10. pelvic tilt.ppt

Post on 25-Sep-2015






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Kinesiology 1 Credit H. 3

KinesiologyM Farrukh ShahzadBSPT, PPDPT

Lesson 10

Pelvic Tilt

ReviewThe pelvic tiltMuscles involved in pelvic tiltingAnterior Pelvic TiltPosterior Pelvic TiltPosterior and anterior tiltLateral tiltingPelvic RotationPelvic tilt measurementMaintenance of normal anglePelvis Positions

The Pelvic Tiltpelvic tiltis the orientation of thepelvisin respect to the femurs it rests upon

It may be inclined or tilt in an anterior, posterior, lateral direction or rotated

Any deviation in the inclination of pelvis is called pelvic tilt.

Muscles involved in pelvic tiltingAbdominalsRectus abdominousExternal obliqueInternal obliqueTransverses abdominusHip abductorsGluteus mediusGluteus minimus

Extensor of hipGluteus maximus

Extensor of spineFlexors of hipIlliopsoasLumber side flexorsQuadratus lamborum

Anterior Pelvic TiltAnterior/forward tilting:Rotation of pelvis in the sagittal plane about a frontal horizontal axis in such a way that the symphysis pubis turns downward and posterior surface of sacrum turns upward.This particular movements produced by hip flexor and spine lumber extensor.

Posterior Pelvic tiltRotation of pelvis in the sagittal plane about frontal horizontal axis on the femoral heads in such a way that symphysis pubis turns upwards and posterior surface of sacrum turns downward. This movement is produced by hip extensor and straight abdominal muscles.

Posterior and anterior tilt

Lateral tiltingTilting of pelvis in frontal plane about the sagittal axis over one of the femoral head in such a way that one iliac crest is lowered and the other one is raised

Lateral Pelvic tilt

Pelvic RotationRotation of pelvis in horizontal plane about vertical axis

Movement is named in term of direction towards which pelvis is turned

How to measure pelvic tiltIt can be measured by two ways It could be measured by drawing imaginary line through symphysis pubis and lumbo-sacral angle, which lies in relation to the horizontal line can be measured.Pelvic tilt is said to be normal if this angle lies b/w 50 and 60 degree.

Pelvic tilt measurementPelvic inclinometer: In this particular method one arm of the meter is placed on symphysis pubis and the other is place over posterior superior iliac spine. Pelvic tilt is normal if this lies over 30 degree.

Maintenance of normal angleThe angel of pelvic tilt in standing is stabilized either by the tension of the structures which lie anterior to the hip joint which prevent the angle from being reduced and the action of the abdominals and hip extensors which prevent it from being increased

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