1854 waldo county

Post on 22-May-2022






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Appleton, ...... Cha’s A. Keene.. . . Belfast. ...... .Joseoh Wheeler ... . Belmont, ....... Johi Crawford ....

Brooks ......... Libeus Jones, Jr .. Burnham , ..... .J. Berry ..........

I Camden, ...... , Frankfort

.E. G. S. Ingraham. ...... .Daniel Tobey .....

Freedom Allen P. Winslow. .Hope, ..i:::::::Josia h Hobbs.. ... Islesborough ... .Ja’s B. Williams ..

. Jackson J. ......... G. Cook.. ...... . Knox ........... John Severance ...

Liberty, ....... .Arthur C. Dodge .. . Lincolnville, . ..Jame s Small ......

Monroe ........ Montville

.Cha’s Sargent ..... ...... .Martin Carr., .....

. North Haven, .. John Kent ........ . Northport, ... ..Edwar d Rhoads ...

Palermo Snmurl Tucker ” Prospec;,::::::: Willard Mudgett ......

Searsmont ..... .Hiram Wing ...... Searsport, .... ..Hen ry D. Smith ...

- Smanville , .... Thorndike

..Sol. Cunningham .. ........................

. Troy ........... .Lorenzo Garcelon .. .. Unity, ........ .Gorham Hamilton.

Vinalhaveu, .... Watson H. Vinall. Waldo,. ....... .Jeremiah Evans ...

1727 81

Ei lgg 76

1021 784 :93

44020353 :i: 948 116

1107 52

984 533 2 1102 1116 ii

%I: 154 47 1578

SO6 I;

1260 1609 1:; 2467 108 1696 - 2207 1%

944 57

1029 1484 ii 10557 $5 1252 39 812 19

1 206.43 166.05

2o E.E 294.81

1 320.86 191.82 237.19

11 268.56 2 201.32

501.11 371.72

6 619.48 166.58 296.93 358.34 731.30

1 406.82 8 1009.70 _ 207.76

2 287.05 61 331.69

475.13 210.23 164.72


47229 2156 708 3376 104 13689.35


. ..” . . . :. W Miller, L. E. Goding,

1930 3Bl%OO~S.

Twelve miles N. W. of Belfast. On Belfast bnxncb hlaine Central Railroad. Terminus of stage line to Monroe. Settled in 1799 by Joseph Roberts from Buckfield. Plantation name, Washington. Incorporated 219th town, Dee. 10, 1816, and named in honor of Qov. Brooks of Mae& Population--1860, 1021; 1860, 988; 1870. 869; 1860,877; 1890, ?80; 1oo0, 669; 1910, 704: 1820, 691. Valuation, 18BO-Polls, 200;Estates, $158,278; 1870-Polls. 206: Eat., $2OO,li6; 1880-Polls, 216; Est., $229,437; 1890- Polls, 207; Est., $229,366: lSOO-Polls. 221; Eet., $257,001; ISlO-Polls, 211; Estates, $288,082; 1920-Polls, ~‘03; Estates, $409,306.

1930-Population, 129. R. F. D. to Bast, West, Smth and .Jaclcsm.

Railrosd Seal&m--B & MLRR. Stags~Daily to Monroe. Porturnoler-Everett Brown. SeCecfnrer#-Gee. 8. Roberts, J. R. Williams, Ralph Clark. !#‘osam C’derk--Qmce Hamlin. Ifreasnwet-Edward G. Cox. Codlsotor-J. B. Payson. Conalabk-J. B. Payson. Bead Cortr#elnis~#ere-A. 0. Payaon, Herman Bwpee. Sckeol Cemurfttee-Kate A. Lane, W. O’Brien, F. Cookson.

&qt.-Lloyd T; Dunham. BKealtR OSlcer-A. E. Kilifrtre, nr. D. Board of Trade-4. 0. Varney, BBC. JTeCarier-Edward G. Cox, FPb. !28,1934. Jwlices-James B. Payson, Sept. 27, 1936. T~inl, George B. Roberts,

Jan. 14, 1937. d~rtomobiZes-Repa(r~ng and Sel*vSce St&Lone, E. M. GOdding,

Leroy Btqles. Buwbcrs-Go. Rnston, Sherman Murry. D&ackamdlhs-Frruk Rtimpson, Ira Bowden. Wutcherw-Chas. Gibbs, B. H. Gibbs. C’arrrps-Git*Zs’, pqjsock, Dickey Bras., Directors. Ro@, Passag-

LCSEZ/, Dickey Bras., Directors. &znner#-Black & Gay Canners, Inc. Carriage 27Xaka.s a~1 DeaZwe-Staples & Son. Chtr,-ches and Clerg~mer--E. T. Bemont, Co%. Ct&hiarg DeaZws--Me&s w&d Boys’, Retail, Pearl Urockett, C.

0. Varney. CZ&hi,rp JtXfrs.--Men’s rind Bo~Js’, Pi~sOn Pant Factory. Con:,rrctol,s-CCnr~errtsrs, Henry Reynolds, Rosooe Borden, F. L.

Emmons. Da&*&r--H. P. Hood & Sons. Drwggistu-Retail, A. R. PilleJ. wry Goods-Ret&b, Chase & Varney, Pearl CrOakett. 6qwess Cos.-Railway Express Agency, Inc. Ge,r.~aZ Storea-The A. 2. Chase Co., Williams Broa., H. E. Jenkins,

P. R. (:rant. Gvocer-Retail, C. W. Rider, Williams Bras., First National Stores,

Hotela-BrooLs Inn, A. B. Payson, prop. ; Rose Vouse, E. H. Rose, pKp

Ligkt, Wecc? mrd Power Cos.-Central Maine Power Co. Lim Stock IDeaPer,-Harry E. Stsplee. Ltmrbw Mfrrp.-8nw ~WtZls, Joseph Ellis & Son, Guy A. Prince. MiCZi~wr-Fanny B. Merritt: ,Wmic !&mhera-May Aoxford. Newa npsv 6’rsr,eaperrdeuto-Mrs. Vesta D. Hlgg-ins, D. R. Forbes. JVboe Y. t&es--nffrs. an.d Whol., Robert sr; Son (wood). Palraters mrd Wecorators--Q. W. Miller, L. E. Godding, E. 0. Tas-

ker. Plrgaicduw-A. E. Kilgore. Sehoola, Collcqes mrd .¶cadewieu-High. Karl 8. McRechnie

prin. -

sloaes and Rnrcp~r-L. R. Stevens.

1950 TOWN OF BROOKS (Edited by Fannie B. Moulton,

Twelve miles N. W. of Belfast. On Belfast branch Maine Central Railroad. Terminus of stage line to Monroe. Settled in 17Q9 by Joseph Roberts from Ruckfield. Plantation name, Washing. ton. lnrorporated 219th town. Dec. 10. 1616. and named in honor of GOV. Brooks, of &ss. Population-1850, 1021 : 1500. 988: 1870. ‘869 : ISSO. 8Ti: 1890. 730 ; 1900, 669: 1910. 7M; 1920, 691; 1930. 799. ~alnntion. 186~rolls. 2Or: Estates. KC?iS: 18T&I’olls, 205: Estates, $209,1m; 1880-Polls 215; Estates, 629.437: 18X-Polls. 2Oi: Estates, $229,386; lDOC&Polls. 2’21’ Estates $257.091 : 191&-Polls. 211 : Estates. t2S8.082: lMI--Polls. XX3: Estates. $409.306: l&in-Polls’ 189: Estates. $387.714.

104~PoIJIllxtion. 744: 1’011s. l%I: E.niatt% R81.&-I”3 R.F.D. to East. West. South and Jackson. Town meetinz first Mondas in March.

Postm;l.ster-Krnnctll E. Morehead. Selertmen-George Deering. John Hall, Allan Mollison. Town Manager-Eben 1,. Elwell. Town Clerk-Fannie R. ~Tnnlton. Trenslrrer-Eben L. Elwell. Collector-Eben L. Elwell. Constables-Eben L. Elwell. Fannie Moulton. Rood Commissioner-Eben L. Elwell. School Committee-Henry Lowe, Frank Brown, Eben L. Elwell. Supt.-Rolaud Leach. Chief Fire Dept.-Periey Elwell. Notaries-Delmont E. Clark, Jan. 30, 1954; Phyllis M. Goding, July 7, 1955. Justices-Fannie B. Moulton. Feb. 1, 1936. Agricultural Implements rend Machinery-Deniers-R. A. Clark & Son, L. R. Stevens, Automobiles-Repai.ring and Service Stations. Brooks Garage Co., E. AI. Godding, Leroy

Staples, Harding’s Garage. Barber Shops-Harding’s Barber Shop. Butdmrw--Jerome Quimby. Earl Knight. Canners-Rlack Rr Gay Canners, Inc. Cemeteries-So. Brooks, Pilley. Rose. Friends., Roves Roberts sexton of all. Churches and Clergymen--John E. Pickering, JI., Gong. Clothing Dealers-&Men’s and Boys’-Retail, Murray’s Store. Contractors-Carpenters. R0soo.e Borden. Guy Prime, Chester Marden. Walter O’Brien. Leon-

ard Arsenanlt, Ray Ward. Frank Reynolds. Druggists-R.&ail, A. R. Pilley. Dry Goods,-Retail, Sherman Murray, L. R. Stevens. Electrical Contractors--Gilbert P. Stimpson, Orville Whitcomb. Fertilizer Dealers-L. E. Godding General Stores-L. L. Wentworth. Grocers-Retail-First National Stores Inc., Reynolds Bras., Brook’s Grocery. Hardware Dealers-Retail, L. R. Stevens. Hotels-Brooks Inn, Summer. Camu Melco. Insurance Agents-C. W. Ryder, Dben L. Elwell, Lelnnd A. Kenney, Albert B. Papson. Light, Heat and Power Cos.-Central Maine Power Co. Lumber-Retail, Charles F. Bestsey Co. Lumber Mfrs+Saw Mills, H. S. Plat’terehall, Gerald Parks. Lumbermen-Gerald Parkis. Osteopnthlc Physicians-Arthur G. Jew&l. Painters and Decorators-Raym~ond Quimby. Alfred Roberts,

Arsenanlt, Frank Reynolds. Walter O’Brien, Leonard

Plumbers-Gilbent Stimpson, Pearley Elwell, Wilmot Moody. Schools and Colleges-Morse Memorial School, Dana Drew, prin. Stoves and Ranges-Retail-L. R. Stevens, Wilmot Moody. Telephone Cos.-Waldo & Penobscot Tel Co. Wood Products Mfrs.-Roberts & Son, (novelties).

1960 TOWN OF BROOKS (Edited by Fannie H. xoulton)

1961-Fred L. Kenney, May 19. Justices

1963-Fannie B. Moulton. Feb. 21. 1967-Caroline M. Kingsbury, Agricultural Implement Dealers-R. A. Clark & Son, English’s Farm and Home Supply CO. Ambulance Service-E. C Brazier. Automobiles-Dealer.s-~bert’a Used Cars. Repairing and Service Stations-Brooke Garage

Co., Leroy Staples, Hardin,g’s Garage, Roberts Service Station. Barber Shops-Joseph Wilde% Camps-Camp Fair Haven (religious). Canners-Black & Gay Canners, Inc. Cemeteries-So. Brooks. Pillev. Rose. Friends. Frank Cookson. $euton of all. Chain Saws-Distributdrs-Ca”ri Brown. Churches and Clergymen-Carl M. Kingsbury, Gong. Contractors-Carpentere. Guy Prime, Walter O’Brien, Leonard Areenault. Bay Ward, Frank

Beynolds, Earl Roberts. Druggists-Retail, A. R. Pilley. Electrical Contractors--Gilbert P. Stimpson, Orville Whitcomb. Fertilizer Dealers-L. E. Godding, R. A. Clark & Son. Fertilizer Mfrs.-Brooks Reduction Co. Fuel Dealers-LeRog Staples. Funeral Directors-E. cl. Rraeier Qeneml Storea-L. L. Wentworth. R. F. Llbby. Grocers-Retall-Fir.st National Stores Inc., Reynolds Bras., Brook’s Grocery. Hardware Dealers-Retail. English’s Farm and Home Supply Co. Homes and Asylums-Meister’<C!onvalescent Home. Insurance Agents-L&and A. Kenney, Albert B. Payson. Eben L. Elwell urht, Heat and Power Co%-Central Maine Power Co. Lumber Mfr.%-Saw Mills, Gerald Parks. Osteopathic Physicians-Arthur G. Jew&l. Painters and Decemtors-Ravmond Quimbv. Alfred Roberts. Walter O’Brien. Frank Rey-

nOIdS. _ Plomber*Gilbert Stimpson, Perley Elwell, Wilmot Moody. Potato ShIpper-Unity Vaughn Hunter. Poultry Breeders-R. I?. Libby & Son, Carl Brown. Alfred Roberts, Badlo Repairing-Lester Johnson. Restaurant-L. Fair Elwell. Schools and Colleges-Morse Memorial School, Vaughn Ellis, prin. Stoves and Ranges-Ret&U-Wilmot Moody. Telephone @x%-Liberty, Eastern Telephone Co. Theatres-Brooks Theatre. Wood Products Mars.-Roberts & Son, Clarence Barden. (novelties).

Lowe Roberts

1970 TOWN OF BROOKS (Edited by Lettile H. Cox)

Twelve miles Northwest of Belfast. Settled in 1’799 by J. Roberts from Buckfield. Plantation name, Washington. Inc. 219th town, Dec. 10, lS16, and named in honor of Gov. Brooks of 31ass. Populntiou--1,850, 1021; 1860, 988; 1670. S69; 1880. 877: 1500. 730; 1900. 669; 1910, 7~. l!)L70, 6Q1; l!J30. 729 ; 1940, 744. Valuatjon. 186@-Polls, 200; Estates, $158,278; 187&polls, 205: Estates, $200,176 ; lS80-Polls, 215 ; Estates, lQ~~Polls, 2% ; Estates. $257,091:

$220,437 ; lSQO--Polls, 2.07 ; Estates. $229,386 ; iQl~Polls. 211; Estates, $288,082; 19%Polls, 203 ; Es-

tntrs. S409.306: 193~Polls. 189: Estates, $387,714; 1940-Polls. 180; Estates, $334,422. Belfast and Moosehead Lake, Railroad.

l9j0-Pol~ulotion, 747; Polls --~ - _^^. ^_^ 1960-Pogulatiou. 75S;- Poll!

~tiu ; fistaces. q284,t)ls. ;, 179: Valuation, $452,000.

R.R.D. to East. West, South and Jackson. Town meeting first 1\I on&y in Nnrch.

Postmaster-Frank Reyr;olds. Selectmen-Brooks, Assessors-Selects

John G. Mollison, Sr., George H. Littlefield, Jerome A. Quimby. en.

Overseers of Poor- -Selectmen. Town Clerk-R.F.D Treasurer-hlrs. Le

‘., Ruth D. Elmell. ttie Cos.

Collector-Mrs. Let tie Cos. Constables-Nrs. L, ettie Cos; R.F.D., Ruth D. Elwell. Road Commissione] r-R.F.D., Myron E. Wood. Auditor-Bangor, I Frederick Caffery. School Directors-:

Brewster. District 3, Unity, Robert Brown, Gerald W. Parks. Supt.-Unity, Albert J.

Health 05cor-Arthur G Chief Fire Dept.-Gilbert

197&Alice M. Kenney. Apl-. I). 1975-Richard S. English, Apr. 24. lQi&Rav G. Meister.

1973-Donna M. Arsenault, June 2 ; Merland E. Clark, sr., June 2. 19X?-Eleanor M. Wood, Nov. 7. Agricultural Implement Dealers-English’s Farm and Home Supply CO. Aotomoblles-Dealers-Albert’s Used Cars. Repairing and &wvfoe St&ia+Brooks &rage

Co., Leroy Staples. Barber Shops-Joseph Wildes. Beauty Shop-Emma’s Beauty Shop. Camps-Cam

i Pair Haven (religious).

Cemeteries- 0. Brooks, Pilley, Rose, Friends, Smith, Sr., sexton .

Frank Cookson, sexton of all]; Brooks, Clyde

Churches and Clergymen-Raymond P. Blaisdell, Gong. ; L. Stubbs, Pent.

Larry Hunt, Bible Church; Albe& -Co+ractors-Carpenters-Walter O’Brien, Leonard ArsenaUlt, Frank Reynolds, Arthur A, woou.

Electrical Contractors-Gilbert P. Stimpson, Orville Whitcomb. Fertilizer Mars.-Maine Reduction Co. Florist-Retail-Loon & Zwicker. Fuel Dealers-LeRoy Staples. Grocers-Retail-Reynolds Bras., Hardware Dealers-Retail. En

Brook’s Grocery, Beverley Stubbs, Richard’s Cash Market.

Insnrrtnce Agents-Leland A. & lish’s Farm and Home Supply Co. enney.

Lawyer-Elst on R. Eaton. Light, Heat 8 tnd Power Cos.-Central Maine Power Co. Lnmber Mfrs.-Saw Nills. Gerald Parks. Machinery Mfrs.-Clark Mfg. Co. (farm). Osteopathic Physicians-Arthur 0. JewelI. Painters and Decora.tors-Raymond Quimby, Walter O’Brien, Plumbers-Gilbert. Stimpson, Perley Elwell, Wilmot Moody Pot&o Shipper-(See Classified.) Poultry Breeders-Love & Roberts. Radio Repairing-Lester Johnson. Restaurant-Lucy B. Morehead. Schools and Oolleges-Morse Memorial &hool, Vaughn Ellis, Stoves and Ranges-Retail-Wilmot Moody. T&phone Cos.-Liberty. Eastern Telephone Co. Wood Products Mfr.s.-Roberts t Son (nOveltie8).

Frank Reyn olds.

, grin.

TOWN Ow;2yROOKS (Edited by Carolyn L. Shute)

Twelve miles Northwest of Belfast, Settled in 1799 by J. Roberts from Buckfield. Plantation name Washington. In- corporated 219th town, Dec. 10, 1816, and named in honor of Gov. Brooks of Mass. Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad.

1950-Population, 747; Polls, 169; Estates,, $284,913. I%@-Population, 758; Polls, 179; Valuation, $452,ooO. 1970-Population, 751; Polls, 157; Valuation, $407,645. 1979-Tax rate. $10.50. Valuation, %8,937.745. MUNICIPAL tiUILDING, Brooks, 04921. R.F.D. to East, South and Jackson.

Postmaster-Frank Reynolds. Selectmen-Brooks, John Y. Mollison, Sr., Delmont E. Clark, Carl 0. Brown. Assessors-Selectmen. Overseers of Poor-Selectmen. ‘Town Clerk-R.F.D. i, Gail Suomi, Tel. 772-3671. Treasurer-Mrs. Carolyn L. Shute. Collector-Mrs. Carolyn L. Shute. Road Commissioners-John Mollison, Sr. Auditor-Bangor, Frederick Caffery. Registrar of Voters-R.F.D. 1, Gail Suomi. Plumbing Inspector-R.F.D. 1, Alton Stubbs. S.A.D. No. 3-Director, Raymond D. Shute. Supt.-Unity, Rodney McElroy. Health Officer-Vacant.

Boon, Claire W. Bradbury, Georgia

Quimby, Raymond E., Jr.

NOTARIES Elwell, Richard D. Kenney, Jocelyn B.


McCormick, Mary Nickerson, Dawna D.

Wood, Eleanor M.

AUTOMOBILES Repairing and Service Stations

Marsh River Garage Stevens, Lloyd

BARBER SHOPS Wildes, Joseph



Parks, G. W. Wood & Sons, Inc.

CAMPS Camp Fair Haven (religious)

CEMETERIES Friends Kinney Pilley Rose South Brooks

CERAMIC PRODUCTS Stubbs Ceramic Shop


Bible, Donald Grover Congregational

Heslam. Charles J. Peotecostal

Stubbs, Albert L.


Arsenault, Leonard Brown, Carl 0. Reynolds, Frank Tuthill, Robert

Wood, Arthur A.

DENTISTS Caron, Gerald


LICENSED ELECTRICIANS Bean, Robert Clark, Delmont Orcutt, Richard Stimpson, Gilbert P Whitcomb, Emery Whitcomb, Michael Whitcomb, Orville Whitcomb, Victor

FERTILIZER MFRS. Maine Resources Corp.

F’UEL DEALERS Webber, D. J., Inc.

GAS-BOTTLED Curtis, R. W. & Sons


Goguens Reynold’s Cash Market Richard’s Cash Market Stubbs General Store


Arthur Jewel1 Community Health Center, Frank Hannon, adm.

INSURANCE AGENTS Allen Agency Kenney Agency, The


Central Maine Power Co.

MACHINERY MFRS. Clark Mfg. Co. (farm)



PLUMBERS Moodv. Wilmot Stimp&, Gilbert Stubbs, Alton

POTATO SHIPPER (See Classified)

REAL ESTATE BROKERS Allen Agency Kenney Agency, The

RESTAURANTS Marsh River Lunch San Heu-Mar (pizzas)

SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Morse Memorial School, Vaughn

Ellis, prin.



Moody, Wilmot

TELEPHONE COS. Continental Telephone Co. (Lib-


1990 TOWN OF BROOKS 04921

(Edited by Donna A. Parks) Twelve miles northwest of Belfast. Settled in 1799 by J. Roberts from Buckfield. Plantation name Washington. fncor.

Tues.. I

porated 219th town, December 10, 1616, and named in honor of Gov. Brooks of Massachusetts. 1960-Population, 756; Polls, 179; Valuation, $452,000. 1970-PcpulatiO”, 751; Polls, 157; Valuation, $407,645 1960-Population, 604; Valuation, $10,300,000. 1990-Tax rate, $6.16; Valuation, $22.150.000. MUNICIPAL BUILDING, South Main St., P:O. Box 5, Brooks, 04921. Tel. 722.3254. Town office hours-

3:00 p.m.; Sat., 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Town meeting third Monday in March. Town fiscal year, Feb. 1 Jan. 31. R.F.D. to East, West and South Brooks and Jackson.

Postmaster-Pauline A. Ravin. Selectmen-John Y. Mollison, Sr., Raymond E. Quimby, Jr., Delmont E. Clark. Overseers of Poor-Selectmen. Tow” Clerk-Fioxanna B. Hall. Treasurer-Donna A. Parks.

-ri., 6~30 a.m.

Registrar of Voters-Roxanna B. Hail Tax Collector-Donna A. Parks, Assessors-Selectmen. Chief of Fire Dept.-Peter T. Baldwin, Plumbing Inspector-R.F.D. 1, Alton Stubbs. Road Commissioners-John Mollison, Sr. S.A.D. NO. 3-Director, Raymond D. Shute. Supt.-Unity, Gerald S. Clockedile. Auditor-Bryant M. Brown & Assoc. Director Of CiVii Emergency Preparedness-Arthur A.Butler, Jr. Health Offlcer-Vacant. Animal Control Officer-Melvin P. Cook. Planning Board-Dorothy G. Morehead, Geraldine M. Dunphy, Steven Lurie, E. Douglas Reaeter, Arthur~. tlutler, or., t.

Betty Bedell, Russell P. Lord. Municipal Cemeteries and Superintendents-Kinney Cemetery, South Brooks Cemetery, Pilley Cemetery Rose

Cemetery, Friends Cemetery; supt., Melvin P. Cook. Electrical Service-Central Maine Power Co. Telephone~ervtca-Contel of Maine, Inc.

NOTARIES Boon Claire W RFD 1 Box 161 Lloyd Cynthia RD 1 Box 2347 Ravin Donna P RFD 2 Box 1275 Cardinale Andrew RR 1 Box 510 Mehuren Janine R RR 2 Box 1263 Reynolds Jeffrey RR 1 Box 32 Eiwell Richard D Box 67 Nickerson Sherry E RFD Box 800 Story Madeline M RR 1 Box 2060 Ford Judith D Box 167 Orcutt Gloria G Box 1260 Story Wendall A RR 1 Box 2060 Hall Stephen G RFD 2 Box 120 Price Philip N RFD 1 Box 1490 Thompson Marlene RFD 1 Box 700 Hofsaes Richard F Jr RFD 2 Box 440 Quimby Raymond E Jr Box 1310 Tomlin Duke D RFD 1 Box 2230

ABATTOIRS Shute Lester


ARCHITECTS Fenney Robert C Rte 1 Box 2270


R&M Dist &Auto Body

AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Riverside Used Cars Lloyd V Stevens


Marsh River Garage Stevens Lloyd

BARBER SHOPS Wildes Joseph

BEAUTY SHOPS Gerry’s RFD 1 Norma’s Country Styles RFD 2

BOTTLERS Maine Springs Natural Spring Water

Inc Box 620


Hills Milton B Lumber Paul’s True Value Hardware

CAMPS-SUMMER Fair Have” Lake


CERAMIC PRODUCTS Stubbs Ceramic Shop

CLINICS Jewel1 Arthur Community Health



Brooks Graphics W Main St RFD 1 Box 90

CLOTHING-MFRS Seven Needles RR 1 Box 660


Contracting PO Box 216 McCormick Barry A RFD 1 Northeast Equipment &Supply Co

RFD 1 Parks Gregory W RR 1 Box 2645 Reynolds Frank Tuthill Robert



Craft works we 7 Maudine’s Craft Shop RR 1

DENTISTS Farrell Donald B Jewel1 Dental Office

FLORISTS-RETAIL Roberts Greenhouse

GAS COMPANIES Goguen’s Gas Service PO Box 207

GIFT SHOPS Calico Goose

GOLF COURSES Country View Golf Club Rte 7

GROCERS-RETAIL Brooks IGA Wentworth J P General Store InC


coastal Maine Outfitters Inc RFD 1 Box 2360



Grossman James PA/C

POTTERS Pequog Pottery PO Box 123 Starflower Pottery RFD 1 Box 1360


Little Letter Press/Robin Hood Books RFD 2 Box 330


Thomas-Smith 0 M Rte 7

REAL ESTATE Kenney Albert L


Calico’s Ridge House Rte 7 Gallagher’s Galley

SCHOOLS-PRIVATE Fafard Bertrand (music lessons)

PO Box 147


Brooks Outdoor Store

TRUCKING Cross Trucking Drummond Theodore E RR 1 Box



Brooks Windblade 5 So Main St PO Box 221


04921 (Edited by Hazel Humphrey)

Twelve miles northwest of Belfast. Settled in 1799 by J. Roberts from Buckfield. Planlatron name Washington. Incorporated the 219th town, December 10, 1816. and named in honor of Gov. Brooks of Massachusetts.

1970-Population. 751, Valuation, $407,645 19&T--Population, 604; Valuation, $10,300,000 iQQC-Population. 900; Valuation, $22,150.000 1993-Valuation. $27.700,000 1994-Population, 990: Tax Rate, $11 20; Valuation, $26,139.755 1995.96Population, 990; Tax Rate, $13 00; Valuation, $26.659.460 1996-97-Tax Rate, $13.00; Valuation, $29,055,920 1997-96-Tax Rate, $13.25; Valuation, $29.442.320 199%99-Tax Rate, $12.41; Valuation, $30,146,615 MUNICIPAL BUILDING-PO Box 5, Brooks, 04921.0005,207-722-3254. Town Hall hours-Mon. Tue, Wed, Fri 6:OOam _ 3:OOpm;

Thur 600am 7,OOpm Sat 6:OOam - 1l:OO noon Town meeting: Third Monday In March. Town fiscal year, February 1 - January 31. Town tax year, February 1 - January 31

Electrical Service-Central Maine Power Co Telephone Service-GTE of Maine Postmaster-Pauline A Ravin, PO Box 9998, Brooks, ME 04921,207-722-3670 Selectmen- Steven Heggstrom. Stephen Hall, Stephen Roache Town Clerk-Hazel E Humphrey Animal Control Officers-Clayton Kuhn Jr, Jennifer Kuhn Assessors-Selectmen Auditors-Hollingsworth 6 Willey. CPA, PA, Bangor Emergency Management Agency-Arthur A Butler Jr Fire Chtef-Roscoe Kenney Municipal Cemeteries and Superintendents-George Littlefied, Supt, Krnney Cemetery South Brooks Cemetery, Pilley

Cemetery. Rose Cemetery, Friends Cemetery Wentworth Cemetery Planning Board- Arthur Butler Jr. Russell Lord, Steve Lurie, William B Hegstrom, Betty Tutthill Plumbing Inspector-Jeffery Cyr Registrar of Voters-Hazel E Humphrey Road Commissioner-Bradley Putnam S.A.D. No. 3 Director-Peter Baldwn School Superintendent, SAD 3-Lawrence A CoughtIn, RR 1 Box 1355. Unrty ME 04966-9734. 207.9466136 Tax Collector-Hazel E Humphrey Town Treasurer-Jocelyn Kenney Welfare Director-Selectman


Norma’s Country Styles, RR 2

BREAD&OTHERBAKERYPRODUCTS As You Wish Bakery, 3 W Mafn St, PO Box 237 ..722-3249

CAMPS-SUMMER Fax Haven Camp, Lake Passagassawaukeag, RR

2 BOX 1160 .722-3456

CHURCHES &SYNAGOGUES Brooks Bible Church, PO Box 188 ,722.3614 Jackson Congregational Church, PO Box 168. 722-3614

CONTRACTORS-BLDG Parks Gregory W. RR 1 Box 2645 ,. ,.,,. 722.3424

CONTRACTORS-GENERAL Vogel 8 Vogel Contractors, PO Box 186 ,....,....,. 722-3226

CRAFT & HOBBY SHOPS Maudine’s Craft Shop, RR 1 ,,..,... 722.3361

DENTISTS Jewell Dental Center, Reynolds Rd ., ,,, ..722-3366

EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES & SERVICES At Work Personnel Service, Rte 7 S, PO Box 96 . . . . ...722-3566

GOLF COURSES Country View Golf Club, Rte 7 .,,. 722.3161

INDUSTRIAL EQUIP & SUPPLIES-MFRS Norturn Inc. RR 1 Box 200 ..,.... .,. ,...... 7223040

INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT &SUPPLIES Syn-Tech Systems Inc. Route 137. RR 1 Box 1435.

Thorndike 722.3090

MACHINERY MFRSlMACHlNE SHOPS Thomas Barn Equipment, Route 7, PO Box 95 722-3505

POTTERY-RETAIL & WHOL Pequog Pottery PO Box 123

PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS-MFRS Parks Builder Greg, RR 1 Box 2645 722-3424

PRINTERS-BOOK&COMMERCIAL Brooks Graphics, RR 1 Box 90 ,........_........................ 722.3474

RESTAURANTS Angelina’s, RR 2 Box 330 ..,................................,...,.. 5663252

SAFES &VAULTS AT M Cash Dispensers Inc, PO Box 70 722-3996

SCHOOLS & EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Fafard Bertrand (mustc lessons), PO Box 147

TRUCKING Drummond Theodore E, RR 1 Box 1860 722.3416

WOOD PRODUCTS-MFRS Baldwin Apple Ladders, Hall Hill Rd. PO Box 177. 722-3654


(Edited by Jane McLaughlin)

T&e milCS northwest of Belfast Settled in 1799 by J. Roberts from BuckfIeld Plantation name Washington. Inco:porafed the 219th town, December 10, 1816. and named in honor of Gov. Brooks of Massachusetts

:B’l&-Population, 751: Valuation. S407.645 I?&-Pwulatlon. 804. Valuation. S10,300.000 I%-Population. 900: Valuation. $22.150.000 :SBB-ZO-Valuation. 528.556.755: Tax Rate. $14.00 i%Uill-Population, 1,022: Valuahon. S28.969.686, Tax Rata. $18 50 >%?O:-02-Population, 1.000: Valuation. $29.297.512. Tax Rate, S20.75 >%03--Populatlon 1,000; Valuation. $34537,321: Tax Rate. $16 50 ZC%Od-Population. 1.022. Valuation, S37.702.376. Tax Rate, $17.90 MUNICIPAL BUILDING-PO BOX 5. Brooks, 04921-0005, 207-722-3254, FAX: 207-722-3238, E-mall. townofbrooks@acadia.net.

Town Hall hours-TuesNVed 8:OOam - 3:OOpm. Thurs 8:OOam 6:30pm: Fti 8,OOarn l.OOpm. Sat 8:OOam . 12:OOpm lawn meeting. March Town fiscal year, February 1 - Januav 31. Town tax year April 1 - March 31

ElectrIcal Service-Central Maine Power Co Telephone Service-Fairpomt New England PoatmaSter--huline A Ravin, 20 Purple Heart Hwy. Brooks. ME 04921, 207-722-3670 Selectmen- Ben Lufkin, Stephen Hall. Linda Lord Town Clerk-Jane McLaughlm Animal Control Officer-Alden Brown Assessors-Selectmen Auditors-Holltngsworh 8 Wllley. CPA. PA, Bangor, ME Emergency Management Agency-Arthur A Euler Jr Fire Chief-Harold Saucier Munlctpal Cemeteries and Superintendents--George Llttlefled. Supt. Klnrley Cemetery. South Brooks Cemetery Ptllcy

Zevetey, Rose Cemetery Friends Cemetery, Wentwoflh Cemelery Planning Board-Duke Slmoneati. Chair Steve Lurie. Isabel McKay. George Littlefteld, Stonhen Llttloileld Plumbing Inspector-Randy Hall Registrar of Voters-Jane McLaughtm Road Commissloner-Edw A Cross S.A.D. No. 3 Director-Russ Lloyd School Superintendent, SAD 3-Dr Daniel Lee, 74 School St. Umty, ME 04988-9734, 207-948-6136 Tax Collector-Jane Mclaughlln Town Treasurer--Barbara Moody Welfare Director-Selectman

CAMPS-SUMMER CHURCHES & SYNAGOGUES !a!r Haven Camp, Lake Passagassawaukeag. 81 First Conqregallonal Church Of Brooks, PO Box

W FaIrhaven Ln ._..._...._..... ..,._......... 722-3456

CLINICS & HEALTH CARE SERVICES Jewel1 Community Health Ctr Arthur, PO Box 159 . . ...722-3488

EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES & SERVICES At Work Personnel Service, PO Box 96 722.3568 At Work Personnel Service, PO Box 96 474-5521

GOLF COURSES Country View Golf Club. 178 Moosehead Trail Hwy 722-3161

INDUSTRIAL EQUIP & SUPPLIES-MFRS Norturn lnc, 181 Purple Hear? Hwy... 722-3040

MACHINERY MFRSIMACHINE SHOPS Thomas Bandsaw Mllis, Route 7. PO Box 95. 722.3505

188. .,.. ,722.3614

PHYSICIANS &SURGEONS Love Walter A Jewel1 Commumty Health Center,

PO Box 158 ..,............i............. 800-370-0102

POl-rERY-RETAIL & WHOL Pequog Pottery, PO Box 123

PRINTERS-BOOK & COMMERCIAL Brooks Graphics, 65 Purple Heart Hwy ,. 722-3474

WOOD PRODUCTS-MFRS BaldwIn Apple Ladders, 75 Hail Hill Rd. PO Box

177 722.3654

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