1 unit five what words can you associate with the pictures? microwave n. oven n. available a....

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Unit Five

What words can you associate with the pictures?

microwave n. oven n. available a.

carbohydrate n.turkey n.rush v.


cholesterol n.romance n.cereal n.

compile v.awareness n.soda n.


alert a.selection n.rush v.

average n.athletic a.shrimp n.


marketer n.fiber n.average n.

processor n. consume v.consequence n.


statistics n.skip v.nutrition n.

fat n.pasta n.cholesterol n.


restaurateur n.snack n.cholesterol n.lobster n.


New Words

1. selection n. 挑选 2. available a. 可得到的3. nutrition n. 营养 nutritious a. 有营养的4. snack n. 小吃;点心5. soda n. 汽水

6. statistics n. 统计数据7. rush v. 仓促行事8. skip v. 略过9. consequence n. 结果10. microwave n. 微波


11. oven n. 烤炉12. average n. 平均数13. consume v. 消费14. processor n. (食品)加工商15. marketer n. 商人或商号

16. restaurateur n. 餐馆经理或老板17. compile v. 收集;汇编18. turkey n. 火鸡19. awareness n. 知道20. cholesterol n. 胆固醇


21. fat n. 脂肪22. athletic a. 强壮灵敏的23. alert a. 机警的24. romance n. 浪漫艳事25. pasta n. 意大利面制品

26. carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物27. fiber n. 纤维28. cereal n. 谷类29. shrimp n. 小虾30. lobster n. 龙虾


1. be responsible for 成为……的原因2. on (the ) average 平均3. be a threat to 对……具有威胁4. in a …/the mood 处于某种心态



1. selection 1) n. ( 一般用单数 ) 供挑选或选购的同类物品 e.g. The shop has a fine selection of cheeses.

2) n. 挑选;选择;选拔 e.g. His selection as a presidential candidate was quite


natural selection 物竞天择

selective a. 精挑细选的 e.g. He’s very selective when he buys his suits.


3. available a. 可获得的 ; 可用的 ; 可看见的 e.g. Those shoes are not available in your size. We want to make our products available to a wider market.

availability n.

4. nutrition n. 营养;滋养;营养物 e.g. Good nutrition is essential for good health.

the science of nutrition 营养学 fat 脂肪 protein 蛋白质 fiber 纤维 vitamins 维生素 carbohydrate 碳水化合物

nutritious a. 有营养的;营养价值高的


5. 辨析 purchase & buy purchase ( 较正规 , 多用于语书面语 ) buy ( 常用于口语和书面语 )

buy sb. sth. buy sth. for buy sth. from sth. / sb. buy (sb.) off 买通;用钱疏通 a good / bad buy 合算 / 不合算的买卖 e.g. That dress was a bad buy----I’ve only worn it once. It’s a good buy at that price!

buyer’s market: 买方市场 antonym: seller’s market purchasing power 购买力 make a purchase  购买


6. 辨析 quantities of & numbers of : The former can be followed by either countable or uncountable nouns while the latter can only be followed by countable nouns. e.g. Quantities of food were spread out on the table. Quantities of / Large numbers of vehicles had to be abandoned 放弃 because of the heavy snow.

7. soda n. (C / U) 苏打水;碳酸饮料(= soda water ) e.g. a can of orange soda Two whiskeys and sodas, please.

8.single parent: 单亲

9. double-income families: a family in which the husband and wife both earn wages.


10. responsible for: 为……负责 ; 成为……的原因 e.g. The floods were responsible for the deaths of over a hundred people.

11. skip v. 不出席;不参加;故意错过 e.g. I’m going to skip lunch today.

12. Americans have less time than ever before to spend preparing food: Here in this sentence, the word “ever” means “always”. e.g. He came here for a holiday several years ago and he’s lived there ever since. I will love you for ever.


13. 辨析 consequence & result: “result” is the most frequently used word. It can be preceded by either “good” or “bad” . “consequence” usually means a “bad result”. e.g. You made the wrong decision, and now you must take the consequences ( 承担后果 ).

14. eat out: dine out

15. on ( the ) average: 平均 e.g. We receive 20 letters a day on (the ) average. above / below average ( 在平均水平以上/以下 ) e.g. His school work is well above/ below average.

16. consume 1) vt. 大吃;大喝 e.g. He’s able to consume large quantities of food.


2) vt. 消耗;消费;消尽 consumer 消费者 consumer durable 耐用消费品 consumer society 消费社会 consumerism 消费主义

17. compile vt. 编撰;编辑;编制;汇编 e.g. It takes years of work to compile a dictionary. compilation n. 汇编;编撰;编辑 compiler n. 汇编者;编撰者

18. 辨析 used to & be used to : e.g. He used to swim in that river. Mobile telephone, which used to be a symbol for rich people, is no longer a sign of wealth. I’m used to the noise. I’m not used to getting up so early.


19. threat n. 威胁;恐吓 be / pose a threat to : 是/构成对……的威胁 e.g. The existence of mass destructive 毁灭性的 weapons poses a grave 严重的 threat to world peace. empty threat: 虚张声势的威胁 under the threat of : 在……的威胁之下 e.g. I obeyed his orders, but only under threat of punishment.

20. in a / the …(a.) mood for: 有……的心情 e.g. The management is in no mood for compromise 和解、妥协、折衷 over this issue. I’m very tired and not in the mood to argue.

in a good / bad mood 心情好/坏 e.g. The boss is in a good / bad mood today.


21. rich in : 富含……的 e.g. This is a city rich in ancient buildings.

22. cereal 1) n. ( 经加工的 ) 谷类食品(尤指早餐时吃的如玉米片等) 2) n. 谷类植物;谷物

23.while…(clause for contrast 对比 ): the “while ” clause is always used for contrast. When used this way, it means “but” or “whereas”. e.g. Their country has plenty of oil, while ours has none.

24. awareness n. 意识 e.g. Health officials have tried to raise awareness about AIDS.


25. variety n. If a group of things has variety, the things are different from each other in quality or type, so that the group is interesting or offers people a wide choice. e.g. She didn’t like the work because it lacked variety.

“A variety of “ or “varieties of ” means “different kinds of ”. 各式各样的;种种的

e.g. many varieties of whisky varieties of trees Dolphins produce a great variety of noises. The college library has a wide variety of books. This shirt is available in a wide variety of colors.



Ⅰ. Read the text carefully again and discuss the following questions.Ⅱ. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Ⅲ. Give the English words or phrases according to the meanings provided.Ⅳ. Put the following words or expressions from the text in the blanks to complete the sentences. Make changes where necessary.Ⅴ. Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate words or phrases from the text.Ⅵ. Word study: For each of the following clues. Use the given prompts to produce sentences in the same way as shown in the model.


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