10 research-based principles of multimedia learning

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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10 Research-Based Principles of Multimedia Learning

Multimedia PrincipleBetterGood Best

One plus One equals Two

+ +

One plus One equals Two

1:People learn better from words and pictures

Contiguity Principle

2.People learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented near rather than far from each other in time or on screen

Rules for shooting a basketball free throw

1. Free throws or foul shots are unopposed attempts to score points from a restricted area on the court

2. Generally awarded after a foul by the opposing team

3. Each free throw is worth one point, and normally more than one is awarded

Coherence Principle

3. People learn better when extraneous words, pictures, and sounds are excluded rather than included.

You must use your feet only to get the ball

into the goal…

Modality Principle

4. People learn better from words and pictures when words are spoken rather than printed


Redundancy Principle

5. People learn better from animation and narration then from animation, narration, and on-screen text


Personalization Principle

6. People learn better when words are presented in conversational style rather than formal style

“After you enter the car, put your seatbelt on and put the key in the ignition. Next put your foot and the break, turn the key and put the car in drive…”

1. Open automobile door

2. Situate yourself securely in the driver’s side and fasten seatbelt

3. Insert key into the ignition

4. ….

Good Better

Voice Principle

7. People learn better when words are spoken in a nonaccented human voice than in machine voice or accented voice

Hello…can we play a game… Good Better

Signaling Principle

8. People learn better when the voice signals important words rather than when there are no signals

“It is very important to pay attention in class”

“It is very important to pay attention in class”

Good Better

Interactivity Principle

9. People learn better when they can control the pace of presentation than when they receive a continuous presentation

Manual vs. Automatic

Pretraining Principle

10. People learn better when they receive pretraining on each component rather than no pretraining

Preparation is Key


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