1.vice president 2.speaker of the house 3.president pro-tempore 4.secretary of state 5.secretary of...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Leader of the House and chosen by the House of Representatives.

John Boehner

Second highest ranking official in the Senate.

This is the most senior senator (been a senator the longest)

Orrin Hatch ( R) Utah

One of the first four Executive Departments set up by George Washington

Plans and carries out the nation’s foreign policy Foreign policy- a

nation’s plan for dealing with other nations

Secretary of State- John Kerry

One of the original four departments.

Collects, borrows, spends, and prints money. This includes taxes

Secretary of Treasury- Jack Lew

One of the original four departments as well.

Manages the Armed Forces

Secretary of Defense- Chuck Hagel Largest employer in

the world with 2.13 million active-duty soldiers

Responsible for all aspects of law enforcement

Attorney General – Eric Holder

Manages and protects nation’s public lands and natural resources

Also handles Native Americans, Hawaiians and Alaskans

Secretary of Interior- Sally Jewell

Sometimes called the “Department of Everything else” because of how much it covers.

Sally Jewell isn’t allowed to become president.

Why? She was born in


Assists farmers and consumers of farm products.

Promote agricultural trade, food safety, protect natural resources, foster rural communities and end hunger in the US and abroad

Secretary of Agriculture- Thomas Vilsack

Supervises trade, promotes U.S. business, tourism

“promote job creation and improved living standards for all Americans by creating an infrastructure that promotes economic growth, technological competitiveness, and sustainable development.”

Secretary of Commerce- Penny Pritzker

Deals with working conditions and wages of U.S. Workers

Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez

Works for the well being and health of all Americans

“Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America”

Secretary of Health and Human Services- Sylvia Mathews Burwell

Deals with the special needs and problems of cities

“Create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.”

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development- Julian Castro

Manages nation’s highways, railroads, airlines, and sea traffic

“Serve the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible, and convenient transportation system that meets our vital national interests and enhances the quality of life of the American people, today and into the future”

Secretary of Transportation- Anthony Foxx

Directs overall energy plan for the nation

Makes policies concerning energy and safety in handling nuclear material

Secretary of Energy- Ernest Moniz

Provides advice and funding for schools

Smallest cabinet level department with only 5,000 employees.

“Promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access”

Secretary of Education- Arne Duncan

Directs services for armed forces veterans, their families and survivors.

Employees nearly 280,000 people in hospitals and clinics.

Secretary of Veteran Affairs Robert McDonald

Oversees America’s defenses against terrorists attacks, man made accidents and natural disasters

Absorbed Immigration and Naturalization Service

Created in response to 9/11

Third largest department of 200,000 people

Secretary of Homeland Security- Jeh Johnson

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