200 grammar questions.docx

Post on 15-Sep-2015






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Name:. Date:.Choose the correct answer.

1.Sharifah is a _____ girl. She is more beautiful than Nora.A. beautifulB. cruelC. kindD. poor

2.Encik Anuar has a ______ car. Every morning he drives it to work.A. poorB. highC. newD. rich

3.My brother is ___________ . He scored 5As in the UPSR examination last year.A. stupid B. fatC. cleverD. thin

4.The man is too ________ to live in the big bungalow.A. neatB. poorC. goodD. heavy

5.If the table is too ________, I shall help you to carry it.A. neatB. heavyC. kindD. slow

6.If you are too _______, you may miss the bus.A. softB. slowC. harshD. high

7.Mr. Gurmit is a ______ man. He likes to help anyone who is poor.A. cruelB. toughC. kindD. strong

8.Is the watch ______ or expensive? asked my neighbour.A. poorB. lowC. richD. cheap

9.That _______ man can carry this cupboard with one hand.A. strongB. lightC. slowD. heavy

10.The curry is already _______. Please heat it up for me.A. coldB. hardC. softD. hot

11.Ai Lee is a _____ girl. She is more beautiful than her sister.A. beautifulB. cruelC. kindD. poor

12.Mrs. Dass has a _____ car at home. She does not drive it to work.A. poorB. highC. newD. rich

13.My cousin is ______. He scored 5 As in the UPSR examination last year.A. heavyB. cruelC. cleverD. sad

14.My father bought me a _________ bicycle. I jumped with joy.A. poorB. goodC. newD. old

15.The womens association sold nice ________ baskets at the fair.A. kindB. heavyC. rattanD. slow

16.I enjoyed the film. It was ___________.A. dullB. excitingC. easyD. happy

17.I am _______________ to hear of your success.A. cleverB. delightedC. sadD. cool

18.You were _____________ to make such a mistake.A. cruelB. cleverC. kindD. stupid.

19.It was ____________ of you to leave the door open.A. carelessB. careful C. slowD. happy

20.Can I have a _____ clock? I dont want a square one.A. roundB. longC. triangleD. light

21. Is she _____ doctor or _____ engineer?A. an, aB. the, aC. a , anD. a ,a

22. Please buy me ______ box of chocolates and ________tin of biscuits.A. an, a B. an, a C. the, an D. the, the

23._______ woman in the blue gown is ______ singer.A. The , an B. The , aC. An , theD. A . the

24.Miss Malar is _____ most hardworking teacher I have ever seen.A. anB. theC. a

25.Do you have _____ empty bottle or _____ glass?A. an , theB. an , aC. the , anD. a , an

26.Who is ______ man who came to see you last Sunday?A. aB. anC. the

27.My nephew has ______ expensive motorcycle, said Amar.A. anB. aC. the

28.Is your grandfather ______ richest man in this town?A. aB. anC. the

29._____ bird which my neighbour caught is _____ parrot.A. The , anB. The , theC. An , theD. The , a

30.Are they _____ boys who gave you _____ fruits?A. the , theB. the , anC. an , theD. a , the

31.______ doctor who treated me is ____ polite person.A. The , an B. The , aC. An , aD. A , an

32.______ elephant which entered the village was caught by _____ villagers.A. The , anB. The , theC. An , theD. A , the

33.My grandmother has _____ big house on _____ hill.A. a , theB. an , anC. the , aD. a , an

34.Encik Yaakob is ______ officer in _____ bank.A. a , anB. the , aC. an , aD. a , the

35.Puan Amilah: Does your mother have _____ elder brother?Savitri : No, she only has _____ younger brother.A. an , aB. the , anC. a, aD. the , the

36.Mr. Peter:Is she _______ waitress in this restaurant?Fadhil:No, she is ______ manageress of this restaurant.A. a , theB. an , anC. the , anD. an , the

37.I will meet you in _____ Alis house in ____ hours time.A. - , anB. the , aC. the , theD. - , the

38. I will meet you in _____ park in _____ hours time.A. a , theB. the , anC. an , theD. the , the

39.My father wore ______ new shirt for _____ Function.A. an , aB. a , aC. the , theD. a , the

40.Azman is ______ officer in ______ May bank.A. an , -B. a , aC. an , theD. a , the

41.We have a _____ pets at home. One of them is Blackie, the kitten.A. lotB. fewC. manyD. much

42.Are there ______ new books in the cupboard?A. a lotB. muchC. anyD. some. 43.Please lend me ______ money. I shall return it soon.A. a lotB. someC. plentyD. a few

44.The children saw ______ wild animals and _____ birds.A. many , muchB. a lot , manyC. many , someD. a few , a little

45.How ______ sugar did you add to the tea?A. muchB. a lotC. manyD. few46.I want you to eat at least _____ rice today, said mother.A. muchB. a littleC. plentyD. a lot

47.My grandfather presented me ______ valuable items.A. severalB. plentyC. a littleD. much

48.Theres too _____ water left. Please go and fetch some.A. manyB. severalC. littleD. few

49.Did the shopkeeper give you ______ money? asked Encik Shafie.A. anyB. someC. plentyD. a lot

50.Encik Nazri and Puan Nazriah have ______ children only.A. a fewB. a lotC. muchD. many

51.Too _____ people queued up along the path to see the Prince and Princess.A. a lotB. manyC. muchD. plenty

52.I usually drink a ______ coffee and eat ______ bread before going to school.A. little, someB. a lot , someC. little, a lotD. many , much

53.If you have _____ time, please try to see him.A. a lotB. muchC. plentyD. any

54.Cik Norasiah gave us ______ cookies and ______ pieces of cake.A. some , a lotB. some , a fewC. a few , a lotD. some , plenty

55.We bought _____ of fruits and vegetables from the market yesterday.A. plentyB. manyC. muchD. little

56.Please lend me ______ ink. My pen has dried up.A. a lotB. a littleC. a fewD. plenty

57.Hasif:Is there ________ outside?Naqib:Yes, theres _____ waiting to see you.A. anyone , everyoneB. someone , anyoneC. anyone , someone

58.I want ____ food because I only had _____ slices of bread this morning.A. some , a fewB. some , a lotC. many , muchD. a lot , some

59.My grandfather is ______ older that you, said Siti Izzah.A. a lotB. muchC. manyD. plenty

60._____ of the boys ate too _____ at the party.A. Some , a lotB. Some , muchC. A lot , muchD. Many , some

61.Sabri ______ his brother go to the same school at kampong Awah.A. withB. andC. toD. or

62.Can you come to Sarawak ______ me next month?A. withB. bothC. orD. and

63.There was heavy rain ______ thunderstorm yesterday.A. sinceB. andC. if

64.The beggar has been sleeping under the tree ______ last night.A. forB. sinceC. because

65.It is getting dark _______ I have to home soon.A. soB. butC. until

66.The small boy is crying _______ he is hungry.A. butB. andC. because

67.The teacher asked the pupils to take either the pencil _____ the pen as their gift.A. orB. andC. but

68.Can you stay here ______ I finish my work?A. becauseB. untilC. but

69.Aireen will attend the party _______ her parents give the permission.A. soB. ifC. end

70.Amir was tired ______ he took a rest.A. soB. butC. and

71.Faris comes to school ______ he is ill.A. butB. becauseC. although

72.The manager is polite ________ the clerk is rude.A. butB. andC. because

73.Mr. Maniam teaches us Science ______ last year.A. untilB. sinceC. althoughD. till

74.The boys ______ the girls are having their break at the canteen.A. soB. butC. andD. because

75.We cannot go for a holiday _______ we have extra money.A. sinceB. unlessC. becauseD. although

76.The gardener waters both the plants ________ the vegetables.A. andB. orC. ifD. but.

77.My uncle is either a clerk _____ an office boy at the bank.A. norB. orC. bothD. but

78.We are tired _______ we wont be playing badminton this evening.A. soB. butC. becauseD. and

79.Puan Halijah went back early _______ she wasnt feeling well.A. butB. soC. or D. because

80.We are going home ________ you can stay here if you wish. A. butB. orC. soD. because

81.We _____ not throw rubbish on the road.A. wouldB. mustC. mightD. could

82.The river is not deep. We _____ wade across it.A. shouldB. cannotC. canD. may

83. _____ I borrow your calculator, Jamsari? asked Lee.A. MayB. WillC. ShallD. Should

84.You _____ pay more attention in class, Encik Daud said to his daughter.A. wouldB. mightC. canD. should

85.Fatimah and Fatin _____ take part in the 400 metre relay on Sports Day in May.A. shallB. willC. shouldD. could

86.They ____ enter the house because the door was locked and they did not have the key.A. couldntB. wouldntC. shouldntD. might not

87. ______ we eat out tonight? Encik Jamaluddin asked his wife.A. MustB. MayC. ShallD. Would

88.He _____ carry three sacks of flour before he was taken ill.A. canB. willC. couldD. should

89.You _____ look carefully before crossing the road.A. couldB. wouldC. mightD. should

90._____ you stop making the noise?A. WillB. ShallC. MustD. May

91.She asked me whether I____ be back on time.A. mustB. wouldC. mightD. can

92.I thought that he_____ give me a lift home.A. mayB. shallC. mightD. can

93.Dasimah:______ I sit down?Teacher:Yes, you may.A. WillB. MayC. CanD. Shall

94.We ____ sit for the examination if we are prepared, said the girls.A. canB. cannotC. shouldD. will not

95.Mother said that she _____ come to your house on Sunday.A. mayB. shouldC. must D. shall

96. ______ you pay me the money by tomorrow? the shopkeeper asked the man.A. MayB. CanC. MustD. Cannot

97.Ayub:_____ you lend me your boots for a day?Haziq:No, I wont.A. WillB. CannotC. MayD. Should

98.My parents _____ see my headmaster to get leave.A. shallB. willC. CanD. Cannot99.You _____ come to town with us if you wish, father told Fatihah.A. willB. cannotC. mayD. should

100.I ____ help you if you listen carefully to me, Shanti told Maria.A. canB. cantC. wontD. should

101.During the dry season, the sun _______ everyday.A. shineB. shinesC. shiningD. were shining

102. I _______ my homework last night.A. doB. doesC. didD. are doing

103. I _____ in my bedroom when the phone rang, said Puan Pasidah.A. amB. wasC. wereD. is

104.Father and Encik Razman _____ working in Seremban in 1985.A. has beenB. beenC. had beenD. have been

105.My mother _____ the plants in the verandah when it started to rain.A. watersB. was wateringC. were wateringD. water

106.We could not buy the books from the bookshop because it ______.A. is closingB. are closedC. was closedD. were closed

107.He _______ with us this Sunday.A. goB. wentC. will goD. had gone

108. We _____ so we went to bed early last night.A. am tiredB. is tiredC. was tiredD. were tired

109.The house in the village ____ by a storm last month.A. is destroyedB. is destroyingC. was destroyedD. were destroyed

110.My neighbours ______ selling vegetables since 1980, said Johan.A. beenB. has beenC. had beenD. have been

111.Both Aziz and Azman _____ here to see you last night.A. amB. isC. wasD. were

112.My cousin is going to _____ his car red.A. paintB. paintsC. paintedD. painting

113.______ you present at dinner last week?A. AmB. IsC. WasD. Were

114.I shall ____ a new box of pencils for you next week.A. buyB. buysC. buyingD. bought

115.Mona and Mirna ______ close friends. They _____ badminton every evening.A. is , playsB. are , playC. are , playingD. are , played

116.How long have you _____ here? Encik Nordin asked Encik Hassan.A. liveB. livesC. livingD. been living

117.They _____ their dinner when we went to visit them.A. is havingB. are havingC. was havingD. were having

118.Encik Salim:What do the children do every night?Puan Marlia:They _____ television.A. watchB. watchesC. watchedD. watching

119.The members of the Tunas Kadet Remaja Sekolah a meeting now. A. am havingB. is havingC. are havingD. were having

120.Nasir:What is your father doing in Penang?Shah:He _____ as a doctor. A. is workingB. am workingC. are workingD. were working

121.Plants ______ sunlight to make food.A. needB. needsC. neededD. are needing

122.He came just as I ______ .A. leaveB. was leavingC. am leavingD. were leaving

123.Seha and her sister _____ shopping.A. is goingB. am goingC. are goingD. had go

124.Jimmy _____ his old car and bought a new one.A. sellB. sellsC. soldD. is selling

125.The men _____ in the factory for the last ten months.A. worksB. be workingC. been workedD. been working

126.The stadium ______ with thousands of people.A. crowdedB. am crowdedC. was crowdedD. were crowded

127. I ____ in England in 1984, said Puan Kamilah.A. amB. wasC. areD. were

128.Those children ______ in the river, said Puan Kamariah.A. is swimmingB. am swimmingC. are swimmingD. was swimming

129.Bakar and Jamil _____ fishing in the pond on weekends.A. goB. goesC. goingD. gone

130.The little boy ______ his face with soap and water before going to bed every night.A. washB. washesC. washedD. washing

131.I ____ a careless person.A. amB. wasC. isD. are132.The dog _____ at the postman yesterday.A. barkB. barksC. barkedD. barking

133.Cik Zabedah _____ us a story last month.A. tellsB. tellC. toldD. telling

134.The hunters ______ in the jungle next week.A. shallB. will be C. wasD. are

135.The soldiers ____ in the field now.A. standB. are standingC. standingD. is standing

136.Help! Help! I _____ .A. drowningB. am drownedC. am drowningD. was drowning

137.They ______ when the telephone _____.A. drank, ringingB. were drinking , ring C. were drinking , rang D. drank , rang

138.He _____ on the cats tail while the cat _____.A. stepped , was sleepingB. stepped , sleptC. was stepping , sleptD. was stepping , was sleeping

139.It _______ now. Everybody ______ an umbrella.A. rains , holdsB. is raining , holdC. rain , holdD. is raining , holds

140.Mother _____ now. She _____ three times a day.A. cooks , cooksB. is cooking , cooksC. is cooking , cookD. cook , cook

141.The car _____ down the road already.A. movedB. has movedC. movesD. is moving

142.We _____ noises for the past few nights.A. heardB. hearC. hearsD. will hear

143.While he _____ under a tree, a lead _____.A. sat , fellB. was sitting , fellC. sits , fallsD. is sitting , fall

144.The fire _____ bigger now.A. getsB. gotC. was gettingD. is getting

145.Encik Azwi ____ forty seven years old next September. A. shall beB. willC. will beD. shall

146.Ramli has _____ to Genting Highlands with his family.A. wentB. goingC. goneD. goes

147.A tree _____ fallen down across the road.A. haveB. hasC. isD. was

148.These rooms ____ painted last Friday.A. wasB. areC. isD. were

149.The baby was ______ all night long.A. criesB. criedC. cryingD. cry

150.The bell ______ before and after recess.A. ringsB. ringC. rangD. ringing

151.He sat ____ his father and his mother.A. on B. between C. inD.through

152.The teacher sat _____ Susan and Rita. She put her handbag on the floor ______ her.A. through , toB. between , beside C. between , aroundD. along, above

153.The boat was tied ______ the jetty.A. betweenB. inC. sinceD. to

154.He threw the ball _____ the air ____ my reach.A. into , beyondB. above , alongC. over , underD. by, between

155.The prisoner crawled ______ the guards until he came _____ a gap in the fence.A. with , byB. to , belowC. at , aroundD. past, to

156.A cat swims _____ keeping its head _____ the water.A. around , besideB. by , aboveC. along , behindD. below , of

157.______ the shops and the hawker stalls, there is a narrow lane. Walk ______ the lane and you will see the clinic.A. Through , fromB. Under , aboutC. Between , alongD. Until , before

158.A tree fell _____ the road ____ the storm.A. across , duringB. between , untilC. along , besideD. for , by

159.I found a coin _____ the way _____ school.A. in , ofB. with , toC. on , toD. to , from

160.He was sent _____ jail _____ 1991.A. in , byB. from , forC. on , forD. to , in

161.Yusof received a letter _____ Ahmad yesterday.A. byB. toC. betweenD. from

162.He bought this shirt _____ ten dollars.A. offB. byC. forD. in

163.I am tired _____ studying. Lets go ____ a walk.A. off , forB. of , forC. by , toD. of , in

164.I have not seen your father ____ a week.A. forB. sinceC. fromD. to

165.Do you know who is the teacher ____ duty now?A. toB. fromC. fromD. by

166.Dont go _____ that boy. He has chicken-pox.A. betweenB. byC. nearD. from

167.We read ____ the accident _____ newspaper.A. from , toB. by , ofC. in , onD. of , in

168.Do you know what is the matter _____ him?A. withB. ofC. toD. by

169.I have been waiting _____ you ____ yesterday.A. from , toB. by , forC. for , sinceD. since , for

170.The men have been waiting here _____ several days.A. toB. sinceC. fromD. for

171.Siva is the ________________ boy in the class.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. most tall

172. He bought ________ new car. __________ car is blue.A. a, AB. an, AC. a, TheD. the, The173. My brother and I laughed when we heard the _____________ story.A. scaryB. funnyC. boringD. exciting

174. The boys _______rowing the boat across the muddy river.A. amB. isC. areD. was

175.Crowds of people were standing ____________ the road to watch the circus parade.A. overB. fromC. alongD. among

176. The water cannot floe well ____________ the drain is clogged.A. butB. soC. andD. because

177. The grass __________ too long, so we have to cut it.A. amB. isC. areD. were

178._______ men threw buckets of water but could not control _____________ forest fire.A. A, theB. An, aC. A, theD. The, the

179.She put the old newspaper and aluminium cans ________________ separate recycling bins.A. inB. toC. onD. at

180.While in Sarawak, she sent some postcards to __________ friend.A. hisB. herC. yourD. their

181.Sarah : When did you go to Kelantan?Amy: I __________ last year with my family.A. goB. goesC. wentD. going

182. The tourists ran ______________ to take shelter from the storm.A. lightlyB. quicklyC. heavilyD. abruptly

183.They should be at the bus station early ___________ they will miss the bus.A. orB. butC. soD. and

184. I have been waiting for you _____________ 4 oclock.A. onB. forC. duringD. since

185.The lioness and ________ cubs are in the den.A. itB. hisC. itsD. their

186.Malek recognizes Raymond, ____________ he?A. isntB. doesntC. hasntD. didnt

187.All the boys did their work by ___________________.A. himselfB. themselvesC. yourselvesD. ourselves

188.______________ he is eighty years old, he is still very strong.A. IfB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. Therefore

189. This chair is _________________ of steel.A. makeB. madeC. makesD. making

190.Romina: ____________________ you take the key?Siew Fun: No, I ___________________.A. Do, dontB. Do, didntC. Did, didntD. Did, dont

191.Arumugam was a ___________ player but his son is ________________.A. good, bestB. better, bestC. best, goodD. good, better

192.The secretary types out the letter ______________________ on the electronic typewriter.A. gentlyB. carefullyC. smoothlyD .cautiously

193.Elaine: When did you buy the camera?Jason: I __________________ it last week.A. buyB. buysC. boughtD. buying

194.______________ invented the first electric bulb?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhenD. Where

195.Zainals mother cooks ________________ chicken curry for lunch.A. anyB. littleC. someD. much

196.There is some tea left in the teapot, ____________there?A. isB. isntC. wasD. wasnt

197.Yesterday the cat chased after a mouse ___________ the kitchen.A. outB. overC. alongD. around

198.These are my brothers bicycles. __________________ of these do you wish to borrow?A. WhatB. WhichC. WhereD. Whose

199.The man used an axe to chop ___________ the trees.A. inB. upC. outD. down

200.The pupils listened ______________ attentively to the instructions.A. sadlyB. happilyC. attentivelyD. actively


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