VKTIXO, Roller Work am)W a'er l:;e m .; r. y r'o.s es'aldishn'ient,Riv-:- ed i.y I! ir ;;! I:i Macii.nery,!'.,.t. i of f..r superior to

Sit 11 WORK, ship and steam Capstan., steamS'ia.-ties- Air and .'!iu!at:i. Pumps, madeifter the most approved pntns.

SOI.K Ai'lF-Nl'-s in.-- mam.facturers for the p-- c

He Cast of the Heine Suf-t- y Roilwr.PL' M PS - ' rer-- t Acting Pmr. ps, for Irr!tat:on or

( '.t V 'A'rss' purposes, iiutlt. Witil tlie rele- -nrar.-- iiuvy 'ai ye Motion, .superior to anyoilier pure. p.

J. N. s Wir.r.f I MS HonoluluRoom No. . upstairs, spree item jiinck.

Ae;t for IM'A-mln- Islandsase:;.o l w -

T. K. Mavhf3v,i ' NT It A T' 'It A N 1 lit ILDKK.

M4i Hotel Street, Honolulu. II

.Opposite Fashion s'tahes.

P. li. i'.hX ii'. Hi-.I.- T FL K PI ION F. Vt.

A.: work n my line faitht ah d.ci Plains andieaf-'in- ioe'i--- . .L.oio hi ai det:n;s don- -

short .'nitice. (,o'd work an.l clmrjes is

L. G. SRESOVICH & CO.,i , uc t hH ;' s a n d WhoU-s'- r ,eH s i nF .r- - if a and I.'itr.est.e Fru1?. irr'-et- i it"d !r1l:) l t r. 'it.i.o.l ,f J .esiccated ..coan-lt- . itinHO'.s.fames. Pine A pples. -'.- -;! Lerm'.r. j. Tall i'i'ric,bre i'..' , ...oao a sf .M its of aii '.tt-ts- , T'atesand sni yrv.a F'.ijs,

i'.i-kliit- ; Fret c,T;ir.rt a -- 'to'i t I c...r,u .iii-cnsf t.-- . ( ror-.- . A 1st r... .a M-t- .c o.

. enf rai Aoi-- Ha-te- rn 'e'es. etc. i

Fr itt- - hi 7'or' r.r.t .vrvRra"K-- House, san Fr 'i ncic,-,- . p. i'; ho V !"ss.

Honohitu. H. I.. P O. or.x ;

Ill, I and (17 'A.SMhtntr?.".n 'ree:, pr.fte PostI'lflice; t 2 , 4 t s.d (!'. i'r-f't

lHlni,l OnlrrH Sol i l I


We have receiv- -i a consignment o the most j

teal ai. 1 Vnliiul.u. Feed for alliciri'Is of Stock.

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Fli, former. Milk n.

Butter pro.lucer m use.

Oil Cake Meal hows abor t i7 per ren t. of n u

riuve matter; this nearly ;jf percent.100 lbs. o this meal is eiji.al to 300 tt.s. of oats,

or 31H lbs. of corn, or to 7 17 tt.s. of wheat tran.

For Sale in LoU to Suit.Also, our t nrivaile.l MIXKD 1 KKD, as we!) as j

our c.siial supply fif the hest kin. Is o

"'. r... lie., ki-- .

r.AlNH o (X).:ii tf

Jolin F. Colburii.Xrn porter and fjcalt-- in

jiIay and G rainCorner Kincr and Maunakfri streets.

(tS .li-o- i delivere.l promptly..Mutual telephoro- - :S7. 37 tf


FNTEEPEISPi it? pi. a:.'IX(i MILL WJ

mZ3 Alxkeit, nonr ieei, SI.V-'- f

Co tlifj ic

Tf ' I !., rp, . -

J I f .11(1 IlC I 1"! lISffl CO.,OlTi. e w it h C. K. M !il r. 4i Merchant street.

P.e'i Telephone C7. Teh-phon- .151

I am fully prepared to do ail kilt. Is of drayatre,h.ir.itntr or rnovij. work, ai' of a nirh I nar-aoe- e

to f.ip'i'p Y; f n , ! v.Q. F. (.ItX IfA'.r. Proj.rietr.r.

;r. i r. son k i?,.ce-Ko- r to

J. 3L Oaf. Jr.. A Co.,


lTa.mni.ia n (iiz(it Tllof.k.

27 Men lotiil St.. If ' I u 1 1, . If. I i

4 I -- tf


Ificl ii ri( - WorksSo. rt5 ( 51 I rcmniii Sliccl.

si N FR N( l O

Man u' f torers of X"w and in Serc.nd- -hand

Boiler. mm and Machinery

Of Fv-r- y le-s- ' rlpSon.

Hare eonsac,t!y in st k JT.. and

v ( f ) r - v o t K i n r m .( f 1 1 n i ; f t y ,

MAC II N I sits- T" )!.irtRK.AT.'No . N f pf.f prv-- ; ma finv kiiv

PPIN ;, i'i I'K- - ! I i S' KTC.

f'ltIoe:ies ;ir,, pfe ;' s 'if. ar'.-- l 'l.f... flp;,!,r- -

x. f. iw:rgkss.Hi li'.nx f.. Honolulu.

13 A C'r Cr A C, 1- -:

V i

ohXERAI, F.XI'RKSS.1'ov.vi C -- f i V

t ,:; !.!Ofliee Telephone 0'. Itesideiice 15'J.





J 1


AND XLU'Mrti VTIN'. M Nr.IETTEUIN'i kind of Mo'tc.e.. raon-rram- a

an.l onjlrial designs out',! tied for fancyviri. i .rters tatieii for Christina .vards .if

subjects and scenery, aHitat.le to sendvnro.-ut-. MRS. !. D. sTRoN.i.

Fort street.M'.it.iai Te'.ephoae No. 'Z6.

IL J. NOLTE.lilt Ul feV. SAN FRA Nt' isf

' ',


YOU KNOW.IT'S ENGLISH,THE DAILY now underlie our wh jle exigence, i. a

knowledge that got itielf taught in nook '

rnilfJTir to Introduce Hisnil! 'oriitr.-- , while the ordained agtr.c;

Pacific Commercial Advertiser i1 hing hive been mumbling little



Shu FmnrUro, al..

Manufacturers of all kind of LAlNDKY and TOILET



AVinc and Spii'it MAM-chaiils- ,

Ho. 15 riuuanu Street.Havii. esiarfci ai re no vat.-- . tt-:- -- tor ar. 1 rep'.etisJ-e- ?t-- lr .K-ck- . are r.ow fri'.v t

sxifi It all govvis :ti tir I; :.e at very Iovet ir.arl.tt rr.oi.'S !L1'.'carquotAtiwii t'.vir j Uiir' your or.'.ei.


better than dead fi.rmula-v- o it might'be ;tid of the-- e I.tnd-- . th.t the kind "fknowledge whi'.h rnove and i.rect-- ! ourentire ind development has ,

iraporte.l from abroad, while our S'.hools j

have been 'in ainblin? the dead formula?"that have turned out inferior preacher,teachers and lawyers.

Taking boys into a tar-- ; pitch fur an :

hour or two a day cannot be called ManualTraining, Industrial Education, or any- - j

thing the, and if th;-- ; be excluded littleha-- j been done under the old system for themanual training of Hawaian. Every kindof industrial art i now done wholly or in ;

part by machinery. One r.innot help butobserve this on visiting the plantations ofthis Kingdorn. If our schools, therefore,give direction to that kind of education other I

than the lowest and most brutal kind.

"ROYAL CLXJU GINPer annumSix monthsPer month

.. 3 00... 50c B. F. EHLEES & CO.

Are show in,; a flic line t

S-- , iil attention is cilit-- to this extra quality of !, lnt; ttntown inirctutiofc uJ a veryujeriur article.

A full as.ortn.erit of 4"tIifortiia U lne an-- all t!.e Let hra&ds A lleer. Ale aad 1'orlt ralvra;. - in 'tk. .'.'..tj, teiiuiuw I.ouis ltolerei- - -- wtet CLs.ii. r is te, quart- - u j lnts.

Cordials, T-ique-urs, 33itters, Jiltc.

order; 1 r,n. ( tl y aftel.de,l to .n.d g.jods tarefully .wKHl for L: ti::ettt.

'IelP)li(iii-- 30v ljjanl 1- - ""1 137.

.Anrftnr'4 jifirt.Slippery Ei.mhi"rt.

HrDo.v, Wij... July 1.To th CL'T of TLs flr.:

Dear Sir: Could yi inform a mntantr-n-der "f your valuable pap-- r where hwoul 1 be most likely to obtain a good. dura-Li- e,

wild fox which could b used for huntingpurjjoses on my premi--- I de-i- re a thatis a good roadster a,nd yet not t-- blood-thirsty. If I could one that would notbite it would tickle mo nio-- t to death.

You know, perhaps, that I am of Englishorizi.n. Sx'me of the lx--- t and bluest blood oftbe ol lt an 1 mo- -t j it families in Eng-

land th w in my veins. There is no betterbl'-- l extant. Wf love the exhilarating

of our ancestors, and nothing thrills usthrough and through hk? the frt chaseacrss country behind tho frying fox. Joy-ously w gallop over tho sward theyeljing pack, as we clearly ficent high, low,jack and the game.

My ancestors are Laughfy Engh-- h iplofrom Pi.s'-ata- ' jui.-- funty, Maine. For cen-

turies our rich, warm, red hl'd has Nf-- n

mellowfj by the eldeiU-ir- wine and huckle-Ixrr-y

juice of Moo h-- ad lak- -: Vrut now andthen it will nssert itself arnl mantle in thebroa-- 1 and indestructible che-- of our race.Ever and anon in our family you will noticethe lender, trianprular h-s- t, the Lroad andhaughty sweep of aMonien, and the high,

expan.-- e of jlviu b mes, which de-not'- -s

the true Kngli-hma- n: proud, highspiritel, sakeil full r.f alm dLs-lai- wearing( becked p'intal"oris. and a sft, fla)by tour-i-- t

s hat that has a bow at Vth ends, so thata mati cannot get too drunk to put it en hishead straight.

I kn here in democratic America,whnv-- j every man has to earn his living orm u ry rich, e will scorn my high-lor- n

i .ve of the fox cha.1, and i'ak in a slight-ing manner of my wild, wild yearn for the

WSnbierlptloa I'Hyable AlwjlnAdvaatf. !

CommunlcttluDj fr'irn ail parts of trie King'lom j

wUJ aiwayi bs very ti:cptahle.persons resi tint In any part of ttm United states j

can remit tue amount ,f miW rif.tion Tie by FostOffice money ordr

Matf-- r Intended fr ptiMicatiois in the editorial I

columns should be address! toKuitob P.crrtc Commkrciai. Aiivkktibkr.1

Irlolicla' Groocls,Al-- o, some

they mu t familiarize the youth with tool-- ,drawing and machinery. No other ctvin- -

try affords wider cpe for the exercise of j

-- killed mechanical power-- ? than th is. Nopeople ha- - a greater adaptable aptitude for j

Much work than Hawaiian-- . The raoit in- - j

dependent and pro.-perou- -j Hawaiian inthe Kingdom are the skilled mechanics ofHonolulu. ."iorne of them are earning j

ualnes comniunH-atior- and advertisementssnould b addressed wmjdy

P. V.. ADVtnr.R,And not to individuals DRESDEN CHINA ORNAMENTS.


U71T TM?Ifrom four to six dollars per day, and theya- - boy began at two dollar? per week.

The riort from which the above ex DAVIS &A l.AK'ii: ASSOl:T.MENT K 1tract is taken g'?s on to argue in tavor i MUSIC GOODS,of a technical school near Honolulu,

T H 1

Pacific Commercial Advertiser

In now for sale naiLY at the f'rli lug I'laret;

I. H. HOFEK Merchant streetCRYSTAL SODA WOKKX ..Hotel utreeiT. ft. TllhlM Fort street

f"lv Crnh Ier '! jr.

Iiiilorlers and dealers inmodelled on similar institutions in Eng-land and the United States, and does not INTEl'MMS-approve of industrial training by apprenticeship. We join issue with the writer I

on that ioint. By all means establishtechnical schools, but let those whohave passed beond school influence beDecember 8th.WEDNESDAYtaught to work with their hands, not by

rush and of the hunt. By Jove, butit Ls joy indeed to gallop over the sward andtho cover and the oj.cn land, the meet and theoiHimlicr vines of the plel.eian farmer, to runover the wife of the jea.sant and tramp herlow, coarse children into the rich mold.

This shows our ?ui'riority as a race. Wehave been that way for hundreds ff years.We could work in order to le sociable, hutwe would not allww it to sap the foundationsof our w hole being. w

I write, therefore, to learn, ifwhere I can get a good ml or gray fox thatwill come home nights. I had a fox last sea

.Ud X M AS ('AUIS for tS. 5 1 li-- ty- -. A !.-- a stock of

Jidniitnre,lucliid iux Itt-c- lti,cl.i'r. 4'all hikI Fx n in i lie.


Staple F ii'' WrocerieM. ITo.Iim e. I'rov lu hii.I Feeil.

TSTo. rr2 Jort street.Announce to their parous and the pnMir tbe reoeipt of at, i voice of ClU

l.rauds otFANCY fiUOCHai-S- . foii.lTiind, without Ih.ir standardt able ielieaei" Hinl liristnmH F.iille.

will enable to offer an addition al in voice ofThe arrival of the -- ZeaUndi uow due. us se-

lected We recommend t families atrial of our No. 1

delicacies for tie Xmas sea- -. ,n.Hour, Fresno" Jlills and Aiirlior" Ciaml, in Mi pound and 10 in.und sa. ks, a glutinous,pearl 'white, unequalled hread-mak- i ug Flour.

California, and Island 13ntterOYSTEltS r.iul IJITTEU icreived on K'K hy every

A specialty. i K I' ITS, YFOETABI.KS,rtteamer.

FAT COKX FED TUUKFYSFor ThanksyiviriK and Xmas. l'ricen low. Vu.Uity tiarauteed and delivery prompt.

Teleplioue. o. ISO,!. . Box 305. "itf

son for hunting purposes, but he did not give J

rr iiit,-Ho wits constantly cettinsatisfaction. WEST, DOW & CO.the iHund. I do not want an animal of that J

kind. I want one that I .shall always know ,

fits and starts, but continuously. Uii!ssthis be done, and unless pupils in. atechnical school be drafted intowork-sho- p from the school, the trainingin the latter will have been in vain. Theboys as a rule will sink into idle, good-for-nothin- g

loafers, and the girls will failto fulfil the hope of their teachers, in be-

coming virtuous wives and mothers.Very much depends upon the influenceof recognized Hawaiian leaders. IfHawaiian youths are encouragedin habits of industry and manlyindependence we Lave no fear of

their future; if. on the other hand, theyare encouraged to spend their days andnights in idleness and dissipation theend is neither distant nor difficult toforetell.

H'-- i ml


We agree with our morning contem-porary in thinking that a great defectexist in the training, or rather want oftraining of young Hawaimns in habits ofnustaineJ industry. If they were accus-tomed to work, by long apprenticeship orotherwise, it would be well for themselvesand the country. At present the roughmanual labor and small industries of theKingdom are passing into the hands ofstrangers. The Portuguese are takingthe lead, Ijecause they are surroundedby families and make homes, and aretherefore to be preferred in this calcula-tion to Chinese, who are without familyties as a rule. The Portuguese havetaken hold of the country as if theymeant to keep possession, and are adapt-ing themselves to surrounding condi-tions. This is not to be regretted byany means. The mission of mankind is topossess the earth and subdue its wasteplaces, and if the sons of the soil will notdo this strangers must.

The example of the Portuguese should

w here I can put my hand ujxjn him w hen Iwant to hunt.

I would like, al.--o, a tall red horse w ith asa wed-of- f tail: one that can jump a barbedwire fence without mussing it up with frag-ments of his rider. Any one who may havesuch a horse or pipless fox will do well tocommunicate with me in person or byinclosing references. I may be found duringthe summer montks on my estato, spread outunder a tree, engaged in thought.

E. Kitzwilliam Nye.Slippery Elmhcrst, Hudson, Wis. Bow-to- n



HEL. J. FIS 215, 217, 2111, Uush street, San Franciso.

Stationers, Printers, LitliograrliersANDGfl'TsT13 OPJ:isT IISrCffARBOR DAY.

Blank 33ook AlarirLfhcturers.-- Ofin jyj: ,"m

M I L L I ST E II Y 0 0 1) sCtiniieeil fr tl,4 ltetter IlurliiK the Past

Two Year Tlie Cantilever ItiiUge.Up at the falls things have changed won-

derfully for the better within the past fewyears. Tho general appearance of the placeis more prosjjerous than I ever saw it before.The liberality of the state of New York hasfreed the visitor on the American side fromall the ietty tolls and exactions that existedaround the'great cataract. All the usual fiftycent places are free. It is rather Strang thatthis expenditure of, I may say, millions, was

We are gratified to learn that the ideaof establishing a children's festival, tobe called Arbor Day, under the patron-age of Princess Kaiulani, has not beenabandoned. Steps will be taken shortlyto give it practical effect. Mr. Jaegerhas selected a well sheltered little valley,easily accessible from the back of Punch-bowl, from the new road, which will pro-

vide space enough to plant several hun-

dred thousand trees. A beginningwill be made there and gradually ex-

tended. Arrangements should be made

-- WILL BK HELD ON- -stimulate native Hawanang to greatereffort. It should teach them the valueof perseverance and economy. The

The umiersigutMl has justopened up a new assortmentof Goods, suitable or theseason.


Japanese are also teaching Hawaiian alesson in frugality and patient industry. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday,

November Gth, 8th. unci 9th,The example and influence of the Chin-ese has never been beneficial to the

FORT STREET.native) people, owing to the peculiar by parents and guardians of childrensocial and personal relations of the two j who intend to participate in this good :;2 tfraces; and unless the public jiolicy of J work to procure suitable trees lor plant

ing out. These may be had at the Gov-

ernment nursery. The following varie-

ties are suitable for planting in the val-

ley chosen as above stated: Red guava,alligator pear, lime, Japanese plum, HOLIDAY GOODS.

-- :o:-jjmltm Jin i"n'r'f"i'

hi riii r iii.wri'gtmii.i itif--.''i- ' n

due To the suggestion of Lord DuUerm w nengovernor general of Canada, and yet his owncountry has not so far followed his advice. Agreen fence made of iron now stretches fromtho falls two miles down to the old sustensionbridge. This is a great improvement andprevents you from tumbling into eternity bya false step in the dark, as many jiersons weroin the habit of doing. Nothing was ever soserious aa interruption of a day's pleasure atNiagara than to take a step off the cliff.

I am sorry to say tho picturesque stonetowers of tho old susiienion bridge are beingtaken down and in their places steel towersare to lie erected, and the material therefor is

b :ng coiistrii'-te- at this moment in Detroit.This improvement will le a wonder of engi-

neering, for the stone towers will !e takendown and the iron towei-- s put in their placewithout br a moment interrupting the pas-sag- o

of a train across the aerial structure.The new cantilever bridge is finished, andwhatever it is ns a work of engineering it is

the mst brutally ugly structure, that averhas iH'en erected in America, whi-- is sayinga good deal.

It is painted a dull drab color, which adds,if possible, to its general hideousness. Itfives the id"a of great strength, which, doubt-Jes- s,

it possess, hut it is angular and baldand altogether offensive to tho eye. In thecapital of Switzerland there is an iron bridgtwhich spans the chasm similar to that of Ni-

agara, but the bridge at H-n- ie springs fromits abutments into a leaut:ful airy and fairylik" arch that is a pleasure to look at and is asstrong as there is any need for. Instead ofan arch at Niagara we havo ugly angles, andthe bridge looks like a difficult problem inEuclid. Cor. IMroit Free Press.

THi: LEADING MILLINERY HOFSK7(iT v --- sjriTT l) i c Will I IV! I f I J I 1

U 11 1X1 01 M AO 1 IUj)V. V. PEACOCK.G. I. llfKtTH.

PRKETH & PEACOCK,WlM.lenale W ine iml Spirit .Merc IihiiIm,

2o jNTvmuiin street - - - Honolulu, H. I.A Large Assortment will be Opened Shortly

silver wattle, bastard cedar, anato(alaca), pomegranate, bunya bunya, alleucalypti or varieties of gum trees,golden wattles, oranges, papaia,ohias, and even incsquite (kiawe or

samang or monkey-pod- .

Mr. Jaeger will have holes dug andevery arrangement made to render thefirst attempt at tree planting on ArborDay a success. Interest once aroused inthis work among young people is certainto spread and become perpetual.' Ar-

rangements will doubtless be made atvarious jHjints on the other Islands toplant trees on the day agreed upon forHonolulu. By way of encouragementwe may state that November 27th wasset apart as Arbor Day at San Francisco.Preparations had been made for thetransportation of 5,0th) school children onthat day to Verba Buena, better knownas (ioat Island, which lies in the Bay al-

most in the fair way between San Fran-cisco and Oakland. It is and itis projMjsed to cover the sheltered slopeswith trees and shrubs. The Command-ant at the Presidio had made prepara-tions for a similar visitation of childreuto that military reservation on the sameday. Holes had been dug in each case,and laborers employed to complete thework after the children had plantedtheir trees. Similar assistance will borendered here.

-- :o: AT--

The Popular Millinery House,Sole agents for .1. J. Melcher's " ELEPHANT " GIN, Pellisson's uncolored,

unsweetened, pure old BU ANDY onlv two qualities shipped, 7 and 10 years old.Hy. W. Smith ,v. Co.'s

TIIISTLEDEW WHISKY,We ofh-- r for sale at reduced figures, a large and well assorted stock of

ALES, BEERS, STOFTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LlQl'EFHS, etc., either in bondor duty paid. 104 Eort Street Honolulu,

37:. Telephone '. 2IG.i. o. i:o ."ioi.


S, Proprietor.

the Kingdom be radically changed, everyyear from now should weaken Chineseinfluence. The policy of the country isto check immigration from China, and toreplace the Chinese as an industrialforce by races which will assimilate withthe native people and become identifiedwith the soil.

But the great defect in native characteris their love of ease and frivolous enjoy-ments ; and this defect, instead of be-

ing modified by petting up new andnobler motives of life, has been sedu-lously encouraged by those from whom adifferent line of action might have beenexpected. If the Hawaiian people areto retain their true independence it mustbe founded upon the basis of work.Labor is the source of all wealth as it isof all independence, whether individualor national. This truth has not beencommunicated to the natives as it shouldhave been. They were taught anythingand everything except the value of hon-

est toil. "It might be truly said that thenane of education in times past in theseIslands was the vain attempt at merescholastic attainment." We quote fromthe last report of the President of theBoard of Education. This report con-

tinues :

Long ago schools were establishedthroughout the group, and it has been theboast of this little Kingdom that a largerpercentage of the native population couldread and write than that of any othercountry, perhaps. Yet the ability to readand write, to pronounce words from paperon th one hand, or to write words on pa-

per on the otter, does not constitute edu-

cation, nor the lack of it necessarily meanthe want of education. We know thatcomparatively few of the (i reeks couldeither read or write, and yet we know theywere really a highly educated people.

Reading and writing are simply a meansof education, and as in many other in-

stances, they are often taken for thething itself. What is the use of the flumeunless there be water to run through it?It is, perhaps, well enough to teach a Ha-

waiian boy and girl to read and write thenative language for itself, but very littleeducation can be got out of it.schools as have existed for Hawaiian,other than primary, have been exclusivelyof a literary character, and done little toprepare the rising generation for earningan independent living. If there be an or-

der in education, aud no one disputes thefact, then it would be rational to supposethat the kind which conduces to the liberalmaintenance of a human being and thosedependent upon him, should be the firstthought of. Other countries are fast re-

cognizing this fact, and in connection withthe public schools are establishing manualtraining or industrial schools, in whichthe hand and eye are educated us well asthe brain.

Twenty-fiv- e years ago Mr. HerbertSpencer said : "The vital knowledge thatby which we have grown as a nationGreat Britan) to what we are, and which

74jj-- M p,s. MEI.L1S' dre(sniMkitiK establishment on l.e jireTnises.

.iimij tne Con a Sample of If.In n Chhi,--e village during a time of

drought a missionary saw a row of idols putin l!:e lmtte.--t and dustiest part of the road.He inquired the reason and the natives an-nv- i

i'" l: -- We prayed onr gixls to send us rain,and they won't, so we've put them out to seel."W they like the heat and dryness. .SanJ'Y:in iaco P.ullctin.

niiinwTiiinn' .

MayTie that girl wasn't mad when, afterlooking high and low for one of her big but-tons, which had come off her sacque, she atIat found it on the cook stove, where r

mother had mistaken it for a kettle cover.Dan'-viil- e Breeze.

Do not laugh at the gentleman with abare oIl, my son. It is not nearly so bad tohae head that is bald on the outride as tohave a head that is bald on the inside. Bos-ton Transcript.

Guest (to hotel clerk) That gentleman whojust registered is a commercial traveler, is heiv.O Clerk I think not. Guest WhyClerk Because lie didn't damn the pen andtjk where in we raised such ink. NewVork Times.

Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,-- IMPORTERS OF- -

.QUARTER LY BUSINESS.Men's an l Ilojs" l ine ii liii-iiil- e lotliiuj;, Kiiriiislifiiif ol.t


TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Islan 1 orJers solicited and iroiiijtly attended to. Satisfaction guaran-teed. "'- - tf

I'oHee Court.BKKoKE rol.U'K .H'STII'E HICK KHTO.N".

Tcr.sinY, December "th.Keaniani pleaded guilty to furious and

heedless riding, and was remanded tillto-da-y for sentence.

Peterson, a seaman, was charged withassault ami battery on Captain Pack us,of the barkentine Mary Winkelman ;

pleaded not guilty and was remanded tothe 10th instant.

Kanakaole, Kuahiue and Akamai,alias Kahula, were each lined $ fordrunkenness.

Kaiuwatta, charged with assault andbattery on Teresa, was remanded tillthe Sth.

J. K. WISEMAN,(jeneralItiiiiiest Ajfent,

Campbells Block, Merchant Street, Honolulu.ESTABLISHED 1870.

Hook and accounts and collect ions attended to jirorn jtly.Hell Telephone IT2. I O. 15ox 313. 7! Mutual Telephone 372.


Just received, ex Lapwing, a large con-ignme- nt ot

Genuine German CologneNOTICE.A Correction. y. VN PEtVIitNED. OF THE FIRM OF

KWONG HAXci CHAN CO., doing hui- -T LEW IS &C CO.,S th: Prepared by Johann Maria Farina,iie,,B In Honolulu, corner of Mek and Hotel Ms.,i the only partner of the finu authorized to signthe firm Dame.

3iSdecI3 LAI' CHEl'fK,HI Fori Street. IuiMrler riI Iieiilern lu

Geplllier llOlll JullCllS-PIat- Z WOgne, Germany. Staple and --Fancy Groceries.:o:OTICE

was displeased on Wing infermed thatthe announced Palace 'fair' having noauthorization from the Cathedral man-agers, its proceeds could not be acceptedfor the benefit of the building fund.''Daily Herald, December t'.th.

We have been requested by the Build-

ing Committee of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral to state that there is no truth what-ever in the above st itement so far asthev are concerned.

HEREBY til. EN THAT THE FIRM OFr Yce Wo Chan Co., doiiiij business in Honolulu, in the Island of Oabu, an t'enenil dealers in HOLTJSTER & CO.,

109 Fort Street.

FjPvP:siri goodsBy even" steamer from California, and always on band, a full and conij lete line of

I3rovisions, Etc. JUtc.61 Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. (J. Box No. L'07.

merchandise, is composed of the following per-sons:

I.AM KAI CHEW, residing at Hontong.China.

WONG CHEW Yd', residing at Honolulu,H. I. decH

1 ."


I'V AUTHORITY. CHUN HOOK AGAIN. SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTES. MANUAL TRAINING.lng cargo, and will iood load ujar for RanFranciaco.

Th tern J. f. Ford Las comj'fid unloadingargo, and baa already taken in iuar and

Tbe harkentine. Wrentler, C Schnauer, will be.docked at tbe eoal wharf to-da- y to duc-barj--


Lei JIc Have a Hi

'' "" '"''r" flj

royal ssk'-s- 2 Si









When tbe I'oor lloy ;es Out of clionl.AVliat Manual Triiiin-- ; Means liesultof lirlngln; Nerves to t ti Front latlie Shop.There i not a child in the world that t ught

to try to live by his wits al'-ne- ; n"r vme wh.sought to be compelled to iive by the work cfhis hands alone. Most lwy that enter our6ehools have to grow up to the idea that theyare to work with their hands. It followthat a few are to grow up to the idea thatthey need not til at all with their hands. Sowe have in our educational system to lvkout to e ki'-a- t our two cliisses; our high casteand low Ixiys and girls. "Naturally, theone caste will despise the other; and the otherwill pay baek with hate. So, by and by, youCft your s'cial division of la!xrers and cap-italists, and with it the moral dyn::nute ofeternal dislike.

Common hicaf ion is not eolation at all,when it has taught reading, writing and theusual school ctiri ienlum. The pvmr loy goesout of the schoolhotiso, and he must livethereafter by mean of that part that is notAlucatod his hands. He cannot use theoducajion, or what you have given hitn foreducation, t all; or if at all, so little thatit chafes at him at his daily toil. His edu-cated brain is angry. He is oblige. I to comedown to an uneducated partd" his llv forlife' living. Is the rich boy any Utter oilHo goes out not conielll to toil with Idsbands; but what can his brain do alone.' Thapoor .skull full of protoplasm is driven to takeup with a profession, fr to dabble in somesort of speculat ion.

But does manual training not mean thatthe lioy or girl educated to use tools must le-co-

a, mechanic.' Of the graduates of theadmirable school connected wi;li Washingtonuniversity at the lust commencement, "onein- -

tenis to l a physicmn, mother a dentist, an-other a lawyer. Some halt' doen ex ect acommercial pursuit; two will raise .stock orbecome fanners; several hojo to heeome en-

gineers; thne aspire to ! archi feels; four orfive will woi k for a w hile in machine shops,while lifteen or more intend to make a highercourse or either sit the university or

Lsewhero. "no in niuiNii tut: fact.

"A hoy who sees nothing in mutucd laborbut brute force desjiisi. both the Ia'r undthe laliorer." There is no dodging the factthat our "educated classes'" despise labor.You cannot fct around ii. For a collegegraduate to iH'come a manual laborer is con-sidered coming down. Kntil very recentlthe crowd from our colleges went nowherebut into the professions. Slowly this ischanging, but there is st ill 1 he prejudice andthe sharp division. Manual lalnii schooiahave it for their mission to break tip this

The lst brains are findingit advantageous also to have the lie.st lunula.

Our lives under the stress of the older edu-

cation brought the nerves to the front. Thebrain ran away with us. The tendency haslx-e- n to absorb all the vitality in that oneorgan. Our hair falls nut with our teeth.Our eyes are failing and our sens' of smell.Our endurance is not, l to thatof ourfathers. Athletics have done somethingtoward comjiensat ive readjustment. l'.nt, itis necessary that our school system shall lewholly remodeled. We must, not only havephysiology and hygiene taught, but. musthave it practiced in culture.

Kducation, instead of undi rmining health,should create health and character. It isab-ur- d to say you have taught, or trained alioy when you have only half killed him.What have you educited; Tho turkey isstutl'ed, l"t us kill him outright. No childshould fx' confined to u Ik ml; over one hourconsecutively in a day. I 'Jay should L apart of tho enforced curriculum, but howadmirably luminal training supplements ncomplements brain training. It, them gofrom the shoji fo their- - l)oli.s and back again.

Tf'.JI Til not Oil THK SHOPS.

It us look a little more into detail. l,etus enter I'rofessor Wod ward's school -- shops,if you prefer to call it. The carpenter shop

all sorts f sjiw's, .squares, gauges,hammers, mallets, rules, planes, chisi Is, bits,hatchets. The most, hcaiil iful filing hero Li

order all the tools in good condition and intheir own places. F hardly ever saw a study,where the brain ruled alone-- , thnt was do-cent-ly

kept.. Scholars are proverbially lackirtg in tidiness. I am afraid, professor, t heslioys will never be literary, they are too ordeily. Woodturniiig- - not so many took;but syit-ti- i ns before. My lv PriV. cansar'i-l- eoiitain himsi-l- ; it'tois ! stu.Iy, ifthis e how delightful ! The horror oft wo things bro-xl- s fiver tie rdinary scsilence and primness. I wasted t'ii years inschool leau.sj t hese night ma res were,able, but I wris fortunately puny. I'lifzisa great, rugged and awfully active piece ofmachinery. "If ou wi-- to- keej, that, wateJiin good order, sir, you mu-.- t not lef, if, rundown." J list so, fritz will lie spoiled if yorht.p him.

Th! forge. Ah, here we come fo life!.Strike while the iron is hot! Ie alive, boy;!I low t heir eyes sp.vi U le, like the sparks fromth" blows. Mrs hiilypaugh, jour son herowiil surely got his hands soiled, but, myglory! what, hand-- t be will have. Such atender love iu th'-m- and such a i;ripof t rut hiYou will e glad by and by fo f-- his grandarm around you in jour old age. I hate nmusty little ry, don- - up in Pond's extni't,and n't abl", t carry his Latin dictionary.Th" ma'-hin- shop- - lathe--- , platies, drill nndwhat, is ail the time touching th boy's ininination, w-r- . L-.- . rvtiiing great is onsurnrrnted and snr mied up in a steam engine.Howl fchnuld li'e to i Adam ! I

rn'-nr- that Adam .. ho fit f, f.k a stone nndfixe1 a handle to it to break and pound with.I would bke to have him come in here wifhme atid see what his first har uiif r, made PiO,-tt- )

y;ir ago, h-- s rrnw U- - what is icing tor'im t' ' '"i y u g'w s ' '.. I'. I." i

( ilol-- e I em'' rat.

Ifn V.ruUe I p flie I 1 1 r f a I ion.A husband who was aj.pri-;- ' d of fu's wif-

f!irfiion with the handsome ).i,o f.f a cmi"'.pr.i ".riijiiii: at f.ng I'.rau'h, .vii hrth it l,e wonld run flown from N'ew V'f.rk aiclnrrivent f.ng brnrc f at '', (;-- Infeal h

Mrrived farly iri the u f i ii'.'.ii nid "rw h' rilive r.rf in the family equipage with ffieKn.-s- , Iff foji-.-ei- jri a ,ir-- d f'r a h'Tig

e, th' n d to hi-- : 'vri diiv-r- wh'baited SO j.p n; f,if f.f hi-- i hir'd

i.f t J,a k f ,f d ln bfi-s- i f, mount th'isx by th'- s' pp"l in nnd sot by

w iff, and '. ' ti the f f .iif h 'oi rt 'Irivev-r- -- i'i'' iy by h. foil . i' .v f.f f he h'-ul- . Thenirfatioii was ofjil'Oly Ir'.U-fi-i up ,VYoik ftOi.

, I'.ig .lnrn.'' ne fh nf.tit t k en Id Air.

lot, n T !.,!nviin, ' f wtA fTi n ffr'fssir; f.v-- frf.m ff'fr'iif. W iinr j.-- t,

ecr- -t .t.i th' T'-- l ;.' n fi Ir r ff I

thr';o, thf gnu-- . thr'- do hi-- i rri',ri'-y- nflw.--i vd hi-- list.

" ' Ho vid f.n ' h' . Id f.Ti ."' he ;hf,7fM," '.1 jii'.i.:' w" vi.Mi'wi."The f.nt. f.ir' ly thr'e ff- - t fr'.rri the

do k. Anl he e'.o'd h.i v -- 'ppd o'ii thef ht-T- o II- s.'pjif'l t.if Jt, t'.k n run, find rroi'l"an h '' k r '1 eip. inx'U- jrt h'd h-- I i n'l' ff

f.Ti a hno.i'n pf ' I .' l i' h n f.ii tl.e .f k.bef'.r" he T'-'.'- h tfH in tii-f'--

wdri f '.f f fie h" a, rj. fir.'l!,7ii-l,'- 'l '.ft' hi-- r fif.'i.'N t,e f,o;f wk iffy f . tfroto the .h'.re. kn2 ?. f).e s'reff ti f.frrcU r he "iapj'I h'-- i fr.ii'li nri'J x 'rued,

r.r'-.i- .l

'fU5'.rr r,ftt i leyi ( hi' fiitr' .Vf-x-- j

i:t-aj- e From (lie Hand .tn- - of tlioNotorious ( hiuesc Hur-lMr- .

i Ye-terda- v afternoon a coiiiderai-!v,-- 1

nen:-j.ti- oi was caused in tuna by the cs-- !

i'ipv f tlif notorious ( 'hiiii'Sf burglar' Chun llfn ,k, wliu.-- c depredation duringI the early jart of the year were a uiirce


oi so much unoa-sira.-- . He was workingin a jrang of prisoner.-- ; laying water T.i'-- j

t ir,r- - th. t o.o0,, ,

m. the luna in charge, Sain I'aniani lyname, pave orders for the men to goover to a .stream on the Waikiki .ide to j

wasli themselves, trivintc he assistant j

luna eharge for the time bei::.'. Itwould ajjear that the watch was n.dVprv vnl'iiit t'i r lti rtit itiir.nt '

J " -1

escape is not known. Onthe rca.s.-cnihii- nj; of the t'iir)g liiill anhour later the well known torni of C'hui:


Hook, with the chain and hall attached, :

was discovered to he mis A search '

was promptly instituted, and the trail ofthe escapee was quickly recognized inth-.- i long grass tending in the directionof the citv on the same side of the road.... .. ,1 . 1 . . i. :t.i ti ."s ue.sci i o.hi. litis va. n - i - . . .I'Jiioweil up lor a oistance t yardsor f wltI"Jllt the slightest diliiculty, theweight of some .,. or oO pounds withwhich the convict was burdenedset vmg to increase us iiirineiiess. liie i

trai' trended towards the wall of Ho- -

heron's banana grove, at the foot ofwhich all trace of it was lost. The pris- -

(jners of the gang, about . in number,were then directed to search in all diree- -

tions, and the countrv was well scoured,ill0;,t to ,t1(1 p..,: J.,, .... ..,:., h(,.,tup till 7 p. m., when the darkness pre- -

clinled its continuant e. The gang then ;

returned to the jail, the missing manhaving so far eluded all eiibrts to effecthis recapture.

The police have a theorv of the means j

he emploved to escape," which seems j

reasonable. It is supposed that Chun j

Hook climbed the wall at (he sjot j

w hen? his tracks vr! Io-- t, w hich is buta few ft ,Ut:,nt from tl... rl ,n,l i

" ' ' 'that he made his way to the road, wherea vehicle must have been in waiting for j

him, as it would seem impossible that'.lie could pass oVer the ground Without!making Some impn ssion upon i W ith his j

feet, and nothing of the kind is oh-- Ist.rvab!. Tho to-itio- -i is mudi that hoUi.,ux easily have ma le his way along

Ittie toj oi the wall and thus gam ;

the road. If this theorv is correct it wouldbe almost a necessity that pri.ir ar--

rangements must have been made bythe desperado either with a hackman orsome other erson to drive him to aplace of temporary refuge, which wouldfavor the assumption that his csva;; wasthe reult of a deliberate oii.-iracy.


Caplain Y. II. Tell of the police force, :

having been communicated with, theoilicers in all parts of the city and sub- -

tubs Wt--r put ujion the ah-rt- , but uj to alate hour last night their vigilance? badprov?d of no avail.

The series, of burglaries an 1 crimes ofviolence of which the notorious deseradowas convicfed during the earlv monthsof the present year will still be fresh in ;

thtr minds of readers of the A ovki:tikr.(Jn two previous occasions lie has madehis rscap" fr-t- gaol, the pre-ei- it beinghis) third su aful attempt. His careerhas b'-i-- indicative of considerableshrewdness of a certain kind, and theaggregate of his sentences amount toabojt ten years' imprisonment, withhard labor.

I.it .NikIiI' .MiiHienlc.Tbe musicale given at Oahu College

la-- t ev'-nhr- wa.s well attended and adecided i.iU-ic- al succes--- . Tbe pro-

gramme which apeared in Tuesday'sissue of the A F.'.i was a well ar-

ranged one and was fully carried out. Itcori-i-te- d of piano Solos, songs, choruses,voc-a- ! d ;ets and ai-- o a couple of numbersfor piano and violin, played very artisf-j- .

ally by Mrs. I Ian ford and Mr. Yarnd- -

lev. All th pertormers are j)urdsof Mrs. Ilanford, and reflected im.c.'icredit upon her ability as a teacher. Itwould be alf.io-- t out of place to mentionany 'articular number, but the song,"A Warri or f', 11, "sung by Levi Lyman,and .Mi- -. .ler.nie brieve's -- election, "In

't" .s iiipli- e' hit both e.T'plrend :n-irra- 1. At tl conci'is'on o. the pro- -

ro. Kev. K. C'. M.-rrit- t thankedthe audience for their pre-e,- e.

Tlie e ftoiile f Hit-- VolranoWil der's S team-'ni- o Company n ve

reontly d an advrti-eme- nt in thehap--- t of a neatly gjt up c.-i-r 1 giving a

time, table of the theirsre am-Ti- i I.1 tocOfi of ffawa.;. A pron.i.-.eri-t fea'uris a a trlcabiy ir tikenfrom a group of o;i pt;n' ings ry .Mr.

Jules 1 a vcrni-- r. Toe . e:. trai one is arepre-.-nta- 'i ,n of the era' er of Halc- -

.Ti.i:i';i i l r. rough a hr alt in thewitr a hre i.n :n tun

no;i-- r i a similar vi-- w t iken irna am-.r- i dl-ta- nt sr.; 1 inoludln'-- o.n! of tae urr ling- - ountr; .""'m eg-- m- o; tne r . r.e.gn ',r.r.g

m a k ' ".', tr.- - gr whiciu form- -

r tere-i- r. g r; ''.'.nent ;',.i- remark- -

a' ',, a ,'v

The Reent .f wbilee -- III fje4ty I5e.I ii r ni I liatik.

HI- - Ma. ' r .v-rri r L . k- - t .

Ci.ann1 fio-'- i f I , o. 1.

con v-- s tne a' ivr.o'v.o., of II.fa v th-- i King for the in i .y

gr-'-t;,- - ,gs and r. :rr.er s and val u.roij: J r 1 OT'l tie- - O---- .t-- c.


TUoile. ; hlrh lay. This inbr' l.y Au'horl'y" in ann 'rri"i- - xh,..n (..'

,H pr.-.- - ia'.-.r- of ffis ' .;

r-- -.

l . .t m .; vi !,,.iri i ' e

Martini Hi'.' iidi-- i ly pure.Head adverti-t-men- t of Mart incili".--

cider.Yuen Kee V C". have removed to Hotel

street. "

Martilu-lli'- cider i tie- - bi t and plite-- t

made.Malaria, thu curse f large fetioi:-- .

cured uni prevented by the u-- e

of Hutfv's Pure Malt Whisky.l.'n dres-e- l kid glove, ladies underwear

'ink, white, cream and blue oadimere jti.--treceived by hist steamer, at C. J. Fisliel's.

Mampc'l splashers, stamped scarfs.stamped towels, tt' .. and colored cotton towork them with, at N. S. Sachs, I'd r'ortstreet.

lr. Clinton A. Sage. M.l.. Pekin, N. Y.writes; have been prescribing 1 uty'sPure Malt Whisky and tind it adapted tocases requiring ;i pure alcoholic siimu-lant.- "

For fancy work, a tine assortment, ofchenille, p-- pons, fancy chenille, plaitedribbon, and tinsel crescents, etc., at thePopular Millinery House, N. S. Sachs, pro-

prietor.The largest and best stock of Christmas

cards ever seen iu this city jut arrived; tillnew ainl of the very latest designs. Callearly and select. King bros.' art store.Hotel street.

Messrs. Wing On Wo A: Co., of Mauna-ke- a

street, beg leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large "pian- -

tity of XXX and other choice brands ofManila cigars, of the best quality, for aieat prices.

Moullily Convert.This evening the regular monthly con-

cert will be held at the vestry of theFort-stre- et Church at 7 :."0 o'clock. Mrs.Whitnev will read a paper on the Na- -

tio:i:li C. T. V. annual meeting, andreports from mission fields will be pre- -


'' Converted Hi. ivii...(:o,.vi, t,.

of this pa-- r to meet a priest who isfrequently called to the Charity hospital, andw ho s ap oinplishel inucli gool in reformmg niouniortunaie oje so oiten ion.t mthat institution. Durin-- ; tho conversationthe reverend father told numerous annisinganecdotes of his exjrienees, and

d up a very pleasing evening by tellinga funnv storv" about a priest in Ireland whowa.s laboring to gt a huihImt of ctjuvicts toj,,in the Catholic cjircb. It wi-m- s that sevenmen were senteticM to 1j transporteJ, an Iamong them was an Irishman convicted ofcountcrfeiting. According to the custom ofthe country th" conviets wero allowed tochoose any religion they desir-- to adopt, andth- - Irishman made up Ids mind that theyshould all l'-om- Catholics. Accordingly,wh"ii th'-- in tho prison yard thesubject of religion was brought tip by th?Irishman, who said: 'dioys, we have all Iksmi

bad together, we have malo lots of moneyand sjent it, and now sineo wo all have tojoin tho church there is no reason why weshould le separated. I now propse that wetss a ha'-riii- y and sliajx" our ours- on theresult. If t harp conies up we will be Cath'-lies- ,

and if a pi''ti shows on top w e v. ill beProt.-stants.- "

"Agned," Kai'il the convicts, and Pat to-.se- d

the lift'i-x-nn- and th- - harp won.Aecordingly tliey all l'amo (atliolies, nnd

ju.st th-i- fe parish p.-- tHpproa'-he- l'.'it an 1 asked hitn how he mi'tiageil to efiiivert his fellow ef,iivii ts. -- Oh,easy enough," replied Pat, and then he toMthe story of the ha'penny.

dlid von risk votir immortal soul on the.turningV-- a innyf" exclaimed the priest inholy horror.

Inder I did not," replied Pat; 'thatha'ieniiy had a harp on loth sides. I made itmyself." New Orleans 'f inies-- I 'ernocrat.

The Woods Wer F ull uf Tliem.In toe regiment, Indiana volunteers,

during the late war, was an unusually ,,een-tri- -

native of -- Erin Go Krfigh,' who had thefortune whilt on picket duty to capture aConfderate nd take him tv camp.

In the same company was a lazy and farfrom courageous comrade, who, seeing Hanr.itii a prisoner V Is turnwl over to the colon 1 of the regiment, said:

I)an, yyi are obliged to go n' k nu duty;let me take the prisoner up to headcjuartTs.1

"ldad. an' riot a bit of it. If you want aretjel go out arid cnt h tine for your-- lf. Thebusli is full of em,' was Dan'.s reply. Ile-tro- it

Pre.; Pre-t- .

i:taiiielri4 Angel.The new baby had proved itself the

of extraordinary vrcal jKwers, andhad exereivd them much to Johnny's

(nf day he sai 1 to his mother:'Ma, little brother earne from heaveu diiln't

her I

"Vii, dear.'Johnny was silent for some time, nnd then I

he went on. i

-- Say. ma." J

What is it. Johnny?" j

-- I don't blame the ntigel fr.r j

him, do y,i '" .Merchant Traveler. j

He Wasn't in the No-I'a- df Musi nco. i

I)iiln't yci worrnrit this suit of clothes not.to fade' ino'i giiaif Jy deman'l'-- a working- - j

man of old M' i on Chatham stre t."No, my frendt." j

Ves. yoti did. I tight 'em on your ar-

rir.t not to fade.''-- My fren.lt, keep rrol. You vjia.-- i in der '

wrong srifor". I vhiw d'-- man who warrardr:lothes n-t-

. to shrink. It vhas myJer, two door avhay, who goi rrt der no--

ov!e jrfes;iess iind fails regularly twice, a '

yar. He must fniWfl Again last night. WallStrfst

flt A Rifirht. to I.nng-h- .

"Jf." I!o, f'Ur!"v! What t up.' '.ever so -

yo-- j i...-,f,- so j .il y find happy."-- My bfst yirl jsjst. g'.t, rriarried."'.ot married! Why, rnnn. tfat. sn?

tha g tray ar.d festive over? V'.u f.ug'rdto t-

- irti' hi-- t. ,Age- - r,f rr.eh-iri- " holy "

"1 hat's a;! right. You I rn the f Ho-.-

vi.e riarrid.'" .Vfer'hant T rnvUr.rieor K..n' f!ie-n- .

Tr.e i;tti- - keV h going the rounds to theorT-x- that , vr:,lh ivr pirofq : ns in h,'s hand, gav the rot to ?na f'r

!'.' he;. I 'hr'-- . e, on th priricr r..a f thr--- e f,f a k re I t't. fw, pftirs, hns procf.. the so'ii of the from West V'ir-g.'r.i-

. is ffj.Yn Yesterday,tA execiitive tevsion, a brothe-- wr;.-to-r

a ppr .! hed him raii oi-l- y nnd by easy .;"oil tr.e

Jfo.v is -- his, fTenna'" he"H-- is "'h3t"' iriCj iirel Mr. Koma in r--

f V.

W h 7, thin io tie fory iK.lpr.'s threea.-e- s t j n 3J yv.r pa,r of ,;.)- -

a -.- r-i of tru-h-, ,r, in i. --"ou 'r--

.fri in his I . -. a r.no -- vs r

r . a , e, p.ker ith Heritor fi'.if.'n i.l ri'i 7 life.r.-- v-r p. a 7d pfkr w ",. sir v'-ofl- ', J doi, r

r,r e 'ar I fr-.r- o ar.o' her. I f

Oi --,7 ? ar'Js r.f arc i:-r-

s.- - r, r,. h. f 4.e ,Tr-.- v deerjfi.f.ed r. r. ,s.

naror fn. -- .i or s r, oh.T rcci,.i.--- oriM I't fe r.ar.o: trur.ifs re - '. n r

ri.e ':, n f'v got. f.'cjr j ieeyt- -, I ,i b. p.gg .r.ed if r .i''!n t I.Ica to see him try itjnc-i- . " Washh-.to- n Cr.tic

CIGAR!aL'-ov- revicest is nr.F.D ijailt znTnr stores, aaloous anrl otttr placu irtj.rv.

otgarf. arc solii, tor it I an UDili.pu!J frt tLatUHt txncarni prefer a miM ciK'ar, a&J that ttioswho have for a long tltue RtDotrit rlreug Clfar.rrtnctrall? imisnrteil Manila, irin. after t.avlDgthoron;bly 1 njurfJ the vtomach anit impairil tt.e

aystrtu, Biirfly want a uilhl rtarif tbeyrould find the ribt ki'u.l.

How uiatiy tlieuK.iiKt ef Miioltt-t- "a ho suffrrfrom Ion of a pt'tttt. t ol.-.-i I.e. lrrtta-hilily- ,

rit) ni.-i-, rt.v, nl l o l ave Irtvil all jk-ail-

reuieilit-- . itt .out m:o s , u.ll.t he ctirtJif tln-- y knew tLt tl.fir ur'nt. vrxv rauxrd tytfce i i.t Uil rte use of ci-i-.- and thattbey sbouldcly aruoke iinl.l- an rivj-cil- d

onm.It in a fact tliut not all mild cigar - fll

ulth omokfi-t- . for iu nioiit caMi thrrp i a larkof car in tbe ttdrrticu of tla tot.ari?o, ar t oftenthe uevpniiary rxp-rirtH- for it n aaulir.it. yrtt livre t one t i aa J lac 1. fcuits Hie luost fantid-iou- 8

siuoker, and that if


''tSampler" Health Ciiar,Wliioh in made from tnil.l, aromatn and v,r,1",i-larl- y

aeleclrd aud irtare. tol.aroo, aud con --

ti ilea all the qualitiex liw h may lr ej il

frviu a health It caus a no f.ud t!e-- t i fany kind. i aireealde to tlie tanle. lairna etrldto tlie end and .sw-.rm.- a fine Atoina. Noatuoker abould fail to ileEiigelbreclifs "SaniilerM

A fair trial, and hruetit huinolt ;vt tt.e mmvtime. I .'niar.':


Pure Hall Whisky

V O li

jIedicina 1 TJ.se.no Fi'sr.i. on,.

Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated

IN I'HK i n


4'nrHlit4 Iti(i t lit ioti.Iitflriiutrle-- ,

VreMi Tthod hv l'livHiciutiK lvtrvheiTHK ttNI.V

Hni'o Stiimilaiiti Kor .tlie M k, In vbIIiIh, Con valeHv l litf t,

Ak'iI ITojIp,


Awarded UltHT l ItiK OOI.P MkDAI. itWm ld'a Ki)oiiltlon, New 4 Ii lealip, La.. lH".

Kir l.n iiimI I'niHy.I

iMarfarlaiu' iV ('oMfcol igeula

r,"d If


Niuianu AmIKvINkUiio fo lefwilh or w ilhoiil !oild.

TKKMS UF.AM.N AIMd). The hotie n

now ready for oi i upntioti.

MKS. .1. T. WlMTi:,

iinii'ill 1iinnt(ereti.


I his nlrsolntol.y purnI0i;iC Ih lnaiiurar-lun- d

iu tli(; orcliaulone .year hcfoi plnr-i- n

It on ihu imtrltot,and geiia'atcs its ovn

as hy mil lira I fur-iiicntati- oii.

A small Invoice jnslrci oivcMl ami Tor sale ;


f M I II V'f'KMf fill f Vlfllfl ' I!. . li. irei'fl t T of llo ftrifil

HI cli rif-i- -i Iftriff f ll'ii'-Ml- I I fir fltno i n IIIf. anMal'lr t m ilr-- ioi Of 'oiiii

af.i riMif l.., I. v owner I'tturn f'i t rrI '. j ' oftf-- M rirjti7tf


i ee Wo Chan Co. have a business noti:i

in another column.A Chinaman was arresterl la- -t niu'ht for

having opium in psses.sion.Messrs. E. V. Ad tins will sell ht- -

riages, hrakes and harness at noon to-da- y. j

His Kvrelleiicy II. II. Haker, iovtrnr i

of Maui, left hy the steamer I vvalani - i

terdav. j

The Jloyul Hawaiian Uand will play att. l!r,i, if.....;..! .:, .......noon at 3 o'clock. j

"The Christian's Privilege.-)- will be the I

subject of the prayer meeting at the I.y j

ceum this evening at 7:.'J o'clock.Captain Isaiah I'ray, late of the Morning j

Star, has been appointed permanent ien- -

eral Secretary of the Oakland Y. M. C. A. j

The work of preparing the n'-- St. An- -

drew's Catheilral for worship on Christmas j

Da v for the first time is t.roL-ressin- v,tvrapidlv. '

A Iteformatory School boy, who had de- - j

serted from that institution, was handed j

over t- - the po!i-- authorities last night for I

disposal.The regular monthly meeting of the )

Womans' Church Aid Society will bj held j

on Thursday at half-pas- t 2 o'clock, at thoi.M.C. A. ;

Mr. F. li. Auerbach, bookkeeper for Mr.J. II. Soper, returns to his old position as j

!x.okkeeper for the Kilauea SuKar Com-- !pany, Kauai. !

Another moonlight concert was given atlamina Square last evening by the lloyaHawaiian P.and. The attendance waslarge and the music line.

There will be the uual service at St.Andrew's Cathedral this evening at :'o'clock, when the Kev. eo. Wallace will ;

deliver 4 brief address. Choir practice willfollow the service. i

The following contributions have been re- - j

m,cu io.ai,as iwe wt lhw 1,

Church: II. H. Jlitchcox-k- , I'apaikou, Ha- -

wait. 1 10; K. 1. Adams and I). Oilman, j

Boston, Mass., each $2".

t the iiiteimj, of the iionoiui.i Y lebtand Hoat Club last evening three new mem- -

hers were elected, and several matters of:imiortance were laid over till the next!regular meeting, awaiting the differentumi.iiiiiee rejnjris.

The number of visitors to the Volcanopanorama yesterday was not great, butthose who went were unanimous in theiradmiration. When sufficient time haelapsed for the exhibition to become gen- - j

erally known it is anticipated it will re- - j

ceive the amount of public appreciation it;deserve-- .

"lfaere I lie .Silver Uo.The Bank Commissioners, in their re-pjr- t,

make a very curious statement inrelation to silver. They say "the silvertan lard dollar seems every day to in-

crease in popularity in our State. Thecountry banks find the unabated de-

mand for it hard to meet. Mo- -t of themreceive from $1,) to a weekfrom the sub-Treasu- ry in San Francisco,the expense of the transfer being paidby the iener.il Government. This rap-idly goes into circulation and disappear,no one knows whrre, a-- it never returnsto the banks." The Commissioners, intheir investigation of this matter, foundthat it did not return to the city throughthe agencies of the country merchant:-'- ,

for they do not pay their bills in SanFrancisco in silver. The explanation of

this fact can be readily conceived. Topiy their debts in silver in this citywouM involve the expon-tf- : of expressage.Cpon the whole, the Commissioners aredisposed to conoid le that the mi-sin- g

dollars remain in circulation. But it isimpassible that a coin should pass fromhand to hand without showing up some-

where in the regular depositories ofmoney. There is, however, not the Iftmystery about this drain of silver, whichmu.--t be enormous. The silver is hoardedby some members of the community.The hoarding j not done by white pie,

VjT the saving-- ! banks would certain-ly receive some of it. The fact on whichtne-omrni-s- i oners, have alighted i, with-

out much doubt, the C'Llne-i- e drain.The dollars go into the hands of the- -

They are hoarded by themuntil their return to China. A portionr.nd.--j its way into Chinatown in fuiriil-men- t

of the contracts to labor of th-- -

''"nies, not h" the reg-ila- r oori Wi - r -

cial char :e!s. F. 'Bulletin.-

A ew Kule.Mr. William Foster, Clerk of th-- ;

Court, has just announced theolio-wi- nw rule: "It is hereby orlered that no appeal in any rase, civil or

criminal, to the Supreme or CI re ;;tCourts which ha-- j Yr.in tiled in the Ap-

pelate Cjurt mvy be withdrawn without-ive of the Co'irt, and upn such terms

as to eo-t- s. and witness fee as the ( '., :.

may or ier."

Snprmt Cotirt.S.ifiSi jf io'J, C 1.

Tfa.-o- r, iJer-embe- 7rh. aIn re Thorr.a K. Clarice, bankrupt.

I'- -' r. y. of barikruptcy for discharge.Mr. O-'-i- l i'.r v.--i fr petitioner. Or-lr--

tiu it he bo disciiarr-- d on his submittingtr.i statutory ,,: r. h-ri he

!;.is city. He aj in'.er---d in the -;i

Plan ar ion, Kat Mtul.

i r.c at: ' A ", n po 1 e :s ca.th-- ? Spei : g of hordes on our ;

stn-eM- , a ri-.-t- l. e which . a-l- f

V 'er Say .i:"t.-rr.o,- n

vast V o .'- il , .ilD'al;! 'lu" arouir-i- g h r-e along Mer-- -- rret-

i.-i-o'-.s rate, a,i 1 sev-r- ai

g-- r out of the wiy in aThe Park: i.--i the proper .aoet.--. '..ng hor-ie-j- .

Ch am Lai k's On i- - y , I). u einber C, 8G.Iu tbe limine of Hn Ma the King I hare

the bouor to thank .til Joj.il subjects andfriends for their most ii?'rijr greetings ou theoccasion of Hi Majeity'a Jubilee birthday.Also for the numerous an l valuable giftM.andtoken.s of affection, which, I Lave tbe assurance

f ilia Majesty, aio much highly prized, and willlong be preservt-- to adorn His I'alace and toserve as a iileahant meiii-ii- t' of the. hapj.y event.

Cl lillS I'. IAIKKA,i il. M.'s. Chamberlaiu.

ul Interior.I K. Kauimakaole, Ksq., has this day been

ac Ayent to take Ackiiowledment.s toLabor Contracts fur the distiict of liana, Maui.

L. AHOLO,Minister of lute l ior.

HoiiOlulu, fi, lrto.:tll d dec 10 w dec '7

'I'jtx oll--- t or' .Vol ire.The Tax Collector will commence collecting

taxes in the district of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, atthe following places:

From Kauiaee to Ookala, at th North HiloCourt House, Lauiah-hoe- .

From llakalau to Keakaha, at the Court Houseiu Hilo Town.

On .ugar jdaiitition-- i taxes will be collected atthe oiiice of each respective plantation. Noticewill be given beforehand to managers by theTax Collector, or by hn order, what day heshould cali to coilect t.ts.

F. I'AIIU.Tax Collector ti liilo, Hawaii.

Hilo, December 1, 18S;. dtvvtt

All water rates due on term e uding June M,1SS7, must be paid at the otlice of tbe UouoluluWater Worka before tbe l"tii day of January,ls.87. All rates remaining unpaid January 13,

137 will be subject to an additional 10 per cent.Parties paying rates will j rest-ti- t their last re-

ceipt.I 1. I. ltl , (

Superi ntti.dent Honolulu Water Works.Approved; 1. A Ul LO,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, I'ecember 4, l3o.

lal.From uiiJ after November ;!e, lso, all accounts

due tbe Hegistry Othce will be collected at theend of every luuutu. i'eople residing ou theother islands will please remit accordingly.

JL'XlcS KAAE,272 declj Keisirar of Couveyaucws.

I'OKT OF HO.NOLl LL, il. 1.

VKill V A1..N.i

IVF.-n-r, lJeceiu.erSchr Liholibo, from r.i'i.u j

Schr Rob Koy, froi.'. K olau, t 'ahuj

ii;:e.ti:i t ui-- v!

TcisDav, t'eceraberStmr Litelike, for KaMiiui. at p ui!luir Iwaialii. I.rtuj , or .Ma'.l Aild iiaWili, '

at lu iuSuur C K Bishop, Chauer, f...r KiUuri H.- -

n:uialu aud Na. iliw.ii, v. Wa.anae, ar 1J raS.mr Jaiuea Ma'ee, Cam piiell, for Ki; u, lit- -

Uiiuaulu. Niwdiwili Niib.-i- t ;schr Kauiila. for Koolauscar Waiehu, for V,a: luasctr Luki, for Kohalileiectr Keen, for Koolau

Schr Sarah aad hliii, for Kovla :, i i

Veel To-Da- y.

Am bktae Kli.itat, I; D Cutler, for TortTownseu i, W T

scur Uil-aii- a. for Pef-rieo-, Hwa;i

sctr Mile Morru, for KoviviScLr Laoliho. for Win!.

e.el in Furt from loreisii I'orli. ;

Aui i'ktur it'.T-:- . C" I'.rkir, -- , li AckrTainfromsa:i

llw our Jetiui- - Walker, Ii Aub:i-s-.u- from

lm.' s'

Am batue Maty Wir:'ielu..iti, 'L l'a:'i.ii, t

f rota San trauciiooAla Lk 1 ..: aM, I I' from wca.itl,


tint i.ari W ii W'Ata.n, il La r t;.:e, from i

Livrj'volAm lark Foret J C M '.Viudii,-- . from

S- -i

Am tra J ; tori. T il from riaIrincnco

Am Sark J H tuvr., i ii from

Au-.:hrAr- ;o F Tl FilkUal, fr-t- HumooMtEy, al

iter Lark TactSc. C Oltn-a- c, from EreanaAlu titae Wreatl., s:aiii r. ir'.: Ne i:4tl.

N S v.--

tvo.eN.Vfitefleii mini IlilfU" fori.Lrit I.ark Olenriher, Ho ton. froa Liver- -

pool, due JanAlu 1. irk ilar.-i.- Fisher, fro.'i

Jaa 1j- - i

Atu ii Martha LUvts, F 31 Iis.'r;. sail-i- fromii.jst.)a A::'iat Ttii, due Ii--m,,- r

liivr sccr aeri sa.i-jM- , friaiFruo'a kr:ate s...jal-i- . !': Jt --J.t

itrr ari ifyira, from KouskOL.. t l ece-::-- b

e r 1 - iOrru.au hark Hf-ule.- . S.-- saJ d from

1.1 vn-.- ' I ,'ih, i'-- t c':i:...i:yUa lark Sia.r of LrV;::, A Luvtii, fr'.u Fia

Li.ju.;. i.'f.r s itUa a :i -- .'..r .Mai- i... J Li rioiUai. from M.ir.:-L;- :,

via r a u 1 I.iaad. d l.VolAju oars svi.rai.ac, from New , d'i Nov-iu-b- er

Am r.ark lie Uy. u'.ed frm y!ary, 0- -

t:.-r-- Ilia, d ie Nov jT-- ic

fr.a Saa Fraaci-fO- .

m sh.d vtero irT. from N S. w. ilo 1 1

Am Kit- - .V ii L'lmo-ii- , if ra Sna FraL..::sco.d 1 o--Io

Ai ,.;! tureia. Ii Myr, fraa Fro-ciac.- o,

i l L'ei"Am tera W S A H tx .'.. from saa F.-a-a-

cuco. i :e I'ec i'.j-.- ii

Am ir.:.e r.;.a, ii C R :.-- fr-.- Francis.:.-,- ,

d i L.v I'.- - .l

i'asm;ni.kiis.:e?ij: 3 ..

TorMa.i:. p-- i- raar Lil:e, iti'r-:T:- iMarjar-- i Mrs r x; .:..?. M.f

a a i x .:t aa-ia-o- a, aeri.t r ai.a.. c.ns.;r .... Yfa-- .

ir Tta -- vr N :l.ox. Mr Bon, Mr hriu. 'At

F jf Ma--- i aa i Hin.:, ; T.nr Ira'.aa;.Tta H..- i.x.'. . ?. y jr-ira.'.- r A.

i A ila.-i- , M. i. i .ereLl. I .a.l.iraaai ams a-- .; .'.. Mr 1 Haal-ii- , iiJ 'iLaie. aa.i I ., '''i j..ih-- - a;-rs- .

The L.i.o'..ho irr.l ;a a:.; fro-t- a

la.iai C'cuihr al uaj.a.u i:rscr.The :e.iiar V. G Ha;i i a: th ( oar.-paa- y

warr. aav.a ae-- t ; 5 at ia te.,.;iler. Te Teui wili b ta : oa th Hi-rm- e

Hajiy ait Mcaiay. to ta atar--ra.i--- ;r,;.:or zt ia. t

The bari i. ii. Bo-- l t 4t:'.l !. .r. 3 if.i at fa o.i (;ar..:ii f. ; v . -- rf.

1 hi '.irkui a- K .: ; a hat t .. . i l.' aar -

iij 1 :m .r. aaa - ;.;-i- a7

I a --.a.'.a-s'. i ir 1" r .1 l.l. Her h '. ika

aeea r"ia.a:;The ?jark T'ae.v I li .a .i ca-- i i.c aa.--: az

I t;uar, ua.- - ripa.a'ei ,..ai a...l :.ivn i il.a-- ; ' 1: -- a.r 7 .va.j,!.r'a '" ii. &ir.ir, !.o'i ., as;--

aamia?y i t? i.ia. L- : ti Th.The har F rttt :eea haj ia.iael ar- -




t. .


r ,




il1 1.


Absolutely Pure.Tniiriv.'.i rnov- - rvsriov. Attittm-Io- f purity.

Ftrenifth unit wiiclcoaifties?. More o'KiuiJthanthior l:.T:.i-- ;. kin '. twnoltiincoru-petiti- o

vi::i tl-- ia.;ltitiido cf h t, nhortvcii;lit,iiluiu or jiiosiSiatoiK)W'h-ri- . SeLDONLTCI

fANS. Iwlti. liala l'olJt. lOti Wttli-e-

n. y.9a wtf


oleano-- OF-


Is ow trii Exhibition

AT- -


Ciioen Street.

If ?r I.'ot liS I ii.ni J i. m. to 4 i in., uud 7 ,.Ul. t 111 . III.


Adults $1

Children 50c947

Aush;;iian 3Iail Service.

' v.-- t f--H I"--.


Ilie new .in, I tin A I nicid t iiiimhl p

t. 99

Of tie. ( i in pun v , u l,p iliinHt IIoiimIhu Ireni s.. ii i. iv nnd Aii'klHiKi

on or no out

ID ec i nil ) i. 1 1.7ti., 4 will I n vi- fur tin al. vi. pro wild in it i Ik Hint

r in or nlmiit tlovl ilttt.Kor freli.On er mnai:., huvliiK Hri'KIt lllfl

A ( .( DM Mill A'I HlNH,M ply Ii.

Win. (. Irwin & Co.,AMKNTH.

For Syilnc ami Aucklaml.

Tli :iew hinl Hup Al Klpel Rteiim-ilil- ji

"ZKALANDU,"tit tin.-'nlr- . Mil n ntstlii ' Company, wll he

fine Ht Honolulu from an Krnm iieoor fir ri'ioiit

I ) '(M'll ll X '1 ,J5,Ari'lwlll liie (roio.t f)H.f fi wtli iiimMm amip;iseinf-r- i for tlif ivliove 'irl.

For r.ekOi or eim;e, lilo- - S t ' I" V. 1 1 f I It Al'-- (

OMM'ili VI ION, (.pl-l- to

Win. C. Irwin A Co.,.' Wlf.NIM


Temple; of Fashion.4 lotittx out e.ilr ntifU.

"Af.-- T It ii rl . n m h wm.Ii al I'i n rn.,t. r,) r.n Hn t r ! n Ii vfti it 7 "i . nritJI.Inronry 1, IH"7

)vy (iooiIh,

Fhih'.v UocmIs,

OIISI Fii rn isliip (Jooi

A ri fl ri v f i ? f.t r "irbflf. too ri 'i roe ronx to ffin- -

M'iU 440 Jatil





The iiiidersio'tiel oSer f...r aIe. aiJ'cMt--t n.aiket rrtt. I Groceries, l3rovLsioiis ruid FeedFAS'J' COKXKK KoKT AM' KINt; .sTKKKTS.

'New ;(kk!s rec i.-e-.t by every packet Jr.. in the K ist.-rt- i states ini Kurepe. Tresh California

' Produce by every Ail or.iers t fx hf y tt nl.-.- i to, an'l tiiwJ dt ilvercil to any urt of the' oi;r free of charge. IsUu oriers soiU'iteit. ."":iti-f:- u lion Kiiup-iuteea- . i'e;ti'Iti e Dm No. 143

Telephone No.



MUSCAT (sweet and drv







FKEKTIiI. O. Iso .141


Chandeliers, Lanis and Lanterns,Water Filters and Oooleis. American ('onlaue. l'arleil mill Plain Annealed F'enre Vir,

FeliCe Staples.

NOW IN PKESS.1887. Fourth Year of Publication. 11887.


For the Year of Our Lord 188? , Containing an

Astronomical, Civil k Ecclesiastic'l Calend'r

For tlie

Meriden Silver Plated Ware,A new invoice iu latest atteriis. Cirri te Taint for use in tlie country, without Mrnisli. A n--

invoic e of the c lt tir.itc.l

Dillingham latont Plows.Horse Hoes and Cultivators, Harrows, Hoes, Luliricitiiife' Oils, etc., etc., etc,


SiKTensor". t IIIIiiiUliiilii A- - '. himI Sitimirl !(.

Fort StreetK)ii I II K

Official and BusinessI'lMil'.TH THE HOXOIiULU UiOX WOKKS CO.

llnvo nijlet'l niitl ir'r Ir sil lllw inu: lUil'rs. ir.:

1 PAIK C0MP01X1) STEEL IJOILLLS VaS;;,1 Combination Uoiler, 12 it. x r ft. ( in.

1 Combination Steel Doiler, 12 it. x 1 ft., also1 Secoml-Ham- i Tubular lioiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

6i jej: 86 An!y to Tlie Iloiioluin Iron Works Co.

Full Statistical and General InformationRELATING TO THE HAWN ISLANDS,

Great pains und expei-st- r linvt been gone to lu tlie Publishers tomake tlii?, Almanac and Director v the must usehil and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-trie- s.

Its Court and Oflical Calendar carefully corrected to the latestmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculi. ted to beget great interest iutheir condition and prospect abroad.

Send in your orders for cogues early.

M. W. MeCIIKSAKV & S0ijiavk

May 8tli Per Mariposa. 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages :

To Arrive Per Consuelo. 332 Paclrages,


BUI N and Tartj- - Were Piapp.-tni- l

In the dainr.r: v i: it a i. p

ai I hii'l flu? pleas-ure "f j'inii) aparty al'tit to startout uli nit: tlie hanksof liitt'-- r i, k on almii1ii!"tpe!itiri.'I Jv.i.l.r of thparty was a youngLu;n who Lifl re

VUbltitir. cently erail fromcollege with a Ltreamouiifc f'f kiK.wl-fil- e

TWA whii li heto experiment

with "n theof the far Wot. He

.'hal heard thatthere was an icthy-osauru- s

up somewhere along tkn we,t side of I Jitter oreek, aii'lhe wanted u to go along ani Lelp him tofind it.

I hail been in the w.?st some iglit or nineyears then, an.l I had never socu an ii thyo-bauru- 3

myself, but I thought the young manmust know his business, so I got out myWinchester and went along with the group.

We tramped over the pale, a.shy, glaring,staring stretch of desolation, through burn-ing, quivering days of monotony and sage-

brush and alkali water and aching eyes andparched and I leeding li;s and nostrils cutthrough and eaten by the sharp alkaline air,mentally depressed und physically worn out,but cheered on and braced up by the light andjoyous manner of thj ever hopeful JamesTribolite. Eton, of Concord.

James Trilobite Eton, of Concord, nevermoaned, never gigged back or shed a hot, re-morseful tear in this powdery, hungry wasteof gray, parched ruin. No regret came forthfrom his lips in the midst of this mightycemetery, this ghastly potters field for allthat nature Lad ever reared that was too poorto bear its own funeral exenses.

Now and then a lean, soiled gray coyote,without sufficient moral courage to look adead mule in the hind foot, slipjied across thehorizon like a dirty phantom and failed intotha hot and tremulous atmosphere. Wescorned such game as that and trudged on,cheered by the hoje that seemed to springeternal in the breast of Jamej Trilobite Eton,of Concord.

Four days we wallowed through the un-

changing desolation. Four nights we wentthrough the motions of slumbering on thearid towom of the wasted earth. On the fifthday James Tri obite Eton said we were nowgetting near the tioiiit where we would findwhat we sought. On wo pressed through thekeen, rough blades of the seldom bunch grass,over the shifting, yellow sand and the green-ish gray of the bail land soil which never doesanything but sit around through the accumu-lating centuries and hold the world together,a kind of iowVry poison' that delights tocreep into the nostrils of the pilgrim and stenlaway his brains, or when moistened by a lit-

tle snow to accumulate around the feet of thepilgrim or on the feet of the pilgrim's muletill ho has the most of an unsurveyel "forty"on each foot, and th casual observer ischeered by th novel sight of on homesteadKtrtving to jump anot her.

Toward evening James Trilobite Etongave a wild fhriek of joy and ran to us fromtke led of an old creek, where he had foundan ichthyosaurus. Th animal was dead!Not only that, but it had dead a long,long time!

James Milton Sherrod said that "if a collegeeducation was of no more use to a man thauthat, he, for one, allowed that his boy wouldhave to grtie through life with an academi-cal education, and very little of it.'

I uncocked my gun and went back to campa sadder and madder man, and, though yearshave come and gone, I am still irritablewhen I think of the fiv days we trampedalong Bitter creek searching for an animalthat was no longer alive, and our guideknew it before he started.

I ventured to say to J. Trilobite Eton thatnight as wo all sat together in the gloamingdiscussing whether he should U taken homewith us in the capacity of a guide or as a re-

mains, that it seemed to me a man ought tohave better sense than to wear his voting lifeaway trying to have fun with his superiors inthat way.

"Why, blam it all," says James, didyou expect? You ought to knowthat that animal is extinct''

"Extinct!" says James Milton Sherrod, inshrill, angry tones. '"I should say he was ex-

tinct. That's what we're kickin' about. What

Tliat's what we are kicking about.galled me was that you should of waitedtill the old cuss was extinct before you cometo us like a man and told us alout it. Youpull us through the sand for a week and blis-ter our heeLs and condemb near kill us, anilall the time you know that the blame bruteis layin' there in the hot sun gittin' more andmore extinct ever minute. Fun is fun, andI like a little nonsense now and then just aswell as you do, but I'll be eternally Itauiahedto Bitter creek if I think it's square or rightor white to play it on your friends this khfdof a way.

You claim that the animal has leen deadgoin' on 5.000 years, or some such thing asthat, and try to get out of it that way, butlong as you kitw it and we didn't it slTowsthat 3'ou're a low cuss not to sjvak of it.

"What difference does it make to us, I say,whether this brute was or was not dead andswelled up like a pizen'd steer long leforeNore got his zoologi kle show together? Wedidn't know it. We haven't seen the SaltLake paers for weeks. You use your edje-catio- n

to fool people with. My opinion isthat the day is not far distant w hen you willwake up and find yourself in the lxttom ofan untimely grave.

"You bring us miles to look at an oldlione pile all tramped into the ground andthen say that the animal is extkiek. That's agreat v ay to talk to an old man like me, aman old enough to le grandfather.Froblv you oacklate that it is a rare treat foran old-tim- like me ti waller through fromOreen river to the Ya?'erstone and then heara young kangaroo with a moth-eate- n eye-brow under his nose Purst forth into a rol-licking lauh and say that the animal we'veleen trailiu' for five days is extinck.

"I ju.t want to say to you, James TrilobiteEton, and I say it for your Kood.and 1 say itwith no prejudice ngainst you. f'r I want tosee you stvm-d- , that if this ever happensagin and you are the party to blame you willwake up with a wiid start on the foJlerin"day and find yourself a good deal extinckerthan this here old busted lizard is." JJi.il Nyein Clii ago News.

UN Future !ur'l."I gues I'm pretty safe nlxut going to

heaven," remarket 1 Hobbv to young Mr.Featherlv.

Mr. Featherly replied that he earnest lvhoped so. and then inquired why BoRiy feltso confident about the matter.

"Because," explained Bobby, "ma says thatit ain't safe to trust me where there's fire."New York K--

Oh, I nvr can for-get h"r"

Running down the1 met lT

Coming from thebig hotel.

witching,dainty i a-

tnr!Half the charm of

form and fea-

tureEi vi::g man could

I,evtr toll.

1 fife: VJisJSj In a bathing cs-tuni- e,

blushing.b;-- t n little, she was

ru-hi- ng

Tothecrnjl, invitrug sea.

How I envierl you,BKJ-on- t IAKI.VU. old Ocean,

As I vowed that mi devotionHers alone should ever bo.

Oh, rnever can for-get her !

(tunning up theleach I met her

Hastening to thebig hotel.

Such a draggled,dripping crea-ture!

Salty drops onevery feature

Who would knowthe wa-hed-o-


In the bathing cos-

tume, blurliingWith good reason,

She was ru.-li-i- ng

Where no hateful AFTER TAKING.man could see.

How I swore at you, old Ocean!For I felt that my devotion

Ikrs henceforth could never be.Somerville Journal.

Massachusetts Precocity.A gentleman some six weeks ago sent his

wife and son, a lioy of .1 years of age, toLondon. This morning an elderly brotherhere rei-eive- a letter' from London in which,among other things, the boy said that heshouldn't say his prayers till be got to Boston,for he thought there wasn't any God overthere. Boston Transcript.

OBSERVATION.A class was asked to give some of the

jieculiarities of jieople of different national-ities, and one bright pupil gave the result ofher studies on the subject as follows: China-man Color, white; habits, eats rats andsmokes opium; occupation, washing and iron-ing. Negro Color, black; habits, likes liver;occupation, leats carjwts. AmericansColor, white; habits, eats Ix-an- s and fishballsSunday morning; occupation, buiMs churchesand school houses. Worcester Spy.


A bright little girl, living atDorchester, was baptized one Sundayrecently. After the ceremony she was takenback to the family pew, where her aunt gaveher a dime to put in the contribution lo$.After receiving the money she changed herposition to the other end of the pew, awayfrom the aisle, and whLsjiered to her aunt: "Ifhe don't come real near I shall keep themoney myself." It is needless to say that thecontribution lox did not come near enough.

Boston Courier.

A Pointer for Tailor.Young James Blank, whose father is among

the millionaires, lounged into a tailor shopsome weeks ago and ordered a suit of clothes.The suit whs sent to the young man's hotel,but of course the tailor got no money for it.A few days ago ns Master James was passingby the tailor shop the bland proprietor hailedhim with a smile:

"Why, Master James," he said, "that coatis horribly wrinkled; come in and we willpress it for you." Unsuspectingly he enteredanil surrendered the coat. Then somethingwas wrong with the vest, and that tx wastaken down stairs for treatment. The tailornext declared that the trousers might be im-

proved ujon. They were given up and theyouth accommodated with a seat in the dress-ing room.

"Now," said the wily tailo.-- , "you will haveto send a messenger loy to your room forAour other clothes, for I am afraid we cannotlet you have this suit again unless vou liqui-date the bill in full."

Young Master James begged hard for hisclothes, but the tailor was inexorable, andmuch to bis disgust he resumed his wintergarments and departed. San Francisco Post.

lie Wasn't Tliat Kind of a Hiiuloo."Ami do yon," said the visitor to the circus

to the swarthy Hindoo in the Mother Hul-bar- d

pants, "do you actually worship yonderwhite elephant i 1 o you heathens go out eachmorning to offer orisons while clusteredaround his feet? Do you actually worshipsuch ungainly animals on the foliaged banksof the sluggish Nilef"

"I'hat's that" inquired the exhibition Hin-doo.

"Do you eh hold these white elephantsas sacred animals in the land tf the lotuseaters

"Be jalrs, an' that's all poppycock to me.I 'hat kind uv guff be yez givm' me Oi amhere for 10 a week an' found, an' whin I fallto payin' me respiets to a runt ilephant yezmay lose all faith in Faddy O'Hura. " ChicagoTelegram.

'i'iii of Kussia.TurgenielT was a philosopher who could

eee the various sources of his country'swoes, and who trusted to the progress ofevents, the growth of intelligence, thesteady development of justice, the unitedeffort of calm, thoughtful individuals fortheir permanent extinction. Monstrousas he believed the government of Russiato be, he had no idea that assassination orany violent means would rectify it. Hefelt sure that the revolution would come,not suddenly and through secret plottingand open bloodshed, but by gradualmeans, by wholesome changes, by theworking together of cause and effect. Thereformation of Kussla is only a questionof time. New York Commercial Adver-tiser.

Davit, the Panorama Piii liter."I think," said Dr. Oeorge F. French,

"that when Theodore U. D avis was makingpictures for Harper's Weekly during thewar he was the most popular man whohad to do with the army. The officers allliked him liked him so well that he al-

ways had a tent to himself at headquar-ters, and the lnst of everything. I remem-ber him as a bright-faced- , merry littlefellow, with a keen eye and a smile andcheery word for everybody. I hadn't seenhim since ls'4 until I met him in Minne-apolis. I noticed him eyeing me closely,and then there was recognition on bothsides he very little older, apparently,than he was twenty two years ago." Pi-

oneer Press "Listener."

Postage St.-- CuIIrctlag.Philately, the euphonious name for the

postage stamp collecting mania, as wellas the new industry the trade in postagestamps it created, are celebrating theirtwenty-tift- h jub'lee this year. It is anerror to suppose that this "passion" hasgradually subsided; in Germany, cer-tainly, it has largely increased within thepast two or three years. A single whole-rti-

dealer in the part of the em-pire impo;ted la.t year no less than.hk.i,kj foreign po-ag- e stamps, represent-ing a weight of kilos. AmericanRegister, Paris.

" I It. C. l;nl.U UEVKSTS THAT ALL HILLS1 3t'aiDst tLe Jubilee Iiirttdjty CcaiK.itfe he

6ut to huu at enre. u::lJrc8

TO LET.PA LA MA - TWO MCE c'dTTAOLS IS P.O-- lVT ell.j Lane, for and r'Ji ier month

Inquire t flyman Iiros., V'leentreet. iis4 tf

Householders, Attention !

Theun'leraiyned will send ,trH unuiuJ the

eity for removing house refuse placed in con-

tainers. OrJers to le left at Lis office, H Ki ug

street, or wiih the drivers. Nominal rites will

be charged.

ST. IT. J3URGESS.Honolulu, I'ereinl.er 2, 1H;. 3:i ileo'J

1 1 All having made au assignment to IIY-- ...IAN Llti tS. for the t.euefit of creditors,

o'; peisons having any claims aj;aiiist xaid '..'.i'Ail, are litrehy notilied to present them withproper vouchers at the otiice of the undersigned,and all persons ovint to said '. AFA1I, or hav-ing 'iy property of his iu their possession, arehereby noiihed to mike paymeutand acfouutingat once to the uudersiued.

II V.MAN" LltOH.Honolulu, November A), hC. 3'Jf,-ja-


Steam Navigation Co.I.I M I'l'K !.

(!S TEAMEli V. G. HALL,, mali; lan 1,1

BATKs ( oniuia ndi

Will run reiruiar.y to Maulmu, Muni, uin Koiiaund Kan, lluvtuii.

S 1' LAM EL lWALANl?KICK KM A N 1'oui main !e

Will run regularly to .Na Xoli u, Kh-ei-

and Waimeii, Kauai.

STEAM KU C. K. LJIrfHOP,M At. 'A I'l.KY .. omni:i:nb r

Will run retjnlarly to Haiuoa. Maiii. and Kukui-lia- il". Jlonokaa and l'a.iuhau. ilawaii.


Will run regularly t' Kanaa. Kauul.

T. K. FOSTKK, Prtsltlt-nt- .

K N A . (:rlar.


Commercial Advertiser;


PK1XTING OFFICEIs prepared to do all kinds o

Commercial & Legal WorkHaving just Roc?ived a Complete arid NewAssortment of

Jul) Types and Oriiaiiiciils

Of tlio Litest StvU-s- . fr ui tl.e must C !'

trated Foundries of tlie United states,and employing only Expfrifiict--

and Tasty Workmen, we areprepared to turn out

I,'lter 1 1 '!Hill llomls.


Slalii.-i- i tH,

Itillo of" I.tt 1 1 . r(outrHtlt,

Morltae It tanks.

Sliiin itt rH'4n,."In Ilt.Aa.ii.il & F.nellfh)

('HleiKtar,Hlauk '!i,-kH- .

Stork Crlili'tlv.Hiiv.Iik'hh CurilH.

Mieclti.5IMK TieKrtt,

Hi nk Check

HCCi lf i.

nnrrlne Ccrl : Iicm t.i Ioiii:t .

Vn t! 1 rtr "

l"ii:tii(u !':Aivl in fai t ovorvthin.: wliicli ;i f.r.'t-cla?- ?

!iic' tlt

X. rUKY & HKOTHEK,AM' l'K.M 1 K 1

TMrOUTH'.s aiiid I'i ?..!- -, "inelrf ster,Keiin.dv and Martin M n '..i?ii Ititlet. Kennrgton. sharps an I HalK.rd si . .nine l:!i!.. Acentsf. r ". V. i;ri-fii- i r. ".:: Parker and l:. niit:cton

Ix.nh'e uiiih. Y.lt and smithWesson rM..!s. X.( l lillV I'.ItO., 113 San-sot- u-

street. Sail Frar.'-isff- t al. IS-l- y

FRANK CRTZ,importer m MaiirJcCtiirerJ

Of all I s.T:'ia-!t- ! of

SCOTS & SHOESty rd'-- rnn the other 1 s'ands so'.icit-i'.- .

Sit. 114 l ort St.. Honolulu.6J-tf-




H onoliilu

J'.i. t.f vi :i

owest Al'nvket Tates.

ami II Queen Slrci, Honolulu.

juure Kim

W. T. Y. SC1IKNCK,feri2tl ST: San Kranelsrn. Cal

LIXCOI.X, 1886.

- JrJoilollilu,Mutual Tclilione X. r,.

& CO.,


Housekeeping Goods.

ana1 blieet Iron Work




PEACOCK.3TJ lelepttoueH o. 46


Directory of HonoluluKK W ITU

Win. i Irwin & Co



j j;Urr-ls- ,

Barrel).And Boxes.


fi ,la,f ,jarrtiLsAm. om. noxeS.

In Boxes.

(u)LlKN C. iC'OFFK.E,; In Half Barrels

And Boxes.


KAMI L Y I. A C N 1 UT .


Citsc Corned IJccIAND

I.IIIK'll ToillfllCM.

FJonr.KA5III.V '.'..i quarter sacks),

11 A KKK'S K XT II A (ii na!f Racks)

(s .Medium lread.

Lubricating Oils.

Lime ami Cement.

ilt:tiiizc! orruHlcl Iron Koofiii-

a. C, 7, 8, i, 10-fo- lengths.


Coi'd.iiicManila ami i.al, I'aiiana Tvitie, VhaI Liu

Ut'ed's Felt Steam Fine

ami lioiler Covering.

I't . TKNT'W, fHiiititbie f.rcani-i:ik- T

iin-- surveir part"?.2 j



lI.imitfHl .

Keep constantly on hand, for sale, STEAM,

S"THf,'AL'iUjJh 1


Will be Sold at the I

M:. "W. McChesney & Son,ly 42

k EUREKA," "PAKACION" AM) " RED CROSS"Col Ion Itnlilicr Unctl

FIRE H OS JO,Ituhher Hose Ilose ( arts, H. an.i I.. Tru. ks und Fire Hepiirtnien t supplies generallyl aokiiiB, Rubber 1'ueklnK, eto., etc. Send for c ireulers and prices.

3fi I'alifornia street. M4

i!876. GEO. W.

BUILDER.75 find 77 Kiiip-- Street,

lie II Tclotlioiif o. 2T.".


I.tmi to.1

STEAMER KINAU,il.drt nzeii. Cuniniaiun ri

11 iniii h hit t.ill-.'wl- i j; ,

toiK-liin- at Maala.'a, .Vakrna. .Marin- -

k.ma Kauallun-I.:nimii..cl1(.-- . Hilo ami Kfaini.u: i

O.mnu-n.MUt- ; on MoXIA V. July . a,li , M.m.ii.vi.t 4 ii. nL.ttic Kiiuui

will make tlie VOLCANO TUII'. rencniutf Keau- -

Wednesday morning. ni re iwrIn, ii onrarrias. s are in whitini to conv. y piisst-iiitiT- to i

the VOLCANO I ! Ill's K (ti ve mil. s in the saddle

a";Lss"n o""; Msn Will two .lay, '

VOI.I ANO. FIFI m.M,l..ili, i

Al l. CIIAUOKS.The Kinau will iirriv.- - in Honolulu Sunday

Voleano trips. On M .lo trij-s- , willleave Hoiiolm1. on Tuesdays, ami return Saturdayniorninc.

PASSKNOKK TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WII.I. TOl'CH Ml Jtonokaia andPHUiiliau on down trips from Hi'o tr I'assepiiersif a signal is made from the sliore.

STEAMER LIKE LIKE.l'avix. ComniRMoei ;.

Ueuves ilnnolr.lu every Monday at r, p. m. torlC.unHk;ikii. Kaliulni, Ilutlo. llaini and

Kipaliulu. every week: Kt uiiae, Mokulau and Nuneverv other vi eek. Heturnin:, will st'l at tlie:above ports, i rrivini; a-- Saturday mornings.

For mails and piissengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Cameron. Commander.,

Will leave r. cula;-l- f r I.ahatnu. Paautian. e.

Ookala. Knkaiau, HouoImiih, I.a'ipalioe-hoc- .

KaVftlaU and Onom-- a

STKAMElTLEHUA,iClark, Commanderi

Will W ive regularly for since roits ns KilaueaHon.

STEAMER MOKOLILi McGregor, ( onimanderi.

Leaves for tl.e follnwins ports every alternateMondav at 5 p. m.:

C'ommnicine Apeust 2 To I.araf, K amalo. I'i-ko- o

Labaina. Oiowalu. Petnrnii L-- to I.ahaina.I'nkoo. Kanialo. I.anui, arrivinK i't Honolulu at- -

..ii :n5'.iirust 9 To fCauiiuVn kai. K im.i- -

In. TuW..' . llaUwn. ailau. ivi.-ku'iu- . Kalaupapsto I'likoo. I fit .aiua. '1' aiu. I ahaina

i'nkoo. Kamalo. Kaunakakai. arriviim at Honolulu Saturday niorninc.

The Company will not he responsible lorany freight or pa kaees unless roreipte.l for, norfor personal hagtraite nr.K-s- s plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed In

harse of the Purser.Al' possible rare will be taken of l ive stork, but

the Company wd! not assume any risk of accident.sAM'I. O WII.PV.K. Tresident-s- .

B. KU-- K. secretary.OFFICF Corner Fort and ijneen


- tr Mar .If

Active Aiionts WantedF.,r the rew e litio:. of I.IT'K AV.Y "Y roFTV.YAND SON:," I v WiHiam 'll.ri l;rya!.f. Thecream of se-ti- br. nailed vo'.uiac- - a library in

J.imio ice selection: l:t,o.u"' quotations.The I iri.-e.-- t.

Moot Complete ami IlcstAlso, airents wanted for Pr. John Lord's fa-

il', mis work. "The l'ac.m I.lcl.ts nf History."one of the verv best atni most tnterestib histor-ical works ever ed. cohii in f.ve vol-mt- !f,

iu plain cloth and fine bialin's. Also.I'ntur.s in I'alestine." "The Story of .lesu."

illustrated with one hundred full-pat- e plates.and numerous other beautiful designs andstudies from the Holy I and.

For circnltrs. terms and full pp.rticr.lars ad-


v . EOfAX,I'.oukM Her anil I'uMKlier,


W Sutter street. sa I ratici-ico- Cul. LiT tf


LiaiTiloer and Coal,Doors, sa,l, and Blinds. All kinds ,f II I' I I.I K f IS' If a K I AVA I: K, I'ain ts. Oil,, ;, MattingCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement: S'J'FFI. NAJI.s, ,,,, superior to Iron, and ros, ,IIUf

J O I--I .

Stoves, Iliintes ;hi

. r?' tn"i"g- - in? ( opjiee

top related