10 27-11 e8

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English 8October 27, 2011

Do Now

Please quietly complete Thursday and Friday’s DLR. When you are finished, put down your pencil or pen.

(5 minutes)

Jigsaw Study Guide DUE Monday

Study Guide Questions

Q1 Taylor/Delmar

Q2 Lon’don/Lynn

Q3 John/Ron

Q4 Makhaela/Anna/ Kennedy

Q5 Emmitt/Deshawn


Q7 Jordan/Sarah

Q8 James/Ralon

Q9 Elijah/Summer

Q10 Tara/Taylor

Q11 Charles/Shantavia

Q12 Malik/Destynee

Each question must be answered with a minimum of 3-5 complete sentences.

Make a CLAIM (invert the question)USE EVIDENCE (Quotes)USE WARRANTS (Tie quotes to claims)

My essay has . . .

Hook: Hook your reader with an interesting quote or lyric, etc.

Claim: 1 sentence

Clarification: 3 sentences

Evidence: 3 quotes

Warrant: one for each quote; minimum of 3 sentences each

Conclusion: 1 powerful sentence; the last sentence of the paragraph

Our guidelines for scholarly behavior and respect

1. Respect your classmates in your words and actions.

2. Listen when somebody else is talking.

3. Class time is for class activities.

4. Come to class prepared.

5. Follow the teacher’s directions.

6. Sit in your seat as a scholar sits in his/her seat.

7. Use your 2” voice, which is a whisper.

Shout Outs

A BIG shout out to these students who have been going the extra mile with their English 8 work. Hard work is starting to pay off!

Taylor B. and Taylor W. were last week high scorers on our Quest!

Elijah had a great hook for his Toulmin Essay!

Jordan’s essay most closely followed the rubric and directions!

Quest Data

This data is also available on our website.

1st Quarter Grades

This data is also available on the website.

New Class Guideline

We are no longer submitting late work, because it is no longer accepted.

DLR/GUM due every Friday.

Short writing assignments are due every Friday.

Writing assignments that are typed and submitted via email, receive 5 extra points.


Essential Understanding Question

Cornell Notes

Left Side: What is a syllable?

Right Side: A syllable is the sound of a vowel that is created when pronouncing a word.

The number of times that you hear the sound of a vowel= the number of syllables in a word.

Hyphenate based on syllables, not because you ran out of room on a line . . .

Hyphens from your papers:

Eve-n e/ven




Another grammar faux pas

Commonly seen in your papers . . .

Hisself himself

Theirselves themselves




Toulmin Essay Draft

Today and tomorrow are the last opportunities we will have to work on our essays in class. Essays will be accepted until the end of class on Tuesday, only. There are no exceptions.

Parts of the WDC Toulmin Essay

Hook: make it interesting (a quote, appropriate lyric, ect)


Clarification (3 sentences)

Evidence (3 pieces)

Warrants that support each of the 3 pieces of evidence. Each warrant should have 3 sentences.

Use your Toulmin Outline sheet and your rubric!

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