2001 a space odyssey explained

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  • 7/31/2019 2001 a Space Odyssey Explained



    Will Carleton6B The Highlands School October 3, 2009

    Will Carleton 2001


  • 7/31/2019 2001 a Space Odyssey Explained


    2001A Space Odyssey



    2001, Intro

    The film2001 is based on a novel called2001 A Space Odyssey. Both the film and the novel werewritten and being made at the same time. This pamphlet will help you discover the main reasons

    the film was made and it will also help with some of the complicated theories used in2001, the


    2001, A Success

    In 1968, in the midst of the cold war, a film was released that changed the way producers, writers,

    special effects coordinaters, and directors made their films.2001 made twenty-second place in the

    top one hundred film list.2001was nominated for four Academy Awards, and won one. There are

    too many good remarks to be read in twenty-four hours.

    2001, Any Questions?

    There are many misunderstandings of the film2001. In this pamphlet, you will find points from

    the film that help to clarify these misunderstandings . So get reading.

    Will Carleton


  • 7/31/2019 2001 a Space Odyssey Explained


    Point 12001 A Space Odyssey


    The Ape-Man

    The film

    opens on a

    group of apes,

    more like le-

    thargic kids.

    The apes are

    focusing their

    lives on living

    and that is it. But one day, an ape thought as he was looking at bones from a dead animal. He

    grabs a bone and smashes the other bones; homo erectus/ thinking or upright men are created.The first tool/weapon is also created. When another tribe of apes invade a water hole, the ape

    that we saw earlier gets out his tool/weapon and kills one of the other apes.WHY? This

    happens AFTER he looks in the monolith. You will learn about the monolith

    in Point 2.

    HAL 9000

    The HAL 9000 computer is a man made tool to help the astronauts to get to Jupiter to

    find life forms. HAL is programmed to make no mistakes or have any malfunctions, but asyou see in the picture to the left. the computer has had a malfunction.WHY? God

    created man not to be perfect, but man seeks a quest to become

    perfect through technology. Technology, such as the HAL 9000 com-

    puter ends up successfully killing all of the astronauts except Dave,

    who shuts down HAL.


  • 7/31/2019 2001 a Space Odyssey Explained


    Point 22001 A Space Odyssey


    The Dawn of Man

    Overnight, an extraterres-

    trial has planted a monolith

    in the midst of a tribe ofsleeping apes. But why

    there, next to sleep-

    ing apes? Krubrick is

    just taking baby steps with the story now. Monolith one is represent-

    ing a challenge. At first the apes are afraid to touch it, but after exam-

    ining it for a few moments they all do. They notice how perfect it is.

    They see themselves in it.

    An Important Discovery

    In this scene, monolith two has been planted on the

    moon. It has been sending radio waves to Jupiter. The

    story of monolith four and Jupiter are in Point Three.

    The astronauts on the moon are just as afraid to touch

    monolith two as the apes were in The Dawn of Man.Why?Men are homo sapiens.Ape-Men are homo erect. The film supports evolution, from ape to

    man. So shouldnt we have some of those characteristics that they



  • 7/31/2019 2001 a Space Odyssey Explained


    HAL 9000

    HAL looks like a monolith, because of its rectangular black color and shape.

    Why? HAL kills off the astronauts. The monolith repre-

    sents mans death.


    Imagine this is your cinema screen, after the

    words intermission disappear the screen is black.

    Why exactly does the screen turn

    black? There is a monolith floating

    in space and it has turned horizontally. When the screen turns totally

    black you are looking at monolith three. Krubrick is trying to get thepoint across that we are all going to have a time when we must meet

    our fate.

    The Floating Monolith in Jupiter Space

    Monolith three is a monolith really just watching over

    Jupiter Space.Why is this monolith impor-

    tant? This monolith is representing our

    final days, and Daves final days too. It is the last judgement.



  • 7/31/2019 2001 a Space Odyssey Explained


    Point 32001 A Space Odyssey


    Jupiter Space/Star Gate

    Dave is now the only one aboard the ship heading to Jupiter.

    When he enters the star gate, he sees flashing lights vertically.

    But as time flows by the scene changes from vertical lights tohorizontal lights.Why? Remember monolith

    three? It was floating in Jupiter Space.

    Krubrick is trying to help us vision inside

    the monolith. But that doesnt mean that

    Dave is inside it. He is not inside the


    Jupiter and Monolith Four

    Dave finally enters Jupiter to find himself in a bedroom in the

    fourth demension. He sees an older version of himself, and be-

    comes that older version. He is sitting a t a

    table eating hislast supper when his glass full of

    wine falls down off of the table and breaks.Why

    did Krubrick add that particular

    scene? Krubrick added that scene for us to notice

    that the wine is still there, but the glass is broken.

    Container,content. Body and spirit. Krubrick tells us that there is

    more to death than we think.When old Dave picks up the pieces of glass, he sees

    himself in the bed, but he is much older than he was before. He immediately becomes that Dave.

    He sees monolith four in the back of the room. He reaches for it. But it comes to him.Why?


  • 7/31/2019 2001 a Space Odyssey Explained


    These are Daves last few mo-

    ments. The monolith repre-

    sents death. It is Daves time to


    The Star Child

    When the monolith comes to Dave, he disappears and on

    the bed where he was lies the Star

    Child.Why a Star Child? It

    is like being born again,

    he has another evolution-

    ary leap to make.


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