1 coal - digifind-it.com · boys' w ais'fs and blouses of the best percnl li ; only abon...

Post on 13-Jun-2019






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Bas the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Pilblished in Union County. �-========�====================================================�==========�=== VOL. XX. NO. �U WESTFIELD, UNION COllNTY, N. ]., FRIDA�. MAY 6, 1,04, $1.50 Per Year Sinrle Copy 3c.

,. BEE HIVE:' New Jeraey's Shopping Centre. NEWARK.

Boys' Clothing •• A Very Great Fall in Prices. This is a famous Sale and

Backward-season Sale prestige; for all tue boy family, from Lhe and every item wewill tell ·

al in more ways than ··

YOUNG oht1viots ; coats fitting collar, tul' ll · ll [l :lO; iu . ·

brown ovo

allll close-fi chis sale, at

. . . . . _ . .

BOYS' l•'A of i ilien.ci ·itah; in tan, with co'i1trasti'ug ·a tripes nnd some· white pique 15 ; vnlnea from *1.50 to $2. All to go at

lillie, lirown and vt'sts, sizes 8 to

g8c UT'l'LE BOYS' SUI'fS iu sailor and Russian st1les, of all·

wool serl{o ; 11x rows bmid on collar, em bro iderv on shields : sailors in sizes 4 to 10 yean, Rasaiun 3 to 6 years, ail trousers liuell and seams taped ; at $2.97

BOYS' SUITS. Just'tlre style�, jtrst the·m�terialB, just. u,• shatleb yon want-double breasted and Nod olks, of oll-"ool cheviot• in light and DJellinm gray; taped seams anu well made in every other wny; sizes 8 to Hi ; you seldom l>ought better suit11 at t•l.OO. Iu this sale at :112�98

BOYS' W AIS'fS AND BLOUSES of the best percnl�li ; only abon t 150 left, uud they'll go in n hurry at the•e prices :

50c. blouses lllld waists, sizes 2 to 12, except 10, at :85C .1.00 blr•usee nud waists, sizes 6 to 12, ut 50C

BOY!" KNEE 'fROUSJ<JRS of cr1ssimeres and cheviots, in light und the populur meclium shudes; luped eeams and pnteut bands ; sizes .1, to L6 J'eurs ; they nre the iiOc: q anlity, and the 300 pairs we h:�ve will go quickly ut ;J9C

No BI'Unch

Stores. L. 8. Plaut &. Co. 707 to 7:11 Broad St., Newark.

Mnil Orders.

"'m"'"''"'""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"''"'"'"'""''"'"'"'"'"'"'"' � TUTTLE BROS. 1-

1 Coal � Lumber. I . 1 Yards-Westfield avenue, LoT\'tl�f4t;'lfE

+ �prlng and Broad Sts., Westfield. • *"'"'"''�""'"�'�'"'�"""'"�'�·�·�·�·'"�'�'�"" .. """

.Good Health in the Home

deper1ds largely ou its Snnitnr.v equipment. :E1·ery precaution should be tnkeu to have the B"throom nucl other Plu mbing us tho1·oughly suni· tun· und modern us the art of flue Plti111biug will permit. .Tho uec


�tattd.ard .. .JJat�.s And One•Pieu Lavatories insm·es the most srmit�ry fixtnr·es mnde. 'l'here is not 11 cmck Ol' e•·evice in the ';$tu.._.. one·pieco .Lavatory. '!'he entire Hxtme is cast iu one piece tlrns obvinting t-he nu1ny objcctiotiRble f�l\tnres of ruurule Wll&h stnuds.

We c•.n gil·e you excellent service uud will meot your• highest ex. peotions if the work of hut11lling these goo1la is left tr> us in remodeling your· present Btlthroolll ot' putting in 11 now one.

1868--MAHLON H. FERRIS--1904


''\�);; > . \ ,

TIK ROOFING Eto •4f'-1 '•)' '! . . '. ' '·1 .. •

36th Ye�r iat .Old .Stand. Weat�!eld, IS� J. l \-!:•,l· 'F.� '!!; : y_'i

Telephone �U-)J, 'i

THIEVES SECURE S 1600. lll -�-" f! •• I UN Ho II 'I' II A I' 1. VI'

"' I•! S'l'l·'lt! 1, U Jtl-! l'fl'l'. UjHorMint' l·!t\1• l.uucll Whllt! 'l'hh•n,.

Jlulw nn· With llnouln·ll· .... IJullHh

of lluih'mtel'!ll .. ttolt�)·, • In the very early· boura of Snn<lay

mor11iug the Westfield depot was robbed of oeKrly ft50Q in CIIsb. Oper"tor F. D C•nlgg had become buugry 11nd locked up th� office between trains to enJoy ,. fift.,eu mluut" luuch at Alk"u·a r••t•u· runt, nearby . It was during thl• shurt nlJseuce of th6 operator that oue or zuoz·a thi6Ves ;ffected ••u eutrauce to tbe t>ckMt oftic� a tal fvrc�tl open tbe money t.lrawet·, takiug �very dollar iu sight aud waking good their esc:•pe.

Operator IJarrigg"• first kuowieclge of the lmrglary was when he returued and fonud the money dt·awors on the !loot· of ·,ht> ticket office and p"pors und tickets scattere<l ubout by the hurried worlt of the thieveB, wbo must have h11d k!lowl· edge of the woV•mentS Of tbe oper atOI:. '' Uunigg nt once telellraphed. up MUd down the line auLi to the main office in 'Jersey City, Informing lhe olll.cjal� of ,, ·the robbery. Early Sunday moruing Chief Dotective Dougherty aml se1·erul !.&si3titnt!i we1;e iu "\\�esttleld, eudeavot·· lug to get a clue to the robbery.

Suspicion fell upon Tim lllcC arty uu<l ,Jaclt McGilvray, two local imckmeuwbo were with C .. rrigg bEfore aod after tbo t•ol>bery. Tuesday afteruoon McCarty ami lllcGii.-ruy were ut•restecl hy Chief of Police O'Neill aml Deteeti ve Dongh. erty atHI taken before Judge 1'oucey. H;�th prisoners plead not guilty to the churge of being iwplic.•ted in the robbery. 1'hg Jttdge, however, sent the men to Ellz"beth iu defanlt of fi5UO bail.

ltbc �ltl Counctl anti the 1lc\\' connell. The old Council has put in a year of faithful sezvice to the Town of Westfield. The· new

Council has an equally hard year �dore it. The retirin!l CCJuncil were Anson F. Grant, Councilman-at-Large; A. L. Alpers, G. B. Dickerson,

A. N. Pierson, C. F. W. Wittke; A. L;· Russell, F. S. Smith, E. C. Winter and C. D. Loue. The members of the present board arc: Randolph Perkins, Councilman-at-Large; A. L. Alpers, H.

When the time·comes it is said th•t McCarty uo<i �lci.Hivray will Ud 11lole to prove that they were uot in the iea•t iln· plicated io the ro b ry and only left tu1• u for a two <lays' rocr.,,.tlou iu Ne\vark. 1'he hackmen arrested are well known

G. Mooney, Patrick Traynor, C. F. W. Wittke, G. E. Richardson, Frank Brunner, J, M. Lcdley ancl F. A. Settlemayer. •••••••

NEW COUNCIL ·ORGANIZES TWELVE APPOINTMENTS about WestiMd and tbey lt>t_ve wauy .111.\IH! I'Jtt!P,\R.\'fiU:\'S I'OH PltU• iTO BE MADE. frieude Wbn believe in their Innocence.

A hearing will be given McCarty and &lcGilvray next I.Iorday,

--------�·�····- ·--

taU!!>ISI\'t! WORK .ll.\'1'\" 'l'l!IUIS Ill' uj:•j•it:'t: W!I;J,

In ]lana�muelll of I,OcHI A.Jiith!li•• t:.XPIHJ: .JI.:N'I� t. ConuniUce� .\Jttuthtted atnd arc atl , ---· -


\\"uri;: •• • Uurot• l'ct•kiu� _l�n��cnted 1 Trt>a."nrer, �et•ut'dt"l' JUHI �·�"·.•J·, \\"ith Jltuut�omo Jlo•(nct of Jto�e:oo, ner, .�mmur the lmporhtn�.

· No Time to Bel\d Now. 1 Marquis Ito. the Jilt>anese statesmaD. Is descriiJerl as an Indefatigable read­el', ot .European and America·n litera-:· ture. · He rearts not only the standard· workl. but th., .l)eW publications · and the current i>et·foriicals of both hemi-.

·are: devoured. He reads Ger-:Engllsh and Chinese as

""''"'' ···''· _,, .. his own language. Uch,rc•l Notice of \\'oman'"' Club. Ou Mouday afternoon, April 2�. the

Wouum·o Club held its last meeting fur thi• .. e••lun. The President, Mro. J. W.

, Bttrr, was in the ctutir, and tt. IRrge num

�"""'"'"""·''"" �.CIIMUllliCU (O giVe fiVe tl) Now, per­

"'"'"''r;hlf<iPrl·to CUt SOOrt.

I.Jer wert' preseu t 'J'bo .libral'Y committee reporteu th•t

$00 50 had boeu realized thus far from the proceeds of the recent entertaiomsut "Love an<l 'Vhlst." After tr ansacting club business, the only paper of ths afternoon. "l'hR Influence of Nihilism

on this Country. ·• was read by Mrs. Salter Storrs Clark. The members then lllul the pleasure of heal"ing I.liss Edith l\loouey �lug . Her clear Rllll sweet so­prauo voice was most pieasing, an<l in red!JOnEe to hearty applause Miss 1\loouey gaye a second selection .

At the couclusiuu of the regular meet· iug the annual meeting took p:ace. 'l'he tt·easurer's nuuu ai report showed all obligations met au<l 11 comfortable bal· auce in the treasury. '!'he correspond· lug sacretary's report gave the member· shir• of the club as 100 with a waiting list. 'l'he report of the recording secre· t•ry made it evident that great progress had befln made during the past year in the various li•Jes of work, 111td that the cinb was in a stron�t, vigorons condition to sbu·t another year's work in the f111l.

Before proceeding to the election of tho new cftlcers of tbtt club for the c llll·

8Hturday night the u�•v "l'owu Conucil wet ,.,,d organize<!. The orgMn lz .. tiou took ph•ce imwe<liaieiy after the old Council retired uftet· tbe compietiou of their year"• work.


A vase of handso1'le rof es decoratetl tho desk of ··.Mayor" Pdrldus. Bx·Uuun· cilwau-at-iargH Grant we bowed_. :tlte new '•Mayor," who respoudetl. in his umaliy eloquent manner.

Tue foliowinl( committees were KJl· pointed : Road�. Sewer and Wuter..:_ Tl"llynor, Letlley. Bronner and 1\Ioouey; Sidewallto-'l'mynur, !>looney ami· Led' ley; Fiuauce-Aipers, Wittke, Bruuuer und Sottleto!l)'er; Fire Department.:.;!; Traynor, 1\'ittke and Brunner;


Rules-1\loouey, Wittke and son: 'town Pt•operty ami tke, Rich1u·dsun uu<l Richard�on, Alp.rs, tlemHyer .

The t:ouuoil 'tben Monday night.

Ferris R. Pdarsuli photograph of the r� incoming Couuoii", u,, which is priute<l iu this· Standard.

lug yeai". the retiring Presideu�. Mrs. J. Brother W. •r. Dowond, W. Barr made a grnceful and moving of Ste ,ton, N. J., Council;.' address of thanks to the club for their to 'isit t�e Fh·esider'd UPxt: •uur••<o�a:nil. unceasing support auu confidence . . when ha will tlellyer �is fo!!uons

The nowinutiug cowwittee 'd rep01 t l ecture, •' Hitting the Bullseye.'' wa� ·read an<l nccepted. After voting Tomorl'OW 11fternooo, nt ·a o"elock,"'iiie th" otllcers for the comln!J year were Fireside br1se ball enthu•ia"ts will meet tleclared elected ns follows: for an initiul pt•actlce on the !!l:ouuds on

.Mrs. Ell ward Standish Roblnsou,Presi· the uorth sltle of Br01ul street, opposite tlent. the house of Mt ·. J. T. Pler�on, nml

1\<Irs. 'J'he01lore Dwight Bouce, First Captain Arthur Hn•·�t will have charge \"ice Presltlent. cf the work agtlill this year.

Llolt·s. Alhm L. Price, Second Vice A utl\tcll game with the A. 0. U. W. Preoicleot. will t•robably be J>lared early In Joue.

l\Jrs. Wiliinm P . Tuttlw J1· .. Record- Every mewbe•· of Fireside who Is inter-lug Secretar;. estetlln the tlldional gaute is invited tu Miss Clart\ E. Sieeb, Cot·respontllng turn oat for the prllutlce tomorrow MD<l Secretur)•. erJCoUrHgo the mMnKgemant.

Mrs. H. J. White. Treasurer. The club greeted It� new President

with much applau8e, uotl ou request thu' new officers furutell iu Hue and 1111 In· forum! t·eceptiou WRS held.

4 ·-----·----4·�-----·----NIIIItlll)''��t .Mulllh'HI t•rnJ,lrrun.

l\luaioai jlrogr1uu for suudtiY 11t the CongregRtlon11i cluu·ch, Dr. Duutorth J>llstor, I• us follows :

, lf).:JO A "•

A Feminine Tet•mlul\tlon. She-Is there nn)' <ilftorcnt:e between

a fort auri a fot·lr�•s? Her Husbanr1-Wh)', I should · IIllA!\"•

Ina thnt 11 fortreos would be harder to alienee--Pun!<,

Great Weather

"'•,••,:.�,c.·-.· S�lllq. pieRS�, mention tilat tbey nre ·<�il ve�i�e<l.'' .

. .l\Il�s Eva Laroze, . Mrs . . E .. H. Dicker­

wan. Mr�. Annie Foster, Oii1·e Still, GRI••J•pe LomonKco, A. E. 'fuiiJHt, H. C. H11ioteutl, J olut LIIUijlug, Aulonio Saletta, Gngwino S•lv>ttore, K�t.hr·yn Hill, Austin Spence, Mrs R. C. Baugh· matl, John McC"uti•y, r.Iios 1\lnry Thomao, �!rR. Mnmle Khtn•y, Guo Craufor<l, Mro. W. W. Thom••· Mis• G. E. •rnylot•, E. H. Frank 2, lllbs P•mllne C•rter 2, Miss .Ellz .. heth Good•, liJr. Hllll lllrs. J. Y. N. Meyero, l\lr. Grnud,, Mr Cbas. E McEwen. lllro J. Eberlinrtl. 1\lr. Haxen. Mr. G. F"rrio, 1\lr. Hnghet, l\tr. Krist Waitero, lllr. H. Miller, l\llg< PtmliDI! BKrnes. Mlo� Lor<l, tl!r. Fleek. 1\lr, .T, HHlfer. lllr. Stocker, lllrs. Haury Griunell, Entli Kntky 2,

R. Prltohllr<l. M•�. i\, .Tnhnoott.

����:·��:J�'<�.�� .. �� .. ��� ........... :::::: mm�·\·.��:!�� PreltulttRfHl b�thcue,, . ... . ... .. ... .. .... J.tot. Hnoh

�:r:: .. �J;lr.:rl��: !�.'! .r.�� .·���� �.·. ·. ·. ·.A�lGJt"�\��r! for colds Try our famous remedy for· coughs

·•-: nnd colds, It� � \vinner. 'i'.tOt•, 1\1. . Sons!•• llol• .. . ......... . . .. . . . ..... . .. �ullntant

��0���,, \��'l\,�����. ib� I C'OitiiU�' ·;,tirltt�H"Ohlttt ('l'l'lo),,, , , , . ,,,,,, ,, , ••.••. l!', Ouracluuanu

Lalli"R Or,wford, orfiRUlet Mud tlh·eutor,


Schneider In Germa.a what Sarto means In Ital-

Ian-a tailor. Therefore. we mu1t cou1e from lh� same family."

Fatal Shock by Telephone. A verdict for $15,000 damages bur

been pmcured ut Media . !'a., In a peculiar

suit against a telephone company. The children of Thomas F. Delahunt sued for that �11111 becaU£e of tho death of theJr father from a 5hoc1< recell'riu over the telephone. A heal'lly char!(ed electric light wil•e which haci fallen ac1·oss the teleplwne d1·eult cam.etl tlu1 fatal shock. -N. Y. 'frlhunc.

By One ot' tho "Other People." Little James (who was or au ID­

qulrlng mhttll-B'nther, what do thor mean wheu they call a mao public.: spirited 7

Pmf. Bma<lle�·-Why, lt usnall)" mennA that he is very llhet•al in en­<lea.-orlna to persuade other people tCJ RI>Ond lheir money boniltlfully for the public gpoti.-Stray StoJ•lea ..

CASTOR IA l'or Infanta an4 Clhilclren.

Tile Kind You Hn1 AlwaraBOIPt BeU'Itbt d ���


lif.l'l)('(!. Educntlon •Is tlw

'lt.rcnal EXtJoslllon of 100·1. ·Each de· �,;;mrtuwnt of the worill's lul!OI' nn<l do­W<e.lqpmout will be l'epl'l!scutml at St. lf..ouJn, ·clusslfled nml lnstnlled lu such ll:!IO-".DD<'r thnt nil ougngml Ol' Interested i'lra ·:<twh brunch of nctl\'lty ULUY cou1e .r.1.·nl1. see, cxnmhw, study uml uo uwny �-••h•L•ed, l�uch of tht• N�Jllll'nle sections of. thf' E"posltlou will be un eqnlvul ent ·�t--ot•, J'Qlllf!l', will be In nelunllty u <!'.mm.,u·clu!ush·c u1ul mo�t eJ'fo('llve olJ· J;l<wt .1<!Sson In-the line of lmlustJ•Jnl ��ml AOI!J:tl uchlc\•enwnt ntul IH'O&;I'Uf'JS ·••mlcll ·itH pl'est•Hl•.

Coot of Soolng the World'• F•lr, l"l'nlll :tn)' point within UOO miles or -\i!-_ f.OIIIH II (li!I'HOil IIlii)' ll'III'OJ to the �\7o>rhi'H Pnlr 1111• your, l'i<'w thH "'on· .L'!"H of tho F.xpnslt lull tm• tlll't•o llnYI,

.<'Uld �X!I�ntl'tiJe HIIIOH IUOilCY he WOUhl '!ll>IY .Jo nny other ycnr• l'o1• truln fut•o .�:Jlone. 'riiiR h" nu ni.JHulutu fnct.

"J�IJ'-" \Ve�lf'l'll 11nKlil•liUUI' AsMocfntlon 'lbuN ll!(l't•c�l on n 11111 tluy mrcurKiou ruto,

lir'-!!1.'.0 ltlllt!H ur UIOI'I' from Ht. r�ouiH, tor �1118 nntJ IIIIO·flfth ht•u tOI' tb� rOIJIIII t!.rl11. ·


IDosH. Van Horn,u, ''Metal Bed & Couch Week"·

$4.00 J\tetal Belli $2. 98 $4 89 This Velour for ............... Couch, was $7.

-------For One Week For One \Veek:

This Bell

$8.00. (Was


$7.00 Brua Unl• ''ersal Beda lor $4 .98

$5 98 This Velour I Colll:h, was �.50.

Carpets the best are here r Body Brussels .............................. 1.25 yard up ., Axminsters ........... , ..... , ............. ; .. 9Bc yard up Velvets . . ... . . . . .... . . . . . : ; · ; -··· : : ' · : .. ·····75c yard up

:;!��e�:�����-�::::::::: >s-�!:)1��I����ti�t�\;�:L:.; ��� i:�: -�: All·woollnr;rains .. • -·· '"1''''-?tf!.,�·•i'li·"-'"''·""· · - 59c yard up �:�:���:�r�-��_s:: :· :· :·:

.: : :;:}t}�t����:'�r�,:�t.:_:: :· /· il:; ::�: · �:

Rugs, all w�:ve�: 'all sizes. , New'l904 line of Refrigerators (5.85 up) and Ice Chests (3.5{) up)-Save money and dissatisfaction by seein&' this

line before you buy I

AMOS H.VAN HORN, Ltd. lie !IU:d Y"U 10e "No. 73'' anJ tirst nK-me uAliOS." beforu �nt"rlng onr stord.

�������!! 7 3 MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. EASV Near Pl•a• St., W!!st of Hrll:.u.l St. PAV,'\116N1'5 .. il/tr_,/1��� J,.urfi,.i.,IIHr.U..

�·------------------�� "'STANOAIIO 0, HlQHEST MEIIJT," •

FJSCHID PIANOs.�'\ It Is an inc1!�pntable fact that the high esteem given to any work o.f Art must be founded ttpon merit. When the Musical Artist nnd the Home Plaver nre united in their high appreciation of the PISCHEl� PIANO, we take their verdict tmquall• ficdly. Dnth huve for years maint,dncd the Ruprc1nncy of the FISCHBR PIANO 11 uecau:1e or i(s Tone•quallty I i�s Artist� lndivhhtality nnd its Purabillty,

J. td2. C. FISCHER. 164 fiFTll A VENVE, I;(EW YOII.


Unmatchable Values at

2.98, 3,98 and 4.98.

THE DAVID STRAUS co. ·•· NE31LJiRI<, N. J. ·+·

R. F. HOHENSTEIN� A t:.ii·oo<l �.Ionitt. J

Some men iti·ci iiii1re cal•cffil; lllisfiici;:''-';;)i����f!l;tli'it'�tl;;;-F'I their horse. ·A-goo<lmount;·whether'"it· be·"c.Ycie ·or ···1 hot:se, means care, 1111d .fl�tcntion\�t,OuN·dutrllt!ss �uml­t.lrivers' suj,plil•s can ll� \le)i�l�iiidi6fNr�;!:}t\•Jc;'��rr�ct·

1-=��::._ we'ilt:.; ;�';';}; � �;:i�l',�,'}�·�\'l�'��r" ( " ' .

i;, t lut:balitls oruiil !eeretary on or be­fore ,Tilly ist, 190-t, when 1\ meeting of L.---........ --.... �����������--�..;;,.-� ... ""!'� the <lir.icto.t'i! will be hel<laml itll uppli. catia1ls consiueretl.

3r<l.' '!'hat whi le thiR assochotiou was lucol'JJOl'Uted for the protection ,,r fish au<l game and to prevent trespnss it is no money making scheme, It is sup­ported by those who feel that the Jaws of the •tate shoult\ be uphel l and know that the benefit llerh·ed iu 11 couuunuity i• worthy of their Interest an<l snjJport.

•th That tbeze are some who nre unt interest�1l in 1\llholdlng a1;t1 a<lvauclng the intere•t nml merits of !Ill assoclll­tlou fot• the protection of fish antl game autl pt'evention of ta·egtms� there seem s no tlonbt. Without au effort to nphol� the law• they cease to be eftlcleut.

flth. That this association was in· corporated by farmers, for the farme1s iu their Interes t anti shonltl he nplwltl 1111<1 pt•omote<l to the hest of the!r ablllty,

{lrh. Ballevlng thet'tJ at•e m•mv who have uot hntl theh· attention calletl to the matter of poo!lug their t,:I'UUIHls In rtu a••oclatlou lucoqmratell nwler tba laws of the stute we taku tlJI� oppa�·tnn. it)' of hl\'ltlug you to send lu your np­l•liclltlon. Fl\rm"r" It I• f11r l'llllr In tet'�ilt tl111t we are uslclu� ynm• 11tteu. I louin tlils tultttet·. Klntlly think tht matte!' over and help no to make a HUIItl

llt•t!k t•f our ns;oclattnu whlcli will 1'1'0''� uf l>eneflt to 1111 concer·ue<l, Fm• lnrthel' lufot'luatlou 1\'.ldress the secre t11ry.

------------------------�-------·----· ' . J. W. Manhattan


All Kinds of �LUE STONE. Res14ence !O Elm Place, Plalnrteld, N. J.

Fla[[in�, Corbin[, Sills and Covin[. All 'IVol'k <lone umlet· my pursomll ,supervision ani guarau·

Why do )'OU Suft'erP

EVE STRAIN tause; two thirds of the lleada�hes. ·'

Properly Fitted Glasses not only �lve Mtlsfactlou BUT 111'e 11 i'OSitive cnre fo1· utauy headacb�9.



WEIIT.t'JELI> I'OIIT OJfi'IVIC. L. M. "'RlTAK•R, Po8tmuter.

*'MK·��"rl:,·.;!�'y ."8�n��T-a'.,R���� '61':r�· FttE.Il \'VJN1'KH,·Cltn2:,__ '; 011\ce open from 'i A. m. to 7 p. 01. l'J:C..pt m

s.tu .. days. Oflkti OJH-'1\ Snnd&)'S for hol4ler.s ol Lock. Boxes t'rom U to 4 o'clock.


From New York, Eu,bt, SOuth and .':1-outb·

:;��lg3J;� ��iVt!I'Y at 'i:OO_ aud 11:00 fl, m •. lfAII,A CLOSE,

For Nt!W '\"ork, Philaclelphta, Trenton, tbt Nortbt'lftbt, South, Southwest and Wa.t:statlow, &F!rA\)\�Pn���ti��l"k�Si;���:���l;·ft�a�(;Jlll at 7:3�1a. m. tmd •:oo p. m.

!IIOU:S'I'A I Nli!l DE. \ rrh·e at 7::m a. m. and 4::W p. ut. CloEoe at s.:mn. m. Rod f1:ah p.m.


21l7-Snmmit avenue nn<l Park street. 499-Eim street a nil Kim hall avenue 579-Broad an<l Middlesex streets. tmfi-Cumberland St. an<l South Avo. eD�1-Fire Department house, 99-Center St.reet, Gm'II'OOd, After sending iu uu alarm Hhmd neat

the csll box until arrival of apparatus

We Can't Tell our business story to e\'et·y poesiLle customer by ,word of tuonth. ·.If

we could, we might be alia to convit;�e· the'· �1;\n bt�i·s ' tiiitt tlw ��tt�����i;;������.��l!t��.t-��.;��1:<�;: �l'be alternt�ti,l'e

.we have is this

new�pa'pe;,: �ud' the ·vurpos� of this lidv.rr� tit r�l\ch t\;ose who !IO riot p�ti'(nliz� our ulat·ket, mHI yet


ne & Co., New and Halsey Streets, Newark.


Fl.oor Co��rings for Summer Homes. Mattin�s-Chinesc, Japanese, Crex and Fiber 1\'Iattings. Rugs- Kashmir, ,Crex, Fiber, etc., all in profound variety and at sti1all price�.

Japane-se Matting at 7.zs, 9.oo, Chinese rlattlng.s at 7.so, 9.oo, 1o.oo and 12.oo ao.so, 1�.oo and 13 oD

For roll of 40 yards. For toll of 40 yards.

Japan�se Matti1,1g.s, per yard, C�ine.se Mattings, pcryard. 19c .• zsc., aoc. imd asc. zoe., �sc., Joe. and·Jsc.

Crex Prairie Orass l1attings, in green; blue, red; per yard, 45c •.

}lodges' Fiber Mattings, per yard, at 35c., 50c., 60c. .

" Kasl.lmir," the best)9,w·priced rug in the market. Oriental 6xg feet, 5 .

. 95 ; 7�x 10-/r feet, 8. i5; gx12 feet, J 2.00.

Crex. rlattlng Rug���>>· Fiber Matting Rugs�'� 6x9 fect .. . . . . . . ::·,: :· . . . . . . . 4.50 6x9iccL .. : . . . . . ; . . : . 8x"ro 9xj1 He� •.-11. ' �.

Hammocks md kiud�. with p8(: to $1o.oo .

13t;{$10:oo worth of �oo;is of llH Ht oue titue, or in the

to lllitke up thnt •mn, 111111 loom we will reprodnce it f'rf!e of cost by the l'»ntons t?,���;ge Lflllltne�s.

yon. meR m·e f'Xt.rft, hnt :.-tt the option of the huyur. Size or llOl'trnit Uxti iuchee.

Amusetuent HRII, f•'o1n'·O·A, .M. 'tn 5.:JO P. l\1. No :-ulmit::siun fee is charged.' Dou't fnil to s�e Uti� grent color piece.

NE���K, HAHNE &: co, woul<l' like to have tho choicest

E;est Wl·��;.- The;;:;,-Pope. wea��'aud voultry, Jisb autl ••1• Heathen Business Method•. AN EXCELLENT IMPLEMENT.

Business among tlie Chinese, accord-

\&VIM tDilt Cllll De DO!Iillt.

Archbold & Scudder's

Meat. and Vegetable Market, BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD

Carden Seeds and Fertilizers.

Oras& Seeds for Lawn Rll<l Field. All kinds of Tools fo1· Oarden, Wheel·

barrows, Spades. Forks, Hoes, Rakes, etc. Timothy uu<l Clover Seed.

Listers Celebrated Fertilizers at

larle Hardware Co., Park avenue and Front Street,


BUILDING )p all · its Brnuohe.

Rep1liring and Jobbinr-, · Plaris · aml Estimate1

furnished,· Personai euperintcndenoc on ali

("o�k. E.C.Winter, Fiut st.,


Steam Marble and Granite Works FENCING .FOR <JE�n;'J'EltY PLOTS.

l.ar&e Variety of Oranlte Monuments. Paiu.,allc Toola lor Letterln1and Carvlnll•

L. •L• ltiA.NNING A SON ,Froat lt., Cor. Cloatral A:Ye ..


Daluarreotypes Can Be Cleaned and Restored

Tu all their orl1h1a1 beMuty hy Koo• 11'00111 1440 Jtrmodw11y (toth lltrool)o �. '�'•t for one dollar, Senti hy DHUl ur •• Pfl\11, D•1uerreoty1•e• •• ,., more ••tlf• lactllrf ClOPJEII tlln11 o11y other: otJI• o· ·pfetur8.

O�e cutomer writes! wrb&Jlbotovra}Jh (r.op; of c1o�utrreoii'J10) wae recelvecl yeMerclay am 1 am dollghtetl with It 1 Celli that I·

l'eally; bav• ril.t iltart l!fandmotbor with: me •••In, Ver• olllclnlr,IC. W, p,, Wuhlagton,,D, O,'

Wilcox & Pope, '

GARPENTERS & BUILDERS. 103 Central Aven,ue,;

Westfield, N, J, Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.·

Jobbing Promptly Attcnded.to

rPA�Q_�� 1�8UR.£$ 15ABY COP.fF'OJtT cv�tES C�l�VfRNtGtrt


Ing to a Russian · who has just returned from. · ··

erati ve . h a. ,s�:l,�s;.'� ,;'iGt;��;,,j,�,:\t<:4;;·,� prletors _no In an ""•""""'''""' time out' but·

!l'o Show He1' Dhnple, A girl wllh 11 cllmple ll'llllllngh at an7 fool thing. a m•n An)'R,

Lofty Souls, Lofty SOIIIR 11<•\'1!1' li�H]IiHe lowly BOI'V•

lce.-Ohicaso l'J•lhune. Not Synony111s,

l\llsery Is nol.tL Rynonyul for uic;u'alltJ, -<Jhicago Trihuno. . . ,,1 ...

Chester Farn1 Dairy

Produces Pure Milk & Cream Order.!! respe,tfully solicited


AN EFFECTIVE HOC FENCE. Experienced Stockman Profen WoT•

en Wire to Planh. Because It Io Xuch Cheaper,

A hog renee mmt be •tr.ong nn d •er­viceable. 'fhe JJOeket fence, by some tbuug·h t superlot• to woren wJrel will soon rot. off nCII,l'.thc gromal snd In a · The

ME1'f.��l.81T. w�����?8.P t:� Po������: �Tcnece M�01�'c'����· s��td'!�·�e!C��n��ftl P���· Young PeOlJle'Fi :\fe('f h g .n. 11, m. ��\'lmin,; 81lrvice 7:45 o'clurk. Chl8& meutin�, 'l'utosd"l e\'tming 1\t l:i o'clock, Uenerfll Prft.)'ltr Meet·

��l!!".:����=2�Y eveulngl!, 1\t 8 o'clock, All

'Ve extend )"Oil A. hliArty "''olcom@ to thePt !en�tceA. If not hlentltled with tmy other Con· gregAtlon wo �houltl be }Jicllstld to ll!lee rou Among our rt�gnlar attemiAnts and rort11r.llt tm·tte you to mllko this church l'6Ur horne.

PR��.�;.�·�r't.�,,R����.����.�,:i��ys;�.i.� 10:30 a.. 11. l:':CMI P.M. ::Ooclnl l\leettn"fl-·""t•tlnt'!l· �:J��lM!!t���nf:��··!t· ::; ��:1·;�r:l;: �:Ob��1 12111. A. N. Pltorf!on, SuJlerlntendent, 8trAnKen mMlti to fff'l At h�me.

WESTFIELD PUill,IU I,JBRARY. lncor­Jl:OrAted 18f7. liroac\ stl'eel. OPliOfllte PCIKt OnlcR, 8ubscrl11tlnn 13 11er )·u\r Jlfl)'nbl�

!'lemi•Rnnunll)' In Rth'I\.Dt·t�, ••r li c•nt•• "llll't>tk fur �fUlh l1ook. Ne''' hooks comttft.n!ly �tdtltlf', OJ1en 'l'lll•arJRys IUHl 'l,llllndAys from • tu 6. :,lulllr!IRJS fl'Om V to 11 a, W•l 4to 0 aucl 7 to II .m.


SPECIILISTSJ FII�EI; CAt-CURl SUCCEEDEIL Curtd lr One IDitleOfTt.et We��4....., ·­Me�lclne, Cai•CUra Solvent, YIUI' � lick 1111 Don Not Curt.

)[ATTEAIVAN, N. Y,, Sept.lv ll':K!Z­GtntltiiiM.' ){y Cll6C is FO l'etnurkah)e that [ \11r£tt', "!.() t<'ll youullahont it. 1 suffered froJU 'l..li..<J­tler troublo fur about 25 �·care, uwil .)....d tried ull the doctors ahont lum!, :tu..L� lll"�·.t, twof:lpueiulh�t�in New York, without ,J;�f.'[��-V: nny h•�lp. Lnst An!_Just I lJon;:bt a &.;r,.flA;_, of Cal-•mru. fololvent, Dr. K1�nnell)"t• Jltf'f., mcdiduc. I had not 1Jeen ahle t.o <u;.-,Tfr. :at. my b·:ulo (hoilur makiug) for somt.�t lti:fJ.ft.,. but niter tukiug: ouo lJOt.tlo of Cak'tl;r·r- :;rtii­Ycut, I begu.n WIJrlt unrll.LaYu beeu. 'W�:i---rl.iu_£ ever shwe,

y,,us tmly, J\IARTIN FULU?.R .•

If ·vnur druggist (lf>CR uot ba\'e c�.l-r.'fl.'tfl Rolv�.·11t, writo- to the CiLl-r·nm Comp�r�Y,, Rolllluut.,N.Y.; but ask yourtlr.uggilit.fir� Ji;l.OO a !Jollie. Only ouc siz&.

Huamulee � Your dru��ist wiU.: rt_�fn.r:u. your lUOW!Y if Cnl.mtru. fails t.o t.uttr�t·· •. U.llld 1r1w .Cnl-cl1ra Corupu.ny will pay tltu dru£r­giHt� .RememlJcr, Cal-cum Solnmt # ... ���� PS.% of all cnses of Kidoej, DhvJ.dt."r JLUiJ Lh·cr disor<lel'llo

thiK prevents tl;;··�·,�;;-;;;� mollehlng Jt. Alwa,·• stretd a.· �·i!;b'J: as' possible. for if not. wdl marf� th�r .«nt the poore!=it renC'e ln10wn. Plac� nrt!.•:r'.f..be top two bar\Jed wires, and you h•n., a neat, £errleeahle and up-to-date C·L<:m"!.• �fr. Hog will always re•per.t: so 1\'i:rld ot her farm �toclt.-Farm and Home!'-.

------SPREAG. Carried to Mnny Her<I,s lr..lf

- ·HRVe Eeen 'vitli: Animaltr.

<a.nli a-giO:I'J tb ... !r."'£1!1 come 1 ..

'see the 1t"1,';$. tho Flo!� 1 ...... :�:-qr;

I,•,reJma.rl<· t11at tJw·y M� of tl\eir l::�

1 ime after tl!.cir break "'"* hcrrl. the slat!<•o � every man l'lll:olt hogs, but .>r..m enough fn(""il!­

ey are 1fiH!i'Y to tl\elr own h�rl!e

that has r.f!OlP.t:W> visit a herrl ba.f�IC

Jw. wears clollrl%JC fs free from h"6 �"'-F'•.rn1er·s' RC\�iew.

I, � Iowa faTm-rJ

a<:com)>allYing l1is ow.e England w&s � meeting of.fillt

Meat Prnrlnc"'l'fi'J Cain , or f.oh"'\j

told cif his experior.r ... In· shipping to England 200 hn>1d .,... ·steers, of hls.,own feeding, whieb :;u. accompanied, and when the •leers ":""ll placed upon the· marltet at Lh·HT'"'� the coni!lllsslon men quoted them u being one of the finest bunches or � tie of their· size that bad eYer been � signed to them from the Unilerl Stat� and he recelvecl the very h !ghest fa�l market price for his load of beef. "

A Town in Itself. � The Railway Exchange buildlng,:i�

COIIlllleted in ChlcRgo, bas offic<" J'�· ro1' 6,000 persons.


Run to Footbllll�. fJ '!'here Rl'C 23 football teams m Ull S;rrlan Protestant college at Be!r;«'t. ;� Old in China.

�'or 300 years the Chinese have :m� waterproof paper.


Our Navy's Big PayR·oll1. 1 'rho pay roll of the navy Is $2QJ!l..., OliO a year. '

Wnucl�o·ln� \1'11111• '"" linn.,._ Oar•• l'<'ry littiH l'ol' t.he pr!>vttrllc

"OieHullur•" !8 nrllt to Gn<lllur.••.'" Be does uot b�lleve Ul!lch In eithel', 'l:J�e f•�tl<llom however who l'l'HCtice clc!r,.,.,. liuss•, If uot goclllue�•. will ftutl. Otrrilo an� Almon<l !ilflll R IUl'St.J>IeMing �ltt!l1lP­geut, mukiug the •kill Ru!t 111111 srnootb an1l of frugr11ut oilot·. Foi· ERie by W. H. Trench !'rd •

,-,.,.rr PrJ day bp '

n�'st1iad�r•f Publi�hing Ccncrro, I nc. , E . .-'J. Wnn-.R&J.D, Pr.tddent..

.A.LFnEo E. PEAil&Ar.r •• Vice Preslclent, ' a. o. PF.AHSAJ.J,, �ec-rttarr·l'reaenrer.

Kuteretl 11t tln11 Po!Of· Oftke at 'Yeut!eld, New Jereer, u e.econd-cla.�s wattet·. ·U-CIIII'TJON II .eo I'EII YEA II


Moln UHI<o-.STANDARP llulldlnr, \\'eatficld, N. J. llra•'h Offfc«".!i: NB"' YORK, 3 "?liU•m .!-&.; NEWARK, P, N. Sommrr, 794 Brood St. ·

.. , ···••c. '·-' u.,• of the· brigh t happenings th11t permnnen tly upon WPstfleld's

bettor clevolopment is j ust reported -the sale of the Dmke property on the west side or Wosttleld avenue, over to tho Hnhwny roud, by Mesal'S, Abrams & W elch to Mr. H . J L Tremaine, whose name stands alwaya for local nntl'iotism nnd outer[!l'ise . It is snfc to say thnt this trausnt•tion menns n grcnt den! to Westflold. Wo are informed tlmt :Mr. 'l'remaino will give 11 pa•·k.i ike treatment to this Jll'OJWrty ami bnild some line ltomes that will give 11 now im[lniso to coustrnction from tho &tundlloiut oGf model'Jl 11rohiteoturc .

11bou 'I' he the Ius quito VIII'Y II' b11ttle ground 111 mosqnito!'s. .l<'ot• Ueld the h11ntl of anllloieut to I'IIIICJUlah euemy if n f11b• bro11tlsi<l� slap IM gi veu. lti' Omufot·d , ns the enemy lnot•oases In n u m bel' uud Hlr.u111 stol'o poke!' Is neue!, wh ile uL Uosello 11 rol l ing pin Is the Wettpon of clufance, llnt It is nt Blizt�beth, in )'ll olden ty111e mll locl JWznboth tnw n , th11t base bnll l111ts 111'0 wioldocl uy yo yonugo Ilion 111111 ltllllos fuyl'tl when they voutnro luto tho open In senmh of pie11en re or J'oct'uKtlon, while It l'omni us for Huh · wuy to hdng tbu lllltomobllu into nae ns 11 battering ram• .

, ��0111• JIHild, Jlr'J' JluJiiUP.CH.i t Alfre<l E. P•aro•l l l••• Bj,I'Hill become

editnr nf the w ... l fielol i"TA�DAIW. Clif­

ford E. Peor•all, who bas b•eu editor for tlit't!e years, autl Uu�iut8tl UlH.UHgt-r for

t.n•elve yeu.rs, J'etireH t'row the Jlllp�r. ttnd the StlllldHrd Pnbli•hiuK CorJC•m, to take a. pot�itiou with Peara�tll'li Newt�. Agt!IIC)'

ht. Sew York. Edi10r Alrr�d will l>t­\Velcomed back he•rtlh' oud 8illcer.Jy

· · i by the . fraternity iu thi• coouty gen� imil ly. The engle will Hgolu scre11w

Ararat',; sn uuuit -Rnbwnv Adv.o.

Ull.'.\ 1,

Dt•muud Hll lut�r·en"'t! iu \\'rt,CCK••JIJI�ff!r llulldcrs l<iHI' 'J'I"' y \l'er" Xul Xullli"ol

in 'J'inw • u 'J'akt� .\ t•1iou iu II••� .lint•

.,., .. "'�'tliel<l ou<l other town; 11!Jont Union

C•HHJty hll\'@ a rt�aJ "'trike on hHrul. 'fhe CMI'I"'"t<re have !!'One out and wot·k ou lmildh'g" i.< at a •tsnd•t.ill 'l'lle uniou bao demanded Hll increHse of fift.y ' a ih•y. or ta:oo for a <lny's wm·k. '

'l'he Maslet' Bnildt rs claim the uulou d iil JJot rJotify them iu time to tnke •w-

met at the North

ht lllld lip with tbt•

JleHcelihie : Probuhl y


' . : .

·will care for your valu-ables while you are away from home for a

reasonable charge.




Jly Meat I s Fit t o Eat. Noue Better �uywbere.




Telephone 24F.

PE I PLE �v;;1o :::h:����;�Jn�e�:�.��� the famous " GR E E N " Stamps.

Here are a few of our prices :

Choice Table Butter, 2 1c. 5 lbs Fancy Cal. Prunes, 25c 3 Cans Early June Peas, 25c . Choice Table Peaches,

large can, 12c 3 lbs Fancy Mixed Cakes,25c Extra Fi n e Can ned Strawberries,

per can Bes t Santos Coffee, 1 I b Choice Blended J\ilixed Tea

15c 15c


WILKIR, Corner C rocer, ·· · Broad and Prospect Sts., Westfield, N. J.


Spaulding's Base Ball Goods And at Spaulding'" New York City Prices,

So why not buy here ?

nyder's, "Of Course" N ewsdealer a n d Stationer,

Ef,M S'l'RgE'l', NEAR POS'l' OFFICE. · __ ..___ ___ � ---------- -

·· -----------·--- ···-..--------

., When Most Jap Gll'IB JlRI'l'y, · 'J'he oge at which t he greulest till lither

of .lllJIRilese g i i•Ja wan·y Is between ao �d � I ' ' --- ..... · �·---Jit! \\' 111'1! uf U l u f nuont"' f4:n• C �n•uni1Tr.'i':1

I 'nu tn lu .!lm·en•·r,

nH tiiiJ!'I'III'�' w111 ttlll'elr tlm�trur tl1o "�Jum uf ij!ltf;'ll Hlld UUIUII\tJI�I)• cltmUI((U tho Whn)t1 1'.)'1tlelll wh�H out .. t•lnu It t ll l'uuuh tlw mul•nu�'� 1'11t t·f'•u�tJH,

�:.�����u;� 1�!�:: "h�,�tl :.!�����[a�lu u�at 8,�,�·;:�': ·��� �ht1 cl�tnut(.(ti thuy will tln "' tun fnltrto t 1m �mu\ V!�"�::y,' tft!':.:! ':,',)�,:���·�,l��UI'��f��· 11!'�.,·.·, : I ·f����!:l� & C.�u., 1J'oludu. 0" CUlltAfllij 11U morcUI'Yt HIHI I� t.-ktm lntttt'lll-\lh·· tu!t hur dlr�ut l )' ' ll llflll lht1 l:1:�?t'l�a·w.w.�(fl�'r.�':tr���:.,n� ���J��e "r��t��·;,. , l.� ,_,,,;,ulue, I� 111 tKhfUi luttwnally 11ucl n11ultJ In ' l r•h•llrl, f)JIIn, h)' 1•'. ,J. Oht!IIU)' &\': f in, 'l' .. ll t l • tuuulr�ll'! ft't-1• , Hold bY. drn.caiRt-"'• Prlr.e, jfttJ. IH�r boU.Ie, 'Jiftke flail's Fl\mtlr Pills ror con&,tll•rtt 011, •

Brooklyn Property Exchantce

Weetfleld Property. Mansfield H u nt, Real Estate,

I J�Ii Fultou St., ncur Noslrunil A l'c,, Brooklyn, N. Y.

.5e •d n1e partlcul•r• of )'UMr propel'l)' •

Ashes and Garbage Collected.

REASONABLE PRICE. N. Nelleen, Weetfleld,

�IQMT In Westtlehl �·on hK \'e 11 tessen store. fnlly stocked the best

Table Luxurias· Pl•ce " trial in•clt!J•.

E. MULLER, 134 Broad St.

Clam Ohow<let• FrlcluyH.


Yon oau get tbe belt sm·vlce In eleutrlo li�bt . wh·lng, hell t'e11cllrs, Hnd the most mntlern elec· trlc •uul !(liB flxtut•efl, Prompt Attention,' · J!OOt) WOl'kiiiiiiJBbip and · reasonable prices win 1118 tJ'R<)e,

llaa L. A. IiiitH M. J. Tobin,

., '

ha . . n l':lt•gnnt. JAne of Stantllml l!ulldln�. ' ' · Trl����!�.!��-��!�1��!.!, H�;ts. �!-..;.w..;.e;.;sr;.;.F;.;;'E.;.;Lo�, .;;.N •• J .... -Mil�

, Ladl��a' Own Mat•rloiMade . (Jp"


fiE UNION tOIJNTl' STAND!RP 11111ante · anti Gtlrert. ,

Tbe B. S. C. trill meet Rt the home of Railsel Gomes this evening.

-Befo�e yen i!htrt tor tl1e World's Fair bnJ a kodak at Bantnanu '1,

-Mro .. l\1. S. Ru11yon and family have removed fl'OW 232 South Avenue to Uniou Piace.

-William H; Cook or the Cook poul­tr·y farw, will r"tua·n to Englauol Ut'Xt w�ek.

'l'lt., tennis c.mrts of the Westfield Clnh be put lu fin., corHll tion 1111d open�d soon for play,

-'l'lte 8, .\. C. will hoi.J a meotlllg to­night at. the resi<leuce of Herbert Fer riH, at Erubt•ee Crescerat.

-Heul'y B. Milltr, of Elw street, is •hie to be out Rgain after several weeki of Ievere illne@s.

-l'lte annual llleeting of the West• fi,.Jd Club "ill be hel•l in the club house Tuesday .,yenlng nut at eight o'clock.

-The M .. y term of court i• now in se!!l!iou. George H.,Ernbree is forelllau of tl1e graud jnry. •

-The incontin�,: oiHeers of the West­field Clnh will he given a reception at cluh on 'rhursday evening, May 12th.

-The next regular meeting of the Town Couucil will he heH Monday evening at 8 o'clock.

-G. T. Not't'i8, of Plalufiehl, is now employed by 'l'he. St�tu!larcl Publ ishing 9ouyet'!J as compos.itqr, ·

;ii :SE. J. Witlteltead, of Ne\V Haveri, ,Couu. ; has been visitiug friends i 11 ����i:ielcl this \Veek. ,M�:.• 13!11 ",Pen·ine has �stat:ted j tlie .�!!.�!'911 str·a.w h�tts. He is sporting 11

· _:_Arcllltect Robinson is working upon plans for ,. house to btl erected upon f.louth, Bt'Oilll strtiet this 'Spri11g by George Jolmsou.

-Mi ... Lillian Cock ley won the lir·•t pl'i>lt!-lt silver 111edal In t.he W. C. T. U. Plaintielol lllocntionNry contest IHst e94!n iug

-Mro. Job11sou HUd m· >ther. of . Mou· tre11l, CKUK<IK, were guest. htst week at the home of PKul Scbladeoeky, ofWal· uut atreet.

-The W.autlfal ohllde tree• ou tluo cor·ner of Bl'Oad Mild Proopect stt·eets are IJeing Cllt down to Dlllke I'OOhl fot' a tha·ee-stot·v brick · building to be erecte•l by W . H. Abbott.

-The iron fencs arul netting er•cted at Uem·•Mtion PKrk hils attra�.>ted untcb f>IVOrabJ" COlUUient, 'l'be fence llD<I IJet. ti11g work was •loue by th Anuhor Post Uo" of l:hU'\VoocJ.

-A piiLno t·ecital will he given ou 1'uljllday I!Veuing, May 17th, in the Cou­greglltiou•l church. Mio• Caroliue H. Beebe will wake her first RPI"'"''ance be­foa·e the public sinqe her return from aiJt·oad, ut this coltcert.

-'l'o-monow It Is the Mul'l'ay Hills who .will came to We•tlield to do battle witu th• local cr·auko, 'l'he lllul'l'ay Hill teaw is composed of all the star J>layero of htet year's champion Orange A. C . 1'hey will make \V esttield put forth a big effort to wilt.

-'rhe Metbodlet parsonage ou U uiou Phtoe bas recently hlll!n thoroughly reo· ova ted aud is most ,comfot·table Btld at­ta·a�.>tive for the new pastor, Dr. J. It. \Vrlght, and family. The work ha• beau doue nuder· the sn perrls011 of the Ladies' Ai<l Society of the cllltrcb.

·:_There will be tua illustmted stereop· ticon l9cture at the W eettield Baptist

'church this evening on "Chiua," by the Rev; C. £,, Uhoades, D. D . , .who is elll· iueutly 'l''"li fied to SJH!ak on this topic . .· ·�:;?O Dnnlap of the late•t patteru.

� �\,f'l'l��� u��. crc�5S\Vttlk a�!:.the: • Dt'ciQd·. ur11l P•·•>st>ect �tree'fs is 8: very

;,;L,trge House and · Bn,t'.!�;!·;;·�;(��tu7;'oo st,.i\t!al looking Hffllir.

-'i'be last dinner o! the season io 'he given by tire �leu's Chlb.ofthe Congre';· gatiorud cbnt'ch, is <lo,via fot· to-night �t

' 'l'heJecture is �:iveu under the auspices . two of the Snnday school chtsseN for

the',han�lit of t.be Bnil<liug Fnnd.

�ti:��: ���':;:� �:��- ��:::::.�:::�;;,:f;��gg:gg '''},•rge Honse . . . . . . . ' . . : . . '.: ·. ' ' ':'·.40 00 : : J,arge House . . . . , . , , � .:. . � . ·· :40 00 Laionse, f.l I'Oorna, ull hnp . . �· . .. 35 00 ','•cHonse, l O 1'001118, all i lnn . . , . 35 00 ;:;,llouse, S room8, all imp • • • • !)5 00 'tl!onse, 0 rooms, ull imp . . , • 30 00 {>cHQnse, 8 J'OotnB, ull i m p • . , . i30 00 '.::.,cJiousP, I roouts, nil i 111 p • . , . :H 50 '',; ABRAMS II. WELC H, :. : JtEAL ESTATE A N D INSURANCE, · · STA NDAitD BUILDING

'l'elephouu 2t; B.


Cor. Ehn and Quimby St...

:;:Jural Agent I nsurauce Co. of North

��a u man n ' .s·

� lPhoto Studio. � We make al l the latest styles in I g � PH OTOGRAPHS. fnll �tock of Amateur Supplies.


���liNG. PAP!R HANGING. OWORATING. I CEO. LARSEN, ! 31 Susse.x Street, ! P.:o. llux ouu. Weatfleld, N, J ,


7 o'clock. . · ·

-Dt•. C. M. Auilea·son , fonuel'ly of Westfield, Is hand@omely praised and pictnre•\ iu the Jersey City · papea·s thia week.

-'l'be tall ,Jt·. 0. U, A. M ,, tlag pole on the corner of Bt'oatl and Pt•ospect streets is to be rewove<! to the newly es­t�hlisbed cnrb line on Broad stl'eet • .

-'I' he pl'iuuuy !leuartmeut of the Butl· list Snutlay school will holtl · a social iu the parlors of tbe clttu·ch ou Satlmlay afternoon. I

-'l'tu·u out in foree to.mort'ow d"t. t11e lmselJali g1uue at Recreathu Park 'I'll� Mul'l'ay Hills lll'ti cr•ackerjtlcks aut! the gtune is su•·e to be a. scot·clu3·t<

-Dl1l·iug the mouth of · )lay devotions will he hPltl In Holy 'l'rinity Clim·cl1 every 'l'nesday and FridRy eveuiug Rt 8 o'clock.

-Nearly one tltotJsRu<l }leople·atteud� e<l tlte llllbllc school fait: on · last Fri<lay afternoon mul e\·euing, as atteste<l by receipts of JIIO 11t the doors,'


-Work will soon COllllllence 011 II hiii1<1B01116 tlll'ee A tory , b;·ick Rllll stone stot·e aml <I welling lmiltliug for , W. l'I. Abbott au the coruet; of Broa<l 1ind 1•eut street•.

-'i'he Piker .Shoe ColllPHII)' .

. iutA token posse�sion '

of its new store ou Broad street. . . Mlike ui:.ui '•i'viillf."'if''Yoil 'wili1t tbe IRte�t in foot\velir, .. tbe\ Piket· Shoe po�.�pa.JY h�R· it·;:. · ··::J ::,��.\\{ ·:t :;�'!" -�\

-Do not forget the Jllplinese wetl•lln�,: ttud;leM · 1 t the Congreg11tional Snnd•v sc�ooi . . rOIJIUB IO·lllOl'I'OW <' llftel'iJOOil, i\'rider the JtllRJlices of the llli"istedu;,; League.

Glassware p•cnlhnly .vetltllug tn·esentatlou the Dol'!llugel· Gl11ss 19th Street, uelll' Mnnny i::ltreeJ, New.

-Th .. W esttiel<l

-A nnmbet' of W""'""!u�···.�,·l?."• Leap Yenr tlnucti at the' on Frhlny night h•st. ft•om be1·e wel'e the bol'tle, Clnrn Poey, Bessill Dt.m-"6)'! Emum Eh•tn·ettl

.i �ftev, 'l'houuts Elg�r·, t.lte "Prison Evau�,:elist," will speak in the Baptist Clnirch Snu<lay morning. Suh,ject, •:Trnm(Jet Bhrots from Stoue Wall•." Rev. ·c. ,J . Greei11voo<l will defer the

Met•moll in his series to a later· <late. Evening topic, "Slighting Little 'fhings. ''

· -Dr. W. I. Stean• presided, and Jll'eacihed the sei'IIIOII, at the installation cif Rev. Mr. Casselbel'l'y, of the Duuel­leu Presbyterian church, on 'l'hnrsdny e'vening of lust week. Mr. Ca•sel hetTY \vas formerly of Hnddontield bnt bttR

been called to the pastorate of the Dnuel len cltmch. H�", Henry

.Ketclumr tlelivere!l the cluu·ge to tbe pastor au!l Rev. ,f. 0. l\IcKelvey, of Plninlield, <lelivere<l the charge to the ,,eovte. ---...... ·· �---t.:ur·ol,.u ll att'll ing 111wlm l•iano Jlcdt u l .

'J'h�J·e wus a t'tBh fot· tickets yasterc1a.y moruiug ILt the ad\'Ruce sale iu the Pnll· liu Library rooms for the ap)li'Oitchlug piaM recih•l giveu by .Miss C•rolyn Hanliug Beebe, May 17th, In the Cou. gregatioual church. : • Mis8 Beebe is Nil 11rtist of unusual ahil­lty aml the music lover·• who avail them· seh·es of this opportunity will enjoy a rare tr·ent. The pt•ogramrue 11lrea<ly ar· ranged COinjll'iHRS seJectiOUS from tile beBt composers. Miso Beebe's recent Enropean tour was a snccessful one, tlll<l Ahe was recei\·ed most favorably by " utuul.Jtn· of e1nineut uomposerR. ·Het• pl11ying is tlneut a01l conscientions Knd her technique excellent.

It is .safe to say thut she will receiv e a wat•w RIHl tlestjl'Vetl welcome, ou tlel'­soual grotm<ls IUHI nside from her artis· tiu merit,

A liberal portion of the proceeds will be• for the bensfit of worthy Webttiel<l enterpris�s. Seats ate now on sale at the Pnhlic Library room• 011 Elm •treet •

hi IJndt.tt!mcn to Jlattle ou t11ill c : .·ouud.

0, U. W, null Fireside · Conn; h11ve 11 big argument to

fnhll'e, Both cl11iu/

,,,·,Pf--:-··c-4 • _. · ··--It, « � , ""jU,..1 I'OIIt.

W68ttieltl, N. J.

('UIJNI;I J, 11 1•lt�'I'N ,;J'o)\\'.l�j) . ir \'1U it1N Wl�ltK.


- ·

Ht•llt·h•K f"'u.u11dl J l �h· J�••.iut·mt " Jlu�o�r

\'t!llr••Hut '1'\\'0 of Oltl Bnnrll ttll J•rt�..CIIt f:-tnllteil,

CrmlllihJutU Dickeroon wa• the onl): one Kh..,nt at Saturday rligbt's we�t in�,: of lhe l'etirlug 'l'own Connell. 'flte ut•etiug wo.. held to cl""" up the year'• work, llll<l w"s in M>.ssion les& th"n """ UOill',

'l'he .TreHouret' was Rllthot•lJe<l to pay ,J. Wilbur Cory corr tt•act (Jrice l'ul' hi• work ou Gracelaud rua<l.

To lll�l!t thfl grade of tbe trolley trHckY, a uew gra<lH \VHB established at the cor­uet• of B rOHI] awl Pt·oMptct t�tfij�ts. 'l'he ne\v ,;r•d• �trects the fom· cowers awl will rRisll tlu; preo.eut. Clll'Uiug about four iuches.

Un motinu , the hRlauce of the Police rnud of t�iiO autl f;GOO, re�;elv•d frou1 t he North ,J.,r·oey 'l'elt pbolle Co., were tr·au•­ferred to the I'Oad •cuonu t .

CouuciiUJdU•ttt·IRrge A. F. Grant made R few reuunk• touching o11 tt1e work au· com&•li•h••l by tbe Conucil dnring th� Jlll•t year· artd the meeting adjoul'ned 11i11e fli,;.

"------·�-----t'u blh: Nc:huul l'llh',

The fttit• held in the iV ashh1gtnn pnb lie school last Fl'iday 111111 1:!11t unlay by tue teachers and JlUpils, assisted hy tbe p11trons lilld friends of the sdwols, wao a decl<lell success. More than 1,5!10 p�o pie 11tt.euded.

l'he IOl'g� nnrlitorium wlio tastefnlly uecot•ate,J and pretty booths hu<l been erecte<l by the pupil� of the different claose•. E•ch g1'1Hle in the l•cbool wae represeutt d. 'l'ha ki ndet•garten cla•ses h•d a Jlrettily decorated flower booth ; other classes soh\ cake, homemade candy. ice m·eHtn, 1-.n•made frolll booths decor·ated with their dnss color•.

On J!'rid11y evening the JlllJ>ilo of the tht·�e ttpper gr1nnuun· grades Herved n suppel' in the upper hal l . About 300 poo1•le were waite<l on by prettily dte•sed school �,:iris. 'l'be pupils en• jO)'etl this work autl a ueH.t �nw was realized from the sn)lper·.

In the l01vet• hall wet·e txhibited the A, \V. Elson collection of p1ctnres re­presenting all period• or urt. '!'hey l'e­maiu on exhibibltion this week so as to give nil pnpil� rut o:>pot•tanity to """

them. A uumuer of these pictures wil l b e pu rchase<) for the school. About $51;'; '""" a·ealize<l from the fair.

-----+-·· ·� ...... ---IJU)'I\1 ..-\s!'iocilltiuu smtt�IWI'.

Umler the tulspices of · Uuiou · Council No. o, Loyal Association there :was Hn eutertaimneut': ora ;(!'t.ii.;;:,:;sm'i.Jter ,: .• ·order �,:h•eri ill ���i ii�J<l:Ciilb Hali;Ja�t eveu, iug, · qr�·��to,·.W;·:��./;l�·l.�t�'i,�;:·J/:��ll.re�_idiUg,· W. Holt Ai•glu:,'of 'l'reutou; Past St•preme Couuciloi·; ex1Jlairied' i u . detail·: tile pur­poses of .the ht·otberbood , 11s kindr�cl t� the high objects 11n.! career of the Roy11J ArcHunm out of which it had it• being. He showetl that thll society was eujoyi1•g " sniJstaulial growth along consecutive Hues. The local assJciatiou is officer<d by sno;h uitize11s as HiL'Hlll L l�iuk, Gtio, '1'. Noe, H. B. Udell, \V . E, Tuttle, Jt• ,

Dr. J. B, Harrison, Cbe�ter l\1. Smith 111111 Dr. F. A. Kiuclt , with 11 11temberohip of tweuty-eight. 'l'ue institution holtls a Ne1v lersey chllrter .witlt a membershi p of 7,000, althon�,:h but a few years iu ex lstatice. 'l'he .evenlu� WIIS enliv�ue<l by " Clean lioul ·ci·olllitable-: VKII<leville euter­taimne::t.

'{.'::;,:�? :;.�·,c, �<- >' >,�---:··. /5'·

Schaefer's. "Arrrot Brand ", . :collars


liJc. �acb, or 2 for 2Ju.

Mana,ch Neclisee Shirts, $ 1 -DO. 4 ----------------


Another Word About Our Special Department.

Many people keep their !a vi ngs 11cconnts.in New York, <lel p iJia, or some othe1· re111ote place, t hen when they wish to tt'ttiiSitct thetr tlltSi lle83 1\ J i oeraJ expendi ture of both'.' ti me ann tnr>uey is neeesdary.

How tlifforent if t'he account is Clll'rieu with this Oo1Jl pai1y; It is then a1 w11ys at the i r i rn 111eJ iate d is)'!OBRi auddeposits m••Y be rnauo with a minimum loss of time, 11nd ·therefor e w i th gt'eliter l'egu lar itv.

· ·

We wil l attend . to · the transfer of . suo,l1:·i' ttceonnt� charge.

011pital $100, 000. S n rpl n s � 100.000. Depos i ts *850,000

!)' ··· ·r · W .. Al'l�f'a••:: p· ,;e';st' cle'n.it.�-. :. ) '· . • L', I , ·• •

..,_..,_, ... ___ ..,_..,.., ...... __ .., __ ..,_.., __ __ � . ' ' . . � 1 Saturday CAN DY 29c. l b. : i .

I IIIII ;;;�;�:; ;;:;�., 25c. r f uutkes tham look like new, : � NO liiU5S. NO TROUBLE.

� Frutchey.Hathaway, : � PHARMACISTS. # : Broad St. , corner Elm. · Westfield. : ·------····-··---·-·---····

Crowford Shoe FOR


B road St., W estfield, N. J.

The Milliner's




Pla i n fi eld.

If For A ny Rea.son You u r o tliss11tisficd with nuy JHH'Chllsd you .. ,.,.,�-,-�.,·:':';��:·.,,; oxclumgecl, nr yon Cllll got your money back dor•'t wish you to keep nnv purchliBO nulo�s have sovPI'lll thottslllHl ploasecl cu stomers rlml frm lt if yon �tl'e not ono.


30c REGULAR DINNER .Jess!� Vool'ltee• 111111 gKtol ie l\[e••r• Mnrliu Dewey, Hoger· ' Wlllimn llower·t, Arthnr 'l'nttle, Wh\ K. E111uletou, b•tlr<l nml ltn"luuOl'�. ·

If It took 10 gallouH to paint lust time with sombody

• p11lut, 1111<1 hkes 8 with Devoe, we , you ft! 01' $10 ; for· Jlllhlthtg cost,

PleniJ of OandJ Piano Recital ! �'1 \' �l COIJIIS�lS.

IKOrotoro, Fiola, Ollopo, Etc. EN'S RESTAURAN

•lm Street,

f'HI'd uf'l•h ntlk�o�,

b"tl!e IHii>ll�. teachers anti lll'inciJlHI of b 8 We•tftol<l tmhlic •ohooiM wish 10111!'h the cohtii!IIA 11f thti S't'.I :SIJAIID, 0UPI'eMs tlH>h• �htcer•e tb�uk• to the 1�uy f•·lentiK who Ho k ilully uontt·ibnte<l �r the e�l'""�•• o! the recent fl\h' Rl!ll I RJI Who f�vor�<l thalli With titeh•

1 llrel•

lee llllll llbat'lll Pllt.I'OIIKIIe, thereby llklog the falr.eo decided 11 1ucceee,

-Ab.r atnM & WHich, Utn r•eJtl estata

npent•, hnve •uhl ful' l\It·s, Amelin Dt'ulte

tu H. B. 'l'l'<+malu<+, tim Jll'opel'IY kuowu •• th� Drnkto hotueHteatl, Hl tnate ou 'the west •i•le of \V�stlleltl 11Veune betw�eu P111'1< street., Nttw Mtl'ottt autl thll Uah WIIY I'Oad , Also fot· the RIIIIIO owner to the s11nttl hnyer· the lotH 011 the et•t sl<le of We•tflel <I IIV81llle, he tween Hn•thrgH 111111 Ca·o•by , 'l'hi• Hnlo melluHIIIIttuh to ntl­

j,ruent J>t'OJierty liM well 1\K the town ttt lttr�e, fnr Mr•. 'l't•eu taiUH will hnruetllnie· ly ltnt•rnvo thn horue.•t.Hn•l l•r"l'"rty, l ay• ln11 lt m1t n• 11 park, Rnd thi1s �tttractlug a biBb <Jia111 ut dwelllllKH·

two or· tltTee times "" much as plllnt, lllr. Bv.l'll RHthmell, Wllllams)lot·t, Pa.

alwnys nse<l 1 1 gnllous of mlxe<l p11iut fol' IIIH house; Devoe to11k 6 ,

B u t that iHn't a l l ; thRt'A only llt'Ht cost ; how loug will It IV ear!

'l'he paiut that goes furthe&t In cover. hll(, Weill'S UHHt too,

All paint, trnto paint, 11ud fltll !llells­nre, 11re on one sitle ; JIIU't (11\lut, false Jlnlut; 111111 Hhor·t-measm•e are 011 the utltel'. Wh11t can yon expectY

P. B. Chn@, pi'ILat.

Yom·a truly, F, W. Devoe & Co,

Orlckunberger �ella our

11t every p1·ico ft•om IUc, JIP.l' pound llJ!Will'<ls. E\'et·y ll�vor known to the cmuly lllllkm·. Pm·e, rich and delic ious om• a�sorte<l chocolates auil om· cK\'amels aa·e ,justly cele•

bra ted whenever camly is eaten. We make 11 •Jiroialty every Fri· 1l11y IIIHl Satnnlay in ftOIUething new In c�ndy,

•••. IIPk . Oll�J lltl�l., 24 Elm Street, Westfield,


Caro lyn Harding Aftet• her successful Enropeau 'l'our,

Congresational Church of Ghrist, Westfield, N. J.

Tuesday. May 17th, 1904, at BJ5 :.P·r RESERVED SEAT TICKETS ON SALE

at J.,J, Co�&er's !tea). E�tl\�e Age11�y, Elm Street .• , .. . � .·,, THE WEBER PlANO UijJ<.lD,

LE�Y BRO S. and every day next week will be days

of Bargains greater than you could

conceive of at the

Great Sale ,of the Lederer . Stock and Bosom Shirts without collai·s 39C and with collars attached, at . . . . . . . .

Men 's Summer Shirts & Drawers 1 2 rc were zsc, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z

> Lad ies' Lisle 1 hread Gloves Leder- 9C er's pnce 2 sc, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies' Handkerchiefs Lace and em- 3c broidered,Lederer's price r oc,at,each

In the IVIi l l lner/Dep�r(rr\��t ���� be found nmberless Bargains including a big assortment of 3.00 � and 3.50 Trimmed Hats at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mercerized Waistings Lederer's 2 5c &. 39c grades; a line vanety of 12 rG patterns, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Taffet� Silks. assorted colors and 20G soft hmsh, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . yard JuPf��'P\!���J:;.� ��i�:.��� 39c & 4.9c

-··· · )'

Ladies' Hand and Wrist Bags n tine 38C · ass'm't, Lederer's prices 68c to 1 ,oo .

Corsets the dollar kind, • R. & G. , w. B. . . . Kabo,' & Thompson's, long, 59C short and nursing styles, at . . . . . , . . ..

. ;�_ Men's Fancy Socks-Extraordinary twenty-five cent v}l!ues at 1 21.c.

LEVY ·BRos., . . sucm�ssoju:; •ro r. LED ERER

1 �1:5�1 1 7 West Front Street, Plainfield, N. J .

,,.,..,..,n ' ' • ! " ; ,. , .. • , •", ' . . ' • • • • ... ·I('� • •·• •· • .. .''""''' ... ·''''

� .

STANDARD. FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1'04. . 1

Shirt , Witlt . . I

£�1 1 the. Latest Styles. L . A. PIKER,

and clothe your family . . . WE OIVE TRADING STAMPS.


o r bool;s this we hnve · .to sutis· t'y the ever�present cry for new, abso· lntely brau new . uoolt�. unit have titus ol'teu brought. npou unrselves the criti· ci•m of t.he very one• whose cravl ug we were eudeavoriug to �utisfy. W!! were not altogat.ber respou•i!Jle however. AH the ·• output " <•!' fiction this year hns been uclwowledged to oe rather feeble ami of u diluted quality . A ppreciating the iutet•ast 8hOW11 U)' th" \�Oilll!ll of the \Vmu .. u'• Ulnb iu our Library work, 8I·8J Market Street , Newark, N. J. we have cousi<lerml the oubject takeu ����������������������������� np by that Club this year Kn<l have • tuhled a muuUer of vahutllle aud ezpen- A I bE' r t E I sive books ou Unssil\.

Notl\ble among ont' .other book� of ref11reuc" lutti be1111 'l'he Lif• of Glad·

o�cker, stone by M orley, aml 1111 attt·nctlva edi· tiou of Ollvot· H nckel's 'l'ranstutlo11 ot' Wligner's Par�it'ltl. In uutking our • .,. lection Lf bool<M uut of our JIUU appro­p t latlou much t une uud thought wus S)teut. We bad sewt·ul collfet·ences with Mi•H Adarn•, Librul'iau of the Plaiulieltl Libr1u y KU<l carefully con· suited �ei'Sl'ul of the beet juvenile lists that we could Hecure "" we felt that the chlldrell who form such a huqa perc"Jtt.­n.ge ol' om· readers ltarl nut been aa weU trt!ated in tue }UlSt us tlu� ndults1 COil.SH· fllltlltly Olll' $lUU ll•t !!outuiued 11 large JJlllnhet• pf bookH t'or cbihlreu, and \V� hO\·e beeu well r·.,pai<l uy the a1•ldity with which they hll\'e bee11 aeizetl by the young t•entlers. 'l'hos� of onr tmb8ctill · ers who wtre tlliOilgh interested t o look over onrli•t will l'f.memher tbut sorue of tho books "'He be�tntit'nlly illuah·ate1l es)leclally the Nt•tiue bool;s of which we htul ·<Jnlte ·a· munbet•, In out• ndult seleutlou from tl1is appro. priati.ou ·w.e >oho�B�:c'hook; tbut rerulli u " ,;uch.us Blllscz's wm·ks, 'l'he 'l'�UIJtle edl· lfotlilf Shalcesitmtre tuul some ot the ohl stnutllll'!lworks that will be f11mons long 11fter the Clll'l'llllt novel h11� been forgot· tPu, nn<l nho �ome� ex)J AUslve reference houkH thnt we.r)UI'el' .coul<l ull'ortl to lull'e

Coiltimw<l ml Pll!le 8 , · .. \ Suw' frrrll rltJ i u lluucl•mts,

'l'het'tl I• much uhurm lu tb!l IU'I'Rilge· nJellt of flowers both IlK to uolot·, com· hluutlon ltml ft'Hgrnuce, nutl e11 ch flower

Is n token of some seuthneut, Flom­fOiull on a l ntly's !lrasslug tnble Is 11 token o[ fiiR tlcllons ttl•te, pnt•lty of UlOtllh 1111<1 fragl'nnce or Ul'euth, Rll l<leal pl'B(Int'ntlon fol' the month 111111 teeth, Fot• Bille by \V. H. 'l't•nu char<l.


Carpenter & Builder.

North Avenue, Westfield, N. J.

Telephone 56.

Special Accornmoda

tions for Board·

ing Horses.

First Clas�' Ri�


ec1nipmeut in the con11ty for produci11g lJlll't!, M ILK avcl. Clll�li, CATTLE

, , , _ · ' .· . · .

get tit� 1110st uotni�hlu�o: fec<l ; '.rhe h�rus


�-,.'e altsolntAiy s�oet,!d; clenu Itt nil tltUes, \Vo e.�xteu<l lm invltntlou to till to ii!Speut the :'

Maple Hi l � Dalry S4 per month,

Blcyclea SI per month.


w��:tfleld, New Jersey.


Pl,DI Furnlahed If Deaired, Aoeommodatloas forTranalent Boarder�. 8oard by Week or R<>•ldunue 1� Pnl'lt; l!ltrcet.

EXCELLENT Sl'AIJLE AND SHED ROOM. Standard fllolldln1, p WJI:8TI'IIiLit, NJI:W JliRijgy, Tel, 1!41 1' llillilllliili .... iliil�t���-�_,.ii:W..i�-::::•:•�>·�S:t�MI�to�n�,itliiiil!.iio11i·�ii.ii��.!

J. S. I RVI NO"CO�'. · . D.ALER& IN

Coal, Lumber, Buildinl Matanals� MOuldings and Kindling Waadi Farltllzars

For Lawn, C•rden and Plei.S.

office and Yard•:':cantral Ave., na�ar ··a; R. Crossing. Wastfia1d :;. Ordera by M.sil Will Reoeive Prompt Attentwn


I f you want clean

COAL Buy of

A view of G t'IIIHl :'it11 1 1d nt I!Pc "'" i"" p,.,.k



; H •�oishtg It Abroad. I

Gasaway--He's actually ensaged tAJ . l\llss Hoxley, but he wante to l<eep a ae('l'Ct. �

Harl<away-1 should think l( he. we,. really engag·ell to her he'd want _eve..,-­llo•IY to lmow I t right away How IW ;)'ou lmow he wants to l<erJe It secret:e I Gau�way-Hc I old me. '

Harlmwav-Ah ! that exjllains 114 1 Ue's jlretty. foxy.-Phlladelphla Pre!ll'. : J -------:;---1 Getting Even.

Pati ence-You say they quarreled? Patrice-Yes, and she returned 1111·

I his glfls. And what do you suppow lJe did? . . . , . . . . ,

HCan•t guess.', . �-; ;'. '." : 1 ,

"Sent ber half a dozen :boxes:off�> powder, with a ncite explalnhig that ho . thought h e ha<l , tal<e�i a t ,· least that: . . mach home an:hls .. coat ' sin'ce, he 1� ber.''-Yonl\er·s Statesman.

J. E. &aadman & Son, I.IW.\1, ll.\1,1, '1' 1-:.\.ll W I � S 1 111'1' 1 ,,.

l'O�"I'I·:s•n:u 1 Lun:. CASTO RIA A.sh Brook, N. J.

Telephone 10 8.


No. 144 Broad Street, Westfield. W0 d<!Sire to inform the resi<lents of Westfield and v icinity that

;, ll'e have �peued 1m office at No. 144 Broad street where we will be found

· . . : &ny hour of the !lay or night.

WM. N. C RAY &. SO N.

R. BRUNN ER, Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler,

140 Broad Street, Westfield, N. J. Always tJavel with Cupid, and two rings tranl with the rings we sell-the ring itself, and tho ring of honesty­bouesty i u nmteriMJ1, workmunahip, and price. '!'he machinery that ruus this je wel r·y business ia liON·

ESTY. If you buy 11 baby pin it wil l be a good tJaby pin ; it will be good · when baby is 11 Wl•lllllll, . If yon buy 11 watch here, it wil l be 11 good ;, watch, Buy something and £ee if this isn't s ),

ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RINGS. WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE . Rich Assortment. Good Quality. and Prices Right. ·

JOH N L. M I LLER, (Stlcce!!lsor to John Ingram.)

llroapect •treat. Wettfteld TelopbollB IIIi-B.

QRJICI:L�N)) Property is becoming more valuacle every day.

Homes Ready for immediate occupancy - ei th�r for rent or for sale.

Most Libera l induceme nts will be of-


HITS. Other things too.

• . ,. fered t hose who want to . owa their own home.

· · Union County Realty Co.,

CLAR( HATTER. A brams & Welch ltepresentlltlves,

Stanllarll Building, Westfield, N. J T�l. 25-B,

A Good Smoke

you appreciate, so that's why we say, once try our .

• •MY . , PERFECTION" cigars you all day,' '

. ; , ···· . , . .. ...

Westfield Gl1ar £mporlum,

Protpect Sueet, · Woattleld.

Chas . . Zeitelhack, Mouea1 81an and Decorative Palflt

Ina and Paper Han11na. l'll!ST OLA.SS WORK GIJA.RANTICJII)

', W01tfleld, N, J.

l•itd.el'�'�' Jlnttl" l•'rom Start •u J•'iuh.h··

'J'unuur 1Jn1Tr Jlnke,., u J•hcntllllt.'IIUI t:aldt of l·'onl l·'l 1: Unci; of Sc!H'C llnnnt. Chathnm sent. " husky lot • f bHII

tossers to WeMtli•l•l on Satur<IH\' HIHl many Pxpectod that ta�y wouhl

'r•bont e11t tbe local team up alive. .But not •o. '!'bey did gh'e the1u 11 good rub,-hot wheh the tiual tully c•me it Hhow�<l "·estH•i•J \\"ith one l11rge anti juicy ruu to tlie �0()(1, .

'l'he plnyers from ove1· the mountain knew ever)' mov" iu hall worl< and 'uev.er lost a chance to mak� g�od . The ouly' :uwunettt to mat· the g"me was wheti We•tlake, c11ptlliu of the Chatham teilu1; o\ jtmtetl to Umpire Cnth-m'8 t.le�isi0J)· 0)� 11 certain piny. It wa• here th•t


l•ke shuwe<l th� baby act au<1 coutiuue pl11y, althon<:h llftel' be a<lmittetl that Cullem's right. A little jollying brought h•ired c11ptuiu to hlo senses aud tiun �d play.

'l'lte local boy• IJIKyed with precisit.u and �ept tbe visitors every lninute. H�re is bow th� \\'rtl'! \lhty�tl ;

1st louin� :-A•l•w• wa• the. first . to take the lmt I' or ChathHm Hlltl jJrom rHpped K iwt on� tu L�or1lin1. · al�t1 <JOicl<ly l "l il'e<l • t · 1•1. HothfusK: tlltto.' Hat·ry scuupt!d W �HIIKkl!'s bouutlu : HIIU trolleyed to J;t, No mus.

One of Spt!�r'• hot que� burned G lmrg nml the l�tter flu» tell tu l•t. Spt:er conldn 't """ the t'lttte Nlid •�nt Burch to 1st on four. wtdtl uue�. llhHeu flied. to Br�Jlhy . L�o"";.,l s•c•·itked �n·l ·'���- 1 out, Warnm to l.�t. Curh y HfHl Roth· fuss took cure of Cl\rey'� b>1ng. N" ,;; ···,.-·.·� .. ,-,_c, ,,, runs.

2d inuiug :-Cnrit'Y tunhlt>d to 1st ou a t .,. • •• *

clenu shiM It! to right. \VKrr•n hit· tluet! · W h ile ).be f!!g .sboyv WJIS g�iug qn at ·

rain ih'ops and sat tlowu. \Y. SJ••er R•creHtion Pa1k Saturday, Westllel<l tried lo knock Leonard over tl;e left was repre•ente<l 0\'er 11t Mil bur .1 b1· u,� tleld fence, but the short·stop was gam11 A. 0. U. W, team, and they mad" good and hang on to the ball, incidentlllly against Milbnrn iu a closely C 'llllested tbrowiug to Carey. doubling Corley, No IIHille. 'l'he •core \vas 6-5 with West· runs. field one to the gooJ. Fanlks 111111 CHI'

Barry place<! one 01•ar second where peuter were the Westlleld '"'�'�"'',\' .

there wu uo oue to iuterfer.,, HickJUKU F<mlk's �aperb pitcbiug was th� !'•"' "' '' attempted to oacriHcl), but .Rotbfnos of the gam•. dro(l11ed Ad"ws' throw and Hickman * * • · wus saf•. Blir�y sto,ppe<l at thi rd , Wasn't

'that a pheuomon•l cat�h of Hickman stole second . . Speer didn't lille ·Towwy B•rry's over bHck or t he sigu

the way Burke smilell at him aud hit board 1 That'd tbe klud 'l'ommy eats him. Burke smiled still war .. broa<lly •dive. as the umpire told him to take his base. Tom C11rey's work at first b�g wa• Waller fatmed. Goldberg bit to Cnrley very aocept,.ble. 1'wo or thr"e times he who thrt�W high to tbe plate to bead ' ff lVII• deh•·ered " wild tbrow-the error Bar1·y and everybody wu Slife. Spe�r was not hi� rightfuliJ' . threw to let to catch Goldberg uapplug Shorty Hickman over in t·ight field lind Hicklllllll stole home. Rothfnss bad mude good allll he cJnld ftud the b11il thrown th� blill to W estlHke to b�lid off sowe, too. Hickwau, but the ball had gone high and Dickman had alid under the ball. The Ch�tbam Jllayers b�td thought that Hickman shottld have been decl1ued out lind start�d " kick, W bile the play�1·s were gatbend l!round the home 1•latt1 Bm·ke walked iu from 3d tbrongh the players Mnct touched howe. 1\leauwblle, Goldberg stole 2d aud 3d. After reAtlW• Ill!.( play S!Jeer preseut�d Bnrch with a l'"""· Mallen popl"'d to C. Speer, West­lltke tbre1v to W urreu to catch Bnrch stealing, · Warren returued the ball, ca tchlug Gold berg stealing home, 3 l'UUB,

3d lnnlng :-Bror hy and "'ngner fanned, Waller rttlre<l C. Spe�;r at 1st, No ruus

Leonard fonle<l out to Rothfuss. Carey flied to W. Sp. et•, Ba�t·ey flied to Wug· D�t·, No runtt.

uth luulug : -Adams ont, Barr�· to 1st, Rothfu.as llotl Westlake hoth w•ut ont, Leonard lo ht, No run•.

Hickiuan flletl to .Btophy. Bill'ke ont, C. �peet' to 1st, Waller fanned, No rnns,

lith luning :-Curle)' llie<l to Burch.

<· * * Last Saturday the Aeollaus put it nil

orar the P�11r•all• of B•yonue. . 'l'he score was 8 -3. Tomorrow the' orl:£1:1n grinder• will go to Plaluflel<l HUll the st1 oue- Ails tea m of that city,

i:O * * it' �� ',& .rii Following up 'the array �t swift b11li

tliSJilaye<\ b)' the Cllattmms, tomorrow Ktmtber bunch of t.he best is on. 1'he Mui'I'HY H ills 11re the tJick of last year'• Orau� e A, C,, inch>diug JHclc O'Neil, Fred Smith, Bassford, IJoslck 111111 Deideriok. It 18 Pxpected that Blis� of the New Yorlc Awericau• will Jlilch aud Uuglanb uf the Sllllle team wll . be iu the iullel<l. It will be a lmt•ry,up galLe, nuywtty� nud the rnost e.x(JeusivH teaut ever hrongilt her .. , excepting the New York NatlouHIII. The ouly change In the howe ltllllll will be Blckmnn replac­Ing Burell at second aud Conley of the Rhlgewoods iu right garden. 'It is more thau prolmblo that Bnrch will lie back, as th�re are doubts reKardiul( Pongh­l•�•t'"le being In the Hutlson Rivet• Leugue

* Wat·reu fllune1l, W . SJII!•r flied 1\lulien. No runs , An ei!(ht li'Mllle series with AltA of

Guhlborg out Adllms to let, Blaroh Pluinllel •l fm• tbe conuty championship

fRnlletl . 1\llilleu wRs hlt Ktltl too� lst, bll& been arraugetl. The gKmes will he Leollltrd singled to ceutrl.'. Cllrry out, plRfed-at WeetHel<l, .Tnue 11 , Jnly 4. W arren to 1st. No rnns.

p. tu , Aug1aet 13 nnd Suptember 10. At. 6th hmiull :-Brot•hy out, Leonar<l to Plaiutlehl, !\lay 28, Juue 25, .lnly 23 nnd

let, Wagtif.'r f11nned . C, Spool' out, Labo� Dll'' • p, W, AliP, Iltlder the WilD·

Leollltrtl to let No r1111,, BII&Wfllt of George Johnston. lms gstb· Barry out, A<lRtns 10 ht, HicklliMn ered.a swift team, Farmer and " Lefty "

oat, c. S!JIIIll' to ht. Burke slngleu to Dlivls will IJe their battery. Ex·Nnt'l

c'ntt·e, Wul l�r 0111, 0. Spe�r to I at, Le�gue ;• iBl!� "

tLau<ler wlll Jlllly tblnl

No runs, IlL ca11 K 11 e e11111, 7tb iuuing : -Adaws siuglecl , W11 ler l -It yon want t;; .. ll.,.k_e_a_q_nlck ftRIP,

throw to C11.

rey to catch Adams off laL, try the Standa'rd'• • ·One Cent 11 Word" OareY failed to atop tbe ball and Atlawe coluwu,

Promotes Digeslion.CII!errul­ness and Rest.Contains neiiher ' Opium,Morpltine nor }w\£ral. NOT 'NARc O'J.'IC.

--- · · · -

,.,;.,.,.,(JfJJ;�'D.I'Itf:NIH � s.llt -

��- l � Aperl'ecl Remedy forConslipa­non, Sour Stomath, Diatthiea Worms,Convulsions.feYerish-

1\ess and Loss OF SUI!P.

For Infants and Childreia.

The Kind You ·Have Always Bousht

Bears the Signature


l·n Use

For Over Th irty Years

CASTOR II ,.... .......... .......... -• .:.· ...... 'iPI:·

· Hav� You· Heard · About It ?

Tie lew "Rcoaomic" FoliBJ OF T H E


Rates for $1 ,ooo.

"''- ' " . ' 54 William Street, N. . � - �· ,·. · ," ··� - �v;

Dainty arid Tastefu l . I 8 the description given llllt.tlY or our Wll11 paper pntterul,

Unique nnd bvnutlful might Kls� be n3od i u describing

somo more :ot our pnttcrne . If yom· tnstn In .val,l pApor cannot be suited here-It tan't 11uywlrer·e ,






r.O.II'I' '.'HIS ' J.O�T WON 4 Wm th . , , . _ . . . . I ll 7' Rnth·urtl . ' " . ·, 7 4 Boll'"'rt . 1 1 , . . . . . U 7 '1'141bot • . , . : . . · 7 , fi Mood�· . 11 . .. ,, .. 1 t 9 Pit>lfiiOI! • • t • • .. ·n fJ �. Tntt:l, . • . . . . 1 1 !I Cnnciit . . • • . . . . II 6 F•rl"i• . • , . . • . . . !I !I 'fnni�on . . . . . ; -4 7 W. Tut-tle . . . . . . lJ 10 \\". Towul�y . 4

. . . . II 6 .lllill� . . . . . . . . . . . !! !I CIM rk , . . . _ , . . . 1 . 1 W Tutti., 'fuui•ou. Worth, Glnck,

•cl,;.tlule.g:uueg Apr1l �7. 'I ' I; .l'owuley, Mills.

••rei! Hegewau'• find oorle< I• with

Pierson, IVho r•celve• � 1•lu• hMntlicap.

If l�t·o•l lose•, he will tie Huloted aml Yuehl fo1· 3<1, 4th t<Utl r.th pl•ee. If he wu1s h1t will tie Wootl\\'91',<1. Hegellt\lll

has WOa Sei"{PS of the l.ast, 13 l"Oiie<1. _ chtb, lttst wintt�r, · ·

" ttlul

4th), · Worth, l?el'l·i• with

Towuley, Piet·�ou with Rntl·

ll�gem�Au, Wortu with 'l'albot, Ul.llUVIUI.I. Witb Titwtiley.

UoleBa a .. gemKH'• higl• scor� this week

i• · sttrp•ss�tl . hefm·" 8Mttmh•Y uigbt, ·will wollr& the. tliKtuotul piu Mgaio, Hlld tlt8r& will he 11 tie !Jetw"'"' PiHrsou au<l llegeuton fm· ito owuerobip. Ench will 111\Vtl �ou it ti'e times this sensou.

0. · ··ui:·� .''"·WORKt ·" "'• r •: � ·· �.. J ;;, . j :• . C I ' '. :( . ,�' ' t ', · · ' · I�i"In te1·ii:>r Decoratiug u . do11e iu the thorough aud finl-:lteli

in:lllner iu which work: of th is kind slwald ue doueo. . . p0;:; tl;ie.purpoae we employ uone !Jut .Cilt'eful, neat-pair;lta"­

• :;;./'i�g.:.exi•ert workmen. ;�her� we are once em ployed w e are always in detuaud;

H UNT BROS., Cor Elm and Quimby Streets, Westfield, N . .t

-------- -- ---·---· - - -- --- ----------···- -----------To Parents : GI\'B YOUU SON :�nd D AUGH'l'Eit that whiclt will II' DIYWENDS throogh hfc. . .· 1


ELIZABETH COIIEROIIL OOLLEIE. Hersh Building, 207•2119 Broad Street, Ellzilbeih, N,J D•y aud Eveuiog Ses•iouo. C.:all or wrihdor circulot·. ' '

I!I)CAA M ' M IClKL •• Prlnclp•l.

n Uro�d St., llix Ouildini.

c J.OU7•"•••h, 1'1. ,I. , m�ar st•tlou, , Rlti•'IAN, t>rindpal

ai:iifielcl Du �in.etii!t!i8 Colleke• CITY B A N K B U I L D I NC.

. wt'�t.fi�}ll Cat' JUIJololtl.� th£1 llOOr, Ou! fare w i l l take ,ron. C'�ll l aml RPt:J ont' sehonl.

A . C. PHELPS, ,\l:tnllger,


P E R S I A N WAL.L. PA P E R CO M PANY, 138 Nortb, Avenn•. Plainfield, N . • 1.

H ER M A N N 8c CO., Pro ps. l\ln i u Store, '.!:In Wa�hitu:too Str�et., Newark. N . • T .

Advertise In the STANDARD, the best medlulil Ia . Union County. The Job Department Is up to dat�� every particular.

For Thursday! Friday and Saturday! at MeDdel's Pure l'aod Market

C o rn e r B ro a d . a n d El m Streets, W estfi e l d , N. J .

FREEl Ask for C 0 UP 0 N Sl .m Extra Stamps

Green to nil llllrl, base• o f 81 .00 t>r more: goo<l ft·om Thnroday 'til Satnr<lay

Trading Stamps.


7 c POUND.

Best Hams

1 00 Stamps with l lb. Best Tea

Oc a t lb

night, 1\lny 7 .

I 00 Stamp8 with

2 lbs. Best Coffee at 35�b.

1 0 0 stamps "'• ith

Mendel's:sa.king Powder l ib 4 box



1 0c Pt l ll N il.

Elgin · C. Best 25 Butter, . .

· lb. California Hams

8�b -----------�----- 8�b MBND

with 6 Cans Fine Peas at 1 2c can

20 STA M P S


5.0 STAl\IPS Ft•e.,,

And F resent at

Our Store. 50 Stamps ..,...

with 50 lb. Bag- Best Flour at Sl .59 bag


Ask for �ed StaF

Trading Stamps.

f t' Lam& Chops,

25 per t&.,

lOI' . . . . .. . , , . . ,_.,,,

top related