20 ways your business can leverage email automation

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Who am I and why should you care?

Ø  8+ years as a digital marketing consultant, working with brands like Best Buy, Target, Accenture, Deloitte…the list goes on.

Ø  Started and scaled a number of my own online businesses.

Ø  Been featured in Forbes, Inc, Moz, Search Engine Journal, Marketing Land and dozens of other authority publications.

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

Ryan Stewart, MBA

Ø  @ryanwashere Ø  Facebook/hellowebris

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Automation is all about the process.

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

Most businesses fail with automation because they try and make the tool fit their process.

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org


Building out your processes.

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

Our process had a ton of inefficiencies.

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

Contact page form submissions

Footer consultation form submissions

Free report form submissions

Direct email contacts

Direct phone call contacts

Well over 2,000 inbound leads in a few months time.

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

Managing this had me like…

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

How can I automate this process?

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

We used email automation to bridge the gaps.

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

Contact Us Form Example

Ø  3 day sequence, driving towards consult call

Ø  Link to schedule a time, auto synced to my calendar

Ø  Pre qualification questionnaire sequence

Ø  If they never schedule a call, they get added to our newsletter for a nurture campaign

30% increase in sales post-implementation.

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

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Welcome new subscribers…!

Ø  74.4% of subscribers expect a welcome email

Ø  Those that receive a welcome email show 33% more long term engagement

Ø  96% of website visitors are NOT ready to buy

Ø  Welcome emails generate 4x the open rate and 5x the click rates


Sales receipts.

Ø  Email receipts have an open rate of 70.9%

Ø  When compared to the average eCommerce open rate of 18%, this is a HUGE opportunity

Ø  They just paid you – you have their trust

Ø  Use it to cross promote other products, build a social following, offer coupons or other high priority items

Solicit feedback.

Ø  Set up an automated sequence that asks customers to click on a number between 1 and 10 about their satisfaction

Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org

Ø  Each number click can trigger a different email sequence

Ø  Low scores get a nurturing sequence to improve satisfaction

Ø  High scores get asked to take action like leaving a review, sharing on social, etc.

List re-engagement series.

Ø  List quality decays over time

Ø  A Gmail rep stated they look for “evidence” that your recipients want your message

Ø  In other words, having a non active list will hurt your delivery rates

Ø  You need to cleanse your list every so often – that means getting rid of subscribers!

Kill them with content.

Ø  Open rates average in the 20% range, while link clicks average in the 4% range

Ø  By forcing people to your website to read content, you’re cutting off a significant audience

Ø  One of the best ways to nurture an email list is by creating content that natively lives in email, nowhere else

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Improve customer retention.

Ø  Finding and acquiring new customers is expensive

Ø  A 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profitability by 75% (Bain and Co)

Ø  What are some ways we can use email to increase retention?

+  +Webris | hello@webris.org | Ryan Stewart | http://webris.org



Product expiration notifications.

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Product expiration notifications.

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Abandoned shopping cart sequence.

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Ø  67% of online shopping carts are abandoned

Ø  IF visitors are logged in on your site, you can easily track abandoned carts (if not, leverage remarketing)

q  Email 1 – reminder (wait 1 day)

q  Email 2 – objection handling (wait 3 days)

q  Email 3 – discount (wait 6 days)

Increase product usage.

Ø  Particularly useful for companies who use free trials to show the benefit of their product (SaaS, info products, etc)

Ø  Goal of this campaign type is to slowly introduce benefits to the user, with the end goal of driving them to use the product

Ø  Each time someone takes action, they get sent to a different list / funnel

Sales outreach.

Ø  Companies that engage in targeted email outreach can experience sales increases of 15% or more

Ø  By gathering the right field inputs ahead of time (name, business name, function) you can automate highly targeted and personalized outreach (cold emailing)

Ø  We used to scrape large lists of digital agencies and send automated emails to inquire about partnering on services (it works)

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Other sales uses…

Ø  Webinars (automated)

Ø  Upcoming events

Ø  Inside sales

Ø  PR outreach

Ø  Meeting reminders

Ø  Text messaging automation

Ø  Appointment scheduling

Ø  Blogger outreach

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Get to know your subscribers.

Ø  Often times when list building, we get minimum fields (name and email)

Ø  To get to know our list, we can use content to better personalize future communications

Ø  By sending out simple newsletter with links to various pieces of content on our site, we can understand what people enjoy seeing and send better emails in the future

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Send personal messages.

Ø  Sometimes the little things go a long way

Ø  By sending our short emails based on concrete dates, we can build better relationships with customers

Ø  Birthdays, anniversaries and other data points are easy ways to build stronger relationships

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Product recommendations.

Ø  Take advantage of people who trusted you enough to purchase in the past

Ø  Use email platform to track past purchases and make intelligent product recommendations for the future

Ø  This works incredibly well in spaces like tech, where products lapse over a certain period of time

Product discovery.

Ø  Similar to content preference discovery, we can use behavior to better personalize emails

Ø  Trip Advisor sends out deals based on location

Ø  Their engine determines which email to send based on previous purchases OR in email behavior

Ø  If you click a link to view Austin deals, you get tagged with Austin preferences for further testing

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Meeting / appointment reminders.

Ø  If it’s not on my calendar, I’m lost

Ø  Not everything makes it to your calendar

Ø  You can use your email platform as a secondary record to track meetings and appointment requests

Ø  Simply sending out internal communications for meetings saves a ton of time chasing people down

Workflow automation.

Ø  Leveraging remote workers my favorite way to either save on labor costs OR find top talent

Ø  Keeping everyone on the same page and process is a nightmare/ We use email to keep our workflows and project management in sync

Automated billing and invoicing.

Ø  Any way you can save time from having a human do a job, you’re saving money

Ø  Implementing auto invoicing and re-billing allowed us to save money on hiring an accounting firm to manage this for us


Ryan Stewart, MBA http://webris.org @ryanwashere Facebook.com/hellowebris

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