116. .. ibis is iiiii dole, chairman, for congress...

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116. I'J62..-' Interview With Bob Dole, Chairman, S.~nate Finance Committee

.. Ibis IS a IIIII For Congress to


The President's 'deficits are too big, says .an lnfluentlaJI.!Ienator. To trim red Ink,, lawin"kers will go "fter the Pentagon and take another look at tax breaks voted In 1981. Other tax change!l may be ahead, too.


Q Senator Dole, how big 1\!~ht will President Reagan have In getting Congress to go along with his budget program this year?

A I ht•rt· w1ll he• a lot of oppositio n . \fany of u s w11l tr\' to suggt•" t alt<-nwll\ I'S hast•d on f:nnu•ss :md conHn un Sl'llSl'. \Vt• don't !Jkt .. tlw B2-hillio n-dnll.lr df'li c it - th.1t"s thl' h1g stumhhng hlo<:k . Thcst' dC'f1 c1ts ha\'1 ' got to hP .111 Pmhar ­r ,a'""lt 'llt to tht' Pr('sHh·nt :\ft C' r .111. he has eampatgnt'd all h1 ., hh• nn ll.lbnc·t' d lntd gf'h But \\C'.Tt' go ing l o In to eoop4·ra lt· w1lh tht' Prc .. ulcnt

Tlw \\'llltP I ln ust · urul t• r -. taml .. tim i..., a tough budgC' I. It \\,! <.; J',l ' h ' T \ 't', ITS ,lgCI \\'IH ' II YIH I JIISI ,ld<lt •<l ,\ hitlt• rnon• lli OIH'\ here. a httlt · mort • tiH'n ' \.'ow \\'l'.Tl ' tr~ing to tum tlw Ctl\LOIJ\ .ln nllld . \\t,.lt' l' lllllllg "Pt'IHiing Snnot f'\ t' TI · ont• 1s go1ng to 1'111hraec· tlw budgC't. C' \ C'tl among UPpuhh ­t·a n ..., l!ut tlw l\t-aga 11 .ldrnilll "t raiHIII ha.., lllilth · •t c l t·:~r that tl \\dill '- gi\ 1'-,IIHI -I.t kt • \ s long .I S th.1t IS its .Jtlltudt• , \\ f ' l\111 lll ,lkl' <.;CJII\t' Jli'U).!:rt'S :O.

Q What will be your approach? A :\ltc•r l\\11 or thrt•t• \\ t•t•b. it 111ight ht• h (•lplul ii' tlw

Ht •puhiH'.m a nd Dt ' IJ!onatie lt ·adt-r s of -.e , c r.al kt'\' eumnlii­lt•t ·-.-1-'ul.lnt·t• . Budg t• t. ·\ppropri.llhnh, tt f't''' others-...,ec· d \\1' t". lll \\ork o ul somt' .l,I..!:Tt't ' IIH'Ill on whf'rP w<''d hke to ht•ad II \\t ' t:. u l aKTt 't'. tht'll tt \\CHild l)l' wtir t h11 I11IP to gu to I hf' \Vhilt' II ou st'

Q What make& you think the White House will want to coop· crate? Last year, the President stood very firm and was very success tuf-

A F1r-.t o f .al i.Jt \ a ~t' . ll' l.at e r . Congrl's" d ul adop t 11\0st o l !Itt • Prt •-. tdt•ut \ p1 og r.un l.1-.t ~ t'·a t , -.o 11 t". lll'l lw bu lt ed fm no t eoOih 'r, tllll).!. .

Till' IH g tlnm! tln1t lu t... w. tlu .o,; 1 t'.L I 1s till' dt"!H'JI. \\'t• tu s\ t".l ll't lilt ' \\ith illlt•rt •s t r.1tc•s .Is th~'\ .11'1 ' ami tht ' Tt 'l' t '<.;<.;Jn;l ,1..., II J<.; ,11\d IIIH'III(llo~ 1111'111 :l 'i h1gh ;IS it 1-..

Sn it 11 ill bt • .t di!Tt •n•nt 't',tl. L.t-. t \ t'.tl, Ht' ,ll!;all \\011

t'\t' l\ .... ho \\dm\n lk ' ll proh.thh win sot~ll ' th1s 111111 ' \\ 't• 'n• not d!sl'tHIIIItllg the l'n· -. ult•nl. \\'t' want hun 0 11 our :mit·

a How will the President's request for big increases in de· fense spending fare?

A \\' t• \\Ill <"Ill ch ·f't·n -.t· \\t• \t ' lw.1nl :1 lo t front 1olt-r:-. :thout h1gh 111 \t'rt•>\t r. •t. ·-. .nul tl w d t• li c il \\'lwn till' Prt• :o. Jdt •nt s, 1 ~ s. " :\o mort' rt'\ <'litH' Ill ·

<"rt '.ISt ''·" ,tud t' \t•nlhing t•J.,t• ., h l'lll ).! t:ut. 11)11

Q But won 't you have to cut de­fense spending at least 10 billion dol­lara to make a dent In the deficit?

A Thc r f' arc othe r thmgs \\'<"can do. \Ve c.m takf' more out o f lllC'ci i­C<t H' tha n the 2.;::; lullio n d o llars the Preside nt h.a~ prupo:.t•d It·~ .1 pro­g ram that ·s almost out of contro l. In

it s early &ays. it \\'a s c =-:pPcted to l'os t 9 hilliun d ollars h~ I H9U. Now it cnsts !iO billio n cl o l1.1r s and is h C'adc d fo r II .~

billion h~ 19BU. \led1 c:ud IS ;m oth f' r bt,l! o ne . -;).:; bi111on dollars thi s \'(',IT in tot.1l costs. That 's a lo t uf rltoll t' \ . \\' (• don't ha\'(~ tO clu ck thf'sf' programs. .

Q On defense, can Congress really override the President if he digs In his heels as he did in 19811

A \Ve' rf' n o t l r\'lng to hP;II hun \\ 'e w.mt lo\\'t'r d f' ft c il s \\'p want IO\\f'T llltere-. t ratt· -. \\'('\ t' ~ot -.m .dl -husJll t'S'­pcoopl f'. fa niH' r o;. pt•oph• \\ ho ,tn• n o t h11\ in g r.1rs o r building homt's bl 'Cilll"t' of lugh intt' Tl':-il r .tlf's . Th.at has got to hl' th (' hi g ht"s t pnoril~ \Ve w ouldn 't foc us on dt'li c it ' il lll h'rt •..., l ral !'s \\'C' r!' 10 percC'nt. hut th f' y 'r f• no t.

Q Which of Reagan 's proposed spending cuts will have the hardest time In Congress? You 've defended the food-stamp program, for Instance-

A You can'i balanc e the hudg t'l on tlw h.aC' k nl ont' or t\\'o progr.uns You can m .1k4• r,•,l -.o n.lbl,• ( ' lll 'i 111 progr.uns such as food s tamps .md lllt'dtt·aid. hut that -.houldn' t ht • the ct •ntc rpic•ct' Our CC'Ill f"rpit ·ec· uught to lw .1 h ,d ,mePd p ro­gr. un that c ut:-. .acrms th f' h oard Ht •ptlhhc.tns kt•c p "·'~ \Il l! " Cutmon• lro 111 m c t:d progroun s ·· I thi nk th l'~ h:t\ t' to takt • th t•tr font oil th.1t a<-·t·elt•nJ!nr

\\'(' ha,·e .111 ohll gatwn to look .11 t'\t'T\ tlung tlw Prt''i l· dt·nt -.t ·ml.. u..., l!ut lu•\ not ).!lll ll g to gl'l 1t .d l lie knoll ..., that , .tnd th.ll knm\ lcd ,l.!l.' r ,u .R'~ ~muth~ r lng htc nmg . l~ l-wct o f tht• .ci t- liCit I.Pl \ sa \· \\ ~~ onh· get h .d f of tlu ~ ::)fi hllhon dollar..., lkagan is af't t' r 111 lw•; lhl'-potrl defi c lt -lt'duc ti on pro­g r.un . Add 2M to H 1 .. =) , .uHI \ ou ' r4 • t.1lking .1hou t .1 d c f1 e it around 120 lnll iun.

Q How do you feel about criticism Reagan has gotten from conservative activists tor falling to live up to their expectations?

A Thcrt' urc su1m' "ho think' d' the1 suppor t \ ou 111 an t' lt•dim l th.11 ~ou 'rt"' the 1r propert\ . Hul I thi nk co n sc·n .1-l\\T's ough t to bt• \ t' l'\ happy with Presldt•nt lh•agan . IIP·s 'luc k to h ts g un -. Ct~l!gr P-.-. ha -. b• ·e n 111akmg pr O,I.!H'"~ o n sOi llt ' (If til t' !Ta(lll\011.1 1 COIISt ' r\·att\t' ISSII('S: Sc hool l)r,\\1 '1'. .dlortton. hal .lnl'ed budget. C on scn".lltvc s sh ould b t" p:utJ t'· ul.uh plt• .Jo,;pd \\ilh the Prl'sidt•nt

Q Do you favor speeding up the personal-tax cuts scheduled for July 1 to stimulate the economy?

A If 11 wert• poss1hlc to ch ,ll l,l!f' th t· w1thhold u1g t.1bh,..., \\ tlho ut .1d dc·d C'ml. I \\ ould h.11 c• no quar­wl 1\l lh tl w idt ·:. \ Vt· h.l\l' the

I""' natur.llh· .t -. k. "\\'h .ll .thou! <lt•it•ll st •J . n; .• t ~ tlw ln ,l!Kt '"l i1 ('k t'l ul all

a How much will you cut It? A It 's too soon to say I host' of 11s \\lthout

t'\:pt •Jtl"' .lit' \\ olkmg \\tlh the Bud ).!d ( :olll ·

llllllt •c• IIO\\ to p1 C' k ou t .lrt•,J s '' hcrt· \\ t' t',\1 1 t'ltfwr t·u t sp t•mhng 01 dt'lt'r 11. Tlw prohlt•m as th.tl it t.Jkt •-. ,\lug t' lll in o bligalu111.ii.Juthorih to gl'l slgntfl('allt :-.1\'\llg o,; 111 outl.l\':. It sou nd s t',IS\ lu t.akt• Ill hillwn out \\ l' ll. 1t's hard to cl o

Dole, 56, a lawyer, has been senator from Kansas since 1969. He previ­ously served eoght years in the House of Representatoves. A former chairman of the Reoul>· ''··,.·

Copyrighl c 1982, US News & World Report . Inc 23


. ' -.I

Trt ',l'l l\\ Dt•p H\ ll lt'll\ \llol klll ,>! ill\<) \IJ<'l'll'( t o! t h.II IC11h! \ Itt ' l.tblc· ~ Hu t I d 1ot1 t \\ ,Litl It• dt • ,nl\lln tt l! th.tl ~\diJ.II,l' t ht· I 'J "-o 2 dl' ltt' tl It \\ (•llld lw !1 11 1 t ' .l'~ l1 1 'I nd •I 11\ 1 r !11 11 \1dlt,\ll d u\ \. ti ' .111t \ 1111\ll•t h \\ t ill' I!J.Jl

a What revenue-rats.ng measures are you cons1der1ng? A\~ , . .Jit ' , ,,., hil t~ . d t i t< 1.1 \ htll \I t' P·' "t'd l.hl I t' ll t ill '

l·.c t lllUilll l' ltt 't'U\ t' l ' I·' ' \t t \\ ' v "dl h-,1\ ,. tilt · II Hit\ Hlu.d l.t\ (' Uh ,tl tH tt· h 11 1 \\1 ' , , . \ t~o k tllt! a t ti ll' 11' ,1' 11 11.! p t •l\ l,lltll ll t.tl Il l \ Ill ·( \ .d l" "' lll " l tt lh J, 111 111 , ltJ 11'111111' 111 1'11 \,t\ bal l, h} !Ju, Ill )!. 1 11 ~ t' , l ll wtlt l. t\ 1 ll ' tltt , I rom t'IIIIIJI.L llll' ' It" Ill~ ll lUlt\'\ \\ ', , l'l' ,J! ,o \1/t tl-. tlll.! ,II tht• 1111 11 11 \l lllll \,1\. 1111 111dt\ td u.ah .111d t ol p ora \ IIJ II ' .111 d ti ll' .dtt ·l ll.dll t' t.l\ tn t

tmli\ldu.J!s to 't't' d !It t ' ~ t', LII ht• •' \(MIHil'tl Q How would your mmimum tax work? A \\t•\t • IJ.tl llli llt' dliki'• 'Jil ptupo-.o~h 'u \.11 II II' ult•. t I' l11

J n .d.- t· ~lilt ' t ' \ t 'l 'tliW p. 1 ~' ,\111' 1' Ll\l 'S, t '\ I'll I h oi"' \\ It t• lll.lkt• .t lutoi III ULil '\ T\11 ·lt ' . 11 1· P• 'Pplt• llO\\ 11 ho t'JH i ttp tn\ Ill \.! 11o \.1\l'C'I bt'{ ',lll'l' l)j tflt 'll jll l i t'l l' lll l' IIH I!Illt'- \!J .t\ I' 11Ht11 ll t tiJ. tl l.!,t ' h 'P'' t !.d l.t \ (J t• ,t\ 1111'11 1 It .. 1\tl\ l lit'l!. tl i ll Lil t , \ (Ill d lit' IOJJ h-h 11 1 n11 h.1d -.PIIII'IIlllll! IIJ d t• d llt I .uH I \11 11 d td n I d11 tt 1 ~ 11 1 \\ 1' tllw k ,., ,'1', n ih ' -.h11 t!l d p.1\ ,o!lh t lill11.!

a Why are you cons1denng changes in the leasmg taw? A ' ' ' lh 'l ll 'l\td t ~t•II P\ I I . Ill'\\ l ' l l. lll' , !llht•\tl\ lllllt ' llt'

,\It' l'll lt\11~ jli'U~ I . tlll\ 1 0 1 ]t i\\· IIH tlllll ' j)\'tl p ft· It -.d !IIH U\ \ t o

' "•tll o1\ Jt•pott~ ol lHt ).!. l' pl tJII tahll' 111111., ).! t'lt tng IHL!. l.tx .Hh ,JII\.1~\'S thltlll).!h lt'.l'lll l!, \\'t ,'ll' looklll).! ,L\ lt\ llr ll l ll\t' d tll c• rt•nt prupo-..th-tu liunt tl. to n· p t•,,IJt

I liiHlt•rst.L IH IIIil' lubl >' ~t o llp..., .ITt' .dlt~ .tch l!t' ,ll lll \.! 11p to '\ ,1\ v lt'il \ lllg .uult lu •l lll.t \ IJ, • .1hll• tu do tl Hut 11l!,i d ll tJ\1. II it (' ,tii iL' do\\ II lu ,\ t fll ll('i' lJt'\1\t l' ll .t l11gh t I t' \t \"' I.! \ Ull

\lllli dlllll).!. :tlld lht • lt ' po •,ll td ( \ ·, 1\11\~. II " ,\ ,, lit • h l'l th.Lt l, •: t,trlC 1\t l\ !111 lc1~1 ' l111 ll tl l ,, t\111).!. 11 !t ,t, IJt't'll du 1-.1'tl. 11 \ Jll' l too J.!t' llt ·r ou,

Q Do you see any likelihood that the 1983 tax cut Will be postponed to reduce the dellc1t thcit year?

A I \lll ll ld .,,\\ hlllt• hk ~· lt huud ( ll ( \111\ -.t ' , II b th l' t' .l 'il''l \1 : 1 ~ tu pt ck up :1 ht t1tdlt· oii V\t'll\l l'- ...,ll llll'liJn!).! ld, t· ·l!l htl ­hnn doll.1n Hut t lut \\ tJ Llld t.d,l· alltlw IHL'"'"rt·ollli n dnl).! \\,1~ :-i tut: ut :o. pt'tnllll g \nd \ \ t' .Il l' go ()d .tl ,1\ on lllll!,t' llh 111

:o. pC'ndmg So I \\ould not ... u ppott . 1 dt· l.t~ lltlht· I'J'd l.t\. t 11\

:\s !I IS, II wd l \)1' lo llg h to hl'.td o fl lllt 'lll f>t•J' \\ \tu \\ , I ll\ lilt It•

good1 t:! ~ .addt•d to thl' tax c od t' tit · .... pitt· thl' htg dl'l Lcth hH 111 st ance, \\ l'\I IJ kt· tnligun· out . l \\,1\ to l.lll t ·nllp tlu- unli\ ul· U,li·IC'I\I'I'Illl '/ll ·,ltl ll lllll pto).!l,lll l, jlt'I\J.tp ~ 1'\t'11 tin ' \1'.11 J! "L~ could p1 c.: k u p !-.onw t''\1 1" 1t'' t'll ll t ':o. llut "1 · "on l d o .1 1 1 ~ thmg hkl' th .tl unh ·-. .. 11 i~ ol l:--. \'1 In .1 1\' \ l'IHit' l'll h uu·v1

a SO you 're in favor ol the President's philosophy : Keep the lid on spending-

A Th.tt, plu -. " 1·1t.tlt' 1t1 ,l-!1\t' pt·uph· h,l('k n tott ' IJI th111 lllOlll'~ . The .\1\lt' J Lt'.lll 1woplv .Jrt• i>l'giiiiHng \11 ut a lt• I,LliHl ,md .lllh (' tp.tlt' tin -. t,l\ ell \ Th,· llJSI ('Il l 11 ·" l1 ttd h IIIJllt •· .tbll•. llut pt'oplt• " d lt HilH' th " l t l Jlt l {'t' ll l •llh', .Ltt d tilt' ~ '1\


. '' ")

llt l !H. , . l it o· Ill '\( \Pj l t to, Il l tllll' Il l \'I ' I '\ o•\\ , 11 Ht ' ..::• I 11 \ \ , •

.1 ft •,tl t •t o ll t i i HH t ll• l' .all h t ' l ' ,I T t' . ott 1\11! , ,, 't.nl l r nkt ·tnl ~ \\lt h t ire rndt\ tdn.d ttrh I P r.rr 't ' 11 \t LHI\ ' - th . .t \\ o'l dd l11· th t· l. r'>l tlun,.: I \t ould 'llppnr t

Q The President has proposed wrthholding tax on d ividends

and Interest. Do ljou agree w ith that?

A It w1 ll l11• dllll n alt to 1-!l't It P·'''''d. hut tlw Il l, · r ' ' 11url-. .rhh· \\\· .rrt ' .uldn• :..:-. 111~ tlh ' "lwk pr , ,[l\, ·rn ,,J tlw undt' ll!n Ht ru lt•l tl t htll \\ •• and tlu ~ ,, p.11 1 r> l 11 ·\ l~>t Pl lll l"t' lllt '

1,11 ·1 rq•, •rkd JIH lt! d t ! H.:. lltlt ' lt '\ l .r1a l ,1:, , .j , n,J, It ,{ ,, , , 11 t

lwlp ,,Jwn tlh · ! Jt' ,l 'llr\ S t'l l\'t,ll l '· " ' tl u l 'll''id,·nt '" hrl..t •ti ,L lll l tu t lr,· h i t .r II lu· , hrl.. t'\\,11 rrr t t ' ll .nn l' 1111 1• 11• ,, n ( :.qll\ d ( IJ!IJ t, Il l\ l tl l'

a Should the one-year holdmg period requtred for long -term capital gains be reduced to, say. six months?

A It \\ ot ddtt t lhl ll ll'r I ti t' il11 · q lh ',\ 1 <~ 11 I•' IILL\ 11 ' .d u11 11 nh.1t 11 \\1 1\ dd du tu It ' \ t'lllh'' T h,· 11' .d ' \ JJitdl ll ll( h \"1 k h.1' ht 't 'tl th,· I h •u ' 1' \\,1,, .til t I \h-.111~ l •ll tt mlth ··· l lt •l I , Jt,t l' t H .1111 tu l!,1' \ -.1.11 li-d 1111 .111 1 1\IH' I h1 1.! \. 1\ lull \ !11 1 PI lll< 'l!l h1 ·1' d ldl t l t.!t' l \\ lt .t l !Itt ' \ 1\ .I IIII d t..~t I I .LI It \ \ , . lt ,l\ ,. lll • '''" '' h tt.: bdl. 1\t '1\,• iulllp 1'1\h ,l I ll\ lu J\ .. ,11 d,dl.tt d, ! 11 1\

a What do you lhmk ol the idea of a lame-duck Sl'SSIOfl of Congress to handle Soctal Secunty?

A I . t:. , u n~t· l tll lt..t ll '"' ,, 111 d 1• lll•thtnt.: t ln t tl tilt' J•, ,., ,. tJ,·Il\ ' !J1 p.11 \ 1\,lll .11 h I'll!\ l'PI IIII \tlt t't' Ill 1l.1 ' t(\ l t' t < '111111 • II d . i1 1<~11,1.dl tl u-. l<' lt I h.tl t .. t\u lt 'tl dl ·tn 1 .JH•11 11 d \111 1 j,,

' '' b ,1t k I dt 111 ht tht 'H' 11 Ill h, • .1 1.1 !1\l ' ·tltld, '''"ll'll ll ut lllt' ,ll t' 11 11 .u \u lll llllttln1·, t \C,II II til t h ,• r, · .lit' 'on H ' th 111t..:' I tlnt tk \\t ' ,Jwuld dntln' IL' . ll \l 1 .It h·· '' ' jlltl \tlll lt' knt d td ltd 11 11 -. p 11.tl111 1.! vu-.h

T ill' IIIII' h11.! l.11hllt ' •• I tin· . u lll l llll ~ tl . ll! ll ll .111 d t. PII L; I t'" 111 JtJH I 1\,L, 11 ul .Lddl t ''~' 'l1.! SoC'I.d St 'l tlltl\ \\ ~ - ·,' )..!t •l I t> -.11 1p

'{' , 111 11 ~: lll 'up lt• th.1l \It · .. , . ,I.!U IIh! to l.lk t• ,1\\ .1 1 th t• Jr vho•t h' .1 111 1 111\\ t' .H! do \JII II I'!h llh.! \ l! ' lt l\\ t ill' \.! ll lHih o l tiLl' f)l1l · 1.!1. 111 1 \l t~ t t 1111 It ·"'' ' 111 tl11 · p .n rn ll · \.1\ 1.llt '' ,Itt ' ••Il l I 111 11 1 Ill \.! ll <~t ll t lh · l!t' l\ 1'1.11 111 ',1' 111\ 1Utldl' 111 1\ \{ 1'11 111 11 l' Il l I d o ll\ '1 '1' t\ 1.11 IIII a h pt th\n. t\ tt '-.!'l.tllt t' It• II h II 1-, lt t >i1 1\'

a What action do you see Congress taking on the ISSue or tax ekempi!Ons for schools that d1scnmmate racia lly?

A \ 'II lltl\\ 'l.littl, flltJIJ.J IIh 11 I\ lt t l lt • I d~>ll l l u·h, \t' \\t' 1.111 fl· l " kl.!h \. iii•JII

\\h.ll ,,,, 1\ou ld l1ht• ,, f,,J tlu · l ' !"' SLtprt ' tt lt ' ( 'll ll t l ,, , .1111\0ll lln' l.J it 'l tl11 , 11\ottlh t h.11 11 1!-. ,.: om_~! to IH·.tr t ill' uHJll t '.L"' th.tl j, till' h,l'l' 11\ tlu -. Ct lll\rtnt•t,\ I ht • ( :tl lll'l H nuld tt-l ILl' l' llht'l tlu- lllh'l lt.d Ht '\ 4'11\l i' " " '\It t' d !ft' 'll I h. I\ I till' ,1\llhllt\l\ l tJ dt•t id v till \.1\ t' \t' tll p\1tlll ' 11 11 t\11 ''1' .~ltlllth l , PI

\\t' 1\t t•d 1\ t' \\ l ~· ~ t ~l .tltn ll It , t! I'.LI. tl lt ll lt..:l l, th.d \ h i ' l""l t' .t nt! tlw h.1 11 d hllt: ul "i tJt' l,d Svt'll rJII l. t' t \t',ll .!It ' ti n, .uh1111 1· "\I.L ill•ll ·, 1\\11 ).!1\',l lt''IJ HI]Itll.d lu n lh lt·-. 'tl !. 11

Q What's the outlook thiS year for lhe President's proposal to create urban 'en terprise zones"? A,,, .. , .. l.! tl\ Hg \tl htd d !J , •,tJ IIl l.!' \I ll II .!ltd l ht "'''ll,ll t p to h.thl l \\d l p.L-., \\l llll ' llllll ,l.! till' \t'.ll II ',,.,,,\ 1t1 p.1 '' t1111H!' \\ ltt •lt \til\ II' I.! I\ \111.! III Ull t'\ ,t\\ .1\ Hut I \\.111\ It~ lt~o k .J\ 11 ,,.,, t. ll t•!t d\, It 'l't 'll l' t o lilt ' 11 ht~ J d, out ll ll ll t' lu•]l t ' \J1.1!1 f\ 1\1 11 11 " '

0 Sent1ment seems to be growmg tn Congress lor tra de protect1omsm, particularly toward Japan How much danger do you see ol a trade war?

A \\\• .llt.' lltl \ lunku q .. :t'tlt \I ,HII '\\ .11 ' lh t l.lp .11'-''l IIIHit•t .. t.uu lth.tl "' '·tt• ' l1.dh ' t' t t•' '''·tlJ•HI I <1 111 tJ.ut, · ... iltl.lll•'ll \\,· ,,,ut llt t't 'l l .tt h· . l,ut \\!i t' ll \\t' 11 .1\t '.t I J -h tl lt t\ ll t!tdl. u ll.ttl, · d l'lwJ\ .tnt! ll w l. tp. ttww 11 .1\l ' .t \!.L.lt · '' np iL 1' 1! , ·.11 111 1).! to \\,ltd .) t J l,d l!<l ll , th .tl ' !L tl l l.tll l!.ldt•

Sll 1\ t' .11'1' lt))) l.LJII! .t t :1 llll lll i lt' l "' lllt '.l'll11 '' ()Ill ' , ,

lt 'V I p lt~ ( ' l \ \ ) 11 11 ()pt tl \Hill d 01t11-. . \\t'\1 •ljlt ' ll IIII I ' \\ t' .l l ' lt1U hlll \.! . tl t"\ fllt t t \ lllh tdlt"" \\v 'H' J.!lllll).! lu h .llt' ! 11 ll 'll t' l\ tl h· l' lt ' \Ld1 ·nt ·, l.lrtl l· l\t '\.!11 \ l.ll tllg . u t t ho 1 11 ~ l 1.u lt· '' 111 1 t l\t' llt ill l lltl l l\< '1 Ill tit\' 1·111.111{'1 ' ( :11 11 \llllllt •l' LJ

Th.e :Oo'l"~s--a coupl.e with .· politie-al clout rt'\ ' iew in tlw t'\ 't' nin).! "I s ng)!t •-.t 111 hl'r that ralht<r than n •,ul a .~0-p,lgt• dot' llllll'lll. why not .1

5-p .IJ.!l' slll llllHtry nu·mor.mdnm?'' th t• st"na lor -.~ud. "Siu.• dol.'s both ."

Cump.aring th e 1r worki ng sty lt•s, tl w st'Jl<ltur s;ud. "I L":lll do not lung p~t ·th · ,.,, ,. tl y, hut o,;lu · ha..., ddli('ult~ domg uutlllnJ.!."

c-t Their ties ~ bind Senate LD to Oval Office I til


Br JAY RICHTER Th• N•wa' Wamlngton eon .. pond•nt

EXCEPT FOR the Reaga ns , th e (.'Ouple with the most clout in this eountry' s governme nt is probably the Doles : Elizabeth (Liddy to her fri e nds ) and Bob (christened Rob­e rt Joseph). H., is the senior U.S scnutor from Kansas, she is a d1il'i' aide to the President in the \\'hite 5

~ House.

The Doles met 111 1972 111 the · senator's office during a chseus-

Jt simi of GOP politit·s with othe rs present. "I had some sort of idea that hen: 1s an attradivl' person," the senator renwmhered. "I wrote ht•r name down on u blott e r "

She nohc.·ed he did, Mrs. Dole rt•t·alled. "And I thought, ' My goodness he's an attrat'live man .' "

They were married in 1975, his st•l·ond marnage at agl' 52, her first ,\t 39.

A Southerner , horn Ill Salisbury. N.C ., Mrs. Dole la.as the soothing \'Oil'l' and eas~ manners that go w 1th the t e rntory. Slw was an honor student m po litical science at Duke University , president ol -. tudent government and May qut"en Subsequently, at Har\'ard, -. he earned a law degree and .1

mastt•r's degrt•t• in education . Snuthenl wonwn arc taught not

to show thc.•ir anger m publie , it is unbt'4..'Uilll11g and disturbs <.mt• 's hair. Mrs. Dolt• 1s 111 the mold, ,·a refully cnifed , tastefully dressed, in c.·ommand of her h'mper and the occasion . She ex­hibits some trntation, ho\\' e ve-r. when anyone hints that she got '""'ht·re she is because of lwr lms­hand's clout.

Her career is as impressivt.• as the senator's. Befnre she mt.•t him . she had worked in th e White Hous e on con sume r affairs for prior administrations, Democratic.· as well as Republican. She was once a Democrat, she admits, but wants you to know this had m o rt• to do with southern traditio n and immaturity than good sense. " lt was a time when I was j.!rowing tip," sht• suaJ, umkm~ at dt.~ar that s uH .. 'C then she had grown up to he('ome a tmc-bdie\'lng Rt•puhli-

· marketpiace ami t o eliminate un~ fair and deceptive market prac­tices which affected the con­sumer." Although he r Grand Old Party is not credited with an un­controllable zeal to serve the poor and disadvantaged, Mrs. Dole's record suggests she has u genuine concern for tlll'm.

\ day,'" she explained, " I migh; i,e m eeting with the American Busl· n ess Conference, the U.S. Hispan­lC Chamber of Commerce, the Na· tional Associatio n of Black \Vomen Sol'ial W ork e rs and the lnterna~ t10nal Longshore m en's Union, the Veterans of Foreign VIars and the Ame rican Farm Bureau Federa­tion."

-- ' . Mentioned frequently for the THE SOMETIMES BARBED w1t "

During an interview with 1-'ilrmland News in her pleasant \Vhite House oll'ice overlooking the wuth lawn, she talked of he r hnef expe rient·e in private law practice ... I had about a year a nd .1

half of taking cases of indigents lu·re in \Vashington who t•ould not all'llrd an attorney, mainly in c rimi· nallaw."

IT WAS NO wny to make a hvong. " I went into the red," said Mrs. Dole, but it was a rich and reward­mg experience, good for her poor clients and good for h e r own ca­reer. '"I had the opportunity to be in the court room <-·onstantly,"' she said .

Turf battles are common in Washington , and oll'hand it looks as though Mrs. Dole would be repeatedly violahng the te rritory of every cabinet secre tary in town. That 1s n o t the cast!, she msist s. .. There's no con flict at all. We e n­coura~e our public groups to go first to the cahinet off1c.:er and department to which they relate ; agricultural groups to jack Block, for ex~unple."

Nn cabinet secre tary has c.·om­plained nbout Mrs. Dole's opera· tion. at least publicly. Block wouldn't do it even if he felt like it . He owes his JOb to both the Doles.

U.S. Supreme Court vacancy that not malit·wus ami ptuh.lhly ha:-finally went to Sandra O'Connor, hu rt him pohtu .. ·t1 lh .as 111\H'h .l .. tt Mrs. Dole apparently harbors fe w h.a -. J.dpt"d lum . um~ he more · o,;o. regrets that she was not ~pp~inted. Ht· :ulm 1ts tlwt lit ' llitl tilt' ' ' 'l t~ l t The high court deals wtth tssues , \\·ork 111 tilt' 'i6 t·.unpal ).!ll "\\'IH ' II

and Mrs. Dole is plainly, as she 1 o\l Ita' t· Prt·-.tdt•JJt Forcl ' ·l~ 11tg, said , .. a people person." :Go 011 t itl th<· IH t.tr pall'h "I~ lit· I

s l.l\ helt' Ill tht' Rosl' C..udt·n . y nu

h.l~' l' to J.!:tt ," lw sattl . ' OF HER White House job, sl,t,e said, with evident sincenty • 1 love it. I get a lot of wonde_rful support from the Preside nt; !~IS 1S

the joy of it. .. . Mrs . Dole 's view of Reaga.~ IS

uncritical, almost reveren~ - He has such v1sion for Ame nca · · · a man willing to step up to the tough ISsues ... relaxed and confident

World leade rs relax and tell hi~ what is on the ir minds.··· He. won't vacillate .... All segments of society t•an re ly on him. · · ."

The President's ''great sense of humor" helps him and his ~id~s through difficult days, she Stud. I reme mber one day 1 had set up three meetings for him, and at the

11 1·'<1 just as .... non h ,l\t ' wtlll .~'1 ('IillTH'. Thl' \.'lt't' ))\l''iidt • l)l~ I' .I

).!ITal 1oh ." lw s,,id thtring tht · l', JJII­I"tiJ.!;t l. "It' s a ll indool '' urk aud 1111

lu·,l\ \ ldting " F,;llnwin).! th L' H4 ·publa·au I tt...,~

m IB76. Dolt· kt'Jll Ht' t·dliug tilt' 1)1·mm·Ja11L' \\'111\H'l" Aft t' r Prt'' · tdt'nt (lnllll Y C:ult•l ,diem t•d Ill -

e re,!St•d illiJltlrts of hed , Ia• -. aul drvl\·, "Th1 s Admimstratum \ rt 't­or~l .ol dam,tging tht• Am,•n c .m t.mnl'r 1s extrt'mely good." A sug,ar propo ~a l b y :\~ St·t·rl'l.ll~ Bul, Bergland hrou~hl thi!'l lrom Dolt• " It is u ot to o h.ml to loll o\\ tiH ' JH'a 111 Mr. BL"rglaud \ -. ht ·ll g .um•. " The Doles are well e noug h on·.

but not wealthy, a nd more cons­cious of social problems than must

of the people surroundmg Reagan . The senator has held out stub· bornly against Re publican col­leagues for adequate funding of the food stamp program, school lunches, sodal security and pro­

\ALTHOUGH BOB DOLE persuad­ed Reagan to nominate Block , it was Mrs. Dole who sold the se na·

1 third one in the afternoon, as. he went around the room shaki~g hands . he saw me again, and satd, 'Elizabeth, we've got to stop meet-ing like thi s.' " .

In I!:.IHO, Doll' m.ull' .1 lm ef hut futile fiLII fo1 th t.: Hepuhl1e.111 pn• .. id f...'n ti:al nmnin,ttum fi t• quit al't t ·r Tt'ee iving only a !-. lllath.·rJllg ol volt' s 111 thL' Nt•\\ ll .llllp'\hirt• plim.1r~. saying tllilt h l' was gd­~ illJ.! ont of the l ,llt ' IH 'l',lll 't' nl hi s wd e . "ho h.1d t·.amp.ll).!ll t" d f11r iou...,h for h1111 . "S h l' was lt•ad · Ill).! lllt • ~~~a ll tht• poll-. ." he Jnkt•d . .... 1, I d t"c idc tl to drop o ut"

rams for the handicapped. H e akes pride in his wife's .. commlt­ueut to p eople."

ln h e r present job as Assistant to he President for Pubht· L1ai son,

Mrs. Dole is officially described as 1etng respons ible "for assuring 1

hat the views of key groups are ·onsidered by the President in de­·cloping his agenda and for pro­•iding a meuns of d eveloping con­e nsu s for the Reagan

!Administrabon's policies and pro­grams." She is in c harge, in other words, of finding out what people want from the president and of selling them on what he does .

"My job is to develop a <-·on sen­sus for the Administration polides and programs befo'e they tak~ ef. feet," she smd. " The more pt•oplc understand what tht.' Preside nt is trying to do, tht.• more they"re like-ly to support him."

With a full-time stall' of 16, and some he lp from government age n- J c it•s }wr officl' nwt wi th :lllPTOXI-

4 mah·h I ,300 ~roup.; nf diiTt·rlll).! \


etiH"aic: backgrounds _and interests 111 tht> first ve;,u of the Reagan prt'"'ldt~ncv . . :On ,1 sort of a\' {'Ti\~H·

tor on the Illinois hog farmer in the first place. During the presi­dential e lection campaign of 1980. Mrs. Dole headed a Reagan-Bush advisory committee of 15 members which included Block, repres enting agriculture. She got to know Block before the senator mt.•t him .

""I felt he had a lot of good <luah-fications to h e secretary," sa. irl Mrs . Dole. Since Block has heen secretary. "he has been very sup­portive, nght there any time I call him ."

Mrs. Dole's public lia ison depu­ty for agriculture a t the White House is jack Burgess , formerly with the Peace Corps and George­town Univ e rsity ' s School of Foreign Service. Burgess , sai~~ Mrs . Dole, "1s in con stant contad with USDA's Ray Lett, executive assistant to Secretary Block.

Her office, Mrs. Dole said, ··worked hard" in helping with th e Agriculture Council of Americ.·a· s U.S. Farm Export Education Proj­e<"t, chaired by Don Chartier, Far-Mou-Co preside nt. " \\'e were a.blt.• to sct·nre the se rvk-es of Charlton Ht·~ton to narrah" a film on t•x p o rts .md al'n tn do sc•\"t•ral T\' sput .m­nounce m ents," !'ht.• s.1id .

or the sardonic wit for which her husband is noted, Mrs . Dole said, .. I love it ." The senator·~ way with words b ecame a national

ISSUt' 111 1976 whe n h t> n111 for \'it:c\ president on the Rt:>pubhcan ~icket with Gerald. Ford a~ainst Jtmmy 1

C arter and W a lter Mondalc. Pohh­ca l opponents a(·t· us ed hnn of going fur th e ju~ular. Bob Dole, th ey .;·m id, was Ford's " hatdH:t man.

Mrs. Dole re\'le wcd tapt.•s o f TV Ht'WS reports oi that hi<:e ntt.'nnial year camp,,ign , t·oncludlng: ··s,~b Dole docs not t'ome acros s Ill those t.apt•s us ,\ hatche t man . My husband is a m.ul of <.·ompassim~: li e likes peopl e - truly he d ot•s. A bride of c1ght months a t tht• tim t..•, sht' cuuld h.l vt• been smn~­what p rt.•Judit·etl in tht.• senators Ia\ nr. ~Ltny politit-ans .ag:r l'l'd. ho\\ C\'t.'T. sonw ol th t.-' 11\ ,ld\ l'rs;.u­H· s of thl' senator. tll.lt Bo b Dnlt..' pl.t~l' tl iiur .

AFTER lk ·.IJ!tu l n .tlllt.'cl h4 ·t tu hl'r ptt''l'll t JOh. tht· -. t·ualor n un ­uu ·u tt• d . ' 'Onl' ul ~~~ w.llltl'd t11 ht· 111 lht • \Vhitt• JluU H'. ,!lid s ilt' t'IHit·d IIJl tiH:n· ." lit• s u s pt•t·t., 111..., "Ill' h.t -. ··a h .mkt ·ring to n111 " tor puhlu.· otlke. Tlus is all n~ht \\' Jth h1111 , Itt• said , "a., long ,I S -.ht • doesn't run .tg.uust ml' ...

~fr.., Dol t.•, a lt~t · r lor work . ~t·t '

tu lu-1 n lfi t·c a t 7 .1.111. \\'hi t.:h lh f...' 't'll,\ttJT (l)fiStdl'l'" "tht• nmldl t• ol th t' u1ght." She \\'lllb through .1 12- to I-t-hour <l. Jy . nflt ·n t·.trrymg homt• .1 hn elt '''t' of paper-. to

Tltt· -.t·na tor , huwt'\'l.'l, 1s not t'X­

,Jdh ,1 sJuth. t\SSOl'lah'" h•IJ ~Oil ht' \\ tllb ahont 10 hours daily ..., ,x d .n :o. . t \\t't<k , spt·nd111g l'tiii"Hiet· ,Jhlt· ol In s r l' lll illll ill)! tillll' '\ at \Va-.\nn).!tou functions of 1111po1 · t.mt 'L' to his K.m-. ,,s l't lll ,titul'Hhi ' 'lhs tot.d hie ha-. h t'ell nrit·11ll'd tm\·;ud pohtil' 'o .111d lt•).!t.,lattPII ." ... 11d ~ltn g.tn \\'illtam', pn: -.id t' lll nl tin· Co-op l .• t<.tglll' of tilt' l 1S:\ .nul il fuii\H'l ,1iclt· lo Dolt' During: hi ..., 20 \Tars in thl' llnu~t· and St'II,Jit•. Doll' h .ts ll t'\' t ' l tak t•JJ .t

',tt·.t titnl nl n1ore tlmu lour d.t\ '· \\ 'illi .am -. ~. t al.

Dult· horn 111 I ~J2 .'3. m·.uh ln,t lti ' lilt.' nt \Vorld \V.tr II wht·n l~t· " a" 22. Son·lv \\nllnded ~~~ · lll.l· dt1 1H' gun lin· .wink lt' .n liu g .111 Ill ·

lantry pl11toou iiL'Hl"" till' Po H11 I' I

Ill IIOl!ht•lll lt .lf~ , lit ' \\'itS lt •lt lor dt•.u\ n11 tlu• hattlelil'ld lor 2·1 h ums. Itt • "Pl'll l mnn· th .111 tlul' t' ~l'.H ' 111 hus pit.ll ... Jo,t .1 k1dtlt'\ .uul tlu · w;t · ol'ln..., riKht .unl "I ,1111

,1 ..., nl \ l\111'. .. lu,• ... . ud . "\Vhl'n I \ \ , t ...,

Ill thnw lwspit.tls , they h.Hl to

wintl me up t'\ ' t.·r~ nwrmn~ So. I trv tn ust• Ill\ lw.ul in -.h'.u l of m )

ht~nds." . A ltkloug ll''oidt" nt ol Hu...,...,t ·ll.

K.m ., \\ hl'H' ht s liatllt'T m.u1.1gt'd a g,r.un t•lt•\".Jtor .uul ran .1 nulk au cl t·~~ -.t.ttion. Dol e has a Ia\\ dt · ~Tt't' from \\',ashburn Unl\t.'TSi ty In Tn­pt'k ,, li t• <.; ('I\. t•d Ill thl' K ,tll S.I~ lt · ~isl,tlure lor two )' t 'olr-. . . 1:. Hll '\· <.;t •ll Count~ 's pTO'I '(' \I tinJ.!; .tttont' '' lor ni1w ve.H~ .• unl1n lH61 \\cHI·' st•at m th l' U.S. ilo u s(_' ol Ht pie · sentativ l's li e w,t., dt ·t·ted In tlw St:nak 111 1!:.161-; ami h.l -. ht ·t·n tlw1t· t ' ' t· r <.; JIIt'L'

THE 1980 ELECTIONS hroo c lol Dolt· mor e tlonl th .llt ht ·' d dre.uawtl of. harnng hi' drt·a\11 ~ ol tht· prt·-. ult·nt.· ~ iht•lt . TlH' -. urpn , ­tng llllllllwr nl GO P \It tuTH' ' th.it ).!,1\t.' lht• H.epubltL.lHS tu ntrol ol lhe St'1httc e le v.ttecl tlw 1-o:.w ... l'\ Sen .tlor to c.: haum.m slllp of th t' Senate Fm.mct.• Comnllttl't' T!Ja..., pl.tn•s him 011 top o l a r.mgt· of tflllll t" :o.til' lS..., IH' 'o, lllLi lldiiH.! 101\l''·

"lt: t.tl :>. L't.uril), \\ t·lf.lre , \I L'dl t .lrt ' and \1t·di{ aid .

. \I ll IIIII \\ It], tl~otl IIi \ I< II l !i '\\ I I

lt.i ~ ll~tlu e t lt.L' u\ t.' l \ 11111 .111~ .111 ~ · lhlll~." t·mntnt·nh'd tlw \\ 'a, lurn:-

This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. http://dolearchives.ku.edu

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