2 benefits: multi-manager approach proven investment managers disciplined selection and monitoring...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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• Multi-Manager Approach

• Proven Investment Managers

• Disciplined Selection and Monitoring Process

• Complementary asset allocation service

• Four Unique Portfolios


• Each portfolio combines the unique investment styles and disciplines of 2 or more experienced investment managers

• Managers chosen for unique management style and track record

• Includes some of the world’s top investment managers; names not always available to individual investors


Canadian Fixed Income Founded AUM

Addenda Capital 1996 $37.2billion*

Canso Investment Counsel 1997 $1.9billion

TD Asset Management 1987 $171.8billion

Canadian Equity

Foyston, Gordon & Payne 1980 $12.5billion

McLean Budden Ltd. 1947 $35billion

Fiduciary Trust Co. 1931 $8.4billion

US Equity

Bernstein Global Wealth Mgt. 1967 $589.6billion**

McLean Budden Ltd. 1947 $35billion

International Equity

Mawer Investment Mgt. 1974 $5.5billion***

Brandes Investment Partners 1974 $74.1billion* Combined AUM for Addenda and The Co-operators Group (recently merged this year)

** Includes $100 billion for Private Clients

*** as of September 30, 2008


• T.E. Wealth Investment Counseling founded in 1994

• Specialize in customized multi-manager solutions

• Assets under management of $2.6B as of August 31, 2007

• Professional investment staff includes 9 CFA (total staff of 30)

• Focus on high net worth and institutional clients, including pension funds, charities, foundations, First Nations


• Quarterly Performance Review: long-term consistent performance relative to benchmarks and peer groups, return/risk tradeoff, performance in different market cycles, etc.

• Process: style consistency, adherence to disciplines, stock selection criteria, risk and diversification controls, technology use, reporting

• People: professional turnover, ownership structure, qualifications and strength of research and portfolio management team

Result: High quality managers for each segment of the portfolio

• Portfolios offer access to four market segments:

Canadian Fixed IncomeCanadian EquityUS EquityInternational Equity

• Designed to deliver better than benchmark returns with lower than benchmark risk



Objective• To outperform the DEX Universe Canadian Bond Index

Manager Strategy• Addenda Capital manages the active government bond portion

using a duration-based strategy (40%)• Canso Investment Counsel manages the active corporate bond

portion (20%)• TD Asset Management uses a passive approach replicating the

DEX Universe Canadian Bond Index (40%)


Objective• To outperform the S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index

Manager Strategy• Foyston, Gordon & Payne manages the value component (33.3%)• McLean Budden manages the core Canadian equity portion with an

equal weighting of value and growth styles (33.3%)• Fiduciary Trust (formerly Bissett Investment Management) uses a

Growth At a Reasonable Price (GARP) equity style (33.3%)


Objective• To outperform the S&P 500 Index

Manager Strategy• Bernstein Global Wealth Management manages the value component

(50%)• McLean Budden manages the growth component (50%)


Objective• To outperform the MSCI EAFE Index

Manager Strategy• Brandes Investment Partners manages the value component (50%)• Mawer Investment Management uses a Growth at a Reasonable Price

(GARP) approach (50%)

• Simple All-in-One Solution○ Portfolios are weighted using proprietary strategic asset

allocation models.○ Portfolios are automatically rebalanced quarterly within a 5%

tolerance.○ Portfolios purchased through single ticket.


Jov Prosperity Conservative Income Portfolio• Income focused Portfolio seeks to provide investors with some long-

term capital appreciation


Jov Prosperity Conservative Balanced Portfolio• Conservative balanced Portfolio seeks to provide investors with

income and some long-term capital growth


Jov Prosperity Balanced Portfolio• Balanced Portfolio seeks to provide investors with long-term capital

growth with some income


Jov Prosperity Growth Portfolio• Growth Portfolio seeks to provide long-term capital growth

• Quarterly rebalancing starting December 31, 2008

• Variance greater than 5%

• Deemed disposition

• Available in A Class only

• Each Portfolio can be purchased using a single transaction on FundSERV

• Statement shows individual fund holdings

• Redemptions must be done at individual fund level

• Redeem all individual funds to avoid future allocation


• Focus on a particular market segment

• Diversify by region and asset class

• Control risk with the potential to outperform specific benchmarks

• Utilize the expertise of T.E. Wealth to select and monitor superior investment managers

• Construct a new balanced portfolio or supplement an existing strategy


Performance numbers are those of the T.E. Prosperity Pooled Funds (the “Pooled Funds”) which are only sold by Offering Memorandum to accredited investors. The Jov Prosperity Multi-Manager Funds (the “Funds”) are the retail mutualized version of the Pooled Funds and share the same investment objectives, but do not have the same fee structure and will not have the same performance. The performance of the Pooled Funds is meant only to reflect the ability of the Investment Advisor in another product, and not as an indication or projection of anticipated returns of the Funds. The indicated rate(s) of return is (are) the historical annual compounded total return(s) including changes in (share or unit) value and reinvestment of all (dividends or distributions) and does (do) not take into account sales, redemptions, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

*Source of Data: PALTrak


• Fact Sheet

• Risk Tolerance Survey

• PowerPoint Presentation

• Prospecting Letter

• Editable Client Summary




Managers :Minimum Investment :Minimum Subsequent:Minimum Pre-Authorized Payment:Minimum Automatic Withdrawal Plan:Distribution :Commissions :Management Fee :Trailer :Fund Codes :

Addenda & Canso$1,000$500$50$50Annually (if any)Up to 5 %1.20 % / 0.45 % (F Class)0.75 %JOV125JOV 225 (DSC)JOV 325 (F Class)

Fiduciary, McLean Budden & Foyston$1,000$500$50$50Annually (if any)Up to 5 %2.25 % / 1.00 % (F Class)1.25 %JOV126JOV 226 (DSC)JOV 326 (F Class)


Managers :Minimum Investment :Minimum Subsequent:Minimum Pre-Authorized Payment:Minimum Automatic Withdrawal Plan:Distribution :Commissions :Management Fee :Trailer :Fund Codes :

Bernstein & McLean Budden$1,000$500$50$50Annually (if any)Up to 5 %2.40 % / 1.15 % (F Class)1.25 %JOV127JOV 227 (DSC)JOV 327 (F Class)

Brandes & Mawer$1,000$500$50$50Annually (if any)Up to 5 %2.55 % / 1.30 % (F Class)1.25 %JOV128JOV 228 (DSC)JOV 328 (F Class)




Minimum Investment :Minimum Subsequent:Rebalancing:Distribution :Commissions :Fund Codes :

$5,000$500Quarterly (as of 12/31/08)Annually (if any)Up to 5 %JOV10001JOV20001 (DSC)

$5,000$500Quarterly (as of 12/31/08) Annually (if any)Up to 5 %JOV10002JOV20002 (DSC)


Minimum Investment :Minimum Subsequent:Rebalancing:Distribution :Commissions :Fund Codes :

$5,000$500Quarterly (as of 12/31/08)Annually (if any)Up to 5 %JOV10003JOV20003 (DSC)

$5,000$500Quarterly (as of 12/31/08) Annually (if any)Up to 5 %JOV10004JOV20004 (DSC)


Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. The indicated rate(s) of return is (are) the historical annual compounded total return(s) including changes in (share or unit) value and reinvestment of all (dividends or distributions) and does (do) not take into account sales, redemptions, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

The opinions expressed in the presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Manager or any distributor of the Funds. The views expressed are of a general nature and should not be interpreted as investment advice to you in any way. Please consult a qualified financial advisor before making an investment decision.

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