14 road safety strategy and action plan

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Road safety strategy and action plan Name of Tool: Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan (Barczewo, Nidzica, Olsztyn)

Pilot Area: Warmia-Mazury (Poland)

Application Area: city level

Main Aim: To strengthen road safety activities on community level

Target groups: citizens of Barczewo, Nidzica and Olsztyn

Programme Manager: Krzysztof Piskorz

SOL Project Manager


Data about the owner of the document

Date: March 2013

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen,

Patricia Hammer (SOL Project Manager)

E-Mail: patricia.hammer@uni-tuebingen.de

Road safety strategy and action plan

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Abstract A Road Safety Strategy (RSS) is a very important tool for a system based approach towards road safety improvement at the local level. In the case of Barczewo, Nidzica and Olsztyn it has been developed according to the Vision Zero, which means it aims to reduce the number of fatalities to 0 in 2020. This road safety strategy and action plan is briefly described to be repeated and adapted worldwide to other locations.

Road safety strategy and action plan

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A) Outline

Summary A Road Safety Strategy (RSS) is a very important tool for a system based approach towards road safety improvement at the local level. It strengthens road safety systems and makes all activities coordinated and planned. In the case of Barczewo, Nidzica and Olsztyn it has been developed according to the Vision Zero, which means it aims to reduce the number of fatalities to 0 in 2020. The Road safety Action Plan (AP) for Barczewo and Nidzica focuses on child injury prevention via the development of a complex programme of education and safe school surroundings. In the Olsztyn case the AP is focused on alcohol prevention in road traffic, and is dedicated mostly to young drivers. The APs time perspective is two years: 2013-2014.

Objectives In all of the three cases the strategies have the same main objectives: Objective 1: To build a basis for an effective and long-term road safety policy Objective 2: To develop safe road user behavior Objective 3: Protecting pedestrians, children and cyclists Objective 4: To build and maintain a safe road infrastructure Objective 5: Reduce accident severity and consequences of road accidents

Targets and measures of the strategy

The main targets and milestones for Barczewo:

By 2020 - maintain zero fatalities and reduce the number of persons injured by 75% compared to 2010, i.e. no more than one victim injured annually. In 2014 - maintain zero fatalities, no more than three persons injured annually. In 2017 - maintain zero fatalities, no more than two persons injured annually.

The main targets and milestones for Nidzica:

By 2020 - maintain zero fatalities and reduce the number of persons injured by 60% compared to 2010, i.e. not more than 3 victims injured annually. In 2014 - maintain zero fatalities, no more than 7 persons injured annually. In 2017 - maintain zero fatalities, no more than 5 persons injured annually.

The main targets and milestones for Olsztyn:

By 2020 - reducing the number of fatalities and persons injured by 50% compared to 2010, i.e. no more than 3 fatalities and 95 injured every year. In 2014 - no more than 5 fatalities and 160 injured victims every year. In 2017 - no more than 4 fatalities and 115 injured victims every year.

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Vision “Zero deaths and injuries on the roads of Olsztyn, Barczewo and Nidzica”

Reach The RS fields which comprises the RS strategies and action plans cover the following areas: Objective 1: To build a basis for an effective and long-term road safety policy

The objective will be achieved by the realisation of the following three priority activities:

I. Road safety organisation

- Improving the local road safety structures

II. Road safety management

- Organising a system for cooperation and coordination

- Organising a system of training for road safety professionals

- Improving the system for collecting, storing and analysing road accident data

- Improving cooperation with WORD – Regional Road Safety Centre

- Introduction and development of a road safety funding system III. Sectoral action

- Improving the system of school safety education

- Improving the system of driver training

- Modernising and improving the effectiveness of road traffic enforcement

- Improving the technical inspection of vehicles

- Improving the organisation of road traffic management services

- Developing a rescue system

- Helping accident victims Objective 2: To develop safe road user behaviour

The objective will be achieved by the realisation of the following three priority activities:

I. Speed

- Improving education and public relations and promoting safe speed with a special focus on young drivers

- Modernising speed enforcement II. Alcohol and similar substances

- Improving public education and communications to raise awareness of the role of alcohol in drink drive accidents

- Improving road traffic enforcement

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III. Seat belts and other restraints

- Improving public education and communications concerning seat belts, helmets and child car seats

- Improving seat belts and other restraints enforcement Objective 3: Protecting pedestrians, children and cyclists The objective will be achieved by the realisation of the following three priority activities: I. Pedestrians

- Improving public education and communication concerning pedestrian safety

- Intensifying pedestrian protection using enforcement measures

- Common use of means of pedestrian protection II. Children

- Improving public education and communication concerning in the area of child safety

- Intensifying child safety using enforcement measures

- Using road measures to protect children III. Cyclists

- Improving public education and communication concerning cycle safety

- Intensifying cyclist safety using traffic law enforcement measures

- Using road measures to protect cyclists

Objective 4: To build and maintain a safe road infrastructure The objective will be achieved by the realisation of the following three priority activities: I. Evaluation and control

- Improving the system for reviews of existing streets and roads

- Implementing road safety audits for new road projects

- Conducting systematic road safety studies II. Development of safe network of streets

- Transforming the street network to introduce prioritising and access control

- Designing safe streets (traffic calming measures)

- Improving the quality of streets and its safety equipment III. Modern road traffic management

- Developing road traffic management services

- Introducing modern road traffic management

- Management mobility

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Objective 5: Reduce accident severity and consequences of road accidents The objective will be achieved by realisation of the following two priority activities: I. Safer street environment

- Treating and removing hazardous objects in the direct proximity of street II. Optimisation of rescue services

- Promoting accident scene standards

- Developing specialist medical units

Justification The pre-existing documents which inspired the RS programme and action plan: National Road Safety Programme GAMBIT 2005-2013, Warmia-Mazury Road Safety Programme Baseline data: police road accident statistics, institutional assessments, stakeholder analysis.

B) Management

Programming This RS programme and action plan in accordance with the already existing (national) RS strategies or programming. A follow up is planned: every two years developing new action plans until 2020 for the cities: Barczewo, Nidzica and Olsztyn.

Structure The documents were developed by Warmia-Mazury local partners under the management of WORD Olsztyn. They were consulted by an independent expert from Gdansk University of Technology.

Financing It had no special budget. Part of the work was financed from the SOL project Staff Budget Line, part from External Experts budget line. It is hard to say what is the precise cost of this action.

Process May-August 2011:Building the SOL local partner working group September - November 2011:Institutional and road safety assessment December 2011 – February 2012: Strategy development March - April 2012: Action Plans development May – July2012: Consultations on the Strategies and Action Plans

Evaluation The Strategies and Action Plans are now just the documents. Their implementation is planned for 2013. They evaluation will be done after the implementation phase.

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Recommendation It is recommended to put a big effort on building or strengthening the local road safety management structures in case to effectively use (implement) the document. All of the pilot actions undertaken in the frame of SOL project in Warmia-Mazury region are in line with all existing road safety documents on regional, national and European levels. The training will be a part of a long term educational programme for children at the Road Safety Centres in Barczewo and Nidzica.

C) Outputs:

Deliverables Please list the exact table of contents of the RS programme/ action plan in reference to their pages. Strategies:

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Action plans:

Publicity Materials have been edited, printed and promoted by a PR Company hired by WORD Olsztyn. A workshop and press conference organised in September 2012 was held to disseminate and promote the documents among local decision makers and those who will implement the strategies in the future. The copy of the documents will be available in WORD Olsztyn and in the Barczewo, Nidzica and Olsztyn city halls.

Feedback No external feedback recorded

The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the authors. It does not represent the opini-

on of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be

made of the information contained therein. The project „SOL – Save our Lives“ in the Central Europe

Program www.central2013.eu is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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