10 years to kupat hair

Post on 25-Mar-2016






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10 000 mighty ones around him.


A long time ago, before the world became a completely different place than it used to be, fundraising was considered a very dignified occupation.

It was an occupation carried out by Tanna’im and Seraphim, by great Tzaddikim and Geonim. They would peek into Shamayim and see how Tzedakah ripped unfavorable decrees to shreds. They saw how a widow’s tears ascended heavenwards and caused a huge tumult. They saw how Hashem personally listened to the cry of the poor man and gathered it up close.

The Gedolei and Tzaddikei Hador knew what they had to do. They placed a few belongings in a tattered bundle and set out to collect funds. They went from house to house knocking on doors and asking their Jewish brethren to contribute. Reb Moishe Leib of Sassov, Reb Menachem Mendel of Shklov , Reb Mordechai of Chernobyl, Ztvk”l and

other world-renowned Geonim all did the same.

A walking stick, a tattered bundle, boundless Ahavas Yisrael and Tzedakah.

That’s the way it was centuries ago. What happens nowadays?

Maranan Verabanan Gedolei Hador, Shlit”a, are privy to many terrible secrets. People who have nowhere to turn unburden their hearts to them. They hear about homes on the verge of collapse, about starving children, about parents who have collapsed physically or emotionally and about neglected children.

Before Kupat Ha’ir, there was no one to save them. The coffers were empty. The Gedolei Hador wanted to help but there were just too many tragic situations.

Torah institutions were blossoming through the support of wealthy patrons, but who would save the simple man who needed bread and milk for his family? He suffered in silence, shame preventing him from asking others for help. He came to the Gedolei Hador, the only place he could bring himself to admit the truth.

The T

zedakah of the Gedolei Hador

Who is A Fundraiser?

The Gedolei Hador were familiar with

thousands of such cases.

And they couldn’t sleep at night.

Was it time to take their walking stick in hand and set out again?

Were they to follow the example of the Tann’aim, to make their way to your

house on a hot, sweltering or cold, rainy day, to climb the stairs to your house, knock

at your door and say “Tzedakah, Tzedakah?” Were you to open your door to find them standing there, you would certainly give them as much as you could possibly afford.

But for how many paupers would that suffice? How much money would they be able to collect in such a manner? How many would remain without food?

And then, on 16 Kislev 5761, Kupat Hair, the Tzedakah fund of the Gedolei Hador, was born.A number of young men were urgently summoned to the Gedolei Yisrael. They closed their Gemaros and hastened over, very surprised by the summons and completely unsure of what to expect.

“Help us,” the Gedolei Hador instructed them. “Help us with the walking stick. Establish for us a Tzedakah Fund that will knock at doors and plead for assistance, that will cry in people’s houses instead of us. Establish Kupat Ha’ir to come to people’s homes in our place, to save the poor from hunger.

Ten years ago, Kupat Ha’ir was still just a vague dream backed by nothing more than the continuous wail of poor people crying desperately for help.

So we drew a logo: a small, modest pushka with the words Kupat Ha’ir written above it. We printed flyers and knocked at doors. And am Yisrael recognized that this wasn’t just another knock on the door, another organization. People sensed that this was holy fundraising, the kind that began in the days of Abaye and Rava. They knew that it was really Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlit”a, knocking at their door and asking for help

for families he could personally attest were going through a crisis.

And so Kupat Ha’ir began going from door to door, and it has been wandering from town to town and city to city for ten years now, collecting and distributing millions of dollars for the poor.

Sometimes, just like in the long-ago stories, Kupat Ha’ir suffered humiliation. We have found ourselves figuratively sprawled in people’s doorways, shamed and stepped on. Most of the time, we’re treated well. Most Yidden graciously open the door wide, invite us in and open their hearts and wallets. They read the mute cry of the Gedolei Yisrael and give and give.

Kupat Ha’ir’s activism grew and expanded. The long and merciful arm of the Gedolei Yisrael lifted the destitute from the trash heaps, bought food for the poor at the grocery, accompanied orphans, and gave widows their only chance at life. That’s how the organization that pulses with life throughout the day and night was established. Thousands of families eat every month and breathe sighs of relief. Klal Yisroel contributes non-stop in a never-ending chain of giving.

Take a look at Kupat Ha’ir’s modest logo. It’s impossible to tell what stands behind it, how at this very minute huge sums are being transmitted to the poor, how at this very minute, people are eating food and wearing clothing provided by Kupat Ha’ir. You have no idea what’s happening in Shamayim - how many bad gezeiros there bear this logo with the word “Cancelled” stamped alongside it. Because a private Tzedakah contribution cannot compare to donating through the largest charity fund in the world.

Kupat Ha’ir is noooww ceeeellebbbraatttinnggg its tenth anniversaaaryyy. TTTThee GGGeedddolei Hador have beennn kkknnoooocckkiingggg aattt our doors for ten yeaaarsss noooooww. Annnnd tttheir rapping grows evveeer sttrronnnngeerr as the years go on, annnd YYiddddeeeen kkkeep emptying their ppoocckkkettts ssoo the poor can eat. Liveees aaareeee saaaveeddd ddooown here and unfavoooraabbbleeee deecrrreeeesss are ripped up in heavvveennn.

A book containing the names of the first ten thousand people to commit themselves for fifty pounds a month to Kupat Ha’ir. It will lie on the table of Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievski, Shlit”a, and he will pray on behalf of contributors throughout the year.

Maran, Shlit”a, cannot resuscitate the poor on his own. He wants a select group to help him. “I want 10,000 people to stand at my side,” Maran Harav Chaim declared. That’s how this mis-sion began.

Ten years since the establishment of Kupat Ha’ir; ten thousand commitments.

If you subject yourself to the will of the Gedolei Hador, if you contribute to Tzedakah every month in any case, the following lines are for you. Don’t miss this opportunity to be inscribed in the Book of Life.

The Sefer Taking the Chareidi Community by Storm

We went into him, we Gabba’im of Kupat Ha’ir to discuss various issues. No one dreamed of the direction the conversation would take.

16 Kislev 5771. Kupat Ha’ir would soon be celebrating its tenth anniversary. Emotion was clearly evident on Rav Chaim’s face.

There are some things that only Rav Kanievski knows. At night, as we sleep, he can find no rest. Every day he hears heartrending stories. Silent, tortured cries travel through the air and reach Rashbam Street. Only Reb Chaim knows that the seemingly well-off man who came to see him that day has a child who needs complicated surgery to the tune of seventy thousand dollars. Only he knows the pain of a mother whose baby is deaf and she can’t afford to have him undergo a crucial operation not covered by her health insurance. He is intimately familiar with poverty and pain.

Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievski, Shlit”a, cannot bear this huge burden on his own. He needs the public’s assistance. His words rent the air:

“I want ten thousand people to stand at my side and help me”.

“Appeal to the public, tell them we need help. There should be ten thousand new commitments. We need to have a steady base with which to work. We need to know that there are funds from which we can distribute”.

“With Hashem’s help,” he went on, his voice rising with emotion, “the names of all those who commit themselves will remain on my desk at all times.”

This is the same Gadol Hador who, ten years ago, instructed us to “inform the public about the establishment of a Tzedakah fund,” and the public rallied by the tens of thousands. This same Gadol Hador now instructed us to “tell the public that I

A Rare Request

Marraan HHHaaggaaaaooooooonnnnnnn Haravv AAhaaarroonnnn LLLLLLLLLeeeeeeiiiiibbbbb

Steinnmmaann SShhhhllliiiittttttt””””aaaaaaaa signinngg a mmmonnnnnnttttttttthhhhhhhhlllllyyyyy commmmitmmmeeentttttt ffffffooooooorrrrrrr

Kuuppatt HHa’iiiirrrrrr

want ten thousand commitments”.

Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky said what he had to say. Now he’s sitting in his room and waiting for the Gabba’im to return. He’s eager to hear: nu, who’s already signed? Who has contributed? He wants to personally see the names. Who are the precious Yidden who hurried to help him?

Rav Kanievsi, Shlit”a, is not waiting for a million people – just ten thousand – a select group to rush to be among the first to perform a mitzvah.

Rav Kanievki calls this a request; we call it a gift.

What makes a Gadol Hador happy? When is he distressed? What worries him? He forgoes hours of learning, forgoes his own peace of mind for our sake. He sacrifices so much in order to be able to offer us his blessing, his encouragement, his advice. He has not a moment of quiet or peace of mind. He handles a steady stream of visitors. He strains himself mightily for the sake of the public. Everyone wants him all the time.

And now he wants something small from us. A contribution of fifty pounds per month. Just that.

Just that. There’s hardly anyone out there who doesn’t contribute more than that to Tzedakah every month. It’s not a big request.

When a Yid asks for Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s assistance, Maran, Shlit”a, doesn’t deliberate. He gives himself up for everyone. Now we have the opportunity to fulfill his request. The only time the Tzaddik asks for something, it behooves the public to give back with love, with joy, with fervor and a sense of privilege. Not everyone has the merit of assisting a Tzaddik.

Imagine if, G-d forbid, the Gabba’im will have no choice but to tell Rav Kanievski: “We publicized your request but apparently there aren’t ten thousand people out there willing to assist you.”

Next week, when the Gabba’im go see him, he’ll ask: Nu, what’s happening at Kupat Ha’ir? How many new monthly commitments have come in?

The answer depends on you!

A Request and a Gift

AA Deeccaaddee ooff KKuuppaatt HHa’irccccaad

The T

zedakah of the Gedolei Hador

Thee Reebbbbbe oooooofffffff Chernnobyyyll SShhhhlllllliiiittttt””””aaaaaaa

signinngg a mmmonnnnnntttttthhhhhhhhhlllllyyyy commmmitmmmeeentttttt fffffooooooorrrrr

Kuuppatt HHa’iiiirrrrrr

Two Books

When Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlit"a, heard that Kupat Ha'ir had initiated a campaign to gain ten thousand monthly contributors, he immediately declared, "I want to contribute, too!"

Maran, shlit"a, already has a commitment… The Gabba’im, somewhat flustered by his spontaneous reaction, gently reminded him of that fact.

"But now you're collecting 10,000 new signatures!" he exclaimed. "I want to sign an additional commitment. To Maran, shlit"a, it was self-understood…

And Maran, shlit"a, signed. On 8 Elul, 5770.he signed to be the leader of a holy group of 10,000 Yidden telling Kupat Ha'ir: Hineni, I am ready!

To be part of a dvar mitzvah and join ten thousand Giborim taking the plunge and committing themselves to donate monthly to Kupat Ha'ir.

Suddenly, we were able to see and clearly sense what the Gedolei Olam looked like when their entire essence declared "Hineni!"

heen Marann Hagaaon Harav Shmmuel HHalevh n Marann Hag on Harav Sh uel HHa

Olam looked like when their entire essence declared "Hineni!"

Ten thousand people will phone Kupat Ha’ir. We’ll bind their forms into a special Sefer - the Sefer HaTzedakah, and this Sefer will rest on the table of Maran, Shlit”a.

Because if you choose to assist Maran, Shlit”a, he, in his humility, wants to repay your kindness. He will want your name in order to help you - not just one time but on a steady basis.

Will you be one of the select ten thousand? Your name and those of your loved ones, along with your requests, will be on the table of a Gadol Hador 365 days a year!

People place what’s nearest and dearest to them on their desks. Maran,-Shlit”a, agreed that “the book of those who have committed themselves to donate monthly will remain on my table at all times,” which demonstrates just how important these contributors to Kupat Ha’ir are to him, how esteemed you will be in his eyes if he sees your name, how badly he wants to pray for your success.

Starting soon, two sefarim will grace Maran, Shlit”a’s table at all times: a book of Torah and a book of Gemilus Chassadim.

The book of Torah is, of course, Derech Emunah, which sells thousands of copies a year.

The book of Gemilus Chassadim is the book that contains the 10,000 names of people who are standing to the side of Maran Shlit”a and commited themselves to donate monthly to Kupat Ha’ir.

How Rav Chaim will rejoice with these two pillars of the world!

When misfortune strikes, G-d forbid, everyone wants to have his name submitted to a Gadol B’yisroel. You call your brother-in-law to try and activate protektzia; you speak to your neighbor, whose brother knows someone who frequents a Gadol’s home. You’ll do anything to have a Tzaddik pray for you in your hour of need.

Here you have the opportunity to be first in line, before everyone with protektzia, before the “regulars.” If your name is in the book, your name will be submitted not just once or even twenty times but at any given moment. Your name along with your requests. Your children, your wife, good health, nachas, work.

Your pekel will be on the desk of Maran Shlit”a, during all the important days of the year. Even at times no one would dare disturb, you’ll be there. After all, he himself invited you inside; he wanted you to be in his room.

Think of the moment when Rav Kanievski will receive the book for the first time.

Imagine the glow that will spread over his face. What an amazing Eis Ratzon! Rav Kanievski will take this amazing Sefer HaTzedakah with great emotion and open page after page. He’ll want to meet all those wonderful Yidden who wanted to please him, who love the poor as much as he does. His heart will burn with love. He’ll daven for all the names and all the requests detailed before him.

When a Gadol B’yisroel derives Nachas Ruach from a Yid, and he wants to daven for him, fortunate is that Yid. Will you be among the lucky ones? Tefillos you’ve been uttering for a long time will go up differently when spoken by his holy mouth, and G-d willing, they will be accepted.

The Tzaddik will come to the page with your name on it and he’ll pray for you with fervor and warmth.

Not just one time. Not just two. The Sefer will be there every day. At every moment, Maran, Shlit”a, will remember and pray for the wonderful people in the book.

What can the power of a Tzaddik’s Tefillah On High be compared to? Like a spade digging through piles of grain, so do the Tefilos of Tzadikim turn Middas Hadin to Middas Harachamim.

Bring Midas Harachamim to your home. Bring home abundance, bring home blessing. Bring it home! You need it; it’s not superfluous. Inscribe yourself in this book.

“I don’t like commitments. I prefer not to commit myself.”Many people prefer to keep to decide where to give their Tzedakah money each month anew. But you will continue to decide where to give your Tzedakah. All Maran is asking for is a hundred dollars! You’ll still have other Tzedakah money to distribute to various causes as you see fit.You contribute to Kupat Ha’ir throughout the year in any case, so it’s more worthwhile this way. This way, you and your family and your personal requests go onto Maran’s table and stay there twenty-four hours a day.From Kupat Ha’ir’s point of view, a monthly commitment is a more mehudar form of Tzedakah. Incoming contributions tend to fluctuate and we can never be sure how much money we can count on for distribution. Sometimes more comes in, sometimes less. Sometimes we give, sometimes not. A hundred dollars “in the hand” are worth two hundred “in the bush.” By committing yourself to contribute monthly, you’re building the Tzedakah infrastructure for the coming year.With fifty pounds. The book is open, gathering ten thousand people into its pages. Tzedakah lengthens a person’s life and overturns unfavorable decrees. Not everyone will be in this “book of ten thousand.” Who can afford to miss out?

A Moment of Supreme Holiness Why a Commitment

1. The “10,000 Giborim” book will include everyone who commits to contribute a minimum of £50 a month for two years.

2. You can participate by authorizing a monthly charge to your credit card or a monthly direct standing order. or by submitting post-dated checks.

3. Forms can be submitted to one of the following places:

10,000 Mighty Ones

A. By mail in the attached envelope.

B. To Dayan Shulem Friedman shlita, 105 Osbaldeston Rd, London N16 6NP

C. By fax 0207-09-98-792


Mightyy OnneessAArroouund MMaaraann Haggaaoonn HHaarrav

Chhaiimm KKaniieevvssky, Shlit”a

I hereby join in coming to the aid of

Maran, Shlit”a,By commiting myself

Bl”n tothe sum of _______ for_____ months

On behalf of Kupat Ha’ir

Below are the names and requests I would like

to appear in the 10,000 Giborim book of Maran, Shlit”a:






Participant ___________To be completed by office

AA DDeeccaadde ooff KKKuuppaatt Ha’irccccaa

The T

zedakah of the Gedolei Hador



Name: _________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________

City, State & Zip: _________________________________

Phone #: _______________________________________

Credit card #

Expiration date: CVC:

The sum of: ____________________________________

On a monthly basis, For ___________________ months

Signature: _____________________________________


You can also participate by submitting post-dated checks for the required amount.3

i h

To ............................................... Bank........................ Address ................................................

Please pay Barclays Bank Plc of 240 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1BS. Sort code number 20-57-06,

For the credit of British Friends Of Kupat Ha'ir.

account number 50172057.

the sum of £ ................in words..........................................................................................

commencing on ......................................................................................................................

and thereafter monthly on the same date,

making the last payment on .......................................................................................

Name of account to be debited .................................................................................

Address ......................................................... Account no. ..................................................

Signature(s).............................................................................. Date .....................................







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