1 gif ++: august beam data taking summary 7/24/2015

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Gif ++: August Beam Data Taking Summary



I. Redondo

Tentative Plan (index is week from July 6th)

1. July 6,7-8 rails and cables. ==>Drill holes to attach rails,install 5 m of rails (Mimmo, Giorgio, Riccardo, Fabio Yañez, Ignacio)

2. Wednesday access opportunity,⁻ 2 shorter rail sections ready, carriage


3. Wednesday access opportunity.⁻ Lights has been moved up⁻ Start this week to label and prepare for

transport cables and electronics

4. Wednesday access opportunity, install cables?

⁻ Tested chamber rotation and displacement

5. Week August 3-7⁻ transport frame preparation,⁻ transport trial, installation of (not yet

installed) cables on Wednesday August 5th

⁻ installation of both shorter rails (2.7m+1.6m) under the CSC  chamber; opening of the concrete door requested

⁻ start installation of the cables through the shorter passage need RP approval (Roberto G. is checking this for us); it might be that the concrete door should be opened, if we need to move some of steel plates by using the robot;

-Transport of chamber August 10th (Mimmo)

6. -Installation chamber August 12-13 ==>need 4 technicians, cabling, commissioning

⁻ Mechanics,(Mimmo)⁻ Gas (Daniel,AachenTech)⁻ MC installation &commissioning, cooling

commissioning, external NIM muon trigger(Lorenzo&Fabio) 

⁻ HV setup (Danielle & Jesus)

7. Commissioning during first week of muon data (outside of the beam).Would need a Filter scan early on. 

⁻ This is the best point to decide on the irradiation integration strategy. 

•    A) extract chamber after muon beam and wait for half filter in October

•    B) keep chamber in with only fraction of chamber with HV on, or irradiate at lower HV setting 

8. Time for DT with muon data⁻ Move chamber in position ⁻ High stats with various filter points around

HL-LHC levels⁻ HV scan ⁻ Operation⁻ Analysis



I. Redondo

Executive summary

• We were coming from behind⁻ credit goes to the community, large fraction of which,

has make the extra effort to make it happen

• It has been a 2 months sprint… …but we have succeeded to record valuable samples to study:

1. HV currents vs photon irradiation intensityinput for long irradiation program

2. MC Readout response vs photon irradiation intensity3. Muon performance vs

• photon irradiation intensity • Frontend threshold• HV settings

We need to look at the data to see if it is the sample we need or we lack statistics or we need to repeat some of the studies (if opportunity arise).



I. Redondo

Next steps (added after the meeting)

• Study HV current data

• Readout & Trigger Data : list of issues to correct if we reprocess

⁻ YB0 S1 ==> YB0 S2 ⁻ Ndigis <300, Nsegmests <50, alos release cut in number of

hit/layer⁻ Ttrigger 410-==>402⁻ Save more histograms in the root files?⁻ Make sure the PU data is correctly decode⁻ Analyse test pulse run to get t0 uniformity⁻ Check if something has to be done to extract the time

distribution of the beam⁻ …Then we reprocess

• For next test beam: measure precisely external trigger arrival time



I. Redondo7/24/2015

Vertically, chamber acceptance starts 37 cm from the floor

Horizontally chamber acceptance starts 155 cm from the beam, asymmetric


I. Redondo

HV view


MC side

HV side

Phi coordinate


I. Redondo

Muon Beam Impressions• First week of beam: out of the beam, low intensity (200mu/spill)• Second week: in the beam(at last), share source status with

Atlas_RPC⁻ Until Friday morning: larger intensity (4000/spill), large contamination⁻ After Friday evening: lowish intensity (600 mu/spill), low contamination⁻ Last day of our week graciously given to CSC


Muon track

Showers: our event displays helped optimize the beam

Horizontal coo.

Vertical coo.

Horizontal coo.

Horizontal coo.

Horizontal coo.

8 Muon distribution for one track events

Before Friday~1/2 shower contamination

After FridayLow shower contamination

If we get another muon beam it t would be extremely useful to give fast feedback to the line operator since the beam was not optimal in terms of intensity (low) and contamination:• Contamination fraction• beam spot• extract the time distribution of the beam


I. Redondo7/24/2015

Data samples

Higher stats samples (typically 1 h/runs, 50k-100 k triggers each run)


TDC SEU ntocieable at F10

F100 is HL-HLC background level


I. Redondo7/24/2015

Data sampleshttp://dt-sx5.web.cern.ch/dtsx5/Results/GIF2015/runtables_dtgif2015_scans.html


I. Redondo

To search Information

• https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/DtGIFHV

• DT Gif++ elog• Gif++ elog http://noite01.cern.ch/• Summary tables produced by Oscar &Gianni

with links to PoA directories ⁻ http://dt-sx5.web.cern.ch/dtsx5/Results/GIF2015/runtables_dtgif2015_scans.html

• Excel sheet sheet filled by the shifters with Jesus' form with all the data taking conditions https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12V7gdTnhpQiOX_dfW77Aii_Kdol10828JN5oDp8pRVo/edit#gid=516798429

• Data products generated by shifters using Cruz/Anna/Cristinas’ codes:

⁻ POA plots⁻ POA root files (2)⁻ DT ntuple



I. Redondo

To work at Gif++1. Dosimeter (or temporary dosimeter, 2 months/year validity)

⁻ To enter the bunker active dosimeter, to be asked in b55

2. Two EDH access request: (Niels back from vacation)⁻ GIF++ Zone Turnstile (EHN1-GIF) (i.e. “bunker”)⁻ Control Room HNA-487 (0887-1-R87)

• In order to access to the Control Room HNA - 487 (0887-1-R87) by means of an ID card, after EDH approval it is needed also to 'activate' the ID card monthly, by one of the many READERS available at Prevessin. One is in the cafeteria at 1st floor of bld 887 (first floor, Jura side).

• Toilets are on the Jura side, first floor.

3. Follow e-courses (https://sir.cern.ch/sir/f?p=106:1:213917875603410)⁻ CERN Beam Facilities (12 min e-course)⁻ CERN Safety introduction⁻ CERN Radiation Protection-Supervised area”

4. Safety shoes+helmet are mandatory already in the hall ⁻ also in bunker

5. To enter bunker, ask Daniel Teyssier to be included in the impact #63162


NB: Shifters do not need to enter the bunker



I. Redondo

Gif++ is in Prevessin bat 887

1. Dosimeter (or tempora


Lab entranceHall entrance


I. Redondo

Chamber operating!!!!!



I. Redondo

Muon beam at Gif++



I. Redondo

Asynchronously, also during July:

a. Transport chamber horizontally and rotate at Gif++ ok

b. Define HV setup (have to be ready before the 12th) (Danielle&Jesus) okish

c. HV current data analysis: overall trend, but also discharges  okish

d. Temperature data (from MC, other?) analysis okish

e. prepare Computer setup at Gif, ethernet

connections, (Lauri,Summer student) ok

f. Prepare offlline analysis of DT data (Cruz) ok

g. Define measurement program:       ⁻ Filter scan (chamber

response to photons)⁻ Noise study (Performance

of chamber at HL-LHC)⁻ Study lower HV setpoint

under noise⁻ Performance after ~HL-

LHC integrate dose (HV currents& chamber performance)



I. Redondo

Availability at CERN (each digit a week, empty unknown)

Domenico Dattola                      1111 11Giorgio  Cotto                     1111 11Vincenzo Giordano                    0000 1100Francisco Yañez                       1000 0000David Francia                         0000 1100AachenTech               0000 0100Jesus   Puerta                      0000 0100 Possible ==> 12/08.Cristina   Fernandez                             August from remoteIgnacio   Redondo                     1111 0011 Possible 12/08==> Daniel Teyssier                                0111Gianni Masetti                                 0001Luigi Guiducci                           0000 1110 Partially (L1 DOC)  Marco Dallavalle                                 0101Daniele   Fasannella                  0000 1110Fabio   Montecassiano                        0000 0100 (also remote beginning of 0000 0010 )Lorenzo Barcellan                       0000 0100Lauri Hamarik (summer student)   1111 1111Maria Del Ma Barrio(CIEMAT student) 0000 0010 (18-26/08)Mary Cruz Fouz 1111 1000 (remote)Francesca Cavallo 0000 1100 (partially)7/24/2015


I. Redondo

Operation during Muon Beam (26/8 17:00-1/9 8:00)

1. Operation of the filter from controller in Gif++ control room.⁻   We have to learn and document how

to use it. ok

2. Muon beam: ⁻ procedure to interact with Gif

community and accelerator operators to fix the muon/spill to what we need

3. Operation of the "DAQ“⁻ Franco labview, there is manual,

Daniel Teyssier knows how-to) ok

4. Transfer of data analysis area (dtdqm workspace in lxplus?) tbd

5. Shifter calendar, training, transport (navette Prevessin) tbd

Data taking program

6. We need to schedule one or several filter scans between the time the chamber is operational (~14/8) and the beginning of the muon beam (for CSC) on 19.  Afterwards it will be difficult to do that until our beam time on the 26.⁻    One filter scan just to see the HV

currents vs filter can be done even if the Minicrate  and data taking is not working

⁻ A second one with longer integration times to measure background noise from the data stream

7. Once the analyse for muons is working( after the 26) we can scan in HV settings. It would be nice to have defined what we     would like to do maximally. How  many muons per HV setting point, which ranges we want to explore in each of the 3 quantities,...etc.7/24/2015


I. Redondo3/11/2015

5 m

2.75 m

1.6 m


I. Redondo

Beam trigger


64 NIMoutputs



ATLAS-RPC trigger

Scalers unit

CAEN 6 U crate for LVDS trigger


I. Redondo

Beam trigger II

• Official Experts :⁻ Yan Benhammon & Gaetan Lieb(leaving)⁻ Users are customizing

• NIM signal• Upstream and downstream scintillators with

118ns/195.5ns, TOF expected ~ 50 ns, coincidence window ~40 ns

⁻ Latency ~200 ns?



I. Redondo

Attenuation control (control room)



I. Redondo

Chamber installed & taking data at Gif++!



I. Redondo

Chamber at Gif++!



I. Redondo

Area prepared for installation, cable layed along cable tray


• Rails are now installed in final position and anchored on the GIF Bunker false floor structure and tiles.

• All the cables, gas and cooling tubes has been installed and  organized in 4 corrugated tubes to easily allow move of the Chamber.

• In this next days we planned to complete the services ancillaries parts and set up all the equipment required for Chamber operation. 

• The installation start Wednesday 12th ; cabling of should be completed by Thursday 13th.


I. Redondo

Chamber on its feet!



I. Redondo


• Chamber moves! Two last rails sections ready, assembled on support platform.

⁻ Rails be installed August 5, Mimmo coordinates installation.

• Chamber to be installed following week, August 12th.

• Lights in bunker has been moved up• RP clearance for the new (shorter) passage

⁻ Nicolas B. have scheduled the beginning of cable tray installation next Wed 29/7 8h30 material did not arrived, move to August5th

⁻ Expected duration is half a day, 2 hours⁻ 2pm-4pm to install the first cables not possible

Agreed with Gif++ management August 5th shutdown may be extended to August 6th morning.




I. Redondo

~Beam coordinate on floor

5m rail

Installation of MB1 chamber in Gif++ for August

• Performance of chamber at HL-LHC noise levels• Study lower HV setpoint under noise

• Performance after ~HL-LHC integrate dose ⁻ HV currents & chamber performance

Installation of mechanical support (“rails”) well advanced


I. Redondo

News• Safety document IESEC submitted • First piece of rail (5m) finished today!

⁻ Amazing effort from Mimmo, Giorgio, Sandro, Abdel and Yañez.

⁻ Transported 8/7/15 morning

• Drilling on the floor by Torino mechanics (Riccardo&Fabio) finshed on time on same day noonish

⁻ Floor plates fixed to the floor⁻ 5 m rail located in position next to North

Wall, as requested by CSC.⁻ When the 2 other short pieces and

interfaces are ready we should ask the CSC to move again, if we are to reach the Muon beam

⁻ try to make it coincide with a planned CSC movement in July

• Passage for cables will not be ready for this week

⁻ Pending RP approval⁻ Will install cables some Wednesday in July

when passage ready7/24/2015


I. Redondo


• Lights in bunker has been moved up• RP clearance for the new (shorter) passage

⁻ Nicolas B. have scheduled the beginning of cable tray installation next Wed 29/7 8h30 material did not arrived, move to August5th

⁻ Expected duration is half a day, 2 hours⁻ 2pm-4pm to install the first cables not possible

• Two last rails sections ready⁻ To be installed August 5 after checking movement with

chamber at P5 next week ⁻ In preparation, we have labeled and uncabled SX5

chamber today• Gas and cooling will be disconnected next week



I. Redondo7/24/2015

~Beam coordinate on floor

Back CSC trolley2.2 mx 0.9 m

Will be on ~ half m legs to reach beam

Rails limit its movement, no

conflict with rails when in position,

5m rail

This row of plates (5) have been fixedTo the floor I-beams on the left, will be clamped (required holes drilled) on the right

Thanks to the installation team!

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