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1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

This was John F. Kennedy’s legislative agenda

New Frontier

This Kennedy program sent American volunteers to

developing countries to help build schools, clinics, and

help farmers

The Peace Corps

In this 1961 incident, Kennedy backed a CIA-trained and equipped army hoping to

overthrow Castro

The Bay of Pigs

President Lyndon Johnson’s domestic legislative agenda

was called this

The Great Society

President Johnson wanted to improve education by helping preschoolers in this program

Project Headstart

This scandal brought down the Nixon administration


The most important evidence in the Watergate investigation

were these

Audio tapes

Nixon hoped to lessen tensions between the US, the

USSR, and Communist China called this

DetenteA French term meaning “lessening of tensions.”

The combination of rising inflation and economic

stagnation that characterized the US economy in the 1970s


OPEC placed an oil embargo on the US for this


The US supported Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War

Most oil-producing countries belonging to OPEC at the time were Muslim

Reagan supplied arms to the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to

fight them

The Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan

The Soviet invasion lasted from 1979 - 1989

Reagan supported this group opposing the Communist Sandinista government in


The Contras

This was the Iran-Contra Affair

Colonel Oliver North funneled money obtained from the sale of spare parts to Iran to support the

anti-Communist Contras

Iran was involved in a ferocious war with Iraq from 1980 – 1988. They had many US weapons such as tanks and planes that were bought by the Shah before the Iranian Revolution but did not now work. They needed to

fix them. The Reagan administration was forbidden by Congress to fund the Contras. So, people within the Reagan administration sold spare parts to Iran and illegally used some of that money to back the Contras.

Congress tried to implicate Reagan himself in the plot but they could not find any hard evidence. Because of this, Reagan got the nickname of the “Teflon President” because nothing stuck to him.

President Reagan appointed this first woman to the

Supreme Court

Sandra Day O’Connor

Reagan’s proposal for this controversial space-based anti-missile program broke the economic back of the


Strategic Defense Initiative or “Star Wars”

The Republican Party gained control of the House of

Representatives in the 1990s based on this set of legislative


The Contract with America

President Clinton was impeached on these two charges

Perjury (lying under oath in a court proceeding) and obstruction of justice

The lie he told the court was that he “did not have sex with that woman” (Monica Lewinsky)

President Clinton used US forces to intervene in these

two world locations

Haiti and Bosnia/KosovoThe US intervened in Haiti in 1994-1995 when it became unstable after they

overthrew their president

The US and NATO intervened in Bosnia and Kosovo in 1992-1993 during the Yugoslavian Civil War to protect Muslims who were being killed (ethnic

cleansing). We still maintain peacekeepers there today

President Clinton was able to broker an agreement between

these two men in which the PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist and the PLO’s right to

represent the Palestinian people

Yitzhak Rabin and Yasir Arafat

This agreement formed a free trade bloc between the

US, Canada, and Mexico

North American Free Trade Agreement


The winner of the Election of 2000 hinged upon a vote recount in

this state


Inspecting the ballot’s chads

This terrorist group was responsible for the 9-11

attacks on the United States

Al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden

This law was passed in response to 9-11and

allowed secret searches, wire-taps, and other

information gathering

The Patriot Act

The 2003 invasion of Iraq was due in great part to the belief by much of the world that Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, had these

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Some scientists believe Global Warming is

taking place which is this

An increase in global temperatures over time caused, many believe, by a rise in CO2

in the atmosphere

The Cold War

Court Cases

Life in the US

Civil Rights


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This World War II conference between the Big Three decided upon the division of Germany and Berlin into four zones of


The Potsdam Conference

American ambassador to the USSR, George Kennan,

advocated this policy to counter Soviet expansionism


This was the first region to receive weapons and other

aid under the Truman Doctrine

Greece and Turkey

This plan was intended to rebuild post-war Europe,

defeat Communist influences, and create trade partners

The Marshall Plan

This military alliance was established by the United

States and its Western allies to counter Soviet aggression

North Atlantic Treaty Organization


This 1935 Supreme Court case ruled that keeping blacks off juries violated

equal protection

Norris v. Alabama

This Supreme Court case ruled that segregation of

interstate busses was unconstitutional

Morgan v. Virginia

This 1950 case required that the University of Texas accept a black student because the Texas law school set up for

blacks was not equal

Sweatt v. Painter

In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that manual recounts of presidential ballots in the 2000

election could not proceed because inconsistent standards

in different counties violated the equal protection clause

Bush v. Gore

This Supreme Court case ruled that suspects had to

be advised of their constitutional rights upon


Miranda v. Arizona

This Act passed by Congress provided funds to

American servicemen for education and farm,

business, and home loans

The GI Bill

Signed into law by President Eisenhower, this greatly

expanded travel within the United States

The Federal Highway Act

Established the US Interstate system

The growth of Suburbia was facilitated by large housing developments comprised of cheap, cookie-cutter homes

like this New York one


This is the poverty line

Government determined minimum income required to support a family

of four


Young Urban Professionals

This Supreme Court case established the policy of

“Separate but Equal”

Plessey v. Ferguson

This 1954 Supreme Court Case ruled that

segregation of public schools was


Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

The arrest of Rosa Parks sparked this

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

This was President Eisenhower’s response to

Governor Faubus’ refusal to let black students into Little Rock Central high School

Eisenhower sent in regular army troops to

escort black students to and from school

This tactic was often used to desegregate restaurants and was first used in Greensboro


He joined the Nation of Islam and advocated black

separatism and violence until he experienced a change

during his Hajj

Malcolm X

He emerged as a civil rights leader during the Montgomery

bus boycott and later led marches at Selma and


He advocated passive resistance

Martin Luther King Jr.

He was the leader of Communist North Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh

Author of The Feminine Mystique, she was a leader of

the modern feminist movement

Betty Friedan

A leader of the American conservative movement, she helped fight and defeat the Equal Rights Amendment


Phyllis Schafly

Court Cases

Amendments US Wars






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Presidents People

He was President at the time of the 9-11 attacks on New York and

the Pentagon

George W. Bush

He became president upon the resignation of Richard


Gerald Ford

As president, he desegregated the US

military and civil service by executive order

Harry S. Truman

He vowed to conduct a war on poverty

Lyndon B. Johnson

He was the youngest, and first Catholic, elected


John F. Kennedy

This was upheld in the Supreme Court case

Korematsu v. United States

The constitutionality of detaining Japanese-Americans in camps

during WWII Authorized by Executive Order 9066

In 1947, Mendez v. Westminster was the first

Supreme Court case to successfully challenge this

Segregation of children by race/ethnicity

The 1948 Supreme Court case, Delgado v. Bastrop ISD decided


Segregation of Mexican-American children was illegal in Texas

In this Supreme Court case, the court ruled that the current

reapportionment system was unconstitutional as it denied

minorities their own candidates

Reynolds v. Sims

Every year ending in a “0” a census is taken in the US. The census determines how many representatives each state gets based on population. Sometimes a state gains or loses Congressmen. When that happens, the state legislature must re-draw it’s congressional

districts. Whatever political party controls the state most often will redraw the map to ensure their party will win the most seats. Sometimes these districts are twisted and distorted to ensure this happens. This is called “gerrymandering,” named after the guy

(Gerrymander) who first did it.

In this court case, the Supreme Court ruled that First Amendment rights

could be curtailed in time of war

Schenck v United States

The right to vote granted to those 18 years and


26th Amendment

Limited a presidency to two terms

22nd Amendment

Advanced the President’s inauguration to January

from March

20th Amendment

This banned poll taxes

24th Amendment

The 21st Amendment did this

Repealed the 18th Amendment

1914 - 1918

World War I

1950 - 1953

Korean War

1939 - 1945

World War II

1955 - 1973

The Vietnam War

2003 - 2011

The Iraq War

Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs

Produced the first practical and affordable personal computer – the Apple I

She was the first African-American woman to be

elected to the US Congress and the first

woman to run for president

Shirley Chisholm

Last leader of the Soviet Union

He pushed for reforms that helped bring about the collapse of the USSR

Mikhail Gorbachev

His third party run in the 1992 and 1996 presidential elections helped ensure the victory of Bill Clinton over George H. W. Bush

and Bob Dole

H. Ross Perot

He developed the first polio vaccine

Jonas Salk

Civil Rights Life in the US

The World Minorities Mix






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These were black and white activists attempting to desegregate busses

Freedom Riders

This was the most important civil rights legislation of the

twentieth century

The Civil Rights Act 1964

This 1965 legislation increased the number of

black voters

It prohibited the use of literacy tests

The Voting Rights Act 1965

This was the first of the great race riots of the 1960s

Watts, Los Angeles

The belief that blacks should control the direction of their


Pride in African-American culture

Adoption of African style clothing, hairstyles, and


Black Power

The most turbulent period in American society in the

twentieth century

The 1960s


Drug use

Rebellion against authority

Rise of communes and a search for utopian society

The Counterculture

This prohibited federally-funded schools from

discriminating against females

Title IX

In this court case, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not

regulate abortion in the first three months of pregnancy

Roe v. Wade

First observed in April 1970, it celebrates nature

and protests pollution

Earth Day

Chinese student protests here

demanding more freedom was crushed by the Chinese government

Tiananmen Square

These were Communist guerrillas fighting against the

South Vietnamese government

The Viet Cong

Communist forces in South Vietnam were

supplied by this web of trails in nearby Laos and


The Ho Chi Minh Trail

President Nixon’s visit in 1972 opened this country

up to US trade

The People’s Republic of China

(Communist China)

A revolution in 1959 brought Communism to this country


In this program, many Mexicans were encouraged to come to

America during and after WWII to help American farmers

The Bracero Program

He helped establish the United Farm Workers and organized a

national boycott of grapes to get better pay and conditions for

migrant workers

Cesar Chavez

This group occupied both Alcatraz Island and the town of Wounded Knee to protest their political and

economic conditions

American Indian Movement


Young Latino men and US servicemen rioted for several

days in WWII Los Angeles

The Zoot Suit Riots

Transporting students outside their neighborhoods to attend other schools to achieve racial

balance was called this


Citizens here demanded the government evacuate them when

they discovered their housing development was built on top of a

toxic waste dump

Love Canal, New York

A nuclear accident here in 1979 resulted in the end of new construction for US

nuclear power plants

Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania

This feminist organization pushed strongly for passage of

the Equal rights Amendment (ERA)

National Organization for Women (NOW)

The Tet Offensive


Considered a turning point in the Vietnam War

Though a US military victory, it turned many

Americans against the war

This was President Nixon’s plan to end the Vietnam War

“with honor”


Supplying the South Vietnamese Army but making them do the fighting as the

US withdrew its troops

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