1 china food eva and crystal

Post on 13-Aug-2015






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Eva and Crystal

Teacher:Miss. Dot

1. China covers a large territory and has many nationalities.

2 There is a wide variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic flavours.

3 Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, such as Beijing and Shanghai

• It onsists of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine• It is clear, pure, not greasy, fresh and crisp• Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings • There are lots of soups • Deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying are methods used for



• It is also called Huaiyang Cuisine.• It is popular in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. • Aquatics are the main ingredients.• It uses fresh materials.• It uses melon carving techniques.• Cooking methods include stewing, braising, roasting, and

simmering. • It has light, fresh, sweet flavours.• It is not too spicy and not too bland.• The cuisine also varies throughout the year.


• It is light, crisp and fresh.• It usually chooses raptors and beasts to produce original

dishes.• Roasting, stir-frying, deep-frying, braising, stewing and

steaming are the main cooking methods.• It is beautifully presented.


• It is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world• It is spicy.• It uses a lot of chilli, pepper, garlic, ginger and fermented

soybeans.• Wild vegetables and animals are cooked. • Cooking methods include frying, frying without oil, pickling and



浙菜Zhejiang Cuisine

• 东坡肉是杭州名菜,用猪肉炖制而成( Soysauced dongpo pork is a Hangzhou dish, made from pork)

• 创制于徐州( Created in Xuzhou)

• 完善于黄州( Perfected in Huanzhou)

• 名扬于徐州( Famous in Hangzhou)

东坡肉👆Soysauced dongpo pork

闽菜Fujian Cuisine

佛跳墙👆Buddha jumps over the wall

佛跳墙是福建福州的汉族名菜,属闽菜系 Buddha jumps over the wall is a famous Han Chinese dish

佛跳墙富含营养,可促进发育,美容,延缓衰老,增强免疫力 (It is rich in nutrition, can promote beauty and anti-aging, and help immunity to diseases)

湘菜Hunan Cuisine


Double taste pepper fish head

•双味剁椒鱼头是用主料草鱼鱼头辅料剁椒酱、香辣酱、葵花籽仁、葱姜蒜、料酒制作而成的一道菜。( Double taste pepper fish head is the main ingredient, with grass, carp fish head, chilli sauce, sweet chili sauce, sunflower seed kernels, onions, ginger, and rice wine )

徽菜Anhui Cuisine

• 拔丝芋头是一道安徽的汉族传统名菜(Wire drawing taro is a traditional Han Chinese traditional dish in Anhui )

• 芋头营养价值高,富含蛋白质、钙、磷、铁、钾、镁、钠、胡萝卜素、烟酸、维生素 C 、 B 族维生素、皂角甙等多种成分,有益胃、宽肠、通便、解毒、补中益肝肾、消肿止痛、益胃健脾、散结、调节中气、化痰、添精益髓等功效

拔丝芋头👆Wire drawing taro

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