1 at what meeting were the great compromise & the 3/5 compromise agreed upon and written into an...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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1At what meeting were The Great Compromise& the 3/5 Compromise agreed upon

and written into an important U.S.


A. First Continental Congress

B. Constitutional Convention

2 In what speech did George Washington

encouraged the U.S. to remain neutral and form “no entangling


A. Farewell Address

B. Inaugural Speech

3Proposed by 2/3

of Congress

Ratified by 3/4 of the State


What process is described here?

A. Amendment Process

B. Representation

4 Marbury vs Madison established…

A. The Supreme Court

B. Judicial Review

5 Which colonial group worked against

ratification of the Constitution unless a

Bill of Rights was added to it?

A. Federalists

B. Anti-Federalists


happened in 1803?

A. Louisiana Purchase

B. The Constitution was written

7 Who led the reform movement to improve

conditions for the mentally ill and


A. Susan B. Anthony

B. Dorthea Dix

8 Who led the movement to

improve public education?

A. Horace Mann

B. Henry David Thoreau

9 What law established a procedure for

adding new territories and states to the United States?

A. Northwest Ordinance of 1787

B. Manifest Destiny

10 What is the phrase used for the belief that the United States had the God-given right to

control all land between the Atlantic and the

Pacific Oceans?

A. Manifest Destiny

B. Westward Expansion

11 What event showed that settlers could not be stopped from settling

west of the Appalachian Mountains.

A. Bacon’s Rebellion

B. Shay’s Rebellion

12 Which war with Britain was over British seizure of

American ships and sailors and interference with our

“freedom of the seas”. Washington, DC was burned

and The Star Spangled Banner was written.

A. War of 1812

B. American Revolution

13 The forced migration of Native Americans to the Indian Territory

(now Oklahoma) during Andrew

Jackson’s administration was

called the…

A. Cherokee Camp Out

B. Trail of Tears

14 The economic system in the U.S. that was encouraged

by Alexander Hamilton.It includes economic choice,

competition, profit motive, and limited government


A. Free Enterprise

B. Supply and Demand

15Manufactured goods


Wine & Fruit




r & M



Trade routes followed by merchants in the exchange of goods

and services between Europe, Africa and the


A. Triangular Trade

B. The Middle Passage

16 Tax on imports and exports; the

Constitution forbids these kind of taxes on exports from the U.S.

is called…

A. Tariff or Customs Duty

B. Protective Tariff

17 An economic system in which the “Mother

Country” gets cheap raw materials from its

colonies and then sells the manufactured goods back to the colonies at a

higher price.

A. Mercantilism

B. Abolitionism

18 Date the Declaration of Independence was

written and signed in Philadelphia by delegates to the

Second Continental Congress.

A. 1787

B. 1776

19 Passed in 1689 in England, this

document guaranteed English citizens

certain rights and was used as a model for

the U.S. Bill of Rights.

A. Magna Carta

B. English Bill of Rights

20 • Consists of the first ten (10) amendments to the Constitution. •Protect individual rights such as free speech, freedom of the press, and jury trials. •These amendments were addedto the Constitution to calm Anti-Federalist

fears that the Constitution did not do enough to protect individual rights

A. Declaration of Independence

B. Bill of Rights

21 •The first written plan of government for United States. Created a weak confederation of 13 independent states. •Weaknesses included: difficulty in passing laws which required approval of 13 states; no president; no power to tax; and no national court.

A. U.S. Constitution

B. Articles of Confederation

22 What said the U.S. would not allow more

European colonization in North or South America

and that we would consider European interference in the

Western Hemisphere an act against the U.S.

A. Manifest Destiny

B. The Monroe Doctrine

23 A series of essays written by

Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe and John Jay to support

ratification of the Constitution were

called the...

A. Federalist Papers

B. Mayflower Compact


House of Representatives Senate



New Jersey

What agreement at the Constitutional Convention combined the New Jersey and Virginia plans so that the legislature consists of two houses -- the Senate

and the House of Representatives.

A. The Great Compromise

B. The Albany Plan

25 The agreement that each 5 slaves would

count as 3 white people for the purpose

of representation in Congress.

A. The Great Compromise

B. The 3/5 Compromise

26 Why was the Battle of Saratoga called the turning point of the

American Revolution?

A. The French decided to help the U.S.

B. The British surrendered

27 “The Shot Heard Round the World”

refers to shots fired at…

A. Lexington & Concord

B. Fort Sumter

28 Treaty in which Britain recognized American

independence. Was negotiated by Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams and gave the

United States all of the land east of the Mississippi River

A. Treaty of Paris of 1783

B. Treaty of Ghent of 1763

29 Militiamen who claimed they could

be dressed and ready to fight with 60 seconds notice.

A. Minutemen

B. Continental Soldiers

30 Declared the American colonies separate from England; “All men are

created equal…and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable


A. U.S. Constitution

B. Declaration of Independence

31 This man wrote a pamphlet promoting the ideas of the American

Revolution called “Common Sense” and

said “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

A. Thomas Paine

B. Patrick Henry

32 This phrase became a rallying cry for colonists

who wanted representation in


This is terrible!

A. “Give me liberty or give me death.”

B. “No taxation without representation.”

33 The “mother country” for the 13 colonies; country we fought against for the

independence of the United States.

A. England, Great Britain, or Britain

B. America

34 A colonist who supported the fight for

independence from Great Britain was

called a…

A. Patriot

B. Loyalist

35 Original east coast areas settled by

England beginning in 1607 that became the

original 13 states.

A. 13 colonies

B. Jamestown, Virginia


Leader of the Sons of Liberty in Boston

A. Samuel Adams

B. John Adams

37 Most important thing Thomas Jefferson did


A. Writing the Declaration of Independence

B. Louisiana Purchase

38President of the

Confederate States of America

A. Jefferson Davis

B. Abraham Lincoln

39General Lee

surrendered to General Grant at …

A. Appomattox Court House

B. Vicksburg

40President of the Union during the Civil War. His main goal was to preserve the Union

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Ulysses S. Grant

41 freed the slaves in the “states in open

rebellion against the United States” (the


A. Emancipation Proclamation

B. The Monroe Doctrine

42 First battle of the Civil War. The Yankees

were so frightened by the Rebel yell that they

turned and ran.

A. Bull Run

B. Bunker Hill

43To leave or

withdraw from the Union

A. Secede

B. Ratify

44Commanding General of the Union army and later

became the 18th president

A. Robert E. Lee

B. Ulysses S. Grant

45 What is significant about the dates 1861 – 1865?

A. Civil War

B. Mexican War

46 What is it called when people move to the

cities to take advantage of living

and job opportunities there?

A. City Life

B. Urbanization



Colonial Period

American Revolution

The New Republic

Westward Expansion

Civil War


A historic period identified by some prominent figure or


A. Era

B. Frame of Reference

48 That’s not what happened!

Is too! I was there! The perspective from

which a person views historical or current issues and events.

A. Frame of Reference

B. Point of View

49My kid is

much smarter than hers!

Slanted coverage or one-sided information

about an event; prejudiced information.

A. Bias

B. Point of View

50 Would a textbook or encyclopedia be an

example of a primary or secondary source?

A. Primary Source

B. Secondary Source


Madison Papers

What is an original document, artifact, picture, journal, cartoon or a record from a person who actually

participated in the event called?

A. Primary Source

B. Documentary

52 A revival of religious feeling and belief which led people to think about

their eternal salvation and led to the reform


A. First and Second Great Awakenings

B. The Enlightenment

53 To declare something to be without power or

effect; to disregard the power of something as in

the Nullification Crisis.

A. Nullify

B. Repeal

54Invented the Cotton Gin

and Interchangeable parts which enabled faster and

cheaper production.

A. Eli Whitney

B. Industrial Revolution

55 Movement that spread the idea that knowledge,

reason, and science could improve society. Led to an

increased interest in science in America.

A. The Enlightenment

B. The Second Great Awakening

56 Government in which leaders rule

without any restrictions such as

a dictatorship

A. Democracy

B. Unlimited Government


Life, Liberty and the

pursuit of Happiness

Rights that cannot be taken away or

surrendered without due process.

A. Unalienable Rights

B. Civil Rights

58 Type of government where some control is placed on leadership’s


A. Monarchy

B. Limited Government


The right to vote

A. Suffrage

B. Ratification


To officially approve.

A. Ratify

B. Veto

61 What was the large area of land that the U.S. got from Mexico

after the Mexican War called?

A. Mexican Cession

B. New Mexico Territory

62 At Seneca Falls in 1848, The Declaration

of Sentiments was established by what reform movement


A. Women’s Rights

B. Abolitionists

63 During Jackson’s administration this law removed Indians from their lands east of the

Mississippi River because whites

wanted their land.

A. Indian Removal Act

B. Trail of Tears


“…right to a trial; by jury of your peers.”

Signed in England in 1215, this document first limited the kings

power and established trial by jury.

A. Magna Carta

B. Articles of Confederation

65 What document first outlined the principles

of “rule-of-law” or self-government for colonists in 1620.

A. Mayflower Compact

B. The Declaration of Independence

66 The high taxes on imports are

sure helping us!

But you’re killing us!!

A high “Protective Tariff” helped industry in the North but hurt the South by making

foreign goods …

A. Easier to get

B. More expensive

67 The year delegates met in Philadelphia to revise the

Articles of Confederation and ended up writing a new plan of government for the United

States called the Constitution

A. 1787

B. 1776

68 •Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses•Said “…give me liberty, or give me death!” and “If this be treason, then make the most of it”•Was an Anti-federalist who opposed ratification of the Constitution

A. Nathan Hale

B. Patrick Henry

69Colonists who were against the fight for independence from Great Britain were…

A. Patriots

B. Loyalist

70 ?


What were the first and last battles of the

American Revolution?

A. Bunker Hill and Yorktown

B. Lexington and Yorktown

71 A war fought in the colonies between

France and England that was very costly to

Britain and led to “taxation without representation.”

A. French and Indian War

B. War of 1812

72 Things having to do with the countryside or living

in the country are referred to as…

A. Rural

B. Deurbanization

73 Leader of the Continental Army during the

Revolution; President of the Constitutional

Convention and the first President of U.S.

A. George Washington

B. John Hancock

74In 1619, what was the

first representative government in the


A. Virginia House of Burgesses

B. Constitutional Congress

75 Separatists who journeyed to the

colonies in 1620 for religious freedom.

A. Pilgrims

B. Settlers

76 •Colonial leader in Philadelphia•representative to France during the Revolution•Peacemaker who brought common sense to the Constitutional Convention•well respected and trusted•scientist and inventor

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. Benjamin Franklin


What is Parliament?

A. England’s legislature

B. First Representative Government

78 What doFrederick Douglas

William Lloyd GarrisonSojourner TruthHarriett TubmanJohn Brown &

The Grimke Sistershave in common?

A. They were all abolitionists

B. They were all escaped slaves

79The first shots of the

Civil War were fired by the South at…

A. Fort Sumter

B. Bull Run

80 an abolitionist case in which a slave sued for his freedom and was denied that freedom because he did not have the rights of citizens to sue in court. It further stated that slaves

were property, not citizens.

A. Dred Scott vs Sanford

B. Marbury vs Madison

81 Which 3 Amendments are known as the Reconstruction

Amendments and freed the slaves,

made them citizens and gave them the right to


A. 1st, 2nd and 3rd

B. 13th, 14th, and 15th


Commanding General of the Confederate army

A. Ulysses S. Grant

B. Robert E. Lee

83 What U.S. Document lists the grievances, or

complaints, that the colonists had toward the

King of England?

A. U.S. Constitution

B. Declaration of Independence

84People who settle

and live in a colony

A. Mountain Men

B. Colonist

85 The process of creating commercial industry

including heavy industry such as steel

A. Industrialization

B. Urbanization


A government headed by a king or queen.

A. Dictatorship

B. Monarchy

87 What issues led to the Civil War?

A. slaveryB. states’ rightsC. economic and sectional differences

D. All of the above between the North and the South.

88 Which political group was led by Alexander Hamilton

and supported ratification of the Constitution, factories, a national bank, and a strong central government run by

the rich and well educated.

A. Federalists

B. Democratic-Republicans

89What one thing is

Thomas Jefferson most often remembered for?

A. Wrote the Declaration of Independence

B. Louisiana Purchase

90 Wash your Adam’s apple so

Jeff doesn’t get mad on Monday!

You queen Jackbooty!

A. Adams, Madison, Jackson

B. Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson

Who were the




presidents of the United States?


A. Checks and Balances

B. Separation of Powers

government powers are divided between

three branches of government to keep any one branch from

getting too much power


A. Urban

B. Suburban

Smaller community located near a city


A. George III

B. James II

British king during American Revolution


A. Physical Features

B. Frame of Reference

Geographic features found in nature such as mountains and lakes.


A. Illegal

B. Unconstitutional

Law that goes against the Constitution.


A. Foreign Affairs

B. Colony

An area that is ruled by another country.


A. Pirates

B. Blockade

When goods are prevented from going into or out of an area

(usually by naval ships)


A. Major Principles of the Constitution

B. Declaration of Sentiments

federalism popular sovereignty limited government

individual rights separation of powers

checks & balances


99 Fundamental Orders of




A. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

B. Mayflower Compact

First constitution, or written plan of government, in America 1639.


A. Internal Improvements

B. Underground Railroad

Series of escape routes for run away



A. Territories acquired after 1810

B. Trails followed by settlers moving west

California Mormon

Oregon Santa Fe


A. Mechanical Reaper

B. Interchangeable Parts

Machine that made harvesting crops easier

and cheaper.


A. Women’s Rights

B. Suffrage

Reform movement to get women the right to vote, have property, practice medicine &

law, and keep wages. Leaders were Susan B.

Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, &

Lucretia Mott


A. Kansas-Nebraska Act

B. Compromise of 1850

Law that led to “Bleeding Kansas” conflict between

proslavery and anti-slavery people in




A. Missouri Compromise & Compromise of 1850

B. Alien and Sedition Acts

Laws that tried to preserved the balance of power in Congress

between slave and free states.


A. Protective Tariffs

B. Embargo Act of 1807

Restricted American trade

with other countries.


A. Lewis and Clark

B. Zebulon Pike

First explored the Louisiana Territory

for President Jefferson.


A. Impeach

B. Blockade

The process of accusing a

government official of wrongdoing.


A. Whiskey Rebellion

B. Shay’s Rebellion

Uprising in 1787 by farmers in

Massachusetts over federal taxes they could not afford to



A. Bacon’s Rebellion

B. Whiskey Rebellion

1794 protest by farmers in western Pennsylvania over federal taxes on distilled spirits.


A. Temperance Movement

B. Abolitionist Movement

Reform movement by people who thought that drinking alcohol

was wrong.


A. Division of Power

B. Sectionalism

When regions of the country place their own interests above those of the

country as a whole. Led to

tension between North and South.


A. Triangular Trade

B. Middle Passage

Journey of Africans from Africa to America to be sold as slaves.


A. Wilmot Proviso

B. Mexican Cession

1846 proposal that would ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico after the

Mexican War.

115 Remember the ladies.

A. Martha Adams

B. Abigail Adams

One of the first women’s rights

activists. Wife of President John

Adams and mother of John Quincy



A. Gadsden Purchase

B. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Land purchased in 1853 from Mexico that

completed the present-day borders

of the continental U.S.


A. Adams-Onis Treaty

B. Treaty of Ghent

In what treaty did Spain give Florida to the United States?


A. Fugitive Slave Act

B. Alien and Sedition Acts

Laws that placed restrictions on

immigrants in the country and restricted

freedom of speech and freedom of the press of

American citizens.


A. Executive Branch

B. Legislative Branch

The House of Representatives and Senate; the branch of the government that

makes the laws.


A. Democracy

B. Monarchy

A system of government that

gives power to the people.


A. Political Party

B. Suburbanites

Group of people that supports a candidate

running for a government position.


A. International

B. Domestic

Having to do with one’s own homeland.


A. Regions

B. Physical Features

An area of land where many things

are the same.


A. Import

B. Export

Goods bought from sellers in other



A. Import

B. Export

Goods sold to buyers outside the



A. Valley Forge

B. Yorktown

Winter camp in 1777 -1778 of

General Washington and the American army where troops did not have proper



A. Old North Bridge

B. Bunker Hill

First official battle of the American

Revolution; “Don’t fire till you see the whites

of their eyes.”


A. Olive Branch Petition

B. Declaration of Independence

Last attempt by colonists to avoid war

with England. King George ignored the


129 A colonist who supported the fight for

independence from Great Britain was

called a…

A. Patriot

B. Loyalist


A. Jamestown, Virginia

B. Plymouth, Massachusetts

First permanent English settlement

in America.


A. Fredrick Douglas

B. Harriett Beecher Stowe

Author of Uncle Toms Cabin, a novel that

depicts the cruelties of slavery; it increased

antislavery sentiment in the north.


A. Consent of the Governed

B. Monarchy

The citizens get to approve bills either

personally or through representation before

they become law.


A. Domestic

B. International

Involving other countries.


A. Citizens

B. Alien

A person who owes loyalty to and is entitled

to the protection of a state or nation.


A. Popular Sovereignty

B. Individual Rights

Personal liberties guaranteed by the Bill

of Rights.


A. Federalism

B. Republicanism

A system of sharing power between the

states and the national



A. Separation of Powers

B. Checks and Balances

Each of three branches of

government limits the power of the



A. Republicanism

B. Checks and Balances

The idea that government should be based on the consent

of the governed.


A. Veto

B. Impeach

Power of the President to reject a bill passed

by Congress.


A. Supreme Court

B. Executive Branch

Branch of the government that

includes the president and his cabinet. This branch enforces the



A. Executive Branch

B. Judicial Branch

Branch of the federal government

that includes the Supreme Court and decides if laws are



A. Representative Government

B. Dictatorship

A government in which the people pick people

to represent them.


A. 1787

B. 1776

In what year was the U.S. Constitution



A. Violent abolitionists who led slave rebellions

B. Authors who wrote about ending slavery

What did John Brown and Nat Turner have in common? They were



A. Taxes

B. Popular Sovereignty

The money citizens must pay to the



A. Triangular Trade

B. The Columbian Exchange

The movement of plants, foods and

diseases between the New World and Europe.


A. Urban

B. Rural

Having to do with the city.


A. Popular Sovereignty

B. Monarchy

A government in which the people have the

final authority or power.

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