10.fatigue can be eliminated by a daily exercise routine. 11.overly loud music can be harmful to...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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10. Fatigue can be eliminated by a daily exercise routine.

11. Overly loud music can be harmful to one’s ears.

12. Rinsing with Scope helps reduce the chance of getting a cold.

•Does using NutraSweet cause cancer?

•Are dogs less likely to have fleas after being treated with Biospot

•People drink more when they are out with their friends.

Hypothesis – An educated guess. No proof yet. 1st level of trying to prove something.

Theory – 2nd level of proof. It has the support of many experiment behind it. We accept the theory as correct until proven incorrect.The theory explain how or why something happens.

Law – NOT the 3rd level of proof. Laws are simply a statement of fact, they do not explain how or why things happen.

Does the football team perform better with a pep rally?

Girls spend a lot of time in front of the mirror .

I really am confused about the IV (inependent variable) and the DV (dependent variable). i cant identify ?

e.g 7) A chef wants to see if the quality of bread is increased by using an imported Italian yeast compared to the normal domestic yeast.

e.g 8) A sport psychologist records the number of fouls committed by players and then codes if they were wearing a dark colored uniform.

e.g 9) A medical doctor checks to see if a generic brand of aspirin is effective in reducing headaches.

e.g 10) A marketing research firm wants to see if sales figures for a diet product will be affected by red color packaging.

1. Will students' scores on an achievement test differ between directive teachers and non-directive teachers?

2. Are students aged 55 and older more likely to drop out of college than students of ages between 30 and 40?

3. How do three counseling techniques—rational-emotive, gestalt, and no-counseling—differ in their effectiveness in decreasing test anxiety in high school juniors?

4. The main purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of two reading methods, sight and phonics, in increasing verbal comprehension.

23. Do people read better with white paper or yellow paper?

24. Ritalin helps hyperactive children calm down.

•Eagle populations are sensitive to DDT.

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