1968 cn schedule

Post on 15-Nov-2014






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Canadian National Railway timetable, Aprl 28, 1968 - October 26, 1968.


Cah.dian National R€ilw.ys

f6h aprit2a, b o.tob€r 26,196a.

Indicateur du Canaclien National

du 2A.vril au 26 octobe t96a.

travelivingI'art de


Th..a3€lorcx Trav.llvlns"!h s lh. mosl 16rax iq, nostenjoy-'

tav.l, Comlort and plsasuF allth. way, Tampiino m€as. Tlp-top3arvlc6, Oi lonsff disbncofiains,Hospllaliry Hou.s, Kiddi6s Hours,

Sc .n rc . . . soph is i ca tad . , , sa l rE -lyinq, CN 'Truv€livinq -lh.onry

L a l t d . voyas . r . . . pa r l . C | | |C6sr a lacoi do voyaqor !a prusrcpGanb,la plG asdabl6,iap us6conomiquo, Coilod o6rsil..Cuis n6 ds qualil6, Seruico d€ p16-mid ordrs, Et sur l6s lon$ parcouG: la paus.-cal6,l'hourc d6s

Savol, pronbr d. la borui6 d€s

rnsmsnb d un rovaq6 par 16 CN

General Information - Renseignernents g6n6raux

'n bGckeb ( ) in ihe sdron c

condirionar stop and you shou


A l l t r a i r c lG red in th i s t ims rab reca r , / . oaches .

ro sbow deFrurc oid rrivdriimes. Exampe0700 k 7 a .m ,1200 s t 2 noon ,1


sukez d'abod findex {pas* 45 a 43).

hEses } a suitg du nofr d,Une qarc rcnvoie,re des corespondances.

rer €st facutratif et vous devez vqus ,epotrer

syMBoLEs: tr idporte d en rnlr compre I Lsur sisniricaiion *rdonnde dans

coMpostTtoN DEs TnAlNSj Von passs 37 ) ao.

ToUs LEs TRATNS conprcnne


nepr6seniarions comhercjar€s

clv 15 3i




srbm Fod6i{A) Ne.203 prh, ld i cdiddd hdrdeq lAlNq 203 /nerh6du cq4qaq

Gonnecting ServicesFor the convenience ol our passengers, CN recommends

the connecting services shown below.


GorrespondancesLe CN recommande les servrces

cofi espondants ci_dessous















; Tatrleau

1 5

601 4

1 951

601 8

1 5

601 4

t 561

601 4

t 5613




07 4509 00

09 001 6 1 5

07 2009 45

09 001a 30

18 4509 00

09 001 6 1 5

13 3009 00

09 001 6 1 5

13 3018 35

'l /t 0516 50

1 7 1 523 55

23 5508 30

08 30't3 59

13 59t9 00

09 t015 41

13 5922 05

0a 3013 59

Depar t ins Ar l i v insD€pa.t Arriv6e






13 5908 00

08 3013 59

13 591 3 1 0

1 A 2 520 30

1 6 0 021 55

20 3007 30

07 3011 45

I" -T?Pb T.ain













Depa.t ins Atr iv ingD6part Arriv€e

23 55 07 3008 30 13 45

16 50 22 2523 55 07 30

23 55 07 300a c0 19 10

11 00 22 5523 55 07 30

t7 05 19 3522 OO ra 30





1 02


't1 001 3 1 0

23 3008 00

1't 0023 15

22 0009 001 7 1 5

1 7 1 523 5508 00

21 001 6 1 5

18 202 3 1 5

07 s921 10

07 001 9 1 0

22 5506 20

08 30t3 592 0 1 4

20 3007 301 9 1 0

09 001 3 1 0

13 4509 00

l 5a214




1061 4

1 1105

O Aprit 2a tu June 21 and September 10 to October 26.

O June 22 to Septehber 9 .For comDtete details resalding transportation and ac.ommodationchardes ;nd alternate c;nneciions. ilease consult vour autho'lzedTrav;l Aqent ot CN Passenser sales Offr.e.

O Du 28 av . i l au 2 l iu in e t du l0 septembre au 26 oc tobre .

@ Du 22 juan au 9 septehb.e.Se rense iqne. aupFes d 'une asence de voyases accr€d i t€e ou d uh bu-ea! de Ventes VoyaqeuB du CN quant aux tarirs (transPort et places*servees) et aux autres services correspondants.

Why be a prisonerof the road ?There 's no need to sentence yourse l f to hours o ftens ion beh ind the whee l when vou can t rave lrelaxed in CN "Traveliving', comfoh and have theuse of your own car at destination. That,s the CNCAR-GO-RAIL way to travet in Canada.It 's the faster . . . safer . . . better way to coverlong distances, Saves wear and tear on vour car. . . ex t ra mi leage . . . d r i v ing hazards AND f rayedtemDers !You can re lax and have fun f rom the moment vouboard a CN t ra in . And ar r i ve a t vour des t ina t - ioncompletely refreshed.And. CN's CAR-GO-RAIL p tan is so inexpens ive .Rock-bot tom Red, Whi te and B lue passengerla res , and a barga in ra te fo r the car , make aneasy .on . the-pocket t rave l package. l t ' s f lex ib letoo . . . d r i ve one way i f you l i ke , and le t CN pam.per you lo r the res t o f the t r ip .Check these sample CAR-GO.RAIL automobitetransporta,tion rates then call your TravelAg.ent or CN Passenger Sales Oflice-for furtherlnTorma on-

Pourquoi vous faireesclave de la route ?Pourquoi vous condamner a des heures de ten_sion,nerveuse quand vous pouvez rouler par fa i te_ment d6tendu, et prof i ter de votre vo i ture au boutdu voyage, grace au service TRATN-AUTO du CN?ll n'est, pour les longs parcours, de moyen plusrapide ou p lus s0r , qu i vous m6nage autant , vouset votre voiture. Un voyage par ItCN est un telprarsrr que vous arr ivez a dest inat ion f ra is commeune rose !Les tarifs TRAIN.AUTO sont nettement avanta_geux, comme vous pouvez le constater sur lebardme cj-dessous. pour votre auto, tarifs sp6-c iarx, pour vous, tar i fs Rouge, Blanc, Bleu , . .L t a vous ta l iber td: vous avez le choix entre con-dui re ou vous fa i fe dor lo ter pendant I 'une oul'autre partje du trajet.Renseignez-vous sans tarder auprds d,une agencede voyages accr6dit6e ou d,un bureau de VentesVoyageurs du CN.

*CAR-GO-RAIL ONE-WAY AUTOMOBITE CHARGESRound-tr ip charges are approximately 60% addit ional to one-way chafges,

*PRIX DU TRANSPORT DE L 'AUTO SUR PARCOURS SIMPLELe prix de I 'al ler et retour n,excdde que de 60 p. cent environ celui du parcours stmpte.

WheelbaseEmpatlem6nt Hali fax Iltohcton Mont16al Torohto Winripeg Saskatoon Edmonton

Montrdal114/ ' and under/114,, et moihs- _ _ ' . -Over 114"/114,, et ptus


_ - . :


l v1 5 0




i 5 0Toronto

114" and under/114,, et moins

Over 114" /114, ,e t p lus

Wnnipeg114'/ 6nd under/114,, et moins 155 150 100 90Over 114"/114,, et ptus 185 1 U 5

SaskatoonI l4" and under/114,,et moins 165 r20Over 114"/114,/ et ptus 200 160 140

Edmonton1 14 ' l and unde r / I 14 , , e t mo ins 1a0Over 114'r l114,/ et plus 220 175 65

Vancouvef114 ' and unde r /114 , , e t mo ins 220 2 L O 170 105 80 55Over 114 " /114 , , e i p l us 260 250 210 205 120 90 50

'Maximum ov6Ell lengih 20 teet. Msximum height 63 inches.

CI Car .Go-Ba i i ra t€s cover t ranspor ta t :on o t au torob ie . pay o . ty th rs and CN,s€rs r -on- the , poche l Dassenger fa r6s , w i tn a min ,mun o f one aout t passe.ger ,a re .r f rc€s are subJ6c t to cha.ge ,

"Longueur hors rout maximumr 20 pieds_ Hauieur maximum: 63 pouc6s.Le r . r i l r ra in.ar to co!{e ter la lspo4 de vot ,e vo rure. Combine dvec tes tar ts vova_

iTil'fi"J"",j1M',',1;'lir""li'J;""'J,:".*l?!l**'* !eminimumpourvavond.6:r?

A T L A N T I C p R o v l N c E s - P R O V I N C E S D E L ' A T t A N T I O U E

e l o lO.ily



e t o l IMil€s N6wforndlrnd DAYUGH'r Tlmo

H€!r€ avaic€E doMillos Ter6-Nouvo

e l 0 2


MZ04 a lo?D. i l y

/ t 6 l l

6 27l t 6 1 2r7 00

/ r 9 5 l

2 l os

! 2r ro: 0 0 t ar 00 rl0* 00 55I OI 08r 0t 40i 0r 53

! . r o 2 3 o

! 0 1 4 5i 05 28

: ,3: l;! 0 6 1 8ii /07 15

07 40: toB t9.i .sg ?t- ' i 6 i 6r r0 00f- l? 3i- 40r J12 29r ' i i i ;i i i i i

I 15 05; 1 5 2 0' t5 27

f l1 ta

t 1 1 5

,al8 05

n 8 2 lt012t 9 t 5

.fl9 40

i iii:- iliei 2 l t5

t t23 58

M| 30- 02 30

i 3ti85 #r;_i

06 13,l /0610. 08 00-. 08 a5

{ 8;i8t l 0 l 0: l l ,10

: ii6!a riiiil o r 1 5 2 5

l i t f . t2

i r { ro5 2n20L 20 3!

1 2tt23' :

23 t5

23 48

00 0800 16

00 40

0 l 5 00z 16

02 zf

03 20


l;)cr.*.,rr,. oor. . .Port Blandtord.T6m Nolaal€rend6r B.y.


G.nde.Al6nwoodNolre Dams Jct .Noris Afn

ffilBi'h.r'r F.trt'

G f . n d F . l t .Bds€r

Mi l l . r t wn.rot ,Gatf ToDsailKt!Y. Brook

Howl.vD60r LakaPa3.d6na

ffi lc-*.:-.t . . .Cur l in0Tow6r Lrn6Spruc€ arook .Gallant'sHady',s Brook.Black Duck

St.rh.nvlll. Crrt.lns

, 2 3 3 0 0 0; o'00 ta 19. I1 8 8 ! 8 i 3 i: 8 l !81 418I 0 r 5 l I 6 . 6

: ..oi io ia 0i - / 1 98.1

t 0 l . I- 0 1 3 5 t 0 . 2

i g i i ! | r r r; 05 28 150.9i ,8i i3 181 !.I ,"tig | )3? I: 07 40 l 2 l2 9E'gEi| il',^Zt / 0 9 r 0 1 2 5 3 8i 9 i l9 lzoz Il : t i ; ; l3t ! :3 ,u,g t{9 Ii iii11 14a Bli iil; ll?! q1' r 187.2I 1505 , ^ ( :

i i i i 4os oI t 420 .6I v r616 j 13 :3

. 418.2^ r ? r 0 l 4 ; g A

I ^/t7 t0 I 459.1I r 469.0

^ f l151 473.1

.,[ " lX/.llI r 1 4 8 2 ?I t 484 5^,113, x8( g

^ l t l 5 1 5 2 . 9I ^ 2000 ! t?? I| | 20 l l t ?8 .2

519 02 1 0 5 1 5 1 7 8

l rus . r ru .I sat.

] F

E i!?!gl iiniI '8i,lii J0523. 05 t0t 04 4l

i ,lii!i i?iHs 8ti9-i

i00 t2q 4l,ei, r'rt.i6i Biz1 2 t 2 5: 2 1 0 0: ?g;g2 ri5iit! 'ii l8= 16 35: t: !9

t 1 5 2 7

,r|r 34I t12Z


/l i ?l

A2 5lt2 t5

/ t2 30rt2 24

l 2 l 6fiz08j'l l l,l.,/10 5a

.fl0 40t0 25

t0 00




t g





t 0a0



00 !(t2t 0lt223ir 2 2 I ttz? Q\t20 2l

,t -.l7 3 lt 6 2 l

ta I 'l t 0 lB l l1? 1l12 21u 2 1t 0 50 2

0 t l0 8 20 8 00 6 30 5 4

toa 3,/03 50 3 20 2 3

0 0 1232

!23 0

) i o!


2 0 t

t 9 {

t 9 2t 9 2

t 9 c


i r r

t i t

i r'r988-. t06)9E rlt11: ' . i t i ii ' B f dr 0 1 l l: 0 1 2 65 .f0l58; 9l !t: ili!! 6i i6i 0 r r 0F 00 32n 00 r?i t23 40

2 rii19z'3ligt 21 00d 20 {0.r !! !9: /t8 40i /18 l0! t ]?9! ie iEi 15 50o t 5 1 5

l l5 27

. / t114l a 2 2

t 3 l 8

!13 ?tI ] t l

t lz5lt2 t5

.fl2 30|2 2at 2 r 6

l l2 08

, / l t t 4.ft0 54

/ao|0l0 25t0 00

Daily I D.ilyot,o1..

I ouot.

55 Z3l0t755 L 0610


Do Pt-ru!-B^3ours, flrlt XDTAf NoirH sYDrEv, n.s. aDT

Dai ly o . i l youoi.

I arit.

0655 | l t l 023 a5 l l 55


AdEi.ti.n d..d a ! . 4 d u t t . v c r . i . r ' L r f a ret '.ut:'.rrectu.r .uFret d6r bur..sr d. aitrd

F r . t . h r . r . H r r . n b . . r r r . h . u E p . l o , r i . . . l l i n t

rln.. Adv.nc. t.r.rvrtlont.r ?...rv:ti.nt b.iw..r tl..th Svdn.v .'d.P'rt, ! r 8 . . { u . t n . Y t . t . . u r



B0020 00


st. John'r Goo3o BaYj Nain.L.wi.r.rt€-corn6r Brook; Nai.: croqu6.af.enrl. Placsnta Bav-Wesl Runj Pod-aui-BesqL63i South Coast: To(€n@

vi l lo : Famer ,sch.dgr.. .r ix .-r.undl.Fd co..t.l S.rvie.. .ro 'sttintbl' rttF tnv

sE iv tcEs cOTlE is DE TEi ic_xEUvE

L.t bu...!!d. blllci.d! CH t!!.nl.t.ntl.t h!r.ir'td" ttrvl"! "{l'rrd6

uer. ven. ! iDrh. .i : :

D 0 d F i =


{5 Ront-a-Car S.rvic6.

, Tussday, Thursday, saturdrv,

I Monday, Thursday, saludaY

NDT Nosfoundland DAYLtGHI Tih€.

AD.r Atlantic DAYLIGHT Tim€.^ E €c tvo s€or . , a r ' vos sp tucB Broo( l6 l l ; s t6p '€1v i lL6 c ro ts ino 1700 i-

5t.""do,i."i.ri rzr6i riinni iia5i Robi;so; " i8o5i-9r. Fi{an'3 r82li$urh 8ri"c; iiiSr Dovrst le10 i,no sr' And'6w s lgsl

N o t E : r l c w l o u h d l . ' d i l 6 r r t h . w n . n t h l . t . t ' r r ' T h i ' r v M l ^ u t "rlrtlr rh.h Arlrnti. DAYLIGHT Tim.


d=i Looetion d6 voiturd 6rn6 chaunorr.O artfoi.

c L6s nardi6, j6Lrdis, samodl..

I Los lund 3 , loud is , samodrs

NDT Heurs do avANcEE d€ Tor€-NeuveaDT H6ur6 avl caE do l'AlL.niiqu€-

^ A comoier du / i€et ar' Sp'uc6 B-oo. l6hl l : S€ono'vil 6Crossino l7h00i- et:"a;[;;ut-17;ii, F 'ih;rii7h.5j qobini6;"s l8h05i st Finia''s l8h2li.i,,t,iarr.il lqii:; oov'o s Ith.o: si And'ew's l9h5l

lloi.:-L'h.ur. d. Torrc_l{.uv. ..t.n .vrn" dt ir'nto dinst" 'qrI 'hcu?. .v .nc5 . d . I 'A t l .n t l lu . .

A T T A N T I C P R O V I N C E S _ P R O V I N C E g D E L ' A T L A N T I O U E


^ t ^

c 60t- I l9-0604 | n602Oai ly DaiLy

l lot ouor '

ac^.o' 2

l 9 -'3: lr ,

i " * aiantd DAyLrGHrrme

Quot . M i l le ! H€ureAVANCEEd€tAf lan t iqu .


, t 6 O l .t 8


t 8 -G 6 0 lOailyQuot.



il7 16

t8 05r 8 t 5

flE 29

/r8 {3

^8 58

t9 20, 9 l 0

fli 1fJt9 52/ t9 56t20 0z

120 28/20 3:


l l 3 0

t3 55l{ 00

na 08

l t a 2 a

I ta 49


f l5 06f l5 t3

5 2 1".15 3l1t513t5 57

.7 t6 00,r t6 01l 6 r 5t 5 t 9

.fl6 30

i t 6 1 2n6 a7t5 59

I l l t 1

l t1 28

i ot"08 28

II1 . .I

109 56I .

l j ro r l;i t r r o

l e l l l 5

l n

i 1l a t 2 0 2

: . .

3 . .i t 3 t 5I13 30


: t 1 5 0t 5 t 5

fl5 32fl5 37^ 5 1 1f t 5 a 7

.fl6 t3/ t6 r81t622t6 30

! t 0 1 8

' ! r i iz


iB 05l

t 1 t 5t 5 t 5

fl5 32fl5 37^ 5 1 11t517

n 5 t 3.r l6 t8fl6 22t6 30

07 20

08 05

/09 t3

t0 27

t9 00

t8 25

, / t6 35


! . . ^ .

i r 5 ?0


--: rr 3l


g l

3 B r 0

! r i : o30

,| 07.r't | 0lr'lO 57,rt0 50I0 J lf lo 24flo 2l

l 0 r 5

22 05

2 t l o

0l 55. /01160l 270 t t 9

l0t t2

_r00 5 |

. /00l l

t00 2l

/00 13./00 06123 56t2316r2l3823 29

123 2aJ23 2'2 3 1 023 06

t22 38

r22 t l

lzt 5a

t2t 13

2t 262 t t 7

r2t 0!

n9 1!


r i i i 6E




!2031_t?0 2520 20r 9 t 5

f l a 5 2la 16t1812./ r8 35' 8 t 9118 13_rr8 08'8 05l8 00

t5 0tt4 0!

^3 37_rt3 3 ln3 ?7,at3 20.at3 01! t2 58^2 5)

t2 a5

REFEFEI{CE MARKS_TABLES 2.'.> R6rt-a"Car Sorvico, O No ch€ckod ba00a0e,

O Moar Sialion_ e Snack countor./ StoDs o. sig.al- M Mix€d triin,A Un i i l Jun6 27 and a f to r S .p t .2 .B Juno 28-S6pr .2 inc t .


& Loc.lion de voituros sans chautr6lr.O N6 pfond pa6 d6 baoaqor6nreoisir6s_O Bufiet. e Cass€-croote,/ Afi6i racultatif. M Train mixi6.

A Jusqo au 27 juin 6r aprds t€ 2 s6!1.a ou 28 juin au 2 s6pt- inct.


3Atlanii6 DAYLIGHt Time

H6qro avaNc€E d6 fAitantiquo

23 59

23 tl

2 3 2 l2) t2?t 9t2218

,2-2^?!22 tO2l 10201520 t019 38r t t 0t9 001 8 t 018 30t8 00

3AErcopt Sonday,Tous tos jours saut dimenchos

New...fl. - ch.rh.m - Loqri.vi . M.t.h.trT.rj Co. (8)

E.thorrt - Tn€d i. - c ro!...r.r Mot.r C.ich Litr. (8)

C.rwo.kr . Slnny !r.. ti.to! C.u^r, Au, S..vic.

Bus will conne.i wiih CN Trains at N6w ctasoo! aid St€tirddn, (2)

c0rcspondanc€ av6c l6slrains dLr CN i New ctasoow ot i Stetiarton.

l.i l Tic*.tr hon.urod, ft.nd Era!.s..hty, N. p.r, o.r.i.d,

B i t r e t d . r r : a n v . t . b t . . , A . r . 9 6 r m . r n s ! b h . n t ,

L.. chienr .t 1.. p.titr .nid.ur '6..nr ,r.,.Gopt6. a t,.nr.!r,t.!;!nr.

Condult CN Aoents. Co^suller t,ao6nt du CN.

6 r 3Oai'y

? MoilcTolr - sAtNT J0Htt (SAD|T-JEAN)

4Mil6s Aitantic DAyLlcHr


Mi l l$ Hour6AVANCEEd€t ,A t lan t iqLr€

6 t 4

t8 35

r 8 5 l18 55t9 02

r 9 2 9


t9 552 0 t l

20 30

0 8 3 0

08 15j'08:1908 55

,r09 090920

09 t2

09'1a,/09 59

l o r 5

0 0 00 Monct.n, .8. O 65^ 8 , 8 , 9 )

18 | B ' re r c iad622 9 P€r Lcodiac

lc L Penobsqu 3

5! | AoohEaui56 .6 Nor ton61 6 Bloomfiold61.3 Hamr ton80 5 Both€say86 2 co dbrook89.1 l r s . in t John. N. t .

{st-.,.rn) O li=tor6h..to (c.mp c.lctoen)

R.il Tick€ts honoured on SrrT bus6s io and kom S.int John.

Bill€ts d6irai. v.labl6s dan3 t€s autobus SMT i d€st,6t on pro!, de S!-J6e.,

l5 00

r 5 4 l^5 34t5 28


t22 2222 t7

122012t 5 l

2t 38-.1^.

t2t t2

2t o0

t5 03ra 48r115t4 t 9t l t zta 05


A T T A N T I C P R O V I N C E S _ P N ' O V I N C E S D E L ' A T T A N T I Q U E



Allaniic DAYLIGHT Time

Millos Heur6 ava caE d6 |Allantiqle

,j|,iililiif"#:,,"ir1, ,, , $14.0 Dp rruro (2,9) | '110.7 orr . rd . lc i .121.6 sFrrnthi l r J . t

3llch..t"tt€towh, P E.t.Bu'(10)i t

/nA Amh. r5 ! . N s (10)

i38'i ' i,t*lli:8 *',3',r' e, Dptp s.intJchn, rl3 (st'J.an) (1) ̂ r

' '0 1 0 5

I o0 12/ 0 0 3 1r 2 1 5 9

23 5l

? 3 1 1t 2121

?l !9I Z73a

22 t522 002l 122t 2f2t 02

J 20 4g., 20 34

20 21

J 20 08J 19 56

I9r l518 30

t t8 02,f t7 50

t 7 1 l/ t 7 t l

t 7 t 9t7 00l6 49i 6 2 9

I t602t5 40t 5 2 0t5 03r 5 0 3t 3 r 8

t2 o0

05 l0.r 05 30-r 05 38

06 080 6 1 90 6 3 206 5l07 0807 ?o0712

x 0 7 1 5. 0 8 0 2

0 8 1 508 3008 5l09 l009 33

./ 09 5lx l0 09

l0 ?1

x t 0 4 lr l O 5 1

l t t 0t0 25

. / t0 35,r 1010-r t0 49

l0 58. l . | l 0 6

l t 2 0l l l sl | 5 0t 2 t 0t2 {5B t 5B 2 5r 3 4 t

i i 3l

! 0400 L 0550; 03.15

I 05ls

o 0 l13 0505

. Uilil Juie 21 and ailer September 9. Soe Train Nos lS aid !9

r Jusqu 'au2 l ju in e i aprds 16 9 sopt6mbr€ vo i r t ra insNos18e l l9o.e.n lAllcoach s6ats rcseru€d at no erlra cha4o fgr distances ov€r 250 mil€6

SL1il,lir",*"*"tr"" is*t!ii6) d€s p1acs6 coach est oblioaioirc sui parcoure de250i1irl6s ou pru!

0t 55ot 2720 2020 10t 8 1 6tB 27

18 05t7 4216 50


092509 r0

J 0 8 5 108 3708 08

0T 27



0o 5l00 I l

vzt 352120


A T T A N T I C P R O V I N C E S - P R , O V I N C E S D E L ' A T T A N T I A U E


o o

t 9 - t 5

Dai ly


t 8


9Allantic DAYIIGHT Tim6

Heuf6 AvaNcEE de rA antique





t9 00l8 25

l 5 2 5t5 20l 1 3 lr 3 t 5t 3 t 0

50l t 2 509 5009 2809 t008 2008 0006 4205 5l04 580 4 1 20 l 2 503 t002 400 t l 5

22 08t ! 55l7 tlot7 D5t6 30

. 08 28

. f 09 56

. l0 49r l l l 0

. \ ? e ?I t 3 l 0. t4 50

t 5 r 5. 1 6 3 0

t 7 0 5t7 20E 2 5l8 45t 9 5 520 50zt 4322 3l2) 2023 1000 15211000 59

| 02 1205 0507 0007 35

' 0 8 1 508 30

1 9 !

EDT] l|

Da i i y


Da i ly


t ocN ch:.t6r BG s..vic?

A t l a n i i c o A Y L t c H T T i m 6 .

I - i . i 3 . h p n r . u t . b ! .

Houro avANcEE d6 rAtiafiiquo

t6 20

tt 19l,l l01125

t3 50


t5 50

l4 501115t3 50t 3 1 0l 3 r 0E 0 5

t2 00



005020t 5

t 0

t 0 t 0

| l t 0| | 3 01225t 2 3 013 0013 05

l 1 I 0

t8 20

r 9 r 0r 9 t 520 r02 0 t 5201520 50

2t 55

r0 00r0 50| | 0 0| | 5 5t2 00rz 30t2 l5


18 30

t9 30l9 50201520 502 t 2 0

22 30

22 052t l0

r t9 43t9 00l 8 l 5

-: t8 29i t7 t8

i t5 05, I t4 15. i t i6! l? 30; 10t 20

tr .br .8

i br..u I

? , 1

o at 8 l 0

B . n d b r $ . s . . n t y - B a s a g 6 i h . i n . e u t € m € n t .


I t 9

Dai iy


| l 9 - t 7


I t 8l lA T I A N I i C D A Y L I G H T T J M €

Heure AvANcEE de ,A|antiq!6


2 t l 0?2 0122 212? !'23 t000 t20 r 1 902 000 t t 503 3504 00

05 530 6 l l07 t507 30

0 0 Drr Gar,., ou.-7 5 Doudlastown

?4 9 aa 'a iho i6

50.1 Grand€.R v ie r6

8 i 7 Por t -Dan i€rql I St. Godf,ol04 .2 f i iN€w cr . f t ! rc

t l t a qonav€. iu re

34 5 N6w B ichmohi41 .6 Cas.ao6d i .

) 4 9 2 M a r a157 8 c$re t .h166 I No lve t t6189 5 crosr Point202 2 M.t.r.dra. ou.,

l5 35

t { 4 lt 1 t 0t3 t7t J 2 7 ,13 09 -a12 39 3

l i88 i2 9 i

i t ! iNt0 25t 0 t 009 5209 3508 5l08 20


l 2CN Ch.rt.. qut S€rvi..

Atlantic DAYLTGHT Tim6

L l a i . o n p r r . u t . b u rHeuf6 AvA CaE d6 t/At antiqu6.


0p M.civnGy (9)ar Fred€rlcr.n 0p

lo"'. , ] o",, ,

i-":"' ] "^0 5 5 0 i 2 0 3 005 00 19 t5

t4 00

t4 ' l tt5 0915 28t 5 1 61 6 0 lt6 26r5 48t 7 t 0t f 20t7 37t 7 5 6t 8 t 9t 8 1 3t 8 4 8t9 06t921i9!z

I '




t5 35

,j l ' l ' l l

a it i i\ t3 27,9,f 13 09

r l 1 2 2 l: t2 00: | | 5 0a l t 3 lI | | 0 8: t0 48- " / l 0 3 lE r 0 t 7E IO OOf 09 43

09 0l08 30


t 3

500 5 l J

i i 31 5 IL =i ;Niilit 850

H . n d b r q g . r e . n t r - B a o a q

SYMgOLES-TIBLEAUX 8 . I2re. Location de volturos s.ns chautf€ur. . Iraversier assurant ta cotr€spondanco,

r 4 t e ' ' l c r l ia i i . G p ,on . t rayan$ pour von. ron €r au_aota o :O sJr6i. 9 case-c,odre. IaaFr €si dotdnenra,,e or ti.;;; o;;;G' N€ p 'e .d pa . op ba0aqes enreo s r r€s venJn l de L6v i3 6 t d eu- t le i .

. JLsoJ au l rJ ' r e r aor is t€ ? \bp l H P 'end oava. ls Dour Lpv is € t au-oo i , o lA od 28 ju . i au Z ser . inc l - a te t €s t rasroren 'a ro

r,lusqu'auZJ juin ei aoras l€ 9 seDi. J Laiss€ pavantsvenant do L6vis etd'a!-deli,aDT H6ure AVANCaE de IA l lan t ioue.EOT HE!TC AVAHCEE dE I 'EST

r Prend payanls pou, MonFJotr €t au deti.ou I aftEt e6t r6ol€m€nia re.

r |jrss

r1 o.e"o oayanrs, ies vendrod s . 5,H::"8i"-t"

venan! d6 Monr_Jori er';;;xii*"*i:fd:+i,#i,i:."T:F"",: . tJii,isi',;ii&s:r.,fliJ*3;i"i;y,'","*c P.,€nr oa\ads @u, ru-d€ a. o€ rtun * '

Li$:",f,:]."" vo'a.r o au oeri ds sr-

r a r s s € 0 a y a n r s v e n a n f d a u - d 6 l d d € r

E L a ' $ e o a v . n l s , e n a a r o e M d . u - , i € . A .

3:i:, :: ift", :3':ia3?it,li* ", -- , F,,i;:, si"i;t:u,'3.1."",,i;""""".,1i":, "*'EOUIPMaNr - COMPOS|T|ON DES TRATNS-pases 38,39

A l'avanl-garde du Progr6s

Le Rapido, les tarils Rouge, Blanc et Bleu' leTurbo. aulant d'innovations du CN dans le do-maine voyageurs,Autre nouveaul6 dans le domaine malchandisee;les trains-blocs - chalgement et d6chargementautomatiques au d6part et i l'arriv6e, une lechni'que CN qui assure etticacite' rendement,exaclitude.vous avez des problimes de transport? Appelez-nous lout de suile!

P R O Y I N C E D E G l U E B E C


e e e

"^,.,"." rilHflr "^,.,"."62r F i .&Sat . !625


2l 552t t52t !2

! 2 t ? 4t 2 t t 5

2t 07r '2t 03

20 59

, 2 0 l 0t 2025

20 t120 t0

t i 5s

t t 40I t9 2A

t t t 619 04t9 00

| | 0 0t0 50t0 t7

./ t0 28,T IO IE

t 0 t 0t0 0309 59

/ 0 9 t 0t 0 9 2 5

09 t409 t0

o! 55

08 40,f 08 28

08 t608 0a0E 00

t5 00t 5 0 5t 5 t 8

I t5 26.r t535

t 5 4 5t 5 5 lt5 55

t t6 25! t 6 3 1

t612t6 45

I t617t7 00

t 7 2 0! t7 35

t7 17t8 00t 8 t 0

t 6Milos easiern D YLTCHT Timo

Mili6s Hour6 AVANCEE d6 fErt


qo24 622Su'r.


l *Eastern DAYLtcHT Tim€Bcuro avancEE do l'Est


22 00. a 1 2


0t 20. 0 9 3 2

7? 2022 08

t 2 2 0 02l 55

zi 192t 4?

2t 331 2 t 2 3! 2 1 1 9

2 t t 7t2t 0220 5l20 4820 3620 2720 20

t5 05^ t4 t0

t4 20

,r t4 00

13 3E1 3 1 5

t t3 22

t3 0tr I l254af l215A/|240i t2 l0

2l 202t 0E2 t 0 020 55

20 49ao. n

20 !:20 2320 t920 t320 02t9 5lt9 4E19 35li 27'? 20

! 0 7 1 507 23o7 29


06 50

t0 05

10 22

r0 46t0 49

0 l

1 t 1 9. I t l 2 7aflt 373_i 43x 5t


t 5rvriiss East rn oaY|'lcrT Tim6Mill6r Helro avaNc€E d6 l'Est


REFEREIICE MAEXS-TABLE 14-17i Exc6pt Sundat. * Daity, O Excopt Saturday and Srnda!. -. Sto0s on siqnal.

sYMBOLES-TABIEL\UX Itr.l7I Saof dimanchs. ! Qlotidi6n, O Sauf samBdis 6i dimanches,I L$ lundk, I Salf sam6dis./ Airot faculiaiif. r Les satoodic.

il N€.ircur6ia las eni.e D€ur-Nlontaones 6t Gr€nyille l8s 20 mai, le. julllol, 2 s.pnso'bo, !t

.& Locrtion d. Eiiures sanscha!fiolr, O No prond pas do b.saq€s 6nr6qisir6i.e Casse-crott6. _j 8urr6t.^ Lais3o p.yan6 venrnt d au-delr de St-Hyac ntho. Prend pa/anls lous rs jorrs Prend 6t airs. vorrs6urs l6s sam6dis.

D Toss l6slour5, lris pat?nts !€nant d'a!-dela d€ St-Hyacinihe. L6s ean6dis, pr6nd 6t lai$6voy.geurs,

E L.iss€ voYro€r6. c L€ssaB6d's. H L€s vondrodis.

07 30

07 46t 0 7 5 2

08 0l08 t20E 2308 330a 1708 5609 0709 t8

t 0 9 ) 509l809 t409 50r 0 t 5

i"^'.'*"r*'.'"."0627 I c)629

Er. Sun. Ei. Sat.

I saur d,m. saul s.m.

I o? oo l-ir 3oi / 0 6 5 0 |I 0 6 1 3 | t 9 l 0

t o s 1 5 i r t 9 0 2

06 25 tA 5206 15 t8 4205 05 t8 32. 0557 t82!

: 0 5 4 7 I t 8 1 20 t 4 r I 1 8 0 5

/ 0 5 1 t I t 7 5 1r 0517 | 17 10! 0 5 0 t | . I t 7 2 5

0 5 0 0 i t 7 2 2. . c t t 7 1 5. o t 7 t 0

I Et5 45


Fcr ro..l r.rYi.. boiw.6n Mon-i..al, M.c.t il.ral, Y.r F.y.l,C.rti.rvill6 .n.t D.ur M.nt"rsn€. Fr.r.. r.r.r tc Sub!.brn

C..rultcr l.r tndlcrt f! d.b.nll.u. F.ur ll.lt.n. M.n-tra:r/Mo6t.For.l, V.l.R.y.l,C.di.rYill. .i D.!r.M.ntr.

I ExoeDt Sxtu.day. . S.turday.I Will not op8r&to b61w6en Delx Montaqnos lnd Grenvillo May 2C, July L Sepi. 2 a.d Oct- 14.& n€nt-a-Car Sorvic€. Q No checked baooase.O M6al Siation. e Snack count6r.^ Stopstodotrarnrev€nu€passenq6rstrom€asl of St. Hyacinth6.r Siops Salurday to onlrain or detnin p*s€ng€rs. Oth6r days toontrrin revenue passsngers only.c Slopslo €nlrsin r€vonuo Oasssnoers.D Stops Safurdey ollr lo€.lra n or dotrerr pr66€.s€r5. Other dals to d€t.3rl r€v6au6 prsnoors

fdm o.3i st Hy.ci.tho,r Dotraids onlt, e Stops Saturdryonly, li aridays only,

l 7Milos Eastern DAYLICHT Tifio

N4ill6s Heure AvanCEE d6 l'Est




07 00! 0 6 5 0r 0 6 4 0

06 2l0 6 | l06 0506 00

21 002 t r 02 t t 9

2i 772t 4)2t 4a21 532t 592? 0?2 2 l 522 2322 29221222 3922 4522 5222 5523 0023 072! l52]35214123 55

r 0 0 1 3

00 3500 550t 040 t 1 40 t 2 l0r 400t 50

33 550 0 0 1 3

00 4000 4000 5000 59

. / 0 t t l0t t00 l 4 5

d o l l l

03 2l03 30

04 t0

!23 49

23 t522 55

22 3l22 t522 0)

' 2 t 4 9' 2 t 4 2? t t 920 592Q 4Q

201520 2020 00

' 'r. 05 20

05 550 6 1 5

| 06 25106321 0 6 4 5

06 57

,f 07 06t 0 7 | l

07l008 0008 20

1 2 3 0 1

221022 t021 5€2 t 5 0

2t 25


I t76



" " 1t6 30t 6 ? 5t6 08

I t 5 1 5I t942

. , t5 13t t5 27

t5 20/ 1 5 t l"r 15 05! t4 4A

t4 35l 4 1 5

I 1420

{ ! ! 9 9",/ 13 50

./ t3 38

t 12 24| 1204

t 2 0 l

t | 3 2

. t l t 2 5I l t 1 2

09I to 57

10 35l0 20l 0 l 2

t 0 9 5 609 45

.f 09 36f 0 9 3 1

09 1509 0l08 45

t0 26

t 0 l E

t0 5004

| 2 4N 4 3


l2 33t2 43t 3 t 0t124

l3 48l4 0 l14 08l 4 l lt 4 l 6t4 42t4 52t 5 t 5

07 050 7 l 007 27

07 4lI O l 4 A! 0 7 5 1

/ 0 8 0 0t 0 8 0 6

08 12./ 08 20.r 08 28./ 08 44

08 5509 00

.r 09 t5

t o i 2 9/ 0 9 4 0t 0 9 4 6

t 0 9 5 7

22 t622 0?2 1 5 i2t 402t 252 t 1 72 1 0 020 4720 z620 25

2 t 5 02 t 3 l2 t t 7?l 0620 5520 4020 322 0 t 520 02t 9 5 lt9 40


! Slnday a.d MofdaY onlY,a Mondiy only. O Snack corntor.

&i Ronla-Car Service.* oaily. I Except S.turday.1 Excopl sunday, i sunday only.0 Saturdar only, O M€slStation.^ E.tra ns for Jo lotte and boyond whero

irain is scheduled to sto0, Foaulaf stop

E Oetrains irom Joliolte and b€yond.c On. r fanqoment wr th S t i t ion Aoent w i l

enhain revonuo pass6n0e6 ror ,Jol€nea.d b€yond wh€16 kain is schoLiulod lo

D sioos dn sional 1o dotrain sl€Bpino cqrpass6n0ere ; d i l a lso dehan r€v€nuocoach 0ass€nn€rs rrom po nts D6yono

E Stops on sonal to ontrain sl€opino carDassonqe 's . on sa turdays to 6n t ra in o rdetrain coach passenoors.

q Dohains fron Pio-alx-Tr€mbl€s and

i Slops on Friday 4nd slndaY onlyJ Stops Saturdry and MondaY onlYi Stops Sunday onlY.


b D imanches e t l !nd is seu lomenta Lundis seulomeni. O auftet

€> Location do voilures sanechauifeur.* Quotidioi. I DlmancheB se(lem€nt.

1 sauf dlnafches. e casso-cronte.

{ san6dis soul6mont,^ P.snd voyaosuE pour Joli€ti€ 0t au-

de l l , o t r 1 'a (e t es l fdo lomenra i r6 Ar re t

! Laisse voya0oun vonant d€ Jolietle st

. Sur domarde .u ch€f d€ oar€, Prenddar'ants Dour Jo!i6iie 0t au-dela, on' r i ' e t es l 'do lemen ia i r€

D Laiss6 occupants des voilures-lils, ai.3iaue Davants en voitures @adr renant, i ' au-dB l i de F ' c ,€+-P€re

G Prend votageurs €n vo tures-lits L€5sam6d s , ! r6 .d e t lasse vovaoeu/s en

c La,sse voyaoeurs esnant de Point€-au(-T16mbl€s ot d'au-dela.

x V6ndted s et dimanches s6!lement.r Sanredis 6i lundis seul6mentx Ditranchss seulemonr'


t3 45t3 30

l t 2 5 a

t2 40t 1 2 2 0I t2 A5

I | 1 5t | 2 0

/ 00

/ r 0 1 5r 0 3 0

/ r 0 r 0t09 4509l0

/09 00

/08400 8 3 0

M 2 6 t

0 0 Dr alabec, ou. O e.8 9 0o Cao Rouoe5 I S t -AuouaLLn

22 5 Neuv i631 4 Donnacona38.S Por tn€ut48.4 si-Marc52.8 St -Cas imi r6 I Srpfosp6r71.8 s t -Ad6 D, r6

€0.s 6 i lH4* ' { rs .22) . . .9?.8 cou in99 { Dohonv0 4 M l e ul)7. kc Chatl l . Brochet

I ?.9 Fesilbert) 4 .7 Ron6I 9.9 . . Lac'a'Bealce .

l3a . . l 611 F i *ea t rG& . .14 I Bcauhoni149.4 Cre$man53.1 c rub ve ,h i l ion

155.0 BaDide-Blanc163.0 Lac-oafev169.2 Dqere$ i .77 4 McTavis Club .78 .2 w lnd oo81.7 Fersuaon86 I C lub WroBam

)92 6 vn .drv196.0 Dessane200.8 St. Maurlce Filer Boom242 6 weymont204 7 sahmaur249 | cann219.6 H bbard228.5 oaset2)9 | Mccarih/245.8 waooos248.4 . . wykes25r.6 iilParc"r i26) .1 T imbr€ l l266.5 Crub R i ta269 4 Sirachan271 9 Maniwawa crub?11 | Green lno?8? 8 Howard Smlih .?87 6 oskelaneo F ver .295.1 c rova301.1 coouar306 I E. soucv109.9 Monetl 8 I K a p r i a c h u a n C l u b3 9 I Bourmo.t326.9 oaiou-lacl l4 Gaononl l5 8 D i l3-41 ! Bo'se. .

156 8 Parad E164. I Pressl a Q T a B q L o d o e

> ona l181.2 M6o iscanere .8 iils**i"*" arA)o . . {'1S7.0

Belcourt l4 )4 .4 Ba aure (71)427.4 Landr ienne435 Am.s440.5 Cle/cs-S!Vidieur44T.1 v lemonte l455.8 launay

4i2. Authier479 A Macanric489. I l-a saro496.4 Duouv5a].4 La Rei;e, Ouc. .5 2 4 G o o d w i f . O i i .5? l .4 Eades524.? Mace511.9 Lowbush514 9 Lowbush River555.6 s t imson D ianond560.9 Norembeoa556.6 Browef575.8 Al c..hrane, ont. (31).



22Eastern DAYLtcBT T imo

Heur6 avANcEE de fEsi

II+ l' . l

^ l

79 1II

Dai lv I

o*t. II

09 001. 0 8 5 0 10€ 3810 8 1 7 t0 8 0 8 10 8 0 0 t07 5l l

t07 451t07 42107 t5 |

t07221r 0 7 t 6 l/ 0 7 t 3 lt 0 7 0 5 l

06 591r06 501106 47 |0 6 4 r 1

/06 32106 2410 6 t 2 l05 5710 5 4 5 !

r05 28105 20105 05105 001Dal lv I^ . i I- * l



] } . . .

t 8 l 5l 8 t 8

17 40t7 20t6 52l6 3 lt 5 5 8t5 45



]It 0 4

L l 0 5

I t 24

t 2 0t ? 3

| l lt 3 3

/ '0olbeauj4

"ooobddr"",t" sr-r6r''i"n \E !i.-chi,o,ti^i

i21- 'co

Bai,aute f'!l


t ! ,Aa) \ r',1au".-

I Tables-Tablealll

BEFEBENCE MARKS-TABLES 21.22A. Detra is from Poinie aur Trembles ann boyond,c On aransemeni wrth Siaiion Aseni wilt entra n

reEnue passenoers ror Aho.isio a.d bevondwhere tfain is sch€dul€C to sioo.

N Siops on s onalTuesday, Tnu.sdayand Saturday.r Siops io dokain revenue oa$enoe.s.t Stops on liqnal Monday, Friday, Satu.day.! StoDs on sional Monday ai, Saturday.

r Siops on sionalTuesday ana Saiunlay.? Slops on siof al Mondaj, VJeanesiayand

i Stops on siona Fridays a.:J Saiurdavs.

& Reit-a-Car Servic6+ Wi l . no t^opera ie Mondars M.y ? l Ju ly ,

a w i l l no t -opera te Tu*da ls May :1 , Ju ly l ,

SYMBOLES-TABLEAUX 2 i "22AB La ss€ voyaoeu's venant de Pto-au/-Tr6nbl€s et

c Surdon iando au chof de ar ro , p r6nd payants povrAliuntsic et au-del;, oi Iadet €st rdolenentaire.

x A(Ci tac!liaiii les frardis, jeudls €t 3amodis.

r AtrCt facultatir les lundis, vendredis ot sadedi3,L Ar€tfacultatif les lundis ot sam6dis.

i AtrCtracultatif l6s mafdis st sarnedis.r AnCl iacuLtaiif les lund s, mercredis €t samsdis.h AirCl raculialii les vendredis ot san6dis,

O Buffet.

& Location do voiiuros sanschaltfeur.+ fe crcu €ra pas l€s lufd s Z0 nai, i€r ju llot,

+ !e cncu led pas l6s m8 'd s 2 l ma i , 2 ju l€ t ,


Pacif ic Coast ServicesS,S. "PRINCE GEOBGE" (NADAA EOUIPPED)

+21 Cruises (See dates below)

Nor!:-Embarkation at vancouver commences 1900 hours Pacifio oaYlight

TIME OBSERVED IN TfIE TOWN OF SKAG\A'AY IS TWO HOURS SLOWERTHAN PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME.Connect ion mad€ al Skagway wnh Wnna Pass ano Yuton B R to Catcross and

@atociloaa ea 4ha4.a - l?68CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD,

Services cOtiers du Pacif ique.PRINCE GEoRGE" (MUNI D,UfI BADAA)

121 crois iAres (Voir tableau c i -dessous)

Not. :-f€mbatquement ;r Vancouver commsnoo ) 19h, hsurc aYanc6s du

L'HEURE DE SKAGWAY RETAROE DE DEUX HEUR€S SUR L'HEU8EAVANCEE DU PACIFIOUE.Correspordance a Sk.sw.y aYec l€ chemin de l€r White Pass and Yukon ddesli..iron de Carcross et du lac Bennett.

'Account tidal co nditions, timss d.signat€d arc subi6ct to change.'Les mar6ss pouv6nt ontrainer des retatds.


09 00

r ibo' : : o

1 6 3 013 00

'23 00'20 00

23 00

AAI€ Bay-stop is mada, tids and wearber Permrttlng.

agsc6le, sila mar6e et les oonditions atmosph€liques le perm€ttent'

Srd day3fd day3rd day

"1:.'+ttr iav

sth day

9e iour8e iour8€ jour8e io,f8e iour8e jour

7e jour^11'o"l;*'"i:"'5e lour

gth day8th day8th day8rh day8th day8th day

7th day

Ottr Oay6th day

S.S. "Princ. Georgo" Rates 1968Accommodation: cauise fare includes meals and bertli round trip fare per adult

Prix dos croisiares a bord du "Prince George' en 1968-farifs pa. personne, comprenant repas et couchette.

Cruises1 & 2 1

Croisidresl e t 2 l

Cruise Cruises Cruise Cruises Cruise2 3 , 1 9 & 2 0 4 5 & 1 8 6

Crqisiare Croisieres Croisiere Croisiares Croisilre4 6

Cruises7 to 17 incl.Croisidres7 e 17 incl.

tCruises tCroisiEres

2 3, 19 et 20 5 e t 1 8DeckPont


$465.50 ccis.n abr.oo ssstz5 -

Ee8.5o$665.00$432.25 Dehre SuiteAppaftement (de luxe"

$354.25 $381.50 $40E.75 $436.00 $463.25 $490.50 $545.00 Deluxe CabinCabine "de luxe"

$321.75 E346,50 $371.25 $396.00 $420.75 $445.50 $495,00 Deluxe Cabincabine "de luxe"

$305.50 $329,00 $352.50 $376.00 $399.50 $423.00 $470.00 Special CabinCabine sp6ciale

$211.25 $227.50 $243.i5 $216.25 $292.50 $325.00$260.00 standard CabinCabine ordinaire

$276.25 $297.50 $340.00$318.75 $361.25 $382.50 $425.00 Special CabinCabine sp6ciale

$194.35 $209.30 $224.25 $239.20 $269.10 $299.00 standard CabinCabine ordinaire


$188.50 $203.00 $217.50 $232.00 $246.s0 $26r.00 $290.00 Standard CabinCabine ordinaire

SAFETY TNFOBMATION I The S. S . "Pr ince Georse ' , rcg s le r€d i , r Can8da, meds

In t . rns t iona l Safo ly S tandsrds lo r new sh ios dove loP€d in 1960 and meets th€ 1966

liro saf etv reouirem€nts.

t {ORMES DE SECUn|TE: lmmatr icu16 au canada, le "Fdnce Georgs' t6pond auxnormes intefnationates de s6cutitd 6tablies €n 1960 ainsi qu'i cellas de 1956 sur lapr€vsnr ion des;acendies.

I N T E R , C I T Y S E R . V I C E S _ t I A I S O N S I N T E R V I T T E S 13


e l 9

Da i ly



Dai ly

^^'t l^-Ei. Sat,

e l I

Dai ly

* oe 2 l

e t 7 29Ealtorn DAYLTCHT Time

Hs!r6 avancEC d€ f&i

* i ,620

Oai ly

* oe 122-2iEx. S.t.



e l 6Dai ly


e t 2



e t a

, i o t i s , ij :Ei?8 i!

@ 1 7 t 50 1 7 4 l

26 30

@ 1 3 1 5Ol3 4,1

I5 t5t7 00

t0 20t 0 1 6t 2 t lt 3 1 5 09 59

o07 00{E07 26


Q Q 0p o!.b.!, cs.. O &br€ . ro !

. layr. O (8)l4 | Ch. .n , (8 r04 .5 o rumm.ndv i r r .

166 8 l r Mcn i f . . r , c r6 . .


07 t0

e l t 4 5@ t ' 1 8

08 30

e t 5 4 0o t 5 1 2

t 3 t 8t2 00

o20 r4@19 47

t 7 t 5

a 2 3 t 82t 3220 00

o, a5r 0 2 2 8

00 5l23 20

, ! 2 t 5 5 . !F : -,r ̂ - .E.E! : i u i u i ii i . :



r 05D&i ly

L23 l5^23l9

0t 20

o t39

O i h ,

24Milos Eaatorn DAYLTGH.r Timo

Mill.s H€u6 ava C€E do fEst

0lOt"l F"1"" Ellr"b"lh)(e!66n Etizaberh Horot)

Gar€ C6ntrd6-Contrat Siatidn0.0 0D M.n$. r r , cu . . & , : d5)

l l 5 D6rYr l L t22.0 . .st -An6e.de-.Grr6vu.in.

3e.2 6ilc.t-,LA St -Po lvcsroo50. Sle.,.ru3line Ou6.54 7 Glon nobetuan. onl.62 2 Arc r .ndr i r68 I Groonrisld71.6 rvlixville19 .5 Moos6 CB€k86.7 casselhan!l I L moo6s

t w !106.2 Carlsbad Sori.osl t5 7 tu o i i :w . , o . i . .5o (? t )


] : : :

i : . .



oT 10

0E 3l

^09 25a09 50

09 00

ot 2909 44oi iB

aio 55a 20

24Mil66 E$l6rn DAYLtCrtt

Millos H6!ro AvaNcEt d6

rHotol Chat€au Lru.i6rl0.Q !p Or,!.r., oqr. o.> o (25r

' i ?2A.6 L inooos29.0 c$!6rman16.2 Mooso Crook42 | Maxv i l lo46 9 G.6enfi6ld5 l 5 ^ r . " .d . r .61 0 Cl6n Flobort.on. Oni.65 6 St6-Justr.s. o,i72.7 . . SrPotycarpb76.5 i ; lc"t ."91 7 sr€- nn.-d..t.rr.'v. Ln

144.2 D.rr . r c15.7 Ar M..r r . . r , os. , e o r25

REFEAE CE MARKS-TAALES ?3-2lt& R€nl-a"Car Soryico,

D No checked baooaoe.o Meal station.

_ 6 snacr c!unr6r.

* Alrcoach s€rts re36d6d at no ertracharos.O No local Iramc betwee. Sto. Foy .nd Ouab4 net ons.A r"l! ocal kaqc bolw€er C6ntrat:nd Oiryrt n.r6"5.

i Sloi,s to dolrair '€v€nue par3o.os's lroh Monheat.r No rocsr pass6r0€rs c..i6d trom Montre.r Lo ohsfa

Jsn€ l4-sept. l3 incl.

SYMBOLES_TABLEAUX 23-2'& Looation d6 voitvres sans cha!fiolr.

i Ne p/erd p.s d€ baoao€s €.r€s str6s. O Burot.

* La r6Eefrarion rsrrlurr€) dos otacos coach 6tr obtioatono,(E Pas de sedica localentre St6-Fov €t Ou6bec.A Pes de s6ry'c€ rocal6nlro tvlonhaat ot-Dorvat.

^ laiss6 payants vonant d€ Monir6at,! Pas de sefr'c€ l@a €r116l6s oar€s csnLrao et d,ottrwa_

du l4 iu in au l l seo1. inc l .



I N T E R C I T Y S E R V I C E S _ L I A I S O N S I N T E R V I T L E g




Miles Easiern DAYLIGHT Tino

Mill$ Heure avaficEE d6 'Esi



Ex, Sun.


6 !

Da l ly








o45 .'649

Ex. Sat.




@ 2 t 3

Ex, Sat.ss(f sam..

*.! I

23 3000 50

04 05

05 05

406 2007 00

Ex, Sun,

5 l

,l09 0009 22

109 45l0 09


/ r t5 40t6 07

15 58

l '6 40r7 02

Lt7 4518 07

^20 3020 52

2t 4 '22 Zl

L23 3500 25

0l 22^ 02 15

0.0 D0 orbw. , on i O & (24)48 7 smi th . Fa l l rC .P. S tn . . ! .76 .2 ! . B . . .kv i l le

,t4 !t0 00


t7 05t8 00t8 40

t 2 1 . Ir 5 5 . 4t 7 4 . 5200.4222.2?34.3265.5212.2302.0106.4j2?.1135.3

0p arockvrll. &G . n a n o q ! .K i n o r t c n . &N a p a n c eB g l l o v i l l 6 &TEnto6Cobourt eaPo.t Hcpe 65Oshaw. &whitbt

G u i d w o o d Ok T o r o n t . , o n t . O / 5 e 6 , 2 9 , 3 3 ) .

06 3507 0007 2007 4508 0708 2l0E 4508 55

09 59


a t 3 3 lt l59

| 5 7

t 2 4 6

t3 35

l4 20

t i i4

a r 5 t 6t5 44

t7 18

l8 3 l

t i 2Q

20 o0

20 34

420 562 t 2 5 2l 39


622 t622 44

t 8 4 5

t9 30

20 14

20 52

2t 25

22 04

21022 3 2 l214600 t0

'Er- Sun.

02 45^ 0 1 t 3

03 4]^ 0 4 t 2

04 50

05 4005 5306 30

A06 5107 30


A No locsl rraffc bs*o€n cu ldwood a"l Totonio

No localtratric botween Cental and Dorval stauons

& Renra-car sorvice.o No ch4ked baoqaoo.O Throuoh checked baooaoo handTed only at Otlasa and To.onto

O Meal Station, e Snack coufler.* C.a.h ..at re.ervec .t

Mont.e.GT.ronto Pa$enqe..,^ stoos on sunday to detraio reven{e pass€foers,

s o .c ru t * Monc. r . Mrv 20 , J r l v L s€pt 2 and oc t 14 ih . te ,do i sund.F May 19 . Juno 10 , scp t . | ' nd oc t l lw i ' r a t3o opor . re Jun€ 23 , 24 anc auq. r , 5 .

D B,osaoo chec \€d to o ' r 'oa nrer 1eJ a te no na hrnd led on o ther i ra i_s o rv la Mont rea l sub iec t io d6ar .


a Pas do seryics looalont6 Guildrood €t Toronto,a Pas de seryic localentre Montfaalet Dorval,

& Location d6 voitlr€s sans chauffeur.o N6 pr6nd pas de baqaoos enreoislr6s-O Transpori des baoaoos o0r€olst.6s entre ottawa ol Toronlo.O Buftoi, e Casse-crooie,* L. .a..ryat!.n (sratuitE der placer co..h 6.1obl

liairen di.ocrc Mcntraal-Tcr6ni..^ Laisse oayanle lesdinanches.r C i . .u lo ra les lund is 20 t ra i , le . ju i l le t , 2 .c r rchb.e . t l4 oc tobre .u

l ies de . d ihanches l9 ma i , 30 lu in , le ' lep tombrc o t l l oc tob .ecir.ller. 6sal6ment le. 2l et 24 juin .t 4 et 5 a.ot.

r I Fs ba0a9es e . 'es is t es a oes t na l io1ou aJ o ip l c6 oo in is . to rmFdianesso. tacqemi -d3pr rd eur .es l .a nsou v a Mont rea lav€c r squ6sde o ta .cs

Coming in'68


To speed you between Toronto andMontreal in record-breaking time.Three a day each way.


I N T E R C I T Y S E R , V I C I S _ t I A I S O N S I N T E R V I I L E S




Mil6s Eastorn oayLtcHf Tim.

Mill€s H6ure itvANc€E d6 fEst



Dai ly

i'650 50



e e



Ex. Sat,



Ex. Sat.



/M oi dm

Ll7 15t8 02

22 t522 41

l!09 0009 t7

06 't507 0707 3207 52a8 22

409l009 5l

t 0 l 2

r0 50


t 2 2 l

l 3 t 8

at5 40t 6 0 l

t a 2 l

t7 35

t8 23

t 9 t l

a t 6 4 0t6 57

17 00

r7 t3

18 09

ti) 17

t 9 l l

20 t0

23 550 0 1 8

0 0 1 50 t l 80l 33

^0t 5802 2t

^021603 23

r03 1801 10

. 421 4500 06

00 26

0 t t 5

0 t 5 9

t 9 t 0

2ri os20 t8201320 572 a t 92t 1122 A122 30

^ q 97 6 2

0D Bfockvjrre. smiih. r.rh c,P_ str, alA. oit.w., onr, O,e C4)

t,4013 l0l 1 t 015 05

20 t520 552t 59

05 2006 20

220. l

265 I296.A321.5315 3

1 3 l 0t3 59

08 35

0 9 t l

t0 00t021

t 4 | l

t5 04l5 2t

20 04

21 002l 25

2 t t 42t 39

05 5,106 2607 0507 30

ex. S !n ,


A No local lrafiic betw€en Toronto and cu tdwood.^ No looaltrafiic betwo€n Oorualand Contratstations.

6E 8€nt-a-Cat Sorvic6,O No 6h€ck€d ba0oa06,O Throuoh chBck€d baqoao€ handl€d onty at Oltawa and Toronto,O Moal Station. e Snackcountsr.* Co. .h .dB r *erved. t n

Montr..t-T..6nt. !arr.nr.r.^ Siops on Sunday to dBtrain r€v€nu6 pa!6ono€rs.. opd. t$ l l r .nd y r Mry 20 . Jur , L sopr . 2 and ocr . t4 in r te :d . r

sundar l M 'y 19 , Jun .30 , s . , t . I ahd 6c t . t3 .w l r l : l .D op . ra r . Jun . 21 , 21 : .d Au! , 4 , 5 .

! B .9oa06o€c.ed toor t rom' r ro 'meo iar€ po i . rsh .no tedon o , .o r t ra r is o ,!r. Montr6ar subl€ct to 'jetay


a Pas d6 servicolooal6ntre Tdronto 6t cu dwood./| Pas d6 sorvic€ looal 6nire Dorva 6i Monrrdat_

& Lo.ation de voiilres sans chaufi€ur,O Ne prond Das d€ baqa!€s enr6qi!ir6s.ai Transport d€s baoaoBs enr€oisk6s ontre Oiiawa6t Toronto.Q Buffet, e casse-croote_i L: rclervarion rEr.tuii€

r i . i .oh d i re . te M.n t r5 . t_T. ro . io_. Laiss6 nayants i6s didanch€s,E c i .cureE t r r lund is 20 h . i i t . r j ! i e t i 2 scprohbre e1 t4 o . robre .u

Lr rcur . ra .earemenr r . ! 2 l e t 2 , ju in o t .e . t . t 5 .ou t .D Ler baoaoessrreo str6si d€st,nar on oL au oApar oo po nrs Int€r. dd a ,6s!o r r ac ie i nos narJ ,a l t€s t ,a 16ou v ,a Von l .ea tavsc r squ€s do re la rds .

Au programme 1968:


A la vitesse d'un bolide entreMontrdal et Toronto.3 d6parts par jour de chaque

EQU I PM ENT - CoMFlOSlTlOl{ DES TFA| rls-pege. 39, 40

vil le.

I N I E R , C I T Y S E R V I C E S _ t I A I S O N S I N T E R V I I T E S


26r 59

Oai ly


t 4 9


o t 5 5Dai ly


( t 5 t

Oai ly


t 1 t

Dai ly

4r987Ex. Sat, r 5 l

Dal ly

t17ta i l y


6 7 1

Ex. Sun.


Q5,29,33)0.0 T.r .nt . , onr. O e 00

2 .4 otr r i r l .32.0 Blr r in l tonl 9 . l r r m i r t n & + ( z e r c ) . . . . . . { t4 6 D u n d a s ( G ) . . .59.9 Br.nrl.rd;er86.5 wo.d.to.* &95.9 lr!6rsll

08 0o 08 3008 5609 08

r 0 8 4 509 ?509 50l0 20to 32

t2 25t219Bi0

B l 0t 3 5 6

t6 25 t7 15t 7 a l

t7 z0rg 0618 29

t7 20 t 8 t 0 r8 30 t9 30t t 5620 08

F t 9 l 020 2620 502 t l 92 t 3 l

2 3 t 5?1 l l

23 t0o0 2500 5l

2 4 Pa.kdal€5.I W65i Toronto8.6 w6ston

15.3 Mal ton2l I Br.h,to.29.4 c.....town15.6 Aclon!l .2 cockwood48.8 6u . teh (31)62.7 kir.h.n.r (F; (c)

Lwaiorloo 2 ni,)i5 .0 Ne* Hanburc

88.6 sr..dord (32) & li;99.7 st. Mtrys

a08 tl

08 3908 5l

or 220915

t 0 t 2t 0 l 5t0 30

a !6 lg

t7 0at7 t 6

t7 41t8 07

l 8 l lt8 36r 8 5 r

t7 2817 16t7 45

t8 07t8 20rs 32

I t8 39t8 52

at8 2l'1."t 8 1 7t8 59

l9 2a

4 I 8 1 3t8 50

r g l t

t9 50z0 la

2011z0 t521 00

423t 2 at 2 t

23t 2 l,r 00

t 821


00 2l00 46

0 l

l l f I r - * a . . . o * . e e 5 ^ ) . . . . . . 1 i lt0 5905

t0 55l 0

1124 t9 20t9 30

t9 25t9 35 ?t :9 2t 55

22 000t 250l 30

1 lt 2 t 1t2 59

tl qt

t3 50

t3 55

r 6 l 0

20 t92l 21

2 l l 022 tO

22 t5

22 20

27 3l210a2t 50

00 35001000 15

15. I siralhfov &l4g.l wiilor!60.1 wyomino {P8kolia)

174.0 s r " i . , on t . &


209 0 lnley oity221 0 LaP€ot240.9 FLTNT &257 7 OURAND (D6iroit,27).2q0 | LANSING 6=!108.6 cha olt€

334.4 BATTLE CREEK & .

158.8 vick.burq375 2 Ma 'c€ l lu3188 1 Cas$polis, MichdIO.8 SOUTH BEND, IND.155.2 Valpirai3o500.7 ch icaoo Lawn, l l . , 6 l rd s i5 t l cHrcAGo, rLL & (63)

t : . : .. . ro r l I

' , . ' '

. . ' ' . \ o | )

. . t o r

r : : : l | .. . c o i r t

| 2 7

t2 05t 2 t !t2 25t215B 1 5t3 l0l 3 ' ]t 1 t 5ta 50t 5 l 0t5 37t5 a2t6 0t1 6 at6 37t6 0tt 6 5 ]t7 15l 8 r 0


17 4tt 8 t 9

r 9 o l

t 9 l 5

2 t t 0

t 9 5 l20 0120 l f20l5

2t 56

022502 3802 500l05

0a t0

05 oa

05 50o??

06 1107 02

08 20

vick.burqMa16 l luECas$polis, Mich,

SOUTH BEND, IND.varoirai30Chicado Lawn, l l . , 6 l rd

CHJCAGO, ILL & (63)Doarborn Statior O


& F€nt-r-Car S6Nico. ONo chock€d baoqas€.


.& Loration d6 voiiur€s sans chauffeur. * ouotidieiO Buft€t. 9 Ca$s-crotl6, t Sauf dimalch€3* Distribut6!r! auiomai qu6jandqichs, €(..O N€ pr€nd pas d€ baoao6s onlooistrtu.+ C i r c u l o ' a l 6 s l u n c i ! , 2 0 m a , , 6 r j u ' l l € t , 5 r o L t . 2 s . p l . 6 l r r o c t . i u I e u o e s o i { . n c h o s l o m t :

l0 idin, 4 aoi,t, l€r 3rpt. el ll oct.i No circulor. prs l6s 20 m.i, ler jL'ill6i, 5 ao!t, 2 sept ot 14 oct.A Pas do service local€ntro'Toronto oi w$t Toronto^ Pr6nd payrnb pour Aranttord 6t au-deli, ou l'.irni esi r60lenontair6.. D6s.otobu6 a$uront lne liaison difocto.nne l6s oer6s CN do Hanilton €t de Orndas. 06-

Dedr :8k45, t7h2o,c Liaison paf a|rtobu3 Dunda$-Hemilior,E Liaiso. orrlaxionne Bamilton €t Burlinoton, i Liaison par tati

d Enlr6 Hamilton ou Oundaset kirchonor, C.naoa Cr.ch Lin€sa@ptont l€s brllet6 do hrif duCa.rdr6n Natio.al 0ou' dos d€si'na!ions au-deli do K:lchenor'

r L.iss€ payant6 v6f,rnt de Brahiiord 3l d'a!-dsliEDT H€ITC AVA CEE d6 I'fuT.COT Heur€ AVANCEE o6e Pra ' r i$ .

'1. V.noi.o Machinos-Food, €t Dei v. Er' Su.davi Oo€rat€t Mondays, M.y 20, "u'v L Auo ), Sopt 2 and Oct ld Inst6ad of Su.oav!' Ma! '0

Ju .s 10 , Auo.4 , s6p t landoc i . l l .I w'll not opsr:to May 20, July L Ao0. 5, S€pt 2 and Oot 14a No locrl tr.ffio boiwoon

'foronto and w6st Toronio

^ stops to 6nt&in rov6nu6 pa$€n06rs lor aranitord rnd bovond who/. irain h 3ch€duled io

. 8us l€ev€s oN station, Hanilioi 08a5, 1720 dn€ct to oN statid Dunda3.c Busoo.nociion irom Dundrs lo Hamilton,! Taxi connoclion tlanilton to Burlinoton. . Taxi oonnociion

. TickoG r€adino via Canrd an Nat onal Fi lwavs b6tkeen Hamilton or Dund.3 end-!,.i'ttb.vond Kr(ch.n.r s'll bB honourod bv Canada Corch Lines b8r*e€n Han,llon or uunor3

,r StoN to dotrain rsvo.ue pa$eno6rs from Brantfod and b3vond.EOT Easi6rn OAYr.rGHa Timo.cDt Cen||al OAYIIGH.r Tins.


I N T E R , C I T Y S E R , V I C E S _ t I A I 5 O N 5 I N T E R , V I T L E S





0986 | ln t F

26 E*. s",. 1""'""'A Sun, I56

Saufsam. Da i lY

___ il'.: o*l

. ,.1 ,:, ,_ ] ,..P-"lr l,R:lv I P-"rlv I P:!f


ot 61


t / t8 t 5 8


Ex, Sur ,


r 0 t 9l 0 3 rrd 19t0 55

l t l 0

(!)645 I 670D a i l y S ! n ,

- --' :::t ::"

i i;. : B l l. . D t

EDr{fr"."' lll

2t 00

2t 2222 t523 !6

0r 250r 30

02 20

03 20

oi ro04 5505 0705 15

Guelph Toronto

06 a0I 06 57t 0 7 0 9 t . .1 0 7 ? 3 i . .

' l 'o ]

t2 2g I

t6 00

t 7 1 3

r9 50t9 53

2t 372t 09


t0 00

l0 221 5

tz 06,r B3lr 1115

14 01t4 35r{ 10t5 04t5 10l 6 t 51 6 1 7t7 08

! t7 20t 8 0 0ta 25t8 3718 50

t0 25r0 30t015


t5 40

t615t6 5017 l0

Wind3o., OFt, & . EDY Oi(Walk€rville) DjJ ..

ch . tham & lo''i:':,-,-,- D' l*

07 30

08 t608 't8

l l 15

r2 3lt3 03

18 00

t8 rt6't 9 t 8

L.,d.n. ohL eb (26^ r i l l I ' I 33 i8I

07 1507 50

09 ?009 25

t2 50 t3 35B { 0 16 20

l9 5020 05

t 9 4 519 55

St. M.ryss*.{o.d (32) &

N6w Hambu/oKit.h6h.r d=n {Wat6noo 2 mi.)6 le r rh B l )



MaltonWestonW6st TorontoParkdale

06 30,r 06 38

06 4807 0207 1507 2507 3807 1507 5l Y

07 l0

07 3808 00

oa 220 8 1 3

0g 50^08 55

f !I


t32lB 3 6t3,{0

t 4 t 014 3,1

t5 0or 5 t 2

a t 5 t 5 Y

t9 50

20 052 0 t 520 2620 3520 41

^20 5l20 56

20 2l20102015

2 t t 92t 12

22 072? t9


I 06 45

i" 8, ii.

d 0 7 5 0{ 0 8 0 2

] 08 r0

09 4609 58l 0 2 7t0 't9

. '| | t ]


. t102t , t t5

. t 4 4 5c t t 0 8

t 5 2 2l5 3{

15 50 16 00

t6 48t 7 l 3

t7 52r 8 t 9 21 05

20 262010? t t 02t 32

21 162t 5822 25 2255


Dai ly

09 30 07 00t0 r0 07 3t

264E i r l 6 d . t . . i r n . h v i l : 5 4 6 O a i l y

E a s l e r i o A Y L | C H T T i f t e O u o t .

H€ure AVANCEE de l'a\:

b L o n d o n , o n t . ( 2 6 ) r ' 0 8 1 5^' St. Thon:i On1. l: 0715

H . n d b a d o r o e o . r yl : e . r . t i h . i n e u l . H . ! t

22 052215

t 9 4 520 25

t5 30t 6 t 0

t 3 , t 5 t2 30r 3 r 0


B 1 5t 3 t 5

r 710l7 00

22 00t9 30

00 3023 50

18 I N T E R , C I T Y 5 E R , V I C E 5 - L I A I S O N S - I N T E R , V I I . t E S


27Mi ss Easlorn DAYLTGHT Tide

Mill6! Heur6 AVANCEE do I'Est

0 t 6 5

Dai ly

l t 6 3 0

^16 51

^t7 o0

2 t t 0

Foi l6calrervi.e betw..n O.tr.it.nd Pohti..pl6.3o rer.r Subqrb.n TlM. T.bl€!.

Voir ihdicat ur. ds bahri€


Ex, 28n.il ti.k.tr not hohourcd

a i l l e t t d . t € i n n o n v . l . b l o .

E a s l o ' n D A Y L I G N T T i m 6HeLro ^v^NcEE d6 'Est

1 6 80001--12:010100- 1 i000200- 2:000300- 3:000400- 4:000500 5:000600- 6:000700-- 7:000800- 81000900 9i001000-10:001100-11:001200-12:00

1300- I :00 PMi400- 2:001500- 3:001600- 4:001700- 5:001800- 6:001900- 7i002000- 8i002100 9:002200-10:002300*11:002400-12:00 MIDNIGHT


22 06

2t 5 l

2 i ! r2t 0920 37

t9 53

t7 13

16 oo

t2 30t210

I t215

l t 0 l

r i r lt 3 t 5B 3 1l l 3 9t1 00l 4 l 5t1 50t5 t0I 5 l 7t6 05t 6 2 3t617t6 05t6 53t f 15t 8 t 0

^ t 7 t 3t 7 t 3

t7 19t7 50t 8 l 9

t 9 0 l

r 9 r 5

t7 5017 36l1 32

t7 25

r i re

NOON[,4 tDl

17 07t7 0616 41t6 39t6 20t 6 l 5t 5 1 0l5 01l4 40t4 0'lt 3 1 5

ii&| | t 5t0 22t0 00

20 0020 452 1 t 0

t9 2520 l020 30

l9 00l8 05t7 {0

t9 50t8 55t8 30

Hand baqoa0o only - Ba0ao6s a nain soul6ment,


et 3 5 - t 3 r t


I 3 t - t 3 2

Oai ly

e e

29Mil6s Easte/n DAYLIGHT Time

Mi l6s Heure AvaNc€E d6 l 'Es t

22 t12t 152t t32t 202 t l 720 5120 3620 t5

r 5 t l15 001157t4 34t 4 t 5l3 55

08190 8 1 007 5807 4507 1207 t907 0l06 40

09 2009 4609 58t0 rr lt 0 t 7t0 39r0 59

t 9

t6 40I7 06t 7 t 8t7 31t7 37t7 59t 8 l 9t8 39

23 r0

23 5723 5900 2l00 4100 59


, ! : ! ool : i . : .? i : 'o ' ""9: : : o '32.4 Burriner6n (26), " - ' l r lHah ' l ton Jam€s s i & : / 0o: l : Dp l (s r -1 . I r f55 5 c f lms.v ^71.2 sr. catharin6r (28) .& A .82 .4 Ar N i .sara ta r r . , oh t . & A. 0D


& R6fi"a-Oar S6rvice, O Meal Station.

'F Vondino Machin€e-Food, eic.

O No chock€d baooaoe,

l Cohmuiatlon tickets noi honoursd DotroiF

Not. H: Pa$onoef! for Bfaniford and w66ichano€ al Oakvill€ for conn6ction althTrain 149. Se6 Table 26.


cDTCent ra i DAYI IGHT T im6,

A Tck€ts read ino v ia Oanad ian Ne l ionJRailways beiw€on Grimsbr, Si caiha-ri.€s, N aoari Falls, and po nts belondHamr ton , w i l l be honoutod by CanadaCoach Lines between ih63e poinls and

b Detrain! rov€nuo passenoersifom Durand

& Locaiior de voiiures sans chautre!r.

O Bullei, O Oasse-cronie,

+ Dist.ibuteu^ automatiqu€s - Sandwichs,

O Ne pf6nd pas de baoa06 onfooistr€s.

a B lLots d'abonnemont non valabl€s 6nlr€o€troit ot Poni ac.

N.rc H: correspondanco avec 16 ifain 149 aOakville pour Braniiord 6l au-dela. Voir


cDT Heur6 avA CEE d6s Prairiss,

d L€s b lleh valables dans les trains duOanadi6n Naiibnal entro Gfimsbv, St,catha'in€s. Niaoara Falls, €t l6s Doinisau-deli d'Hamlton sonr ,ccopl6s ParCanada coaoh Lines €nhe ce6 Doints et

B Laisso oayants v€nant d6 Durand €!

I N T E R C I T Y S E R , V I C E S * L I A I S O N S I N Y E R V I T T E S 19


r 5 9 - 6 5 1

Ex, Sun.



rt028t 0

00t 2

3̂0425059t l30


Kncardine @\ m J_\?/ " *

s._ FF Eq..l..-@4 J"'..

l!9 ".d



660- | 5/t

.r Pass€noors ror Stfatford chais€ to Ra n€r 662-66j on Table 32.^ Pour Slr.iiord, coii6sDondaics avec t,auiorait 662-66t. voir rabteau t2



Mileg East€rn DAYLIGHT

Millos H6u/e AVANCEEd6l 'Es t



| 657.t 5 e

t8 l02011 201520 55

t 2 1 0 5l 2 t t 0

2 t t 4f 2 t t 7

2t 30

G0)0.0 0p str.rt.fd. On.1 4 Gad 'B H i l l .

4 .4 Mi lvBr ion6.8 N€wion

27,9 ft Liitow.l, oht.

09 15/ 0 9 1 {t 0 9 2 9

09 25t 0 9 2 l

09 07

20 202 0 l 020 0520 0l19 58t915

F. ln . r t .n , Onr , . lr 08 55r 0 8 4 0

21 35r 2 t 1 3t 2 t 5 9

22 t5

, 22 l t22 55

08 2508 t808 0?07 4807 3207 2l07 t0

I 9 1 0t9 33t 9 t 7t9 03t a qt8 36t 8 2 5

r Pa6s6nq6rs fo/ Gu6lph and Toronto chano6 at paltrorsion to Faitiner65g-622 on Tabto I .I Pour Guelph €! Toronto, coiro6pond.nce A patmerston avec t,autorait 658-672, Voir tabteau 3 .


i & R€it'a-Caf Seruice. O Msat Station.' X,lJ. i:'":ii5'"""1'3'j:i"d M'v 21, lutv 2,+ sJ,"i "1":"Y "d.',"'ir #i,:ft i t'J"li*:?; i;

lo, Jufe lO Auo. 4, Ssot. anld Oct. 1.t Wi l l !o t^op€ra l6 Mondays , May 20 , J ! ty ,

/ Stops on sional-


6b Looation de voitures stns chaufteur, O 8uff€t.i Ne- . i f cu le r . pas !€s mardrs Z mai , 2 tu t to i , 6

aour, J s6pl. et t5 octri Ci(ulora l6s lundie 20 nai, €r ju' 6t, 5 ioor,

Z lep t e t 14 oc t . au l ieu des d imanch€s lg na i .l0 juin, 4 ao!|, 161 6ept. er tl oci.

V !o c i rdg l€ ra pas les und i i 20 mai , t€ r tu i l t6 i ,) ao!r, z !€Dt, 6t t4 ocL


0 0 Dlr To..nro C6) O .4U 3 ar Gu. r !h , on t , (26) 05


50I 9t 5995040

302 l09



Checked baggage

Some stat ions and some trains do not handle checked baggage.

Ask Jor information . . . check i t out before you check i t in!

Enregistrement des bagages

L'enregistrement des bagages ne se fait pas dans toutes jes

gares ni pour tous les trains. Rensejgnez-vous d.abord.

2 0 N O R T H E N , N O N T A R , I O - N O R D D E I ' O N T A R , I O


a5 c673


33East6rn DAYLTCHT Tinre






l7 05

a t7 20

t8 22

t 8 5 5t 9 t 3r9 3020 05

, 2 0 3 120 rl9

1 2 t 2 0t z t 1 2t 2 t 8[ 22081 2 2 2 0

22 55

20 00

20 {5

zt 10


t 230223 t7

t 2 a 1 9./ 00 0r. / 00 t l10027/ 0 0 3 7

0t z0

r0 20a t0 36

l t t 242

t2 071221t 2 1 1t 2 5 7

.r' ll r0t3 ?1

,/ t3 49/ 14 03t t 4 t 0| 1129r t la3

t 5 t 9

0.0 0n ToJonto, onr. O .tu (25, 26, 15)

5 2 Si. clair Ave.2 .2 n i rhmond H i r l C j .10.0 A!.or.14 . I Nowmarket61.0 s..ri€ i5 a.nr Bord.n-N.tc tl.64.2 B..vert.'86 .1 o ' i I ia98 I w.rh..o (15)

I 2 2 Gdv.nhur*l?? t. aracebndse &

146 2 Hu. tsv i l l .l l l .4 Burk rs Fa l l sO181.2 5und. ido .4)188.8 Souih Fliv6rG)240.2 Trout cresk 6-i?01.8 Powassan !228-0 rrlN.rih B.y (cN) e:a + (]1) . .

328 0 h l d rh B 'y , oh t . + ro .N.R. )

ll2. cobalt116 7 -_ H ' i roybury

154. E ln ton167 7 Ar Enllcharl191.8 tu swa'titi.

l oP1r.


^ 06 55

05 52

oi zz05 020 1 4 5

oil 15

' '02 10

22 t1

^ 2 1 5 6

2 t 1 420 38

20 05t9 50l9 30r 9 t 8

./ 19 03t8 52

J t82i/ 18 09I tao2

I t f 4 0t 7 l 5

t 3 5 9

^ 1 3 1 2

t2 20

| | 3 5| | 1 5r 0 5 5r0 30

"r l0 0709 50

/ 0 9 1 5"r 09 00./ 08 5lr 0 8 4 0t oa2a

08 000t 15

I 01220,t 05a1 1204 22

t 011104 5505 50

02 250 0 3 l231823 382! 28

| 23 07

22 07


Quot .

05 20 22 252l 50

05 0606 1906 45

t 0 7 0 1

07 150? 55 v

5.6 K i rk land Lake22.4 Larde/ rak€)2 .4 C i iem n ! , Ont .16 6 Arn t f io l t l , Ouo-

60.0 k f . rendr . Oud.(Va ld 'o r 22^)


2 1 5 0

2t 02I Z0 17

20 02t9 55

1 8 7 t 8 5 05 5006 260 6 l 9

t a 6 5 l

07 0zIv

434.2 Maiheson441.4 val-Gaon6

a$.5 fi lP-q'r,463.7 Connauoht

486.5 l f T innr , i ' , on t .



22 07t 2 t 2 a

2 t t 6. ' 2t 03

20 50


t 8 8

Dai ly

r 86

07 20t 0 7 3 5

07 590 8 l 5

20 55t 2 t t 0

2t t1zt 15

20 t520 19t 9 5 5t 9 4 0

05 50/ 0 6 3 3

0 6 t 006 00

Dai ly 07 t207 50

153 5 Dtr Por4uis I'!8 6 r r C . .hEn. 21 ,6 l ) 0 / r 20 00

?2 2r

\ ? i i i :: t t S i l4 0 0 0 1 !

i 33i8i! 0 0 3 0 :

0 0 4 : 60 0 5 6 <0 1 0 5

t 6 t 5

t6 51 -i t19: :

: i i i e ]

! iEY;"eB l 8 6t 8 5 t <r9 00

t7 00

t7 15l8 00

s 1 8 r la l8 22E t 8 1 7; t8 a7= r 8 5 8: t9 08

t9 30l9 {520 002 0 1 0

08 20

09 05t 0 9 2 3

09 3309 42' l.oo

0 0 0o cochrrn.6 I F roder ick

30,3 smoottr Fock41 6 Slfickland49.1 Fauquio,55 .8 Moo.beam

os.a iif x.r*r*,", e".75.4 Vakiiae2.3 Harty9 l - l ooasa i i ka98.8 Lo$ ihc /l0 0 Mattice

l2 l I Ha l tobourqlZa I |r *.arrt, ont. (60, 741


t9 30I t9 20

1 8 5 5.f t8 l3

t8 20t 8 t 01 7 5 0

t 2 t 0r i 23

e ll99o l0 46

; t 0 2 l: l 0 l 0

! lcc?09 1009 250 9 l 009 00

09 25

08 46 _

!\ 38;l i! 0 8 l 3 R

o 0 7 5 { ;.4 0711 .! 0 7 3 5 3: 0 7 2 5 4E 07 l5 !

0 7 7 2 60 6 4 9 <0 5 1 0

t3 30

t 2 5 t _F t i t ! ;! l 2 l 8 h

a 't9 !; | l 4 D ia | | 3 0 I

l t 0 ? 6t 0 5 4 <t 0 1 5


A No lodl lratrt b6twoen Toronto and St. C an Ave,

& Roni-a-Car Servne. O Meal Siation,

+ Vondin! Machinos-Food/ €tc. O No ohock€d baooeo6,

/ Stops on sionrl.

^ Slops io dohain r6veno. pass6n0€rs onty,

c Stops on .dvanco to ontrain rovonuo pass6.oors,

D Stops to dshaln r€venue pass€nosrs trom Nodh Bay and beyond.orE . 8G op€ralod by cro6r Tnnsport Co, Rait iick€ts honourcd_ Hand baqoeqg o.ty.


A Pas d€ servico entr6 foronio 6t St, Ctair Ave.& Location do voilur€s sa.schaulfeur. O Buft€i,

+ Disiributeurs auiomatlquos-Sandwichs, otc.O N6 pr€nd pas de bao$6s €nr€0istr6s,

c Suf pr6avis sutrisant, prond payants.D Lais& payants vehant do North Bay et d,audeti

N o r c i S € r u i c o d ' . J t o b u s o r D o r l e d a r C . 6 e r l r a n s o o r t C o . L € s o i h o r s d 6 r ' a i 1 l o n r v a a o , s s ,


M E A T S ] ' R E P A S





C O M P T I M E N T A R Y M E A L SApril 28th - October 26th, 1968

Complimenrary meals wil l be served to passengers travel-l ing in sleeping and chb cars, on trains where meal serviceis avai lablo, during the tol lowing meal hours:

(Dayl ight Time except in the provinces of Saskatchewanand Alberta).

+BREAKFAST0700 hours to 1000 hours. Breakfast is not served topassengers detraining betore 0800 hours.

*(Continental Brcakfast is seNed on some t,"insr,

LUNCHEON12OO hours to 1330 hoLrs.

D I N N E R1800 hours to 2000 hours.

Passengers detraining pf ior to meal poriods or entrainingwhere train departs after meal periods, are not entitled tocomplimentary meals.

Passengers are requested to show reseryed accommooa-t ion check to 6teward or waiter.

Passengers lravel l ing in coaches are invited 10 enjoyappetizing meals at popLrlar pf ices.

Subject to change.

R E P A S G R A T U I T Sdu 28 avril au 26 octobre 1 968

Des repas sont servis gratuitement aux occupants desvoitures-lits et voitires-salons dans les trains offrant unservice de restauration aux heures suivantes:

(Heure avanc6e, sauf en Albena et en Saskatchewan).

i .DEJEUNERde 7h e 10h. Les voyageurs qui descendent du train avant8h n'ont pas droit au ddjeuner gratuit .

rDans cettains ttains, on sen un petit dtjeunel

DiNFRde midi a 13h30.

SOUPERde 18h a 20h.

On ne sert pas de repas gfatuits aux voyageuls qui despen-dent avant ou qui montent aprds l'heure des repas.

Les voyageurs sont pri6s de prdsenter Ieur titre de reserya-t ion au steward ou au gargon de table.

Les occupants des voitures-coach Deuvent se faire servird'excellents reoas e orix mod6rds.

M od ificati o n s p o s s i b I e s.

13@- 100t,|(n 2l)015@- 30016@- 4S011n- 500ta@- 6t01qD 7:@ro aooa@- 9t022m- rodo2m 11@24flFt2{0

0001-12:01 AM0100- 1 :000200- 2:000300 3:@0,O0_ 4:000500- 5:000600- 6:000700- 7:000800- 8:000900 9:001000-10:001100-11:001200-12:00 NOON



T R A N S C O N T I N E N T A t _ L I A I S O N S T R, A N S C O N T I N E N T A L E 5

+ r|loxtnfAl-orrlwA-cAPREot +

34Eastorn DAYIIcHT TimoH6u16 AvANc€E d6 rEsl

l 0 5DaityQuor

t 0 5DailY

09 0008 3506 5006 3505 t704 48

L03 59r03 35r 0 l r 7o03 05s? tt

r02 26! 0 2 t 6c 0 l 5 9

00 5900 50.99 p!

2 t I 020 45l8 45tE 30

16 45

r 1 5 4 0

t 5 l 0t5 05

i l 4 3 l!3 40t3 40

D 1 2 5 6I | 4 5

E 1 7 0 5t7 29t9 201 9 1 5

2 t t 2

^22 20

23 00

'00 3000 3002 20



IDa i ty

23 1523 390 t 200t 3503 15oA 2s01 18050505 l5

cos 22c 0 t 3 l

05 5l07 00

.. 07 0007 1609 05





35 l:$.*Mil€s Eastb.b DAYLIGHT lime | 4

Mil€! n"u'e evrrc€r o" i'est ] !$ltv

l o 8Dai ly DaiJy


. r810 ia ress IE . . r3f i t910. !! 20 l5.3i zo so F: 2 1 0 8 i

irll1l= 2250 ij .o r , io !

1 0 t 4 0 -02 l0


0 t 0 80220

025203 30

t 6 2 0t6 39 -

i iii9rl

o &o.o Dp T0F0NT0,oNT, . A l l rsoo5 . 2 S t . C a i . A v e . | 1 7 4 3 .

2 t .2 R ic |mond H i l | -o

100 aur6r . i . :J 4 I N o w r r ' f € r : 1 6 5 5 .6 l o r " B . ; ; i " ( 1 3 ) . . . D r : i a l i i

( c , h r B . r d e n ) N . t c h : ;8 6 3 h o r l r r i ' j 1 5 4 0 €08 I A" w. .haso 03. uD + 1520:

070096 42

05 0005 20

0 4 4 50420

. t 9 0 0 !9 r rc I" . : :d t i i5!i 17 r5.3* , u .o *! r 520 t

0t 45050505 t50530

07lo08 t508300900

: t 8 4 8 :I 20 25.-.j :8 i8-=


l r = t 5 2 0 :l 0 ! s 1 4 0 0 ir* l j i3 ; ; :

Il D o l l l 1 5l A . l l l 1 5

. D p l l 0 5 0

98.8 Pp w. .haEo (33)

57.0 ffil souih Pariy159.9 Far . r sound196.8 N. r thMagner .wr . .246.0 Burwr .hr " . n r f l sudbu. t

286.0 lr carre.r, o.t. + 04)Nol. O

04 20025002400230 -

od io23 3023302105

: 1 6 2 0 :E ! !08 :j - 1145 i

r r 2 1 5 5r 2 t 5 r


REFEiEI{CE MAFTS_TABLES 34.36* All .o.ch ..rt ro.Gryed at n. elt.a

.h.rse f.r di.t.ncer .vsr 250 mil.5,O No checkBd baooaoo,o M6alstation, & Bonfa-car s€rvic6.

+ vendins Machin€FFood, etc.Notes El and A shown on Paq6 24,

r Stops Monday, wednesday, Fridry to de^train r6v6nue passencers from Oiiawalnd

i Stops Tuesday, Thursd.y, Friday fo €n-train r€venu6 pass€r0er3 ror ott we endbsyond wh€re irain is sch€duled t0 rtop.

c Slops on advanc6 rsqlesi lo enhain rev6-nue 0assen0ersfor Nodh Bay and bevondand io deiain re!6nue passeroorc fromOttawa and beyond.

D Siops on advance roquesL Monday, Wed.esday and Saturday on y ,

E No localpass6.oerucarrisd rrom Nlonlroalto oltawa. Jln€ l4-s6pt. 13 incL.

c Stops on advanco requost for r6venu6

tr Stops o. advanco r€qlest Tuesday, Thurs-

i Slops on adva.ce requost Sonday, Mdn-day and Wednesday.

L StoN on edvanco request lo enirain tev€-lor Ottawa snd bsyond

and lo delrain rev6ru€ passenoers fronLNorth Bay and boyond. B€oular stop sal-urday at Govefnmont Psrk,

r stops on advance !6quest Sunday andMonday onlyat any staiion botwB€f Lono-lac and Armstronofor r6!on!e passsnoers.

i Stopson advanc€ requestTuesday, Thurs-day and Friday,

o Stops Tuesday and Thursday,g Stop8 on advance requesi wednesday,

Friday dnd Surday,v stopson advancs requ€st Tus6day, Thurs-

, Stops on advanco r6qu€3i Satlrday,N.rc e: L.car Line. bus Loaves Sudbury al0915 except sundays and ho l days 2 l l5 da i l yfor conn€ctiors * lh Trai.s 2 and 106 atOepr6ol. Rair ti.ke€ not han.ured.tlor. R: Bus ooeratod bv Gr€er Tfansoorlco, F ir ti.kera h..our;d, Hard b.q0aoe

Nor. s: Transier provldod for passono€rsbetwoon CN Stalion and downiown sudbury.Adults 75 cents. ch ldr6n 25 cents.

SYM BOLE5_TAB(EAI'X :}4.]6* T.ut.r le. pl..o. dc yoitsr4..o..h

.ont .'tservE..e.r..sr. de 250 nirle. .e pru!.

O Ns pr€nd pas de basaoos 6nr0oistr€3-O 8utf6t, & Location.de_voilur6s

+ Dhtibut6urs automatiquos-gandwicrrs,

Notes o €t a, voir Paqe 24.

^ L€s lundis, niercredis et v6ndr€dis, laisB€payants v€nant d'Ottawa oi d'au-dola.

B L6s rdardis, i€udis ot vendr€dis, prsndparags pour.Otrawa 6t au-deli, oir I ar6t

c Sur o 'dav is , p r€nd payants po ! r Nor lh Bay€t au-d€ i et laisse payants venant d ol-

o Sur pr€avis, es lundls, morcredi3 61

. Pas d6 s€rvice locai ente Montr6al otoliawa du l4 juin au 13 sept. incr.

c Suf pr€avis, a(6t pour payants.n Sur praaviq l6s maidis, jeudis€t srhedisf,Sur pr6avl3, 16! dinanch6s, lundis et

L Sur pr6avis, prond payanls pour Oitawaot au-d€la €i laiss€ payants vonant deNorih Bayet d'au-doli, Afr6t l6s sam€disd Gove.nnent Park-

n Suf preavls, l6s dimarche8 ei lundis,aii a toute siaiion e.ire Lonqlac otArmslronq pour voyaoeurs payants,

r Sur preavis, Los mardis, jeudis €t v€n-

o I-€s mardis el jeudis,

! Sur preavis, l6s m€rcrodiq verdredls ot

v sur pr6avl6, les madis, i€udis ei di-

w Sur pr6avis,l6s samedis.Noto O: Les autobus Local Lin.. d6 Sud_burv a3surent laco(63oo.dance avec le ha ins2 eat06 a cap,eol. D6pads ious l€s Furs ssu!d imanches € t f i tes , t th l5 6 t tous les rours a2 lh l5 . l€ r b i l re t t de t . . in n . .on t p . .

rcre i: Soryice d'auiobusexploii6 par Creo.Transood co. L6r bllret. de train i.ntvarabre.. Baqao€s A maln seul6montN.te s: Taxis his A la disDosition des vova-oeufs enk6 a oare du ON et lo quartier dosiliaires de sudbury, Adultes 75c: €f f anl3 25c

.l} cAPBEol- - Sloux L00K0UT +

Dai lvouo{,

t 0 5Oai ly

36Eastorn DAYIICHT Tim6Holr€ AvANcEE d6 l'Est

t 0 6Dally Dai iy


04 '00 4 1 5

' .07 3508 05

l 0 t 0l 0 5 5' l : o

. '

13 20t2 l0


'9iu| l 3 0t2 00

t4 0014 05

c t 4 3 0e1455

l6 40I7 40tE 00t8 50t9 2519 5020 ?5?t l !


23 05


00 50


: :oibo07 05

oi 05t 0 0 51 0 2 5

t 2 l 0B l 0t 3 r 5

t4 45

l 6 l 2

ri 30

{i i

.1 9p

':1 | |

| l 0 0

07 0507 00

' '03 4503 25

o i ro00 3000 25


22 l52r 05

, r l ,o

2t 55

( 2 0 0 5t9 25

t tA 25

l7 55t7 45

r t 7 2 0c 1 6 5 0

t 5 t 0t4 201 4 0 0t3 00t2 l0| l 5 5| 2 5t0 t0t 0 2 0

v09 20

08 l007 00


oi os


t0 05

0 6 t 50 6 t 0

03 oo02 30

0 0 t 523 3523 30

' ' '

z i r :2005


r i ro0 2 1 0


T R, A N S C O N T I N E N T A L - L I A I S O N g T R A N S C O N T I N E N T A L E S 23



Let CN show youD6couvrez Ie Canada


illfi' 3aMouniain sraNDAnD Time

Mdeprist H6ure NoaMALE d6s Rochousos

l88 l 0 Dr 9 ie ! . r t lo ,eTl q 4 0 q , . U n i t r , s . . k .208 o iw.riwrr'ht, Arr- i

ru:i frrlur-tr-, ^rt^.cohnecrion. t. l.bte./

Cer r .sporda.cepou. T .b lo tu rCALGAFY 50,53GFAND CEI IThE 5 II{O6''H BATTLEFORD 52

. 8 . . E Y , . t b u r t

.: iil:a"* i

. 3 H i n t o n' fli"{l,t til,:Alll;,", YilCor.€.p..d.nce Fou.


t3Oai ly

t 0 5

37Central DAYLIGHT Timo

Heure AVANGEE des Prairi6s2


t 0 6

aa t a t lsun€r I I sup6rc .n tn l Fa .o- I Cont i .

f 3 1 5 |Dai iy l 'Da i l y Da i lyQuol. Quot. Q,oi.

o? 35 ol5 in, 1508l0 04 55 t0 t009 50 06 20 l l 250 9 5 5 1 0 6 2 5 | 1 3 0

E r 0 4 0 c 0 7 r 5 l . l 2 l 5t 2 t 0 0 8 5 0 l t l 4 5r 2 ? 0 L o e 2 0 l r 4 l 5

: ll : ll . il , l

l : lv l * l v

El4 05 lc l040 lEl5 45t 5 4 5 | 4 5 I 1 7 t 01 5 5 0 r l 5 0 L t 7 t 5

E t 6 5 5 | r 3 l 0 l E l S 2 0t 8 0 5 | 1 4 t 5 I 1 9 3 5r 8 3 5

| 1 4 4 5

1 2 0 0 5l ll l

l lY I

t n552 1 t

2030 16 56 i 22 00. . r t 7 2 8 |

' , ot " l3XB | . , r t2 2 t 0 1 8 4 5 1 2 3 4 0

. l i 1 9 l l l a 0 0 1 9

. t i20 13 I1x2025 Ii r2016 Ir f ? 1 0 7

. l H 2 l 3 9 I0t 45 1 22 45 012002 15 i ?3 05 0150

'21 18. lx0016

06 l0 03 40 07 5006 35 03 45 08 00

. o05 0008 32 0512 ] r0 07

f ia57 f i60? 1f l035r09 t9 /0629 r t 00

, o o , o r , , j " o ,r o l o 0710 ] 12 ro


t4 454.

. l

t3 40

sl3 i0,|


| 2 5a

l0 404

l09 30

og do

07 4007 35

03 5003 20

r02 40

Fol 55

0 t t 00t 05

23 J5+

2) t522 t520 4520 40

r l 9 5 5t8 20t7 50t


F t6 t0l 5 2 0t 5 I t

F l 4 l 5t 3 t 0t2 40^

t 2)

l 0 3 l


06 3l06 0305 4505 00)4 55tr4 0503 t5) l05l? !1ct 58l0 59J0 350 0 l 52100712120 30?0 25t 9 t 0t8 l0

18 02t7 33

t6 57t6 30

22 402215

20 40

20 t2t9 43

19 07t8 40


note T. Town of Armstrc.o, Ont, observes Easiern Dayll0ht Tin6.Town of Biosar, Sask. observes CentralStandard


Jasper, Ata, obserlos Mountain Siandard lime.

n.r. T: A Arlsi o.!, Onr r"ure avancAs lo Fsl,A Bi00ar, Sask. heure normale d6 Prairies.a Jasper, Alta.- heure.ormale des Rocheusos

2t 45

22 50

0o 05

15 45

t7 20

Yr8 25

h 1 8 4 5



+2t 00


02 30

02 45

04 20

v05 4006 05

09 00


t 7

tt 9 i

20:P 0 !




2 3 1

I0 0 ,

0 t :


040 4 ::05 i


070 7 i

o g ,0 r (
















wtt{N tPEG, MAI{. .

o &

si.u Lookout (75) OPeLican

H u d . o .Sunst runMi l l idOeRichrnAmosdaloNiddr ioMor0an

F€d Lake Fo.cQ! ibe l lMc ln t .shCanyonJon4Farlane

A6ddattEna Lake

Minak i (M na l iLod0€)

ottermefeMalrchiwhiieRlce Lak6, Ont,Winnlloba, Man, .D6cifralareroton Lake (whii€

Sholl Forost F$6rvo)Ind iqo



355.4 Dp

1t 6 0 5



l t 5 9

03 l0


l*::l 0 r r 5

l i23 55


l"'-l,' .'.o


t 8 t 5

t9 25

20 40

2 t 0 02t 05

222 20:21 502 2 t 523 t023 30

:00 05

:00 52r0t t80l 450t 50

t02 250l t003 35

v04 45

- ?ji3t109 p0

iCo....ti.n. to Tabl6./

Cor rerFond.nccpo l r lab leaur


) 4 1 4 . 7 P o r t a s e l a P E i r i e .)463 2 H:rrel{84 0 Br.nd.n No.th-- .

- , . , l sh i lo CamD I, , " . . " lB randon Nor lh i

r+rs.o iilnr'-" Il55g.g ft. l-a:a.e. Mah, cDT1581.2 spt Hirr , sask, csT594.4 . .Y. .boo;:.t l lJt"ta"ttt.-tr"r"vo . . . . .t610.2 ltqna

1682.5 Ke l l lh€r1691.7 L6'to.k1718.6 ha thore1741 9 NokomLstuor.u $llw"t-* 11194.5 Al lanrrzz.: li SASKAT00N, SASK.'

(H6tol Beseborouoh)e l O

0l 15

03 00a2 15

0l 500t t0

t0 50

09 25

09 0509 00

05 2505 0504 l0

l r t| 0625

06 0506 00

D04 45Dol2003 0502 20

i 0 2 0 0D 0 1 2 0

1D0035DOo 052315

D22 1522 t52t 50,i

Connection. *o r.ble./C o r r o . p o h d a ^ c e p o ! r


8s3 -o a , B r " " ' " N - . . "T - . , . c s r ; 00 25

C a n a d a i n ' 6 8 !avec l e CN en '68 !


24 T R A N S C O N T I N I N T A T _ L I A I S O N S T R A N 5 C O N T I N E N T A T E 5

CsT-Central STANDARO Tim6.

Coa-Contral DAYLICHt Tine.

MST-Molntsin STA|lDAhD Time.


t Arl cc.ch r..tt r6tlrred .i no ori.. !h$ee ro. dl.t.nc.. ore.250 hile.,

a ^ l l .e . .h .o . t . . . .e rY .d

O Moal Stetion, e: Benl-a-C.r Servic6. -r Stops on sicnal.

O No Ch€ckod Baooaoo,

I Opdra€s _ro{ Biooar Jun6 lo.S6ot. 5 inclusive.

1 operat6s trcm Van@uv6rJune l4-S6pt, l3 incllsivo,

? Oporalss froh Sioui Lookout Ju-o l5-S€Dr. 4 i.c u3ive,

! Opsraios from Bissar June 5-SsDt. l4 inclusive.,

Ir.t. El: ST, AhtrAUD Bls L|IE 8us lsaves rle..t 1230, arivos H.rn.r.r.e 1400.B(J8leaves Ho.ner.r.e 1800, ariv€s Ho.rlt 6icepi Sunday, 1900 (85 mil6s). i.ir ti.lGtt

d.i. A: HAhA5YM BhOs.-Bus i6!ve3 s.v.nt r.x. 0600, leav6s ii.kre L.k. 1700€x@pi sunday. h.il rictei. ..r h.nou.€d.

r T ran 106 w l s lop . t any s ta i 'on b€ tw€en w lnn ip . i rnd arhr r rcnr to d€r ra i . r€venu€passenoers lron W nn poq and boyord arJ upon su{ic:ent rnvanco _ot c€ lo "€J6st A0o'1,to 6.trair rovonuo p$8enoors.

t Irain 105 willstop st any station botw€en Arnrt.n! and winnir.r io dotrain rev6nu6pas-sono€rs trom poinis 6asl ol Nakina a.d, upon 3'rfficient adv.nco nolic€ io nearest Aq.nt, to€nsar. rev6nu0 Dasgonqors.

c StoDt lo dot'a n rei6.u6 pass€.oer3 lron Win.ip€o a.d uDo. sufficront rovancs nolice loag€nt tri'l siop io 6ntrain r€venue oruse.0ers ror Srsk.toon and boyond w.€.o trarn e sched-

D stoDr io d€ka n Saskaloo. ..0 uoo. sufci€nl .dvance rol ce toAlent

" lL srop ro erlrarn rev€-u6 pass€noers for WiFn'oeo .:d berond, whero va n is sc-ed.

r Stops to det.ain rovonue pass6f0srs trom sast of Wifnipes.

F uoon sumoent.dvance not:c€ ro A06^l wrrl srop ro enrrai. revonu6 p*sensors d6sr n60 6astor Winnipeo wh€re train is sch€dul6d to stop.

c stops lo lelrair r€lenue oase4sers fro. sask.toon snd boyola aro upon suFicro.t adv..cenotice to Aoont, willslop lo enrrrir -ovenue pass€.0ers.or boyond JasDer *l-€,etrain i3 sche'l-

H Siops to detrain rev€n!6 pa$6n0ers from Jasper end beyond ard {ill slop on fao to onir.inrovsnu€ DasserqeG lor Kamloops Jct, and bevond qh€r6 frain is 5ch3dul6d to stoo.

J Stop to dotnin rovonts p.ss6noe.s from Kamloops Jct, and boyond and will stop on llasto €nlrain.ovonu6 pass€no€rs tor Jasporsnd boyond whsro train is schedulod to stop,

i Stoos to d€lrai. pass€.ge s trom w€st ot Jasne'r.o upon suFciont no1ic6 to AOert, rrl stopt0 €ntrair reve.ue pa3lenoors ror Saskaroor and b6yord *!ere Lrain is scheduled ro slop.

r Siops lvlondar io dBirain revonuo pa$ono6rs from Kamloop! Jcl, and beyond.

i Stons to 'l€vain r6v6nu6 pas8noers rroh K.mloopr Jct end b6yo"o and $ill slop on rlao to€.lra n revenuo passo.oers to'vsncouv€r or *l"er. ircin is scl"6dul6d lo 3to0.

i slo03 lo d.lrril rev.nu6 prsso.o€rs kor Vrncouver .nd wil siap o.'lr0 lo orl.. n r€vcnu€pass6nqors ror Kamloops Jcl. and b6yo4d w\ore trair s schodulod to slo0

o Stops to dstrain r6v€nu6 pisse-sors from X.r'oops Jct, ar,l b€yond and ritt 3top on .l.o toonhain r6v0nus passenoors lor N6{ Wesiminsler .nd Vanoouv6..

. Stoos io o6L'a.n rovo-lo ps3€.Oe'3 aron New Wesrm'.s€r and Vancouvor.nd *:l srop onraq ro onvrin rev6nu6 passenqors for K.4loops Jct. and b€rond

"hs.. trai. i$ 3ch€dul6d

. siops Frioays Io €nv.in rs!6nue pa$enoers for Kr'n orps Jct, ..o beyond.

t stops to derrain r€velu€ Daes€rooB froF lMont€el. Toronto end o€vond .no uoon sutricrenrldv.'co aoti.6.lo.-€!rel Aoorl to6nhai. .€v6.u€ piss6.oo's for Wh.rpe0 end 6eyo.d *here

. Stops io detein ev6rle oasse.oe'3 tdn Win"ip€q .nd upon luficenr adv:nc6 notc6 ton6arer'A!€nt, to €rt.ain €v6rue pr$e-oors lor Morl-eal, Toro-lo and beyond wlere lrainis schedulod t. sron

N.t. lJ: l €6 trarsfer for r€v6.uo oass6.qers betw€on Br.nd.n n.rrh :rc 8r.nd.n o^lh rouoh L icke ls o . rho- t i ck6 ts read l ron Bra"oo. ro Po 'RO. la Pr . i r io .nd po in ts 6as i o .ndrth, or frod Brandon to Saskatoon a.d points w$t, or vice v€rsa_F.6e t.rsle is aso provdoo tor relenuo Dasbenoors Detwo€n 8..nd.6 tt.rrh a.o Shit.on tnrouoh tickols r.ad'n! rro- Snto to Capr€ot r-4 €ast or C.ilii{ack and po nls. r6si,

Ord nary ch6ck€d -rnd bagqaoo onry wit b6 van.fsn€'j rre€ ot charO€ b6tw€6. Br:nd.nt{.dh a.d Br..don via Iari L:.q6r piec€s such as sampt6 cee€g, sanpt6 rrurks stortr€rr ' u n k s - a n d o t h € r f e a v y o r b u l k r a 4 c l 6 s , w r b € c h e c l e d t o a n d t r o m B . a n d o n N o r t h o n t y .rrrns or ray bb arra.qoo in advance, on requol at passe4o€rs 6rp6n{.

l l . r . v : Yor r . T . , i s€a ic6 t6av6s York ton 0400, '6avas tvd tv i ' te 05 t0 . Aouh T100. i . i lti.lci. n.t h.nour.d.

x Stops to detrai. r6vsnu6 pa$e.oors ffom Kantoops Jct. and b€yo.d,

noi. Yr T'an3@.rin€nral Lrajns l,2, l, a, 5 a4d 5 witl s10D for fivo mr.!tos to aftord oassonoersa l€i.uroly vrow of mror'ficont MoUNT ROESottt, t2, 972 r66t h shon peak 'n th6 Ca.ad'an

r Stops to dotrain rovsnuG p.$enolrs frofi Jsspor and boyond,


csT-H6ur€ NoFMAIG des Pr.ries. MsT Hsu'6 ttohMALE o6s Foct€use;,

CDT-Hsur€ AVANCEE dos Prair'6s, poT-H€uro vlnCE€ du pacifiqu6,

* L. r€...y.ti.. (s..turre) d.. rl.c6. ...ch r. d.250 mrlt.r

a !!.6.€rvati.n (er.rrre) dc Fta4. .oach ..t cbtis.1.iro.

O B!fi6t. !e) Location d6 voit{r6s sanschaufteur. t Aii6t facltiaiif.

O Ne prond Dad d€ baoao$ 6nr6olst6s,

I Padia d€ Biooar dq l6 juin au 5 sopiombr€ inclubivomoni.

r' Pa'!in d€ va.@uv6r du l4 juin & L3 soptombro iicru$v€men..

V Pariira do Sidux Lookout du l5 jrii au l4 s€ptembr€ idclusivsment,

r Padna do Biooai ds l5 juin r! l4 s€p[6nbr€ inclusivem€nt.

t l c to O: Aurobus ST, ARI IAUD La:son en t€ Har rerHr . . . . y6 . r85 - : l$ r , Ddp.d€ H. . r . r l2h l0 , ap . 14h00, lour 'es ,oub sau 'd imdnches D ip . d6 8o ; . . ! r rno t8h00,ai., 19h00, lous I6s joltrs sauf dim&Ches. kr birt€t. d. fu.i6 n. $nt D.. y.r.bre..

rl.te A: Autobus HAiASYM Tous ios jours 3aut dihanches. O€pads do s.v.nt L.k. i6h ot d6 P,ckle L.le a l7h. airr.rr d. t..ih n.n y.l.bl.!.

^ Letr.in 105 s,(dt€ a route slario.ontro winhiF.! €t AFm.{r.ni pour lai$er Dayantsv€nsntd€ Wrrnipeg€l d au-d€lA €t, sur p'aa!-ssu5sant au c!ef de 0are le plus proch6, prond p.yails,

rLo l re in l0Ssar iL r€a tou t€s ta t ionen l 'oArm4ronr€ tw i . . iperpour l r i sse 'payan lsvenant.Je 00rnls a l€sl d€ Naki.a6l. sur o16avi5 suSisffl au cho.oo oa e r€ plus procl"., p!ur pr.nd16

c trhse 0ayrni6 renani.d6 Wrn. peg ct, su. nrdavis.susisant au c.or de oa'6. p 610 Dayrnt3pour Saskaloon 6r ru-dela, o; I'arCt est raol€merlar.o.

E Laso oa/..ts v6.a.l d6 Saskrroo oL, sur Lrdavs suffisanr au ch6f,16 ser€, p.end pay.ntspour winnipe0 €l au-d6ra on I aa€t ost r€qlsmonla r€.

E Laisso pey.nts vena.l d€ poinls e l,est de Winnipos.

r Svr priirvis 3ua'sa.t au chol de sar€. pre-d prya rs oour eo nts e l €3t d6 W nn,o60, o- l .rAI

e Larsc oatants venant do Saskaloon €l d au-dela 61, rur prdrv s sufirs.nr .u ch6f de g.re,or€nri paya.ls pou 0o nts au-d613 do JasDe , or Ia.ci 6st r€ol€hentaire.

i La,8s€ oaya4s v€.anl d€ Jaso6r 6r d'au-del) €r, sur Bional, or€.o paya.rs pour <arlooos Jcl,o l au-de la , o t a r6 t ee l rdo lemenla i16 ,

r Larss€ oayrll3 vs-.nr de Kanloops Jcl. el d au-d€l? 6i, sur si0-ar, ore.o pay.-rs pour Jas06rol au-deld, ot lrndt ost r50 efrentaire,

B Lr:ss€ payaars venrnt d€ Doints a ouest d6 Jasper er, sur prdavis 3utrisa.i ,u crel d. qare,[r61d pryanls pour Sask.toon el .u-delt, on .rr€i 6st raoleFenla re

r les llndis, laisso payants vonant d6 Karoloops Jct, ot d,au{lola,

i Lass€ pryanb v€nani d€ Kadloop8 Jcl sr 'J au-d€li €l pr6.o payanis Folr Van@uvs. ctaulros poi.ls o! Iarrcl sd resl6m6nlan€.

i L. ss6!ay.nls vonani de V.-@uvBr oi o Bnd o,yantE oour KaFlooos Jct. .t ru-d6li, ou ra',€t

o Iaisse payv.nts wmnl d€ Xamloops Jct, e! d'au-d€la d prend payanb poqr N€r W€stnlnst€r

. Lai$6 oayants v6^arl 06 N€w Wosrmirsle' or a€ Vancou,er et p'enO payanrs pour XantoopsJct.6t.u-d6lt, oi l'ardt ost r60lomontairc.

o Les vsodredis, Drond payants pour Kamlooos Jct. oi au{lola.

i L.iss6 payantsv€n.nt d6 Montreal, do Toronlo 6t d'a!-d6la d. srJr DrEavb sufihant au ch6l deOare le plus Drooho, pr6nd pay:nts poor Winnip60 6t eu-dela, oi t,rrCi o6t raqt6m6ntai16-

3 Lasse palanrs v€"anl d6 W'nrip€q el, sur p.iavr suffisant au crst do oare te Dtue orcho,nr€nd payants nour MonlrFal, Toronlo et au-delA, oi, l'a(6t €sr rdo 6-e.hn€.

Note U: Transporl assura sa.s slpp d-onl ert'o lr.ncon ncrr,h et Br.nd.n aui oon6ur3d€ b ' le is d ' rec ld ou de b l l€ is v . lab leson l r€ a randon. l Pona06ra ,Pr r t r :o € . t€3 Do n i6 ) Io j rou au nord, ou ontre Brandon ot qaskatoon 3l los poinb a l,oirest.

T'aasporl .ssu'6 sa'rs suoDl6rent enre Br.ndon N.rth el Shrro rur portou.s d€ D'lsi!dir€clr valrbl6s €nt e Sh:lo et Caor€ol ou l€s ooi.ls a ,esr, o! ent.e Chirtiwrck €t t€s ooints

rran3porl dG lot:ts Daoaa€s 6nreoislr6s assJ.6 sa.s sr/oll6monr onke a..ndon North srBEnd.n . Les co l i s .ou tu ! ov encohD'an le , oo i les d ech .n t r lons , ra l6s ,6 lc . ne sor t a@.ors3a l€rrco6lr6mon' qu a ou pour Srandon Norhj los vorag€urs peuvenr rouro.oir tos f.i.6lra.sport6r a l0urs f'ais sur p16avis.

tl.r. v: Taxis York. o6part do Yofkton 4h, do Mllvillo 5ht0, Adrhesi $3. BiIGr. d.rhin

x Lei$o payanb v6nant d€ Kamloops Jct. et d'lau-dsll-

not. Y: Los t'a:ns traneconlinent.ur l, 2, l, 4, 5 ot 6 6'a(61€ro.r c.nq trr.ut€s arn d6 psf:fletrre aor voyrseurs d obsorver a loisir re sup€ be MoNT Fo!50|l (a tr'ude: t2,9 2 pi6ds),16 oic 16 Dlu3 6l6ve des BNheuses canadLornos.

2 Laisso payant6 vonant deJa3p€r 6t d,au-d6le.


T R , A N S C O N T I N I N T A L _ I I A I S O N ST R A N S C O N T I N E N T A T E S



Oai lyDailyDaily


39CnEYx.uiD Bur Llirs

MIIOS PTCifiC DAYLIGHT TiN6Mil6s H6urs av^rc€C du Pacifiquo


t 5

250930t 047

t 0


22222 l? t2 l2020?0

l 9I tt 9I Et 8t 8t 8

I t

i e

03I E

00t 8?5rl550Q2


81)?ell t,E0105t o l t 0:04 it690155505 t2

05 2505 4l

r.r.: Fr66 tranltsr proyidod fo. pr3so.qors b6tw€sn x.hro.r. rnd XrmlooFt Ju^oti.n.n.t : Tr.nspor! sratuit do. voy.qour! 6ntrc K.ml..Fr ot X.nlooo. Jun.tr.F

Passos not honor.d on qroyholnd Bus.Lxi$o.-p$so. non valabl$ dens l$ autobut Ctlyhound.


O lvlesl Strtion, & nont-l-clr s6ryl@, e sn.ck co!ni6r,

+ v6f,dinc Machines-Food, stc. M Mixod triin.

Nore x: Ch€c.€d bass.ao by rruck 3ub.ocr lo d6lay to and lrcm vorro^, Kolownr and Penliclon:a l l o t161 3 ta i ion6-HANO BAGGAGE or ly No pe ls can isd


O Bltfet. {e> Loc.tion de voilures sans chauffour. O Casse+rotto

+ Dislributeur3.ltomatlquo.-S.ndwichs,olc. MTrainmixt€.

/ Arrat leoultaiif.

tr.r. x: L€s b.0rq4 6nresrsrae pour oc d6 Vsrnon, K6low'.6t Poriiclon 5ont rch€-inos oc'crdion av€c rtqioa de '6laids. slrl ons inr6rmaoia res. baq.q6s , tr.in seulsPent t€s chisrsot Dotils animJu, no so.t prs accoot68 a fon'6qi5trom6nt.

O N T A R I O _ M A N I T O C A



42Milos Centrat DAYLTGHT Timo

Milles He!r€ av^NCaE dss PrairiBs


0 0 h tofr^rthur *i U5l rrI € F . * lY l t l i :h9 .0 Neob ino

22.6 Kakaboka Fa l l sl0 4 ltlokomon15 i confre.52 5 sirabaoua57.6 Mabe l la62.1 Shebandowan .65 8 Fossfrere16 i Postans80.9 x..hab.tl.89.8 Kesoo96. I Huto.ian0l 4 owakonz605 0 Ou€iioo

l t l .6 Ab lw i f2D 5 Kawene27 4 SaDar€

r.r l i lmr.*.. i l l15 .5 E l i zab6th164 0 F landers168.0 ca ln Laks171.5 Cf i l l v174 5 Malh ieut19 .4 Gtono 'chY186.2 Turtle189 I M i .e C.nr r .246.4 B€ar P.ss249.4 Smith',sPletform.215.7 s ims

Wi^dv Poi.1221 a Focr,i Inreti24 7 seibert

ao: il ir-t r--* e {if?42.1 D3vri.25A 6 Emo?57 4 Bars ck265 9 slratton?12.' tineeoodr/ ! I l roomsnsze+.0 l l in.iny ni 'o', o".. i i l286.5 Brudotle, Minr. .103.4 w i l l i ams3)0 .2 Roos6ver t3?2.9 wauoad, Mi f . . .142 5 sp . ,e !a , M:n151.5 va$a.362 4 Bado€.168. I cadicklR 5 woodrido€190.8 Marchand198. I L. Br.qu6ri.443 2 Gnou'c l l I S i€ Anno418.1 r l wrnn i r .E , M.n . O . .D t

tlTJ(HOl€l Fod Gary)


23 0022 40

| 22 07

t z i 2 l

t 2 0 5 8| ?0)6

20 29! 2 0 t 3| 2g 0l

! 19 44I l 9 ? 7.r t9 15

l8 45t8 35

t7 57I

I t7 25

17 09/ t6 39

t515t5 30t 5 r 3r4 59

I l l aE' | | 3 51125l 4 l 5r4 05t3 55t3 45

, / t3 t9r l l 0 8

l2 50l2 08

t l t 4 6I I t 4| | 2 6

| l t 8t t0 51

l0 41t0 35l0 2109l0


Can't get downtown ?

No problem.

CN wi l l send your TICKETS BY MAIL.A phone call is all it takes.

Vous habitez loin du centre?

Aucune imponance.Un s imple coup de t6 l6phone et nousvous enverrons vos BILLETS PAR LA POSTE.

ffiru"ffirMI $EAilnsr p

prfrmmfrpffifi pffiss@mgffir tlnes

grandes lignes du rdseaut rAT.FT


\. tI







. Nfw YoRK

2 E W E S T E R N C A N A D A _ P R , O Y I N C E S D E ! ' O U E S Tt i O T E : W h e n S T A N D A h D T I M E r . i n e r l e . r i d . d e c t . n . h o u r f r . h D A Y L I G H T T I M E . l l o l E : L ' H E U F E N O F M A L E . u n e h . c . . d . r e t . r d . v . | h . u r e i n d i r r a . .


44Contral DAYLIcHT Tin6

H€ur€avancEEd6sP.a i r i6s

i r o

t""t6 4016 20t5 57t5 )2l 5 r 01 4 1 5t4 27t 4 0 5B 3 8t 3 2 2

t1 22t2 50t2 1512 30t2 04| 5 2| l 3 6

20t0 59lo 27l0 0,t9 4509 t708 5708 t9)8 00

110t 0l

t09 2lr09 1l. r r0 0 l. r t0 I '!10 ) l,fl | 0l| | ] /l l l 5 lt 2 l /

t 2 t {f tz 4/12 5(

./B 0l

..t3 2(! t 3 1 1/ t4 0f|1 21

t 4 5 t5 22

l t5 1 il5 2t

fl6 4l/ t 7 t l! t7 53t E 2 C

r7 00/ t6 40/ t 6 0 8I t517| 1 5 2 t

r5 03t 1435, 1 1 1 3I l3 53

t3 25.t t2 13t t223I t2 03/ l l 4 6. t l t z l.r t0 58t r0 38/ t 0 1 8/ r0 00t 0 9 4 1t 0 9 2 0

09 00

Cr Lundis, mercrodis, v6ndr6dis.I Lundis, joudis, samsdis,

d Mardk, jeudis, samedis.! Dimanches, mardis, jerdis.O Dimanohos, morcrodiN,vendr6dis.O Buffet,

a Entre Fortaoora Prairi€ 6l Dauphin, le,tiairs 9l el 9l laj3s€ni payanls vonant deWinn ip60 € i p re .nen l payan ls pour Dauph in.l ru-deli, oi 'aii6t 0st raqlsmoniair6.

t L€3 kain8 92 et 90 la $ont payanls venantd€ Dauphin si d'.u-del) ei, sur pr6avis

sutrisant, p/ennent payanis pour Winnipeqol a!{lela, oir I arr€l est dol€mont.ire.

c Les kains 90 el 91 6'air0tonl , toutos l€ssialions ontfe Dauphin .t Kamsack oourla ss€r ou orondre Daysnis mont6s avanl oudescondant aDrds HuLlson Bry.

! Pr€.d Dayads a d6eli.ation d€s a(ati raole-n€ntair$ a{-dola d'Hudson aay.

r Lrisso payants vonant d'.u-d6la d'Hudsos

/ Airei tacultatif, M Train mirl6.

CDT Heure AVAiCEE des Prairi6s,csT Hsure onMALE dos Prairies.


__!?___wrf !!!!$9'--1-u__Dl9"l!_B_|I-_f !ulq,_-,,.;_t*. i*. *-. *"0.1 43 r--i*. *"olr' '. ,M:::;u. Ldjke,. lvr6! c€rnar oayLrcfrr r trn6 ., i l r ; , . | ," l l i ; . '

D,a lve l l !r l€: l i6rely^l.c€E 9::: : : ' " : : s '- Dim. r_

TAaLES 43-44ior Wlnnipoq nnd beyond wh6ro train isschodulsd to stop,


. i6ins 9l and 90 (ill stop at any ststionbeiweon Dauehin and Kamsa.k to ontainor deirain rovenue r.ssenqor. to and tiomDoinls bgyond Hldson Eay,

D Enirai.s revenuo Dasseno€rs tor boyondHudson Bry*here l ra in i sschodu led lo s top .

E D€kain8 revenue passengors from boyond

/ Stops on sional. M Mix6d kain.

CDT Oontral DAYLIcHI Timo,CsT Ceniral STANDARD Time,



9 t43

Mil€! O6niral DAYLlqriT Tinovlill€s H6ureavaNc€E d€s Prairi€s

92 90


1710tE 4t

2 '2 t; j

21 30



t 7 3 0t 8 4 l19 08t 9 t 6tt 23

i i

" i s2 t l 022 0022 3422 5221 44


23 13123 26t23 40

<121 55d 0 0 t 5.00 25D 0 0 3 5

00 450 t t 00t 13

/ 0 1 5 402 t0

t 0 2 t 7

t024704 00

l1?, 42)0 .0 D! w inn i .€ . . M.n .O (5 &

54.7 0p Fdtrso rr Parrr.. It

18.? Xat.im€82.4 Mun91.5 c r .d ' . .n .

105.4 P lumas114.4 Tenby| 9 I q lene l la127.2 c lenca i rn119.2 Mccroaryl4 l .7 L .u r i . r156. Mak inak163.4 ochr6 F iv6r .

ze .o l i l o . "o r . se . . . . . 11 ;196.0 Gi lb6r ! P la ins .105.5 c . . .dv iow?18 6- a .b r in245 2' DoeDdare/5t 5 Makarofl, M.n, cDT')55 5 To0o, sssf. . csT164.0 FunnYm€d€.?70.8 . . co terzo.e lilx.--.r {il?€5.1 v€rec inls l 5 Mikadom e lilc--, illl?? 9 rr st!.si. q,

140.6 Endsavolr145.5 Ushorvillol5 { . 1 .11 P in6s,64.0 Rs.erYe194.6 lr rud..h Bry, sr.k. (47) Dp

07 ?o0 6 1 0

2 l2 t; j

03 30

t3 45

r ii zn 9

r0 05 e09 35 !09 01 !08 48 -0 7 5 4 i

tl.ii? i0 6 2 8 o

,106 0t ;0 5 5 0 205 40 o

E 0 5 1 0 ;. 0 5 2 0

0 5 t 004 5004 l5

03 47t0340-r 03 26,a03 l l

02 r0

t 5l t ' t6l2 ?512 45t3 0013 20t 4 r 5t4 l01155t 5 t 0t5 20t4 t5t5 ?5t5 40

2)2i7:'2"2:212l2l0 l0t0 l0 l00 l0,0i0i



e!405 l06


57l 0l 730

4l5909t 12455t 0 v

02 5502 2l

I 12 040l 50

.r 0t 370t 22

t 0 t 0 7./ 00 54.,/ 00 4l

00 25f 0 0 r 0

e 2350233227 07

| 22 54r 22 16

22 36

1 2 2 2 3| 2206

[ 2 1 5 2t 2 0 4 2

zo t520 00



t2 40

55| ? 5l l t 5l0 59{0 36t0 ?709 540t 3709 300 8 t 5o7 2507 00

0l {5.r 04 0l.r 04 15! 0 4 2 i,r 04 40I 01 52,a 06 03"/ 06 t710621t 0 6 4 6(4 07 00

04 45v


0,0 0p Hud.on E.y,s. . r . (4D A8.8 Wach€6

17.9 coba?! Z qhomono .

43 2 Canfvrc, Sask.. csT50 6 Tr rnb ; r r r , M. . . CDT60 5 whithom68 I w€straY17 I Freshford8 8 | t u T h 6 F . . , M . . , . C D T ! t

(44. AA. 47. At\

t 9 t 5! ta 57_. l8 46t t8 34.r t8 21I t 8 t 2I t9 02,r t8 50/ t 8 4 lI l8 ? i

n t 8 t 5

o 0 t 4 5A

^n 00 45


W E S T E R N C A N A D A _ P R O V I N C E S D E L ' O U E 5 T




45Mijos Central SIANDAaD Tinro

Mrllss H6uro NoRMALE des Prririos


Olot.Oai lyOuot-

0t 00r 0 0 4 9t 0025

/ 0 0 0 7| 2?57| 23 19

| 23)2

J 2 2 5 6r 2 2 4 5! 2230

h 0 72 t 5 5

t7 45t7 57

r t 8 2 0


t8 58

, 1 9 1 5

t r 3 l

f t9 t2t 20 03r 2 0 t 8

I 20 1l20 50

05 45a5 57

1 0 6 2 0

| 0679

06 57

07 t7

oi 33t 0 7 5 t-/ 08 04_r 0E t9

.r 081108 50

0.0 0f F.sin., s.tfi. .l=^? , No, ih ,q€s ina , sask .

ig I orsr€y48 1 Findlatef57 4 Chrmh. r t . in95 0 Ayle5buryt5 2 Cr.ix83 .8 c i rv in92.0 Dd ' id ' .n01.8 B ladwor thl? .7 x .n , tLn24.1 Hanrov

l l8 2 oundt 'nl4g I Harllain159.2 Clarcnce Avo.161 5 lr sa'ra&.., s.rr- O


1 2 t 5| 1204./ 1t 40

! l a ? ?

r i o1r0 47t 0 l l

/ t 0r t0 0010945

09 2209 t0

2?Zo^2 3 t 5

J 2J22

23172! 59

t 0 0 z l00 45

09 2009 37r0 00

.r r0 07I to 20

t 0 l 2t0 45

,/ 05| 3 0

08 30., 08 08

07 45/ 07 18! 0 7 2 6

07 1407 0t

.f 06 l90 6 1 5

19 50! 19 36

l 9 t lt9 06l E 5 4l8 42ta 29

/ 18 08t7 44



4eCentral DAlLtct{T Tim6

Heu16 AvANC€E dos Prai.i6sRril ri.*€t honcu.ec

Birlet. de tr.in Yrrrbret

B.s.se. A m:in .e!ten.n.-


& Rent-n-C.r S6ryr.e.

O No chscked basqaq6.

-r Stops on sisnal.

CST C6niral STANDAAO Titoo,

CDT Ceotral DAYLtcHT Tim6.

qhekld baOgrqo for F60,na, Sasl.rioon, andrnnco A lbor l on l t w i l l be hand lod on Fa ihn€rs6E0 and 6E3. Brso!!. to and rroh rnt€rmediatepornrs wirr be handled bv Lrucks-srbi€cr todslay. No psis carri€d byiruck.



& Lo.ltjon de sit!res sanschautteu.,!i) Ne pr6nd pas de baqages en.6oishas.

O Autr€t.csT Heur6 HoRMALE dss Prairies.CDT Heqre AVA|ICEE d€s Pairies.

Seuls les bao&€s enr€oistr6s e desti.etion deReqina, Saskatoon ei PrinDe Albert sont ache'mings par les auiorails 6E0 et 683. Lss altfesoaressont de$ervies p.rcanion av€c risqsos deretards, L€s chleds et los oetits a.iFaux nasonipas acc€ptos a l'onr€o'sken€ni polr kanspori


47Cont ra lSTANDAhD T ide

Herre NOaMALE dos Praidos

l o * ll liTue . Thu,


Mr r . Jeu . isam. I

. I o r r s. I 09 26. . | 0 9 3 8. . | 0 9 5 4. t 0 t 0

I 1 0 2 3 l- l t 0 3 2 I

",ze2 i? ?i iMon. 26 Iwed. I I 16F. i . l l 55

t 2 t l lraor. t tZ28 |ven. I t2 50 |r i r o l

- . - lI t4p2

t 4 3 71 1 4 5 2 I

t 5 0 5 | l1 5 2 5 r I

t \ 5 4 5 . . I16 05 It6 40* t l 20l ? 2 0 ) t t 4 2

I t 7 1 5 1 r t 3 5 l18f t | l , l l0

I ta10 | ! 1123 |1 8 5 5 t 1 3 0 i

;1, m I - -

1 9 5 ! i / t 5 0 02 0 3 0 t r t 5 t 5 |

! 2 1 t 2 l ! t 5 t 5 |21 30 t6 25

t7 40I 2040 l

'- D p

0 . 0

7 530.942.25a.a56.465.97 3 . 01 9 585. I91. I0 t . 4

1 0 7 . 6122

0 09 . 3

2 5 43 2 637.6


0 ll 6

2 4 . 425.91 5 639.2 8 i

t 8 6 . 8

Dp Mertod lrSiar Cityval0araiso

Ar Tld.le 0OEtderst6v

ft c.oored FrYe, (48) . h

PeesanervlistatimPrairio RivsrVeillsrdville

f r lx"a*" a.y1r1csr . .1 i3Ar fh. P.., M...(43,44)CoT 0t


48CN Chari€r Bus Serlico

R . i l t i c k s t ! h . n . l r e dEilrei. de b.in varabres


Gr6y Goos6 Bus LineAutobus-G.ey Goose Aus Lioe


Cor!u I Aosnrs lor Aus SLn€dulc,Se re rse Oner su i leb ' o , .es aup. is oe l .qen l .


H . . d b a o s r e F o n t y ,



16 45! t6 23

t5 50I t5 )4

t 5 2 3t5 08

f 1445l 4 l 0

r3 5ot3 07I l ? 1 9

f | 5 545

I t n l00

t0 ?0.t 09 32

09 15

D E L ' O U E 5 T30 W E S T E R N


n^r l ' L

50 l^ii'+l Il u g r - I L

MounlaL i SrAND^RD r rne 16e5


I, H€ure NoFMALE nos i ^^ ,

Rocheuser X:ll. ' '_- - '- \

'*mil..1'tii"l".*" ^,J,iii! I i, r,,"*1"i1'"" td'iii8 l* II '

P:,l"i::il* lii!:1 II r, .i1.1'" lll ii3i I Ij " 8rr ," , . " l { l i i l t1 tll"Y' Liiiq tn':;3 ii"ifrJ l'Rx?i l^.x',";i .Tfi,fiii'

"l,it:iliiir:l,:::::::^: +1-'-j-*'7 For loq Jc t l l , ' n 1 rn v 'owoo in t I i ;5 i

3 "'iXilH'"."

I |isit'! E#lv I ltil?; st"tr." I X,i ti< warden I Ltu i t:! Eiiln*" 1 l*i?P B""ll3:i : I li{i?,i n,i11"; I llEsi

l l , . . I lL, '311.. ,^. ' . D' l l6 iEb


iTf .'$i"*Tifi 'r;"JiLTlilt:'t;".":*'ri::ii'f i'tr:

ilil$#ffi t''''+,'.idiil'#ill;4ri#lfl""11:i i- ;;,**'. "," *-,."

c A N A D A - P R o v t N ! j :


5 lMounta in SraNDAnD

Hou16 l toRMALE des


6 9 1





lld*fti,Hsilitl#i;liHF:'::+H*':tREFEBENCE MABKS-TAALES 50'52

.,s F€nt a-Ca' Serv'ce O M€aL stat on



Partie de'a

SYMBOLES-TABLEAUX:Si Locaiion de voiiures sanschauffeur'


50-52O Buffot.


;;5257t 1

3 l50

R A I L T I C I ( E T s H O N O I J F E D


Ou{D a i i y


Mounia in sTANbAnD Trme

H€sre NonMALE des Fochesues

1 4 o o I

l 2 o l45

09 4009 2'0? 00

r8 00

2? 2520 3520 20l8 3020 00

2) 25

'1:o2t r5

t0 00

t 3 l 5

t 4 4 5t5 45r7 05t9 45

r8 3020 20201522 ?5

09 15l l 4 0t 2 0 l1 4 4 5t 7 1 5 I i 5 i 5

F$':djiii'cii""'iff i,q$l?i,ltft'.i[ii,],{I3fltJ#d:1'":}Ji"$liiii*l:!":i:"iilf#.}it41$f*i{!"lfiil{''r;itlqtri,tlf}5il"iflift il?s$}tlii"'ril;H

W E S T E R N C A N A D A _ P R O V I N C E S D E L ' O U E g T

B U P E B T .+


5*Pacinc o^yLtCHt Tide

Houfe avancEE d! paciflqu€

t o M298





/ S toos on s snat . M Mi ,oo r ra rn .O M6a lSta t ion , O wod. Fr i . Sun,Note Ai Detrainin! poinrf.r H.4tt.n,N-cr€-B: OerE i . jne p . in t ro r X i t imat . Co-su [ .oc . A0sn. to . dera ts o i Aussfr ce lo Kitinat .Fait t'clets nor ronou.6o Fa.wssl Bu-s _ nos o;;riae dtay.


_. ArCt racultatif. M Tra n mixte.3 3!ffet. o Mer. ven, Din,nc& ar c.r.crpondance eou. H*.tt.n.\ .1e a : Cor re l lonc .nco pour .Xh imat . Con5u, te r e c '16 t ae oar€ au su_6 i*- a$urenr un ssrvice quoi dien. pas de baoasas onreojstr6s.

l0 20t 0 ? 5 5.r 09 40

1 0 9 2 0

09 05

08 45.r 08 30

/ 0 8 t 508 00

t 0 7 5 5

1 0 7 1 307 37

t o 7 2 207 t507 0t


t 06 1706 28

05 19

/ 0 6 0 805 5E0 5 5 l

.r 05 38t a 5 t 5

05 00

t5 30I t 5 t 0| 14 5?

1 t 4 ) 4

t 4 r 8

B 5 lI t3 34

I t 3 l 1B 0 l

| 12 52

/ t2 38t2 28

t2 09| | 5 l

r | 3 E

t | 1 2 10 i

J0 54

I l 0 4 lt0 25l 0 t 009 52.t 09 4309 30

07 59e? t906 30

! 05 37t 0 5 t 6t a 5 0 6

04 t004 20


r 0253

/ h

. : . :

. ' , '' ' ' ' : :

t . . .

' -

22 0022)823 t023 20

/ 0 0 0 7.f 00 3lt 0 0 4 1

0r ?00r 35

' '07 30

t 0 7 4 5,. 08 00

-f 0E 19

08 32

t 0 8 4 7f 0 9 0 4

t 0 9 t 509 22

, / 09l3

t 0 9 4 9l0 00

t 0 l 7l 0 1 4

I to 49

t | 0 5t 2

l t 3 4

| l 4 81204t 2 l 9t2 37

r l2 4713 00

a2 29

l 0 2 t 2 i


:io ' )t ! .

'19c'i ! P


. D p


0 1 1 1


03 45

) | 04 02

ILI oi" I

04 51 5; il X i i l -

.-r 383 38 :i ,3Ei; !j ci:c;i i i i i iE 1 2 4 0 n! i l :3 $f t 5 0 0 !

{ 1 1 : 1 1 :er i i i i Ii / t 5 0 r :; t 6 2 0 dw t 1 7 2 2 0

1 t 7 4 9

f t a t 2t8 30


I R A N S P O R T A T IC E S C O R , R E S P O

o N S E R . v l c E S -N D A N T ScoNN=.J l l f ,


o".'^',o l9'nljlglllli\'^iiilf i"-n. 'o'iil: . .*;:,J;;S'|"'fi ilS"R,i,IS^?5'i,t*i[1'^oJ'E'^"'.^


P:c'fic DAYLtGHI Timo

Heur6 AvA C€E du Paclfiq!6

22 00 Tq€-Mar '

8i88lii-i""ri3gg 3i;:Ji*



"".1:::"' *;ii'r,""rg'lltl;*l'n';:,1 :"." "Paoiflc oaYltcna Tin6-ll6uro ava clE d! Pacifiqro

t 4 0 5l 7 t 5

t5 05l 8 r 5

t6 05t 9 I t

t7 052 0 1 5

r8 052 t 1 5

t 9 0 522 \5

20 0523 t5

t 2 l 0t5 20

t2 05r 5 l 5

*i*,ur*rrlr**fi inq,giffi f,#$tpllll+$::f,ffifrgffiff i*$*[+f*i*:*t*t'*rf,$'ry#':ffiB t 0



t*,*#$frr$iif "ffi ,:;#$iftq*tiliit:q,"*;llfm*:,*lil"li*ll'iniii:1","fr"ffif.",',"','; iTidi ",* 111"";': *L:*#iry:"^ii,"-",i l.;il:1":t*jl::'::,"1;:;,[: t"i';;i,"]";;;.";;";"";i.""" r'' '*0"* ***s"'' -aoaooa&-ijiict*s ro tro+ ruana mo^-

- L,^. , -s€ur 2l .nctus.!o.N-Jud6 22_S€Dt 2l inolusv€a- Unt t June 22 an,l .116r sBPt 2l;,"";'.,'ifi#-#'lir1::lri: ffil': uig uillsl& ;sJ; r*r:[rr liiS:itl8

Hol idaYs-hou iY . - , , . , . . ^ . , - . - i ^ , . |h .Fan6run l i l2040*. . ['i,T]:r,iii::1 l$ qxr 33i8 H ilXS::;::l rlxrlr:r:;€rlilir ?3i3Holidavs-h0!nv


Pacific DAYLIcHT lim6

H6uro AvAflc€E du Pacifiqu€


1 6 1 5t1 00

00 4522 00l8 00

20 45r0 0012 45

02 0004 45 ll I',1:i*T?;I""'l' tiI 3?6;

f fE 1 ! ; t ;1 l3! ;

luc l l l lc l l : lc lac j8


s.. Ner. o YAI{COUVEB - l{ANAlM0 voir note D

Pacific DAYLIcH.l Time-H€uro avANclE do Pacifiquo



06 '10

09 ?5

t0 40

t t 25


t5 25

l6 40

t9 25

It 40

2\ 25

20 40

23 25

o1o I ol 'o

0 8 5 5 I l o 5 5

t 0 l 0

t2 55

1 2 . 1 0

14 55

r1 r0 I

16 . r0

1 6 5 5 L 1 8 5 5

t 8 I 0

20 55

20 r0

2? 55

6iilct aut-t."tv "t^utte)

iii"udJ o' ̂ .ct auroBU5-TtAvEnslEF)


T R A N S P O R T A T Ic E 5 C O n R E S P O

o N s E n v t c E s -N D A N T S



East€rn DAYLTCHT Tim6

H€ur€ vANcEE d6 fEst



* PEi { , CENTFAL -

ro 34 i 634D.i ly Daly | €ast€rn DAYLrcHrt im6Auoi. I Ouot. I H6ul6 av NcEE d6 r'Esr

21 30 09 00 I 0P M.nrrc.r O Af07 t0 t8 l0 r r iJcw Yorr Dr

G r a n d C € n l r a l T e n n i n a l



r)8 t522l0


oai lyQuot.

08 30


* +


t2 00

06 30


17 15t0 t0

|,o OUNVEGAN YDS, Alta, lr(Edmonton) {38)


D0 LAC LA BICHE . lrlr WA'iERWAYS, Alta,. D,



l? 30

23 t0


09 00t7 00



* i;

64Molni{n ST OAiD Timo


Nor.l-Last trip June I-D€rnier voya@ l€ €r juin.i o r E a F i r s l t . , p J r n e 2 P € n € , o y " o 6 6 2 _ u ' n .



t210B 0 0t5 35

Dai ly

08 000 8 1 7I t 5 0


15l l 2 908 00

t 9 t 5t8 5 lr5 30

62Paoifio DAYLIGHT Tim€

Heure AvA CEE du Paciatquo

oo u."..,"!??^ "r".r:g,^,0p N.w w6rinin.r.r 0p

lr S.rttl., W..h, DP


I t 6 5

Dai ly

rt ror7 30r 8 I t2 t 2 5


!t1:09 t5

t 2 t 5t4 00t 7 t 0


_ai_t''t9 00

t6 o01 5 t 0t 2 0 l

3,"!l 2 0 lt2 35t515t6 00t 9 l 0

62A 2762

Pacific DAYLTGHT Tim6 ] Daily

H6uf6 avaNcEE du Pacifiqu6 i Quoi-

D0 vanc.lv.r CN $in (3t) lr I 15 500/r New w..rmin.te. DD& Se:trr., w.th, Dp 12 150! sor t r l . , w . rh , l r l l l 0rr P.rtl.nd, oE, DD 08 00


;;03 3503 34ea Iet 9 4 ll7 35



21 00

00 3000l204 0004 t008 t9t0 35


09 15r0 50| | 5 0t 5 t 5

,uzz , Luzz" l ' .u r rzi

Jue. &, i lLrr. -i€.

Thr. i Set. I tr"i sa:

Mar.6t i Sam. ' !!i. l|f.'P* I

' Je!. s#

1 5 l 0 | 1 2 3 0 , 1 6 1 5B l 5 i . r l t 0 5 1 5 0 51 2 5 0 | r 0 2 0 I r r a09 t0 i 0700 r l l 0c


& R€nt-a-Oar Sorvic6.'

.r Stop! on sional. M Mix€d train.

a Until Jon6 29 and alt6r Sepi€nb€r 7.

O Efi€ctive June l0 to Septonber T.


& Looalion d€ voitur€s sansc[auffour,

t Aratf&ultaiif. M Train nittr.

a Jusqu'au 29 juin et aprds LB 7 s6p!.

o ou 30 ju in au 7 s€pt .


aM22 | a2l9 a22056AEasiern DAYLtGH.' Tim€

Hel rsavar , rc lEd6 l 'Es !

08 25.r 09 35

l 0 l 5B 3 0 u

?3 15

l 8 t 5

09 t5t0 50t! :!

Bsffs! lu;ch ssNl@,-servlca d€ buff€i.




Psese-oe 'c ro Fa ' 'ban{c and A-c o raos c toD ovu ' ioh l a t loL ' c t No roou_o "nd Bur$as"

Land ino Southbouno

m;rittt"t"rrl"tr*ti""i,ilfillifi l3i3l"''" ""rt e rok Junciion e'irs vi€nnent du

V Daily Jln€ 2l'Sspi l--ro!s les jouB du 2L juln au 3 s€ot

i opeales Mav 22 lo June 2l Cltcule d! 22 dai au 23 iuin

i Opsrates Jun6 25 to Seot 4*C rcul€ du 25 juln au 4 sopt

i Daily Jlne 27 to sepl. o-Tous l6s jou6 du 27 juln au l0 sspt

o opofates Jun6 25 to seot 6-oirclle du 25 iuln au 6 s€p!

e Op€rates Mav 22 to June zl-Circule du 22 nai au 2l iuin


F r i l T i c k e t . H . ^ o r e d - a i l l e t ! d e a i n v a l t b r e ' - +*

6 0 1


5 0 1


2 0 1




2l 00

23 400t 5502 050l35

2f4502 l0o? 250rl 4004 5s05 t5

09 00l 545

13 rl513 50t 5 l 5


r o iifwtt*.,'. + '2r6.0 i;1v.,,.v'r.* +2 8 5 . 0 A . G r a n d . P r t i r i c

1fi' D l

06 t503 1503 300 t r 50t 052t 10

-1615rt l0t 1 l 0t 2 t 0

59r0 35

t9 55l7 35t f t 5t 5 r 0r5 05

601 5035o4 ?44 604

0l 5005 10

06 150 8 l 5

i5 30t 7 1 5

n n Oo c*"0. P- ' . ' . + l "li 0 li o.*'." c'"ek s c uP

21252t l0

t 0 1 508 l0

13 20l l 3 0

509 207 5 r 0 209

| l 5 513 25t3 4518 25

0l 350t 5006 15

0.0 gP. D.w&n crs.r' B c

b5.o i : lchd*v"d2 b O 0 $ F r i n c e G € o r e e ' B c

Li't5 051 1 5 0r0 00

06 3004 500 1 1 02315

152 |TTS


30t2 l0t2 4009 45

0 0 P! oawsn croek B c Ar

47 ! ;'"lFort st John i k9r ' l o i i wh i lehoAe, Y T . LYET oP

t 8 t 0t7 05t7 00t8 00

4523 e524 9524MTS

l l 3 0 l t 3 0

20 20

n n 0o wh iohoE. ' YT 'YEf r [ f

il? I ii +:t-,i'.1,!'-1"+" tsl16 05

15 o0

l6 05

t5 00

07 00

t6 00

0? 00r2 30

07 00t2 l0 to;g I'l:'t*illll"f

"', il

ioa o l. ANcHoRAGE TLAS Utt

l4 3009 00

t4 3009 00

1 4 : 0

06 00

l o l


4 0 1




0 o Dl EDMoNTou altl lr

,r8 0 i;1lAth.bs* !+ lri

u 8DLY



r o2Exs

l7 3019 15

t1,oo 08 0009 5009 50

2 1 3 0t9 30t9 20

06 20 t 008


23 l5 r-o fi '"'"."*,.. + 1ll t 05 05

03 50 t 4 t 5 ZIO.O r . xrcx rn^|nte On 15 00 0 l t 5





Fair Tict(6t' H.n.r.d - Bille$ ds lriin v:rabres' +

a Pafenoe s lo Yer lo*kn '6 connect a t E ' e 'oas€-1615 NoaLDou 'd a -o 0730 sout "b@n' l - ,

i:ii"#lux"j;;:,-:l,Isco'|'ospo'd€n' a E € o 3€ ' r6hi5€-orov.na'ceriu 3u0 er




+ B€si StoP or Meal SloP

ExS Daily exceDt SundaysMTS Mondavs, Thufsdavs and Saiufdavs'

WFS Wednosdavs, FridaYs and Sundavs'

TTs Tuesdavs, Thufsdavs and saiurdavs

ESM Ercept SundaY and Monday-YET

Yokon Easigrn Tim€

AST ALaska Siandard Time.

MST Mounta ln S tandad ' r ims,


+ Anat detonl€ ou buffot

ExS Tous !6s jours saul dimanohes'

MTS Lundls, jeudis 6i sam6drswFS M6rcredis, vendrodis et dimanches'

TTs Mardis, ieudls ei samed s

ESM Saul dimanohes et lundis.

YET Heuro de l'es! du Youkon

AST Hsure normalo do l'A aska

MST Horro ^ormale des Foch€uses



8 0 r









09 00l l l 5


B 4 5t6 00

23 4502 r002 2501 1001 4505 30

23 45q2 l002 2501 10014506 45

o o gr, :or'ro(ffrTJr, rr-rr'rrt.o frlwrtt*."* + .zto.o lliv"tt"w;.. + .lOL 0 lr P.aco Fiv.. +

rf;06 t50l 450t l00 l l 50t 0523 00

t615t4 30r 1 t 0l 2 t 0


221520l020 20r9 ! tt6 00

807-803D L Y



08 0009 3509 55t 2 t 5t215

l 6 t 517 00

0.0 90. P..ce rivd +

68 .0 iM . ' " r " 0 +

r,r l 0 i l jH,sh t-. ' +' ( F , i n b o w L . k € r

ihl n E.kttri3. i a i 0 & H . v n i v . . . N w r '

ifit5 l0r4 0013 45| l ] 01 0 0

07 3007 00

zz 0020 3020 15t8 00

8 t lTTS

8 1 2MTS

15 302t 30 0 )

08 0000 05

Balt Ti.k.t3 Hon.tod - Billcr' dG t'ain vilabl€5


| 2 508 5608 4607 30

t 3 r


t 8 r 520 4520 5522 20

$!:0 .c

t06 0t5 l . 0294 O


i ; iB., 'c + ttrIi Lio L: aich. !nl| FT. M.MUFiAY' uP

M I X E D T R , A I N S E R V I C E S - T R A I N g M I X T E S 3 5


t 3 t 5t212l2 35l 2 2 5t2 05


l t 0 5

M 2 t I M 2 t 2

) M244

Mar . J€ ! ,

08 3009 05

09 3009 55r0 05t0 25t0 45


6aMies At lan tc DAYLIGHT T ime

Mi l l€s H€ure AvANcaE del'Allanirqu6


t8 25t 8 t 0

J l 7 3 1t t 7 t 9

I 16 57

t 6 0 8l 5 5 5

I t 5 1 5I t5 l6

t5 25

I l 5 t 5, tt 92

, r 14 t3

! 1 3 5 9t 3 5 0

B 3 0B 0 5

t t2 47

12 QT55

! | 0 5l0 50

.r t0 t7

r 0 9 5 0

09 4009 2t09 06

! 08 12

t 0 8 2 8

08 14

t 0 7 5 41 0 7 1 4

07 3707 t5

0 . 04 . 3t ? . 11 6 5z ) . 12 2 82 4 8? 7 530.03t .0

44.250.452.55 8 06 ! !7 . 4

7 2 57 6 . 082.2! Q 99 6 9

t00 5t04. I| . 8

3 . lt 2 .25.74 2 . 24 8 . 65 6 459.06 4 4t t . 27 5 98 4 541.?1 8 9 . 49 6 . 7

2AA A205 I208.22 t 2 . 1215.12 7 72 t 9 4222 |225 6228 2231 |236.5239.4250.0

07 0007 09

[ 0 7 4 207 56

,r 08t8

08 34

09 0809 t8

/ 0 9 3 0/ 0 9 1 9

09 55

t r 0 0 l/ r0 09

t0,10, l . l t 0 3/ ' t t 0

I | 2 332

l l 5 2t 2 0 5

I t 2 2 \t 2 1 6t i ! l

I t3 56t1 30

, / t5 t0

t 5 2 5t5 50t5 05

t t6)5

/ t 6 5 3

t7 20

t t 7 1 5r t 7 5 7

18 07t8 40

&o a r

iif ri'-0""r 1lr

ln addition to regular p€ssnser trains shown lh this lolder, mir6d t.ains carryins passehgeB operate betweeh the tolowing stalions.En p lus des tmins de voy .g€urs ind iqu6s dahs ce t te b rochure , des t .a ins mi r tes .e t i6Et tes sares su ivan ies .




t5 20! t l30fl3 5l/ r3 36

t3 2507 55

107 1007 30

05 500 6 1 5

106 20

06 0005 45

, 9 p

69 M205 70 M206

0 8 1 5.r09 45Jt0 20

1015t 0I 0

I | 25l 2 2 0. ! - -t4 30


t5?5t5 50


07 0007 05

0 8 r 0

/08 3508 5009 35

09 550 20

l0 50f l r 0 l

| 2 0

l6 20t 6 I 5

t5 20

t 1 5 0t 4 4 lt 3 5 l

t3 28t3 03tz 48t2 33t2 20' l




Ex. Sun.

M234M2a77 l

Alantic DAYLIGItT TiheHeu16 AvaNcaE d6

t 0 0 01 0 9 5 0./ 09 40./ 09 30

0t 2008 3008 t808 03

t 0 7 1 507 30

t i 2 0! | 2 1"f 10! | 5 0

l2 05t2 J0121513 25

. r t 3 &

l i* t2 05

l t 2 5

l0 55r0 45

r0 00

09 25

08 50

08 25

08 00

: ilr1 ! Pi i o r

t2 a0

r3 0€t 3 t 5

t i zst i qs

r 5 l 5

t5 35

1 6 0 0


,r Siops o. sional. M Mix€: :-. -

c U n i i J u n € l a - d a t 6 S e p l . , ( : . - = . _ _ + : - . i = -


/ Aratiacullatil, M Train toixto.

c Cisle un6 h€ur€ plus tard jusqu'au 27 jujn 6i aprds lo 2s€pi.

M I X E D T N , A I N S E R V I C E S _ T R , A I N S M I X T E S



t t 3 0r8 30

t6 25l 6 t 0la 20t3 30

0 . 022.42 7 . A42.476.078.6t 2 5 . I

l0 00/ t0 55

/ t3 30r t3 55I t5 50

l6 50


74Mii6s E4tern OAYLIGXT Tifi6

MilL6! HBufs Avtr'tcfE de l'Est

Do H..r.t, ont. (33) . lrCalltock

PalmqurstPaowa Riv€rPaowaOrant

Ir rkih:, onr. O (36r Dl

o auffot.



/ slopt on !i!..1 M Mir6d train


/ AdBt f.cultalit M Trrin nilto


r,"" ."u",]'-1'.,o,"'" i "::'

Mi 6s H6ure AVAXCEE d€ l'Est i v6n.

0.0 Do F.r.r.r (16, l?r ' k M q9q q shawm€/6 l l : -4 :

lg 7 Miesono l l r ! : :9

:i: Eiiil"* Lr iiii

iiii .+#;^, l;iiiilii B ̂,*.qfjjf:.,,,,,,,, ji iiii

l 5 0 0I l 5 1 5/ t 5 l 0

t t 6 1 5l6 15

t 1715t8 00

/ 1 8 1 5"r t8 50-r t9 05.,. t9 t5

t9 10

t 9 5 M267 l 9z i



?aMil6s Eastorn DAYLIGHT Tim6

Milt$ H6uro avaHcaE d6 rElt

20 3020 15

20 00

t9 50

r 9 1 5

l9 20i9 05t8 50l 8 3 5l8 25!! 19

1 7 1 5. - t . -

t 7 1 5

I7 00

r6 30

r 8 l 0t 8 r 0

1 7 5 0

t 7 l 0

t 7 r 0

16 50l 6 1 515 20t5 55r 5 3 01 5 2 0t4 35

l 1 t 0

r3 50t 3 l 0

r 3 l 5

1 2 l 0

l 2 t 0

t2 a5


t? -2:l3 45t3 55t 4 l 0ta 25| l 4 0

r 5 t 0

t9 20l5 a0

t6 00

t5 25

r0 25.f t0 l5

.r 0!

35r | | 5 0

t 2 0 5

i 12 t0r 2 1 0

I t2 50

/ t l 0 0

i i l l ;B 5 5


76Milos East€rn DAYLIGHT Tim6

Millos H€ure avAxc€E d€ fEst

D! H...sp.yn. (16)T D n d € r nosNwin

H i l l t t o . tGeco


l , r z z t -| 270

I sar

L sam.

08 00

09 30i0 20| l 0 0

0 . 03 . 2

3 5 . 4a 2 . i

7t .4

l. k 16/00

. I l l 3 0

. I t 2 l 5

. h 1 3 0


7SMilos Conhal DAYLIGHT Tlme

H€UIS AVANC.EMillgs des Prairi6s


t7 50t7 2017 00t6 35t 6 t 5t515

!:! h ""il?,:Ii#;": 't'l

Lh n s i f ton

1iA ElliT,*i":',:l 8 i r r w in" re . !o t r . , M.n

t2 30t2 55B 0 8t3 25!3 40la 05

M 2 8 lEx, Sal-




80Mi l63 C6nt t4 l oAYLIGHY T imo

Mi l16 ! H€uro avaNcaEdes Pra i r i€s



8 tMil6s C6.tral DAYLIGHT TlnB

Mi l les Heute AvANcEE

t 6 t 5

M28oEx, Sat.

6t d im.

19 00r l8 16/ t 8 1 6f t7 52

t6 55| 162?! 15 2i

I 4 1 0B 4 5

r 4 1 0.r t4 08,r 13 50

t 3 t 31 1 2 2 1.f t6.. t0 0l

0t 45/ 08 38.r/ 07 40

07 0tt 053,

06 00

t 0 20J 1011I t0 56. . t0| 1 1 2 2" r l l 9. f t2 l0t 1250

iit3.sI t6 16

t7 05J t 8 2 5

20 t0r 20 50

2l l0

0.0 Dp1 0 2t l . 126.a3 4 . 445.255. l7 1 . 219.97.60 . 7

l3-? s^t 5 t . 8i 56 .3L i 9 . I242.7?t4.5iiz i rr


E O U I P M E N T _ C O I A P O S I I I O N D E S T R , A I N S

Alt o.r..r. Air C.nditl...d. Co..h.. .t...t.d .n .ll tr.in.'' TiANSCoNTINENIAL sEiVlCE 1.b1..34-38

o / J .CrUOea \2,nlanPntQl

Trrin. l-3..d 2.4- MO|rTREAL _ TOToNTO ' vAt'lCOUvErA l l . l . . r in . . r r rE . . .n thc "Sup. r c . . t in .n t . l " i ! .d . rv .d d . t . . l t l c . l l , r r r i tn 'din rdv:nc., R.$rv.d .nd unr...rv.d c..ch.r rr. .p.r.t.d on thit lr.in r. oh.t' r'rc...h r..t &..rv.ti.n.,

aFrir 28 r.ls.. ll.6d s.ri.nbor 14 to oct b.r 26 Hi*: ,11.:'"

T..int I .nd 2-Jun. ll t. s.Ft.nb.r ll

lJta noftt,rla. ' . . in . 105-106: 'd 5 .6

A l l t l@r in r o . ' .p . . . .n th . r '? .h . . .m. r ' i . . . . . rv .d .nd . t . l f io . lu ' r ia6 td in.dv.;cG: R;!.rv.d .nd unr.$rv.d oorch!. .r. .t.r.t d .. thi. ti.rn. N. ch.rl. t.r

MONTiEAL, tOiOt{TO. WlNtllPEO w..t- E .t-5 . !nd l .ohc

Cri 529 op.n lor occop.ncy rt

winnip€o - vincouvorWjn.iPeo - vancouverWinnip€o - vanmuv6rWinnipeo - Vanc.uver

saskrtoon - van@lvsrWinnipds - Vancluv6.WinniD6o - Vancouv6rWinniD6o - Vanc.ulerSlskrtoon it 2200

1 9 -Lor 201102 nz109 m9l | r , L li)4 zit126 22ht27 227

l t l Lt116 236r y :

ib6 zobt08 208109 249r0 2 t0

1 2 L llr 2l l12 23233 233lll ?.at136 B6

_r=l0r 4013t2 102103 101l i 5 . 1 t 5}6 .116

. 3 m Q 0'jw 17tL i 4 2 i125 125326 t26

t<J ,.3I'

t05t 1061tO53 t063tsl! !^09!'=n 'Y

50t 601fi2 fiz5rl m3- 609

5 t0 5 r0521 621522 622523 623- 628

r y 9: , -

5.1 . .v6it.....ct, hrr (plrms r5s6rv6$ a fo!63t

do Winnipeo) .v!lt.-c..ch, rh€. ra$rraV.it...o..h. rr.c.. r-.rva.tV.it,-c.rch, rliEr no' ra.Gl

T.ur.t t.! y.itur.. ..nr .lim.ti.a.., Tou. r.r tr.lnr conr.(.nt d.r voltor...G{.h.YrAlils Tt^NgCoi{rlNENT UX - r.lb.u 34.38

Super eontinentalrr.rn. l-3.r 2-l - MoNTr:a! - toroiJlo. varcouvEa

En v.ituBnii!, t.ut6 r6.orv.ti.n ..hr.rt r. r...ti.r d'un. ltrce dar.rilna.. L.ra.6rv.tl.h ..t obliltiolr. d.n. ..!t.rn.. v.itur.!.co.ch! ..r. .uDltan.nr.

Du 28. * i l . ! l l l u in . t du la $ r t , .u 26 o . tobr .

Montr6rl - Oliawa 19 -

@ororo^oTr.rn. t05-t05.r 5-6

En v.its*lit, t si. r{rcrv.tl.n o.mDo}t h l...tlon dru6. pl.co d6t.rmlra.. L..aFv.ti6 d .ll i lri.irc d.n. ed.in.r v.itur.."o...h, ..N .urrlan.nt.

M.NT.EAL - ronoirro . wr,{rpEG -;:.i -["T.-l '.u.rt l '.Jt

Jasp6r - Edmonlon



206208209? la2 t l,Ltll,15

1lot 401342 402303 401t l 5 115l t 6 4 i 6i?o 120321 42)22 422123 4?3325 425326 426327 427'1j g

r05 061t05l t06l107 108t055 065'gn 'In


5 r0 61052 621522 622tzj 623- 62852e I

vanoouv.r -

38 E O U I P M E N T _ C O M P O S I T I O N D E S T R , A I N S

MoNTiEAL _ MARITIM!s-T 'b r " 8 ' 9 'nd I I

ScotianTr . in . l l : rd l2 - Mo l t lTnEAL _ HALIFAX

Al l . l . . r in r . . r .p .o . .n th . "Scot i .n ' i ! .€Frv .d .nd rp 'o l r i c r l l v t l l ; sn€d in tdv tnc ' 'ii..-..ii,-J,ia ,"i*.-a

"..oh $.t' .vrir.bt. on thi. rr.in. N. .h.rs. to'

""h 'e'i

r.,.R:iioh.. ,,8j.1".*?i:

| 02 1202I l0l l20ll t 1 9 l 2 l 9L t4 1 .4

l L l6 236|BS l2 l9

e/rol"u,r r . in . 16 .nd 17 - MONTREAL ' GASPE -

t50rt508t509t 5 t 915211522t5l4t5351536539

Iax 1403t408

i6; 409ra; 14 9,6y 4?lfai l4Ulax l4l5

rax i439

t102 1fr2L40l L:ali i iE i i iBt4t0 l5l0r43t l5 l lt412 1532t4td t5l4

!xl; l;l;l{19 5t9= , -

aprll 28 t. Juh6 2l .^d sottcmb.r 9 to Octob.r 26

ls3 ll83162l l12l1622 1122

t*3, l13lt629 1729

MoNThEAL - casPaJu. .22 to SGFt nsorg

ur:n1.h.r .A L6vi3. Voiluro lb29 a la disposition oes vovao6u'5 t compier do 22h

voirurc i729 t ,. dhi,olilion oBs vovaqsurs ;usqu , th

Du 14 iu ih .u l3 . . t t Fbr .eFtrc ..5 datd, L.t v.itur.. tuttl6Fcni.i .'.jout.r"t '! 4sootirn'

v.it,-c.u ch, !r.... r.rerv.6. Mo^t'6dl - Halila\v . i t . -d . rm; t tF lz sec l . , I ch / rb ro ran i l ia le Mont 'ba l - H , iLa) | !U l l .9volt.-li!.-B sect., 2 conpartiaonts, ' salor_lil3n:i;:-i;i;. )t;hi.i,,eirs

A*"^T T ' i N ' I { ' t I 5 - M O T N E A L ' H A L I F A X ' S Y D N E Y

En voiturc-li*., t.ut ra..rv.tion oomtort. l. locrtion drun. tl.c. dat.rmi!6. En

;ituE.;..ch,;.. tr.ln. .rrEnt d.' i l...t r...rv..., ..n' 'upprimcnt' .t d'.qir.t

|4Or ta31408 1508

/)t I\ ,nateuftr.iF. l6 Gt l7- MoNTr€AL - GAsPi. iroNcToti

No. d6 v.itut€.Du 28 'vrir ru 2l juin 6r ds e..pt.mbr..u 25 ocr.b."

"yi::- Iii;

1409 1509a r q l 5 l 942 t52l

1422 t52?t4t4 t534r-4tt luti4l9 t5l9- =

tx83 tas3ixiE l;18t4l0 l5l0td l t l5 l

txt? l;l?r4l5 I5l5

183 l;18_ _


E Q U I P M E N T - C O M P O S I T I O N D E S T R A I N S

a ) r

M O N I h E A I . . S Y D N E Y

Jlne22 to septehbcr 8


a D tJ \APaAOS


Zrlt . r in 20-S-ac l Coac1, Coac" Lounq6 , ro C lub Car s ! " r ! ' ssbrvdu,Tra in 2 l - s -ac ! Coach, Corc- I ounoe ar Ctub Ca ' s6a ts r6s€rvedTr.in ?rl S.a.k Coac!, C.ac- Lounoe aro Ctub Car s€ats reserv€d.Tr.i. 2t -S.a-! C.sch, Coach Lou106 .nd C,ub Car see.5 ,eserLeo.

1807 907t808 1908t809 909r 8 t 9 1 9 91820 )924t82t t92lt82? 19221830 9t0

Meal and l0urs6faciliii6s availabl€ €rMeal and lounaefaciliiiesavailable.M€r l a id loun0o fac i l r t ieB avs i lab loMea and lounoo r .c l i t i es ava i lab l€ .Meal add loun!6 iacilili€s a!ailablo.Meal and lounoe faciliriosavallable-M€a and lolnoe lac liti6s .vailablo,Meal and loun06 Iaciliti6s available.Moal and louns6facilltie!rvailablo.lVeal and ounqe tacllit es availablo,Msal and lolnae laciliii€s availab e.Mea l and aunqe rac I t ies ava i lab leMea and loun0erac ln i€s aear lab l€Moal and loun06 tacililies available.Meal and lounse lacililios avai able.



M6al laciliU$ availabl6.Meal facilliies available.Meal lacilliies avai able.Meal lacilites availablo.


r t I4-AReSnOfeThi , .50 .nd 5 l

Coach and Club Car soats, M€al and Lounoo racittties avaitable.

/ ) I .\ / o 9 a I l e t

T.ain6 58 and 59M O N T A E A L . ' l ' O A O N T O

Coarh seats, Updere. Lowe's. Aoomehes. B€oroo-s Conpa4nenrs Vea and Lou-oe factrlies

C . r L i n e N o r ,E..t- W€rt-

b o u . d b . ! . dU c.o.v6d S.r1C.ach.Unrorofv€c Seat Sn.ol Coa.hhe.o.yed s.at c.ach Monir€al - Torcnlo 5801F.rerted seat Co.ch . Montreat - Toronto 5802s'eepcF-|o Fit6., 6 Bdr., April 28-May 20. Montroat - windsor 58?A

Monireal - Wifdsof Sle€per handtod in Train 148- 49 beyond Toronto,Sre.Fer-]o Rlte., 6 Bdi. lMont.eat - Toronto 5821sl€eFer- 2 Sec,, I Fan. Rh. . Moiireat - Toronio 5822sleeF6r-22 Rtte. Monir6at Toronio 5823Sl.op4 4 Sec.,4 Rlt€., 5 8dr., I Comp. Montreal - Toronio 5BZ4slespeFl0 Rtto., 6 Bdr., May 2 ,Octdber 26 Monrrsat - To.onto 5325s l . . .e . -6 sec . ,6 Rt t6 . ,4 Bdr . . Mont rea t - Pof t Hu@i 5815

lvlonireal 'Pori Hurof car handled tn Trqirs 58- 59 beyond Toronto.Sloopi.o ca.s opo. lor occupancy at Monireat 2lO0 Hrs. and Toronro 2210 Hrs,

QonapentureT r a i n 5 5 4 . n d 5 5

Coach a.d O ub Car s6ats. Meat .nd Lounoe tacititios avaitablo.

U\aptdosTra in .60 . .c 6 t , 6g and 69

Res€rv6d Coach and Club Car seats, M6al and Lounos facititi€s availabto.

Monveal - ToronloMontroal Toronto

/ ) t


Du 22 Juin eu E 36F1€Fb..

Voi1.-..r.h, pl..c. n.. re.ervae.. barc...e-crontc, pl.c.r.orch ra.e.ve..Voit..coa.h, Ft.cer ra.eFve

1807 tg07t808 9081809 9098 t 9 9 t 9820 t92A

182 921t822 )9?2t830 t930

MoNtFEaL - orrAwa

Salf du 14 juii .u 13 sept.

:J\aptdotMoxrFaa! - ou :BEc

T:bte.c 24T..in 2o-voilu'es-co.cr, c.6s€ .ronre, bar er satdns (otaces r6servdos.THin 2l vo 'u.es-codc-, cdse rro0ro bar ei satons (;tices .6setusesr.Tr r in 24 vo l - 'e rcoach .asse-c .o - r€ bar e r sa ons ,o tac6 , 'ds€ ' rees , .Tra 'n25 vo r r res-coaLh. casqe-c .o i r€ . bar e F 'o4 ! \ i { (€s ,6se 'v6esJ .

M O N T h E A L . T O N O N T Or.breau 25a t I


Tr . in .50 c t 5 lvoiiurss-c.ach €t salons, F6pas. Bar.

Couolio,Tr . in .58 e t 59

MoNThaa|- - ToFoNToVoiiures€ach; liis, chambrettos, chambres, compartim€nls. ReDas. Bar,


r r . i . .5 , { e t 55Voituresa.:i e: elcrs. Fepas_ Aar.

f t ) . lu\aPtao

Tr . i . .60 e t 61 , 08 . i 69Voitu.es*ch 3: $ro.s. Places fssedaes_ Fepas, Aar,

40 E O U I P M E N T _ C O M P O S I T I O ND E S T R . A I N S

Bos€rved Coach and Club Oarssats.Brs t ro Car daL lY orcep l Surdat7 Comprdmont3 "Erscutivo" car'

&,"piJ"Moal a^d Lounoe facilitios available,

MOI{ThEAL - lvtllDSoiTrb l . t 25 ,nd 26

Froom6tt6s and Bodrooms, April2S to M.v 20

MOIITB€AL. POhT HI.,FOIIT.bt..25 an.r 26

upp66, Lowers, Roo.neitos end Bodrcoms

Tr . in r 44 a .c 45

Co.ch and Club Cfu soats MBsl and Lounoo facili!ie! avallsbl€

r .a in t 2 | l -2 t3c6ach sest3. lJDDors, Lodsr6, Aoo-ottos, Comoadments 'nd Drarirs Roon5i"i,iir'i"'-cil-ii,i,itbiii;j fo;;cc,iiarcv ar 2200 H s er roronto 'r 2210 Hrs sreeoinq ca's* i l lb6 parkod a t O i iawa unt 10800 Hts

5"","^t-t"lT,b t .25

Tr . in . t55 .n . l 155 T . r . . rc 'Ch ic ts '

Coach o6!t, Foomcltos, Bodfooas Moa rrd LouTe 'aci'it es av' lable sl€ep:no cars ope"

for occupancy foronlo 2210 Hrs

Tdr6 t la l . "d r lZ r " ronro 'w inad

Cosch and Club ct s€ats. Moal snd Lolnse lacilili6s availabl6

Tr.ln. l47.nd 146 T.roit.-lti6'lt'r

CoaohJ Club C.. seets, tubalfaciliti6s availabl6

TOnO TO " SAFl l lATra in r 150.6d 15 l

TOAONTO. SAFNIATr . in r l t3 and 154

M€al facilities availablo

DaTio lT . cH lcacoTr . i . . 164 . . . t 165

Corch s6ats rnd c|!b Car soats.

Coach rnd Club car ssats.

Coach r6ak, Club car se.h.

T!br6 26r t r . in r l59 .nd 158 Toront ._ch ic t l '

Coroh, club o.r soat3. lvoal faoiliii6s avallable

MONINEAL. POAT ' {URONFoon6tl.5 and Bedroo.ns (ln Trains 59 and 58 Montroal-Todnto)

trin. 149 .n.l 148 T.rcnto'windto'

Coech ssats and Club oarsoats. Meal and Lounse teoilitios avrilabl€

MOl t1 . iEAL. WINOSOFBoomotos and Bsdroons (ln Traii! 58 and 59 Monl€ar-Toronto) April 28 to MaY 20


Coach 3e.ts, uppe.s, lowers, noomottes and aodrooms,

TOiONIO - l{ORfN aaY - TtMMINS . itoialiDA _ xaPusxaslNcTrbte ll

n t tI Lorlhland

r . . in ' 87 a .d 88TOiottlo - tloRAnDA

UpPors, Low6rs .nd Bodtoofls

TOhonto - T lMMlnS _ xa lusxas lNcCaach 36at6 Uppors, Low€rt Boomettos.nd Bedrooms.

' rab t . t 43 ,44

Tr . in . t3 . .d 92-WINNIFEG - cHUiCHILL

Coach so.ts, Upp6rs, Lotrea end Oouhro B€d oon3 M€.| ."o Lou's€ laciiries 'va'labL6Slo€Dino ca6 oarked un t i l0800 H6

Tr t ih .9 l .n . l 90 V l l l t l lFEG _ TXOMFSOI ICaach se.ls, U0Ders, Lowors, B€d@on3 M€al '2ci'iii€s av.i'rbl€

;;,;;:,; -

T r r i n . 9 . n d l 0JASIE i . 'N I CE CEOiGC - PNINCE FUPEhT

cosoh s€ats, uppors, Lowsrs, Foomotios and aodroom Meal facilitios availabl6

!t<aPtdoTr . i . .64 . t 65

Vonu/os-coacr or s.lons. Phces re3€rvaee R€oas Bar'voiture-bislro, Tous l€s jours, saur dimanche3Voitrr€ d'afteiros, 7 @mpariisonts.

MOI{TFEAL. WINDSOTT.bt..sx 25 .i 26

Chambrcttesot chamb@!, du 28 avrilau 20 mai.

MOITTREAL - POhT HIJ iOtITabroau' 25 .i 26

Lits, chambrotior ot cnamDros

vqiluros"coach €t salons R6pas Bar

t r . in ' 214 . r 213

V:iiXf:-".fSTi.'11$;:'T"Y"li1i;:?ff"11'i"iiiili:iT-izi'l otiatr or d6 22h30 a lo'ionrov;;i;;;;-ii; r .i dia;os,tion ,ros voiaeius jusqu i 8h r orrass

Qnte"nationalT.bre.! 26

l..i.t 155 .r 156 a.'.nt."chi..r'

Voitur€s-coach: chanbr.tt€s, ch.mbros Fepas Bar'ie-i iiiLiei iiri iorr I ta o:ipo3,tion o€5 vovaeeurs a comot€'do 22h10 ' ro/onto'


t** ,, tt ,' t"'""tt*"'"t-

Votlr€s-coach st sdons. nepas Bar'

l..inr 147.t 146 A'r'nr'-witdtcr

Voliuroe-coach ot salons, FoPas

Voit!rcs-coach €t 3arons.

voltlre.-coach et 3a o.s, Fepas

voitlrgs-ooach ot sarons

aoio to - san la


oETFOtT - Ctltcaco

T.b t . . { 26Tr.in. 159.t 158 T.r.nt'_chi6'eo

Voituros-coach sl selons, R6Pas,

MOI{Ii€AL " l'ohr HuhoN

Ch.mb,!il6s s! chanbres (lrains 59 st58entrc Moniriale1Todnto)

T..in. 149 et 148 fo"nro'windi'r

voltlr€s-coach 6t s.lons. Bepae Bar,

MONTAEAL. IY ! I IDSOiohambrottes 6i chanbres (tfalns 58 et 59 6ntrc Montdal 6t

-Iolonlo) ds 28 aYlil au 20 mai

Irbr..d 18' 20 .t 2lMoNfn€ l t - - ouEBEC " cH lcour lMl ' ooLBEAU " sE l lNE Eh iE

Voitur63{oac\r I te. cnmbrelts q chitrbr6

TOaONTO - l{OhTtl aaY - llMMlNS _ l(OiaNoa ' KAFUS(A5Il{G' t blc.! 33

n . t l lI roftntanaTr6in. E7 .t E8

.toRotafo ' NonaNoa

TOAO IO - T lMMl l ts ' xa fusxas l l lo

vo:tures-coach: I h. cha-bretl€s 6t c"arbrFs

T.bl..ur 13, 44Tr . i . r 93 er92 w lnNlFEc ' CHUnCHILL

Voitlres-ooach: lits, etchafrbros dorblos- FoDas Bar' Lesvoitures-lit! sont ' dispositian dos

T. . i . t 9 l . t90-w lN l t lFEC _ Tr lOMlsONVo tur6scoach: 13, c-anrbros. Feo.s

T.brc.ur 54, 55Tr . in .9 . t l0


Voitu!6s-coachj lit3, chrnbroii€s6tchtmbro! R6pas.

Fa resIn addition to low Red, White and BIue fares, CanadianNational offers these extra money-savers:

GROUP FARES For group travel. Up to 35% discountin coaches. Up to 10% discount in club cars and, from1 October to 31 May, in sleeping cars.

FAMILY FARES For parenb and children (at leasttwo rail fares, one of which is an adult fare). Effective'I June, 1968. a 10% saving on the total cost - rail andaccommodation charges combined - between citieswhere the Red fare is 56.00 or more. And this is inaddition to free rail transportation for children under 5and half-rate transportation for children 5-1 1.

YOUTH FARES For young people under 22. Effective1 June, 1968, a CN or airline youth identification cardis the key to a neat 25% saving in rail fare on Red orWhite davs. between cities where the Red fare is $6.00or more. CN identification cards (cost, $2.00) are avail-able at CN Passenger Sales Offices. Advance reserva-tions allowable within 24 hours of train departure.

MULTI-TRIP FARES For freouent travellers betweencertain heavy volume points. Eifective 1 June, 1968,books of 11 Red, White or Blue tickets can be pur-chased for the Drice of 10.

CHARTER FARES For group travel. A private sleepingcar with all the comforts of home - including compli-mentary meals. And savings of up to 25% !

CANRAILPASS For visitors from the United Statesand Europe- Only $99.00 (Canadian funds) per adult,$50.00 (Canadian funds) each for children between 5and 1 1, for unlimited coach travel during 30 consecu-tive days. Children under 5 travel free. U.S. Canrailpasseffective between 1 October and 30 April.

To find out how you fare, call your Travel Agent or CNPassenger Sales Office.

Fa i r !41

Tar i f s . . TarifsLe CN outre ses tarifs Rouge, Blanc et Bleu, offre aupublic de multiples aubaines.

BILLETS DE GROUPE Jusqu' i 35% de reduct iondans les voitures-coach, jusqu'd 10% dans les voitures-salons et, du 1er octobre au 31 mai, dans les voitures-l i ts .

BILLETS DE FAMILLE Parents et enfants (au moinsdeux titres de transport dont un billet d'adulte). A partir6u 1er ju in 1968, r6duct ion de 10% sur le pr ix g lobal dutransport et de la place sur les trajets pour lesquels letarif Rouge est d'au moins $6. Enfants: moins de 5 ans,transport gratuit. De 5 d 11 ans. demi-tarif.

BILLETS "JEUNESSE" Jeunes gens de moins de22 ans. A partir du 1e, juin 1968, une carte d'identit6sp6cia le du CN ou d 'une compagnie adr ienne donneradroit e 25% de reduction sur le prix du transport, lesjours Rouges et les jours Blancs, sur les trajets pourlesquels le tarif Rouge est d'au moins $6. La carted'identi16 du CN est en vente au orix de 92 dans lesbureaux de Venles Voyageurs. R6seryations dans les24 heures prec€dant le d6pan.

LIVHITS-BILLETS Sur certaines lignes a grand trafic-A partir du 1e, juin 1968, 1 1 billets Rouges, Blancs ouBleus oour le pr ix de 10.

LOCATION DE VOITURES COMPLETES Jusqu'a25% de r6duction. Voitures-lits orivdes tout confort.repas compris.

LE "CANRAILPASS" A l'usage des touristes desEtats-Unis et d'Europe. $99 par adulte et S5O par en-fant de 5 e 11 ans (dol lars canadiens) . Donne dro i t a30 jours cons6cutifs de voyage en classe coach sanslimite de parcours. Les enfants de moins de 5 ans voya-gent gratuitement. Le "U.S- Canrailpassl' est valableentre le 1er octobre et le 30 avr!|.

Pour savoir de quelles r6ductions rous pouvez bdn6fi-cier, appelez votre agent de voyages ou un bureau deVentes Voyageurs du CN.

ffiE[},'WH[]IE & BI.UE TARES TARIFS ffiffiffiffiffi, BTANG ET BLEUO N E W A Y R A I I F A F : S

(F.. a..ver ih c..cher)

P R I X D U B ! L L E T S I M F L E(e. Yoitur.'c6a!h)

c . l e n d a . o n o u i . i d € c o Y e r

Le calenc.isr de lac o u v e r r u r e i n d i q u . r e . l o u r !

cn .e! taril. sont appli.abrcs,

S u p p l a m e n * p o u . F l a c c t d € y o i t u r . - r . l o h . t d e v . i 't ! r e - r i i . . c c h p r e . n e n i l e ! r e p . ! $ r y i t . ( P o u r b . i r € 3 a

) , T a r i f . e n v i q l e u . d u l e rluin au 30 repl. incr. T.rirs hoinr .lev'6t .rreits .Yant


" * -


(Fof Tr.vet in Coa.ho.)

F R I X D U E I L I E T S I M F L E(en Yojture-co.ch)

Surceptibtes d.at.e Do,

i r i o . . r a m . u n * r . - . r e r c r ' . d . r u b c : r o . r r e e p t n s s u . r r a h e

r o . n d : f i t h i r i ! , h a u t 0

Iifr6' _

v i r . ( P c u r b o i r c t io n d u v . r . e e u t . T a r i f r € n v i . u € u r c u t e l3 e p t . ; n c t , T ' r i r r m o i n . a t e v . . o f f c R . a y a n r

C . l e n d a r o n . u r r i d e . o v e rindlo.iec drr. on whjch

the.e fare. appty,L 6 c . r e n d . i c . d . l r

c o u y o . t u r e i n d i q u o r e r r c u 6



l^ " I I l , . : ) - _ l Menc i .n , N .B.

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:!il l :is! iilg "iiii!ii"f' " grrii83 ?!93 ?433 I [:ffiH' ac,id6 ir;b iaft

l wrti l, .tJ;

ro,oo ] ' ,.r0 i s.so l"f if i i i l i l 'Snt andle!

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23 00 27 a0

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81 00 94 0048.00 r 56 00zi .oo 2b oa90 00 t04 0024 00 2E 0022 AA | 26.007 t . 0 0 8 1 0 022 00 26 00tol 00 9 00

54.00 I 62 00


t 7 . 0 020 0027.00

2 t . 0 023.0057 0080 0045 0021 0025.0027.0086 0092 00

23.0024 002 t . 0 0

sa oo0 . 0 0

zo oo27.4055 002t 0027 0A98 0025 0048 00

80 004 1 . 0 0

t9 0086 002 t . 0 0i 9 0 064.00t9 0098.00

{ 8 . 0 0



29 0031 00

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i 88 I 333 i i ! 83iiiB fili i!flfr388 i 333 I l :33, i33 j i33 U8826 00 l5 00 o: og

s 3 8 l ; 3 3 i i 8 36 0 0 8 0 0 t 0 0 0

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5 . 0 04.0020 00FIEFERENCE MARKS-SYMBOLES pase 44





oNE WAY ttAt r- lAhES(Fo. T..v.r in C..oh..)

Ih IX DU ' ILLET SIMFLE(.n voitc.c-co.ch)

c . l c n d . . . n . c t . i d . c 6 v . rlndic.t.r d.rt .n rhich

t h € r c t . r . r . p p r r ,L. c.rcndrieF de I.

leuyortur. Indique 1.. losr.. n c € r t . r l l . s o n t r F p r i { b l e t .

$ ct0.40t 5 . 0 036 005 1 0

24.0037 00

!3. t0t 6 . 0 044.00

l6.304.007. t0l1.r tot t . 0 0

r"''$ d2 r .0024 0064.00li oo?0 00


i . 0 0t . 0 0t 8 . 0 0

ir do20.00

50 0058 0062.0034.00

, 8 1 . 0 034.0034.00?4.0071.04

14.005t 0051 o030.007 1 . 0 030.0030 0065 0065 00

l5 0044.0048 0024 0064 002t.0024.005?.0057 00

1 0 . 0 08 . 0 0B 0 08 0 0r 8 . 0 08 0 08 0 0

t7 0017.00

$ (27.00l4 008 t . 0 0



3 t . 0 0

21 0026.0056.0062 00

2? 0091.00

37 00t04 00r0.{ .00



s i . 6 0 . r10.009 . 0 0


$ r21 0010.007 t . 0 05 r . 0 076.00

29 0029.0071.00

6 0 07 . 0 017 0020.00

8 . 0 09 . 0 0


l :1.00t6 0015.0040.00


37.0059 00

1 9 . 0 0t 9 . 0 056.00

29.0037.0040.0020.0054 0020 0020.0048.0048 00

$ ar 0 . 0 01 2 . 0 0l2 00

)2 go35.00

00| l . 0 03t 00

$ i8 . 0 0r 0 . 0 027.09

is oo?8.00

8 . 9 0r0.7023.0028.00

5.005 . 0 0

t2 00t 3 . 0 0

6 . 0 023 00

8 0 024.0021 00

? l o8 . 0 05 0 0

29 00

ri oo7.00


r: oo

. B ,Q.

. Ont ,

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N.S., N .a .

, B.C,

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I0.40t2.5026.00! t . 0 0

r3.30t l .009 . 2 0

t 8 . 0 04E.0050.006.40

1 t . 5 54.403.60t 3 . 9 08.00

60.006 . 8 0

t7 00t5.855r.008 . 2 0


n.Q027.0012.00t 6 . 0 0t9.00t4.40t1.403r.0034.00

1 t . 5 01 4 . 0 040.00

t4. !0l .607 0 0t2 60t6 50

.7539 00E r 0t 6 . 0 044.0046.005 4 0

1 0 . 2 03 9 0t.25

l 2 . 2 07 . t o

55.005 9 0

34.0014.0550 007 . l 0

27 00


+ Club o. sl€opifo car sp1!6 availablo Wosi of Sackville, N B, onlv

i, M6rls and b6rth on rery botv66n North Svdnev and Pori aux Basqoos ar€ not includod in

I Fes€rved ac@mmodslion fares includecl{bcar seat b6twe6n Mo.irosllnd Oilawa.

a nosorvod acconnodaiion faf€s from o.to Moncton onlv

+ Club car s6at included i. roserved ac@mmod.tion laros belw€en Quebec.nd lvlontro.l

r Rss€rved accommodalion tares aDply fion or lo Hamilton onlv

A Rsserv€d accommodrtion laros applyfrom or to Windsor onlv.

!. Fsorvod accohhodation faros appiyfrcm or to MontrellonlY,

e Floservod acoonmodation f.ros applyfrom or to Totonio onlv,

+ voiiuro6-lits et voill,res-salons en sorvice a l'ouost d6 Sackville seulom€ni,

a Ces rrars r€ corrrren.onL n 'es tenas :la coJchett€ sut 16 tr.ver:er €_re Norlh Svdn€v€t Port-aur-aasqu€s.

t Les tarifs de D.ces r66erv€os donnent droit A un iauteu I en voitu's-saion e'tr' Mont'eal

i Les p l rces ̂s so" l 'dsorvpes qu6 Jusdu ' , Monc io '

a Les tarifs d€ oi$es r6serv6ss donieii doit d un laotouil on voitq.o-saion ontr6 Qu'boc

. Lo6 places na soni r€serv6os qu6 jlsqu'd Hamilion.

a L€s placos n6 soit ressrv€os q!6 j!sq!'awindsor'

o L€s p laces .6 so" t .dseades ou a pa ' t i . de Mo"k ia l

e !6s plac$ no sonl r6ser6es q!'a tadir deToronio.



WHEEL CHAIRS are ava i lab le a t many s la l ions Movements o l s l re tcher caseswill also be airansed. To insurc maximum comfort to passenqers requirinq assist-anc€ to board l ra ins , p lease s ive some advance no t ice to your CN Asent ; he w i l lge l rh ings we l l o rsan;1ed.

le EAf et les voyagesLES HOBAIRES SONT SUSCEPTIBLES D,ETFE MODIFIES, Les heures e Iautres indications peuvent etre modifides, souvent sans pdavis, faute de temps.Nous ne neg l lgeons r ien pour respec ter l ' hora i re des t ra ins e t des nav i res . S i desre tards se produ isent , nous ne pouvons malheureusement assumer la responsab i l i t6des ennu is qu i l s peuvent occas ionner ,

Les horaires des aulres entreprises de transport sont communiqu6s sous toller6serye, Nous ne nous portons pas galants de leur exactitude ni des corespon

HEURES. Les heurcs sont comptees de 2610 a v in$ quat re . Par exemple ,0T 00cot respond d 7h du mat in ; ' l ? 00 , e mid i i 18 50 , 5 6h50 du so l r ; 23 10 , n 11h ' I0du so i r . On l ro lvem dans les pases de I ind ica teur un cadfan i lus t ran t ce svs tdme.

COMPOSITION DES TRAINS. Nos rd ,ns 'esu le s s " LomDose ' t de vo tu 'escoach, lits, salons et restaurants qui sont toLrtes climalsees, Nous n'ajoutons devo i tu res non c l imat is€es que lo rsque les c i rcons tances nous y con l ra ignen l .

VENTE DES BILLETS. Les chefs de t ra ins ne sont pas cens6s vendre de b l l le tsToutefois. ils se font un plaislr de le fa?e s'il atrive qu:un voyageur prenne le train aune garc o i i l n y a pas de su ichet ou a une sarc dont le su ichet es t fem€ d l 'heure

En cas de contestation, on est p.i6 de payer la somme exis€e pai le chef de train,pu is d 'envoyer au D i rec teur des Ventes Voy6geu6 du Sec ieur sa t€c lamat ion accompagn6e du re9u. Le remboursemenl sera effectu€ sans reta.d. le cas echdantLe CN ne rembourse Das 1es b i le ts Derd ls .

Les adolescents de 12 a 20 ans paienl plein taril et beneliclent a peu prds desmemes avantages que les aduLtes . Des r6duc l ions s 'app l iquent pour les en fan ts demoinsde l2ans . Les en fan ts de mo ns de 5 ans voyagent g ra lu i iement Ouand laresetuation est obligatoire en voiture-coach, retenlr une pLace pou. chacun des en_fan ts que lque so i t leur age.

Le rcmbourcement de bilLets ou paties de billets non utilisds est el{ectu€ sans retardodns la p lupan des cas idg"n l du cN ppu i e f lpc lJF le renoour 'enenr sLr lechamp. Autrement, il note la demande du voyageur et e remboursement so fait

BACAGES. Les voyageurs peuvent iarre enregisirer les bagases dont ils n'ontpas beso ln pendant le t ra je t . La f fanch ise es t de 150 lb par adu to e t de 75 lb p3 f

en fan t voyaseant ; demi - ta r i f . La responsab i l i td du CN se l im i te a $ '100 pour lesbasases d'Ln adulle et ir $50 pour ceux d un enlant. Toutefois, la responsabili!6 duCN Deut Ct re € tendue ) u . montan t sup6r ieur moyennant un leger supp lemenl .S adresser au pr6pos€ a I enresistrement.

Tout exc€dent de bagages est tax6. Les artlcles de plus de 250 lb ne sont pas admis) Ienreqisirement. (Le Seruice de Messasefies du CN peut en assurcr le tra.sPort )

Par "basages" on en tend les va l i ses € t ma l les contenant ve tements , e i ie ts person-

nels, a icles de loilette, etc. (sauf es llquides) La loi inlerdit le transpo( desmat ie res exp los ives e t in f lammables dans les basases .

Nous faisons notle possible pour expdd er les bagages dans le traln ou traversLerqu'ernprunte le voyager.ir, Autrement, ils sont exp6di6s par le premier liain ou navired t i l i sab le . cer ta ins t ia ins e t au tora i l s ne prennent pas de basases enreg is t les ; i es t

bon de se re .se isner aupras de l 'a9ent du cN.

DOUANE. Les reg ements de ld oouane "Y,ge_t que la vs re des bdgdoes en-r e q i " r e s s e f d s s e e n p r e s e n c e d L v o l d g e L r . L e s c o s ; m d n s o n l e \ a m _ e s a l df r ;n r ie re . Les bdsaqes en esrs rds aux Fra t . -Un

" ; desrnrnon dLr Canada sonr

examines par les douan iers canad iens so i t aux ga fes ' f ron t ie res , so i t aux bu feaux deld doudne da .s les g ranoen v i l le ! oont lp nom eqt su iv i d " l r le l l e i c r dd"s I l \DFX

DtS SIATIO\S. L -es Uasases "n r "q+res a- Ca.add; des t rna t on des Fra ls Lnrsson i examines par la douane amer ica ine , aux qares j ron t ld res a ins i qu 'a ses bu teaux

Pr ince Rupsr t , C . -B . de 8h ) 17h, lous les jours sauf l€s d imanches e t lesiou fs ou isont f6 l i6s aux Eta ts -Un is .

Vancouver , C . -8 . de 7h10 e th e t de 11h45 a 13h, tous Les io ' r6 .

DES CHAISES BOULANTES sont ) la d lspos i t ion des vovageurs dans les gares

or inc Da les . Su, dena.de ddrpssee davdnc" " l ' asent du C\ ' les vovdge- rs qL i

on t b ;so in d 'a ide ) la sa .e de depa ou d a r r i v6e , y compr is les malades su f c iv ie re ,fe ron t I ob ie t d 'une a t ten t ion sD6c ia le ,

Ahout Ef\l rr"nrlTIMETABLES MAY CHANGE. T imes and o ther in fo rmat ion in lh is l imetab lemay change and often there is not tirne to give vou advance notjce. Of course,we do ou ibes t to run t ra lns and sh ips punc tua l l y 1o ih is t imetab le ln case o f de lavor de ien t ion we 'd apprec ia1e your indu lsence. We cannot accept respons ib i l i t v io rsuch occurences or any inconven ience caused by them.

Services and times of other transpo ation companies are shown purelv rof your

conven ience. We cannotvouch fo t th€ rco t rec tness . Ne i thercan we accept respon_sibility for anv faiLurc to connect with such services-or vice versa Delavs, deten_t ions ; r seru ice fa i lu res o f o ther t ranspodat ion compan ies are bevond our cont ro l

T IME. The ?4 hour c lock is used to show depar tu re and a i i i va l t imes Example0 7 0 O i s 7 a . m . , 1 2 O 0 i s 1 2 n o o n , 1 8 5 0 i s 6 5 0 p m , 2 3 ' l O i s 1 1 1 0 p . m . E x p l a n a -rory c locks appear on some o t lhe pages.

THE TRAINS YOU TRAVEL lN w i th very few except ions arc a i r_cond i t ionedthroushout . And th is 'nc ludes coach€s, s leep ins , c lub and d in ins cars on lesu-la r ly schedu led t ra ins . Very la re ly and on ly when abso lu te lv necessarv -we mavinc lude non a i r -cond i t ioned cars in rcgu la f l ra ins .

OF TICKETS AND WICKETS. Pe.se bu ! your t i c le t i whenever pos 'b le . I' l i cke tOf f i ces .

Condrc to ' "a renot lc le rverdors NatLr " l l v i f voL fappen ro bo€rdthe train at 6 non agency station or al a station where rhe tickei office is closed att ra in t ime, lhe conductor w i l l be p leased to se l l you a t i cke l

l . c .se o f d is "greemenL invo lv rng fa rF ' . l i c \e tc , p r iv i leqp \ o r dccommodEton 'p lease pav ihe amount asked bY lhe conductor . Thenexts tep is tosendtoourAreaPassenge iSa les IManager the rece ip tg ivento you w i th appropr ia te exp lanat ion A l lnecessary adjustments will be promptly taken care or.

CN is not responsible {or replacins lost tickeis.

Our young passengerc , those 12 to 20 years o f age, pay lo l l adu l t fa re and are ac_corded most adu l t p r iv i leges . We have low fa res fo r ch i ld ren under 12 , (no chargelo r ch i ld rcn under 5 ) . l f you w i l lbe t rcve l l ing in reserued coach seat accommodat ionplease make surc you have a coach seatreserued lof you6elf and each of ihe chlldrenaccornpany ing you, lnc lud ing bab ies .

The va lue o f un !sed or par t l y used t i cke ts w i l l be prompt lv re funded to the or is ina lpurchaser . In most cases CN Aqents can rnake on- lhe spot re funds When th iscannot be made immedia te ly , lhe Agent w i l l take your app l i ca t ion . Wha leveradjustment is due after deduction of the charge for the setuice actually pe{ormed

by CN wi l l be mai led to you prompt ly .

BAGGAGE. You may, i l you w ish , check the bassage you won t need w i th vouenrou le . CN passensers may check 150 lbs . o f pesona l bassage on each adu l tt i cke t and 75 lbs . on a ch i lds ha l f fa fe i cke t . CNs l iab i l i l v i s l im i ted to $100 per

150 lbs . and $50.00 per 75 lbs . o f checked baggage bu t a g rea ter l iab i l i r v can beanansed Jor a modera te charse a t the t ime bassas€ is checked-so p lease makespec ia l a rangements fo r va luab le bassase.

There s an excess charge i f your bassase is over 150 lbs- Howevet , we cannot checKany s ins le p iece over 250 lbs . as baggage. (Th is i s where CN Express SeNice w i l l

Whar do we mean by 'bassase '? C lo lh ing , persona l e f {ec ts , to i le t a r t i c les , e tc ,except inq l iqu ids , necessary fo r your comfod and conven ience on the journev

Your bagsage m|lst be contined in suitable lrunks, valises, eic Explosive, com'bus t ib le o r jn f lammable mater ia ls in baggase are proh ib i ted bY law

CN makes every effoft lo ship Your baggase on the same train or feiry boat vout rave l on . When th is i s nor poss ib le , i t w i l l be sent on the f i rs t conven ien t t ra in o rvesse l - There are some t ra ins and la i l ine6 tha t do no t cary checked ba99age and r ti s a lways we l l lo ask your CN asent be forehand.

CUSTOMS CODE. Customs resu la l ions requ i fe lha t you a l tend the exarn ina t ionof your checked baggage. Hand baqgage must be inspec ted a t border po in tsBaggage checked f rom ihe Un i ted Sta tes to Canada shou ld be examined by canadaCuatoms Of f i cers a t lhe border where i i i s poss ib lo and conven ien t to do so . CanadaCustoms Inspectors are located at all principal cities and lowns These aro indicatedby appropriale symbol (c) in the station index Seciion of this timetable. Bassasechecked from Canada to the United Slates must be examined by Uniled StatesCustorns Inspec toG a t the border , o r a t :

Pr ince Buper t . B .C. Da i ly except Sundays and Un i ted S la tes ' ho l idavs08 00 to 17 00 .

D a i y 0 7 1 0 t o 0 8 0 0 a n d 1 1 4 5 t o 1 3 0 0


1 0 1 1 1 2 11 7 1 8 1 9 2 024 25 26 27

9 1 0 1 1 1 21 6 1 7 1 8 1 923 24 25 26

sVMMotuMDsvMMD La..ptlon. tor t6vol b.lwc.r .t llod on Gdrd Tr!.k w..t.rnonry. rby lt! ft.t 1e, octob.r rr, o.tob.r 13 wrrr b. wHrTEDAYS, .y 20, O.t6b.. t4 wllr b. RED DAYS.

16 r7.t 19 h.l,11 .t13 octobr., .ntr. l.! 9.r.. da.dl.t p.fl. GErd rrchk W.rt.rr, l. t l sll C t.pp,lqu.a; l. LrllROUCE .'.ppllqu!d 1.. 20 h

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