10th armored division in the crailsheim operation

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The 10th Armored Division in the Crailsheim Operation in WWII


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    10th Armd Div in the CRAILSHEIM Ope~ation


    loth Armored Division in the Crailshelm Operation, 4 -10 Apr 45. Arnrored School , Student researoh .report. llay 60 .

    This Document IS A HOLDING OF THE




    DOCUMENT NO.N-2146.58 COpy NO. . 1



    .,.... ,.,.... , i!*t~~ \



    .2 ,..


    PrepClred at


    Fort Knox Kentuck y

    1949 1950

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    ~ _ J

















    MAY 1950


    Tho lOth ~rmor6d Division orossed the RtUNE River

    as part of the United States Seventh Army in Maroh 1945.

    The division spearheaded the driv~ of the VI Corps to the

    W?st bank of the NECKl~R River against feeble German nsist

    (lnCG. Arriving in front of HEILBRONN the corps vias halted

    by stiffening German resistnnoe. The 10th Armored Division

    was dirGcted to move to th6 north in an attempt to outflank

    HEILBRONN Elements of the division Viere successful in re

    aching CR:I.ILSHEIM, forty air miles to th(;) e!lst. Failing

    to move back tOVlClrd HEILBRONN und after defending CRAILSHEIM

    for tuo days the division '.-IUS forced to \Ji thdraw. This

    study COVE;rs the drive for, oapture of and 'iJithdrQ:~J(),l from

    CR.c~ILSHEIM: by tho 10th Armored Division during the period

    4-10 l~pril 1945.

    Our main purposo in studying this particular action

    1::QS to incrcuse our lmm71cdgc of armored operations in

    three types of action: penetration, defense, and ,'Jith

    drawul. Besides increasing our lmo':!ledgG Vie ,'Jere trying

    to determine udhGrence to or violation of armor cd doctrine,

    any lessons to bo learnod from this particular operation,

    und to make recommcnd:ltions on the future Gmployment of

    armor cd uni ts.


  • Tho main sources of information D.v,lilable to us ywre

    llfta ;'.c tion Reports, 0. Report by Captain Hnmel~ a member

    of tho Adv~ncGd Officers Class of 1948, on this same sub

    ject, and letters and interviel"ls YIith former members of

    the 10th .

  • ilerman C. Jacobs

    Jrsderict:: r. Haas

    Syl \fes tel' r. H sr p;6r

    Carl E. Michael

    I;;alcol:i1 ::liIerr itt

    'IUilliam Hartline

    Jcim Vi. Sheffield

    Fi.ichard -\1. Ulrich

    v~heeler hll. Tha.ckston

    In addi-:ion we would like to express oru appreciation

    for the work of Hrs. i{jlliam J. B06hw,r on the cover, charts

    and rr.aps of this r epor t.


    0' :\PTF. R Page

    1 TIJ TRODUC TI CN . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I , 1

    2. TJ-fE CAPTlFE OF ,CRAIl SI-TT!::IM , ." 7

    Evef;1ts l.eadi~ up to the drive on Crailsheim , 7

    Combat tonmapd l\. ;, . " 12

    Combat Cotntnand Bl ,e, 19

    Reserve Cohmahd am 90th Cav. Ren. Sq. Mecz. 24


    Canba t Comnand A. e 30

    Reserve Corrm:md and 90th Cav. Ren. Sq. Meea .. 37

    Combat Gomnand .-\. (w ith des erve Comnand under oper ational

    Combat Corrmand ~ (with Reserve Conmand under operational

    centrol) 8 ~pril , 39

    control) 9 April. .. 47

    90th Cavalry Reconnais Sd.'.ce Souadron, Mechanized. 51

    4 TF~ ROI I ~l BAF~J. . . . . . . . 55 The fight along the MSR , .. . . . 55

    Air re supply ope rations . . . . . . 62

    5 THS ',H'WDRA"~L FRO!" C::,.-iFS' EDi 65

    Combat Con-mand A (wit); Reserve Corrmand under operational

    centrol) 10 April. " 65

    Combat Comnand B. .. '. . 72

    90th Cavalry Reconnaissa'ce Squadron, Mechanized ' . 74

    6 StJ'.'l"ARY . '.' , ........... _. 77to Elnt'loyrrent of the lOn l-1.rmored Division. 77

    Conclusions and lessons learned 79

    APP~TDICES,' ... ~ I. Order of Battle a,ld. Troop List 85

    II. Terrain &twy. 91

    III. Li ivl s ion, Corps, at'.d ;1.rmy Order s 94

    IV. Personalities. 111


  • CHAPTE.'R 1


    Tho lOth Armored Division, under the comm:md of

    M:,-j or GcnerLll Paul W. Newgo.rden, 'was ac tiVQ ted on 15 July

    1942 at Fort Benning, Georgia from elements of the 3d and

    11th Cavalry Regimen ts. The newly orgo.nized division

    took over the area und somo of the equipment which ho.d

    formerly belonged to the 2d A.rmored Division.

    The 10th h.rmorcd Division perfonned the usual

    l,GF training progrurn \-;hilo u.t Fort Banning, and was soon

    known :.1S a "hot" outfit. Concurrently, the niclmumo of

    "Tiger" W:.1S acquire,d. When the bas ic :.1nd uni t tro.ining

    cycle >''D.s c0mpleted, the ~ntire division spent almost

    four ;uonths pl.:.rticipCtting in thE; Ten..'1esscG Maneuvers

    CLnd tilen moved to C[;.mp Gordon, Georgi...:. to proc(;ss for

    ovcrscCLS dut:y. ;, serious bl07! ':(,:1.3 dC:J.l t the di 'lis ion

    by the unti:noly dco.th of General Hcwgarden in :.1 pl:.1ne

    crLlsh nc.:o.r Chl tto.noog;' 1 TennessGe on 14 July 1944, almost

    t,vo yc._crs to the day after he hetd D.ssu.rncd comrrr:tnd of tho

    division. M:.1jor Genera.l W'lillin.m H. Horris, an officer

    of livide experience, succeeded to comm:.;.nd of the division

    ~nd led it through all of its subsequent c ombclt on the



  • SJ::.arpencd by tra.ining" the division loft for Europo

    from CD1l'.p Putrick Henry, Virginia. on 13 September 1944,

    6YJ.tGring the continent through the port of CHERBOURG on

    23 September 1944. After its arrivo.l in Europe, tl& di'l

    ision wus moved to TEURTHEVILLE and underwent a. month of

    intensivo truining and comb:lt conditioning prior to enter

    ing combat.

    Tho division moved to the front in the MAR LA TOUR

    area. on 23 October 1944 where it first suw combat on 1 Nov

    ember in support of the XX Corps. The corps miosion o.t

    this timo W:.!S to conblin c!1cmy troops in the arco.. In

    mid-November" the di7ision flS a unit 1'10nt on tho offen

    sive, crossing the MOSELLE 'lnd };!fl.LLING and driving to the

    SA."-R Rivc.r north of the fortress city of METZ.

    As part of the., fo.mous Third J;l-rmy" the 10th Armored

    Di 7isicJ:l w:.ts ffi2..king prep:\r~tti()!1s for the dr ive to the

    RHINE when it recoived the urg.::;nt cl,ll to go north to

    ,l.ssist in stopping tbc Germun ,,:intcr offonsive in tho

    XEWE1'NES. Tha division rush,)d into the gClP to stop

    tho Germo.n onsla.ught on 17 December 1944, und held

    defensive posi tions ne(~r Bf.STOGNE, NOVILLE, Clnd BR.:iS

    until tile 'i'cutonic tide ha.d receded. Liko other div

    isions 'ahich hD.d hClstily moved to tho ARDENNES, the lath

    sustt:dncd considcro.ble casualtics in both men ;J.nd equip

    ment, and aftor tho action withdrew to rest o.roas.

  • :Ster 0. brief r0st in J::muo.ry, the division roturned

    to he attack and took part in the clco.ring of the SAAR-MOS

    ELLE Triangle as part of tho Third Army, and th(;n turned

    north to capture TRIER on 15 March 1945., At the end of

    March, tho division bec~e part of tho Seventh Army"

    crossed the RHINE River at l{,LlI..NNHEIH on 28 March 1944, and

    took part in the April Offensive ago.inst the hc[,rt of GER

    IvIANY. Under VI Corps the division had the principal rolo


    Tri~~glG, ~s the combined :llied armies drove toward the

    heo.rt of GERM,ANY.

    l...fter the failure of the ARDENNES Offensive, it

    was incrGo.si!lg1y o.pp::.\rellt th",t it ,1ould be only 0. mo.tter

    of time beforo thG once omnipotent Germ::n war mnchine

    ;v,')ulcJ crumble. Desie:ncd to ho.st611 the fD.ll of GERl1ANY,

    the 0.11 iGd Spritlg Ofi'rons i V6 of 1945 envisi oaed o.dv::mc ing

    C1.cross tho RHH;'E on n. brwd front and striking deep into

    t:le hco.rt of VlC Gerrrnn n'J.tion. Stratogicdly the allied

    pl:1,ns cc.llod for tllroe pb),ses. Tho first p11Cl.sc vw.s the

    c:lCirclcmcnt or tht. industrial RUI-lR by '). doubl", cmvclop

    ment. The ,n0vcment was to be carried out by Field h~~rsho.ll

    Sir Bor~1.Clrd L. 1,:oCltgomery's Tvvcnty-first Army Group in the

    north,. and General Omur Bradley I s T:'Jelfth Army Group in the

    south. The second and third ph~sGS of the overall plan,

    after the central armic::s made D. jUllction wi th the Russians


  • somewhere along the ELBE, called for a rapid advance on each

    flc.nk. The northern armies would cut off DENMARK, and the

    southern armies would drive to the southeast through GERMANY

    into AUSTRIA. In summing up this plan in 0. radio message

    to GcnGr.~l lVLi.RSH';'LL, Gl1eral EISENHOWER said the. following:

    I propose, at thE. en.rliGst possible inoment, in conjunction 'with the SOVIETS to divide ilIld destroy the GERMAN foroc;s by launching my mo.in attack from the KASSEL arc8. straight eastward tow:J.rd the heart of Wh:,lt remains of the GERlviAN industrial power until that thrust has attained the general area of LEIPZIG and including that city, unless the RUSSLiN advance meets us west of that point. The second. main fe:ture of the battle is to bring MONTGOMERY'S forces along on tho left and as quickly as the above has been accomplished to turn Ninth h.rmy to the left to flssist him in clen.niEg out tho '17:;'010, OIGCl. from KIEL and LUBECK westward.

    ""ftcr the requiremel~ts of' these two moves h:..ve Deen mGt, I ,Jill thrust colwnns suutho!:lstw8.rd in un attempt to join up wi th the RUSSIA.NS in the DANUBE Valley ::l.nd prevent tho Gst,1olishmcnt of a NAZI fortress in southern GEillLANY.

    Natur;llly l,ly pLms flre flGxi ble c.nd I mus t ret:1in freedom of action to meet changing situ~tions. Maxi:nu:n flexibility VJi~.l result from cJncentr~,tion of maxLm.rril forco in the center.l

    On 31 March" the lOOth Ia'o.ntry Divisio!'1 of ttL VI

    Corps crossed the RHINE river near IV1ANNHEDIl. On 1 April,

    the 63d Inf cutry Division and the 10th [.rmored Division

    joined the corps cmc] the attQck jumpod off to the oG.st

    with the proponderance of the attack on the southern flank

    of corps. ~G['Lr!1ead8d by elements of the 10th Armored

    DivisiO!J the corps mado re.pid progress for throe days aga.11lBt

    sporadic Germ

  • By tho 4tt of April the 63d Infantry Division, on

    the north, had advanced eastward 8.S far as aiD MERGEN-

    TRETIvl and WClS poised to str ike south across the JAGST Rbror.

    Thi s division lnd followed Reserve Commnnd of the lOth

    i;..rmored Division cmd noY. had its three inf:::cntry r6giments

    sproZld along t:1. north bnnk of the JAGST River. The c om

    mUllic~~tions center of HEILBRONN apP6arod to have been out

    flanked by the swift ~,ction of this flank.

    ~~hile the maneuver to th6 north had bean progressing,

    Comb~~ t Command .tl. of thE; lOth Armored Division, followed by

    the 100th Ini'mtry J.)ivisioll" had been attc.cking west from

    HEIDELBERG townrd HEILERONN. Theso southern forc6s had

    bcem meeting stiffening resistance on the 2d ;).nd 3d of

    l~pr il. By the niEht of the 3d of l~pril this force was

    dr::;,vJn up along th:: NEClbR before HEILBRONN and hLld c leured

    OllOUgh of the. west brlnk befon, the. city to plzm :J. cros

    for the follo\ving d::

  • ---------

    o.ppi1rO:1 t th::1 t he intended to m:J.ko r:.. stand for HEILBRONN

    along the JAGST and NEC&\R River lines.

    Tile VI Corps had no t n.nticipLl. ted :l. long de hy in

    crossing these rivers. On 3 .Jl.pri1 the corps issued orders

    for thG 10th "rmored vivi s ion 2.nd the 100th Infantry Div----------~----------

    ision to seize HEILBRONN and continue the attc..ck 6L1st}


    1D-i:lir,ht D. EisG~1ho,Jer, Crusuade in Europe (G:l.rden City, NOH York: Dou~)lcd::,-y fend Co., Inc., 1948) p 401.

    2Report of Opero.tions, The Seventh United States Army, 1944-1945, Vol III, P '79.




    On the night of 28 March 1945, the lOth Armored Div

    ision crossed thE: R1IINE River at EANN_=::EILI, GerIrfmy. During

    the period 29 March - 4 April tho diviwion was in

    exploi totion operations in the area 30ut11 of the NECKAR River

    bet'iJ6Cn ~iIA1:U\P.ElI:I and HEILDROliN (08.5-61.5). The division

    carried out this mission, advancinG swiftly against incre

    asing resistunce with Com-bat Co:r:ur.ands A and alJreast, CCA

    on the left (north). Combat Command A drove the general

    (91.3-04.5), lIELHS1'l,DT (90.0..81.5), ~jJIT'E:'.r-JARDT (98.0-77.9),

    and KBCmIAUSEN (00.0..66.0). Combat Command 1:3 moved along

    the axis HAIF(mElM, SClrvYETZ E:GLN (61.0.. 87.5), 1iVALLDORF (66.0

    78.6), STETTFILD (66.3-65.3), GROSSGARTACE (01.0-61.5), and

    LA1.?l'EN (03.5-54.0). (See Fir:ure 1.) Combat Cornrr.a.nd Reserve

    movE;d t;18 same general axis as t ;,s.t of eCA vii th the

    mission lito e:"1gaf;e in a reconnaissa.nce in force with the 90th

    Cavo. Reconnaissance Squadron to t:!'l.E: oi ty of ROT?ErWERG

    "l(7'1.5-89.4). The Re::lerve Command moved to ASSAl'iST~\DT (41.5-S3.e) on 4 A.pril a.nd raade contact viJ.th the 90th

    Cavalry ::~GconnQissance Squadron w!lich had preceded them.

    Plans Yller8 [-;ade for a coordinated atta.ck st


  • ,....----.---I

    J. I




  • enemy defenses in the vicinity of STUPP~CH (46.0-95.8).

    This o.tto.ck wo.s bunched ut 1430B on 4 April 1946 from

    ASShlJ[STADT with the Reserve Command on the south und the

    90th Cuvo.lry on the nor th. STUPPACH und HACHTEL (49.0-93.0)

    were to.ken despite moderate enemy resist~nce Q.nd the fo.ct

    reported to division he0.dqu8.rters o.t 1600B hour s. Reserve

    Comrn..'"lnd WfJ,S or dered :'y divi s ion to hold the ground t~1. ken

    ::::.nd block to the north n.nd northeast.

    lilihile the Reserve Comm~Uld and the 90th Cavulry

    wore fig;,ting in the vicinity of ASSiJl~:STADT ::md STUPPACJ,

    COA and CCB Vlere engtlg.:od in oper:\tions in the vicinity of

    HEILBRONN designed to clen.r thE; 0ner:1Y from thG west b.cmk

    of the NEC:K:.aR cmd to loco.te crossings n.cross this major

    bQ.rr i6r. Combat Comm;.md A ','JUS oper:

  • the 3d Battalion" 398th Fiegimeuto.l COl"l:lJ,t Te:l:n ot the loath

    Infantry Division. These phns were never carried out, lor

    f',t 1030 llOuts Combat COl;r

  • While CCA was conducting its movement to the vicinity

    of ABSA SI'ADT" General Morris, Corrnnand Genee aI, 10th

    ed Division" issued an oral field order to General Piburn.

    'rIds fiGld order directed Combat Conmand A to continue the

    ( \ attack to the southeast, capture (70.5-62.5,) , turn to t~1.e southwest and west and seize the line CRAILSEE1J.,1, SC~'~dABISCH HALL (46.0-59.Q)" BACKHAHG (24.0-40.0) 3 General


    Piburn then issued verbal crders to t~~e task force conunanders )

    (/ to carry out this mission. His plan ,-nas to attack with Task Force Hankins in thE lead" followed by Task Force ley.

    JTask Force Roberts was given the initial mission of clear ( the enemy from the sector between ASSAIMSTADT and DORZBACH

    (43.0-89.0). Considerable enemy resistance had been devel

    oped at DORZBACH during the evening of 5 April by the 90th

    Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron.

    Combat Command A - 6 April 1945

    Having quickly refueled" r ecei ved its order s, and pre

    pared f'or the attack" Task Force :-~ankins passed through the

    lines of tile 90th Cavalry in the northeastern outskirts of

    REHGBHSI-IAUSEH and cormnenced the a ttack toward CRAILSHEIM.

    The initial movement VJas extreme ly d ifficul t. This was

    occasioned by the poor road net, enemy road blocks, dark

    ness, and t -~e fact that Task Force Hankins had to remain

    on the roads becau.se of the. heavy woods. This made it


  • very simple for the enemy to cons.truct effective roadblocks

    by felling trees across the roads He took full advantage

    of this and Task Force Hankins struggled throughout the

    night to get the attack moving. Terrain was the major

    enemy, as only sporadic small arms and mortar f.ire, larg

    ely' ineffective, was encountered by the column.4 Bypasses

    were used to get uro~nd the extensive roadblocks but, since

    the ground was very soft, vehicles continually mired and

    had to be pulled out~ Despite these difficulties Tusk Force

    Hankins continued its slow movement forward. Daybreak found

    them approaching HOLLENBACH (50.3- 88.4) ~ (See Figure 3.) . Since .TaskForce Hankins was having so much trouble

    traversing the route between RENGERSiIAUSEN and HOLLENBACH

    (50.3~88.4), General Piburn ordered Task Force Roberts

    to attack to the south toward DORZBACH and reconnoiter a

    route to the west 0 f Task Force Hankins, bypass him, and

    5 get the attack moving. The Task Force moved from the sou

    thern outskirts of ASSAMSTADT at 004513 hours, 6 April 1945.

    They took the wrong road in the darkness and advanced into

    undefended HORRENBACH (39.5-91.9) 6 Discover ing their

    mistak;e they turned east and advanced to LAIBACH (41.9

    90.8); thence to DORZBACH. Here they encountered det

    erLlined enemy resistance in the form of roadblocks and

    heavy small arms, antitank, and artillery fire. The tusk

    force spent the remainder of the nifh t attempting to find


  • a bypass around DORZWiCH but was unsuccessful.. They

    attacked bORzBl~CH after daylight andj after a severe .' ,fire fight, took the toWn that evenirlgt

    Arter ~aptu~e of the town, it was discovered

    that the main road from DORZBhCH to HOLLENBACH, via

    HOHEBACH (45.0-86.7) and AILRINGEN (46.2-87.8), was blocked by a destroyed bridge across a small stream

    which ran through the town-. They were unable to find

    a bypass and this fact was inunediately reported to Combat

    Command A. Task Force Roberts was then ordered to move

    back to its original assembly area in ASSiiMSTADT. This

    move was accomplished without incident. (See Figure 3J ~vhile Task For C6 Hankins was attacking toward

    HOLLENB.t~CH n.nd Task For ce Roberts was engaged ilt DOR

    ZBACH, Task Force Riley had remained in liSSAMSTADT

    with Combat Comm~nd A Heudquarters. They were prepared

    to follow e i th6r Task Ii orce Hankins or Task For ce

    Roberts, depending upon ~hich tusk force found a suitable

    route and bogan to move 'with the speed \vi th which an 7

    ar.morcd task force is cffpable of moving. This opport

    unity did not present itself during the night of 5-6

    April because of th6 conditions already stated.

    ,L'it approximately 0900B hours, 6 April 1945, while

    Task }< or ce Roberts was attacking DORZBAeH and Task Force

    Riley was waiting expectantly in ASSAMST~DT, Task Force

    Hankins captured and cleared HOLLENruiCH. The attack was


  • imrtwdid.tGly continuE;d toward GUTBACH (56.8-87'&2)-_ Two

    roa.db1ocksdcfended by sttulli etiemy gkooupa d.rilibd with

    smull arms and panzerfausts were 6TJ.countered between

    HOLLENBACH and GUTBACH, but were swiftly oleared through

    the coordinated a.~tion of the leading teams. GuTB8.CH fell at 1245B hours and the attack began to pick up

    speed. RIEDBACH (58.2-85.7) was captured at l~OOB

    against slight resistance and it became apparent that

    Task Force Hankins had a brer:'kthrough. The ruce was on~

    The column vV ith little or no int6rference from the enemy

    pushed swiftly through DLAUFELDEN (62.5-80 ..0), 1443B

    hours; BRETTENFELD (65.8-76.0), l515B hours; ROT AM SEE

    ( 66.6-74.7), 1550B hours; w-ALLHAUSEN (69.6-70.6), 1634B

    hours; GRONINGEN (69.6-68 ..3), 1650B hours; SATT11iiEILER

    (70.6-66.7), 1710B hours; SATTELDORF (71~2.66.2); l730B

    hours; and NEIDENFELS BURLESTIAGEN (69.866.8) at 1745B 8hours. The main column of Task Force Hankins dashed

    into CRf~ILSHEIM at the same time that elements of the

    task force were clearing surprised, bewildered enemy out


    was light and disorganized, and it was apparent that com

    plete surprise had been acheived. The town was hastily

    searched, since darkness was fast approaohing, and by

    2100B hours Task Force Hankins Was disposed in CRAIL

    SHEIM for defense.


  • Tc.sk Force Riley, Vvhic~1 had remained in ASSAM

    ST.d.DT C\.vJaiting the opportunity to exploit any success,

    received the ttgo" signal fl'om Combat Contrna.nd 11 Head.

    qJarters at appI'oximatei~ iSOOB hours. It was apparent from reports from Task }i'orce Hankins that a breakthrough

    was in the ffi.::..king, and General Piburn wanted Task .r orC6

    Ri ley to as s i st in the exp loi to. tion.. Task It orce hi ley

    moved out at 1510B hour s.9 It was immediate ly apparent

    that t~leir move was to be no mere "motor march". Th6

    enemy had inf il tra ted behind Task For ce :tankins and

    harrassed Task r'orce .hiley with small arms fire While

    the task force was negotiating the stretch of bad road

    through the woods northeast of RENGERSHAUSEN. The

    task force continued a sl~1iv, steady advance following

    the same route taken by Task }i'orce H:.lnkins. After

    clearin~ the stretch of bad road the task force began

    to roll, and at 2058B hours lead elements of Task Force

    Ri ley entered CRAILSHEIM and made contact with Task Force

    Hankins. Since radio communication between both task

    forces and Combat Command A lieadquarters had been lost,

    because of the distance involved, the commanders of

    Task Force l1f.lnkins and Task :B' orce Riley conferred and

    agreed upon a plan for the defense of the CRilILSHEIM

    area. They decided to reinforce Task Force Hankins in


  • CRll.ILSHEIM VJi th one team from Task Force Riley and to pI ace

    the remaining two teams of Task Force Riley in S..;'TTIL

    ~;J-EILER and SATTELDORF. These dec isions were quickly carria:l

    into abtion and by midi-iight th(3 CRJ~ItSI-I~!M area W~B firmly ~6sting in the hands of the assault task forces of Combat.

    Command j~.

    ~-vhile preparations for the defense of the CRAIL

    SHEIM area were be ing carri ed out, Combat Command A Head

    quarters, which was still located in b.SSAI\~STADT .. received

    orders from division to continue on its mission; .at the

    same time holding CRAILSHEIM until relieved by the Reserve

    Cornnand. General Piburn decided to follow his original

    pI an of having Task l' orce ~{ankins block at CRAILSHEIM While

    Task }i'orce b.iley passed thr ough and attacked toward SCH

    Vll.BISCH HALL-B..:~CKNANG. These orders, hov.Jever, never

    reached the troops in the CR;-I.ILSHED!I area due to the fact

    that radio communication with them had been lost and, des

    pi te repeated attempts involving the use of relay stations.

    could not be reestablished. IO Consequently, the troops in

    CR1~ILSH.J~IM did not move to accomplish this mission during

    the night of 6-7 April .

    It became apparent during the night that the enemy

    had been completely surprised by the capture of CRAILSHEIM.

    It "vas furthEr apparent that enemy forces in the area. were,


  • in most cases, unaware that CRAILSHEIMwas in American handSJ

    This VJas proven by the faet that several command vehicles

    and their occupants were ~aptur6d by ~he outpost~ of Task Force Hankins during the night . These vehicles had been

    tr3.veling toward CRAILSHEIM and their occupants were ast

    ounded to find CRi.ILSHEIM in American hands. At SATTiL-

    DORF a German army bus passed unmolested through the outpoots

    of Task Force Riley and Was stopped in front of the command

    post by the task force S-4. The occupants of the bus stated

    they h:~d been sent to pick up laundry.ll They never accomplished their 17lissionl

    Com bo. t Cormn nn d B - 4, 5 and 6 Apr i 1 1945

    On 4 April 1945 Comb~t Comm~nd B was probing the WGst b3.nk of the NECKA.R River seeking like ly bridgeheads

    across tllO barrier.12 On the preceding day VI Corps had

    or der-e d the 10th iirmor ed Divi s ion and th e lOOth rnf antry

    Di vis), on to S6 ize I-{EILBRONN and to continue the attack east

    into the heart of GERMANy.13 . The command post of Comba t

    Command B Was located in the vicini ty of FRANKENBACH.

    Elements of the combat command reconnoitered for bridges

    in the HORKHEIM-KLINGE~CURGH-LAUFFEN (04.5-58.4) area.

    Enemy resistance stiffened along the entire river line

    as he sought fran ticnlly to guard his internal commun

    ication and supply line s. Air and ground reconnaissance


  • shovved that all bridges; with the exception of the ee,st

    bridge at HORKHEIM and the bridge at LA.UF'FENj were des.

    troyed. 14: the lattet Were intndt but heavily defended.

    Befote daylight on 4 April, in the northern sector of

    HEILBROHN, the 398th Infantry Re giment of the lOOth Inf

    antry Division had succeeded in establishing a limited

    bridgehead on the far bank of the NBCKAR River. The

    infantry, unable to expand its bridgehead, held tenaciously

    to who..t Ii ttle they had against fanatical enemy counterattacks.

    Upon expansion of the lodgement by friendly inf~ntry VI

    Corps planned to erect a treadway bridge across the NECKAR

    16River for the crossing of supporting armor. Elements of

    the FRZlTCT{ First Army were attempting to force crossings

    of the NECKAR south of LAUFf'EN on the right flank of Combat

    Command B.

    CombJt Command B, consisting of the 56th Armored

    Infantry Battalion and the 11th Tanle Battalion wi th the

    normal attachoonts of engineers, artillery, medics, ord

    nance and tank destroyers, was organized into two reinforced

    battcllions: Task Force Chamberlain :tnd Task F'orce Richard


    Oper:J.tions Order No. 19, issw:;d by the Commanding

    General 10th Armored Division, was received at 2400B,

    4 hpril 1945 by Combat Command B. The combat command was


  • ordered to continue its present mission of probing the river

    line for crossings, and to be prepared oh division drder

    to cross bridge No, 3 at k~uFFEN, bridge No~ ~ north of

    HEILBRONN_ br bridge No.1 in the vicinity of NECKARELZ, a.nd a.ttack to the east. The combat oommand objective, regardless of "Nhere the crossing of tho NECKAR occurred

    (S6C annex for division order), WQS to seize the line

    SCH~IiAJ3ISCH Hil.LL-C.RJiILSHEIM. It Vlio.S apparent from thi s

    ordor th(~ t VI Corps had all but givon up hope of success

    fully eliminating the resist:lnce at HEILBRONN and foro

    ing tho a.rmor cd support through in tha t c~r en.. Instf.1ad the

    pIon bec~"Ile one of flD.nking the sali Gnt to the north and

    o.ppro~ching the corps objective from the reur. The combat command, on 5 April, continued its mis

    sion in the same :J.roCl.. Task Force Richa.rdson was engaged

    wi th tllC enemy in the gener:.:.l vicini ty of LAUFFEN. Tnsk

    Force Cho...rnberlain was enga.ged in tho vicinity of KLINGEN

    BERG (03.6-58.8) and south to LAUFF'EN. The e'.lrly morning

    hours werG m:,rked by slow progress and general confusion

    in the comb:::..t command's sector. This was brought about

    by the intermingling of French and Aoericun units using

    the srune route for identical missions.16 During the

    hours of poor visibility this condition became aggravated

    by stiffening German resist:::..nce and sever e anti-tank and

    artillery fire delivered from enemy posi tions on both sides


  • of the river. The b~o task forces suffored casunlties in

    mell and vehicles from the heavy artillery fire delivered

    from positions east of the NEC~~R River which could not I

    be silenoed by our forc~s&17 In nt least one cn~G Pbrt~ ions of Task Force Chamborlain were forced to withdrClW

    to locations of safety.

    Shortly before noon Combat Command B was directed

    to support ele~nGnts of the 397th Inf :mtry Regiment, which

    Were to pass through the comoot cOlTIl7lnnd a.nd attempt 0. cros

    sing of the NECKAR Rive~ at BOCKINGEN (05.5-60.5). In the afternoon one battulion of thG 397th Infantry succeeded in

    crossing the NECKAR River, supportGd by their own division

    fires a.nd those of Cor:1bat COmrrlr"..nd B, a.nd esta.blished a.

    bridgehead on the southern edgo of nEILBRONN.18

    Combat CO~~Qnd B passed to VI Corps control with

    no chnnge in mission at 1700B, 5 .L~pril 45. Other elements

    of the lOth Armored Division WerG given the mission of

    reconnoitering in force to the line Bil.CKNA~JG, SCR,-ABISCH

    HALL-CRAILSHEIM (see annex for Corps order). Comba t

    Command B cOiltinued operations in the same general area

    dur ing the rGmaindor of 5 April. Efforts to cross the

    riv('r ceased ~)"nd gu ins were consolidated. Elements of

    the FRENCH First Army had fought into NORDHEIM (01.5-57.5)

    and Ll~UFFEN only to bo forcd back by tho he nvy resistance

    of Ss troops in NORDHEIM. Another attack by the FRENCH


  • First Army ~t 1315B sccured both of those towns. I " Combut Command B reverted to division control at

    1600Bi 6 .i~pril 45~ nnd waS o.lertGd to crcHH3 the NECKAR Ri\fer to tho north in the vicinity of NECKARELZ. After

    crossing the NEC~~ River, Combat Com~and B w~s ordered

    to move into an Q.sscr.1b1y urG':~ in the vicini ty of ASSAMSTADT and to be prepurcd for co~~itment on one hour notice.

    Confusion arose as to the exact time th~t the bridge would

    bo available. Division contacted corps~ and the division

    G-3 notified Combat Cor.unund B that they wculd move across 19

    tho.t night.. Comb'1t Com."nllnd B informed division that

    they would move out nt 2118B with un ostimat6d t~e of

    nrriv~l at the crossing of 2318B. The co~~and post of

    Combat Command B cltared FRl!..NKENBACH at 2200B. The order

    of march to the crossing site Was Task Force Richardson,

    93rd ~rmor6d Field Artillery Battalion, Headquarters Combat

    Conmand B, Task Force Chamberlain, 423d Armored Field Art

    i11cry Buttalion, 141st '>I.rmorcd Field ;;\rti11ery Battalion, 20

    and Battery B, 976th Field Artillery Battalion. The

    route followed to the bridge site was KIRCHAUSEN, BON


    (94.5-77 .5). BARGEN (93.5-f9.4)., BEI.MSTADT"

    AGLi.l.STER HAUSEN.21 (Se~ f:tgure2.) Progress of the crossing ~as slow due to poor visibility and road oonditions. The

    lead elements of Combat Command B arrived at the crossing about


  • 0525Bj 7 ll.ptil -i5 and started cro ssing the NECK.\R Rivcr.

    The movG!1ent to the crossing had been executed under con

    trol of VI Corps, and the 10th At~ot6d Division provided

    guides to lC:1d the elements of COl"JOO t COD."':lund J.j to their

    Ilssembly area o.t l1.SSlt.l"lSTADT.. The actual crossing of the

    river was slQl.v, and it Wo.s not until ll15B tha.t the last

    element oleared the br.idge. At this time the cOI!lnand post

    of Co::tbat CorJraand B was at ijjINDISCI-IBUCH (36.7-94.7) . Task

    Force Richllrdson, which was the leading element of the

    conbat cor.ll-:Iund, rea.ched the assenbly area ut ASSAMSTADT at

    l020B.. and discovered that the area. Clssigned was too STI'lllll

    and the surrounding fields were too soft fron recent rains

    to support the weight of heavy vehicles. The remainder

    of the COl-:lba.t cOITL.';l~l.nd continued to close in the ASS:i.M

    STADT assembly are a.. (See Figure 4..) Reserve Cor:rrnand and 90th Cnvo..lry Reconnaissance

    Squa.dron, 6 April 1945

    The Reserve Command and the 90th Cavalry had not

    been idle while Combat Command ~ was engaged in the capture

    of' CRAILSHEIM. As previously stated they had captured a

    line east of .t"SS;~MST.b.DT running generally tnrough STUP

    PACH,. HA.CHTiliL, and RENGERSHI1.USEN They. held this line


  • during the night of 5-6 April despite small groups of

    ene8Y SS troops who attacked from the direction of BAD

    MDRGENTHEn,l (47.5-01.0) and ROTHENBERG, The Reserve

    COTrlr:'land wus pla.ced on a bvo hour alert prepared' to move

    south following Combat Con:na.hd A.22 The German continued

    his pressure against the line held by the Reserve Comnand

    and the 90th Cava.lry. Forces of tho Reserve Command which

    hud taken ROTH (50.6-91.3) against no opposition were

    counterattacked by the enemy during the night. The enemy

    VJus dr ivcn off with heuvy casualtie s, after an intense

    fight which was conducted wi thin the to'Nn itself:. Shortly

    beforo duylight on 6 April 1945 , n force, estimated one

    hundred ~'.nd fifty strong', of SS troops infiltrated back

    in STUPP.t~CH, drove out the defender s composed of both

    Reserve Cor.UJund and 90th Cavalry troops, and set up n.

    defense of the town. Some .ii.r:lcrican troops vvere cut off

    and captured during this !J.ction. An attack, consisting of

    elements of the Heserve Coml:Hlnd und Troop B (Reinforced),

    90th Cuvc.lry, was launched against STUFPACH dur ing the

    morning a.nd fighting continued throu~r~out the day'. As

    a result of this action, the Reserve Command was relieved

    from the two hour alert and ordered to hold their pos

    i tion until they could be relieved by other units. As

    soon as this raIief could be accomplished .. the Reserve

    COl:nond Wa.s to proceed to CRAILSHEDh: and relieve Comba.t


  • CO!:1lTl'J.nd A. 23 As c.. result of the coordinated attack of

    elcncnts of the Reserve COmrrll..'.Tlcl :lnd c lcrnents of the 90th

    Cavalry) STUPPACH Was recn.pturcd by 1730B hours' Thirty-

    five priSr)ncts t"-lcre taken UriC: seventy-five Germ:-.n dcad

    counted'2/,1 The Reserve Corr~und and the 90th Cavalry held

    their blocking positions throughout the night of 6-7 rtpril.

    Small cnany patrols continually probed the outpost system

    throughout the night, but no major att:l.ck developed. (See Figure 3.) The night of 6-7 Apri 1 found the 10th .tl.rnored Div

    ision v.Jell along toward the occomplishr.lCnt of the mis sian

    ':I' ):J.ssigl1od to thGr.l by VI Corps. ~Sec l.gurc 4- The division

    had, in approxinutely 40 hours, disongaged from the enemy in

    tho vicinity of liE ILBRO}Jl'T , mnd"; a 90 change in direction,

    and acccmplished Ll m2rch of approxinntely 59 miles from

    the vicinity of BEILBRONN to ASSAMST.'l.DT. :lore they S'lIliftly

    prepared for combQ.t, l:lunched a.r... ;.ttn.ck during hours of

    darkness, turnbd 1800 from the tlircction followed during

    the raa.rch from r:EILBRONN, Oond drove to ClliI.ILSIf.8IM, approxima

    tely 31 miles behind the Gcr rn."1n lines and approxim,J.tcly 40

    air milos from the major ele:nents of VI Corps fighting in

    the vicinity of HEILBRONN. They had ca.ptured more than

    300 prisoners 25 during this period, and had killed and wou

    nded r.lD.ny nore l as well as capturinf; und destroying a large

    ~~ount of enGmy materiel - ~ateriel which he could ill

    ufford to lose at this stage of the Vi'or.


  • In addition to the muteriel succoss of the division,

    trw cnptux

  • 70p cit, The Crn.ilshiem Operation of the lqtr Ar~ored Pivision, p 37.

    8Aft6r Action Report, 51st Armored Infnntry Battalion, Conbat COI:una.nd A, 10th Armored Divi sion, entry for 6 April 45.

    goP cit, AJ'ter ~~ction Report, Combat Con."land A, entry for 6 .April 45.

    lOOp cit, The Crailsheim Operation 0Ff.~ 10th .ii.rmored Division, pp 37-38.

    llIbid, P 38.

    l2Aft6r Action Report, Co~bat Con~and B, 10th Armored Division, entry for 4 April 45.

    l3Report of Operations, The Seventh United Stat6s Army, France and Gc~any, 1944-1945, p 779.

    l4.Aftcr Acti'Jn Report, 11th Tank Bo.ttD.lion, 10th Armored Division, entry for 4 April 45.

    l50p cit,keport of Operations, The Seventh United States Army,'P78O-;

    16Qp ci t, After Action Report, 11th Tank Ba.ttalion, entry for 5 April 45.

    l7Ibid, entry for 5 April 45.

    l80p cit, Report of Operations, The Seventh United States l~rmy, p 782.

    19G_3 Journal, lOth .i~rmord Division, entry for 6 .April 45. 20.After Action Report, 405th Field Artillery Group I April 45.

    210p Cit, After Action Report, 11th Tank Battalion, entry for 6 l1.pr i1 45.

    22.i~ftGr ~ction Report, 3d Tank Battalion" 10th Armored Uivision, entry for 6 April 45.

    230perations Instructions No. 21, Headquarters, lOth Armored Division, 6 ~pri1 45, par 3.

    24G_ 2 Periodic R(;port, 10th Armored Division, 6-7 April 45. 250p cit, The Crailsheim Operation of the 10th ArmorGd Div

    .- ' ision, p 38. 29




    Combat Command A - 7 April 1945

    The morning of 7 April 1945 found bo th Task Foroe

    Hankins and Task Force Riley in CRAILSHEIM. They were

    reluctant to move out to continue the mission which, the

    reader will remember, was to "seize the line CRAILSHEIM,

    SCHNABISC~-I HALL, BACKNANG." Their reluctance was occas

    ioned by the fact that they had been out of conmunicat

    ion with Combat Command A Headquarters in ASSAMSTADT

    since the night before,and both commanders were fearful

    of becoming strung out and possibly defeated in detail

    by the enemy.l An additional factor was the shortage of

    fuel and ammunition. lA considerable amount of fuel had

    been used during the march from HEILBRONN to ASruu!STADT

    and refueling operations in ASSAMSTADT had used up most

    of the fuel carried in the trains. , Operations during the

    6th of April had practically depleted the fuel carried

    in the unit trains and they had been sent to the rear

    for resupply. They had not rejoined the task forces on the morning of the 7th. Consequently both task forces

    redistributed their supplies equally among themselves but

    neither had enough for more than a few hours of offensive


  • Since General Piburn was out of communication with

    elements of his cormnand in CRAILSHEIM, he flew in an art

    illery liaison plane to join thGID during the morning of tho 7tH. Prib.r to ieaving his command post he ordered Task Force Roberts, which had remained in ASSAMSTADT

    s inca returning from the ir fight u t DORZ BA.CS, and the

    command post to move to CRAILSHEIM. He arrived at

    CRAILSHEIM during tho morning, was informed of the sit

    uation, and relayed the information by a.rtillery liaison

    plane baok to the division headquarters.

    Meanwhile both task forces in CRAILSHEIM had

    begun to improve their positions by clearing out t~vns

    in the vicinity. No effort was made to continue the

    attack toward SCHflABISCH HALL. Team Hill of Task Force

    Hankins cleared INGERSHEIM (71.0-60.7) at 1035B and returned to CRA.ILSHEIM. Team Havlovi tz of Task For ce

    Hankins attacked the a.irfield areo. (69.0-62.5) west of CRL.ILSHEllvl and secured it by 1135B. In the process a

    dual purpose 88-mm gun was knocked out and fourteen 2

    enemy planes captured and destroyed. Terun. Holland of

    Task Force Hankins cleared ALTENMUNSTER (69.3-61.3) and remained there all day in a blocking posi tion.

    While Task Force Hankins was engaged in these operations,

    Task Force Riley was preparing to attack toward SCH-

    Wi.. BISCH HfiLL.



    ) \

  • After being briefed on the s i tuo.tion, General

    Pi burn ordered Task Fl orce Riley to attack SCH'.l1JABISCH

    It~LL whi 10 Task Force Hankins continued its blocking ro Ie

    in und around CRAILSHEIM. General Piburn established

    his personal command post with the command post of Task

    Foroe Hankins p~nding the arrival of his command post

    personnel from ASS.l).MSTADT.

    Task Force Riley commenoed its attack toward

    SCI~ABISCH HALL shortly before noon and by l230B the lead~

    ing team, Team Felice, had reached ROSSFELD (67 -62.5).

    Shor tly befor e the ca.pture of ROSSFELD Team Fe lice sighted

    a railroad train approaching CRAILSHEIM from the west. They

    allowed the train to reach an advantageous position and then

    stopped it with tank cannon fire. They then proceeded to

    shoot up the entire train.3 Team Graham passed through

    Team Felice at ROSSFELD and continued the attack through

    M:AULACH (65.0-62.8) which fell at l400B. Enemy resistance

    was light,consisting mainly of small arms fire from both

    sides of the road and from the woods west of lVJAULACH.

    Team Felice passed through Team Graham near 1~ULACH and adv

    anced thr ough ILSHOFEN (59.3-65.6), scene of a hasty with

    drawal by the headquarter s of a German corps. Task For ce

    Riley was strafed and bombed by a small group of ME 109

    fighter-bomber s in the vicinity of ILSHOFEN; this del ayed

    but did not stop their advance~4 Team Felioe continued 32

  • the attack and captured WOLPERTSi~USEN (53.7-65.2). While the task force was in W~OLPERTSF..AUSi!JN II lia ison plat;ie repor ted that a bridge across the KOCHER River at CROFFELBACH

    (52.1-64.3) was intact. Lt Col Riley immediately dispatched a team (apparently Felice) to take the bridge. This bridge

    Vias loco. ted in a defile and was blown up by the enemy jus t

    as the l6ad tank of the team reached it. Intense resistance

    quickly developed. Enemy mortar fire began to fall around

    the approaches to the bridge# and small arms and panzerfaust

    fire was deliver ed on the colunm from the hi ~h ground on both

    sides of the road near the bridge. I:)ince they Were tra.pped

    in a defile, the team could not maneuver to attack the enemy

    and were forced to withdraw. This they accomplished wi th

    considerable difficulty since it was necessary to back ~~

    tanks out# trlere being insufficient room in which to turn

    them around. One tank was destroyed by panzerfaust fire

    from the high ground when a round penetrated its engine

    comf;urtment.5 The team withdrew to WOLPERTSHAUSEN and re

    ar ganized.

    Thi s conc I uded the offensive oper at ions of Task r arc e

    Riley for the dQy. As night was fast QPproaching, Lt Col

    Riley decided to hold wrat he had gained. Consequently he

    ordered Team Felice to or ganize t re defense of WOLPERTSHAUSEN

    while the remainder of the task force defended I LSHOfEN

    The task force command post was located in 11S~OFEN and


  • the 4l9th Armored }ield Artillery B~ttalion, the direct

    support artillery battalion for the task force, Was in

    position in the vicinity of ILSHOFEN. Task Force Riley

    was reinforced at ni ghtfClll in the ~iOLPERTSF..AUSEN-ILSHOFEN.

    area. by the Reserve Comnand. These positions were held

    without incident by Task Force Riley_ reinforced, throughout

    the night.

    Task F' orce Hankins improved their bloc king posi tions

    around CRAILSHEIM during the day but made no major attack~

    due to a shortfl.ge of supplies and the nature of their mission.

    ~ihi Ie Task Force Ri ley was' bear ing the brunt of the

    fighting insofar as the division and Combnt Cormnand A were

    concornod, Task Fores Roberts and the commClnd post of

    Combc~ t Command A were moving south toward CRAILSHEIM. The

    column departed from ASSAMSTADT at l045B on tLe 7th ~f

    April, following the route taken by Task Forces Hankins

    and Riley. It was pl~ned to make this route the main

    supply route although it actually became the MSR in name

    only. As future events will sho;,;, enemy infiltration and

    action along this routes Vias to prevent its ever becoming the

    MSR in practice.

    Task }orce Aoberts, accompanied by the Headquarters,

    Combc.t Command A, moved from ASSAMSTADT to HOLLENBACH with

    out incident. Near HOLLENBACH they ran into the tail of

    the Re serve Command which had precded them from ASSAMSTADT

    and had been stopped by intense enemy fire in the woods


  • northeast of HOLLENBACH. At l3l5D ti1ey bypassed the Reserve

    Cbmn:lnd, which was engaged in clearing a roure through the

    WbodSj and pushed on toward HARTENSTEIN (~5.5-86.5). As

    the column. was moving through the woods northwest of

    BARTENSTEIN at approximately l530B, they were strafed by

    6 ME 109 aircraft and two jet p~pelled aircraft and halted.6 They resumed their :ldvance and reached n. point in the woods

    at (56.0-87.3). Here they began to receive heavy small anns, antitank and flak fire from both sides of the road. Sevbral

    personnel cn.sU!llties were sustained and one light tank, one

    half-track, and one i ton truck iNere destroyed. The enemy was engnged vi th tank, tank destroyer I ar.d ma.chine gun

    firo, and the enemy fire was silencE:.d. The column then

    continued its advance and moved swiftly tovJD.rd CRAILSHEIM

    which they entered at approximately 1800B. (See Figtre 5J Upon arrival in CRAILSHEIM Task :r orce Roberts was

    ordered by lcenerfll Piburn to attack and seize KIRCHBERG

    (63.7-69.5). The task force moved out at 1830 B. Team

    Reilly and the command post moved to and remained at

    WALL[{[~USEN whi Ie Team Mc Intosh pus hed on toward KIRCHBERG. This team took HORNBERG (64.7-70.1), but did not continue the advance ~ince they could not find a route

    7 from HORNBERG to KIRCHBERG. Team McIntosh therefore rem

    ained at HORNBERG throughout the ni ght.


  • Raserve COrron'lnd and 90th Cavalry Reconn~issunce

    S9\lag,9!:. 7 April 1945,

    The Reserve Command was ordered to disengage from

    the enemy on the morning of 7 April and proceed to CRAIL8SHEIM. Their neW mission was to relieve Task Force Hankins

    ,~md to block enemy approaches into CRAILSREilvI from the south

    and southeast. The 90th CavC'clry wns order6d to extend their

    blocking positions to take over the positions occupied by

    the ReservE: Comm:::md. Elements of the Reserve Commn.nd exp

    erienced grc:1t difficulty in withdra.wing from ROTH becnuse

    of o.n Gnemy countoro.ttack. The disengc.gement wns finally

    accomplis hod by deli berately setting fire to 0. por tion of

    ROTH 1l.."1Cler co vcr of ,~rhich the c omlT1nnd withdrew. 9 (See Fig 5.) The 90th Cavalry completGd their relief by 0630B,

    ::1"t which time the squadron was disposed as follows:

    nquo.dron headquarters, I~CHTEL;Troop A, attached to Combat

    Command i .. in CRAILSHEIMi Troop B, HL.CHTELJ Troop C~ ROTH;

    Troop D, HOLLEN:a~CH; HGD.dq u::~rter sand Servi ce Troop, SCH-

    WABHhUSEN (35.2-96.8). The light tc.nk plo.toons and assault

    gun (75-nun HOW) platoons of Troops E and .t, were !J.ttached to

    Troops B, C, and D. the h6adqu::'.rters of these attached troops

    remained with squadron headquarters in H1CHTEL. The squo.d

    ron held these blocking positions all day with little dif

    ficu1 ty, the only [lct ion being from small groups of Germans

    who made no determined attacks. (See Figure 5.) J7

  • After b(;ing relieved by the '::JOth Cavnlry, the Reserve

    Commnnd moved out along the route followed by Combat Command

    A, The column ran into intense enemy resistance in the woods

    northeast of HotLEN~iCH. As a result of this enemy res

    istanc6, which included smull arms, 88-mm antitank, and aut

    ornntic vleapons fire, the column Wi.lS split. The woods were

    finally cleared with the loss of two light tanks, and the

    column resumed its advance. After moving through the woods

    into more open cOWltry, the column vms unable to pick up

    the des ired speed bec~"use of road blocks and intense enemy

    air action. This nir action, in the form of bombing 'lnd

    strafing, continued throughout the dc~y. Despite this enemy

    air f'..nd ground action, the ReservG Command continued to

    move and late in the afternoon re nchud CRAILSHEnv.r." Upon

    arrival they were unable to accomplish their mission of

    relieving Combat Command a, due to the fact that the all-day

    fight along the route to CRAILSHEIM hnd caused a severe

    shortage of supplies, especially ummunition and fuel.

    Accordingly they were placed under opera ti ona 1 centro 1 of . 10Comba t Cornmand he, Team Connolly of Task Force Thackston".

    the only tusk force in the Reserve Comnand, was sent to

    WOLPERTS~~~USEN and set up blocking positions, in conjunction

    with Team Felice of Task Force Riley, to the south'lnd

    west., TeL~m Griswold proceeded to the vicinity of MAULACH

    and cut the main east-west railroad leading into CRAILSHEIM.


  • ~he main body of this team moved into ILSHOFEN, where they

    strengthened the defense organized by Task Force Riley_

    H6Qdquarters, Reserve Command was set up in CRAILSHEIM.

    Meanwhile, the 90th Cavalry continued on their block

    ing mission throughout the day. They were ordered to assemble

    ~s soon as relieved and move to CRAILSHEIM to take over the

    line C&~ILSHEIM-SCHN1~BISCH HALL" as soon as that line had 11

    beGn secured by Combat Command ii. At the conclusion of

    tho day's'operation in the CR~ILSHEIM arsa, it was becoming

    apparent that the enemy was recovering from his initial

    surprise nt the capture of CR1~ILSHEnn:. Increasing enemy

    resistance to the forces operating in the GU~ILSHEIM area,

    togcth8r -,';i th repented attempts by the ene:ny to cut the

    main supply route betV!een ASSAMSTADT and CRAILSHEIM. were

    only indicrtions of future violent enemy action to re

    capture this vital area.

    Combat Command A (with Reserve Command under operational

    control) - 8 April 1945

    Eo..rly on the morning of 8 .!~pril, at approximately

    0530 B-, the 1. i rst 1 :.x ge SCQ Ie enemy attack agains t thE:.

    CRAILSHEIM area was launched.. It cOInnenced wi th an intense

    rocket o..nd mortar preparation, under Iii hose cover simultaneous

    att~cks were delivered from the east, southeast, ~nd north-

    Gast~ (S66 Figure 6 ... ) This enBmy attack was conducted by :m estimated 400-700 SS engineer troops.. The northeastern


  • column VlO.S repulsed immedi~ tely. The Gnemy was a.pparent ly

    un~WJC\r8 of tho true dispositions of Task Force Hankins in this

    o.rc:\ . ., for he moved into th 6 attn ck in o.n undeployed forntl. tion ~

    The entire attacldng formation Was ldlled., wounded, capt

    urcdj or di sper sed.

    The attacks from the east and southeast proved a

    different story from the northeastern attack, for the enemy

    pressed his assault skillfully 'lnd determinedly. He over

    ran the outposts ~nd penetrated into the outskirts of CRAILSH

    ElM. fighting developed and continued throughout the

    morning. Shortly before noon Task Il orce Hankins gained the

    upper hund and forced the enemy b~ck. The enemy suffered

    severe casual tics in this nct ion. Team Holl::.nd followed the

    withdrawing German troops, mr.:tintr-.ining ~\. constant pressure on

    them. The team cle1.red .i\.LTEm.!f1JNSTER for thtJ sec ond time and

    established 0. bloc position in thn.t tovm. (They held

    this position throughout the day and moved back to CRAlLSHEDJ.

    as night fell.) CRhlLSHElM wa.s o.go.in sGJ.rched to insure

    tho.t no enemy hLld infiltrn.t6d into the town. nt tl1G same

    time T6:1111 Hi 11 again searched INGERSHElM and Team Havlovi tz

    the J.irfield areCl. e. By noon 0.11 German attacks on CRhILSHEIM

    had been defeated and the task force was again in its

    origin~l blocking positions.

    General Piburn's plan to carry out the division

    mission, tho capture of the line SCHVITABISCH HALL-BACKNANG,

  • WQS to h~ve the Reserve Command (Task Force Thackston) rel

    ieve Task Force Hankins in CRAILSHEIM. T~sk Force Riley waS

    to continue the attack in the vicinity of SCHJlTABISCH HALL,12

    Due to enemy pressure this plan could not be accomplished.

    At 0900B.. Gener:ll Piburn received orders from div

    ision headquQrters, which had moved to ASSll.IvISTL.DT late in

    the afternoon of thE 7th of .April. These orders directed

    Comba t Conrmand i'.. to c ontinuG the tl ttnck from SC}~NABISCH

    HALL and continue to the west to conto.ct the lOOth Inf:.ntry

    13Division moving east from HEILBRONN. In order to carry

    out this mission Goneral Piburn ordered To.sk Force Riley

    to continue the attack to the west. They 'Noro to be followed

    by Task ~orce Hankins when relieved. It soon became apparent

    that Task force Hcmkins could not be relieved by the Reserve

    Comr.1D.nd unless that command was rGinforced. The Reserve

    Command had beGn given the mission of keeping the road open

    between '(~OLPERTS~ii~USEN and CR11.ILSHEIM. This proved to be

    D. difficult task, since the enemy continu~lly infiltrated

    behinc. elements of the cOTIUnJ.nd 80S they cle'1red the road,

    necessitating t:1at the clearance be continually repeated.

    Nevertheless Task Force Riley undertook the mission.

    Task} orce rtiley attack6d from ~~OLPERTSHA.USEN toward CROFFELBACH, but was soon stopped by heavy small arms und

    bazooka fire. 'l'he terrain in this area was not suitable

    for tank employment because of numerous defiles. The tlnks


  • were practically ro~dbound. Since the task force h~d only

    one company of o.rmored infantry I it was not pos sible to launch

    a.n inf2ntry o..ttack in suffieistlt strength to ole at the area.

    For 'the foregoing reasons, and the fact that reports from

    civilians and PW's indic:lted n strong buildup of enemy forces

    :'.nd probable a.ttacks in the CRAILSHEIM a~en., Task Force

    Riley Was ordered to break off its D.tt~ck and establish a.

    perimeter defense in the vic inity of ViOLPERTS:a;'U:;>EN. v~hi Ie

    engo..ged in prepr.ration for 0. perimeter defense" Task Force

    Riley VIets ordered to send one teom to GEISLINGEN (49.6-65.3)

    to seize ~ bridge across the KOCHER River reported int'1ct by

    0. liaison pls~ne.. Team Gr::..hum moved out to accomplish this

    mission. lhey encountered sroll ::lrms and panzerfaust fire at

    the edge of GEISLINGEN. Resist'lnce was overcome and they

    Were ',rv ithin sight of the bridge v>then it was blown.14 The team

    then returned to ij~OLHERTSHA.USEN. This proved to be the far

    thest penet:1tion to the west of any element of the 10th

    ....rmor6d Division during offensive oporn.tions in the CRii.ILSHEIM

    n:re[~. (See Figure 7.) Task Force Roberts, which had spent the night of 7-8

    I..pril in tho vv.LiLLfL'\.USEN...HORNBERG area" cormnencod offensive

    opero.tions ut 0730B on the 8th. Te:,J!l.s McIntosh and Reilly

    occupied KIRCH1)ERG n.t 1100B. No onemy resist:.::.nce VJUS en....

    countered. The task force was ordered to hold the line

    ~'f.L\'LL~Y~USEN-KIRCH5ERG during the afternoon. This was in accord..

    anC6 wi th the combat C01TDJlf..lnd pla.n to temporarily assume the


  • defensive in anticipation of enemy J..ttacks. The task force

    was accordingly disposed to defend against possible enemy

    attncks from the northwest. Task Force Roberts spent the

    remainder of the afternoon qui6tly, awaiting enemy- attacks

    which never came.

    ;l.fter defea t of the enemy attacks on CRAILSHEIM

    proper and restoration of their blocking positions, Task

    Force {-bnkins was ordered to locld all prisoners of war

    on all av~ilable Class I and V supply vehicles and evacuate

    them to 11.SS.:...MST.L\.DT" This procedure had been ordered by

    VI Corpse Since the MSR was not open betv~een 'i~SSAMSTADT and

    CRAILSH.l1iIM" Combat Command .0 being engaged in attempting to

    open it, it Was considered very unlikely thut the convoy could

    reach .L~SSliMSTi~DT. nm'1ever, the supply trucks and pri soner s.,

    numbering approximately 550, 'Were assemblGd in CRAILSHEIM

    and the prisoners loaded. Combat Commnnd A ordered Troop

    A, 90th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron to escrot the convoy..

    It was :..nticip:l ted th:.lt the convoy could fight its W0..Y thr ough

    to Comh:.lt Command B ... The convoy proceeded to the vicinity

    of BL.i1.UFELDEN where i t was ambushed by the enemy. Several

    supply vehicles were destroyed and several personnel cas

    ualties were suffered. During the fight most of the prisoners

    war e killed or escaped. The convoy could not breD. k through"

    ~nd returned to CRAILSHEIM with the rennining vehicles and

    prisoners. The mQin supply route was still cut and supplies

    were fas t running out ..


  • To allevi:tte the ori fical supply si tu~:. tion, General

    Piburn requested that the troops in the CRi"l.ILSPEIM area be

    resupplied by air. Engineers were sent to the airfield to

    Gnl8Xge the strip. The request for air resupply was approv

    ed, but the operation could not be mounted on the 8th.

    Meanwhile enemy activity and reports from civilians

    and prisoners had indicated an all-out attack was being plan

    ned to rcc~pture CRAILSHEIM. Accordingly General Piburn had

    ordered all ~~sk forces, as previously discussed, to assume

    the defensive in anticipation of the attac'k. Orders were

    received from di vision at 1545B to Itpush Task F'orce ROBERTS 15

    to tr.c northvvGst between K9CHER and JAGST Rivers". Ta.sk

    Force Roberts WQS ordered to abandon its defensive positions

    and carry out this mission. General Pi burn reported to div

    ision tho.t av~il~1.ble supplies would support an attack of

    only fot~ hours dur~tion. He also requested night fighter 16 prot~ction but it Was not received.

    Task Force Roberts assembled in KIRCHBERG at 1900B

    ctnd moved via ALL1I[ERSPl1.N (61.0-66.0) to I LSHOFEN Here

    the t2sk force received fuel and sane ummunition from

    the 419th Armored J:t'ield Artillery Battalion. Supplies were

    redistributed among all vehicles in the task force in order

    to make an attack. Battery C of the 419th .L1.rmored Field

    Arti llery Bo.tt~lion joined the task force to provide close


  • artillery support. By 2400B hours Task Force Roberts Was

    reo.uy to begin its assigned mission, (See Figure 7~) IvIe:::L1'.vhile Task Force Hankins had been reinforced in

    CRJiILSHEIM. During tIle night I enemy patro Is continua lly

    probed the defenses of CRi~ILSHEIM. These patrols set off

    fllrlny of the fl Dr6S c.nd booby traps and Were engaged by fire

    on num6rous occasions. They did not infiltrate through the


    CombQt Command A (with Reserve Command under operat

    ional control) - 9 April 1945

    The suspected enemy attack on CIlliILSIfEIM during the

    night of 8-9 .April did not take plo..ce. Just prior to da.wn,

    however I intense enemy rocket o.nd artilJe ry fire was deliv

    ered on Clli\ILSHEIM, ILSHOFEN, and WOLPERTSBAUSEN. The cOITll'Tk'1nd

    post of Combat COIn...'Tlnnd .n. received direct hits nnd was forced

    to move to the northern part of CRAILSHEIM. CRAILSHEIM received

    a bombing und stro.fing attack from ME 109 and jet aircraft

    at 0635B.17 .At daylight Task 110rc6 H~.~nkins searched the nref:< surrounding CRAILSHEIM for enemy, n.nd Team Hollund

    was o.g~in dispatched to ~-"LTENMUNSTER. They cle.';.red this town for the third time_.to..king some prisoners. The tea.m

    o.gc'tin remained in ALTENMUNSTER throughout the day, returning

    to CRAILSHEn~ at nightfall. The rernn.indel of Task Force Hankins remained in their blocking positions during the 9th

    of .a.pril without serious interference from the enemy. Friendly


  • aircraft bor.lbed and strafed roads (74-64) east of CRAIL

    SI-:EIM and it was believed that this action disor ganized 18

    enemy forming for an attack.

    Hhile Task Force Hankins was engaged with enemy

    patrols, awaiting the suspected Gnemy night attack, Task

    ForcG Roberts Was atto.cking to the northwest from ILSHOFEN.

    As the to.sk force was moving out, they received word that

    Comb:--.t COJTI:1:J.nd B hod finally brokt>n through to CRAILSHEIM

    with supplies .The task force was halted and all of its

    vehicles resupplied. lifter being resupplied the task force

    attr.cked RUPPERTSHOF'EN (58.5-68.2) nnd encountered small

    arms and punzerf~ust fire. The task force wi thdrew to allow

    an :"rti11ery prepnrD. tion to be fired on the toYW'"n. They

    o.g,'lin att~1ckcd illlder cover of the o.rtillery fir e rmd ent ered

    the tmm without opposition. (See Figure 7.) TO,sk Force Riley ho.d been ordered by Gener'll Pi burn

    to wi thdraw from positions around VlOLPERTSHl\.USE}! and to

    fcll)v: Tusk Force Roberts. This .....JClS in accordo.nce v.rl. th

    instructions issued by division he~dquarters for T~sk Force

    Riley to assist Tusk Force 1\oberts.19 The task force with

    dreVl, ;'J.ssembled in ILS30FEN, \Vas r(:3supplied, and joined the


  • was bombGd and strafed by approximo. te ly t'JlJenty-five (25) enemy

    planes. J-.. considerable number of c~sual ties in both men

    ;""lnd materiel Vlo.S suffred by Task Force RQberts. Immedia

    tely ufter the ~ir uttuck the leading eiements of the col-Q~ were subjected to hGQvy artillery ~nd mortar fire~ and

    b0CD.mC involved in Q. seriE:S of sm[lll fire fights. During

    the confusion occasioned by the air and ground attack, the

    re::'..r cler:lcnts of Task Force Rob6rts took thG wrong roa.d and

    advnnced towc..rd LEOFELS (59.0-69.9), while lead clements of

    the colu.mn proceeded trl1"ough DUNSBACH in the direction of

    NESSELE.tl.CH (53.8-71.8). As the rear elements of the column

    reac hed ,:1 pos i tion :lpproximate ly 300 yards from LEOFELS,

    he~lV'J c.utorrl.C4tic 'weapons':tnd rifle fire was received. The

    column Was momentarily thrown into confusion as, believing

    tho.t they V'Jere following ths lead elements of the task force,

    tl1e fi re \,1.).S unexpected. Lt Col Roberts, who had been uccomp

    nnying the roar colurnn., order ed thE. colunm reversed and exp

    osed himself ,r..h ile personally reorg:tnizing his troops. He 20

    V1('1S kiJ.led. by u sniper. The co lurnn mn.no.ged to turn around

    o.nd proceeded" under fire, bGck to RUPPERTSHOFEN. Here the

    senior officer of the task furce, Co.ptain Ulrich,. the 8-3,

    W[lS notified of wha t had transpired. C:lptCl.in Ulrich was

    -"'1. th the leading elments of Task Force Roberts 'uhich had

    captured NESSELBL.CH. He outposted the town and returned to

    RUPPERTSJOFEN where he leurned the situation and requested


  • orders from Comret Cono.mand A. He vvus ordered to assume

    cormn;:..nd of the task force D.nd continue on his ~ssion.

    NOTE: Eerenfter Task Force Roberts vd 11 be referred to as

    Task ForcG Roberts (Uirich). Captain Ulrich then ordered an

    attack of LOEFELS. This attack, led by light tanks, vms

    successful and the task force was assemblod in NESSELBACH.

    They resumed the advance and pushed through LASSEACH

    (50.9-76.0) to BUTTELBRONN (47.5-80.3).

    T:-.sk Force Riley had follo'wed Task Force Roberts

    (Ulrich) to tIE vicini ty of DUNSBACH. Here they moved out on

    a parallel route to the west (left) of Roberts (Ulrich).

    By 1500B they had re!.lched F.J~SSFELDEN (54.5-66.8). They

    continued to udv8.nce p8.rallel to the route t .ken by Task

    ForcG Koberts (Ulrich). (See Figure 7.) j~fter passing tnrough BUTTELBRONN, Task Force Rob

    er ts.. (Ulric h) I ::lt 'lpproximnt61y 1530B I enc ounter ed a wash

    out on the rCIc.d towo.rd EERMUTHAUSEN (45.0-81.1). They

    received eneI'!1.Y s!n::..ll D.rns fire which 71::1S quickly eliminated.

    The column attempted to advr:.nce 8.round the. w:J.shout on a new

    route" but recei VE:G. iHortu.r fire which WD.S identified as

    friendly.. It was believed th:-::.t this fire vns from elements

    of' the 63d Infantry Division driving dovIn townrd CRf~ILSHEIM

    from the northwest ..Since contact vvi th the 63d Division

    wus now imrnin6nt, CCtpt Ulrieh decided to stop his adva.nce.

    The task force moved into position on the high ground sur

    rounding BERNDSHhUSEN (48.-0-78.8) and WOLFSOLDEN (48.2-79.8)


  • to block the retr6o..t of any en6my forces from in front of 21

    the 63d Infantry Division.

    Throughout the day Task Force Thackston was engaged

    in keeping the supply routes be~veen Cfu\ILSHEIM and Task

    Forces Riley and Roberts (Ulrich) open and in protecting

    "t:1C ",ir' icld near CRJ\ILS!1EIM. Team Griswold, 'which had

    been assisting Task Force Hankins in the defense of CRhIL-

    SHEIM during the night of 8..;9 April,. moved to the airfield

    during the morning. The ir mis s ion VIas to secure the air f ie ld

    so thn t o.ir re supply operations could be carri ed out. They

    continued on this mission throughout the day. MeanWhile

    Teo.m Connolly VJO,S engaged in pf.l.trolling the roads between

    CRAILSHEIE D.nd ILSeOFEN, ::.nd between ILSHOFEN and Task

    Forcos RilGY und hoberts (Ulrich). Elements of Task Force

    Thackston renJ.in6d in ILSHOI'EN, defending thr1.t to'i~n from

    Gner;lY throats from the south und west .

    ~othCnvalry Reoonnnissnnoe Squadron - 9 April 1945

    The 90th Cavalry Reconnuissunce Squadron, which had

    entered CRiI.ILSHElIvI during the night ~of 8-9 April, reinforced

    the tr oop s in the CRil.ILS ;EIM arGo.. Troop D (r einf orced)

    joined Troop A, which was :.1lrec.. dy o.ttuched to Combat CorYml':lnd

    A,. in p~, trolling roads in the immedif.l. te vicinity of CRAILSHEIM.

    Squo.dron headqu:.rters 'was established in W"OLLMERSHAUSEN (67.5

    66.4).- Troop B (reinforced) and the heudqu~rters of Troops E und F wore 0.1 so Ioca td in ~~OLLMERSHAUSEN. Troop C


  • (reinforced) was based in ILSHOFEN, c.nd Q.ssisted Tc..sk Force

    Thackston throughout the day in patrolling the roads between

    ILS~~IOFEN o.nd the advancing locntionS of Task :boreas Riley

    and Roberts,' (Ulrich)' All ttoops met continuous li ght

    resistance tl~oughout the day, but the enemy did not seriously 22

    intorfere with the o.ccomplishment of the squadron mission.

    The night of the 9th of April concluded the offensive

    oper~ltions of the 10th lirmored Division in the CRAILSHEIM area. These operations were actually concluded when Task Forces

    Riley and L\.oberts (Ulrich) halted for the night in the BERN

    DSF..AUSEN area.. (See Fi gure 7. ). Tho d i vis ion had co. ptur ed CRl~IL31.1EIMJ but all efforts to continuG the o.ttack to capture

    the line SCHv1f1.BISCH HALL-B..'lCKNANG had been unsucce ssful due

    to sco.rcity of supplies, lack of o.dequn.tG troops;, and enemy

    re~ction. The enemy continued to build up his strength in

    the CIL~ILS.1EnE arE-a. Prisoners of WQr nnd civilians reported

    lcrge num.b3rs of enemy troops concentro.ting in the BEUERLBACH (71.7

    64.7) area. This concentration vms estimated as bEdng 23

    3000 strong. These reports were a factor 'which prevented

    the use of Tnsk } orce Rich'U'dson in offensiv operations

    upon the. ir arr iva 1 in CR[\.ILSHEIM. As sOOl1 be seen, this

    ener!1Y thren.t and other concurrent enemy action was to

    prevent the 10th .d.rmored Division;and therefore VI Corps,

    from exploiting th6 price16ss tacticnl advantage gained

    wi th the c aptur 6 of CR~ ILSHEIM


    lCo.ptn.in GGor ge F. Bamel" The Crailsheim Operation of the 10th Armored Division, (Richmond: Armored Cavalry Journal, March-April 1949) p 38.

    2After Action Report, 61st Armored Infantry Battalion, lOth Armored Division, entry for 7 April 45.

    30p__~it, The Crailsheim operatio~f the lOth Armored Division, p 39.

    4 ~",p 39. 5Ibid , P 39.

    6After Action Report, Combat Cownand A" 10th Armored Division, entry for 7 .t1pr il 45.

    7After Action Report, 54th Armored [nfantry Battalion, lOth Armored Division, entry for 7 April 45.

    8After Action Report, Reserve Command, lOth Armored Division, entry for 7 April 45.

    9Op cit, The Crailsheim Operation of the 10th Armored lJivision, p 39.

    lOOperations Instructions No. 23, Headquarters, lOth Armored Division, 8 April 45, par 3.

    110perations Instructions No. 22, Headquarters, 10th Armored Division, 7 April 45, par 4.

    12After Action Report, Comba t Command A, 10th Armored Division, entry far 8 April 45.

    l30p cit, Operations Instructions No. 22, par 1.

    140p cit, The Crailsheim Operation of the 10th Armored Divisior}., p 40.

    150p cit, Operations Instructions 1'10.23, par 1. -.;;.,-

    160p cit, After Action Report, Combat Command A, entry for 8 April 45.

    17 Ibid, entry for 9 April 45.


  • 180p cit, After Action Report, 61st Armored Infantry BattalicriJ entry for 9 April 45.

    190p cit, Operations Instructions No. 23, par 1.

    20Letter Interview, Major Richard W. Ulrich, 3 Febl'"Uary 50. 2l0p cit, After Action Report, 54th Armored Infantry Battalion,

    eutry for 9 April 45.

    22After Action Report, 90th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, lOth Armored Division, entry for 9 April 45.

    23 Op cit, After Action Report, Comuat Comnand A, entry for

    9 Apr il 45.




    Fight_A!.~---.!:h~ ~~ hs units ot Task F'oi"ce .h.ichardson were closing in

    the ASS.i\IvlST..\DT assembly area, Combat Corrmand B was ordered

    by the lOth Armored uivision to move from their present

    location with its leading task force to CRAILSHEIM. There,

    contact was to be made with elements of Combat Command A or

    the Reserve Command. Task Force Richardson was instructed by

    Combat Command D at l120B to move out immediately to CRi~IL

    SHEIM, via STUPPACH , W.t1.CHB.~CH (49.0-95.6), and HERBSTHAUSEN 1( 51 .8-91 .7).

    Combat Command B was issued further fragmentary orders

    at 1340B which Ie. ter were confirmed by Operation Instruction

    No. 22" 072200B April 45 (see annex No ..IIl),. The combat command was assigned the mission of securing and holding

    open the highway from CRAILSHEIM to BI1.D MERGENTHEIM. This

    was to be used as the division main supply route, support

    ing elements of Combat Connnand A v~hich by a swift move had

    piercGe;. the enemy defenses and entered CRi~ILSHEIM. This

    action cut the German lines of communication to HEILBRONN

    from the east. 00ntact was to be maintained with elements of

    the 4th Infantry Divi si on on the nor th and VJi t h Reserve

    Command, lOth Armored Division on thG south. Meanwhile

    Task Force Chrunberln.in closed in ASSAMSTADT and continued to

    follmv the route of Task Force Richardson, Which was reported

    b'.f division 55

  • at this time to be between LUSTERONN (44.2-96.1) O-nd 2

    STUPPACH. Combat Command B, on division orders, sent

    Task l!'orce hichardson on to CRl1..ILSHEDJI, where contact was

    to be made 'wi th either the Reserve Command or Task Force

    Roberts of Combat Connnand A. Task}.i orce Chamberlain was

    orderod to move in U10 columns and secure the road net in

    tho vicinity of BAD MERGENTHEIM and STUPPACH.. maintaining

    contact with clements of the 4th InfDntry Division at BAD 3

    MERGENTHEIM and the 90th Cavalry at STUPPACH. (See Figure 5) In oral orders the 10th Armored Division G-3 stated

    that he 1vanted a continuous "chain of armor" down the road

    4from Bi1.D MERGENTHEIM to CRAILSHEIM. Since thi s "chain of

    armor" was to extend some thirty miles" Combat Command B"

    at 1845B, requested clorii'ico.tion and interpretation of this

    term" as the combat cornm~nd had insufficient vehicles to

    form the continuous line of armor which was desired. The

    pr 0 blem appGared to offer two alternJ.tive s: either string

    the vehicles out at wide int6rv~ls ~long the road, Or Gstab

    lish a series of strong points in critical areas. Feeling

    that extending the vehicles would be inviting enemy infiltra

    tions" division suggested setting up strong points at every

    like ly ave nue of approa.ch and filling the gap between strong

    points with light mobile patrols. This began a phase of

    action between BAD MERGENTHEIM and CR~I.ILSHEIM which centered

    around the effort of keeping the main supply route open

    and free of enemy.

  • Thi s phase of action, to mai:ltlJ.in the main supply

    route be~Je6n BAD MERGENTHEIM and CRAILSHEIM, became known

    to the Germuns in succeeding days as the nRollenbahn." The

    GermClns aptly applied this de scr iptive phrase, which me!3.ns

    Bowling Alley. (See Figure 8.) Task Force Ri~hardson moved from STUPPACH to WACH~iCH

    aguinst very light enemy resistance. The route, however,

    from Wl.. CIfBil.CH south to HERBSTHtl.USEN was characterized by

    increQsing enomy resist~ce. It must be remembered that

    this Bnme rond had been passed over by other elements of

    th~ loth il.rmored Division on their drive into CH.L\.ILSBEIM.

    In many inst:"'lnces, s:nnll groups of Germons would strike

    out, harass the colUL'1ll1, ~lnd thon melt back into the darkness,

    unly to reappEar ilgain at some other pl

  • o__-"__~1C--"'C-~'__-l'___ '"--J!__-'.c--"'__-,. MllE.5

  • south as rapidly as possible in order to get the supply

    vehicles, which had been intermingled in his column, to

    the belG~guered troops of Combat Command J.l. in CRAILSHEIM.

    Ec.rly the morning after Task Force Ricb.o.rdson passed, the

    enemy succeeded in cutting the ma.in supply route where it

    passed through the woods, about four miles north of B.n.R

    TENSTEIN 4 Fighting the-ir way to the south, Task Force

    Richardson's entire column was held up by intense small 8

    arms fire L"'..nd morto.r fire at 1350B. Friendly air strikes

    and column cover flown in the afternoon materially assisted

    in keeping the revi tJ.lized Lufuvaffe from D.ttacking the

    troops using the road. SevcrQl times during the use of the

    mQin sup~:ly route the Luftwaffe bombed and strafed the road.

    Task Force Ch;J.mterlain, me8.nwhi le, W:J.S c Ie rUling up

    isolated, stubborn pockets of enemy rGsist~nce, which had

    been bypassed by task Force Richardson. An estinnted 200-400

    0nemy infantry had duZ; in clnd occupied the woods bordering

    the main supply route north of BartGnstein in the vioinity

    of (53.0-89.0). These troops were stubbornly contesting

    the usc of the MSR. Heavy J.rtillery fire from the northeast

    Was falling on the main road junct ion at (52.5-89.9). Team

    Maher of Task Force Chamberlain was ordered to clear the se

    woods of the enemy, while Team O'Grady continued south in

    contact wi th the rear elements of Task II'orce Richardson

    which 'Were moving s 10"Nly south ugD.inst dogged resist3.nce.


  • Team Maher completed the clearing of these vIooas by

    14l5B and continued sout~.9, The enemy had succeeded in infiltrating behind the

    head of the Comb~t Command B column south of N~CHBACH. This, cou.pled with the appearance of the Luftwaffe, mat

    erio.lly slowed down the colwnn. In o.ddition to the fire

    of artillery, mortars, and small arms, the Germans had

    constructed abutis across the road. 'In one case about

    100 yards of abs.tis had to be cleQred before the columns

    could continue. German artillery, occupying high ground

    be uveen HERRENZ INlNIERN (54.4-94.3) and NEIDERSTETTEN (58.2

    91.5), comrrl.::lnded Q. long stretch of the rond wi th their

    f , II oxt rem6 1y accurnt e ~re. At 1700B one of our o.ir OPs

    reported twelve enemy tmks moving tovJard the hG

  • rapidly towo.rd CRAILSHEIM. After clc::\ring a fev! roadblociks

    and brushing aside iight resistance, Tdsk :B orce rt:lohardson 11

    entGI'ed CRAIL~HEiM before daylight of 9 Apr.il. Having delivered the supply vheiclos, Task Force

    Richo.rdson was

  • The hours of darkness remained generally quiet with

    only oocasional outbursts of fighting along the MSR. Friendly

    infantry continued occupying the northern sector as far

    south as the towns of BARTENSTEIN and ADOLZHAUSEN (54,1-91.4). Friendly supply col~ns were repotted moving southward with very little difficulty.15 ~tom the stillness and luck or resistance along the main supply route it appeared that the

    struggle to open and maintain the route had terminated.

    Air Supply during the CRAILSHEIM Operation

    No narrative of the 11th Armored Division's action in

    the CRAILSHEIM-ILSH FEN area would be complete without ment

    ion of the part played by the air supply to the forces of

    Combat Command A within CRAILSHEIM.

    The breakthrough of Combat Conrnand A in the Crail

    she im are:3. momentar ily tr.rew the Germans off balance. : The

    enemy reaction to this swift advance was to seal off the

    land corridor leading into CRAILSHEIM from the north, thus

    effectively isolating the troops in CRAILS:~IM from the

    remainder of the division and supplies, there is no doubt

    that the tactical advantage which had been gained by Com

    bat Corrunand A's bold act ion had been dulled by the almost

    impossible task of maintaining an adequate supply route

    against the pressure of the enemy. It must also be remem

    bered th at the bridges over the NECKAR and JAGST Rivers

    had been blown by the enemYI and the temporary bridges


  • which had been erected were under hostile fire6

    FortunateiYJ just to the east of CRAILSHEIM was located a good airfield. During the period 9.10 April

    fifty C...47 transports of the 9th Troop Carrier Corrunand,

    escorted by P-47 ',s, flew in fuel, food, and ammunition., 16

    :And ovacuated the 'IN ounded. In the two-day period of air

    supply 20,000 gallons of ~asoline, 7,000 rations, 1,000

    rounds of l05mm. and 100,000 rounds of small arms wnmunition . 17

    were f1 own In. This operation was successfully and skill

    fully co~ducted. Although the airfield was under constant

    enemy artillery and small arms fir.e" the operation terminated

    with the loss of only one aircraft which was destroyed on

    the ground by hostile artil1e ry fir.e.


    lAfter Action Report, Combat Command B, 10th Armored Division, entry for 7 April 1945.

    2G- 3 Journal, lOth Armored ~ivision, entry for 7 April 1945. 3 bAfter Action Report, 11th Tank a ttalion, 10th Armored

    Division, entry for 7 ~pril 1945.

    4 up cit, G-3 Journal, entry for 7 April.

    50p cit, After Action Report, Combat Command B, entry for 7 Aprl.I.

    60p cit, After Action Report, 11th Tank Battalion, entry for '1 April.

    7up 'cit, After Action Report, 11th Tank Battalion, entry for 8 Apri-l.

    Sup Cit, After Action Report, Combat Command B, entry for e April.

  • 90p cit, After ~~ction Report,. 11th Tank Battalion; entry fot 8 April'

    lOup pit, After Action Rt3pcr t, 11th Tank Battalion, entry for 8 April ~

    110p cit, After Action Report, Com('at command B, entry for 9 April ... '

    12up cit,. After Action Re~ortl 11th Tank Battalion, entry for 9 i1.pr11.

    13After .L~cti,on Report, 90th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized,. 10th Armored Division, entry for 9 April 1945.

    14 Op cit, After Action Report, 11th Tank Battalion, entry for 9 April.

    15 Op cit, After Action Report, 11th Tank ButtQlion, entry

    for 9 j'~pril ~

    16 Be.;ichhead News, 11 April 1945.

    17Report of Operations, The Seventh United States Army,. 19441945, Volume III p 784.

  • CH!'i.PTER 5

    Combat COIT~and A (with ReSErve Command under __._,_, ____ ___...... ........r-..__ _ - .. _ ..... , ___~~__..._ ._~_~_"

    As has been recounted, the e!.'.e~ll~r continually probed

    t~lf; defenses of CllfiILS:-::EUl with patrols tllr the ni ght

    -10 l..pr il. These pa trols were appar see information

    o thE- n;l.ture of the defenses, for at approximately 0430B

    on of 10 April the enemy launched a coordinated

    attack a t the CRb.ILSHEIM area, attack developed from

    the 30u.tl1, east, and northeast, and contained an estimated 6eO

    8n8~O;V soldicrs. l (See Figure 9.) Task Force Hankins bore t11e brunt of' the attack sine e Were still occupying their

    Cl ensive positions in CR,,\ILS'JBIIl. The te:.sk force was disposed

    wit.l Team T:ill defendin:: t~le soutl1ern sector of CRAILS'(lETII,

    1l carn ::~avlovitz t l l6 ea::3tcrn and northCl.lstern sector" and Team

    in res 8r '1{6 ( Se e Ii' 9. ) " '1'>.6 attack on 'I'c\m Havlovitz was pressed determinedly

    the German forces. They were !CGn under fire by all team

    we:::.-[;Wl1S and by tj-1(: p;uns of the 420th li.rlil0red It'ield Artillery

    Battalion. The artillery fire was extremely effective and tIE

    attack was repul sed after small numbers of the enemy had s uc

    cecded in breaking throuGh the main line of resistance. They 2

    were taken care 01 by the tea:rr.. reserve.

  • The thrust against Teum Hill in the south was much

    more serious than the attack against Team :--Iavldvi tit. The I ,

    enGmy btoke thr ough thE.. outposts and penetra ted the main t

    line of esistance. Hard fighting at extremely close range

    developed within Team Hill's posi ti.on and ragvd thr oughout

    the streets in the area. To overcome this en6lTlY penetration,

    which threatened to disrupt the entire defensive system of

    the task force ... Major Hankins conuni tted a pIa toon from his

    reserve team, Team Holland, to support Team Hill. This

    pI atoon,. together wi th the reserve from Team Havlovi tz.t attac

    ked the enemy penetration. The enemy was prevented from

    reinforcinE his engaged troops by artillery concentrations

    'INhich nere fired on his avenue s of appr oach to CRAILSHEIM

    from the south. Supported by fire from the elements of

    Teom l{ill in contact with enemy,. the reserve force proceeded

    to clear out the are~. They advanced through the contested

    area and reached the outpost line., destroying or capturing

    all enemy forces in their Zone. The lines were reestab

    lished. Team Holland attncked and cleared ALTEN'MUNSTER

    for the fourth time .. By noon all positions in the CRAIL-

    SHED.l area had been restored. The enemy attack had been

    repulsed and he had suffered severe casualties.

    In coordination with the assault on CRAILSHEIM,

    German troops attacked Task 1< orce Thackston in ILSHOFEN.

    This attack began at approximately 0630B and came from


  • the nort!1. and northwest. (See Figure 10.) It consisted of approximately 200 German infnntry supported by at ieast ohe

    ass~1ult gun.:3 The enemy was engaged by ail elements of the task force and by tite ftb~ the ~19th hr,mored Field Artil

    le~y Battalion. The enemy attack was pressed with vigor and

    determina tron, but VJo.s f ina lly repuls ed at 0900B. Enenw

    ,losses were very heavy, consisting of fifty killed, seven

    teen wounded, ~md sixty-five captur cd, inc luding the com4

    mc..nder of the attn..king forces. One hostile assault gun

    w:::\.s destroyed. After the termination of the attack, Task

    Force Thackston improved its positions and awaited devel


    ~hile lOth Armcired Division troops were defeating

    the German attempts to recapture CRAILSI1EIM, Task Forces

    Riley and Roberts (Ulrich) were occupying their defensive

    positions in the BihNDSP~USEN area. At 0845B Task Force

    Roberts (Ulrich) made conto.ct with Company I, 254th Inf

    antry Rogiment, 63d Infantry Division in the vicinity of

    \IOLFSOLDEN. Elements of this division ha.d been given the

    5mission of D.tto.cking toward CRAILSHEIM from the northwest.

    An air resupply mission had been scheduled for

    Comb:}.. t Corrmand A during the morning of 10 Apr il. .tiS a

    result of the enemy attacks, during w mch the airfield

    Was subjected to heavy artillery fire, division was

    notified at 0600B that the supply planes could not be


  • r6ceived i111til the attack had been defeated. This message

    Was not reeeived in time, ~nd at 0630B the planes began

    l:--nding. Tec.lm Griswold of Task Force Thackston was holding

    the airfield, ~nd despite the intense artillery fire the 6

    pI Dnes VJerG u..'1.1oaded.

    After defGating the enemy assault on CRAILSHEIM,

    General Piburn requested th'1t infL';.ntry reinforcements be

    sent to assist Combat COmm':tnd I. if the 'J.reD. was to be

    retained. The g6neral was becoming alarmed at the increasing

    enemy reQction. This, coupled with the facts that his troops

    had suffered serious losses" hld bce

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