100 natural remedies for diarrhea

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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    1- Avoid milk and dairy products except yogurt. (agreed by all medical experts

    unanimously)2- "Start with a 'clear-liquid' diet," says Dr. Chey. "By clear I mean

    chicken broth, Jell-O, or other foods and fluids you can look 'clear' through."

    The reason, he explains, is that the bowel needs rest during the time you have

    diarrhea, "and that's why you should stick with a diet like this until it

    subsides. You don't want to force your system to handle more than it already

    has to."

    3- It is imperative to rehydrate yourself during these bouts. Add 1 teaspoon of

    salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar to 1 quart of water. This will replenish your

    glucose and electrohydrates.

    4- Avoid these foods. Obvious ones to pass up include beans, cabbage, and

    Brussels sprouts. Also, bread, pasta, and other wheat products; apples,

    pears, peaches, and prunes; corn, oats, potatoes, and processed bran. And

    definitely overcome that urge for ice cream or dairy products period.

    5- Carbonated beverages due to their gaseous state may contribute to the


    6.Here are some home remedies that have a good track record used by our



    If you feel weak and have a burning pain in mid-section take cuprum

    arsenicosum . Take 4 charcoal tablets every hour this will absorb the toxins from

    the body.

    Drink blackberry tea for mild diarrhea.



    Take cayenne in capsules.

    Ginger tea can stop cramps and pain. Or take Ginger in capsules.

    Drinks like ginger ale or carrot juice is good for making the stools less


    Charcoal is excellent for many digestive ailments.

    Boil brown rice and water for 45 minutes eat the rice (it contains Vitamin B)

    and drink the water.

    Adding soluble fiber to your diet will help. It will 'bulk' up the stool. Soluble

    fiber is found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

    Acidophilus supports digestive system and absorption of nutrients. Helps cure

    pain associated with digestive track. You can find acidophilus in some yogurt

    products or Probiotic supplement

    White rice you get from the Chinese food place works great everytime

    Grate an APPLE with its skin, let it turn brown and eat it to cure thiscondition.

    . Took two lemons and squeezed the juice into a glass, and then add a half

    tea spoon of baking powder. Drink it down as it foams.

    Take a teaspoon of paste made from equal parts powdered ginger, powdered

    cumin, and powdered cinnamon mixed with honey three times a day.

    Pickle juice, believe it or not works miracles.

    Make Jell-o according to package directions, except only add enough cold

    water to make it drinkable. Drink this hot Jell-o before it sets up.



    In a cup mix 1 tsp of Cinnamon, 1 tsp or a little bit more of sugar. Add to

    hot water. Stir, let cool and drink in One gulp if you can.

    Ingredients = Wheatgrass Powder --- For stomach cramps and diarrhea.

    Buy some wheatgrass powder from the health food store and mix up a double or

    triple dose of it with water and drink, followed by a glass of plain water. The

    taste may be awful, but the instant relief is worth it.

    Ingredients: 200mils lemonade or cooled boiled water, pinch of salt, and a

    1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda. Mix together and sip till finished.

    Ingredients: Fresh Lime Juice, Cornstarch, and Water. Squeeze about 2-3

    limes in a glass. Add water and cornstarch (3 tsp or more depending on howbad the diarrhea is) and mix. You can add sugar for flavor if you'd like.

    Ingredients: Rice -1/2 cup, Water4 cups, Ginger paste1/2 spoon,

    Salt to taste, Pomegranate juice: 12 cup

    Ingredients: Blackberry leaves

    Instructions: Pick two or three blackberry leaves. Wash and put in a coffee cupof water. Microwave 3 minutes. Let steep for 5 minutes. Drink. Or pour

    boiling water over leaves and let steep for 10 minutes. The natural pectin in the

    leaves stops diarrhea.

    ingredient - cornmeal

    put cornmeal into a hot skillet and stir till it is completely parched (medium

    brown color). Let it cool. Then eat about 2 tablespoons of it (drinking as littlewater as you can). it tastes horrible (like eating sand), but it really does work.

    Your diarrhea will be gone within the next 2 to 3 hours.

    Eat a whole can of pineapple cubes



    toast 2 pieces of toast in a toaster till they are dark the darker the better.

    Then just eat it plane.

    Take an 8 to 12 oz glass of water. Add at least 4 to 5 tablespoons of flour

    and stir very well. Drink about 1/4 of the glass to see if it stops, if not drink

    the whole glass.

    Eat a cup of blueberries

    Drink a shot of blackberry brandy to feel instant relief from diarrhea

    Eat a guava and drink some water with sugar and a pinch of salt.

    Add one teaspoonful of ginger juice in half cup of boiling water and drink hotafter every one-hour.

    Make a mixture by adding 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice and 1/4

    tsp pepper powder. Drink this mixture two times a day.

    Mango juice and one teaspoon ginger should do the job

    Boil water and allow it to cool. Add 3 teaspoons of black pepper and 1 1/2teaspoon of kelp to 2 cups of water and drink.

    Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with each meal.

    Roast 1/2 tsp of cumin seeds and 1/2 tsp of fenugreek seeds. Mix and powder

    it, add to 4 tsp of yogurt (curd). Take this mixture three X a day in a day.

    Blend handful of chopped red radishes, 1 cup of cold milk, and 1/2 teaspoon

    of cornstarch. Drink the mixture slowly.

    NB: When recommended, observe the following. Rice used should be brown

    rice, rather than white rice. Brown rice has greater dietary fiber content and



    will help add bulk so that diarrhea lessens. Toast should also be whole wheat

    when possible, to add fiber

    Applesauce contains pectin, which helps to naturally firm very soft or liquid

    bowel movements.

    Sip some chicken broth. Or any broth, but have it lukewarm instead of hot,

    and add a little salt to it if it's not already salty.

    Eat easy-to-digest foods. Good choices include soup, gelatin, rice, noodles,

    bananas, potatoes, toast, cooked carrots, soda crackers, and skinless white-

    meat chicken.

    Herbal Remedies for Diarrhea

    The roots of Oregon grape and goldenseal contain berberine, an antimicrobial

    that may be effective against harmful food-borne bacteria, and other alkaloids.

    They also appear to decrease colon secretion, helping decrease diarrhea. Their

    immune-stimulating action will help many people who have viral diarrhea as

    well. These herbs are often used to treat even serious cases of diarrhea when

    supervised by a knowledgeable health care provider. They can be taken as tea ortincture. Blackberry roots are another good diarrhea remedy.

    Bilberry also has mild antimicrobial properties, plus it is an astringent and

    helps to tone the muscles of the colon. Eat the berries or syrup made from them

    or drink an infusion from the leaves. Fresh bilberries or their close cousins,

    blueberries, may worsen diarrhea, but dried berries are an excellent remedy for

    it.An effective remedy for diarrhea is the use of buttermilk. It is the residual milk

    left after the fat has been removed from yoghurt by churning. It helps overcome

    harmful intestinal flora and re-establish the benign or friendly flora. The acid



    in the buttermilk also fights germs and bacteria. It may be mixed with a pinch

    of salt three or four times a day for controlling diarrhea.

    Carrot soup is another effective home remedy for diarrhea. It supplies water to

    combat dehydration, replenishes sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium,sulphur and magnesium, supplies pectin and coats the intestine to allay

    inflammation. It checks the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria and prevents

    vomiting. Half a kg. of carrot may be cooked in 150 ml. of water until it is

    soft. The pulp should be strained and boiled water added to make a liter.

    Three-quarter tablespoon of salt may be mixed. This soup should be given in

    small amounts to the patient every half an hour.

    The pomegranate has proved beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea because of

    its astringent properties. If the patient develops weakness due to profuse and

    continuous purging, he should be given repeatedly about 50 ml. of pomegranate

    juice to drink. This will control the diarrhoea.

    Turmeric has proved another effective home remedy for diarrhea. It is a very

    useful intestinal antiseptic. It is also a gastric stimulant and a tonic. Turmeric

    rhizome, its juice or dry powder are all very helpful in curing chronic diarrhoea.In the form of dry powder, it ma y be taken in buttermilk or plain water.

    In case of diarrhea caused by indigestion, dry or fresh ginger is very useful. A

    piece of dry ginger is powdered along with a crystal of rock salt. A quarter

    teaspoon of this powder should be taken with a small piece of jaggery. It will

    bring quick relief as ginger, being carminative, aids digestion by stimulating the

    gastro-intestinal tract.Starchy liquids such as arrowroot water, barley water, rice gruel and coconut

    water are beneficial in the treatment of diarrhoea. They not only replace the

    fluid lost but also bind the stools. Other home remedies include bananas and

    garlic. Bananas contain pectin and encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria.



    Garlic is a powerful, effective and harmless antibiotic. It aids digestion and

    routs parasites.

    Apple cider vinegar For a preventive measure start taking a teaspoon of vinegar

    and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water half an hour before each meal a fewdays before your trip. Continue this regimen during your trip.

    Bismuth Subsalicylate The active ingredient found in Pepto-Bismol, bismuth

    subsalicylate, can be taken either after an attack or as a preventive measure. Be

    careful if you take aspirin regularly as Pepto-Bismol contains salicylates,

    which added to that in the aspirin may cause symptoms such as ringing in the

    ears (tinnitus).Grapefruit seed extract Another good preventive or treatment remedy for

    traveler's diarrhea is grapefruit seed extract. This extract is a powerful all-

    around antimicrobial product and is an excellent disinfectant. This extract is

    very bitter, so use tablets or capsules (take 3 capsules daily) instead of the

    liquid. If you do use the liquid, use five drops in a glass of water. Another

    helpful product to carry with you is activated charcoal which is explained in

    more detail below.

    Lemon juice Drinking the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in a large glass of

    water three to five times a day will kill off the pathogens causing the diarrhea.

    For prevention in case there is a stomach virus going around, take 1-2

    tablespoons of juice before meals.

    Loperamide hydrochloride For severe cases of diarrhea, Loperamide

    hydrochloride (the active ingredient of Imodium A-D) can be very helpful.

    Bee pollen Take bee pollen several times a day. It contains nearly all the

    minerals and trace elements needed in the diet.



    Blackberry Put 1 teaspoon of allspice in a cheesecloth bag and simmer it in

    unsweetened blackberry juice for a few minutes. For children give them a

    teaspoonful every four hours. Larger doses for adults. Several tablespoons of

    fresh or frozen blackberries work well, too, as does blackberry juice or wine.Black pepper and kelp This is a good remedy for diarrhea caused by unpurified

    water. Boil water and cool. Add 3 teaspoons of black pepper and 11/2 teaspoon

    of kelp to 2 cups of water. Repeat as often as necessary.

    Blueberries A compound found in blueberries effectively fights the bacteria that

    causes most cases of diarrhea. Eating one cup of fresh blueberries should do the

    trick.Bran Add one tablespoon of unprocessed bran daily to your diet. Don't use the

    kind sold as breakfast cereal, as it has been processed. It can be taken with

    liquids or mixed with a variety of foods, depending on taste. It works because it

    absorbs eight times its own weight and will soak up the excess fluids in the

    intestines. Your stools should soon return to normal.

    Carob flour/powder Carob flour is very rich in pectin, a binding substance, andtannins, which have an anti-viral effect, and is very helpful in normalizing

    bowels. Carob flour/powder is very beneficial for babies' diarrhea. Mix with

    formula or food.

    Carrots Boil carrots, then puree. Take 1 teaspoon every 15 minutes.

    Carrot juice The essential oils in carrot juice have an effect on the mucous

    membranes in the stomach. Take juice several times daily to help regain proper

    digestion. The juice is good for children, too, and should stop diarrhea attacks


    Carrot soup with carob This has been used effectively in children suffering from

    diarrhea caused by E. Coli bacteria.



    Charcoal Take activated charcoal or white clay to absorb toxins in the system.

    Actually, activated charcoal is a powerful adsorbent, which is a substance that

    attracts things to its surface, as opposed to absorbing them into itself.

    Cottage cheese and sour cream Combine two tablespoons of each and eat themixture three or four times a day.

    Garlic Chew raw garlic or take up to ten garlic oil capsules daily to kill

    bacteria. This remedy is good when you are travelling.

    Honey Mix thoroughly 4 tablespoons of honey with 8 ounces of water. This is a

    good remedy for bacteria-caused diarrhea. Smaller quantities can be used for

    infants. Diabetics should be careful about taking so much honey at one time.

    Lime juice Fresh lime juice added to a little hot water will quickly stop

    diarrhea in infants, children and the elderly.

    Nutmeg Put a small amount of nutmeg, the size of a dime, in a spoon, and

    swallow. It will stop diarrhea quickly and is safe for small children.

    Orange juice Mix 1/2 cup of orange juice, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/6 teaspoon

    salt, 11/3 cups of water. Give a child 1/2 oz. of this mixture every 2 hours.

    Persimmon Make a tea by cutting up six near-ripe persimmons and steeping

    them in 3 cups of boiling water, covered, for 20 minutes; strain and drink 2

    cups in a 4 hour period.

    Potato soup Make some homemade potato soup and eat several bowls during the


    Pumpkin Make a tea from the leaves of a pumpkin, squash or gourd. Boil two

    quarts of water; snip several double-handfuls of leaves into the water; cover and

    remove from heat; steep for 35 minutes; drink a cup every couple of hours.



    Radishes In a food blender mix a handful of chopped red radishes, 1 cup of

    cold milk, and 1/2 teaspoon of cornstarch. Drink slowly. This remedy should

    stop the diarrhea within an hour. Repeat again in 4 hours, if needed.

    Rhubarb Take 2-3 capsules of Chinese rhubarb root at one time. Or, make atea by bringing a cup of water to a boil then adding 1 2/3 teaspoons of cut dried

    rootstock; simmer for 3 minutes; remove to steep, covered for half an hour;

    drink only 1/4 to 1/2 cup. If you continue to have diarrhea, decrease the

    dosage, as too much rhubarb can cause diarrhea. This may seem odd, but

    rhubarb is used for constipation and diarrhea, but in different doses.

    Rice flour Rice flour dissolved in water may be given to infants to stop their


    Rice water Boil a cup of rice in three cups of water for 15 minutes; pour off the

    water into a cup to cool. Take several tablespoons of flour and swallow in small

    quantities, washing down with the rice water. The diarrhea should stop within

    an hour. For infants, give them rice water with a bit of sugar and milk. For

    older children, eat the rice whole.

    Tapioca For infants, dissolve granulated, quick-cooking tapioca (but notcooked) in water and use as an enema.

    Tomato/sauerkraut Sip equal parts of tomato and sauerkraut juice. Cabbage

    juice may be substituted for the sauerkraut juice. Substances in cabbage have

    been shown to heal intestinal lesions.

    Tomatoes Cut tomatoes into 1/2 inch thick slices and place on a cookie sheet and

    put in the oven at 155 for 2 hours, then 125 for 9 more hours. Put driedslices in a blender to make a powder. A dozen slices will make enough to add to

    a cup of cool water for mild diarrhea. Use more for a bad case. You can also

    take a tablespoon with milk every two hours. This remedy will usually stop the

    diarrhea within 12 hours.



    Tomato/pectin For a very effective anti-diarrhea remedy, add some dried apple

    powder to the tomato powder. Cut unpeeled apples into 1/4 inch thick slices; dip

    them in lime juice; dry at 155 for 2 hours, then 125 for about 3 more

    hours; test for complete dryness. Make them into powder in your blender andmake a mixture of 1/2 tomato powder and 1/2 apple powder (about 1 level

    tablespoon of each), and add to 11/4 cup of warm water.

    Children and adults should be given nothing but herb tea for at least 6-12

    hours, up to 24 hours. Black and green teas are rich sources of tannins which

    have astringent qualities that help stop diarrhea. The following herbs arerecommended: Silvery lady's mantle (Alchemilla alpina), bilberry leaves, sage,

    Iceland moss, silverweed (Potentilla anserina) and tormentil (good for very

    stubborn cases).

    Agrimony Take an infusion or tincture of agrimony. It is an astringent and

    healing agent for all intestinal inflammations and is especially suitable for

    children. Can be combined with soothing herbs such as chamomile, ribwort

    plantain or marshmallow root to relieve gut inflammation.

    Allspice A remedy from the West Indies calls for a pinch of allspice in a cup of

    warm water or milk.

    American cranesbill Take an infusion or 2-3 ml tincture (made from leaves)

    three times a day; or take a decoction made with 20 g root to 600 ml water.

    This is an astringent and is good for children and the elderly.

    Amaranth Amaranth seeds and leaves are a good astringent and are useful in

    stopping diarrhea. Make a tea by bringing three cups of water to a boil, adding

    two teaspoons of seeds, cover and simmer on low for about 5 minutes. Remove



    from heat and add 1 teaspoon of leaves (if available) or just let it steep for 30

    minutes. Drink two cups daily.

    Apple Eating an apple, including the skin, is good for diarrhea.

    Bayberry Bayberry contains a chemical in the bark called myricitrin that fights

    germs, and also contains tannins which have a drying or astringent effect that

    will help relieve diarrhea. Drink two cups a day until you are better. Boil one

    teaspoon of powdered root bark for 10 to 15 minutes. You may want to sweeten it

    as it is bitter.

    Blackberry leaf/raspberry leaf Drink a tea made from these herbs.

    Boneset Drink boneset tea.

    Chamomile Drink a tea made from this herb.

    Caraway Drink tea made from caraway seeds.

    Catnip Make catnip tea by mixing one tablespoon of dried herb in a large cup of

    boiling water, steep for 10 minutes, strain, cool, and drink.

    Cinnamon The Pennsylvania Dutch put one teaspoon of nutmeg, 1/8 teaspoon ofcinnamon and honey in a cup of warm milk. Drink at mealtime. To this

    remedy, Brazilians add one pinch of powdered cloves.

    Cinnamon and cayenne pepper The combination of cinnamon and cayenne pepper

    is very effective in tightening the bowels. Make a tea by adding 1/4 teaspoon of

    cinnamon and 1/8 teaspoonful of cayenne pepper to two cups of boiling water.

    Let the mixture simmer for 20 minutes; cool; drink 1/4 cup every half hour.Feverfew Mix 1/2 oz. each of feverfew, skullcap and lady slipper. Place in a

    quart jar, fill with boiling water and steep for 2 hours. Take 2 tablespoons

    three times daily.



    Garlic is effective in three ways: it soothes, cleanses and reduces inflammation.

    Dice some garlic and take with juice, milk, soup or honey two or three times a

    day. You may also cook the garlic. Garlic tablets are also effective and can be

    used by people who have problems digesting raw garlic. Take two tablets once ortwice daily for mild cases, three times for bad cases, and up to five times daily

    for severe cases. The doses should be two grams each. Garlic is also very rich in

    potassium which is essential for proper contractions of muscles, including the

    intestines. The potassium is also important in the body's electrolyte system and

    is lost during bouts of diarrhea.

    Geranium Geraniums make a good astringent and can help stop diarrhea. Make

    a tea by boiling 1/2 quart of water and adding 2 tablespoons of grated or finely

    chopped root; reduce heat and simmer uncovered 7-10 minutes; remove from

    stove and add 1/2 handful of finely snipped leaves; cover and steep for 40

    minutes; strain, sweeten with honey, and drink a cup every 31/2 hours.

    Ginger Add one teaspoonful of powdered ginger root to one cup of boiling water.

    Drink three cups a day. This is especially good for cramps or abdominal pain.

    Golden seal Make an infusion of golden seal and drink up to three cups a dayas needed.

    Lavender Put one drop each of lavender, ginger and orange oil into a few drops

    of a light carrier oil. Massage into the abdominal area.

    Meadowsweet Meadowsweet is another popular herbal remedy. Make an

    infusion using one or two teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of boiling water, steep

    for 10 minutes. Drink up to three cups a day as needed.

    Mugwort In cases of chronic diarrhea, use an extract of the herb mugwort

    (Artemisia vulgaris).



    Nutmeg Mix 1 teaspoon flour, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of white sugar,

    and a pinch of salt in a glass. Add enough water to make it easy to drink.

    Take every 4 hours.

    Peppermint tea Make peppermint tea and add two tablespoons of fresh onionjuice (made from a grated onion squeezed through cheesecloth); take a cup


    Raspberry, red Babies can be given 1/2 teaspoon of red raspberry leaf tea every

    four hours.

    Slippery elm Make an infusion of slippery elm and drink up to three cups a

    day as needed. Another remedy is made by putting slippery elm powder in acup of hot water and drinking a cup three times daily.

    Tormentil Add 20 g herb to 600 ml water for a decoction; take 2-3 ml tincture

    up to three times a day. Tormentil has 20% tannins, making it very astringent

    and helpful in reducing inflammation. You can also add soothing herbs such as

    ribwort plantain or marshmallow root to help ease stomach inflammation.

    Turmeric Turmeric has been used effectively for centuries in India and Thailandto relieve diarrhea. Don't take in large doses if you take antiplatelet medication

    or are pregnant.

    Yarrow Make an infusion (very weak one for babies) of yarrow. If this doesn't

    stop the diarrhea, add a small pinch of tormentil and give 3 teaspoons

    throughout the day. For a weak infusion, make it so it is barely colored.

    Stronger herbal teas may stimulate the baby too much and cause bad reactions.

    Mix a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water half an

    hour before each meal.

    Boil pomegranate peel, cool and drink half a cup 2 times a day (can add




    Grind half an apple and drink the juice, a little every time.

    Make tea out of coriander leaves.

    Drink chamomile tea to relieve the diarrhea and pain.

    Drink peppermint tea.

    Drink wormwood tea to treat stomach trouble.

    Mix and mash: corn, garlic and potatoes, then eat.






























    Natural Way To Cure Dengue

    Homeopathic prophylactic/ treatment for dengue fever.1 GINSENG Q 20 ML( SEALED GERMAN).

    15 TO 20 drops in some water two time daily.2 ECHINACEA Q 20 ML(SEALED GERMAN).

    15 to 20 drops in some water two time daily.

    3 ALOES VERA WATEROne table spoonful three time in some water.THESE HERBS HAS RICH NUTRIENTS AND ENHANCE IMMUNITY.Dhatura is the Ayurvedic version of the homeopathic

    belladonna. Its leaves have potency in reducing the



    seriousness of the dengue fevers. However, the dosagemust not exceed 2 decigrams, or it will lead to severenegative symptoms like dryness of the mouth anddilation of the pupils.

    Homemade recipes for dengue fever

    - The orange juice helps with digestion, increased urinaryoutput, promotes antibodies for faster healing and

    recovery. It gives energy and vitamins, over all a greatsource for fighting fevers.

    Effective home remedy for dengue fever - The rawpapaya leaves, 2pcs just cleaned and pound and squeezewith filter cloth. You will only get one tablespoon per leaf.

    So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil orcook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength.This will prevent dengue fever.

    The affected person is treated with Paracetamol to bringdown the fever.

    Diet tips for Dengue fever

    Porridge and baked toasts (not fried) can be had forallaying hungers in the course of the day. Biscuits withtea can be had. The tea must be herbal, withtulsi, ginger,cardamom and other such fever-reducing herbs in it.





    ReactionDENGUE fever is a harmful kind of illness. It causes death to many people.Especially here in the Phillipines. Dengue can be cure in natural way or using ournatural product like papaya leaves and aloe vera also an orange juice.By using thisnatural way of preventing dengue fever we can help other people mostly thosepeople who cant afford to go in the hospital.Also it shows us that natural productare very helpful to us and shows us that we must take good care on it.



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