10 ^ci 9 9 8) i n tk m - kanazawa u

Post on 26-Nov-2021






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10 ^ ci 9 9 8) i n tk m





\z2& [4, 13] U

•t*(>, t < I.ZJf'Y Gaya i&.\Z<7)7 7 T-'f-ll' Fatehpur



259 '<-7m<r>$rM<r>mi%^mm (m

& [13]

o ft§»Wt 1 «I [22]

[22] tjfiitt*f$ [21] i:

9 CTO -5 *> 8



[14] (01) 14, :

o 5



t *> C-ft


-r^ f-V ? Antichak [17] JÇv* ? ^ # ? Patharghata [16], ZbiZ

Y y v j. •/-.«-" Achutrajpur [84]

x \z a h ftfijoSïi&^ffi t l tj£ < *n h nx^^ t <r> t #x.


, kundikâ)

Brahmâ) ^T^- (iAc5Ç, Agni) fc

1" 7*7 ■?■*--> a Uttar Pradesh

[23] li, ffl


257 'îmwmwimfrmm <#.)

Mmftfft\,>£m au ttan. [28]

Huntington(1990: 177) it

, Schroeder(198i:287)

[5] iSF0*«[iro«R»*o^trL<ë

4»«lO^ttfcLr<9fflfil«flCliJ:<fi](b*irv»fc (^^1992: 365)

[27] li, «*S


[25] (H 2)

(tarjani) Ïtj

t LX*.<DM£fâfrbWft.

V> ^ <} 1" h Z t fr h mt<i Parnasabari <7) aïMA i>%Z.Ç}tl2> *? ï^

[26] (H3,

H ^© (04) (ijfe^T-SiS> TOBO^HfK K—

:, (oit;*'- K


«n-Ç- 256

[27] U *> d z j: <

1: j; o ic.

(1992) IC



?) [56] (015) -ftt

[45-47, 61, 62]


255 ^t-

[32] (à.

(au) [57]


[50] (014)

[45, 46, 57] (013, 16)




fc -5»H

:7^7-y^ Aparàjità

[36, 37]o tztîU

£ [36] i±!|fîë«£ttë*>i&!ftii±&<, tiiâ [37] (H9~

[38] (itf^-^ffl^*^ 7^U Sailagiri (9- v^ Rajgir iSxlS) UJ±

(1991/1992 : Fig. 26) 7

Ô-.S [60] tiSîSlA'-iift^if-'^ (Ji±li(±|iîl5ïIJ^Jâ:>'>7 7^r^7'f LakhiSarai

M 7 • 7 > K •

[47, 62, 63]o -<75Ô*.^ /< b tWWffijS^JSI-^SSfAOftpi [63] (H

20) là, a#,



253 >i~


^-w, 16~18O6.#.li>

èfc ^3, Indian Muséum (Calcutta), Nalanda Muséum, Patna Muséum,

Bodh Gaya Muséum jôXl? Archaeological Survey of India

±, . 0. P. Panday




(1) /<-

: 278)

B3.o îfc Schroeder li 2 fl£«5WH*J*«*iB^1-**t(l98l : Pls.51A. 49F),

(2) PJ'JX h Nos.3,6-10.18,21O

(3) yTf-—-f-)i,frfi)<r)-7u >XffUot^Tli Sharma (1979), Huntington (1979) (Z J:

~ <t &&£*#** (1985)o iBi

îé (1992)

(5) ÇÉ*, •y-^ va?y;Vffl±i:fëx.P>^-Cë/>:fïnnnt?*'5*î, Huntington (1984 : 106)

IrlMtc&o*v»-C, SE«ft*î''^73-;K±l±T?$)^)itSr^^^(cLTv^o es (1989

307) #fi?.o

(6) Ci(OP#{tW^|ft<?)ffilpW®ÏS(lo^-Cli^rÔ (1992 1379-380) H

(7) ^?é (1985 : 16-17)

(8) "Sïé (1992) $n85#85o

(9) |B]S-C-(i?/1;ijli4fflW-7>^7i:^ï^^ (^2, 19, 20, 22)O ÙWH, (it

(Bhattacharyya 1972 : 66)

(1993) #8?,o A*SBJi«ff (1990) jWU\,

t*t;a<b^4^S!)W[l]ft^6!Jif*aii±if (1961:110-112)

US t*"btLTV»ao ftffili (1962 : 77-79) *>#!&<, ffi^ • TJS. (1994 : 95) (C

ai) 'sré (1992:377) {zti

(1990:126-129) (C

(13 H (1996: No. 114. 013)

(14) §t>^*KfiFW^^l^<ttL^Sit<O^*tt^TA^3:ft (#- 1996: No.111, 012)

tt9 ÎIB^oK#i:L-C(7)/^•^^'J-'yTli^i^!^ (1990:76),


251 j*-y®i<D&®<?>mim:mm m)

m (1996 : 57-58) #»30

(17) ±m^-A^m-t^>iWii± Huntington (1984 : Pis.118, 132), Alain (1985 : Fig.77), -?■ L

TV* h i-W<fàmïïtM<nMïkWL$ii& (& 1997b : No.il. El 3) ■?:•<&&«> j&fth LX<o±

mîiz-o^xm&m (1997b) m, «wt * - 9 -om^-ê-^-ë-u cbosh d9so : m. 7 ) Q

Kfè 0993a) ic-â-îft&fWJ-gi-eiim-i-g, 10-2-3,

%<r> 3 WJtcfflâ-t&o » ') « 2

(13 {WJXhNos.42, 44-46, 50, 57O

a* îztiLim [423

1997a : SI 9 #DS)

[50] (014) tt*«3&*tëffi*ÉIJ*JiîU

af [42, 43] it^

&ffl%izmit&mjHZ'O\,->Xl±'Êiè (1993b)





(3) x-

(4) ffi



\ TU

kf/\— j




2L 22


27, 28











t'J -y *











. 86


Wé, mm. fffll, Kfll|«rfi|i&o

1 (1) Maitreya

(2) Nalandil : Nalanda Mus. (Saraswati) ;

National Mus, New Delhi. Ace. No.47.

39 (Schroeder)

(3) Bronze. 20.5cm ht., ca. 9 c

(Saraswati. Schroeder)

(4) MY83 '}•> 123-24 ; Saraswati 1977 :

PI. 7; Schroeder 1981 : PI.55F

(5) ttiStftttfcS«

2 (1) Maitreya

(2) Nalanda : Nalanda Mus.

(3) Bronze. 11.5cm ht., ca. 9 c

(Saraswati). en. 9 cîDsK (Ray)

(4) Saraswati 1977 : PI. 9 ; Ray et al

1986: PI. 122

(5) <M8*f*«t/.:K«g

IL BBfiUfrft*

Saraswati tiffl^, Ray

3 (1) Maitreya

(2) Fatelipur. Gaya Dt.. Bihar ; Bodh

Gaya Mus., No.89

(3) Bronze, 8.9cm ht.

(4) Huntington 1979 : Fig. 9


4 (1) Maitreya

(2) Jhewari. Bangladesh : Indian Mus..

Calcutta, Ace. No.8186/A24319

(3) Bronze. 9.5cm ht.

(4) Mitra 1982: PI.51


5 ( 1 ) Maitreya

(2) Nalanda ; Indian Mus.. Calcutta. Ace.


(3) Bronze. 23cra ht., ca. 9 c Devapnln (0

ïéiBr (Ray)

(4) Ray et al 1986 : PI.85

(5) «.«*tt»tfcSÊ«g. -x1®, mu.

6 (1) Maitreya

(2) Fatelipur ; Bodh Gaya Mus.. No.91

(Sharma 1979 JJ No.90 £1" 4)

(3) Bronze. 6.6cm ht., ca. 10c (Sharma) :

ca. 12c (Huntington) : ca. llc(Ray)

(4) 76YM /M14-29 : Huntington 1979 :



Fig. 7 : Sharma 1979 : Fig. 5 ; Ban-

dyopadhyay 1981 : PI.57 ; Huntington

1984 : PI. 189 ; Ray et al 1986 : P1.235



Huntington (1984) li Gopala 3 ffifl

(Huntington 1984 : PI.76)



Mus.. No.9683, BlJSlt Shere 1961 :

Pi.22) toSMtttt *»«"*•*.

Padmapani (Sharraa).

(1) Maitreya

(2) Fatchpur ; Bodh Gaya Mus.. No.90

(3) Bronze, 7.6cm ht., en. ll-12c


(4) 76YM 'h 114-26 ; Huntington 1979 :

Fig. 8: Sharma 1979: Fig. 6


8 (1) Maitreya

(2) Fatehpur:

(3) Bronze

(4) Sinha 1983 : PI.34

9 (1) Maitreya

(2) Fatehpur:

(3) Bronze

(4) Sinha 1983: PI.35

10 (1) Maitreya

(2) Fatehpur:

(3) Bronze

(4) Sinha 1983: PI.36


11 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bihar? : Collection of Mr. and Mrs.

John Gilmore Ford

(3) Bronze, ca. 12c. 71.4" X 55.8" X


(4) Huntington 1990 : PI.49



Sik Stt.

(Huntingtion 1990 : Figure 13) „ Hun

tington (1990:177) Citlldf,

'Pamsthasadhu Chamvivrasya' t iî2 ?

ftâo&SWJSI&a1 Huntington (1990 :

176-178) \Z$iilZo

12 (1) Maitreya

(2) [iJj±JWiy3] : Indian Mus.. Calcut


(3) Bronze

(4) 76YM 'M23-30 ; MY83 ^blSl-24



247 'ï-

13 (1) Maitreya?

(2) Jhewari ; Inclian Mus., Calcutta, Ace.


(3) Bronze. 10.5cm ht.. 10c fâ-fc (Ray)

(4) Ray et al 1986: PI. 225


(Ray)0 ■?ij

Tli Mitra (1978 : 95) [;f

1 t £ Ray (1986 : 115. 151)

14 (1) Maitreya

(2) Visnupur (£>&V>(àHasraKol).

Gaya ; Patna Mus., No. 1682

(3) Black stone, 114cm ht.. 9 c (Mus).

10c (Huntington), Ile (fMÏÏ<?>mWfi)

(4) 76YM *59- 1,8. 76YM /MOI- 6 ;

Banerjil933 : PI.XXXII (b) ; Gupta

1965: PI. XI ; rm$<75^«fj 1977 :

i$ M 166 ; Bhattacharya 1980 : PI.

VI. 10 ; Huntington 1984 : 120 ; gg

1989 : M M 4 - 5 ; M'a* • T 7$. 1994 :

94 [El]


11 U=««=

VLto h H.

15 (1) Maitreya

(2) Nalandâ : Nalanda Mus.

(3) Bronze, ca. 9 c.

(4) 76MY /M12-3 ; Saraswati 1977 :

PI. 8


16 (1) Maitreya

(2) Patharghata, Bhagalpur Dt., Bihar

Indian Mus., No.4555

(3) Bronze

(4) Banerji 1933 : PI. LXXI(i)


Fatehpur ai±O-JEofiHqaq (Nos. 6 -10)

17 (1) Maitreya

(2) Antichak. Bhagalpur Dt., Bihar ; Pri-

vate collection

(3) Métal, 9.5cm ht., ca. 12c


(4) Huntington 1984 : PI. 194


18 (1) Maitreya

(2) Fatehpur, Gaya Dt., Bihar ;

(3) Bronze

(4) Sinha 1983 : PI.37



19 (1) Maitreya

(2) [tB±*^W : British Mus..


(3) Bronze. 10cm ht.. 12c (Schroeder)

(4) Schroeder 1981 : P1.69D

(5) ft«tft»tfcn*»»S


20 (1) Maitreya

(2) Vikramasila

(3) Bronze

(4) Srivatsava 1987 : p. 51


21 (1) Maitreya

(2) Fatehpur ; Gaya Dt., Bihar : Godh

Gaya Mus.. No.92 <M&, WtWPW)

(3} Bronze (—SBdlRfiOgS&h 21.8cra

ht., ca. 12c (Huntingtion).

12c (Schoroeder). Ile (Sharma, Ray),

(4) 76YM 'h 114-28 : Huntington 1979 :

Figs. 4 - 6 : Sharma 1979 : Figs. 3 .

4 ; Bandyopadhyay 1981 : PI. 59 ;

Schroeder 1981 : PI. 71C : Huntington

1984 : PI. 190 ; Huntington 1985 : PI.

18.20 ; Ray et al 1986 : Pis. 233a.



Avalokiteâvara (Sharma. Ray)

22 (1) Maitreya

(2) Nalanda. Gaya Dt., Bihar ; Nalanda


(3) Bronze

(4) Saraswati 1977: PI. 6


23 (1) Maitreya

(2) (Ui±Hk^) ; Collection of Prof.

Samuel Eilenberg

(3) Brass. 12.6cm ht.. 650-750 AD

(Schroeder). ca. 600 AD {"Sfa)

(4) Schroeder 1981 : PI. 47C : t,fè

1992 : H219


24 (1) Maitreya

(2) Kurkihar, Gaya Dt.. Bihar ; Patna

Mus. No.9771

(3) Brass. 20.3cm ht.. 10c (Schroeder)

(4) Schroeder 1981 : PI. 65C



245 ^-

25 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bodh Gaya ; Indiaii Muséum, Calcut

ta, Ace. No.3790/A25136

(3) Black stone, 70cm ht., ca. 9 c


(4) 76YM /M18-22 ; MY83 /M48-35-

37 ; MY83 /h 149-1 ; Foucher 1900 :

Fig. 14 ; Banerji 1933 : PI. X (a) ;

Saraswati 1977 : PI. 5 ; £fêl992 : El

223 [0 2]


m®, mm.


26 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bodh Gaya ; Bodh Gaya Mus.

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM /M15-20-22 ; 76YM

1.7.8 [M 3, 4]


, k-

») > K- f- -


(H 1996 : 013) t i <

1996 : BI14)

27 (1) Maitreya

(2) Kurkihar?, Gaya Dt. Bihar ; Denver

Art Mus.

(3) Black stone, 32 1 /4 "X16 13/16"X

8 ". ca. 9 c #•¥■ (Huntington)

(4) Huntington 1990: PI. 5

(5) tt«*tt»tfc»S

, mm,

(.«„ K-x-f U



28 (1) Maitreya

(2) [ttl±ilWSJ] ; Pan-Asian Collection

(3) Silver, gilt copper, 32.4cm ht. 12c


(4) Bhattacharyal980:Pl. VI. 11 ;

Schroeder 1981 : PI. 71F



29 (1) Maitreya

(2) [ffl±J&>F9i] ; Nalanda Mus.

(3) Biack stone

(4) 76YM /M09-20

(5) tt*S*ftttfc**S.fi*

, a», mm, wm*#»t*

30 (1) Maitreya

(2) [ffi±JÈ^W] ; Bodh Gaya Mus.

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM /Jvll4-36


31 (1) Maitreya


(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM/M13-31


32 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bodh Gaya, Gaya Dt.. Bihar : Patna


(3) Black stone, 9 c fè# (Huntington)

(4) 76YM ^C59-2 ; Huntington 1984 : PI.

103 ; Leoshko 1988b : PI. 12 ;

1991 : 04 ; mfél992 : 0221 ;

1993 : E114.

T^.1994 : 66


33 (1) Maitreya

(2) [tB±Jlb^M], Bihar ; Patna Mus.

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM *61-7 ; fêfêl992 : BI222 ;

fâl993 : •;* r-m-1-2

(5) m

: Bodh Gaya Mus.

34 (1) Maitreya

(2) Nalanda : Nalanda Mus.

(3) Black stone

(4) [0 5]


243 't-



35 (1) Maitreya

(2) Kurkihar, Gaya Dt., Bihar ; Indian

Mus., Calcutta, Ace. No.UR53/A24136

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM /M20-6 ; MY83 /M52-28-31

; Leoshko 1988a : Figs 12, 13 ; "ë té

1993 : H15, 16a, 16b, ') X ME - 1 -


(cr^c^ (Vasudhara

t Aparajita) t %L<D&Wfo

36 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bihar ; Indian Mus., Calcutta, Ace.


(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM /M20-25 ; MY83 >h 153-22 ~

24 ; "S Jél993 :')XH-l-8 [H 9



37 (1) Maitreya

(2) Rajaona, Bihar ;

(3) Black stone

(4) Bautze-Picron 1991/1992 Fig. 1

tél993: WH-1-14

38 (1) Maitreya

(2) Sailagiri, Rajgir-Giryek, Bihar ; Indi

an High Commission (London)

(3) Black stone

(4) Bautze-Picron 1991/1992 Fig. 26 : "Ê

fèl993: UX Mfl-1-7



39 (1) Maitreya

(2) [tB±iÉ^;l^] ; Indian Mus., Calcutta


(4) 76YM /M20-26 ; MY83 /M53-25-

27;^îâl993: ') A ME-1-4

(5) *£

40 (1] Maitreya

(2) [ffi±Jffe^^] ; Indian Mus.. Calcutta


(4) 76YM -fc 66-4 ; 76YM /J> 118-10 ;

MY83 'h 148-20- 22 ; Hfêl993 : "J X



nn-i-5 (5)


(1993:25) U<fc£)

41 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bodh Gaya ; SUIE

(3) Grey stone. 67cm. 8 c fê-N^ (Leoshko)

(4) Leoshko 1988a : Fig. 9 ;

>;x un-i-i


42 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bangladesh. Northern Bengal (?) :

Virginia Mus. of fine Arts

(3) Black stone. 39 1/2"X 19 1/2"X

8" en. Ile (Huntington)

(4) Huntington 1990 : SJift, PI. 29 : g

fèl993: 'J* MH-l-n

43 (1) Maitreya

(2) Dhaka ; National Mus. of Bangladesh,

Ace. No.72. 387

(3) Black stone, 7 " ht.

(4) A2-001

44 (1) Maitreya

(2) Kirtail. Manda, Naogaon, Rajshaj

Varendra Mus.. Ace. No.250

(3) Black stone, 12c (Mus)



#. StffiJ.

45 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bareya. Nadia Dt., Bengal ; State

Archaeological Mus. of Bengal. Calcut


(3) Black stone, ca. Ile 4M*


(4) Huntington 1984 : PI. 223 ; Hunting

ton 1985 PI. 18. 11 ; Wfà 1993 : EI17,

•j* un-1-12


4 v»,,*ttfiFO«« fc ftii. tftlt 4 V'


241 /<-<?

46 (1) Maitreya

(2) Vikrampur, Bengal ; National Mus.

of Bangladesh, Ace. No. 1117

(3) Black stone

(4) Saraswati 1975 : PI. M. Fig. 9 ; Bha-

ttacharya 1985 : Fig. 21 ; Kïôl993 : M

X h ffl- 1 -13 [12113]


47 (1) Maitreya

(2) Betagi. Chittagong ;

(3) Black stone, 130 X 70cm

(4) Alam 1985 : Fig. 76 ; Saraswati

1975: PI. IV, Fig. 12




(2) [m±Ws/p^] ; Nalanda Mus.

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM /M09-106 ; Hfêl993 : 018,



49 (1) Maitreya

(2) [tB±Jtfe^^] ; Indian Mus., Calcutta

(3) Black stone

(4) Banerji 1933 : PI. XXVII (d) ;

1993: UX Un-2-2


50 (1) Maitreya

(2) Kashipur, Patnitala, Naogaon, Raj-

shahi ; Varendra Mus., Ace. No.267

(3) Black stone, 10-lie (Mus)

(4) [014]

48 (1) Maitreya

51 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bodh Gaya



(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM *63-12 : 76YM >-Ml7-19 : £

ÏS1993 : E119. 'JXH-3-1

(5) 5«aHtj£fflM>£Kfir-. «Bftlitt

52 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bodh Gaya :

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM /M17-22 : 8ïél993 : >) * Y


(5) #&,

53 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bodh Gaya : 3M!i

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM "A63-13 : 76YM 'M17-21 ;

'JX h ID-3- 3

54 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bodh Gaya :

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM 'M 17-23


(5) *So

55 (1) Maitreya

(Z) [Hl±Hfe^iy5] : lndian Mus. Calcutta

(3) Black stone

(4) Banerji 1933 : PI. XDI (b) ;

1993: >)X Mn-3-5


56 (1) Maitreya

(2) [tt5±JÊ^f^] ; Nalanda Mus.

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM /M09-35 ; gt&1993

'JXMH-3-6 [B15]

(5) ffiteffientti£fa<o*rKf?F0 ffli&fti*

57 (1) Maitreya

(2) Dinajpur. Bengal ; Varendra Mus..

Ace. No.266

(3) Black stone

(4) B 2 -006 : Huntington : 1984 : PI.

238 : "gfêl993 : ■; X h m - 3 - 7 [m



ua, -r


239 ;î-

58 (1) Maitreya

(2) [lii±ik^W] ; Indian Mus., Calcut

ta, Ace. No.372/A25143

(3) Black stone, 10c (Mus)

(4) &ïâl993 : H24, 'JXhV-1-1




dharâ?), ifc&UWï^f^o

59 (1) Maitreya

(2) Kurkihar, Gaya Dt., Bihar

(3) Métal, ca. 10 c &£ (Huntington)

(4) Huntington 1984 : PI. 180 ; Hunting

ton 1990 : Fig. 73 ; Êfèl993 : "J X Y



60 (1) Maitreya

(2) Lakhi Sarai (?) , Bihar : Victoria &

Albert Mus.

(3) Black stone

(4) Skelton 1979 : PI. 9 ; Bhattacyarya

1980 : PI. VI. 9 ; Bautze-Picron

1991/1992 : Fig. 36 ; ^1993 : ') *



61 (1) Maitreya

(2) West Bengal. Malda Mus.

(3) Black stone. ca. llcîâ*


(4) Bhattacharya 1989 : Fig. 28 ; HTfê

1993: 'J* h V-l-6

(5) *JL

62 (1) Maitreya

(2) Antichak. Bhagalpur Dt.. Bihar ; Pat-

na Univ.

(3) Black stone, ca. Ile (Huntington)

(4) Huntington 1984 : PI. 153 ; §fë

1993: ') X h V-l-7


: Patna Mus., Ace.

63 (1) Maitreya



(3) Black stone, ca. Ile (Huntington)

(4) [020]


64 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bihar ; Orissa State Mus.

(3) Black stone. 69cra. 9 c (Mus)

(4) &1997a: No. 2,136



(5) (5)

65 (1) Maitreya

(2) [{b±Jfe^^] : Patna Mus.

(3) Black stone

(4) 76YM ^C60- 6 : 76YM 'M02- 5 ;

fêl993: >)* hV-2-1

66 (1) Maitreya

(2) Antichak. Bhagnlpur Dt.. Bihar : [jîfr

(3) Black stone

(4) Srivatsava 1987 : 47 : Bautze-Picron

1991/1992 : Fig. 27 ; g Je 1993 : ■; X



67 (1) Maitreya

(2) [Hl±Jf!î^l?j] ; Linden Mus., Stut


(3) Black stone

(4) Bautze-Picron 1991/1992 : Fig. 33 ;

•gïâl993: 'JX hV-2-3

68 (1) Maitreya?

(2) Rajaona. Bihar ;

(3) Black stone

(4) Bautze-Picron 1991/1992 : Fig. 6

"JX hV-1-4

69 (1) Maitreya

(2) Bihar ; Indian Mus., Calcutta

(3) Black stone

(4) ^fèl992 : 12220

(5) ftSM&Sko «#li#8ir:ii


70 (1) Maitreya

(2) [aj±JÉ3FI9î] ; Indian Mus.. Calcut


(3) Black stone

(4) Banerjil933:Pl. XXXDI(c)

71 (1) Maitreya

(2) [ffl±illl^M] ; Indian Mus.. Calcut


(3) Black stone


237 ^-V

(4) Banerji 1933: PI. XXXI (b)


72 (1) Maitreya

(2) tffi±JÈ^IS] ; Indian Mus., Calcut


(3) Black stone

(4) Banerji 1933: PI. XIV(e)


73 (1) Maitreya? (Manjusri?)

(2) Ratnagiri ;

(3) Stone

(4) fè;fiJ1982 : E137


74 (1) Maitreya

(2) Lalitagiri ;

(3) Stone

(4) ÊSJ1982 : 098

(5) ë!fê®

75 (1) Maitreya

(2) Lalitagiri :

(3) Stone. 7'6"X3'2". 8-9c (Sahu)

(4) Sahu 1958 : Fig. 23 ; fefill982 : M

104 ; M&1990 : 074

76 (1) Maitreya

(2) Achutrajpur ; Orissa State Mus..

Aec. No.332

(3) Bronze, 9.2cm ht., 9 c \ÙM (Mitra).

8 c (Ray)

(4) Mitra 1978 : PI. 74 ; Ray et al 1986 :

PI. 48


77 (1) Maitreya

(2) Ratnagiri :

(3) Bronze

(4) Mitra 1981 : PI. XXXiïl (A)


78 (1) Maitreya?

(2) Ratnagiri ;

(3) Stone. 38.IX23.5cm

(4) Mitra 1981 : PL CCCXXXDI (A)


79 (1) Maitreya

(2) Achutrajpur ; Orissa State Mus.,

Ace. No. 313

(3) Bronze, 10.5cm ht.. 8 c PJM (Mitra)

(4) Mitra 1978: PL 73



(5) (5)

80 U) Maitreya?

(2) Baud :

(3) Bronze, 9 c (Sahu)

(4) Sahu 1958 : Fig. 52

(5) %&

81 (1) Maitreya

(2) Ratnagiri : Slilfe

(3) Stone. 18.5X11.5cm

(4) Mitra 1981 : PI. CLXXH (D)


82 (1) Maitreya

(2) Ratnagiri : W&

(3) Stone

(4) Mitra 1981 : PI. LXXII (B)

(5) §ê^S

83 (1) Maitreya

(2) Ratnagiri ;

(3) Stone

(4) Mitra 1981 : PI. LXXD (C)


84 (1) Maitreya

(2) Achutrajpur : Orissa State Mus.,

Ace. No.322

(3) Bronze. 9.5cm ht.. 12c (Mitra)

(4) Mitra 1978 : PI. 75

6-10) (C

85 (1) Maitreya

(2) Ratnagiri ;

(3) Stone, 38.IX23.5cm

(4) Mitra 1981 : PI. CLXXI (B)


86 (1) Maitreya

(2) Balasore ;

(3) Stone

(4) Sahu 1958 : Fig. 78

(5) m^

* Sahu


235 >*-

- 1989

S* 1961


-sràm 1993 ot-?ffluj^tattÈÏEfrll©ia«tt«rSK3)j

j 9:107-129»



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