1 safeguarding across faith and cultural groups in barnet : the journey to engagement

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Safeguarding across Faith and Cultural Groups in Barnet : The

journey to engagement


Barry Rawlings : Safeguarding Advisor, CommUNITY Barnet

Helen Elliott: Barnet Safeguarding Children Board Development Manager


Background and Context Barnet second largest borough,

increasingly diverseOver one third of population born outside

UK, ( 35% primary pupils white UK)>170 languages spokenMost religiously diverse in UK LSCB recognition of need to engage with

groupsMapping existing resources


Emerging themes from Pan London

Action Research Building trust and understanding

between communities and statutory sector

Increasing practitioner awareness and understanding

Role of local faith or community leadersAwareness and education about

legislation and role of services


Approaches to Developing Partnership

Faithbook resource LSCB Faith and Cultural Sub-group Role of CommUNITY Barnet Designated Safeguarding Advisor Monthly safeguarding surgery ‘roadshow model’ Third party reporting re safeguarding concerns Links with Supplementary Schools Joint training Culturally sensitive approaches Strengthening Communities Programme cascaded through

parent volunteers Contribution to fostering recruitment Joint involvement with Youth Shield ( Young People’s Board)


A perspective from representatives of minority ethnic communities

What do you think are the most important safeguarding children issues in your community or faith group?


And professionals ……..What do you feel least confident about when acting to safeguard children/support families from minority ethnic cultures and faiths?


Priorities in going forward Implementation of London Guidance Increase practitioners skill and confidence

(cultural competence)- informed practice Partnership work/building links with communities Safeguarding champions? Culturally sensitive services Early intervention: How can services be

configured to be responsive? Role of universal services , eg schools Work with parents Ensuring voice of children and young people is

heard/Peer support Respectful relationships


Role of LSCB in engaging with communitiesDemographic changes

Increased rate of referral to Barnet’s Children Social Care

Safeguarding seminar – working with faith communities - aspiration: to identify safeguarding champions ….


Proactivecommunication programme

Parenting support seminars

Publication of Faithbook

Pan-London safeguarding Project

What we did first

What we ended up doing


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What has been done so far? 182 CRB checks for faith and cultural groups 21 + sign ups for on-line child protection training Child Protection courses delivered to 50 staff and volunteers from a

Mosque A high level of attendance at multi-agency safeguarding courses run in

Barnet Support provided to a minority ethnic family at a strategy meeting Successful collaboration in response to a safeguarding incident and

investigation involving a faith community, Police and Children’s Social Care

Monthly safeguarding advice surgeries, 4 of which have been hosted by faith and cultural groups

Network of safeguarding leads established across the supplementary schools network

26 facilitators from various ethnic and cultural groups recruited and trained to deliver parenting programmes

Fostering champions from supplementary schools


Outcomes Safe environments in community settings that provide

services to children and young people, for example, safer recruitment practices

Increased awareness of what counts as a safeguarding concern and what to do in response

Increased awareness of safeguarding resources and uptake of training

Increased uptake of the voluntary sector safeguarding advice service including CRB checks and third party reporting

Enhanced capacity in contributing to preventative and targeted services for example, CAFs, with input from the sector to the team around the child

Increased delivery of parenting programmes to BME communities using practitioners from local communities

Improved safeguarding of children across different faith and cultural groups



CommUNITY Barnet : www.communitybarnet.org.uk

BSCB : www.barnet.gov.uk/safeguarding-children-board

Jewish Volunteering Network: www.jvn.org.uk Faith book: www.thefaithbook.co.uk Youth Shield (via CommUNITY Barnet) Barnet supplementary schools:


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