10 time management tips every online marketer needs to know

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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10 Time

ManagementTips Every Online

Marketer Needs To Know

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days …”

~ Zig Ziglar

01Understand that you can’t manage time. It’s an

unchangeable external force. Of 24 hours every single day.


02Learn to manage your energy. The more energy you have

every hour, the more you can get done every hour.


03Remember the Big 3 of Energy. Conserving energy,

recharging energy, and maximizing energy.


04Create a portfolio of good habits. They’ll help you

conserve energy. By reducing the thinking you have to do.


05Multiply your working speed. Using a hyper-productivity

loop helps you quickly get more done. With less energy.



06Take regular breaks. Your energy levels start dropping

quickly after 90 minutes of work. Recharge at those times.


07Recharge properly. Good ways to use your break include taking naps, eating small meals, taking walks, and more.


08Work on maximizing your energy levels. You can do this by exercising regularly, and improving your eating habits.


09Plan your time well. So energy is spent largely on the

most important tasks. This helps maximize productivity.


10Learn to focus. Focusing energy in one small spot creates easy breakthroughs. More on this in another presentation.


- IF you’d like to learn more systems. And techniques ...

- FOR upgrading your online business productivity skills…

- SO you can get more results. With less time ...

- SO you can finally quit your job ....

- AND start doing internet marketing full time ....

- THEN visit my website here:

What To Do Next ...



To Be Continued ...

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