11-11 nogepa newsletter

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11-11 NOGEPA Newsletter



N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Netherlands Oi l and Gas Exploration and Production Association


The International Regulators Forum (IRF) at Stavanger Offshore Energy 2011

More intense Emergency Response Training for OIMs

NOGEPA Guidelines

Emergency Response Table Top






Jelto Terpstra

NOGEPA’s Natural Gas Symposium, 29 September 2011, Louwman Car Museum, The HagueAfter the opening address by NOGEPA’s Secretary-General Bram van Mannekes, Jeroen van der Veer, who represented the Energy Top Sector, gave a speech on the expectations of the energy sector, including conclusions and findings of the Top Sector. In his motivating speech, he offered an extensive discussion of concepts such as innovation, cooperation, communication and challenges that need to be met in the current and future energy climate.

NOGEPA, the Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production AssociationBezuidenhoutseweg 27-29P.O. Box 117292502 AS The Hague

Phone: +31 70 3478871Fax: +31 70 385123E-mail: info@nogepa.nl


Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association

NOGEPA’s Natural Gas Symposium, 29 September 2011, Louwman Car Museum, The Hague


This first part was followed by a presentation from Erik van Engelen, Director of Green Gas Netherlands. In a lively and original presentation, he addressed the room to discuss the energy mix in the year 2030 and a possible green contribution.

To start a debate involving participation by the audience, the floor was given to Henk Duyverman from Quadrilla and Johan Atema from NAM to illustrate their respective experiences with social acceptance.

After lunch, Diederik Samsom of the Dutch Labour Party, outlined his vision in a very personal and emotive way. His starting point was not the discussion surrounding energy itself, but rather the answers we will have to give our children in 2030 when they ask us how we managed the actual debate in relation to climate and environment.

This first session of the afternoon was followed by a presentation by Berend Scheffers representing EBN. He stressed the importance of gas for the Netherlands and for society, and offered some recommendations on how the industry can continue to make a significant contribution to meeting the future energy demand.

Before a debate that actively involved the audience, Erik Lysen, former Managing Director of the Centre for Energy research (UCE) at Utrecht University set out the emotional questions relating to the public acceptance of energy developments.

The day was concluded by NOGEPA’s Chair, Gilbert van der Brink, and ended with a tour of the museum and drinks.

As last year at Madurodam, the event opened and concluded with a ‘live’ Aardgas Update as shown on www.aardgas-update.nl.

Diederik Samsom: What do we tell our children in 2030 about the results of our energy discussions of today?

Erik van Engelen: 2030 = 3 billion Nm3 green gas in Dutch energy mix.

Jeroen van der Veer: NOGEPA should be more pro-active and take an overarching role.

Berend Scheffers: The E&P industry has to do deal with an increasing demand of natural gas.

Gert-Jan Windhorst

The International Regulators Forum (IRF) at Stavanger


Some 200 people participated, while many more were on the waiting list. Among the attendees were Gilbert van de Brink, Excom chairman, Reidar Hustoft from Dana, Gerard Schut from Chevron, and Gert-Jan Windhorst, secretary at Nogepa.The Dutch State Supervision of Mines (SODM) participated through the NSOAF (North Sea Offshore Authorities Forum) and IRF, while NOGEPA participated as NOIA (North Sea Operators Industries Association) through the OGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers).

The first day was dedicated to reporting the responses from governments and trade unions, while the second day addressed more specific technical subjects, such as BOP and

well control , the observance of standards and safety culture.In a joint presentation together with Oil and Gas UK and OLF (the Norwegian Oil Industry Association), Nogepa reported on the improvement actions that have been put in place and, in some cases, are still ongoing. The threat of additional layers of government in the EU administration were also addressed. Throughout the years, the northwest European offshore E&P industry has proven that even with cultural differences and differing legal systems , it has

still managed to develop and maintain high standards of safety in its operations. Although the countries did this independently, they also ensured that they cooperated and learned from each other where possible. A central regulatory body would probably destroy what has already been established. Instead of the central option , the industry has volunteered to support the government in southern European areas with less developed systems, subject to the precondition that properly staffed (in terms of competence and staff numbers) local organisations are set up.On both days, round table discussions were held to distil ideas on how to improve the industry and regulators over time. Common themes were standards improvement, training and competence ( both for the industry and regulators), but the subject of a social licence to operate was also raised during the discussions.

On 4 and 5 October, the International

Regulators Forum (IRF) held a summit

meeting in Stavanger dedicated to examining

how the world’s offshore exploration

and production and related industries

have responded to the Montara and Macondo


Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NEWSLETTER N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Gert-Jan Windhorst, Secretary Operations and H&S, addressed the room on the improvement actions that have been put in place.


Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NEWSLETTER N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Cees van OosteromOffshore Energy 2011The Offshore Energy

Exhibition & Conference, which was held on

11 & 12 October at RAI in Amsterdam, created an

excellent opportunity for the Offshore industry to meet, to network and to

take note of technological developments.

Working togetherUnder the chairmanship of George Galloway, the drilling and wells cluster of the NOGEPA/ IRO/ IADC/ NVDO Industry Day held an afternoon conference with a varied programme. Ruud Zoon, Managing Director of GDF SUEZ kicked off the meeting by setting the challenge to create a safe place to work for drilling and to effectively drill and complete wells by working together as an industry in which its various skills and competencies are represented.

Standard Bridging DocumentGeorge Galloway had made a selection of the topics that the drilling & wells cluster had been working on. A standard bridging document has been developed to help define the responsibilities and roles of both the Operator, the Drilling Contractor and the Service Contractors involved in drilling and completing a well. This document is currently being tested by both Chevron and Dana. Work has also been progressing on a web-based version of the document. George Galloway also presented round-up of the Scenario Based Well Control Training, which was developed in cooperation with the International Well Control Forum (IWCF) to provide training in handling unexpected events during the drilling of a well. The pilot course, which was held at NAM’s Simwell facilities in Schoonebeek, was highly rated by those who attended.

Challenges and opportunitiesDave McKellar of Dana Petroleum gave an introduction into the successful Van Ghent trilateral well that Dana has recently drilled and completed. Bram Leerdam of Noble Drilling gave a presentation entitled “Together Achieving Safety & Operational Excellence Offshore”. He showed the complications that need to be overcome when confronted with the multitude of standards and regulations in the various sectors of the North Sea when working for a variety of Operators. David Price of the IWCF gave a presentation on Post-Macondo Well Training. Poster presentations were also set up around the room. A “world café” brainstorming session was held to consider the challenges our drilling industry faces

and what we should work on to address these challenges. Gert-Jan Windhorst of NOGEPA wrapped up the meeting by summarising what the drilling and wells cluster should be focusing its efforts on :• Continued development of the Bridging

Document• Correct preparation of the work • Training & Competence• Drilling the well on paper• Control Management of Change/

Deviations from the drilling programme

In short: improve the preparation of activities and communication skills.

NOGEPA had a combined booth with IRO (the Association of Dutch Suppliers in the Oil and Gas Industry). Chevron, GDF SUEZ, NAM and Total were also present with a shared booth.

Ruud Zoon, Managing Director of GDF SUEZ kicked off the meeting


Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NEWSLETTER N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Cees van Oosterom

More intense Emergency Response Training for OIMs

MoMeFalck Nutec have now produced a curriculum for this course in the Management of Major Emergencies (MoMe). NOGEPA now intends to add this course to its training handbook. This training course is primarily intended for the OIMs on larger offshore installations which would normally dispatch emergency response teams (fire fighting & rescue) from a control room, for instance. The basic training course is planned to last four days.

During the four days, the OIM will be trained to: • Lead a well trained emergency response

organisation • Assess the situation and conduct

appropriate information management during an emergency

• Take effective action and delegate tasks during an emergency

• Maintain effective communications, both internally and externally

• Maintain a state of readiness and emergency preparedness

• Deal with his own stress in that of others

• Manage various relevant internal and external resources

The practical training will include command centre simulations, which will reproduce all of the following scenarios: injured personnel, multiple casualties, missing personnel, loss of containment, hampered or loss of communications, loss of means of evacuation, stressed or incapacitated key personnel.

Upon completion of the four day course, a formal assessment is required to obtain the certificate from this course. During the assessment, the candidate will be exposed to three different major calamities which he or she will have to deal with. The assessment will be performed by an independent assessor, by someone from the operator who the OIM works for and by the MoMe trainer.

NOGEPA attaches great value to the skills of handling major emergencies on platforms and drilling rigs on the Dutch Continental Shelf and believes that after a transition period of two years, all OIMs on installations on the Dutch Continental Shelf will have successfully completed the assessment.

One of the lessons learned from the

Macondo well incident is that offshore staff

need to be well-trained in handling major

emergencies on their installations. For this reason, NOGEPA has

encouraged Falck Nutec to further develop the

emergency response training for OIMs at their

Maasvlakte facilities. This type of intensive

training has already been available for some time in the UK and our aim is

that this course will be equivalent to the training

provided in the UK.


Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NEWSLETTER N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1

Cees van OosteromNOGEPA Guidelines

Emergency Response Table Top Exercise

The three new guidelines have been developed in our drive towards continuous improvement. This process was accelerated by the tragic events at the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Following this disaster, NOGEPA completed the following documents:• Industry Guideline 41 - Well Construction Process Checklist - Drilling Best Practices• Industry Guideline 42 - Well Plan Review

- “Well Examination Scheme for The Netherlands”

• Industry Guideline 43 - Surface BOP Review

- Best Practices ChecklistIn addition, Industry Guideline 14 - Helideck Operations and Procedures Manual was revised to comply with the ongoing developments of helicopter flying on the Dutch Continental Shelf, to incorporate the latest helideck inspection checklist and other relevant helicopter-related matters. This

manual is used to train Helicopter Landing Officers (HLOs) and serves as a reference document for HLOs on offshore installations on the Dutch Continental Shelf.

Disclaimer newsletter NOGEPA has taken the greatest of care to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the e-mail newsletter, but is not liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or errors whether in respect of the information provided in the e-mail newsletter. The information in the newsletter may only be used by readers for their own purposes. Permission must be obtained from NOGEPA for any other use.

Gilbert van den Brink undersigned the NOGEPA

Guidelines on behalf of the Executive Committee...

... and Rob Happé on behalf of the Operations Committee.

Our industry, together with the Dutch authorities, is organising an offshore table top emergency exercise on 17

November 2011. The exercise will be hosted by GDF SUEZ.

The ultimate idea is that by practising our joint response

to an emergency situation, we will be better prepared for a real emergency in the unlikely event that one would occur. During the course of preparations for the exercise and in

our review of lessons that can be learned from our

response, we will also be able to identify what gaps have to be

filled between the emergency response plans of the Dutch authorities and the offshore E&P industry.

The lessons we learn from the exercise will serve as input for a live offshore exercise which will be conducted in the second quarter of 2012. This exercise will be hosted by NAM.Our industry is committed to its responsibility to conduct its operations in a prudent manner. A proficient and professional emergency response is part of our commitment, no matter how small the chance that an emergency could occur.

On NOGEPA’s website, three new guideline documents and one

revised guideline document are now available from the download centre.

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