digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945... · 2006-03-01 ·...

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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l* * *Theft



F"ll .nll II,. fa"" an<lmal t With)our donatio" to n-tE TOYCLUB In CU_ <If any of th .. pall". In F"u. D.patbQlI.Ilb ltt

en, .... Po nla Dr Grall,,1 T"wn.lL p


liP "Not a Kid Without a Toy!h~ for Christmas"~ I Rd/lt to htlang '0 the l~G TOl Club~~ I btl,,:ltm tit dbouJl0tldn



DAY DLCLMDm 12 1?10

oittft mtUitw


};* ***~O,OOOPark Jewelry."

Protests Kill I Lions Will. SellRink Program I Papers on Street

t~e Park for 18th Year

,......,, ,.

* * *GOO


Also Beginners Ice Skates


Ice Skates

Hund~of New

For All Ages• Dolls• Sleds• 'units, etc .

':.Be A CooCffeflow"

This Christmas

Lochmoor Hardware

E"eIY IDUI_ .l'prec:iat.l roodtool. • • • cluMla. ptaD.. Itraceand bite. taw," etc. See OUt Iin.

hAe 01 Sport! n. GoocIa forCJt-Givin.1 •

z0079 MACK AVE., at Anita. Not to Woods' fire Station

and Games• Tricycles• S<:':lOters• WapiWE DELIVER.

Give Toolsand

Sporting Goods


W'IllI.am 1P&ro1an'. Pulitzerprtae play, wnme of Your LIte,"Will be presented by theWA no: t1NIV&RS1TY THI!:.A.TI!:R on Dec. III and. IS In theInatltute of ArtI AudJtorlum.

9' .. • _ _ _ _ _ ( • _ ...._ .... _ f L ..3 -! ..3UI ~c;; iUI:*UUlU", uur cUluj)cw,y iias fiG\. u~.,~ilueu

alone on new pipe line construction to meet theI

present emergenc,.. To take care of the peakdays or this and next winter, we are spendingmore than $2,000,000 in enlarging our standbymanufacturing plant and building a new liquidpetroleum plant to aid in meeting our peak winterload, pending completion of the new pipe line.

This company will continue to do everythingin its power to give the best possible service to thecommunities it serves at the lowest possible rates.

.' II ( II I ( 1 \ \ (. f ) \, " ( ) I ,I I ).\ It. I) (r \ S (. ( )~I I "\ :'\)

A new natural gas pipe line will be built fromTun to Michigan which will make available toour customers in the Detroit District three timesthe amount of gas used during 1945.

The Federal Power Commission, after monthsof investigation, has issued a certificate grant.. ,

ing Michigan -Wisconsin Pipe Line Companyauthority to construct the line.

When financing plans have been approved by~e necessary regulatory authorities, constructionwill be rushed to completion as fast as materialscan be procured

When coa:.pleted this line will give us a sup-pI,. for all of our customers for a long time to come .




- .... .... ..._....... .....,~ -.-""- .... '-.',,".:4-- II, ". ' iil $ •• ~r 5 ,.J I~Federal.Power eOiftmi55iofi~-_..."" -Gives Permit to Build




JetrWJ BUdlan. tavorite dwartNDte aceeded Ita at the court of EqlaDd's

boDC quota by Obarlu l, ftI oaIJ 11 tDchubiIb UP to tbe ... (If ..

a...-. s..n.. Madai.. ....... - 1'.$ ,... 0\11.... - Picbp o.aw.., ~ - W. Do La.P ~

• r ' ..... ..., ...... ~ aM ...........

LL 1411




CL...... 'rolD tJ.. _It.lcnoWll. long-pro" ... It"'-'cL..... carry • • • quality w.tcll.... e"lID wIl.... they... "ery moder.te in pneel When 1- II.)' ithere. you know yOUT purch ...... watch we'reproud to HilI 50 come in. and make a .. tI.l;ym,


When You Buy a WatchBuy a 5Jf/P1/3


LE. .....

Nola BirthplaceOf Oturch BeUs

Tbe UIIe of chun:h beu. Ia I&1dto bave been l.na.uprat.e4 d.UrinI'

Ithe fifth century by BlahopPallnlu.s Of Nola, In Cll.mplnta.

Although the cler1vauon 1&doubted IJ1 50me a.uthal1U.. itappears that the La.tm word forbell - elDJllfonUla - waa de-nved flUll the biahop'. town,Noll, and diSt1'lct. Campania.


Let UI Oe.n ~our .umm ..., gllTmf"ntl now end Itor. themlor lhe ",.. nJe'.




Tn. Bryw t"',n •. \1"10 end Em,I) •• 100 ... frequen' "''''ore• lit ~ll1t. H"oo. Clea" ... «.","I,,"nl ",anch .1 M.c:' .nd An.t.

,n Gro ... Poml" \X oo<!.

Tf, ..y op ... I. the .. own b .. uty oh"r. "':11 door 10 """t.Ho.....


Baeh week a ,.troll ., tnlte Bone Cleaners Is IekIdo I.. at rlUIdom fl'OIft amenl!' dall,. ratmnen and l'nltmtN II. . .. - . . ..-- ow ''''I' tN4- ...... e ..... "KC~" _Uraq c:oacenulll Itoo ""'. . I



"!&e TI.\I&



omee at UJ21 Kercheval between IIar1Iu4 aDd LaUpoInte--. Qa'r WeekI" Newspaper CcmirblI All the Bomll

~.Ja Grosse Pointe &Ad Gratiot Townahipa"~. OLDHA:\L PubliBberauR~ EditmPAL'L J. LV ••••• AdvertiJiD.llIaDaprROBERT. BAlI ••.•••.••••••• ~vertiaSDI

aubSCrlp • ., )Ia11. .... per )'tU'; 10 per «191. • I •'~ curter. II oea&I 1& 1IOath. Townablp Supentaor EdmWld ..

Publ.iJhld E..,. ~ by The Groue Pointe PrintiDI Co. C. Vernier explalned the in- KaeNM., - d'ftII&...~ 11-11<!o' CdI.Ie in tax rate from $tUG mcmld tme _ .... ---.- --- ~ per $1,000 1aIt ,.ear to $IU. &15 Polnte wWa poIIaI ..

"WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW" tollows: Chle,. aDd localThe inereaae ot $2 M in the offielala meetlDlr to .. ilIIIIiiIt

townablp tax rate may best be for the satet, of tile _ .-EVI"t"'VOl'IeIs A Goodfenow e~ed by caWng your at- mg t.he war. . •

.; - - , tenUon to the mcrease in the •• e "Kerry Christmas! IlChool rate ot $1.71, to the m. LeU1arJ1 tbat : •• '"

\ Bow e&8y to say a.nd, if ~'ou really mean it, how eaay ~ease .~ttotbtehtoHwealns:u!f'~ otf, the f.IrBt ea11 fGI' 5 ..,It ia to be lure that )'ou yourself ha\'e a Merry Chriatmu "" cen... e ........ ... 0 Ian deteaae .mee --~ hel • . h . • cents and to the Increase In Pointe WII I1ftIl .."'3 pm; others. And the eafillest way to ~lp ot &U 18 to the state and count)' tax of 24 by Ulj DnIb of ..be a good fellow and plunk down a good sized piece or eentL ;~ attMk ClIl 1WIl .....'folding money for your Goodfellow paper on Tuesday, • •• GeorIe KlWClrib7. bM4 Ql ..

Members of the Lions Club auiated by the police and At the tourth annual art ex- IQCu unit, I&1d. -..:_ f t"'- G P . ~- .ti will . Ib1bltion ot Groue PoInte A.rt18t1 ••.I.lR'IJ.eT1 n 'n:' .mAAP Oln .... commUDl es lnve every- at the l'IlIIlghbOrhnod Club prizaODe the opportunity to help Santa Claus this Chriatmu were awarcied 18 to1010: Edgar I UniIoma tramcaDd to see that the LIons Club can continue its charitable Yager, first prize, stJU ute; John I:ft~~.:~.,worb throughout the vear. It's that Goodfellow paper 8. Vogt, second prize, land. M nda _1- .- -.• acape' aDd. Grace DeForreit 0 '1".........-,-wuh tbe Lions count on to finance their year-round third.' pr1:le, peoniet. ' borhood Cblb.worD of mercy. • •• of dYlc, ~ .....

Youll have that warm feeling inside you of a good deed The B1ch SChool GleeClub ga:::~weD done if you are not niggardly about your GoodfeUow presented tobe ,.M1tado" to, a :et and • ..-.... 'i(

~""':b ti N t 1 to . but to . .._I.th large audJence. The leading ----~ ..&& U on. 0 on y a'lYe I'1ve generoll&Y W1 parts were played by Edl'ard urging the III.the true spirit of Chriatmas is the..appeal of the Good- K. e t te r e r, Thomaa G roe h n, in adoptb:wfeDoowa b) you. Ellene Beever and Roy Ka1aer ord1naneea, tile

Everybody reads the newspapers and the special Good- and Inez Hamen. posit1~ 01= 'fII10w edition ia everybody'. paper - jUit aa the work of .rm: ~ ~GO Ia no- • • ;.-:: :. ,;{{.IooII:b1J' after the poor aDd unfortunate is everybody's job .Damap to a two-tamlly d.wel- on UI&~,i:... Luloa 12 WODthS. l1ng at 1087-89 Lalr:epointe was Two men ... ~

So leta all be JrOOd fellowl on Goodfenow Day, esumated at ",000 'When an crou1al KICk &'... ?~.... cmlrheatecl chJmney started a tlley were -- _ .....,,"'~' • " tlre in the RCOtlId floor. The separate accIdeDtI -:

--- building was owned by the were Hem)' B. IIutIr. .., "To yearn for the averq-e times of 19308 is equi\'~.Ient Adolphus Paye mate. WuhlnItcn 0J1Id, ..... ....

..10 aa1d:Jlg for depreuiona in the 19401 and 1950s,"-8taD1eJ ••• 77, or .136 Bu"'~' •,.& ...,., U. S. Treaaury ta% legialative coun.sel. Mlze4 'nuts for C'hriatmaa ..... sold at It cents a. pound, oysters A .request to .~ --- at J5 cent.a a pint. and O&llfornia Icab aena In a...~ "Aa thel!leCond yea of peace beIriDJ, the national eeono- Ir&pelJ at three pounds for 26 WOOCU wu enthlr. "It '.::-;r ia ill. poaition of great promi-. and of great daqer." OPEN EVENINGS to 9~ ,... .. SteeIaaDt director of Office of War Mobiliza- 'Ti! rL....:~ __;:.tiaIIlDd ReconvenioD.' ~um.

, -".....---------------------; AUTO CLUB-t'ol (eaa.tI.D1led from Pap 1)

I... .... .! 1DC code were ehIIIced. to,...JIIt] : P ''wi or Uu erec& aD ~ .. nIl4.Qab Jtatecl that eDee of CClbJddenlJ1e I!R CIDwould e<wer 0Dl7 the eomer 0IJIl(lIdte the DI'Jt'

., tbe lot U4 that office baJ1dIDI' In erdel' to..... aDOrd pam- 2IDpede tile ~ or Wa-

• .......". &ad ~ OD 3eff ....-- ....-- -......... ...... lie(







Fancy YoungNorthern Michigan


We'D rout them rOt you. too.at a .Iight additional "harp.Rich otuffing aDd pleDt,. ofdelic:ioua pvyll

1 lb. unCALUMET




GROSSE POINTE PHONE NIAGARA 3200SFIRE'S Brrmiftpalll Store-,,"- 3810

Apte CrapefruitJUICE • • 46 0%. Tin

Randall'sChicken Broth • 2 for

RICE, Long Crain3 lb. Bag • . • • .

Red Kidney BEANS.... ...... ,..L-I'O. L \.oans • • "

Perk CranulatedSOAP . • • . •

Columbia and MaraCOFFEE • • • • lb.





LEG ROAST •••••• &II ..Rolled Shoulder • • • • 59c lb.



Complete Diaaw' Buket (W' T....r..,-) m. lIS ..Fanc,. Fnait Buket (Oal ... y e-dy) $10..Champagne ... d WiDe Hampen __._••_. 10.00Extra FaDcy Xmaa MerchazadiM Hampera..-- 155.00FaDcy DeUcacia Hempen •__ . 10.00Hon d'oecrne Ham......... • 10.00Cocktail Hampcn (Liquicb _ SoIido) 17.00Holiday Gift Baak .... 10.00Ch_ Baakets _d Hampan'--_______ 1.00

,.. CiIbs & CabIGRAa lUSH FnIit CIbs

Special Gift BBskets


B.. CHEESEIn Piece or Sliced

GRADE A.A.Well Aged


SFIRE BROS. - Successors to

Swansdown........... "I ~'Ift""AI\.~rLVUI\



Your Christmas

16822 KERCHEVAL AVENUE880 West McNIChols-Phone UN 1.6700

Frankenmuth AgedStrong Cheddar












of Egg" Bargainsbrown or white. Ijust as ml1ch food va.lue a.s bet;. Grade B and C ecp. wbJch ..

Watch for the prices of dlf. ter grades. Grade AA and A uaually cheaper, are eaaentiaU:1ferent grades of eggs too. Re. eggs are most satisfactory for Isatisfactory tor DWl1 ~member loWer grade eggs have bolling, poa.chmg, or frying. and baking purpoees.


Watch Grades To Be SureREVI!.".V



~»~•~~I~Ai~,.1~IAi~~~Ai!IA pair of milit-ary Druob.. ..

:. c:om$2:SO" !I~II..~I.1~' Pillsbury's FLOUR• 5 lb. Sack • • •~• Ocean Spray

F'1TtI diamoad. IParkle in thi. ~ I Cranberry Sauce . . Can.4 K. &'Old weddma band. .. II _. _ _

i IDining '-ar~ MINCEMEAT. • • .:.....~~ <: .. : ........ D~ACHES~~ I -'1"1""'...... .. ,..• •.1 2-No. 2~'Z Cans • .~IC I Embossed NAPKI NSi

l17x17 •. 250 Count

~: Tangerine JUICEIi 2-No. 2 Cans ••.~.:. ..•$1 95 ~ Franco American

• u," _I SPACHETTI • • 2 for~I

(I£':: I

ELGIN ~l£Ilfift, 'Ioe :.' ..

.alne- .1",,,. C Itell. tlte

U4'lt'y (\1 ac- : ..e .... ey. mo.' C~'i3751 ~::

up CI"'.:.'''"-I,. ~I:t

r.'-H,iff>:';)f( v

If It's ellS you're bUJiDc -do ).au tao.v a barlain whenyou see one?

Jeanette Lee, aaa1at&nt tothe dean of home eeomm1CSat Mlchipn State eoUere. saysthat most or UI teem to pre-fer large wb1te esp tbMe days.

Melilum size and amaU eggsare plentiful ancS ma,. be moreeconomical than larre onellThat depends on Ule price foreach - and JOU'D have to doa little arit.bmetlc to decidewhIch w1ll .ve yoU more monoey for the aame amoont Of foodvalue.

A dozeD 1lu:Ie eggs weigh atleast 24 ounces. A dosen med.lum size eaa we!Ih 21 ouncesand the small pullet egp 18ounces, So a dozen pullet eggsla equal In food quantity tothree.fol1!'t.M of a. dozen oflarge eggs - Ulen th~ a bet-rer buy•

WIth znecUum aIz eggs, If theprice 15 men than one-elghthlower tha.n large eellB - thenthey're a. better buy. Brl'Wneggs are a baJ:1a1n at any sea.,Ison It the price ia lo'll'el' thanWhite ones of the .same side.The food value of egp 1s thesame whetbel' the shell Is»



watches .••gifts for eveare just a ~few

values to be

Mante' dock. make appre'claTed R.ftS. Thu one .. espe-Clallv nght.


Two lride diamonds ••• fiery~ohtalre. Lovely 14K gold



New candid cameraa that willglve pleasure to aU, youn.or old.


A diamond on each side ofber birth.tone. 10K Kold

mouigi. 9.95

Nc;y MSC Bulld:,..


Four .ide diamond. enha ..".the .ohtalre • • • ) Ill. thematching band.$280


T'ne neW RemingtOD portabielour-bead electric: ahaver,

$9.50 Guar_teetI 54 79PeD au cI:P.. cil Set _~_ •

suo Zippo SI 59Lirhtera _._- •

$3.95 IarnoAm 53 29WristWatc:" •__ ••__ •

~~&mtiz~Surprise Sack

:~~etIapoa!al" 51.59Watch _




..- ....IWaterbury ,-. 4U IAlarm CIoCQ __ ".



Open Every. Evening ~ntil Christmas






r.i"n'. h ..n"lIl .. llladialoT headT,nll He Wlil be IhTllled.

Impreui"e 10 dlamoond pair.'" l'. gold mounting.

r,..'P'WY ......... nl~ .."". • ......."""'1....'1it;; n;~dllO~e .et only -

Make her gift an electric iroon.We bave eve ...1 typ ....

5man and practlcai pen and~ncli aeta bandaomely giftcaaed.

$5.95 ~

Ruth Rauth and Richard Pal.mer, of GrQ6Se Pointe, will par.ticlpate In the eleventh annualpresentation of the Mes.slah tobe given Friday under the span-IlOrshlp of Western MichiganOOlUege, Kalamazoo.

Dr. Elwyn Carter, head of themusic department of the col.lege w1ll conduct. The chorusof more than 500 voices will beasslsted by four artist IlOlolsts,and an orchestra of 45 musl.clans, Jul1us 8tulberg ~onduct-lng.

M1s.s Rauth will be a memberof the cholt and Mr. Palmerwill be a member of the or.chestra.

I 2 Pointe Studentsin Otoir, Orchestra





Choose from our large collec-lion of pocket hghteu. th.ODe for hllll,


Not for many a year have you been able tofeast your eyes on such a sparkling array ofbeauty . not for many a year have youhad such a Wide selection from which tochoose . Including many of the Items tbathave been hard to find Here too. you willfind, In every department, amazing valuesthat mean a greater saving for you.

Cray.No when uaed ILke a luairtOftio quickly vaniohe •• ll trace.of lra,.nea. f!'Om your hair.


Solei OD a money back a_rantee


-Be A Coodfelfow"

A DeW $4"'.000 Qricu1tura1 enstneermr IlUUdmc III ..lItrucUon oa &be IIIcbipn 8t&tfo CIOIIese C8IIlPUI at Eu& ~bUIJdiaI. Joeated aoatbftIt. of &be cIa1rS' bUn IICrOllI &De RedfroIIl tbe ~~ 1I'Ql baft 1$,000 feet of 1Ioor 11*'80 IDadequate --::I' taeuw., the It.ructure ww boule UIe

III~ilIeDW1Ul1 ~ ItdaOf tile ~ ~

Pointe Oturch Presents MThe Frederick's Bakery The Christmas portJ.on of more than two

.. liande1's great oratorio "The Sololsts for the evDelicious Home Style Baking: M~~," wUl be gi\'en at the ductlon are: Margare\

..., Christian Reformed Church. soprano' Virg1nla140M Maryland. at Goethe, on tralto; Harry A-

Specialiting in pastries, cakes lor all occasions! Thursday, Dec. 19, at 8.00 pm. and Daniel Eo VanEck,'nle fiftY-VOIcechoir has gODe Accompanista for the

Phone Orders Accepted 15302 Mack Avenue through weeks of Intensive pre- will oe M~'rt1e E. ~ andTUxedo 2-4676 Ro f III paratlon under the dJrect.10D of Batts wung bOth 0

~Icor. __ <lCOnS.'e -JJ IBugh T. Galbraith, well kuuwu IVUl.n';, •

Deliveries in Detroit musical circles. He There will be no)' ha.s had the chorus of the charie, but a. free-wlll• Christian Reformed Church for will be received.



I~« New table moetej radiO ••••~ in nabonally bOWD malt ....



I-I•RK«•e;~«_ P..:;h!y :!CCC~Q;t=c! din~e~!~.« Complete 34 pll,ce set.

I $13.95~«•«•~•~G: Six ftery diamonds set inz= mat~hm~ nn!'C0 at I~II.. llold.;;:-~

• $129.50~ ~ A!\\~ ,~I \~«~«•~ hBone-"a.ndl.-.i carvIn!! let III...,... andsome ltlft box...~


~ '....i) BUlOVA.. ~- ~. lne .«....e,.~ ~ eh ...f Rn1"Y" n'l"'l!" rf'~~..~1Is. yoon h..-hl.,.. b,. ...u.. ~p .. - In W;1Itc.lIH hfl1U" d~.

• ~,. ITO... ...".d. ITom 14319 Mack Ave.~c~ $2475 $2975~ Between LAKEWOOD and CHALMERS~ up / u,"~ ~. ---------------,......----=-.-----------------I L tT E R MS. • • I F VA!? U "W I


LE. 6467

Charge It!Pl1 Feb. 10, 1947

U pholsteri ngSlipcoversDraperies

New LiviDl Room Suites Made-To-OrderCOMPLETE UNE OF


Re-Upholstering and Restyling. '. There Is A Dliference

Phone us for an Appointment with ourDecorator In Your Home

The Wanamaker StudioPingree 6555 - - - - - - 14392 Gratiot


/"Be A GoodfelloW.

-, "Harr1 dl4n't 1eelJ1 worried. "They're the nicest of aU. AJdBut then, he'. alwall tu.ppy,"- the beat looking." - RichardPrea1dent Truman', siSter, on Istuart, dance d1rectDr, praL8l.ngb1a taft to Grandview. Yo. knock-kneed 1&11.


Many a woman dreams of jewels asChristina bears I You can make thetedrealDll come true. See our very lovelyO'nlrf itlll'W'_'rv ••• ••..:.\.. 1 _... '"~ .,- -4_" ..._ ... ~'._ ......... v ...~ • U\&

can C~OO8e aD enchanting gem--set pairo~ eannp for aa little as $17.50. or apm. for $39.50. Gold-fiUed ear.riDg8from $1.00. Gold.filled piu from $3.95.


LAY.AWAY PLANA 8m4lJ l>eJIorit WllJRUf:I'W low Belecholl

MocIeNte PricesMak. Choosittc Easy

EXTENDED PAYMENTSNo c.rryift. Charps

Jewel,y CO.13933 E. Jefferson at Eastlawn


OPEN EVENINGS TO 9'til Christm,s

NeighborhoodClub News



• Electric Irons• Touters• Juicers• Smoothie M~i~.

The GIft That Keeps On Glping

'HEl;ORDSBinI' Crosb,-Marr, Xm~1Valll'h .. Moar~ the M_ BeamF.... kie c.n.-EacoresGoocIma_AaDie, Get Your G.aOor .. ,.-Sloow ..... t

Also Special MUSIC and 8toryRecording, If»' the Kld4Ue3

Elf!et.... oll@Applio"1J@ CO.

20916 Mack Ave., ,t H,lIIptoli Rd. NI. 7940


WMinahou-e. RCA Victor,Majeatic

from $95.00• AUTOMATIC

PHONOGRAPHSju. the th,n I for the

younl"!~nfrom ~.95


Beautiful Lamps IPerloJ encl ••,odera plutica. Irable and floor - ;oeand... from $1415 Ioe"t o"d fluore,<:ellt _ Vilit"ur M..... nme end ,.o,,'U _

New CarI.Craft UItrecold

~~!~!:.l!~~~~~. • IcoMplete With Univer .... l (o~.pre"OT Dnr! Wegner $39500Tnotor. Only.. •

"Har.r Freez" 18 cu ft $595

Christmas Lay.A-WayFOR l(JLR C()/'I.,'F.....IE...cr

A Mllumum Depoa>t w,ll R_ne Y_ Parcha.. Unt,l Xm ..


Special Parties .••.•. By ReservatlCl'l

Phone GENENiagara 9693


Evening Dinners5 to 10 P M

FlowersF. AD0--.1••w.o.a..

Y. woooWa't .... ...... • YItIl .. -....,. ....-~.................. lnr ---..... - - .. .,.,. -_ ....... "'CbftIa..... .........T". doIJatltN ..... ,... .. ~ !'Ie ......~---• F_1IftIq MlMat _ .. ........,...'- ................ -...

in Our


Mer 1-.....


Stork Club


The Ea~t S,de's Fir est Suppei CtL.b



V,)UI aN lut,....tal Qtaartet

Don MIe ..... and his

Masical DouReally the F'nest Entertarl"l,ent of Its K nj

In Metropo! tan DeroltFOllOW THE CROWDS TO THE


. ~ , .ARE Uoa. AfRAID Of" ~E Of T"ESE?


TRY OUR CompleteNOON lunches, 7x

Brand De- m.~ill~, pi.. th. akin of e:openclean,," ... area ytla of tile fill_ _IuknoWD to th. iDdultl'J"

Fresh Cut 0uUtmas Trea'lilt ArrivN ...AIpeu, Midi ...

We also have a complete stock ofWreaths • Blankets • Poinsettias



%95 CASS AVENUE. UTICA. MICH.Telephone Utica 5411 or 6161

u__ ".. DetrOIt eu. hUe. out Vafl Drbl

CUJil fiJl(ar Wiall

• Conveniently located 4S minute::. frorn down-town DetrOI t

•. Excellent food prepared in I completelymodem kitchen by a graduate dietiCian•. Attractive homelike surroundings

•. Competent personnel



A quiet restful IJome Jor tlu chronically iU 4tUltM aged

Pap Four

YDMt NrillalHnbood Florists17516 HAlPER It Morlftl TU. 2-6720

CIIIIUftUI CABOUXQonce apJn w. t1nd CbmtmU

B, 8BID IELAVIS t1me Just azouDd the e<lrD81'The traditional ChrtStmaS Tn. and wtth ItA eam.IIltJ tJae Neeta

liven every :rear on tbe flrllt echo with the *'ODd of J_leTb

beUa, atr&1Dt Of tam.U1&r CbriIt.uradaJ' in December b:r memo maa caroJa aDd tbe laurbter of

bera of the Qi'OIM PoW!'J Colin- merry 0briItmu ~.en at UWet Ball, was att.c...Jded It SI UIo time for tbe azmualbJ over GO mothers of Girl Cbz1Itau Carol ... of t.be KelCh.8cOUta aDd CollbCll perlClllDel. bomOOd Club to pther on 'l'Ue&-

Mra. Ralph Nett1Di; and Mrs. 4&1 and TbUDd.a1 nen1nll frOIDBenff, and Mrs. -.. .. . .. . . • 8:30 to lUG to pnct1ce theirwere responsible for the bea.ut!. carols 10 an ril be in read1.neastull1 appo1DtecI tea table, a.n<Ithe mantle 4ecOIrationa, all of for t.be Dllht of December DDdwlUeh reminded everyone that wbeb tber W1ll CU'Ol ~t

allGr*8 PolDte.

ChriItmU wu re J' JUit IrO'Jolld TbJa po'''' SI under t.be d1ree._____________________ tbe corner, .....M* Kathertne Bieharda, head Hon of M1M M1ldred Kn&CIB and

of Detroit Girl SCOUt staff, waa . is apen to &n}"One mtereBted 1nJntroduced bYYrI. Sidae, MOfo e: a tn.dJUOM.1aJ'f&1r forlan, president Of Grosse Pointe the ..I.» ot the Net.. ....... bOOdCouncll. The subject of M.Ias ... ...-lUCha.rd'. Imormal talk was "Re- ClUb and D() doI1&t.Ione are &c.elpe for Tooth," Uld the point'" " ... ~ oepted._L.emphu1lec1 wu that the secret .... I':. • -" 6Ul'IIOa GItOVP8Of 8t.I,y1ng JO'Ull(t sa frequent aa- Eua-e FiIber. DiItrlct Daatr of the Knights of The MySterr IIoUr Glrls aresoelatlon with youth-the shar. Columbul, II seeD wl~ IIn...rJsher It the Buffalo COIDb2nJ.D« wlth .TaP and Blue-Ing wtth them of their prob- dinner of the Lake Shan <rGDdl No. 2788 of the blrda for ~ ChNtmU pe.rty.lew. their fun, and their hol> K of C .t the club !'OOJII& sUnd, evening. It was the &ach croup is makUlc theirbi.. Th.I.& metbOd 1a not only !"1m fll~ ~ ~ent.;more enjoyable than eoMtant council's 16th IDDiv--r. "hceeds are dOn&ted to will be served and pmea w1ll be lvLa1ts to tbe beauty parlor, but Catholle Education. Mr. FIIh£' ICted 18 toastmaster. played.1& alIo much ebftperl Glenn Horwood of the WOQdl ... chairman of the ATllLftJC CL1)B

• •• committee in eharp. a.t"-- 'It'18 State Secre. The ~ Po1Dte AtllletlcOur newly orp.nlzed Benior tary Vincent O'~ ~ Qleph Lawton st~&ed ClUb hu started itA bUketbIJJ

~~~ts ~~:::c~~ 0; the neceuity tor the X._ 1> &hare in the work of :~ t1-: ::e~~good background for toe Mure Catholic AcUon. ~ The ClUb 11 open to a1l11rla 1'1development of their cbo6eZ1 ..r---------I~ld or ov.. who are In.I:rStA~:t~~~ry~:Mo the rs t1l>n0r Rer1Itr:e~beln(

IaDd &Iter ~ tlNruUi!"h tour of taJten for the mom.!nC elalae.sthat estatlishment they went P t P ·d t wt4ch w1ll beC'l.n JtLn. 'l.on to Belle Isle wbere they were as re 51 n s ---=:n~ugb the Coast Guard . J Park Upholds

The.same SatJurday, 1'7 Wlnga, « Soli • . Ball ....... u. In b,"" now ..... "",ua1 ~ ~ m""- ... rt,n moo'" ctbng an .Senior un1fonna, arrived at the was given by the Mother'a dDbI alao entertained the many Re&st1nI attempts made toDet:olt Airport, &:ccmpan1ed of the Grosse pot!llte IIIh a~ta with "AVe Marla," wain ~ antl..sol1cltmc ordl-by their 1llstrUctor. 1dSSS Helen School last 'I'b1ll'8day, acomptmled by Doug Krieger. nance In Grosee Pointe Park,Pelto, a membeJ: of ClUb t. the founder, Mrs. J. K. a6 th en 11 ht d f the Y111age CommiAs1u1 Monday. ....:ne .nt". were "..,., ~"'.,.,n.,." ~~-'" ''''e -_.. ~~e.."14m"~'...~~ .... e can e- g e cof ee ", ...~.. -,...... • . -- .•... &_.. .....- _V"&_ ............. _v...... --:"71 tole MnL M M Schaeffer 1---...-••• ~........ .Wv '~"CIO" 100the station, and then went up W. F. Mobroft, MrL P'red Hard !C& W R. Cl' .' M p' permit door to door cal1J.Into the obIerYation tower. They lng. Mrs. W. B. .... ,... L Bllleit, an:nu=n,p r;;,o~ P. J. WaJs.b and I. KlmbalIeven lmd an &!rPlane ride - at Claude Hayward, MD. paneL .. requested permi'fBion to salleltleast they "taxied" to the haDI- Deuster, !UI. ('eDMdpP crdera for uavelt1e,s made by thear In an American AIrllne F1aC- dell, Mrs. ChU. Jmta, .... t RespoD&1b1e for the excellent blind. The, wm refu.sed.ahlp, and that provlded them :cr:-h, B.~ ~~ rln8hmeDU were )UlI Davis, Un1tec1 Adyert1sfng Co. re-'With plenty of thr1I1I. a. • d8frm&D of the aoc:1al commit- quested perm1s&1on to g1ve out

All our W1ng SCOW are loot. ~ M :~tec:b. .. .. Itie. and un. W. Rodgers, IDs. sSSaples and Cleent lIl1P8 frOJD1ng forward to tbe meetini o. , ~ • F 1hJIoD, Mnl. E. Bal men, dOOr to door. It too waa denied.TbUl1lday at the 'T' where all Leaden In the -. IN. C. Bhan'et, MIs. A. Lamb, IDetro1t Winga W11laet tocether were Mra. lAOIl '11tL B. ~ Mrs. O. Mann,after achooL A IPUbr from dent: Mrs. ADdreW I~ 1. Boalea, and Mrs. C. B.the Aero ClUb wU1 talk to theee il'am cha1rmul; X'& JL.. t~ Ibudd1ng tUen after the, have llOl1 and Mra. B_. l' the mothers weresJwed tbe1r expemnc. &net bospitalltJ' ~ . BulfJ Wi kIngtalked IIiblm future p1aDa aver Harold B. n.*,," t - BbIr1ey ~avis' Itheir "DOIe-bIIC d1IInera.'" man. Jf~ SOOi.:

aDd nme '. ou - "}fora AImatde of the cr-,'barDmg 0-. Cato11De PoIiWfin the f1repJaee. JDaIIe V. *ddw:tchea.

011 SUDda.3' afternoon the To - 'l'be p;:poee of the Mother'smembers of the cbo1ra of Faith one side of the f1rep!~ elm» IJ to benefit the students_____________________ Lutheran Qlurch, located at E. was ueembled the Grosse Pomte of the Grosse Pointe High

Jeflf'enon and Ph1llp, wID pre- = ~en~~\7:m- SebDol, JOC1ally and financially,smt a Cbr18tm .. Veeper BerY1ce Belen SchUltz All C~' lLDd to Interest the mothers ofOf Sacred mu&le. Judith Lyndrup ie: C::' the CODlD1un1ty and teachers of

Tbe, aerv1ce wm begin w1.th Harnet cotton, Barbara. COul::' 1.he G. P. H. S. in the club work.fifteen mmutea of organ music Ken Chriatenro Ann Pal ' 81nce 1931, when the firstat 4:45 by the orp.njst and &.e- John TItus :arlha FIsc~:~'scholarab1P8 were awarded, aOODlIP&nllt MelvIn Zeidler. The PaUl Terbruggen, MIlton Setzer' total o~ $12,450 has been award-sen1ee is as foUowll. Elalne severin, Doris Dunc ,ed to ~ graduat.es. Also the

Morav1an Morn1IIi staa Bar and Sheila. McComb an, Mothers Club has gIven the'Wry GaUl '. • money for the chOIr robes of

Choral: Prelude on "0 Came :recthted trlngbYDewey D. Kalem- the students and contributed In.. ' e s group offered other ways to the progress of

Emmanuel, Walton; JDany selections for the back- the schoOLA ChrIstmas Pastorale, Powell

Weaver;The Chrlst Child, R. G. Hail-

Ing; Mr. Zeidler'I'he choirs directed by Mr.

and Mrs. Carl 8en<lb.Shl!lpherds, Rejoice. Mans!1eld;

Junior ChoIr' -81ng We Noel, FreDcb Carol;A Heavenly Bone is Q1.~

D1ck1Dson; ---&.

Chapel ChOirChristmas snows Of SWeden,

Harvey Gaul;Through the Dart the Dream-

ers came, Daniels;Bethlehem, Dick1.n8on;

Senior ChoirKings to Thy Rl.slng, Bukher;Long Years Ago in Bet.hlehem,

Elmore Reed ;• Coolblned Choir.!!I PICKUP AND X I Offertory - The ShepheIds In

L DELIVERY SERVICE TV. 2-8120 ' the F!eld to M:l!ll ..~o;;IJ

Postlude on "La, He Come$"K.. Walton; ,

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. Zeidler




bunch 15c


1MafSdl/~~.. (I. ~n

ENCLISH ,,-- ~:.:::..


Pacb&e 25cIS lb. Peck 4 7 c

Opell Daily 8.6; t"ri. Tit ,.


... -- .....-LAK\.1tflORIDA JUICE








2 cans 27c


18330 l\lt\£K ~\VI~.



Gold Crest SPiCED PEACHES 2Vz can 29c

WHEATIES 8 0%. pkg. 2 for 19c

Richlieu BEAN COFFEE Ib.43c

CAMPBELL'S Tomato SOUP can lOc

Pat%er's Polish style DILL PICKLES gt.29c

FRENCH'S MUSTARD Ig. 9 0%. si%e lOc

Rennet - Junket POWDERS box . 9c

Pop. Brands CIGARETTES arton $1.34

Christmaby New

Dr. and Mra. Wa!are eha1rmen of tileparty whleb membenGrosae PolDte JII'are plannlng for n1daDec. 30.

The event, whleh 1&nual atta1r, w1U beyear at the DorOthY.room, OIl F1&her Road.

Other mernbel'a ClI1mlttee lnelude: Mr.Robert SC!l&ller,Mr. &Dc! Mra. W&)'De w:Mr. and Yrs. HUIb Deu..ta1nment: and JIr.Herbert Ancleraon, decOI'

santa Claus will beChr1stmaB earola will beand atllr1ts andscheduled for the evenme.

Newcomers gathered aG1'06Se Pointe Memorialfor an even1Ile of ramealy. The Frank Llatera. thesell Near&, the KUeethe Y1nard MumaIIIoAlla.n Walters p~terta1nment.

Recent member'll to joIDgroup !Delude Mr. &DelWea MaIeU8, formerly ofClty; :Yr. and Kra.Strother, formerly of W-.gl.nla: aDd Mr. and Kr&.LYon who moved herefrom New KeX1cO.

The Newcomers Club !lOW

CYO Plans DancesFor High Students

seoond in the serle! of dan-ces arranged by and for cath-olic high-school students of theEast Slde W1ll be held at theC.Y.O. COmmunity C e n t e r,Mack Avenue a.t Maxwell, onDee. 27. from 9 00 12 p.m. De-trolts' better orchestras arebeing engaged for the last Frt.day evening or each month-Ronny GrA.yllOn'lI musie will beheard on Dec. 2'1. I

Back of this new venture IIIa desire to help young peoplehave the kind of fun they want.Representatives of about fif.teen East-Slde high oobools areplannmg the detalls of themonthly dances in co-opera.-tlon with the C.Y O.

Invitations, tlcket-sales, deco-ratIons. music, added enter-tainment are all m the handsof the young people themselve!.More than 1000 are 'lxPeCted... ......_ - .........- ..._"" ...- ~.&.""

II""" .."'~ wu.. ~-& .. ,~ I"Holiday Frolic."

3-rv1de Dr , Grosse Pornle

Lee Q. Barnes

Living Room, D,nl"g Room,Brc1rooms, Recrec1tron Room

SUNDAY, DEe 15th at lOA M.


H. O. McNierney

Richard A: Khuen1142 Grayton Rd, Crosse Pointe

1 ~ , "')"') .

,December Bride

-Preolml 5_ PbotoAn early December bride was Mrs. Thomas Turner

O'Dell, who was formerly Barbara Sproule, daughter ofMrs. F. W. Evans of Lakepointe. Mr. and :Mrs. O'Dellwill make their home at 30 Edgemore road, The Kings-way. Toronto, Canada.

Auditions Start Saturdayfor Children's Theatre

l'ot by AuctlO'l-all Item' pnced.

MA. 7799

Authorized Ford Sales and SeTvtce

~.ftD-....,iif "-~~

16901 Mack at Grayton Rd.NI 4000

Save Dollars In The Deal!Bring Your Ford To



Wild Rabbits


Allred F. Stemer Co.



w.dt. For OpeDiq 01 tJ..


.'The Best One In The Field

. ~.




NewH oUand Herring

"Mixed and Mill ......

George s.



Pbotoarapby by

!/. CUI. f}{iggi1l$

Your Weddingin Action!

Bltautlful CandJd8 of JOurentire wedd.1n« J;)t!rmaneDt~moucted in an exqu1a1te1eather-bound volume.

llJudo 2.3.100

FISH - SEA FOOD15124 Mack TU. 2-1750


"Be A Goodfellow"For ehang1~ tires on the

road at ntght, a manufacturerhaa come up with an extensionoord that wul plug into thecJeac l1ghter socket of your ear,

The Vesper Players Chlldren!s aehool but a produetlon unit.Theatre announees that It will It does not compete WIth In-hold e.udltlons for new talent, structors. It auns at the highestsaturday, December 14, II Lm. Ideals of profes51anal theater toto 12, at BurtDn SChoo1, Caas prove that it has the best

F h S h• at PeterbOro; and Tuesday, De- trained and moat talented chU-res rim p eember 17. 7:30 p.m. at St. dren 1n the mid-west.

Cooked Daily Paul's Cathedral House, Wood- The Vesper Players are a non-ward at Hancock. profit group dedicated to pre-

AudJtlons will be held for senting "new theater" tech-dramatics, slnging. and danc- nlques In the best and mostlng. Children who pass an au- original drama.tle works of thisdltlon will enter either the tap, century.ballet, or singing groups and They presented W. II. Auden's

LoItlter _ Clam. _ Oy.t.... all have an opportunity to com- "For The 'nme BeIng" last sum-

II Tartliar lit Cocktail Sauce 11\ p€ta for dramatIc ro!es. mer and received national ac-Children are accepted between clalm. The Chllc1ren's Theater...... -:___ the ages of 3 and 17. The has just presented a new ren-

_ Ch1llh'en'lI Theater Is not. a dltlon of "Cinderella." Thenext prOCiuetion wUl be '"RipVan Winkle."

0utIDI fac "'!Up Van W1Dkle'"w:Ul Ub pIIIee ... ""~. Dec-• -"'.l!J: -' at.,C~ ADJm1e wflib-.

~ lag 1;0 m the productImlmust tse audttlt«l"'d and llC"'.,ept;edfor talent In ODe' Of the follow-lug: dramat,ica, siDg1ng. tapdancing, or ballet, on Dee. 14or 17.

The Theatre is headed byDavid Farlow, producer, andJohn Everitt Booty, assoclateproducer.



~ .tl_

"ee A CoG6.ifenow"


fine fumlture


not t

anda c km

You'll F.nd Chri.tma. GaEta From Brady' ••••

Suparb P.ece. From The Leading Grand Rapide

Crafurnen ••• Lamp. From the Country'. Foremo.t

ManuN.eturen--AII SeJeeted With Any Eye For Beauty , , •

And At Moderate Pneea Tool

Open Every Evening To 9 O'e1oek

From Now UntIl Chnstma.1

t'7lnd all thru the house"

O~n EVERY E"eningUntil 9 o'clocltN lagaTa 4680

FIM Qutzlit1lGood Tlllts

iiocieTate i'ricc

Pierce Plans 80erything for effortlessXmas Vespers ff{oliday 8ntertaining

'1'be 101m D. P1enle .Tumor Turkeys roasted with delicIOUS dressing •••IDIh 8chooI k pIUtI1t1zlc the~ Brandied Mince PIeS .••eIIht1l umual CbrlItmU V. Beautiful Hors d'oeuvres and Canapes ...peq JftINIIl OD 8UDd&1&U:OO WAITER and BAR SERVICE AT ALL TIMESp~ ~c:-;erc::~um.be ELLEN'S CATERI Ne SERVI~E::r~u:,:m-:s~m:: . TYler 4.0855~ mwdc ~ ~ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ otaDd~~ Q I' I t Ii,. • t I I .,. '~i .~ • I • I I of. r.,Mr. Be1'bert Nuechter1elD at the In Tun. with '1<'1"

~ will be auac bJ Am1 the HolidlYS orYoauc. DoIorea YolrW'. Patricla u1 H tLee, a&DdoD White, Don PaqU- Beautif ats +ette, Gerr7 strek Paul LaDe,and JUduft BWn. A !Prl't! au- thlt Flltt.r t~:, ~u. off:=: A Grand Selection of new -r8N'tMlta Wal.laee, aK,y roater, Styles and Shades to Com- 1:aDd Allee .T~ 1ril1 I1zIc "A plete Your Attire. "Star 8boce Down" and an oc- .~tett. CQIDPOIe4 of wtMton Uk. 5215 +en. 871T1a 8tempf1e, M&l'Y J40br, IBett7 Bouch. II1ch8el Be8t.. Her- to .$14.95 Tbelt Lart1n RaIel Vola and tDclaa1d Palluette wU1 _ the .~peNm1a1 faTOr1te "Bark the • +Herald AlJpl,a smc," JDst ArriYtlt I

1IId-r: c:~a:s~tl:ncofU: NEW HANDBAGS rlfta1 of the Nat1T1t1, Hell of Leathers. PlastiC 8295 .lwJucb 18 aecompr.zUec! by llAII'O" Leathers, PlastiC Iprtate mUSk: SUIlC by the MoruI. Patents and - .~

To the ~ acene. The .Adcc'- Genuine Corde' ",atJon, will come a ~0lJ&1 to $15.95 J,of student. In tbe lleTenth aDd •eighth grade mU51e classes who .twU1 carry Uchtecl flUhliIhta HATS kE.STYLED J.wh11e the)' .. ''0 Come All Ye R....J.apeeL Re-ltloc:lr.ecL Large aelectiGl1 of trimmingL +~hful~tI of Pierce wlab R0 ~ BAT SDO P .~t.bk to be their CbrlItmU ~ tgreet. to the Grosse POLDte 13301 E. JEFFERSON AVE. LEnox 4664 +comm1DlJtT and woUld l1ke to Comer Coplba _ Nest to Cinderella Theater textend a cordial lM1tat10D to OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL I I'8ll to attend. There w111 be bO "iradmlakm charge.

LE. 6461

1 111

A In. l.nkan .fter fin.IlCcenorie. - fiDe e'l"retteea., lighter, pen Itnile, Ite,.eJaaiA • • • but raral,. set-• .-nei ro DU1U'1 abem lorhimeelf. So they malte ideallJIftsl Come in and lIee them.

EXTENDED PAy+-tENTSNo Ca"J'illl Ch.arps



LE. 64"

Best BooksRewiewetl

ru. 2.7010-


• t-..-. ...

.. \10 ....... --0/00.



Que. ... to take with.enI7 "op.1Itioa" uad for"time to do .. eYeD betterjob."

Fitzroy 4100

Queen Cleaners& Dyers


Cay holiday parties are justahead and you'll want to lookyour loveLiett iD cn.p. freshly:Ieaned and preaed garrne'rltt.Send -lip coven and drapes,tftn'

It', Next to the A & P

FOl' Your Every Day Cleaainr Needs •.• Get Acqaai,nted 'With

Qaeea's GnMI8e PoiDte Brudl

Chnlltmu and !'lew Year'. willcatch you if you don't huatle• • • 10 get out th~ pretties


8end f}{oliday eleaningWOW- ~OU 'II J3e /Ready

17140 Kercheval





Page Sevenn.,n. J d • I rI I EN I. 8839

Just R-L.:d;..~dLaree Sbipm ....t New


Lamp Shades1z" to 19"

~or eh,i3imas~rom


Such lamps as these makewonderfulgifts.. In everySIz.e, style and color. Plas-tiCS, glass, china and potte.-ybases. Lovely new shades.

No IT'ore lovell or "ar,ed select ~nof fine and unusual g Tts w II

be found anyv.here than atWright's In the POinte


SETS-AND",..,.. ~~~I'\D 11l:l'.....__ ..~Vl'. ~

Nothfng so CO"A..f a room warmedBlI II cheerful Ytrs

Hai-d ro"'r'Te"ed ~a"r ::.>r.-;yoof o::I' .... r'f',n~1 trd~". dishes..etc.

C:~'a'i' ...5 .' C aS5.\,\are. bc'h CiC"l",eS' C...-d :-~.'ed _ .. R""" ',t Iv fra"ed he J ~ ~'d

C-gras ... Toce 5t":1['5" In ce c~:eC2',,~ ;:5. ,:, "'<3, p~t'err ... C ,-"> A-co..c' "5

a j C ft 1,\ 'ai'P'~g;

Art objects ... !..."IT'f:-S . Newco-nbe ~~rro'sCbarrr ~g \'.r'" - e-o,,,,:e:1 \\'0'-'5n' - roon

It..Jo FJr.1.tl.re

Twenty.Five chH.rent .yl.. m beautiful\umu.bed lac'{uere~ _ud b,... AAdarona•••_all to ma.- .... au:e ranee _. .._ ••_

from $18

Set. of !aequer..! .olid I.,... Firep!aee Tool.. i,acludm..urd,. b_ etaDd. Two .yle. to cAooM from _ .

from $19.50Bra .. Wood Carrier. and Coal Hod.

from $19AI-Fir. Screen lend.."

CIlamI.erlin ''Slue Ribl.on" .olid ...... Ser........ the"Sp.rtou" ••• tA. "Colonial" &Dd ta. "Shefflelc:l", lromw!lieh to .. led

Alao - EJul. ..:. "Spark Angler' S;:r&Bu.from $21

m er y

,Gifts ForAllOTHER


Fireplace Fixturesof Distinction

A Fabulous Array






No'Dme~IheOuBaas .JcteJrQrhls .~



Mrs JUllU6 Becker is pres!.ent and Mrs. Elmer C. Witzke

eorrespond1nc 8eCretary.




Christ ChurchChoir BoysSing at Tea

Choir boys from CbrLtt ChurchCh.a.pel In their str1k.Lnl w1I1e-colore<! robes aq t.beu" ChZIst-

. mas carolll wU.h .. apec1a.l flour.Ish Monday afternoon at theCa.ndlel1ght Te& of Grt*e Po1nte IFarm a.nd. Garde!! A.s8OC1ationat which Mr8. 0\19111 Macauleywas hMtaa IIoDd.a1 afternoon

. In her home.Mrs. Fra.Dk W. GokUe I.nYlted

the boys to aIJ2C aDd it .......pec:lally nice that two were tOMOf members 111 tbe audieDee -Mr.s. Stanford PhelW aocl 14nI,Bugh Stalker.

ChrlStmaa prele.1lta tor l'eter.lUllS, \\ hleh memberll brOaIbt 111la.lly-wrapped IJI'Perll, t1lled thehall tables with a br!Cht ar.r&1.

Mrs. Robert Burt W<lI1 a bluelibbon for hen t1ed up in eye1&-

en ~1th t.wo dp.retl andItage Of m1atehee on top -

th decorative 8.Dd u.seful tothe fP.!:'lplmt!

Mrs. Cha.rl.ea Delbr1d1e .... t-Od Mrs. MacaU1ey U hoIte8I and

y of the members werethere as thllI e::::tu'latDlu affairII always one Dr the loveUl!llt ofthe year.

A few noted w'bo attended.. ere Mrs Gt!Orge A. Bigley, Mrs.lv'nn MCNaughton, Mrs. Henry

• WlllliUllll, MnI. Charle.s T., Mrs. Frederick W. Cunp-Mrs. Sta.ndJsh Baekus, Mrs.ell E Dexter, Mrs. Ben

oung, Mrs. A. BOynton Har..z,.urs J. Robert Lilley and Mn.John F. Keys.

Prices InclUdeFel1.eral Tea




Recent Bride from the Woods


Jean LeBlanc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lliltoDBlanc of'1651 Hollywood, in the Woods, was marriedcently to E4ward Kohfeldt, Jr., of East Detroit,. inchapel of St. Joan of Arc Church. The groom is theof Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kohfeldt, Sr. Following , •ceremony a supper was held for the bridal party at ill EntertQIn HostsHarvard House. The bride's sister Dolores was maid h ual Ch-=~M I• • • <U.llJ rls......, party ofhonor and Martm Heise asSlSted the groom. • \he League for Crippled Chil.

PLANS YULETIDE TEA DONN4 RENEE AIUiIVB8: dren will be FrIda,. at oakman ISandra Britt, a senlor at Dr. and. Mrs. George C. Bcbool, 12920 WBdft'orth.

Grosse Pol.nte High School, will Smyter of Grosse Pointe There will be a board meetl.ngnounee the arrival at • ~ at 2 p.tn and the regular meet-

give a tea on Dec. 28 from 3 to ter Donna Rel:\ee, NO"V,.. at tng at i p.m when entertaln-5 p.m. Her guests will be friends Harper Hospltal.1 anent wIDbe ~ven by the eh1l.from Liggett and Klngswood ~ The baby'S gra,ndparenta lit .Grosse Pol.nte High sandra Mr. and Mrs. Rene C. De8IDJo

. ter of Neff road. Her ~moved to Grosse Pointe recently grandfa.ther Is Henry De8IJ27kr'from Dearborn Hills. of Mt. Clemens.







9Jistinction "M. Evelyn Butler

HAIRDRESSER1&231 Mack A .... at Three Mile

TUacio. Zo3l8OlVe ATe NO'ID Open

Jland4JI thrOUf1h 8a.tJU'rf411

GB.AVI:.pROOFFor ald to ",eltty housewives. a

manufacturer produces gravy.proof tablecloths, sllpcovers im-mune to Ink, draperies that canbe wiped clean with a dampcloth.




something special for EVERyONE .......••

"Be A Coodfelfow"

Fashion FantasyRevealed

presents ...


Highlighting the ann u a I The Fa.shlon Group Of Detroit I.March o~ Dimes whIch begins p;resented its fl.rat "March of ~January 14 will be a fashion DImes" show last January with ,fantasy, "Have a I1eart," at tremendoUII success. In fact, it ,Music Hall, Saturday, January was the only group outside of25 at 8:30 pm. and Sunday, New York: kl tackle such a proJ. ~t'Jan'Uary 26, at 2:30 pm, accord- eet in conjunction with theing to plans r"v&aled at a press "March ()f Dimes" campaign.luncheon at the DAC Tuesday. In view of the Detroit achieve-

Presldmg at the luncheon WWl ment the National FpundationAbner E. Larned, chairman of for InfantUe ParalysLs thLs year \the Wayne County Chapter of requested the New York Fash. ~the National Foundation for In. Ion Group to work out a plan rt&nt1ll ParalysIS. whereby regional gl'ot.p8 all over t

Patronesses were Mrs. Edsel the country COUld stage shows fFord, Mrs. ArthUr BUhl, Mrs. during the IH7 drive.Longyear Pa.lmer and Mrs Roy "Have a Beart" will feature 1D. Chapin: the same gorgeous coatumes [f

Donald M. D. Thurber, asslst- New Yorker, wUl see durlnl ~" 'ant to Mr. Larned, acted as their "March of DImes" parade, if, .toastma.ster. plus many fa s hi 0 ns being .,

Mrs. ">bert P. Oldham, De- created by top-flight designers t

trait regIonal dlr ctor, The Fa&1- especially for the Detroit pro-Ian Group. Inc, WilHam Merrill, duetlon.producer of "Have a Beart," and W1ll1am W. Merrill, the pro-:Mary MolT18, publiCIty ('hair- ducer, bas been uaociated withman of the 1947 Mar c h 01' the theater an hIa We. liB aI)lmf',<: Fashion Fantasy were youngster lJ.e jjo:&!'ufDled cons~the speakers. ently at the BOMteUe Play.

Also at the speakers' table house with ma.n:y b1g.namewere M.lss Dorott.y Dt.nha.m, star. of the put and present.council member and reg1o.nal In California he played in mov.d1rector-elect of Fashion Group, les, on the radio and attendedInc., and Miss cella Merrill, Pasadena Pla.-bouse. During thecomposer of the orIginal mU8lc summer of 1940 he opened h1sfor "Have a Heart." own theater, "WUl-o-Way," at

"Have a Heart," scmtillatlng Bloomfield HllIs.aynthesls of modern art, har-m<my and design, ib be..ng wnt-tell aDd p;roduced by WIlliamW. Merrill, with origmal musicby Cella Merrill. It WIll featureahead-of.tbe.headlmes falillans,talented singers and clancers,many guest celebrities

..- ..... .--- ....... __ "

C, '. ''I, - .:; no c- -~-

rl" -1-" I e. co °pact.

at the



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eloNd at Nooo Saturday.

"* "*Come Early For Fine Values

Neighborhood Thrift Shop17121 WATERLOO

Until Noon-Saturday. Dec. 21

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Rust-proof, tarnish. proof, 72-rnch stainless steer Complete with de luxehardware, plenty of storage and drawer spilce. double Sinks With strainer andfaucets.


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:~tvTd' C I~T C G ~ I, r • r - - r -Red,.:.:, gJ b_ge to po '"~ t c_ 1 " I In }V~r >-)U,/t to I.::;t year:; v





lIMO OOftA-......,.um- UIa8e a...~!!J~~.... "e ~ i)Jl:1aPle.heller. .. •. L•~ J1tIIolIo.1liaishPace Powder lAd bp.JtJCk. Black, lla".tilde oc: T.. ""WIdo -.or.; ~S••

Electric Sha""rsLightersWallets

Neck~cesChatelinesWatch Bands

'GailetTiesfM'en sPearls[cltrjUg~



BOB'S in the Woods_'At ~ ,f~. ui6111"! -I!-' ..:~l Jrr.d I~. A,~~~

1'tf~~~f;'To enhance her dIonns thisQ-.,.-=.=-tN; ., •• tt.;; fi"wii'w.~to deltlure-and so p~¥OCatrte.

YWIf See &It W.5.•••• 2.50


!2U" fhck A,.. .... 'Ii.W....~:.....a..... -......... DRues

~ "

THf'~t1ttof£ 'OINTE ~EvrEW

Fashion Show Plans Discussed . P . t W}. {'In e omenMrs. Georie Badley ~ 5"

~~e~~~t:-.-rt~ in IsterBUlhs at a luDCbeOD ~1nc at the m.ter ..Foundation P'Ub!ob Ib*___m.1ttee. The Kmmy Ka~wU1 be Jan. 8 111 KuI,to .....

PhoneTUxedo 1-3940

r'\'lI.Ifll.'I"'" 1"1"""'\1"""'\"UII ~II~\J f\VV/V\

OPEN5 to 9:30 P.M



Grosse POinte Woods

RestaurantMack' Avenue at Oxford Road

'NOWOPENl~" \~R '"t.


Carry-Out Service on Sandwiches Only

"Get The Early Americat' Habit"

T",,~7"n77MM f'u, ,!"'to- t!cs;i!tc :;~r~~w, ,>:"vlluye~ una ornersfre.~~& of tM time.~-hare donI' theIr utmost to sTlpply 11"

'It.ml .... St ... 1 FqUlpm ..nt IUTn,.h.d hv South.,,, F '1"'pmr "I ("0

R..ot.ur.nt Equlpm~t by A J ~I.noh.ll lO.Booth •. Countor an ... T"bJ ... h} ~ ....bb .nd 7"nmrr( h.,," by J 1_ Hud.o, ("0

floor <"o""'1g. b) Robt F ".,rlOonf" ..plaer r IXlu, •• by O.IrOII \1.'11 ..1 ,,"d T,T... ,.,Draper-fl!. bv O.ca, ~ laull!l1"ler. rnt~f1l')r r>"cQratorLinen. b) [r"nomy Line ... C;upplyIn.uranee by 'IX m E. Shad,l ..ton(,ro<:""e. bv L.f ..r Broth ...M•• t. hy Tho. J. Thomp.o,. S"".(011 ... hv 7"1e,,,tu•,e Dy Mur,,1e

• and lor tile Fl(}l1 er< by f1ppreclOf,1 (' dralcr~ and friend,


rOil I nl'""'\r'\A A'-l"'ILL f\.\....IV/V\

OPENFrom 7 AM.

Then, Too, We Wish To Thank ...



... ~ '{ " boo, .. deed '-' • .1euuR to weJ.~ wekome 10 many old friet1ds who have patiently

.... ~ . w.~~, ~~ hon W~ .......... com.letin ••\ finer eating Bpot for them. We shall always strive to

ment their continued favor. and to cultivate new friendships.

On BatU!da.y n1ght 10 MANNINO inV1ted some of her bestfriends to her dwellizlc OIl KeK1nle, for a few hoUra Of Bleepatter goss1piDs away unW a am. Before aettllni down for thOleforty w1Db the gltLs took I.n a mov1e at the Puneh and theJ1trekked bacli: to lo'a 'ree room" aJld feaeted on the refreshments.

N&DeJ 8tabI, 10 ....... n, Mart,. "ewer, 10UUIe AthuIIoDaad YGIIn Tral1 toIk JlUi .. aakiar the altair • IIleeeIlL

The oote crowd fAu'Ded out In full force for the YOUTH CLUBDANCE apm U11a week. Some of the people p1eking out tbelrfavorite retJCll'd!nIB on tJ:l,e jUke boz were Pierre Belanger. Freddy:u.wduck. .Judy At.bman. John .Auckland. Ralph Beaupre, Joecavana.ugh. John Carpenter, Peggy Labadie. Rita Leitba.u.ser,Marton KeLaughlln, .9hrIa Weot, Ted Vern1er, Bill Buettema.n,B1eaDOl' Wade, CharleS Boult. Ed BotarlWl, John Poppelreuter andDozma Kle1D.

Kenny._plana are underwa, the Kenny Drive in the Detroittor ,he "'Kenny KanJcade, It area.wI1Ie ..m be preaentec1 u.. A1dJ.ng Un. Vawter and MrsCQII11.... tub10D &I¥l floral WOOd are Kra. Frank P. Book,aha. OIl MoIJdaY eYeD1Dc. Ian. HnI. WW1am N. Mayo, Mrs... Ir MtarIe Rall. Proceeda of Glendon B. Roberts. all GrosseWI I$JIe eYent wlll aid the Pointers.Blatt II:'eaD1 Foundation lINe ~era In the committee In-~ elude Mrs. Carl W. Neumann, -

MiL oeorre Hadley Vawter Mrs. R. O. Mead, Kra. WalteraDdY& PhWp S. Wood are the S. Balla, Mra. Alfred G. Wilson,Cl)4l&InDm tor the fub10n MrI. ViCkery Ednrda aDd Mrs.ab!I. 1Ia'riDe been named by Arthur P. Jackson. all from De-Mn o.e a. Skelton, cba1nnan tro1t and v1nc1niy.el he WClIUD'. committee for Robert S. Hugbea, of Chicago

wW d1rect the ahow. 'M!&s I4a.r1 Ward Dillon and

V1nceJ1t Gage will act in an ad-v1aory capacity to the commit-tee.

•.H_ Poi~ead1nI the l1st of Grosse _ .._ ls1e Conservatory dona nte soe1al1teswho have eon- ,- ,

ItlChlntmas garmenta to bring Bented to serve as patronesses . : C.un TC''T'II .4S :tile p1IbUc ita annual hollday for the Kenny faahion ahow are n.L\.l.&J.L l.'.J.L1 f

di.lJIa1 featuring po1Daettias Mrs. Henry B. Joy. Mra. John :#. S PEe I A L S .. :

1ui ot.ber Cbrlatmu blooma S Newberry, Mrs. Henry Ford 11 ..-- at i am. Baturday, it Mra. Benjamin 8. Warren Mrs' f MIBBOBS f".5 lImIOIIDUd by the Depart.. Char1ea A Dean, lr., Co.:mte~ '.: :milt 01 ParkS and Recre&UOD. CyrW Tolatot, Mm. AIlRD Shel- ,

l1W queenly po1naett1a, lIlost ::1~ Mrs. J. Stewart Hudson #; A LASTING AND APPRECIATED Clrr: .:~ Of Cbhr18t.maa fiowera, Ernest Kanzler. •• j

1;11 t1aah Ita Vivid red4, de1leate others !Delude Mrs. Charles:1. Reflect Your ~ Hundreds :I:p:Ib, and rare white blooms B. Warren. Jr .. Mra. Leo I .F1tz- .. GOOD TASTE T"

• • a:am.t the ncb green of Its pat.r1ck. Mrs. Fred M. Zeder #. With a Sel~t fNIIIUek4 ...... &he wcek..,1id ~ was DAN O'CON. Conlbined Otoirs ' fUAp • Mrs. Charle6 N. McNaughton: ,: T rue VISion From I :

NOR'S ptberIar FrWa1 en. Iou Ilea-pre, Wally LieItol4, nller Messiah Unit Plans Meeting i O&ber plants on display wU1 ~ ~~ vesverl1 Evans. Mrs. , Mirror ,-- IIarie or--. IID1 GeIda. leaD Gr&1, 1err7 MOOIU &lid VII' Ilclude exotlc orchids, cyclamen n..- nyder. Mra. I.. ....,.t GI"'" .IIJne De-,. aD urh>ed at Dad'. home to ustea te the new- The "Bave the ChJ1dreIl'S Ped b red, white and salmon vari- ;;"er K1nnuean, Mrs. Paul I.' ..... Y 888 ....O_p80y ,- IIilNItiMa to bJI record eeBeetioD. 1bey also beaN &heir The Messiah wlll be presented eration" Unit 1. of GIUlIe - eameuas, begonla. buddlla Mrs~. Albert F. Wall, Jr..:I:. 11800 K h I A LE 4000 #...... JIuo reIIlIIU8IU ., t.be latest bit paracle t1mea. LUe1' by the co4.bme1 choirs of the Woods, will bold Ita mJXS ChdJtmas cherries. Eo il ur J. Rohde and Mrs. a= ere en venue nox •.Ia tile eftDIDc pine u added to the entertain_t. Reorgan1zeU Ohurch of JesW5 luncheon meetlng aDd The flowers caD be seen from oyd Ecc1estone. 'II1II ..

• • • Chri.st at Jef!erson ave!lue Meth. mas ~ at the home ~ I a.m. UDtil dark dally In theJ1!lR2y LEINBACBER arrlved home frOm ConnectJ.eut for a odlst Church, E. Jefferson and sam LeWUI, 1624 Bam.ptal ooaenatory, and after dark

tw1:l week stay with his family. On Thur.sday he left Grosse Marlboro aves., sunday, Decem. on Dec. 19. ' he d1ap1ay may be newed from Bro. sse POI-nte Home Appll-ancePoblte for Beattle to contInue bl.s work aa radioman. ber 15th. a.t 4:30 p.m OKIGINAL VITAMIN == :m~u: 9U:.m.adjolning

•• The choir will be assisted by In Won:ester.ab1re, All !ants 1 th B"_ E J u. A'NatheI' week-eDd session waa the card party planned by the Detroit Community Sympho- was thought to render aWl p n e ouuW we~ 15222 • ellerson ve.

BBTTY ANN HOE'rI'DIAN for saturDay night. After a few ny Orchestra and featuring the prollf1c and avert b&d luc1r. troIi :ou:s. .:.e:re ~epam:ent shands, coke 'n cookiea were passed aroUI1(J to the hungry group, following sololBts: Esther 8al0- the dairy herd. I no e arge. Whyte Oldsmobile BuildingwbJeh Included Joanne Krebnbrlnk, Joan White and Jean KU1.Ir:a.Dimer. soprano. Wilma KennedY, ---- ~. Crosse Pointe Plrk, Mich.

• • • contralto Paul Hab5ter tenor "Profits are the ..... 011 The population of the UmtedA banquet in hl)ll()Tof the footba!! team took o!ace on Thurs- Wllliam DeMaria, '>a.sB.' , capltaJ. the return on DlODe1lDi ~. the sta.tJstic1ans predict.

da.y even1nlr at the Whittier Hotel. The 'bers were congratu1- Tbi.s Chri.stmaa musk: progta.m YeBted in the tool& &Del pI&D IiV1i be 150,000,000 by 1980; 21,-&ted on the1r excellent p1a)ing throlJehout the aeaBOn and were was .started In 1939 and pre- t~ed the worken.... 008,000 wU1 be in the 65 yearstnated to a tempting dinner, sented annually until 1942. Uld, .f1nanc1a1 editor. LDd over age group.

'fte peR lilt iDebIIIed .&ri SmltIa, Ted Veraier. I~ la.rb, IoIua llau-. Geerce IIeiti, ... , BuUeman, Bowie toDu~ ~=1~~~ 1~~.... DIll SIa..-. Pat IIaaIbI, lioii Mellrlile, ViIlee OUveJ', will be given under the ablehila ...,. ••• S&aa '--' ....... DaBoeher. direction of Vema Scharr and

• • • Jaseph Roy Lanyon, conductors.Ve1et.e for DOW'. A tree will offering will be taken.

'. E"1Iht~

~ St. Paul Hi.Lites "l.~1 PAULA 8EAlTPRE~

Beem6 Ute Just about e1"erycme planned get toeethers I.aat....eek With the result that. lIlemorable part1e4 were tak1Dc placeevery m1mlte of the t1IIle.

• • •ODe ot tbe apot.Ucht event.a 1VU the ~ R1Dr 0&1 cere-

mony and breat1ut. As the honored audenr. riled IDto theb&nquet hall theJ were ann: ot the la1"ilhW tJDprMIln deeora.UOM wbieb tbf' bostaa IOPbomores bad ~ d1lI&ently prepared.

After * waIIIr ..... ,t JftllIII." BABVD1IE.l~ .... IDa'! aoll&ltllOCJl elCdaaalell • few....... ""d, • .....,.. ...Later on we .... loW 01 .moa hanna their p1eture6 taken.

mclud1Dc '1'hen8a Lutty. Nora A1lant, loan We1dm&D, Rose Marte, Cook. AI Campeahollt. PhJW,s .8lIIlP. Carolyn BDclehardt, Beatrice

Ma.rch&nd, Bl1eD B&u1t, Mar1an Rabaut, lo:vee Alef. Joeeph1nePr1nclOla. uaz, Span. Pat Van '1'leb, 8aUy curran. Dolorea Berges.Thelma PIche. loaD Betatnc. Ball,. Nacy. V!rr1n1a. Mlklavieh, Jo-anne MurpbJ aDd Bem1etta Button.

• • •


LILIHANS2 lit 4-$54.50

To be •••


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16903 E.' JEFFEltSON AVE.

TE.1.EPHONE TUM<lo 1.0101





2 lit 4-474.10 4 1Ii 7-13753 1Ii 5-f195

look Your F,ne:5t In Fr~:,h C,,:>pClothes-Allow Us Time t.:l DoTh_ r. ,1 h. HI_.I.- 1=". IIth ..h

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Ready ForThe Holidays



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The Holiday.

Brighten Up Your Home For



HAMADANS:U 1Ii 4-464.10


SAROUKSZ-1Ii 3-$44.00 3 1Ii I.-fll1Z lit 4-'79.50 4 lit 1-'295

OPEN Thurs & Fri Nltes


All :51.& •.... r. Appro~mal'

Page Nine

Sizes ""'e f)'olD 2 lI: 3 "9 to 4 lit 6 IIJI.d

PRICES RANGE FROM $2.95 for a 24x 36 up to $18.50 tor I 4 x 6


If "Christmaa G.hlng" pre;'nt. a prol>lem do Dot fail to Inspect OUr Iarpand 6n. .election of gaily colored and well-styled Scatter Ruga. Fl..u,..Ila ... interesting loop weave .. and cunning ftll.... ry pattuna.

Hauoo;k. hy ..ThOrn.... are trllly elltcitina-Ioeautifully, yet ,tronilly mad...coyered with fine wuhe.ble "oyonn.. UI a WId.. chOice of pute!s, in-ciudlDlil' the "..ry popular oyater wiuta. Choose from three type.. roundWIth c....hion top, .q .... re with cuobion top and .quare with upholotered top.An. exc.edl%l.ly acc:eptahle KiEt to any of the young married.

F.w 81ft. onJoy the wuqua aAdUflfta quality of a w.1l ... lected Orient"R\li. Our .tor .. offer. an axceedlnely well .. I.cted coll..cllon of esqul.lte-Iy fine Kirman., handaom .. Sarouk •• soft .ubde-tonedHamadan. and fin.. oemlo"antique pieces that WIll thrlU the bMrt of yOllr fayont. "om, mak.r.Harrl.on'. pric ...... s alway •• ar ... ~ .ttractly.ly Iowa. hne qua.lIty will permit.










II. 4421




GiftsFor The Entire Family

PerlOnna Precision Razor Blade.,Plu. a Handsome C.garett .. Ca'e

R••• $7.50 - $SF1a.hl'ihta - All SI2:ee and Shape.Jacknlve. - Hollow Cround $1 >9 upF,.lung Rods & Reels $8 95 "p-Reels $15Hurd Reel &. Rod CombInatIOn $45R..mlngton .22 Rlfl.. $24 i5 - V,lIeS $2 95 upE1ectnc Portable Dnll $23 95AJ..50-HAMMERS, SCREW DRIVt:RS. PLIERSWRENCHES, SOCKET SETS. SAWS. PLANERS,RULES, FILES, HAND DIULLS, AXES,PIPE THREADERS, Dc.

T..... II... Irou $5.'5 - Electric Tou~ With Tray $3.50

Electric Wbirlb ... ter $11.9S-E1ectric JoblUOll Floor Wax .... $42.50

Aleo a Complete A••ortment of KItchen Want_StlW>!i .. St..el War ... Alwninwn and Enamel-ware

!HUREDG£ GOURMET CARVING SETHollow Cro...,d Knive.. En ....... d in BeautifulMabopnJ Fini.bed Woocl. Sbazpen. lta.lfl

Other Sa. at $11.95 &ad $1:

K.IMMEL BROILRlTE-Wond"rful Cih whIchBroile Delicate Steak. _.._._.,. . _.._-_.-

BREAKFASTER-Hot Plate and ToasterComhination •.............. ...•.._ _.._.._.-

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We Have SlippersFor All Ages

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Grosse Pointe Hardware

VELOCIPEDES - All Metal. Rubber Tires$6.75

All Metal COASTER WAGONS$17.98 ~ Others from $9.95

SLEDS $3.95 up - -IRISH MAILS $17.95DOLL CARRIAGES. .. . $6.50 Ind $10.50Heavy WOOlDRIDCE TRUCKS. So strong they

will never wear. Huge Rubber Tires $12.75COLSON BABY STROLLER 2S.SO

RoadmlSter BIKEs-Boys and Girls $42.50TABLE 6' CHAIR SETS. Wood $9.95

Dow Metal $21.95UpMhtertd ROCKING CHAIR $12.50


Gifts Every Man Wanis!

tt01J~st Business Establishmmt in G,o'ise PointeJ'

II. 4420 DAVID R. NAGELPrnprietor

RIIIII ~ p .D .

"Be A Goodfellow"..._--------;;-~_;::_~:_:_------------------T HF L~C 55t ~("I £"" fV!E'W_ R YON'S _.- -'---'Juynlle and Sport. Footwear \ \ Han5e I and G re t~ I'I ~,Balfour Road

c:?I-,yo eJl4 Offe red for Chi Id ren :: .:~:tu:.:....0CJPIJ,£ ""'NYII''Sf}PD. De~~Ir;ea:~p1::eth:~hO~f~er~O-----Betrothed =e;'~yInw'i:r ~roJ:a.~[~~Ia golde::l opportlm1ty to attend Players' ChriBtmas speet.acle


a series of mus1cal programs be. "The Blue B1:d," by Maurice

It ~"'f' .-.... glnnlnr saturday a.tternoon, DeC. Maeterl1nck, which wlll be pre.-.. 21, when the Junior League ot aented TI1ursda1 even1Dg Dec.Detroit, Ln co-operat1on with 19. at 7:80 at 1l4IaOD1cTemple.r MUlde Hall wlll present the Caryl la cut u "MaternalHumperdJnck veta10n ot the tra. Love,' It beautttul and toucb1nl


_ ~--' ......~' ditional Chrl.stma. operw., "Ban. part of the lICeleu <:1aas1c. Caryl ....... se! a.ncl Gretel." will be remembered at "Katie"Th1I wUl be the ftrat of a ~er~?eol'le Wub.lngtl,ln Slept

aerles of three programs, the Joy, who baa been prom1neDtother two be1na 10\10&' peoples' In Detroit Civ1c Player. tor theconcerts, plaYed by the Detroit 1ut ~'~a.rye&1'lI, 11piaytnr "Hap-Symphony Orchenra., and con- p1ne.\S" .In....... 81ducted by Mr. Valter Poole on ,,__ .....e ue Blld." Joy...... been featured in leadingSaturday momLnca. .ran. 4 and ' roles In "Gecqe Wuh!nIton18. All three events 1V111 take 8lep1; Here," "(]ok! In the Hllls,"place at Mueic Hall. "The Trouble With Woraen" a.nc1

seats are on sale now at Mu. "Ring Around Z11zlIIbeth."slc Ha.ll at reruIar bOlt office Both of tbMe exqulaltely 1I'1'1t-priees for the entire series, and ten role. WIll be riven the ut-are available to any and an most by CalJl and JO'! whomusic lovers. proved llOPular with Detroit

Civic Playm' audiences.AppUcatlotul for t1cket5 are TlcltetJIare ava1lable at Orin.

alro available at the Junior ~1I'1l o! m&1 be ordered by mauLeague LIttle Snap. U'01ll JJ e t r 01 't CIVic Player.

Mr. Poole w11l deacrlbe the In- 8622V2Twelfth st. 'strumenta and eKP1a1n the mu.sic which will be played at the Republl'can Womenmorn1~ coneert.s. He haa beenmost successful In plann1ne pro- Elect Mrs. Smartgrams which are of pe.rtlculv attend1n U of D Over 100women attended thewtertllt to ch1ldren. r.. VlCWry luncheon and annual

The colDrful 'BanSel a.nd Gre- Henry Kolldnl, Yra. J meetl.!lg or the Women's Repub.tel' opera 1& known for Its dane. Remick, MrS. Harrr Mack. l1can Cll!b of Grosse Pol.nte clos-Ing sequences as well as its mu- W. FrederiC 8ebn!1be1', 1ng a very suoceas1ul year forsleal score, and IS the immortal Wendell oDddard, lira. Mrs Laura Butler Higbie, retlr.Igrand opera ot C'nrlstma,:; time. dc.. e R. ftuttrlck, Ir., IIt& Ulg president.

evtning as it does :It the stsrt H. 8mJth, Jr., Mfa. NeiIlOD Mra LeWis L. smart wu elect.o! tbe holidays, lt offers a joy- land, Mrs. Hugh Cbalmel'l, eel pre&dent. Other oUleer.DUa beg1nning to chr1stmas fes- Hunter W1llla.ms, Mrt. W elec~ed were Mrs. Lester S. Moll,tlvitlea. burne Wright, and Kn. fulrt vlce.prelS1dent; Krs. James

Mr •. Lewll S Robinson, Cha1r. WiLson. McEvoy Jr, aecond nce-prelli.man of the Concert Comnuttee, ---- dent: M188 Vlrg1n1a Vanderzee,pointll out that this opportunity C dI L. . recording secretary Miss Annefor young peoplel>' educatwn in an e I9 .Brown, w14t&nt recoxding &ee'

Imusle a.p~eeiation is rare In reta.ry; l\4rs. W1l11am Joy, cor.

IDetroit, and suggests that tick- Serv.lce Set tespQndlng secretary; Mrll. Geo.eta to thl.ll series "eonstit'1lte a Munro, ass1atant eorte8}Xlndlngfme Christmas present for the llecretary; Mrs. Theo G. O!lus.young" ttellSllrer, and Mrs. L. R. Lilley,

The' Junior League concert Robed choir. of Bet h a 11'1 asalat&llt treasurer.series committee includes Mr.s Luthera.n Church. But Outer ~---Roblnl!lon, MIll. John Q'3Illng- Drive a.t1 Cha.tswort'A W1l1 Pft' Colonists' Dau,htershouse, Mrs. William TedYard, ~nt a sacred C&Ildle'Llcbi 8c'r' W'Mr•• George Fink, Mrs. Alex- lce at" p. m. on Sundq. ill Meet on uesdayander Wiener, MrB. Dan1el Members of hoUl juWor 1IIl4l The Daughters at the Ames-GoodenoUlh, IDs Dexter Ferry, senior choirs. will take put In lean C0 Ion 1st s will hold aMrs. Morley Morgana, Mrs ~he Can~le Light serviCe, 'Wb1eh ChrIStmas' tea on Tuesday. at

18 the flrst ever to be be1d at the home of Mr$. John FrancisBethany. • Klem. on Lmeoln road. Co-host-

Itesld~n1s of the ~, -, Mrs H:'t1'l)ld R. Smith.and a.ll who love ~ Procee:1s Will go to the Hoyt.

Imusic, whether they an -.. Henahaw-stevena Travellni Li-bers of Bethany or DOl. • rary for I1ek ch11dren. Dona-\'ited and urged to . tlons of new or u.ed children'schoirs 1tl tbia - boob w111 aIIIo be accepted.tile wonb1p. -





VEnice 9-0740

Buk"te iAcbyidually lillecl to.uit tbe occaoion - iAcluclin ..your choic. of dom".tic orimpo rted food.. wiDell or , • •champ_sne.,


Wine or Food-Filled MiniatureHand.~e Carts

---- - ------ -=-~ -- .




FOR CHRISTMASClunlotte CharlesV Plutn PuddingV Sherry Paulines

*Delicious Dates"Garden 0/ The ~ettzng Sun"

*Loa I andPremium Beers

15228 E. Jefferson

~ Village Wine ShopLE. 6110

December 18th

, flee A Coodfelrow"Pin 00)'5 at Wooc:ls Recreation went on a brief str1te Eat..

urday but agreed to return to work and confer with the man-agement.

-For the YOungsters-


Also Rec{)ydi"gs of:Goldilocks and Three Bears • Two TOIl Baker's Christmas Party

Peter Rabbit • Cinderella • Teen)', Elephant DetectiYeand man)' others.

w.th each in.trum"nt purchbse Oyer $50.00. JU8t think of it - you Dotonly 8'"t the b"st profe ....eon.l or .tudent model mstr;ument, but nY." Ire"1""00' U1our own .m.cbo. given by the best proE"".. onal t_cher In th"world. Eacb in.tructor u • "pec.h"t On bu i:nstrument. Be llure totake adY&Qtaie of tIua "peclAl Holiday Barpl.o Todayl


A visit to our Kiddie Komer will show you such items as:TOY SAXOPHONES-Just pia)' an)' tune )'OU wish _ 50cTOY TRUMPETS $1.00TROMBONES-The)' actually slide! _ $1.98PIANOS-Uprights, Grands-from ., $3.25DRUMS with genuine skin and snare " , $4.25XYLOPHONE-8 note~ne complete octne ..•••• , ••.......••.•••••••. 98c

11624 WH ITTI ER, near Kelly Road

Our Special Ouistmas Offer

TruMpets ..••.•••. $80. up Guitars _ $16.50 upSU.... a.. .- ........"'.$U5.. fn Ru,'I'1.', JleSlZso.Clariftets ...••.... $90. up Music & Powder Boxes fnXin $7.95

Metal Music Stands $2.25

1~_'5_L_E_SS_O_N_S_F_R_EE._! _I


UNDER NEW MANACEMENT11232 Mack Ave., Near St. Jean

OPEN DAILY11 A.M. to 2 A.M.

Specializing inItalian and

American Foods- Ste"ks - Chops• Sp.aghetti • Rnioli

• Sea Foods of All Kinds

Ample Parking In Rear



~OlThe J.iVe.v

Sorrento Cafe

Nt. 8011

Largest Selection ofClauical Record.

On The Etuf Side!This Christmas Give,.,

All Latest Popular ami Clas&ical Records and Ala, n,z


BACH, Brendenburlt Concerto •. 1\0. 3 & 4, In GBo.ton Symphony Orch ... tr.

FERDE GROFE S Grand Canyon Su.teAndre Kostel.nell .nd hIS orche.!ra

1\1E.'\DFLSSOHN, Symphony r-.o. 3 .n A Minor~ ~cotch )

BFFTHOVEVS F,fth <;,mphonv. WIth 8TUC~ W~lt~T'.nd i\e\\o YOTk Ph,lhurr.onlc Symphony Orch~"rA

Th" lcor- G.. c Record. For ChTl~tmo.

14410 ~hck Ave.. ne"r Chalmers



I lI




10 A. M. to 8 P. M.Open FrL 'TII 9



t '.~

Kere he I, a I-T U


- 1

Bring The KiddiesSurprise Plck'lees 2x

Lovely Gifts For All---=======-==--

will be

Every Aftemoon and Evening

Until the Week Before Christmas

You'll want your dress'up wardrobe fresh and cleanfor that gay round of parties ahead Don't postponeit I day longer •• Call Whittier CI~ners Today! ! !




s.r-r-l t I I 4 4

't4t Authorized.t.++tt+t4-1:


'-' --Page 10 THE C~OSSE 'OINT! l!VI!W

Deciphers Story of Syrian Tablet IThe School library Is Always BUIY D~ily Christmas ProgramA :scnolar at Yale unlvel'llity Sha.mra, the s1te of ancient 'Sh did 0 ABC

recent.ly translated an 1nscrip- Umcaartdet'bayndortheJtranullallslaJti.onObewur. Is c e u e vertion on a clay tablet tound 1n

Northem Syria whleh eomprised mann, director Of Judaica re- W.-YZ.ABC wU1 pia,. Banta Ilee club of 100 'oices, directed~the oldest known JUUTt.ti'e of search at Yale. Clall to racuo listeners on by Ruth Douglass, wlll be heardthe m1raculoua b1.rtb ot an u- He l!&id the I.nscription, 10 cl1fllmU B'Vewith a shiny host trom South Ha.dley, Mass.ceptlonal c h Lid,' antedatl.nl cunel-torm alphabet ,tormed of (&CId1Dg stars, all wrapped 'nle Columbus Boys Choir ofs1m11a.r tales fam1l.l.a.r In Old the prolocue of a Canaanite up 1 & b1I colorful two-hour Columbus, Ohio, dlrected byTestament l1terature. tap about a certain Daniel, pac"" by Adri&n BamLsh, vice- Herbert Huftman. will be heard

The ancient tablet wu one who l1vec1more tball 1,000 )rears ~eut In crage of prolt'8JM. on 'nlursday, Dec. 19, and theof several unearthed during a before the nsmesake wbo 1n- BlI CI'OIbY, PaUl Whiteman, Chariot Wheels, a negro chorustloDs begun ili 1929 at Raa vaded the 110114' den ,and how A\f;4 B1teheock, Ben Hecht. of 25, Will round out the weekaeriea ot an:heolO11cal uped1. Ihe bele.t a $On namM Aqhat. DOl 1IcKeU1, Henry Morgan, on Fnday, Dec. 20, with a

• -- - Lur .. Abner, Jack Smart - broadclI$t from Atlanta, Ga.I I 'I I I I 4 ~'I' of I I ~I ~l "TI! rat Man," Tom Breneman, Ballad singer Tom SCott wlll

Ke.D1'Baker, Leo Durocher and present traditional fro n tie ratas from the Me~oPOllt.an Christmas songs on Monday,Dealer ()pt& Company, and 'Theatre Dec. 23, and on Tuesday, Dec.1 oiid au The Air" lLre .someof 24, Gena Branscombe wLll pre-1ih_ Dame I1fts which WXYZ sent her choral group In New

"i' W the .American Broadcasting York In a program titled't ClIlIlUl1 will present In two "Chr08tD1u SOngs Of The Un!-FRIGIDAIRE t bOrs lJec1nn1ng at 9:30 p.m. ted Nations."I "be Christmaa Eve layet,. At midnight on Christmas

"l' ., ret under way With Alfred Ev th' 0 t sehcoet and Ben Hecht 1n e, e speclal lIerv1ce ot theAuthorized Repair ServIce n ll1WCOCL For their t1l'8t ap- Protestant Episcopal Cathedral'f B the air together ot st. John The Divine, w1ll be

• Phi1co • ICA • Bencfix t ~k onwill narrate and heard untll 1:00 a.m., and the• Motorola • Arvin ~ !teet '1Ilraele Ot A Bum," a folloWing hour will be devoted

j. drama by Hecht In to the midnight ma.ss at the I-- Parts 6' Service on All Makes, Models - tile author will play the St. LoUia Cathedral In New'Ile role. The story tells ot a Orleans La. I2 4 H 0 U R laD in a saloon who bu spent ' _

E to many years in aueh places, 1"LA1"S EXPANSIONG U A RAN TEE D SE RV let ~ or~ris~e::e h~= Alger p~ Veterans Home Club

HOUSEHOLD E~ · t ( --::aro:oo p.m., Paul Wblte-:ld =u=ionpe~~~~eelr,c Y ., t G P . te u;-. CLoI.-I Jan's Christmas part.y will getIt Busy In the hbrary a rosse OlD ~ .. ---. I nd r way with Whiteman. who 17145 st. Paul.I n d u s t ria t is Oralou Harnden, a student ~ lOR She livea ~ 470; ~ Santa Claus ~It, •HI 5151 20817 MACK AVENUE ~ Madison in the Farms. I ,meeelDg a gigantic Yartety

..... CTR'..... • Ir............ and d 1 r e c tin C his".,.B£ BEST 01' £VERfTHI1I'O r:.ur:. ". ... I I t r INewEnglandW:1 WXYz-:'ABC orchestra and cho-

-. D f 118 Paul's erstwhile protege,e er Arrange Luncheon oer Bingle': w1ll be cut in from

II -- _.II iollywood to sing "St- Luke'sSchool News 1,'he Chr1stma.s m __ of Ull'1~auY1t:Y" and '"LIttle Town Of Itrolt Colony New 3ethlehem."

Ait.er weeks of :.tuulwg the, Wcme.ll, '!"!1l be he!d W Don McNeill and Tom Brene-history of Michigan the 5B at the IngI~30 ~ wtth nan, each famous for their

.. luncheon at 12. 0 'Breakfast~ broadcasts in Ch1-class l'islted the DetrOIt Histori- 109 the businea IeIIIlklD at 1:. and Hollywood reapectJ.ve-cal SOcIety, Tuesday artemoon. o'clock, which tile r;,g°will engage in a friendly,

SOme of the comments made Mrs_ Edward J. 8a...,e, will :ross-eountry chat.I by varIous members of the class IdJuct. mMrs• Chari ~ .... !... . And Jac" Sm'8.rt, t<'~o 'Clays

to r .. Wl reee ve & ......... - ,the stout detective m 'The FatI follow ''They were very nice I til Sund-a;y evening. Man" has undertak.en his mostus," Nancy Lee Hllton. I Mrs. H. B Bogr&..e, ~- eJWaUlSwve investigation of the II "r saw many In t. ere s t J n g : for the day, will add a ~ year . He will prove that there

I th.lnis which were passed from' mas story to the bOC*-tnJew Is a Santa Claus. Leo Durocher. Ilone fanWy to another and' ended; Mrs. Mary Mlle&, of the Imbued with the holl-day spirItup In the museum," Donald Llbrary. A socla1 hour, of good will, wlll dfscard hisHuffaker. IChrJStm&s carols and a gift . antagonism toward umpIres and

• I Uked the forts about the cha.nge W1ll conclUde the Iprobably express the hope thatbest of alL They were made by I gram. Ithe Christmas t:ee this yearsixth and eight graders," BIlly I has been grown m BrOOklyn., IHunter S L H'----.-f Even Henry Morgan, radios I

"The' fan room dazzled me t. Ucy ~ .... 'bitterest satirist, will be 1n aI There were feather, paper and Thro gh S . 'mellow mood and may evenI Ivory ones" Joyce Katr06. I U out present a candy cane to a I

, sponsor 01' two. Kenny Baker, II "When we amved a guideI st. Lucy's Day, on I 'Glamour Manor" star, will em-I

IshoWed ~, around., He ealle~ 3. inaugurates the Cibe party with a :lOng"the tans womens artJ11ery, season in Bweden. hbI amoqth tenor style. IJimmy St.a.rk. on tha\ daJ' the. .- ADd. above, the

'"I have beard of many socle- 1D Ule bt e.oM la 0pIra and '''ftie~. ~ ClII1tl ~~.':. ~ &ape'....; '~0Il De All", ~"1II'll -- - -- =" . ~...of 1:biIr40<, ~ ... -- ..... ...,. ... _ ... 1 a. .....a \~ .. '- furtherwomen. It is very D1ee of them U1e boulebold aD4 glviug ....., bdU1anJ; broadcast.to do auch th1ngs, Their muse-I penon a cup of coffee or 'D1e Dee. It Ohri.stmaa Eve:teu~h~~ea toot11;~~ sort of sweetened be,erage.:a.Elar bnledcaat w1ll el1max a series

"-'- costwne is traditionally a "h\te of IeYen apec1al WXYZ-ABC

Iwas 11ke long ago, Bob U.....er. !ires! with a red sash, and she yWet1de broadcasts titled "Chil-

'"The~ had so many fa~ tha~ wears a wire crown entWl~ed tireD'a ChrIBtma.s Tlme" origi-1went 111 that room four times, with b1lberry twigs-sunilar \ to nattna in various cities from

\Pat Verney. the American cranberry-&tUd- Moaday, Dec. 16, through Tues-

''The fort even had a tunnel ded with ome candles. day, Dee. 24. All of these pro-going from one sl.:ie of a river Liturgically at Lucy was grams will be of 15 DUnUtesto a storehouse," Dick Zander. martyred a~ut 300 A. D The duration and will be heard at

"Tops are nice if the "school I story goes that Lucy gave her 4::30 p.m., EST. A child an-children can take them, Gra- dowry to the Christlans-whoae nouncer w1ll be heard on all of

15010 CharlevOia at Maryland ham Nadal. courage she adIJured-IDstead the programs._ BRANCH ES - "I think trips are very educa- of turning it over to her hance. on Monday, Dec. 16, the Uni-

tIonal. 'nlere were many things The enraged young man 111. vers1ty of Denver chorus, 601437~ '-p.w. 20968 Made Ave. to see. The room that attracted fonned against her and she was Voices, directed by Dons Paul,

Whittier Hotel ~ ... ..... me was the one Just filled with condemned to be burned at the w1ll be heard from Denver. TheBum. at E. I"H"rlO" Detroit :::ir.... Pointe Wood. fans. It was all so wonderful," sake; unharmed by the flames, folo1Wing day, 111 New York, the

•ttttHOQllIIlDIlGIlIUnOOOOD>OanOUliUDCODuntnt-iBarbara Reeves. she did ~t die unW thrust BarwtS College glee club will- II ''You will llke all the rooms through W1th a sword. be heard in its annual Chrtst-

in the museum when you V1sI.t Lucy Is commemorated some- mas carol a1ng. on Wednesday,

Ithem," Richard Sadler. what diversely in SWItzerland Dec. 18, t.he Mt. Holyoke College

"The Detroit Historical So- where ahe is the legendary wifeciety was a very nice place, but of Father Christmas. Weanng Ithe thJDg that caught my eye a round cap over her long

Iwas the fire engine room. The Ibnuds, a laced bodice and ... l>lliL II englneo-s were olel and new. One Iapron, she marches around thewaa about. a foot and a half village with Father Chrlstmaalong. Boy, W&3 it neat," I)aVid and distributes gIfts to the g1rJlIStapleton. while he looks after the boYJ.











the /lfun





En;o, .. MU ~e in shopping ~e

r,e merdiants of the Pointe's finest sliopping center, on Kerdieval Avenue 6etwoen Neff enCIC~djeux ROtlds, hove set llside next Monday night when the mflle animol con prowl in "peace". Theses'ores ore ooing everything in their power to make Christmas shoppil1g II most pleasant experience

for the Pointe's me!'l of distinction. Women will be "barred", excepting those skilled employees whoh:ilo with suggesTions, model costumes an(i see thllt the customers Clre token care of courteously~ conveniently. Make a list of your C~ristmas gift n~eds ."Cl bring it ~ong to these stores

MONDAY NIGHTDec. 16th, 7 to 9:30








I'. I,~'~'I

Decorate YourHome Now!

We h.H! p,.,., H.mlocl. ..Rnpmll - Holh. M"tl.to.,and .. r.~th. 01 ~ II l "'".


Visitors are not left to wander through the halls ofGrosse Pointe High School. Here Gene Lemansky, sta- Itioned in Glanfield, Ill., with the United States Navy, Igets directions from Nancy Weed. • I

17009 KerchevalTV. 2.6020

Holidays Ahead I

See Our Exciting NewFALL and WINTER


Harlow J. Lingeman


LE. 8008

Flo}Vers Convey The True Hoiiday Spirit~,... -

Give Flowers By

P",n..,th ..... nd c) cI"m.n pl ..nl. w,n lh nil h ...fre.h cut lIo,.e.. are alw,,). appreCllllled. 100.

Specializing inHamilton Diamond WATCHES



and All N4tumcllJf Advertu~d QU4lttV Jewelrll



------- -~---~ ---- -

Sixth Church of Chnst,Scientist, Detroit

14130 Iterclae.,.J I.......Sun d.)' SefYie ..

10:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.Sund., School

f1n& s-aon 10130 A.M.Second Se .. loa J J ,45 A.M.

W-....o.y Eveain. T.m.oaialMeedna 8:00 P.M. .

RMclUsI Room open week d.y.10.00 •. m. 10 9'00 ,.m.-8ua-1M, Z:~O p,m. 10 S 00 p.m.

Life ....... wbicb IUU-ante. your WIfea paid.uphome, C8IIb (01' ciebtl, •rquIar income c::an truly be.ned ''wife .iD8uraDce..


NL 0284.... 111.... THE MUTUAL LR

, M1IUoMCI COMI'AM'l' ", .. yoar

- ALSO-I ~'. I 'e of ' ~ • • . J n ••• ,I l ....cW Ll~~ ~1'15C'ld (lilly I l",oi ~::::~

i CBABLOmS rmLINEBY21031 M.ck Avenue - Opposite Bob's Drug

------------~~~ - --

II Art-Ed PupilsII Plan Christmas

Show ana SakCeramics, stuffed doUs, Christ-

mas cards, and other attractiveItems will be featured In the

I WRvue University art educationI I tI~partment's 14 l\nnuai Christ-

11.ma.s &how and sale Monday and IT>.!~~Y, \1' thf' art educatIonbulldJJ1g. at 5015 Casso I

• Our purp<>.se Is not only toshow the public the things ourart education students canmalte. but also to gIve the stu-dents e~penence in handllna:every phase ot a large-scaleproject such as this." explained IDr. .lane B. Welling, chairmanof the l1ep&rtment.

"OUr theme this year is I'Handmade Detroit - Chrl.stmas18 what you make it,' We areattempting to show Detrolten \the many possibilities of makingthings for themselves." she ad.-ded. "The show W1llbe centeredaround our Art ActiVities Al-manac, which contains 60 pagesof ideas on making obJects ofWoo<1. leather, clay, and pa.per,"

In cOnjUCt10D With the show.Which wlll be held from 9'00a.m. to 9:00 pm. both days,demonstrations by stUdents will

I be given Demonstrations Inclay will be gIven at 2'00, 4'00,aDd. 6; 00 p.m. both Monday andTueaday.

Tips on block prtnt.lDg will be..,..eDtect u I'" 4:C»,and .,;.tlO •Ip.BL both da1B. .. wUl Ideas onChrUtmas tree ornaments; giftwrapping. and jewelry making.

I Pup pet I how s written and

Istaged by stndents w I 1 1 beshown at 2'00 and 4 00 pm. on IMonday and Tuesday.

ICommunity smgmg, musIc by

Marvin COI'(iat and hIS ..;cor-ldlon, Christmas songs by a stu-I dent chorus and solos bv Erika II OCh.5ner anti Pat Gardlner will,lughhght the show I

. We want to make it clear Ithat the publ1c IS under no I

oblliation to buy," sald Dr IWeWng. "They are welcome to I

I come 1n, look around. and '\\atcl11the demon.stratian,s Wit h 0 utibuytnc a thing. Th1.s IS a.. mucha show as a sale." I

Erl.ta Qehsner 18 g e n era Ichairman and committee :l:em.

I bers include Bob Jurmd. Ame-l1ta Hatcher, Gwen ChOlM' C,\t'-

imella Aiello. Cherry K')~ler:ml&n.Chriaty Ricee, Rc.se Dl>I'l-ner BW

IW6lk~, M&r\w CVJ.~\"t .. i:kttyEn11eld. Memono t''PP~r, Val

IColombatto ..\In: Za\lo'l1("k.l Do- Irothy Sibley. C&.rolvn 8al\'arcls, I

IIAlpha Raphael, Dons Chapman, IDoria Lel1te, .~ce HartWickI Harriet Berg. Thomas Stevens: I

I Pat Qardmer, and Cledle Col- I~~~~~ii_i!.i!.i!.i!.ii_i!.i!.i!.i!.i!.ii_i!.i!.ii_i!.i!.ii!i!..i!.i!.i!.i!.i!.i!.ii_~ii!.ii_~~~~ii!..ii_ii_ii!.ii!.~_'_h_llS_.____ "-''''1



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Window ShadesC1~anable Cloth Shades

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15226 Charte¥oix LE 4225


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FISK - V.aGUE6.00x16-6.5Ox16--7.00x16 6.)Uxl)-l.UOxI)




Wliyle Oldsmobile Co.UYollr Grosse Pointe Dealer"15218 EAST JEFFERSON at BEACONSFIELD


Leaders WinThree PointsPontiac



Devils ScalpBasketball


r"..".,1"+,, \A./:_ ..._ ..:_: __-- 1'"'.""..... 'f'f IIlIlI;ll"'lIl~DEPARTMENT


A SI"ned St.ff ofup*ri .. ced M.clo .."iu

At Yoar Serrice!A Complf't. Stock of Aati.F'r_ OIl.

: t • ..J-C.t Your. £..art, £

•• e .... a ...... cccaaua •••••• 1




15401 E. Jefferson at Nottingham TU. 1.1600yyyyyyyyyyyyy~"ynYYY

• Ct"",fl\I!' 0• (I .hle Tu,""mln4on• (j ~r-A'r OJff~r~nh .. l• f 11 r • .., IIIt:)f 'WIth anhrN"r:e.

• At~ ...f!'c~~lr"'~""~or",.t., IUlI* •• n......lr 'TIT~t1• n". h,'" , ,~tI "'d W,ntll • neck W,tld,hl.ld '1'1'0'"• Lr ec" ~"il:e.. - CheCk i 111M.

Fon_ JERRY D" •• y.. Ill. JOB iii .tS.&&.I

)ERRYon.the JOB

THE OFFICE BOY COMIC""-:.m.rtaIMd Dad ,un 1NIcII, ntumaIn STRICTLY MODIRN adventur ..MetI with .... .... ,....... and old



19365 HARPER

DETROIT TIMESOnly Detroit Daily Paper With

2 FULL COMIC PAGES 33 COMICS..... c....-, 8800 for ....... Deb.,.

FREE liFTS TO THE(tr. 2 to 8)


Speeial For Saturda,.



The three leaden kept paceW1th each other in the DetroitPoet Office J!taBt 8ide BowllnllVarsity eagers of Grosse Pointe High School aim to laIue aa Jefteraon No. 1 in

remain unbeaten when they meet Highland Park .hen ....... f1tBt p1.lee. De8antla 1Jndertak-day. Coach Ed Wel-net's Blue De\'!ls wo~ thel!' opener era in aeeond and St. Clair

P t 8bore.s PO. in Uurd, each wonFriday night with a 43-24 victory oyer on I~. + three poina.Rummel quickly sank two baskets to start ~he Blue Jetfenon liefeated Altel Lacer,

Devils on a scoring rampage in whic~ th~y ran~ up 20 De8ant1a trimmed OK Hatpoints before Pontiac was able to tally Its first pomt. Cleauen, and the 8bolte d.e------ -------0 The ope.n!ngquarter .... III featee!:rox Creek Keata.P . t Drivl'ng Grosse Pointe's as nve retiIuaed Gr08$8 Pointe cab, who ::~tom e lettennen bWlt IlP a IUbItoIDtJal the pace early in the aet.aon,a bPI 16 POlJlt lead. sUpped another notch when all

U ans The Blue Devil eac. ...... they eould do WU let a split"Coffee-Klatch" eleven more pOlnt& to the ~ with the eel1&r-p1aee K.erchevalAI five in the second period ~ Clerks.,. - 109 the half tune ICOl'lI n&d )(eyer Pbannacy climbed IntoI The Pointe Drivwg Club 27.5 a fourlb Plac.e tie with the C1I.b-

members WIll enJoy a Swedl4h p~t1ae's defeNe Ulhteaed III biea when they lIbut out O. WU-• "coffee Klotch" at their the third perkld II tbeJ beId ahlre Studebaker.-I Chrl.stma.s meetlJlg at the Groese Pomte to eicbt pobdI Rich Karel tor the nlahtII home of Mrs. Clarence L. Fox whlle 8Cor~ seven. 'I"buIs .. &.be were:

on LeWiston road Monday at two teams squared elf fOI' tbe Al Loewen. M3; Stanley Par-I P m fmal period Groue PoUa&e ... num, 233; Henry Bremer, 226-

Attel"Wuds the members leadlni 35-12. 236-1~3; G. Baeeuroot, 21'7;will adjourn to the recreatlon In thIS ellht minutes PaIIt.Iae'a John O'Connell, 212.3Oll; Calliroom, where they wUl make offense began to click JaUIlIafc CarnecIt1, 210; Arthur Werner,Christmas table decoratlons up 12 pornta. Tbla". 210; Arthur Stockman. 205; All

K.rt.uae, 203.Harold A. Bal\ter and Mrs Roy The Devils 'lidded ellbt p:ItatI STANDINGW. Gifford will a.sslst Mrs. tht'lr tally W L

I Fox. • Olson was the high ot Jefferson No.1. . .. • •.. 40 18II the nllht with 18 potnta. De8antic Undertakers •• 3'7 ID

IIRe'~O_JDt' T1Tin ker was runner-up with 11 St. Clair Shores P.O 3t 22, ~, "L-'" rr J POlJlts. Both Grt1tltla and!Dr It'S a toss.up in the first Grosae Polnte Cab Co , 33 23lOR t · played exceptionally rood ftoor lame of the basketball season Meyer Pharmacy .. ,.". 33 23

I ver on lac games. ....__ ,hen Grosse Poi n t e u"'h E. Holzbaueh Ford .,.,., 29 27The Grosee Pointe -.-" 64"6 OK. Ha.t ClE'8J1erB.. ,... 2f 30

- were' Rummed and Woen.er. 3chool Var8lty walloped Pon- Alte4 Lacer ..• . ..• "". Z3 33

I GrO&>e Pointe Hlghf t~ese:;;,: forwarda. OLson, center; Or tiac at the local gym. Fox Creek Yeata ... 23 336

31I won their first game 0 e s . and IIlbey, guards. Weldlnc Gas Ie Equip. Co. 20

Ison Friday mght by defeating. • .! , G. W1laher St\ldebaker 20 36

po-¥tl~R:~~~'i:;;monopol!zed Ih~ Gndders C~ Letters Kerchcval Cle.lw , lIS all I21 first quarter by holdmg the I II B tt, Pnntlar Chiefs to two pomts at DUS Foo anque 10 Persons Bitten

Iwhile scormg nine themselves. By Dogs tlnd CatsDurmg the next period both , r D Tuls '

teams added eIght. so at half- U Club of the Detroit Univer,jl! the U. 0 - a game __time the score-board read 17-10 sity School gave Its amwaJ I ,'ere shown. had a marvel US Ten persona were bitten by

II DDI E S - In favor of Grosse Pomte. football banquet In the alhool Ever~one 0 animals during November, Dr.AfJ;er the mtermlSilon the aUdltorlum'.J ~ov. 2&. After ~ tune at ththe FO~~all Ba~:U~T. S. Davies, health eommiB-

Pontiac squad qUickly tied the very fine mnner In the cS.IninI wd hoped at ere wou sioner, reported to Carl SChwel-• I score at 17 all by sinkmg three I hall. the large crowd of &po • SUIl1!ar occasIon at the end kart, supervisor of Grosse POUlte I

I fleld goals and a charity tOSS.I proxlmately 300 fathers and Iof the basketball sea:n' Township ,at a meeting of the____________________ ~ StlU gomg strong the Chiefs sons gathered m the 1IMeIIlb11, :rhe.u ClUb_IS ftfo

kt c:grd~- department. of health.

held a slim, 23-22 lead as the room. Ilulatea fot Its e len n t- Dr. Davies reported t h r e elast period started. Jack Dekker was muter or mg of the details of the ban- cases of scarlet fever; two

Then Hanson, Drader, and ceremomes and fU'5t. Introduc.lquet. whooping cough; four eblckenHayes each connecteeJ on a field e<i Mr. Whetstone, tbe bead- ---- pox; one measles. one rheumaticgoal to c1mch the game for the master, who extended & word I Camera Oub fever and one VIncent's angina.Reserves as PonUac could only of greeting. After hJa short _snare two pomt.s makIng the speech. the vartoua COIdleI Sets Gift Night Sweet Shop Nowflnai score 29-25 presented letters to thelr play- • •

Choick: paced the Reserves bYers. cumulative Night will be the MakIng Candlesscoring 9 points. He was fol- Mr. Arm.st.rong raft tbe mld- Dame attached to the pre«ram Donna Lee Sweet Shop, 13304lowed by Hayes With 8 pomt.s get team their letters, 111'. Bol- of the Grosse Pointe Camera Freud at CopUn. famous :forwhile Drader and Hanson were man did the dutlel b' the Club Tuesday evenIng at the years for a .:>rted home-madetied a.t 8 points each. JUnIors, Mr. Kimber Neighborhood Club. ice creams, has annoumed the

---- the junior varsity _Jr PresIdent stanley Kenn, of addition of a home-made candySt. Paul Journalists awards, and Kr. Yeae- the Club. has announced that and baked goods department.

the able uGItulce the evemng's proceed.mga haveAttend Press Parley Pace - haaaded oat tIlIt DeeJ1 placed bl the hands of- , ltI"eao - ~ . - Cb~ Soaur' Bull

membeD or the Jour. '1'bI ,.. tS~ \!!l-'''''- tile. ..-.,& .......IdIIocII ....... '. - ~ .. tbe ..atteaded a Press CoDfeTence \ft:I[eIIa, c ~ 1Iat .,. itiId.1t ...m be aheld at Wayne untver81ty, De- Van Drflller'. WlU&ehead, Bab- abg-up aurpr1ae party.cember 5. coa. O'Bair. Gbelqulere, DIck Be urges that an of the Club

The .students heard lectures Fruehauf, Foster, WIlton, ~r- members bttng their camerasOn writmg columns, featutea oSten, Chesbrough, TOIISCS!lY, loaded WIth plenty of fIlm be-writing, reporting, sports wr1t- and Anderson. I c:ause there IS gomg to be plentymg, planning the dummy for JunIor lettenl went 00 Caulk. of opportunity to use themthe year book, make-up and Ins, Fordon, D. JohIlllton, Mac- WIth pleasant results .lay-out for the paper, etc donald, May. Petzold. PIngree, It has never been the Club's

Those who attended '#ere: Sherer, S. SUlIth, Sutherland, policy to eharge admi.sslon to ItsMar t. h a i 0 u Mauer, Joanne Terry, ZlIln, Brown. eoufter, So meetings but in IteePlJlg withAthanson, Josephme Manwno, F rue h aut, Hoe, Kraggs, S. the Chnstmas Spirit no one willMarylin otto, Jeanne Kulka, Phelps, Proctor, Roy, L. Snuth. be admitted aneLss' they bnngBob McBnde, Nancy Stahl, Standish, Jalke.Rosemary Wrubel" Donald Slmp- JunIOr varsity awards went a well-wraI>Pe,d present costingson, Paula Beaupre, Sally Cur- to M. BuM Chl'~mlln G Aav1!, 25e. A draWI~ will be made

I ran Ellen Boult Joan Weld- G<lddard, Heath Loranger Mel- at the even~ S meeting for dis-ma~, and Joan Krausman. - ville, Sisman, Sheley. Towar, t.nbuuon of the presents. .

---- Welgele, 1. Wood, B Foster, There will also be a judgmgiN NAVAL RESERVE Hammond 8edw1ck, Eckert of, asslgJm1ent Of photogra.phlc

Richard M Flanagan, 1'7, son After ihese awards, L1o,d prtnts lU1d points w111 be award-of Daniel J. Flanagan, of 7'76 Br&Zl1, Athletic Dlfec..or at the eel to Ule out.standmg pictures.Trombley road, Grosse Pow", Umverslty of DetrOIt, gave an ~ pbotograplucally interest-Park MJch has been :selected interesting talk eel public has been mVlted tofor tralnlJlg in the Naval Re. Collaborat1ng . With hun Weft Iattend the meeting.serve OffIcer TralnlJlg Corps at Dr. RaymoDd Pbrsyth, the U. • •the UmverSlty of WchJian, Ann of D. team tra1ner, and three .Of Savs AdvertisIngArbor. MlCh hlS pla.l'ers. After thl.>, mVVl_1 Aids Employment

.. ... ... .. ... .. .. ... ... ... ... Advertising's role in helplIli

----------- ",.tniain a high level of em-

Avoid Winter's Costly Repair Bills... Let Us ~:~:t.na~u~~~;pen, Vice president and eco-• loom1St of the Federal ReservePr@par@YourCarNow '. ~an:~al~~~~~'th':~::tral council of the Americ&n

fS1atl.OIl 01 Adverti.slnc agen.here last week.I "It.... llcellra&e oMena-I,u.. wIleR we ., tbu tbe I

I 1I'ell-~ ~flr'IESt es,ee1&U1 ale eeuua-, eH lI1u'aMe ...... , Ihe tile

rtcaa mere ., .....a& beI......fer II.HJar tbaa ..,.I •otber .....-.n be kJs," tJ .., .Ifen aid.

'"Why is It the most unad-Ifert1sed industry - housmg -I tields the Amenean ao htt1elor hIS dollar?"

'Upgren emphasized that high~oyment 111 necessary for a

fid economy. "From It." he I

d. "can come greater ability II balance the Dudget. From It I

wlll come greater ablllt; II

f to enlarge OllT Import.'!"Only then can our own high I

[level of consumption &.S8I.'lt theIi:°fwe world an doIng 'What II our.'!elves want to do-keep

lIl'lI"II.,.. "'11~" II" iumpWri Pcn;Dn I

Detro;t Show Ioily 81tH' SO\' Per.o,;llln Cat

f>d by Mr.~ Walter Mo\,('r of7 Bl"aconsf!rld 1!ohlch ~as ad~e<I thl' b<-.~t cat at the,"eland Cat Show .:111 com. Ie agaIn Satllr<lay and Sunday Ithr DetrOit Penlan SocietyAmer1ca all breed show atHotel DrtTOllI'T. Ioce-eds '1'.111 bencht thp AntI,I'lty Soclf"tv and M.chlgan

e Soclety. I

P,,, TvA!!veOdl •• I



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Everything to delight his neart at Cnristmas!Perso 1"' a I GIfts ... or accessories ... to add new

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Il'Iclud,ng Ih~ rarnou. Ri •• m ..nbr.ak.T - v,.al~r and ....'nd r ••penenl 011.,,1" by Manhall",n.P..lc{,.re:ioi Cloyer.

("hoo.e a pair ", ....int.r .Iacl..h"m Ihe larR... I .elech"n "ftT",u~r. \" the Clh ( ''He-TI.

lAb .. T....eed •. Flanne1o. ete..


$315 to $10Fashioned bv

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other. of fine qUlllty 25" up

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Beautiful !land initialed Manhattanhandk"rduefl


2.95 to 7.'0

Pull o\Or., e"ll II)Ie.. etc ••

14205 E. JEFFERSON at NEWPORTShopping Hour,: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.


SWEATERS$815 _ $915

•Other All Wool Swuters

S515 10 $1351

PI•• ft or PlAid SIHv~I". Sweat era

Our hup;. ,'"cle. Include ' ..ntzen.Gantner. G!.nb~' ..nd M<G~gor

and olher f,ne maker ..

all colon, fine loll wool

Sol'. 1\Ien. W..ar i. rlmou. for then'hug" array of l\al'<>naUy Kno_

.sporta Clolh,nR and Acc" .. onea

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OtheT fin,,_ !\eckweaT IndIvidualhand palnl ••• Pur" Silk. and

fin" Ray",nl

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2.50 - 3.50 - 5.00 - 7.50

$395All v.cd GLOVES . 1 59

others 195 - 250leather palmwool GLOVES 2 95 to 3 95

Famou. \VEMBL Y and $1.MA1\HA TT AN TIE.S



All garments IromSol's Men's Wear are

Tailored to Fit in OurOwn Efficient Shop!

.5<>I,de"',,TO and 1....0 Inn~.A Ferleel I'ft for any man.

Leisure '" SportCOATS

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6.95 to 10.

..... .... ....';:" ~

"'~'\ )<4(

5 Or: to $251 Pro

'ndud'ng P,g.k,n. Goal.k,n. FLn.Cap".kln. etc.. .nad. by Han.en.

M.yen, Gar"e ••• IC.

$395 to $10Wool Lined Glo'ves

4.81 to 10.

PIIo"ntX. Holeproof. W".tmmllier.olhero

longs and .hortl. el .. ll<: lop •. "lc .•Sel"cl'on ,nclude. Rayo"s. l\) Ion..

Wool PI.a.d., 6 II 3 rib.

Leather Gloves

....Be ~ c:oo<lfe!row'. THE' CROs~r P()INTE' REVIEW================-:--------------_._-------------=--=-~-= "" 111111 J II II a aa 1111 .. -("..iC................ . ..


Wm. G. StammanClerk of Crosse Pointe ParI(

atbt .ream of mI ;t1Iankinbat ~bri~"

God grant thot we all may live andthrive together in peace and harmonyon this day and always. We wish youa Joyful Christmas and may choisestblessings be yours forever.




UEverythinll the Name Implies"15226 Charlevoix LEnolC 4225


LAVERSHENRiCrosse POinte Township Clerk





Latest Highlights From Hollywood



A\0 ;\EICnnORS


15215 KerchevalLE. 7786

C~. t.4 •• ts In4 Ver.tables



¥lise Men 'I Accent on Youth Is Xmas Theme IIEconomistsr -~ron Saints '--- ----. Expect FarmTravelers Income Drop

I'j ilC r hree King.., of COlogne I

have beconle patron saints oftravelers, and very appropriat-I I'ann commodity prioea wWely .too. 81nce the Wise Men be amooc the f1rlt to decl1Detraveled considerably even after when the downward adJIUt-their death, I ment of the general prSce level

B1bl1cally we know very little I f~'ecMonlchlga,no-'•• - p8tredatelc.~d~eabout the Wise Men Church -_ ......... .... IIU'"

j tracUtlon, baaed on the three day.specifIcally mentioned gifts. Although t hi. downward!wi eatabl1sb~ three Wise Men movement in pr1cea w111 prob-and Identl!1ed them ~ Caspar, ably be of &hart duration. itMeleh10r and Balthaser; the likely will be followed by a per.Kings of Tanus. Arabia and iocl a1m1lar to tbat JD theEth1opl.a. ,respectlvely ..t.w~t.1eIlI." Such. period wU1

Legend advances that on their be one wb1ch sa Iebera111 proe..way to Bethlehem, the MagI perou.s but durtnc which tlmemet at Ur and st. Mathew sta- qr1culture .. 111haye lOme Ie!'.tea that havlnr adored the I lDWl problems.Christ Child, they departed 111- I That 1& th- op1D1on of Drto their 0'lVIl cOWltry by a chf. CUff .... u_-""~ .........ferent route. Whether e&Ch reo Ord -. &HI ........ IPC'_ forturned to hLs own country or the farm economlat prepa.rinawhether all three journeyed into the 1"" farm outlook JDforma.one country are matters for ~co,DJecture, Legend contlOues e per I 0 d of I.nnatJon.that they were baptized, dlstrlb-

Iwbieh still exiBts. b&s broU&ht

uted their wealth among the or w111 bring most farm pro.poor, and went about preaching duct prices to an all.time high.

d Tbe downW1lrd adjustment mthe d.octr1ne of peace an re- I the ieDeral price level seemspentance: all three seem to I ".. I. id 1 "'7have iuffer~d martyrdom I ......e'!! .or m .ypll.r n l~.

In the fourth century Empress I Federal farm. price supportsHelena, mother of Constantme. will cushion the downward &d.attanll'ed for the transfer of jU$tment. Corn, Wheat, hogs,tMir bcxiles to ConstantmoPle.1 eus. butterfat. milk. ch!ckellll,

When the Greek Emperor was turkeys dry beana. lIO)'beans.overpowered by the fust crusade flaxseed anl1 pota.toea are JD.In 1096, the holy remains were cludel1 in the support procram,sent to MUsn where they were Absent from the 11st are cattleenahrine:l until the latter part The 8eeftt of a:cit:illc a.n.e... Sanla IIDd....,. W. • ...,...... and lamb&.of the 12th century when Fred- ftower deearatwDI » tile ~I ..hite gladioU. JIC8PIlIII -.I.. Hardin pointed out tbat ueriCk. Barbarossa ord.ered their point of VieW', declares Al~ ~.,.Iberr_ D~ ~.t. tonaumera .~ &II au.remo~ al to Cologne. Illfteci nybA of Florista' T..... Iequally IlUilaQ1e I« .... ..,. PMt tomoblles. re!ri&era.borll and ra-

The ArchbLshop of Cologne Dehvery Aaxiatioll. Upper ~ of the home. Be1ow-'lhe.-w I clJO&-becoI:ne a~able In Iftatoadorned the rellcs W1th precious I The clo~nted rmoaaban ~.j'Jf ~tl!'~ h~ ~ 5: n=a- er supply. t.hp OC'!!!Umel' W1llJ ~ w e 1s ana ensilr1ned them man's 1!7e1 and tnmlDiq are ated in thiI IleIsb ud Spend le.ss on food. and moreWIthin the Cologne Cathedral; red dress buttoas. '!'be bait ell raD'emtnt of piDk r-. irk, OIl these commodities,In time ,anythmg whlch touched brella are 'borrowed. from Hul. IItevIa uui pine buM pink The per capita producUonthe skulls. of the Three Kings slSter's doll coUeeUoa. Since .. llockirJgand aDJel el-. 'I'M reiM and consumption of agricultur-was cOllllldered as a charm Bower loS in water. the mcnrmm',llIld barnes cnuiDI tal .tiIl bow a1 produce is at a very blabagainst accidents. hence. the cood for seve.ral cia,.. Top Jeft-I are made of elf z-. leftl. Prospects are fqr redue-Wise Men became popular pa- ---------------------- ed foreign demand for qrl(:ul.tron salnta of travelers. turai products along with re-

duced eJI)end1tUfes by domesticconsumers.

Good manacement will beneeded for farmers to show aprofit from farming lD 1947. Inthe lut five yeua fann re-

Martha Vickers, youthful and I best place for stnv1ni YOUDI/"Darling, you lOund 10 pre- ceipts were high and altboqhbeautiful Warner Bros. actress, tunesters. atomic!" expenses likewise were hJch. itwa.s adviBed. by a friend to gIve ••• • •• wu euier t4 mate money. In.her ha1r a beauty treatment of Sydney (the fat man) Green- Bette DavlS aDd husband. come ill l1kely to drop in l1H7.raw eap and lemon jUice. The street clallllS to be a sterliDg eJ:. WIlliam Grant S~erry. are wblle most expenlleS W1l1 con-1't!SUIt. hO'tl'ever, looked Uke ample ot what happena to an enroute to the atar'a New tinu at or above the lIKe level.JOmeth1ng out of a custard.ple athlete when he stOPli being &th. HamPShIre home. where they ThJs mean.s a CODS1derable dropcomed1, because Martha made letlc, Before he started IC8riD& ~1ll remain untu after tbe birth in net earninp.the m1Stake of rinsing WIth hot people on tile stage and .in" or her expected baby, sometime . ---_water. She found herself wear- ture.s like ''The Verdlct," &yd. late next spring. Puri ....._.. Il-_£_~..Jm. an omelet. ney was a wlUz at rugby1 ... .IAU» CIUaJ:QI

• •• crlcket. Bill W1ll1amI and Barbara ~a .. ~~. 'I:'~YOUDl. ParamDunt ataI'- .••• Hale ba" MeD IPftD ... aon. .. ~v:ang reastw, ... to be a direct. des- <JIlt tat _ '

~ ~ • '1r.;; .. ~'"Jt, ~~ ~~~I""""",,, ~ ... . . •..:.!,:c.!:! .r,.... ~

kae DIbI, recently lipped tram dto lut .. eek. • 1O'U1ll' la q chore at t1'.L ona....... VA cmurmaa, JftftI1'lIlIoIMelUlty to a featurecl <role JD plaiDted, "'Qo8h! AD l....e do.ne. U1elr 0w n c- e Ie"bra U 0 Il of"IIJ WlJd IrIab Rose." at War. see actors. I wanted to m •• 'l'Il.anJt.sP'Ving.ner Bros., admit. a "warming the horses" "Da r It Puuge", starrfn&. In 1659 the b1gh court of 1ft1eDdab1p" wit b Baltimore's ••• I Humphrey Bogart and La~ Massachuaetta held that "any-IIomUe Bcm1fay. He owns an Paul Hen rei d proposed a Bacall for Warner Brae .. is w body who ill founl1 obsemnl •a1rliDe and a couple of boteLs. .sta.rtling plan for world peace start rolling this week. It Will by abltinence from labOr. fea.st-

• •• wh11e co-&tamng with Bette bea melodramatic thr1ller . • • m. or any other way BUCh daytnr1at1on notes: Fancy Bolly. Davia and Claude Rain8 In "De- "The Husuters." to be Clark .. ChrlBtmas Day shan for each

WOOd hot-clog emporium is .sell- ceptIOn," at Warner Br~. Gable's first picture in nearly and every offense be fined. fiveno.... - "" a year 18 slate<! for a January shJll1n&'a."..... """'III for $1 per each-wIth "All nations should enter an .start at MOM. ------- _a dUb of caviar! .•• For $5,. agl'l!ement that no man under After compltiDg long vaca.tlon.. .se, Barbara 8tanWYclt has 50 could f1&kt .. saJd" d Mr at sa.I.sland, Ga., anl1 N".-n&lIdecl one room and a bath to &>. • ,SaJ • - ...the back of her garage. "And," H~reld. B.W.L . - . Mark Helllnier has....ys Barbara, "it's Just a plam How many men over 50 bought Forrest RosaJre's "Eastold room and II bath; nothing I would want to put On:l Uniform or Midmght" as a starrer forfaney at all. unless It's tha~ I and carry arms, whIle thell' sons Jobn Garflell1.iii cent... and grandsons stayecl home? •••

• •• By 50, the fight left ID a man S1(n of the tunes' ProductionStartUnc atat1atlCll: ot 13,000 is more splntual than pll~slca1 department at Warner B1'06..mUSidans 1Jsted by tbe local and oldster amlle$ v:ouldn't be after S1X months of chhgentunion, some 8,000 are unemploy- very effectIve on the battle- searching has rounded UJ) 17ed, Including 1,000 trumpeters. fIeld" English horseless carrIages. eraHollywood. right now. lSIl't the Admlttmg his solution to the 11851, for "My WIld Ir1llh Rose".----------- problem of permanent peace It had been deeided t bat

Wit" nff ..",,1'l ....It'" ~4. .~~_.. Chauncev Olcott. whom the

Ideep In h1S-ch~k': H~reld':~~story is about, oounlan't ridepointed out that tn recent con. in anv other kind of a buggy

IversatlOlIS wltb young men _ wIthout destroying ~he plcture'aactors bellboys, stUdents. etc- roman.tic authentICIty.

I he came to the conclUSIOn tbat MOVIe InlI'aCle: For "The

I they .at least. are wllhng to do Homestretch" in Technlcolor ateverything pOSSIble to a,old an. 2l)th. Fox, technicians mixed

lather world war. greY-blue, cobalt-blue, bIendin&'

I ••• white, turkey red ,raw umber.green pInk, apricot and mauve.

I Pretty dancing beauty nr 'he The result on a giant back-"Love and Learn" set ~t W"r. ground drop, turned out to be

. ner Bros, \\8.5 raehd to rrmarlt, a truly beautiful blue.

and we'reold fashionedenough towant tosay


/7e... ! # L.__ _ •"-'f J,,'u.:J"U fLU~

\D \.5J. 'ta~e't


"~tau on (fartfj~oobbJill to :fI1tn"

Reign unchallenged ~I~~in this world for- ff~ever more ... Ame~~/I

-f:tl"_~--= ~/g~~lif Ii t-::: --==-/~IJ,!.?<' I ,./.. /'9, /1'_ I ~ I

// ' //-1;1/" ~I'-r~//// / ~--tff ,.'- -; .Alllll


Hon. Theodore J. RichteryndiCWte for RI- ElectIOn

Judge of Circuit Court



2OZ29 t.bcIt AYe. J ~ Crosse Poilt .. Woodsrux~ 2-3737






Page FlftWl



15000 Charlevoix

LEnox 7166



THE GR0 SS!. ~'", I N T ERE V I EW

Best Wishes


Christmas is more than just a day! It is the hopesand prayers of people everywhere whohavetasted fear and pain and want, as well as security and comfort and plenty. Chri'stmas is thememory of all memories within the hearts of 011, the recollection of little things and great things.that make up the livesof each of us.

Christmas can be, and should be, the rebirth of great thoughts and firm resolves to makeideals and ambitions come true. It isa doyto»ehonored by all good people everywhere, in everycity, in every village, in every home. '7

rwinkling lights and gleomihg, isbi~ ill briQtlten the homes of Americans every-• 1. "'~~ ...... _ •

keep the sp'iritofChristmos alive throughout ry day of the coming year.Let us cel.ebrate this great occasion though liy, reverently and grate-

fully in keeping with the true significance of ristmas. From the quiet,comforting happiness of the Yuletide may we receive the stimulus to meetthe New Year with new ambitions, new hopes and new friendships.

Please accept our Greetings of the Season. It has been a pleasure toserve you in the past and we look forward to a continuation of this privi-lege in the future. It is our wish t~ct all good thing~ will come your waythis seasQn and for many seasons to comp

James E. Webb' ~

Grosse Pointe CabNI. 0300



"Be' A Coodfel!o:/'


-<.~.. -... ,. .

"Be A Goodfellow"



(I •

Alger Veteran's Home of Grosse Poidte17145 St. Paul Ave.

Grosse Pointe

ADOLPH J. DAMMANCrosse Pointe Township Treasurer

Hon. Victor H. DeBaekeJudge of Crosse Pointe Township

You ean't 10 wroDI with these people, Santa.We've lived with them a long time., and have en-jo}"ed their un8e16sh attitudes. their thoughtful-ness and consideration of tbe other fellow •.••They've been mighty lood 10 Ul', and thal's ,,'hywe ,,'anl you to be _ood to them,


Christmas, to us, means the contentment thot comes from the ossociotlon of loyalfriends, the satisfaction of haVing been of service. It is a tilTle for thanksgivingand reverence, a time to be more mindful of the blessings of peace and the rightto live accordmg to the dictates of one's own heart.


Crosse POinte Park





The things you have wishedfor . the ambitions endplans that have been yours.. we hope they will 011 be

reolized during the comingyeer. And may the HolidaySe.1son be e happy one andthe New Year one of useful.hess. heppiness end success.,

GRI~NELLMachine and Manufacturing



.Chocolate CocoanutPeach

French V.nil"

BicyclesTricyclesScootersShiesB*1 AccessonesDolls, ~mes

for all.

lames Truslow Actams, noted

IIhlstor!an and wr!ter, declarecllNov. 19 that "the next crash

I..W1U mue 1929 look Uke a plIt-er." LIsten to this:

C 1 L · 01 I "After every war, eventuallyomp etel ne J III the 10&5 of ca.pltal goods has toIII I be made good, and it can only

TI be made good the hard way. In

this World War we have des-oy5 troyed more cap.tal goods thanever before In the history ofthe world, and. the crash will be IcOrre.'Jl)Ondmgly great., ,

• • •Randall R Penh ale, stat~ dl.

rector of the schoo~8ll.vlngs prlJo

Igram sponsored by the U.8. treaI;\lry rtf'ptIlrt,mpnt, dropped in atI the WTlter's oftlce last week to

I dl.<;CUSSthe need for thrift InI today's penod of fantas"r l,lflJ.I tlon Pl'nhale'/i r!'medy Buy on.'ly what you aell 9o11y need: l!'llveIas mo.lch money as you can To.Ida~'s inflatlon is cE'rtam to bl'

IfollOWed by tImes of great d1str~

We extend to the l~latureour personal sympathy In theIr

Iefforts to allay Michigan's Ln.

I,anclal distress Regardles ofwhat lhpv do. It will be wrong2 to some perliom;

East Sjd~'s Urrg~st and Most t I ----• S • Also pl'rfN'lcrt - an aluml.Complete BICycle and Toy to,~ " !It,'n red pamt Ihat \\hen ap

A hi d ~ p\k>o o\"('r your present roofingLoc,tion: 14721 Kercheval at s an ~ l' mpP()sNi 10 ke<>p thE' 'OUS€, 15 15135 Ch I .

• dl'grecs eoolrr In hot wcather I lr evOIX



Black Walnut




Open Even,ngs To 9 Till Chntlmu


(While They Lut) to uch child ICcompaniedby parents-NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.



I1 Germans HoldI ,-M__ic_h_i_9_a_n M_ir_r_o_r 10_Y_FO_R_A_G_R_EE_K_F_A_MIL_"Y_1 ~~:~?"~~:'::

uh in Germany and preparationsTwent)' oentur1es have paued How to m&lntaln public ser-I fact that the treasury had C bc;'.n '\;'cll 1n a.dv..i1ce 0: thEI1Dce the lnlI at Bethlehem waa vIeea of government, at homp ba!a!'~es !n ex....ss of $12~,OOO 000o"ercrowded because of caaa.r and elsewhere, despltl! today'& _ all o' WhIch was liufflcient boUci8.y.A.1CUISf.WI anel hia Cet'1BWi. po,stwar Inflation which .Ia yet proof, it Vt1Ui Implled, that ~ The Advent wreath l5 hunl

ts t tc>p tat bad too b money 011 OIl the fint Sunday Ion Advent.The blrwl.gs who crowded the l.() reach 1 crt's, poses a s e muc Uti This lar~e wreath h1ui one redbln were committed l.() obUvlon problem ot acute proportions for hand The.o;e Idle m o.ns, .so candle to beg1n wIth: an adcU.by tbeir eontem.porari~ and, ex- Mlehlg-an's new state legiSlature ~~e ~~ w;~/l't~~a~~~;~: t1on.a.l candle is added each Slrl..apt for the cenau.s and result- Oovemor.Elect Klm Sigler wlll cre~ed costs ot CIUe.o;,sehoolli day un..:i Christm38 and paperaut CODdltlons at Betbelhem, it deliver his Inaugural me&8.ge to and other home governmentli. stars are added (lally. The st'ariwouldn't m:a.tter too much if leg1&ators on Jam'ary 2. are inscribed wItlh BIble pass-A....... ~... c.......nletely vanIShed WhIle It was true that the hi h ._..... b,tr:nth: h~' books At a good w111dinner in Dc- cash balances at LlUUolng were ages w c are memor.-..

-:1 • traIt the govemor-elect told leg. in exce!S Of $125000000 It was tbe children of the houaebold.n Is ganerally 1mmater1al Islators that It was up to them equally true that o~y '$21,532,. Eve r yon e ocouples preeioua

that, as puppet ting of Judf:a, to lead Michigan out of the 000 of this sum was avallal>le to moments maJdnlc:tts for IQvedHerod fortified the kingdom and financial wilderness created by the legislature for appropr1a- ODell: perhaps a SOllp rose, akept It out of the clutches of the voters' diversion of 76 per t10ns All other f\Ul<1.shave oee.n paperwe1lht, toy8 for the YO\U1C'Cleopatra, rebuilt the cIty of cent of scate se.les tax revenues tagged, restricted, appr<>pr1ated, er ch1Jdren, an embrolderesl8amar1a, aDd endowed several to home governments. ear-marked _ ch~e your own Iheadkert.b1ef or table cover:paean t e m pie $ lOng .smce Regardless of what the legisla- word far It. The veterans' trust there are dozens of cooltles anderumbl&i into dUst. Few people ture fmally decides to do, It is flund, for example, is $60,000,000; apee1&l caJtea to be baked al'l-dknow, and f~ care, that bls apparent that a lot Of people state hIghway fund, $11,453,000; eftfJtbI.nc must be fln1shed theW1fe ann ~o sona were munier- are going to' be d1asatlsf1ed. primary school fund, $14,417,000; day before Chrlstmu _ storeseel at his C~d. This sort They wlll be dl.ssatlsfled beCause appropriation ba!arules for buJld. and reata.uranta are closed, too-Of a Roman1Zed Jew, IS remtm. they are dissatisfied with today's Ings and improvements (delayed so that servants and tradespeo-'boered chieny because Of his hy- 1nUat1on _ the root of the due to lack of materials, etc.), pie may spend dhrlstmas Evepoer1t1eal treatment of the Wise trouble. $27,881,000. WIth their fam1l1e.l•.Men and because he authorized •• • • • After e h u r c h servI~ onthe slaughter of the Holy In. Am. Uy the voters' dl3sat1s. Inflatlon ca'USed higher prices, Cl1ri8tnras Bve, one of the fam.noeenta - and even th1s dee<l l'8, ted ed e U.. oe Into the lor hereof 1neredible CnM!ltv tnight have factlon on Nov. 5 wu pcomp and higher prices caus ,,- mor ~ g s par _ w

. as much by the AFFECTS of taxes to be collected, TJ.e sur- the ~ tree baa been setbeen forgotten if the Innocents 1.nllatlon as byanythlIlg else. plus at Lansing - bUIlt to un- YOUNG IIISS GREBe ......... 1iIW• .......,.". WllICIIl~ up and decorated WIth ozona.were not aasoeiated with the "",.H"'lh "e'~M~ by emphas's on thcr KalraYial 01 CoriIldI ~ a Greek War llelW AIiOd..b Imenta tre~"lUred from year to:Babe of Bethlehem wno grew In- We reg1stered our protest tii;'li5 00>"'000cash balan~es-:.I ss-:' food puaL An, ~ • tile 'eDo!"* .... wile _ 'year. At the f1rat notes Of "0to tbe Ch..'1.st and bequeathed a against shortages, strikes and collided ~u~ely Wlth inflatlon tile KabYial, wantiq to --. IDod to ........ ~~~ Hannemaum." the whole familynew philosophy of love and hIgh prices by mar1t1ng our bal. in operating cooU. 11%.75 to 1M AIIociItIOe .. HeW You ~~ I!oo~" II _ .... 1 ruahes in and gathers aroundpeace to aU manlr1nd. lot accordingly. Government ill _..... I a ....... - a _oJ' -- --- Yo_ "--- 1 f~-"""- _ .

blamed for affect.5 of I.nf1atIQ1l The result was a voters' dlS' telepa....- ov--. • .,.,..- th ,..t .... GWltA ~ ...............: severa ~ C __Some men questIon .what has In hard times the reverse has satJSfactlon With af!ect.s of in nutritioat, .,Ie ~ "'''''''':c ~ to baiW 40 beaIds ceBIIn. are Bung. Iilid U".en the pcesentb

been accomplished d.ur1Jlg the 20 been true: Business Is held re&- flation. It Is very doubtfui that ::a~,,:,lf~s,ooo _~: ~ to lGIIPl1a .... ....., are distributed.eentur1es sinee Bethlehem. ble tillS amendment would ever ..w Ie a1JDoet Z tIIiJlioe ....., enool cbiJdr-. Sometimes ChrIstmann-Fath-

Tnle eoough, aome of the rec- porISl • have been adopted In normal. er Cbristmaa _ jaw the fes-orda have been wr1tten with in. It is doubt1'Ul that the sales tlDlCS. Inflation created the U. • D · 0 tlv1tiea and Mka eacb child to-deUble Jnts Oof hatred and ore- tax amendment would have been! cond1t!or. Whereby voters acted Intstcnans ItrmJtp ver i 6ay a verse; correct recitatIonsJ-A'- -~.. 1at+a.-.o lth - h/adopted U It had not been Of/ th cUd. -r--- are aW1lrded bY Chrlstmaml........,.,-.... sp ""'~ w muc the affects of inflation. Retail as ey 11.. C'1_. C _1 fr Itets b"l..t It.h !roOd.::Sihe~eyn1es ~~~ prices are mounting, ever high. Now comes the news at Lan. L'lrst nnstmas am 1es~~tr1nket& ..... ~ w .- •

argumen e er Department stores expect an sing that Inflation of operatml i _deI1tly upon the gory rec:: 1l1i-time record in sales tlus yelY cost.s _ higher cO't of food, wp- _~: :=:0:1

Ch11st - wh1ch mev.ns more tu rel. piles, labor, etc. - will requlstatre "Which c~me tint?" anel "1r_ work and It dep1eta the Cbr1st- Southern Custotnsenues for the State Treasury at hIgher appropriations for e th ht of it hnt?" are t.bt maa- paniOm1ne ''H&r.!.equin and • •• openlyreected lu.s commandos. LaDs1ng. This spiral In ?nce.s department and state instifAl. tw~~uest1ons asked since' Columb1ne," a puppet booth, RetnaU1 at Ouisonas

00 the other band, the glad haa kept tax revenues &bead of tlons, such as .'rlsons, htJepIta1s Immemorlal These llUestloal Bkaterlt anel other scenes relat- . . .t1cUDp announced to a few ooerat1ng costs On July I, 1945 and eollege.s, Reqt..ests for leg1&- have baffiOd histodaDll ehaJ:. tnl to the holiday season. Itll Negro families of V~aIbepberdl at Bethlehem have In. the state treasury had ~ surplus latlve app.roptiatian.s have r1aen lenged detectives, ca~d law s en time n t reads "A Merry have the i.r ~wn trad1t1onalap1red courage and faitb and of $5,219,000. Twelv(l months to $212,000,000 for the coming students to bum the midnight Christmas and A Happy New method of gift-glvJ.ng.love such as no earthly decree later the surpIU$ h-ad grown to I fiscal year. However, revent:e.5 oU-but most of all-have In- Year to You." On Chr1stma.s Eve a largeor proclamatJon has e1'er ea1led $21,532.000 - an 1ncreue of; are e6tlmated at only $144,000" tt'!gued the public. For the !BIJC Und! the Egley card was d.Is- sh~t 1s spread over the c1l.nn1tlgforth. more than $18,000,000. 000 beeawse of the cUvers10n of few years there's been • IIIf, covered, ~ first Itnown Christ- room table with a ~lac:'

J'altb aDd Peace are etemal ••• 76 per cent of the plea tu: to-do abont the "first" C'IUtA- mas card 'Wall tor thought here and there to t eQl*tI - and twenty centllrie.s revenue back to bOIDe pern- ma.a card snd the subject _ to haft bee~ the:V:.s, dea1gned meet above table level Eachare mere fieet1ns mtlDlenUI of Proponents of the sales tax ments. fasc1nated many greettng ~ by J IJ. Borate RA f SIr member of the hOUlleholel writesZ"~ty. amendment made earntoBlof the The d1fference Is $88,000,000. co1leeton, art dea.lera, m_ Hem;. COle in ~oo .;: 11148 hIa name on a sUp of paper and

, The final amount may be less curators ~"!'~~and.ble =wbo wanW a eanl to send to ~~ toa:es:ee~ In duringor more of the AmK....... - h1J friends at C'hristzr.as. Hors- n1" ..J".... thAD E CAN DY .... public. ley's card was llt.bogn.phed by e g.t and :---d under eHOME M Tb iieBt Christal.as _ Jobblpa a1 WarwiCk court and names of the persons for whom

Clarence W. Lock, deputy re- on r:eo~ in the light of l'8CfJIIl a Uwusand copies stnlck oft they are intended: eveo theYenue commJ.ss1oner, est1matea flncUnes appears to tit tbM 4 Theee '9(el'e colored by hand !OUDC~ cbIld for be .. r toBAKED GOODS tile prospect1ve def1e1t at $55." W ?Ill ErIe dated 1M2. ~ cl featured among other snoop u:ntu the morning and000,000. He points out that state eoVer8d in Yi. maaa of llc:q8s a' merry famI11 group removal of the sheet reveals allaid to loCal gOVernments and rlnts by the BdUBh III 1Uled. wine gla8aea aloft. the presents.publ1c serv1cell bas mountec1 ft II 1ndIaput:ed1J' • .;t

.000 in 1932 .... ~ to < • • ' ...Jaat JUDe l Piodl1 II .".. )'ell' at. .. .

-fnfam f&eiUUeI .1tlr etacaaoD ...... __ v •

~ menm It co1JeIe5, and half-lotble. balt~_,otherwt.se proTide sen1eelI an ofwh1ch have been adull1Zed bystate legislators elected tramn home commumtJea.

U The state's cUZTent dDemna Ia... much the same as tM 1n!latkll1

==================================================::::::a~ ... problem eonfront1nc all bus1neuand lndustry. Jam~ D. Mooney,

1 0 0 0 S TREES TREES ~dent of WlllJ's Overland ex.XMAS TREE - - ~ =~het~~ ~ ::

words: "During October we oper-YOUR CHOICE $2.25 ANY TREE ated at a Iou because OW'

-Naee' HiPer- ealea pr1ees were out of UneIta w1th 1r.crt:~ cc..r~~Prtcea are


~ too h1Ib beeauae costs are tooDOnA LEE SWEET SBOP ~~~e ~et~l~uc~~ for too little production."

13304 Freud at Coplin • • •.. Irring F1aber, noted econom-

!lit, warned Nov. 20 U1at we t.re--------------------::--:-::-==- Uving 1n a fools' paradise dueto governmental m1.sma.negement01 money - sale of too manygovernment bonds to banks inreturn for newly created. credIt- cheeltboot money Or "invis-Ible greenl>acu" _ wIDch nowtotal $110 BIlLION DOLLARS.The banks' demand deposits lastweell: were in excess of $39 BIL-LIONS That's a lot of money,a lot of pressure, at a tlmewhen shortages are widespread.

-Faith, PeaceAre Eternal


I't; ~-



~~~ ~ II_I_I_O_II_0_S I / Oil/II /\1 v//W

Lady .... waita Yr1iYJu~!

IHAT'S YOUR whole salary you have there, Indy:

lJ'hat'a rent, and food, nnd taxes, nnd fun, and cloth~ and hairdosBut that's not all-and don't you make the IIllStake of thmkmg It IS

It's also saumgs-the one big duty to yourself you may be ovcrloolong.

By nghts, you should be polang away part of your salOfl regulro:ly.To guard agamst emergenCIes to help furtush your future home.Mamed or SlDgle, you'U be lots better oft'for hsvmg savedwlnle you worked

1The best way to sllve-barnone-lB U S Savings Bonds They paygood, sure mterest-four bucks for three after ren years-andthey're 100% safeTh. best way to buy bond. IB througb tho Payroll Savmg. Plan-ammple, automatic system that keeps thom ptlmg up Once you'vemgned up, It takes cnre of ltself Be smart, lady .. be forward-)ookmg, mgn up for Payroll Savmgs today.

ThIS IS an offIcial U S Treasury ,dvertlsement-prepared under the auspIces of Treasury Department and 'jtdvertising Council

WaitaMinuteMore!-----------------...,For Nearly A Qualter Century-oWe Have Supplied The Optical and JewellY Needs of Thoughtful

Residents of the Gleat Detroit Area. Tho, Yeal is No Exception! Again We Pledge Our

Valued Reputation to Give \ JU The Gleatesl Values and Service Available Anywhere at any Cost!

GJits That Mean More and Yet Cost You Less

A. J. F0 RST ER, Optometrist and Jewel~rOur OptIcal ServIce and

Complete Lme of JewelryIs The Fmest In The CIty' / f /

14100 Cha,levoh, at Chalme's LEnox 5376

Im Ii} ,. (:~~~ tii lfi> ~

'"'"'- ~-'. '-~.~T_ Ci'rdlOlll)' oj C/cmlmGJ u mte oj lite

,..,.. 6la.in.(s tMt .11,. 0/ "' c:GII po!Ui611enjoy. To w, C/crist1nG$ m~ much moreIIum jut W opporlrJIlu1 oj prU4:Rlin« ontl~ ~/", /e', IfI6n tlur" II StrUM oj~(in« Vedulgs fUld it !ou /., fl«pertAM ~ uodiIWlIfJl jtJtiw occasio",.

C4riJttna, /or W, is • S~n 01 &e~«ood evilJ anti IlcppUless, #I Ilme 01 ',",nics.Jillln, Jor .a.

Thank you. friends and neigh.bors. for your fllle cooperationand helpful courtesy in the pastyear. We look forward to abright future and hope you willreceive a generous share of the

and good will and happiness sot!!!!' _ mueh in evidence today .,,;;;;#1 ., ...-..-,....-..-,


Complimer+s ofTINY'S C ' FE

15117 Kerct:;; ,"'"

MAYFAIR CABLESOpea 11:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

Mack lad Moroa Rd.

.. ..., ~.

"Be A C'.codfellow"


AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU!That's QUr simple wi~ for all.

Eaton Heating Service18051 MACK TU. 2.8832



JAMES N. McNALLYJudge of Crosse Pointe Twp.



HANSONChevrolet Co.

14259 MACKLE.9Em

Open Air 'FleStaS'Versus Santa Oaus

Cars Wantedlate Models

Highest Pr ices Paid

Banta Claus has t1rmly en.trlfnched hlmaelt in the heartsof Brazilian younpterl, al-though his traditional cl11mneyhad to be abandoned - veryfew homes being 'quipped withsuch thlDp, and it never occursto U1e small fry that It mightbe fun to spy on san ta: thechildren beg to stay up, tlfcourse, h<lpiIll' to participate Inthe lP'o'W!!-up festivities and per-baps lICC~pany their parentsto midnight mUll •

Slnee It really Is June In JIUI'uary south of the equator.tlhriBtma.s In BrazU J.s a mid..ummer festlCal. Midnight muaon Cluiatmaa Eve Is eelebrated1I'1th greater or lesser pompthroqhout the land, precede<!b, clanctng "featu"and ratalate atlPPtl'S.

Moylle IPe .... oW 1_._ .. _do lei ju • Uttk .,.,;1MftIal ., a.n..IJl4ltUrae.



CARL SCHWEIKARTSupervisor of Crosse Pointe Township


at M.de Ave 2nd r..,Pbone H", ..or, 2266


MANOR CAFEWm. and Emelia Bauman

t.hck Ave. at Manor

~MerryPhon. TU. 2-3333

GU1IERS andOOWN Spours

c.D .......... E......

AL JARCHOW e .::::ical• VETERAN ......




WASHER SERVIC!Niagara 0995

"OWed Estlbbslled Ph.rmacy in Crosse Pointe P"k"

Metal Decb.-Pordles-FlatRoofiws


JliulllloIbg II1II ... Metal47UI EASTUWN u.e IS4&

1~J C~rIftoix

LOCAL CHURCH.ES11. JAMES Ll1TH£RAN I LUTH£1lAN CHURCH OF THE'0......... .nol 0". 0.,1" ......" .. II' itEFOR...._...TlO:-;Do tM Mrmoa .ubJeet 01 Ih. Roy. v...... Hi,bwa,. E. .t l.a1I.t¥lowCeoqe Eo KlI... Dftt 5ueday. \be aerv. Cal... F. Stlcklo.. D. I).. P.. _loa .ranla. .t 11'00 ... rrr, at the Mia. Beatrice Monow, P.ri.. W......P1IIICIa .. Judy n...L.r, Kercb...... 9 lO .. In - Ch".l. S,h",,1 101 ,h,l.•• Io&cKJoIcr roed. d.e" 01 .11 .... AdulL B,bl. 0...

TN 5aacIo,. Sd>ooI mMt.o .t • 4S lor ....... nd wom........ All Aclult BIb1. a... ,. con. II. m -1 h. .ublc:c:t 01 11.. .. ••..-....0 b, tIM putD. Mell S.... cIa,. at mon IDr tho Thl.d S..nci&y I.. Adv....t10:" .. •. win M. Baptl.m WIll. FIre.. Speclol

n.o SL J- L"lbo.... LaymcD'. m".,c by tho choirLoac- _. OlD T_day l>oa......"1 6 p m -H'sh School Luth.r..... a loolI_hip cIUlDt. at 6,'0 p..... L.oaIl"O'n.. s.- Wall10w Lu_ _ 1 Po m -Yo .... a People. L ..tlan_ n.•.-da,.. o.c. .I'. 7." p. In •• t Lo.,...u.. loo.- 01 Joo Hlpftl, J-- Sdlalse Oa Moncla,.. Dee: 16tb, .t 6 '0 ....... 1 .. _laoot_ ftl. the "on. Brotherhood wdl .. ,.n. ka6, 5ehool 10 _riDlI 10. I L.k. 01 a lurkey d"",er 0,. T, A-u.. -..too 00II O ... t.n>u Da,.. II 00 K."Lon..... Prole .. o. 01 S,.umatlc.. .., whee t'" pupllo ... n toU tb. TheoloH7 .L H.mm. D,v",Lly School.Qal'iittlnu .to.,. III .-- """ _10 Sprlnefield. 01.'0. WLU ~ ...

---- 'Whal o.n.t I Comln, MMal to lheWorld eRformatIon _ Mall! Chong,w,lI "DI eh".tm.. carol.o.

Th. Sundoy School 0........... Pro.I •• m .Dd Paa •• nl will ... _ .....Sunda,.. Dec Unci, at 7.l0 p. ....

Two ,drullc.1 Chri.L..... Cot"II.UabtSc:.. ,CO. WIll Do .,.... _ o."'tmuEve .l 8 3D ... d II: p. ••

r!hristmas greetings


I'" .....,.....M GMtIIe..... ... ~ P....

10:00 A- M.-eA.lat Cnacdie<l. (Com.......... 1.

II :10 A- M.-S ... cIo.,. School.7, .. P. M.-The M... aaIo. (AdvOllt

~ .. ~ lOpic 10. Sunda,. .v.. CRARC:,:v~~aatND fte ~ lei Mat......, &lie IhdWNua-_~_~~..., ~~" ...."II ...u ... -no. ..... I&h:. Oa 11...... ....... 'UUIea .... IIMd ......... epI .,.-. U ...,. -- ...--- .. _ .,..."'y 0ft0!ll1. o-N. 19•• '00 P. M. We ....... at ~a1 , IL lIeU a& .... DoN ..... UJ1eftI. Lab IIMCML He. l'ert.tIN ch.. rch c:ilo.... ""II praoe"t the Wal .. S. ~ MI...... II ............. ..,... u. aM reeeJ - •c."' polUoD of HaDd.oI. o.. Lono. 9 30 ... m.-Church School. Th. Ml.stletoe Dl.stl.nctTIM M u.h. JUnior and I..t.rm.d.... D.part ......t. I S IaIM~~~ 'rt =.= :U~Pb=~ I ;,';~,,:, l!ul o.r .. an- Stor, 10:010

... Romans Began New Pay ca e Yule Decoration_ ft. WCAJt" Poau-. 1130 _ ,.,.. II 00 ..... - MomiDll Woroblp. ,.,.. •

.11. at 1'30..... ,. rnOf1l..... mo;~e 'f=' :t::..~~hcr.:::: .....u Christmas Boxes IH. h t. H. t c~'gr:e~ ~ eC::tI:

Imeet at tho c:il"rc:b a.llt S""da,. .11.0." la es m IS oryTHE caosa: POJNTE MEMOaJAL "oon Irom ) to t .'dock. Th •• roup - -e many parts of Amer1ca, Is us-

atvaCH wu, I.... • C1.... lmao J*'" .... F"cla7. BoxiDI clay baa been a day of f U S Army ually tJ10ught of lIS merely gooda.;i=~=- De;~:be':;.~~..eo.... will ba.. • giftl to publ1c servants smce Ro. 0 • • holiday decoration or as a crea.e.- .... r_ Ill, Itidd... Om.,ma. porl,. at tbe c:illll'c:il _I man times. It originated aa a tor of oPen season on ladies fair

SUNDAY D£CEM8ER IS Sunday at I o'clock. Each ooupl. will paelll cUllom. for the Romana Major John G. stanley. Com. lor ot!1trwJ.se ba.shful swains.~ ~"cIa Sc:Iooo1 Ia 4lI ~~t':l~ ~~ ..': : ~-M::lDoa ~:: ob6enecl the rite dur!.ng their mandlng Officer or the .'0. S. M1atletoe dld not alny8 bold

.,.l -hMo,. Moruio. Fo ....... : Pita!. Eacb porOOD 10 0100 10 brill. winter feut of saturnalia. Army Recrultmg Station located thIS position in our lives. The...... Rw. ArtllBr N' B,I,. 01 th. .n ...cIa."" I'lt. tho Later when the people be- at 21 Oadillac Square, d1selosed Druids called 'it "all-heal." and I~ CIorittIooD e-... .....ly Ho...- n. YO_II Adulto will _t at • th ft. ere ,"__ A tho'-ht it held an mi ul~ a.rt.oUaa ......... ID • ChanI'DI cbllrcll otl TIIlI... , evoolo.. DK-ber ea.me Christians, ell"" wth the following Interesting UK....:... m Y r~-........ 17•• t • o'~1od<, for a t truruaID. banded clurin( MUll to e about what the adoption of a O'US VIrtUes. The SCand1naVlIUlB~ ..~= ~;-lJ ...d ~~~::-Sct"~'TMc:il will __ prteata, who plKed them into higher pay lICale for the lll'Dl7 dedicated It to their godde&S of

11:01 ..... --Mora.b.. Woroh;p: $or. - W.... do,. ." ....... o.c:- ..., 18. boJ:ea. The feast was then has dcme fOr the financial1nde- love i.s responsible tor the cus-- b, Dr-. Fltt,-"Davllf. D_puL Sor. .t I 0 dock. • mown u Chrl.st's MUll a.nd the pendence of \he post-war 801. tom of It1.sSlng under the mJ.stle-_.- U s.....I 11.%4.". boua u ChNtma.s boxea, not dlPr toe.~ p;;~~,.~:[-t,;.: Santa Claus to be opened except by Demg I The p~wer to heal, to protect

4,06 p. .. -cro- PoUll. W...... broII:en. With P'e adoptlOill of • hIsb- agal.nst S1Ckness, to perform.......,..,. Oawcll, o.urc:il .5ervlc.t U II J\T All manner of tradetm1en aoon er pay ~cale for t.be Arm7. mac1e deeds _ &ll these and-::,~:-:..~ C"it_ V.pornOS 1.r.lan'V1.,ames realiJlecl t.bat the idea wa.s a the post-w... "Jldier bII Ilea more are the qaautIea ucr1bed--- eI tIat 1"lar1rMchtto o.ptrtmoat .." good one, adcl it beCame a COOl' granted a go. r me •• ure to this pIa,,*, in leaenda, tradJ.-w_..Parlor. "Th. Flr.t O ...t. mon practice tor apprentices of Ilnanc1al lndep,...::!e.nce. ~ bona and even in ancient his-;:;:... b7..:d ~:d ~=;,...~SMta Claus II inSeparably'" and others to take a boX round Increase. wh1cb lIoffecta PQ tories' r.nd literature.......t-p. lOCiated with tbe sp1rit of 11ft- to thelr bu.sineaa acquaintances, grades as much u DOpet ceDt. KIatletoe Is- a parasite, wh1eb

7,,. p. ....-Aaaul Cbriotma.s.mc. g1V1ntr In America, but iD other Iing1Dc carols the wblle. boosts the monthl1 iDcOJDe cd infelStl bra n c h e a of ftl10U8'~ u..~~~~~~~j •. ~.:J.':.'; la::.ds, various g1tt-bearers are By the time Pepys wrote his the enlisted lI01d!er to the bJIb- treeS of both hardwood andIImdalr. ChaIt TaIko.. 5oc:IaI b..... wll10 lust u eacerly awaited. famous diarY. Cbl1&tmu boxes eat In our hlatol'1. • _ oonlfera, but mamty on hard.-'--~~;E='ER 17 Cammemoratlnl' the an1Tal were well fl5tablJsbed,&Dd he The f1rIt pay ~ woods. One species II found u-

,,01 ..... -~ua1 o.notma. s.mc. of the Ma&1 on EplpbanJ. the mentioDa them aevera1 tunes iD eame In 11'71 when the CGat!D- clu.slveI:r. h<lwever, on eonIfera..... T_ of tho W_.' A.oocl&tloto- Wl.se Men leave preaenfs for l1la wr1tlnp. Swift also hu a tal coacr-. taeec1 With tbe Am0Dl the Celts and othera~ ':::='I',. ::.dM.~=:r'a:i: IOOd bbys and ..trill as they pall word to say about them In hili ~em of nJa1DI III AnD:1 to mlBtletoe which grew from the01 Datnrlt ...... u.. cbroctioll 01 A t throUlh 8pa1n 1UIc1 other catho- "Journal to Stella," 'Il'1'1tt.en 1n defend the newlJ dec1and Am- oak was conaldered to have pe................. (T,c1c.to -- aiI. 11c countrte;sc11111ng thelr amlual 1710i "B7 the Lord Barry, I --'A"'-"'- ffered to cullar mag!eal virtues not pot..w. Ia u.. Cb.rch 0111 1 joum- to Bethlehem. abaU be undone here with """,an -..--ence. 0 ._ ..... _ that tr..... ... ..

• 01 .. _~" all who would ~11U1teer to ... -.. .." VI.Ll any '-..erIta1Jul BlW.na and JlwsW1 CbaiatmaI .......... for the darat10n of the war $II) trees. 80me even conaldered it

TH&~ atta~ Babouata are vartoual,. repartecl One pabJc: aerv&Z1t. the "bell. a month aD4 • I1'&Dt C1C' 1tO ao rare aa to be only eut w1th,.... A_ Eo a'............. to ha,e hee1tated to foUow the man." who enjOyed the pr1v11- Bent of 1anlL a rote! knU'e ...... ...,. Do ~. D...... W1Ie KeD, m.I8clireeted ~. of lQ1icitlJII Cbrlatmu bOZM, , Another old tradltian 11 that.. ~ v~ wttIl aDd retaaed lIhelter to the 11Gb' was In 80me l'eIPeCta the fore- The Arm1 pay ICIo1e nuct1Ja&. the m.l8t1etoe suppUed the wood

_ .. .." tM ",101'. s.m- u..-. 1'amil1: In their respectIve COUD- runner of the poetman, often eel often dtu1:a.l the period for the holy crou, as prev10Wl.......... a Motlotr'. D.... PR",- tr1ea, these two ~ WIDder. belnl comm~ecl to deUver the Rnolut1oD, lUl4 It w-.zr to that time It "FU a. foreat tree

II ... a .4 ScAooL c:ww.- era ~ ton bena.th the pIDow 1etten. anW 1'l'11 tJaat oaa,r. but Ifter the cr11clfix1on "Il'lUIt.=::-Z~"Jn~:.~e:-ef--C="~~::=:~ =::s:i~N-or cmI-n=-~exist 0Il1y .. a............... -- .. "...., baft .... ""P'''''"- .... 1M ~ ell bM:+ vb T:a~ ." . I...... . ~~ ~ ""'",-- ~ ... taken ov. lDto

.... - kIila t1l 1NN mat I'ilCiJrIC .~ .. 'WW ... l:!IU2itJaD ~ JD d1»C* ...........'-- -- ... 'I. OJ tbe IDIIIm DItkla 1RlII apected ca BoDJc AmerIca" pclIIIIiDa 'II .. COIll'8e ami dedicated to the4:JO II" _n. o-.u ~ 1_ who brmp ~ to Da;r. time power wu tbnatmec1 ~ Ch.lld. An old rhyme

., e I )' 0rd00.tR. ~ tJ. cII.-. IUOd ch1ldnD; Po!IIh aDd Bun- -___ tbe ~ ooa,r. waa. _.... .. J. ., La,... """ u.. prim ,.ouqpst-era .-rcIl the, , _ f Sa! With the 'PR!bIem of railing........... of tIM -...u-I Ch do boule for .Itrazlda 01 &DIe! hair y wIlDteel' ~ other ArID1.. AI a rllltllt thf: ~ ~=-~~:- cemclUlllve evidence tb&t. the Speaks His Heart pay of a Private ftlI bOoBledo-.ono. rn. " III tho _. Hoq ADlelI are near to beItow to" a D1ODtb, plUi certaln spe.-r"p.of.. ~Y~ell b.ip _ .. I1ftI upon the W'OI'th1. -- eJ11e4 ~ •

WEDNESDAY In !"rance. the Yule lAW .. IJ. "'J: lI:Dow what It II to be • en. In tbe sreat era of upanalon.. ~.:- ;';;t.~ ~a~ c:.~t~~'.!?edbum mom.entarD7. a. ~~tecl kid em Chr1.Itmu f01lo'll'inc the war, wblle Ameri.- Pvty ID tho c:il.. rc:h parlor. _..-.0 &Del eoterecl with & mO.....Llg- ca pUabed her frOntiers we~t.

• Po .. -1U W~ $orri..- clOth. After the Lor haa failed "I alway. wanted a. boat, but ward, the pay 8C&le of the Army::u..e ~....lnl~rio'M:~!I~n,.);: to )'1eld 11ft.\, the ch11dren are my folks were poor and I never nuctuated a(ItWL. ancI the peak..... Bid. lent to uk pe.xdan for thetr om- lOt OI1e -' that's why I became came In 18111when the pay of

nMuOAY mi&IlOaa in private. Me&I1while, Bant.a Claus, I IUeM. • private was raIaed from SU~--.. Crou .... -. Brtq parerata place the present8 be-- ""~..-:; fer ~e Vel=.tt:= : ==t!: to $!!. The endLot:S'or

7.10 ... ....-R ••_bOD f.or lb. nea~the cloth to be d1acovered Of America. rve played Santa to the Cl't1l War laW a private In,..,,110 of t'" chuTcia aDd CO....... ""L,.. by Wll: return1rJc c.b11dren. thousands of younptera durinlt the 'Onion Army earning $18 a

the 1ut 18 YeaJ1 I read a lot month.of mlnda, too, duriD&' the depres- When war with Spain loomedldOn when people p10dcled put 111 1898, COngress granted anIIl7 ca.rdboard ehlmney; fOlks are mcrea.se of 20 per cent In thehappy D01U' and the earo1l!l, that pay of Army enl1sted mengave them a lar-a.way look wbl1e At the beginning or Worldwar almOlit blacked 0\lIt the War I, an Army private wasChriatmaa SpUtt, make them paid $15 monthly, but CongresslDlile aZId cIrop coma in the later bOasted that amount tnchimney. $30, Pay In other grades wa.s

"n's tun to have a part in the alao ra.I.Ied at this time.happy ChrI.stma.sea ot to many In the years preeedmg Worldyoun eaterI. MOISt Of thoae that War n. a private in the Regu-I lee come dOwntown w1~ their lar Arm,. was earnmg $21mothera, and I tl'J to let a noel monthly.of approval before I make Illy 1---"':-deflnlte prom~ - Idnda mate 8 HOURsure the Idds woo't be 4isa.p-pointed. Service on Lenses

"Just the same, I CIUI't helpthmlr:1ng about the kkla I never Made in Our Laborato'Ysee who want dolls 'nd dishes,drums and slem.. p!Cture books Dr. A. M. M8jestersta tea. trains . . . and boats.

Iwhat a lot 01 helpers Santa Optomet7i.st and Optlclanneeds to lee that all these At Our Now L.oeollonthlngs get to the right places at 3181 LAKEWOODthe rig'ht time!

"Wlsh we could be sure therewlll be no broken hearts th1sChristmas " II

NI. 1200

clu, to you. and mlYtheir comp.nionshipc:ontinu. throu9h they'''' to COIM.Hippy ChriItmes to ...ncI • Prospetous N.w


LEnox 9516

At this ,l ..d &euon,when pellee, 900cl ,.;JeM good fellowship .,.so much m~, weexteftd 5.110"', &, ..ings. M.y you _joy ....IIloci ..tion. of tho ..



8,_.... FARMSAlthou~h there are six million

farDlll In the l1 S., abvut 2\12m1llion of them furn1sb a!moatall of the commercial farm pro-duction for the entl1'e country.

Gro~ Pointe's Own Transportation System

The McEachin Display Co.mal Kerch.... 1 A,e. Detroit 15. ~Ich.

'hOfte LEnox 6213

It has Men I plasure, ind.ed, to have been of service to you in the year just end-in2. • • • M~y w. continue to merit your valued Good Will!

Main Of Iice and Garage, 11840 Edlie Avenue, Detroit


.•'-;':'~.i"~~."•..~ r ~-*i.1. __ ~ __ ..-:L_.__ .. 1: ~IWH'Z 4P.: .. 4JiQZ" .. ~~~~.. .. .: .. .. .:.-r,..: .: .. ...-::... .: .::f f .n. .._ _ -.-..... ..,f JI III IIII II, I i If I IJf , If 7

~ ,....---- ..... '..~f Jf I Jf J~ I JII 'I Ji J, I J

I I Ii IIf I IIf ''''J ••..",.• .-.. • '••h. ", NII •••• II.' •• '......... J_w..:.:...,..... .~........ .:;.,.:O".: :;.,.. : : ~.:ioa'tYrt-.. -.:iIa.:ioa-':':-":ioa.~.:" ... ' ..... .. .... :ioa..~.:=-*""l'JIIII'._~ ",....."-~~~~~~~~~ .~ ~~~~~~.. .. ~~~~

Dentists StudyingImmediate Dentures

Sheng Dan Jieh-A U ...I.. 1::'...-: •• _1

~ & Ava, ~ _UYOUThe celebratJon or Chr1stma.s

1.s ~-'lIld.utJly becoming Wide-spread In ChIna as more andmore famU1es are converted toChr1IIti&nlty.

Dhellll D&n lIen - IlLer-ill,..Holy Birth Festival - is theChinese n II. m e for Chr1.stmas.Pt1V't.te hornell are decoratedwith lure white ))OIlers in ..cr1bed with Cblneee c.hartictersmeanl.ng Puee, Good Wlll. eL.cThe Christmas tree is also pop.ular: 8YI1\bollc&1I1 calle<! theTree of LIght. It IS usually madeof paplP1' mac-he and tnmmed~lth !la])('1' flQurrs and ornllm~llts. It is not artlftclall~'Ilg~tE'd.

Glft,c: atl' ('xc-ha.n!!rd "lthlnI famll\' c-Irel",; and th!'rl' are!

I,,~urpn ..~_,;" for !.1E' ('hlldren r.o\ml'tlran lead pl'nc-II. pic-I UTI'

,b<W'lk-, 3nd 1'1'1'11 ,,,.,,1nff C:,~l.~'Imas cards are l'xceedlJl{:1) POPIIr lar

Early ma.c;s on ChrlstmMmornl,nlP; 15 the focal poLnt ofthe rellglollC: oo.';('rvanc!'s Lan.!('Tn lit pr()('('SAlons cnter clarkchurchl'-c; bE'forr dRwn and. aft.f'rma.'\Il. \\t'nd thrlr v. av hf)mrc:nl'lnl! C~lnr,(' lral.,!1'lOn,adapl!'d to tllC on" n11 meloe! ('~of HRrk 1hI' HNa:c1 Am!,,:'Sl'1lZ" 8,1(''11 NI<'"hl ' and of hl'T

It nel IO,l'!] (h hI '11.l.~ ~~r,.

The twelve.hundred and flftydentLSts belongmg to the DeWlt Distrlct Dental SOcietyare meeting at the RackhamBUilding today to study the lat.est developments m dentlStry'l)newest chapter

The entire scIentIfiC meetingis to be devoted to cllnics andi~tures on munedlate dentul"eS- a techmque by wh1ch a pa-tient IB fitted With a carefullypre-oonstrueted plate 1mmedl'atell after hia remal.nl.ng nat-ural teeth are e'lrtnIcted. ~tIIaeb JIbpio;meat 1ft tIdI lien.tal procedure has been madethat it Is rapidly becoming themethod of choice oftmost Dro-greSSlve dentists. -

It IS now possible for the so.cially actlve patient to undergotransit\On from natural to ar.tlflcial teeth without losingstep wIth social or bUSiness ac.tiVities. Results have been d.tremely gra.tIfying in the count-less cases that have alreadybeen constructed.

'T'h;,: m ....tin .. h".. Ac: It... funt'-tlon:-th~.-ed;c;.tion. of- the nen-Ital SOCiety mt>mhPrs all to theadvantages of and latest un.

• I provements Ul the scientIflcco.nstruetlon of immediate den-tures. Seven eminent clmiC1a.nsare takmg part In the pr0-gram They are b,eaded by Dr.Charles Jamieson and includeDr. HOnoll Kimball. Dr Louis

IFenech Dr. B. F. Goodman, Dr IH. J. Herpel, Dr. Paul Kowal.rh'lk, and D! J J J!!ll!/)t'2k!.

Dr. Louis Braun, Presklent ofthe Detroit Dlstrtct Dental s0-ciety, 1.s presiding at the meet-ing.

This 1s the third of & .senesof seven !lCientUk meetmgssponsored by the Detroit Dts.tr1et Dental 8Oe1ety Lnd offer.ed to ita membeIa in a lIpu1tor determin1n( protea1onaJ. self.bettennent.

NI. 5440




••• finds us mindful of thegood th!ftgl that have comeour wr, during the pHI year.n. 1M fri.. chllips ••• the

• Ii Il'Ite 898 .........~..v. b.e .. iutrument.1 in.nabling us to h.ve • mostu«essful ye., ..• so pie ...

accept our tn."" for every.thing.


& / I,:?

"00i~~ /*~ / ~ /z /


Mack Avenue at LochmoorGrosse Pointe Woods


• Mack Ave. at Lochmoor Blvd.Crosse Pointe Woods, Mich.



~~~~l~~~~_ .... __ ........ --



15126 E. Winen Ave.

"Be A Goo<:Ifellow. THE CROSSE PO . TE REVI EVI-----------~-----_._-------~-_-.:--------m ~_.~ ~~ I Legends Tell the Story e\;I;t1~=~f~e:a,&n~e r~' -- rei ~I m. S.ll ~~~~~e:y~rm~j~~u:~~::I -:)1" of Christmas Tree, Crib I:.' vette-We synthetic rubber

J)~J tlC:.

ChrLstmas trees ~nd cribs, 0,------------WIthin re$pectlve spheres of m. Allied Youth Group

Arnold L. Diesing flue.nce, provide tocal j)Olllts tor Plans Year-EnJ AJIobservances of the SE'ason.

C I Various legends claim to tell The Allled Youth re\U1SOl'lQmp tie l"suraJict Service the story of the first Christmas ball, t.o be given at tht. MuOD1C

NI. 1Sor CA. 8240 tree; actTlally, evergreen decora. Temple this New Y~'. E'ten tlons were so closely 8.!'SOClated from 10 till 2, marks tm 1It.h

--------------- with pagan celebratIons that annuai party to be atapO b,.they were banned by many ec. Allled Youth, an Ol'IaWaatloDclesiastl.cs of the eariy church whose pUl"pole L8 to proflde

According to literature, the whoietlOme recreation.. and •first ChrIBtmas tree was set up character buUd1ng pfOll'&D1 fOrat Strasbourg, GermanY,in 1604, the young people of Det.ro1t aDdeven then. the cry r05e against vLcmLty.heathen customs ar.d. as Illite as The group has taken a at&Dd1851, the Rev. Henry SChwan for total abstinence. aDel it. au-was severely critiCized for set- nual affaIrs at the MaIoD1Ct1ng up a Christmas tree in hlB Temple, staged In the threechurCh in Cleveland OhIo. large balJroomll. repreaent tile

St. FrancL8 of AsSusI received largest "dry" pa.rty in Amer1C8-speeial permi&Slon frOOl the pope The finest in mua1e I.a alwa18to present a tableau of the na.. provLded for the 5.000 or lDOftt1vity seene. T'llls first crtb, set young people who attend theup at Greeclo. Italy, in 1223, semL-formal affair. Tb1a rear,Wll-' an immed1ate sensation; three top banda from orchestn.the renal.slia.nce endowed the House will se~ youthful feetrl t t d dancing.c bs with orna e pB«ean ry an. Tlckets may be oiltalned bt

modernly. the crtb IB to south. calling or writina the Alliedern Europe and cathollc COWl' Youth offiee, DowntMrn YWCAtries what the tree Is to Amer. Bldg., Montcalm at Witherell,iea and northern lands. CHerry 6194.

~ghteenth ~pntury Italians.were fond of a flU1wtie decora.tiOn called the Ceppo. Pyramid1.

IeaJ. in construction, the CeppLwere made on a. framework ofJ&.tnes WIth tra.nsveISfl shelvesrlBlnr to three or four ~rles,depend1!'..g on the over-all sizeof the Ceppo.

The whole thIng 'II'l8S coveredwith colored paper, tufts, \as..sels, fringes, tmY pUle cones,and little flacs; a manger Beene,.,.lUI T'PnT'PM"ntflll nn the lowestshelf. while the upper ones werecovered with small gUts, etc.;wax tapers were placed alongthe sides and a large gilt caneornamented the top Althoughthe original deSigner probablynever saw a Chnstmas tree, theCeppo - aided by a little imag-ina.tlon - bridges the gap be-tween Chr~t.ma.s cnb.s and trees-----------------------


$10.00 P6r P6~T u: induded.,

Pompeian Roo",BUnlt Driyt at tM Ri,er'

Your second cup of Coffeefree with dinners.

Servin ••••B.... lcfast • • • Lunches



20780 Miele leL

Under New Management

Open 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.rn.Closed Sundays


Tippy's Lunch

I .. Year's E,e Pady\


Dave Diamond and His Orchestra


Detroit's Smartest Soiree

••• whe,. tile pencI.lum of fun and ffttertlinmentwill swinc ~ crater heichts of joy and &auchter.




Make resetfttiofts early.Gilest aceommoclatioona limited.

.............F~r our

- - - -- - ---- -- - - - -

-- - - -- - --




!O,rO.,At 'AG' DA'tY IN

for HOllie Deli.ery, Call IA ... lpII 2000

Author of "The Newsreel column"in The Detroit News, H. V. Wadesees his pointed paragraphs and

phrases on happell.illgs ur the day reprinted in other publicationsmore than those of any other paragrapher in America! Make apractice of reading his column.



Hunting The WrenIn Old Ireland

A_ ...... _"" ... "" +,",a i" T~..l.M~~ ....wu htUrtecs. and 1I:1l1edon Chl'istmll6 mom1ng: a bn.Dchof holly and brigbt ribbons wereattaeb.ed to l11s body wt\,lCh wascarried trom hoUse t<l house by

I wren DOYS who saIla ~ and

I expected to receive a dole fromeach houseoold.

I '!be story goes that during theDanlab.Ir1sh war. the Daneswere resting after a.n arUUOWlmarch and the Irish were creel>ing up Q.u1etly_ All of a sucldena wren, spy!nC a few crumbswhich the drowsy Danish drum-mer had dropped on the drum-head" sw()()l)ed dQIIVI and bega.nto peck at the crumbs. Tnepecking awakened thfO boy. who

I aroUlit'd the camp. ;,he Ir.sh IIdriven off and dele.led, blamed IIthe -..Ten

Modern Ir'sh A"hamfOd of IhfO I

[once-honored tradition, say theguilty bird may have been a

Istarling or a sparrow anyway,and now welcome the wren totheir farms and homP.s.


The Yule log. which used roI be part of every home 011Christmas. was nearly alwaysI an a.~h log becau~c t.he legen:i

I llVen; that It was before an ashI fIre that. the Holv Babt' ~ a..'l fIrst:

11\ I.'lhed and dres'led by hIS Imother •

Crosse PlOnte Woods

Olas. Nightingale Bar

20797 MACK AVENUE, at Hawthorne

megal PossessionOf Otristmas TreesIna-eases Greatly

The onee private driveway at.the loot of the S1erra mountams15 now a busy public thorough-fare and Captaln Woodbury'.seedlinp, Uum1nated each yearat Chr1sttna.ll, attract thousandaof visitLIrs annually.

T H t CPo0 SSE p 0 r t\ T ~ IH V , EVI "ee A Coodfello~

II RADIO NEWS AND VIEWS I'~i~/e Play ~"~.~~c~",,,,1y ~I "r 'T' increasing problem of Juvenile rolled atUdenti in b1gh ICbooI&

, .,. JIM IlEDY lo cooperate with tbe eduea- In ~ exas ~ own deUnquency the Kn1ght8 of 0 r parochial 0 r prepator)'I DesDlte the riaoroua ID1Dortty I tlonal authorities in present1Dc Pythlaa are a.ppeallDc to t.b.ose scboola of hlfb llChool ~slUplrll at radio'. ~_ U1tt'run 1nStruct.lOn D1 nwo. _ cl06est to tile p1'<lC)lem, the W1tho\llt reg a.. d to 84~, ~

The State Department of 1sm, 82 percent of tbe Amedcan /oJ a result, the Detrot schoola 'Ills PASTOREB," the hYbrid yout.h themselves. The Sup- flrst prtze wlnnera in previousAgriculture with the coopera. people believe rad.Io II dotnr a hile a school b~caatlq cur- Sp&Q1ah. IndIan mlraele play reme Lodge of the World a.nd flnaJa.tlon of the State Police, has so good job accord1Dl to the latest rlCulum on t11e readY to be 1ntro<tuced to MeXico centuries the Grand Lodie of Michigan To the winner of first placefar found a great increase in survey report of the NaUonal pl.lced in Immediate operation ago by Spanlsh monks and Jom in announcing The SUp. In the final contest the Sop-vlolatlons of the Chnstmas tree Opm1on Research center Of To list the publie service of all presented in San Antonio dur- reme Lodge, Knights of Py. reme Lodge 1& otferlng a achol.law over previous years, states Denver. ,st.allOns 9Jould make a 10111and 1nr the Christmas Beason, is en. thlas, Public 8peaklng Contest, arship of $'150 at any colleCeDirector Charle.s F1gy. To date ThroUlhout th1I continuoua I probablY ~resome aeries of aeteel prlmarIly for ita &p£ritu- 1947. or unlvers1ty to be selected byinspecwrs have gotten 58 con. deoatilli of rado pro and COOl, artlcles. We U Just toucb a few. al1ty. TIle conteat Is open to all the winner. second prize W'1llvlctlon.s most of these myolv. oue thing 16 apparent-the m- I WXYZ was rece~tl1 voted a A croup of amateur actors go boys and ......Is in the Un1'Ad be a $500 .scholarship, tblrding persons havmg from one to dustry 15 not k1ddiq U.lt. U1>tl11gwshed servIce I?laque by from house to house by 1nvit&. I!o~ "" })r1Je will be a $300 8llbolarlbipfIve trees Major radio executives realize I the veterans ot ForellJ1 Wars tioD and because It, is traeu- Statea and Canada who were a11d fourth prize wlll be a '*

In DlcklnSon OJunty In the broadcastlng'. shortromtnp aDd for presenting a ser1ea of. t1tteeD tional that no one prompted. born on or after September 1, s0b01arsh1p.Upper Penmsula one VIolator nave welcomed fair &Del In- nllllute programs expla1.tling the by 1dle curlOo8lty shoUld witnesawas found taking trees from formed criticism. At $be aame "anous phases of the O. I BU1 the performance, only the 1nI-property without the permissIon tune, they have sharPl:r OOUDter.I of Rights. in lauded I t.ll tiat.ed ~ find the scene ofof the owner The trees num punched the map JudcmeDa. of WJR 1S be r 01' I presentation.bering ~ m: all were cOOslgn- unlntormed hecklet& Iveteran program &1red 011 Sun- OaUal1y lIOmeone'a back yarded for sale out' of the State. WIth a View ot enll8bteD1q :lays, 'Now, Hear Tb1s America." becomes the stage; the door- Inus vlolator paid a. fine of the publlc at large, t.be Colum- WWJ has recel'f~ numeroua steps lerve u background for$1M 00 bla Broadcast1nr System, (WlBl I CItatIOns for Its Ken Apinat the Naelm1ento. Manger scene:

C . is. aoyer Chief ot the reeentJy st.arte<l a Ben. cst pro.. crtme" series and other Ipec1al var1ou4 objects are set on theBureau' of Plant Industry grams called ''Time for Beuou programs prodl1Ced 1n coope.ra- stairs; p1ecea of crockery, tinsel,whose stat! of inspecwrs IS ~ -1 ~O' tot. 1~5 lOOt. ever.!~~ ~:,o~:t::~=~e Department ~~.?nsth' ePahotron ...salnldts -signed to the Christ:.mas tree in- .0> •• s a ..unu,....... ..........- useuo con-spectlOn work reports that series for all us home crltlc1 to I CKLW always baa a generous s1ders especially beautiful. In

• hear because it np!a1ns radJo's I allotment of time to aupport the center of the lowest step;ery d few violators have 1 b:n basic operations and inherent I vet era n and civic project&. the Christ Child (a life-sizedoun among commercIa ee problems. WJBK h'8! the Redford hOlllrand doll placed on a platter wIth

handlers and as u.'Jualt many In tl),e wonSa ot Wi1l1am 8 I other worthwhlle publ1c teatul'ea divers gaudy candy) 15 sur-persons apprehended appear ~ Paley, CBS Chairman Of ~ Iand WJLB has ... en! tiDe vet-. rounded by plaster .lbepherds,be unfamiliar WIth the Christ Board., ~We want inteWgent eran programs. donkeys, etc.m~ t~~w. trees' t thinking a.bGut rad10 frum ii.lll .W stations are deYot1ng t1me A tent opposite the Na.clm1-sit without ~ts must mbe ra~- the IUnds of listeners there are and energy to the Commun1~ ento gives evidence of repre~ I

- in the American public, because Che.st drive and ca.n be counted &entinc hell; a bonfire has been~;np~ed Jr a blll of sale de. we try to serve you all as far on to support any project bene- built within and 11ve devils:S"I!on8 Lng e property where as possible. I f1tmg the community ••• at no emerge therefrom. Ithe ~ees O1'lgmated and bear- But we want you to know I cost. The play ba3 no definlte t1mel.Dg Wle SIgnature of the proper- what you're t.a.lk1ng about; we These same stations have for JM!g1nning, but finally, a girlty owner. Bill of sale forms want you to know more about SInging or aUlt;erative oommer- starts to walk back and forth II~ a.vallable in many locatlWJ:S th1s business of br08deaatlng. I claLs-but efen 50, 1 bet nry recit1q. Overdresaed shepherdsm the deer hunting area, ~rta. YOU ClU} then make JQW' OWl! few wives an! putting their drone a seemin&'ly enclleas song.cularly at C~ty Agent.'l of- judgements on the facl8 ..•• e bananas m the refrieerator Ermltano, the comic rellef, car-flCes, Sh~rtfts offICes and all believe that the ultim.at.e de-I these days. ry1ng a rosary of spools, alsosta.te Police po6ts. ciaion about radio will be I1Yen ---- represent.ll the soul ot its earthly

Upon bemg questioned many through the infonnlld op1nlon I JOIU'Iley aDCl 18 otten aceom-violators relate they pulled the of the neonle the~!v!$." ILa ...b nn.,.,e,r panled by the whIte win2edtrees out of fU1'l'OWoSWhere they WIO CALSSIIOOII8 I ". i-,,,,~ ArchaDge1 GabrieL -had been planted by state. Fed- We have previoualy d1IcUB8ed I • It 1& a never~ per.eral or .private agencies for re- me of the d1atasteful c.l- IMa'V Sta'V Hluh formance: seven devilll, sIx InforestatIon PUl'pODeS. A great merclal aspects of radio, let's I "/ "/ (') , sequined black with ammalamount of damage ~ the reo loot on the credit side of the ma.su and the fork - talledforestatiOn program CaD be ledger here in our' own COID- --. Luc1fer In brl1llant red, are Idone by Individuals promiscu- mun1ty. Detrolt baa ita IIhaR More favorable lamb pnces, f1na.lly vanqu1Bhed; llkewise, aously removing trees wbere'ver of commerclala, but it baa its Ibut probable declines In present w11d Indian is overcome andthey fmd them planted. .share of r ams devoted to h1gh prices received lor hogs t1Baes the Christ Child' the

Tree:! With roots COOle W1der 'schools, e!~ veteraDB, IUld and cattle 1J;1 1947 &nl pred1ct- shephenla a.nd all in attendancethe state nursery law and 1I'hen to ClVlC projecu:. The pUblIc ed by Michigan State college kiss the C"..ild., .solemnly and asbein& transported must be 1Ie- service features are not as en- animaI.. husbandry and farm slowly u possible.companied bY a tree 1nspeetlon of econoauea spec1&l1StS. r -----certifICate Tn."""'twa " ... be terta1ning a topic. COI1Vetsa. The Uvestoek ouUoolt anaJ:1-

........... m...... tion as the eorJ11 commereIaLs .sis mad b G Brown Karkan . F~en:n o~~t:e ~ and, thUl, too o~ are not di&- andw~ A. ~A. Of the B . tzans earfore the trees are removed from c~ ...~ ~ pu~ D1Iht anim&l hUBbandly department urmng Leatherthe premises on which they are ~~.... e DetroU .... nn a.Dd. D. B. stark and K. B. era- -growing w .......-out. among -.." VeIIo6 of the agricultural ~ Chr1stmas fires burn brightly

Few Peopla rea1lze tbe size newspapers, Detroit 8tUIoDS mks dep&rt;m.ent. in Greek bowJeholds through-01 the Chr1Stmaa tree IndU&try mond or :=eed C~ Meat BUPPUes in 1M? appear out the hollday season andwhich DCI'R involVes several mil: Ppeo~wouJd receive electIaD adequate, although about t'W ~ save their oldliaD.II Of dollars ead1 8eUOO -- pm:ent less than the 144 pounds ....088 for the purpose of burn-From 1,350,000 to 1,500,000 nm.e:r:n~e apparent; _t pel' penon In 19K The sup- ~ them. at Chr1stmu tlmeChrI.stmaa trees and frQn 1500 . ould .-;t PlJ. however, 18 15 percent the' odor ot bumlngto lIOOOtom of ~ bougba tb~~pa:;!Zw ~ *"e the 1-.. avenl4le. The leather 18 aa1d to be offensive~ - annllol.1l)'. :Pl1f.t hour PUCita bl ..... to:' cP ~I==-~ an: ~~ to the Xarkantlari.

•• ~ called Bad» I'tee !'nIIli ~ • - .....- 'Ole ~ are mysf;erl-Califorma Bas Mile .... ...... bIIif .. c.- 01.1 •• _wI*b 1N.Dder

ol~--~-~I_' "'"PR.~ VA I "'PII,_\.nrJSDD8S rrees ibe7 ,.. to .,...., ~ ..becaUse of carAJmelil of "- ...we .... eoaIlI I»- ..,."--'_ (_ I. ~- ..- afteCt,ed bJ' • ~

The tFeea comprising the mile ....ca_ .......u... - ~ UqutdatJoD due to aa Dreaded because their grem-long Avenue of Chr1stma! Trees OI''COIltrolled bJ' &D7 uewapa .) eccmomic or drought ~ Un-!1ke trlcb make life gene-In Altadena, Calif.. are des- ~ =~~ a: 'l'be 1azp number of eatt.le on rally ~e tor eYe.rybody,cendaDtlI Of the Deodar cedara n farma 28 PQIlIItlie becaUIe or the KarQDtzari are parUcuJarl)'of India which crow UP<m the d08ecl down~ ~ SO= contibmed IOOd crop aad pII5- fODd of attaeltins and beatingslopes of the B1malayas, =.-::DetroIt c ture CO'IdWoN A cirought pe1'BOns Who are a bU drowsy

While traveUng In India. 1 'Il"._ LarcUe, ~to of Radlo eoald reault In be&"VY ma.rketJ.ne after an unUSUally hearty meal.1882 C n --v r aDd depttll~ 11 prices. Feeder

, apt. Frederick J. Wood- for our .-:0001 board had re- cattle &t present are hJah and Of eoune, the orthodox GreekIbury gathered the seeds which ee1ved a commitment from every farmers are CAutioned that low- priest etteetively banishes thehe planted later on his 1'&IJI in Detroit lltatloll Jdcni!1iDg their er prices are probable by the K&rtantzart when he comesCaliforn1a. W1ll1n&ness to broadcast. c~t fall of 1947 becaWIe of an in. aro1U1d with his copper vessel

When the seedlinp were events, lustory, geography, aDd creaseda laUghter of cattle and of hel)' water and Cl'06II ent-boo literature for various grades 80 hop wmed with sprip of basil

:ans t~~:i' ::mca~: tha~ ed~l.'.atlnnran be OO!ltinged ~ Uug priLas ..uu the luBe I The priest dips the Cl'OllS Intothe wire driveway leac11ng to the by radio m event the achools COl'D crop will result in a large the vessel and sprinkles eachranch re.sl.dence. were closed. PI' etop In the apnng Of 1IK7 room with the holy wat.er -

Howe"fer, radio didn't walt toe a1tboUgh fall Uttera thia year after which the Karkantzar1the SChool Boards to inltiat.e the are about 20 percent below are ezpeeted to disappear andrequest or to ~ke the fInt lMI. Tbe heavy spr1nI pig not return untll the followingmove. The National Assoc1atloD crop may result 1n heavy tall Christmas. -of Broadcasters sent ~tters to market1Dg aDd cause a decUne ------------------------station managerll throUghout in the fall market. EcoDom..the country urging stations In 1.st& bownu, ~ lft$eCt hJehareas where schoola are closed levela mal continue until late

1M',. hnners are aG'fllIe(l toplan e&l'ly litters and feed foreaUest poIIlIIble marketlng.

A It percent decUne from~ DUlIIiIela of lambs M1d~ may result in more fay.orable prices In 1947 for 1amb8than other meat anunals. theIISC specialists report.



P E ToE•

~1-Il"-, ..)0 .. ::" .......~.. ~::..

Arrival of the ~ ......Season re....indl .. tif ourobligation. to H.-:'Jfi ...people of thil co ~,... ~ ity.


W. appreciate tIj ~.I-lent treahnent .e .... re-ceived and take tWQIin ...w'of .. ndi.., our t-.ififtllta .. ch of - •. ': -rz, ~..;.

,-- ,) .... <# "'*' ~.....,. .. ~ -I .. ::;


HAGEN'S CAFE15021 Kercheval

MU. 9597

This is Q happy occasion

on which to extend

to all our friends our

sincere wishes for

a season of

bright prosperity,

abundant health and

enduring happiness.

~~CN~eta0,. MoNIy, Frida" Satunll, till 9 '.M.

In AooreciationI I

at C~r,stl1llstimel-", '.

"Famous For Fine Foods"Hammond Organ Music Every Night But Monday

15019 E. JeHenon MU. 9612

Page T....enty


., ,

Stop unwrlpping your gifts just lon,.nough f.;r UI to uy "Merry ChririTnn"and "ThIM You." ••• W. hope you get''terythi''9 you hne longed for Ind alot more, too.



Joe Kopit:zki's •LAKEPOINTE INN

15203 E. Warren NI. 9745

DANCE Ind SINe with

DelicioUI S.ndwiches IndFrench fries





21715 Harper Ave. Roseville 9022BetweeD Eight and Nine MiLl Lado - Kitch_ CIooed M.-Ian




l~~~!oc~er-m., Fnaibl .. II Nitta

"TOIY" KOIIIS Cenfectilnary

. .l

..,-" ...,..

Big One DayDouble BillSat. at Shores

Two top notch attractIon.s areplaytng a one day st<and at thenew Shores theatre at Mackand Nine Mile Ro&d.

"Our Hearts Were Grow1ng'Op" co-stars Brian Donlevy WIthDiana Lynn and Gail RussellbaS an impOrtant 6~rtmgpart In the tender and movin&love .story.

Martha. O'Driscoll ~ JohnCanadine, wIth the latter play-I.Dg an entU'ely d1t!erent rolefrom that of a hateful vWam,are teamed in "Down MissoUrlWay." -----------------------

'nle eleventh chapter of Chick G Ien n5 Barcarter Detectlve and a cartoonIcomplete the program.

Christmas p~geantAt Messiah Church





.1I1ke-artoon - - - - w

WIthC1enn Ford, Janet BlairColor euta- Ne....

Continuous Sun. from 12'45



TUxedo 2-2824

Fri.. xL Dee. 13--14"SARATOGA TRUNK"

W1tbearl' Cooper. mcrae! Beraman


Color Cart_aand

"Tia:r Tenon of TiatberlaDd"5 Cart_a Sat. Matinee

continuous sat. from 1 45

Sua., M-. Dee. lS-16"COURAGE OF LASSIE"

WlthEli%. T.ylor. "La.. ie"

Plul.. _ Ill.... .......... ..,....~ ... ""'~................... ...,-."',. .....

i '* The Carlisles "*An impressive and !JlspiringClmstmas P age ant entitled,"Glory to G<ld" w111 be preJ>ent-ed by the young pecc)le of Mes-siah Church on Sunday. Dee.15, beginn1ng at 8:00 pm.

A chorus of mixed voices, :m'lder the direction of Miss Vera

ILGEber, wjth iYu. 'Iilt:'Uuor~ Ai-Ojbrecht at the organ, w111pro-vlde the mWil(~al background.

A speakmg choll', led by Rev.M L. Martin, W1ll relate the

--------~---------_---I Chr.LStmllo';Story. TheManger

Berlin's 'White Christmas' =em=e~S::~~~c:;:ing Of the shepherds and the

Modern Day Carol ~~.st-e~. 00 worsrup theMany of our beloved C11l'lstmasCarols, inclUding "SHeet Night,""J(yJ 00 the World" and "An-,eis We Have Heard on High,"will. be sung by the chorus.

Following the pageant, an .!.n-forma.! ga.thering m the churchbasementl will be held, with thesinging or Chnstmas Carols bythe assembly, and the servingof refresbmen tIl.

Messlah Church is located atthe southeast comer of Kerche-val aDd Lakewood Avenues, RevA. H. A. ~r, Paator.

A cordial invlta.tlOn is utend-ed to the people of the cbm-mUDity 1x3 attena.

...~. ,i lo.....o.....o.......:.-',.. "'".-- "'.J '4Jl1.......... _bo8pItaI In Lyons, tbq!d forgs the atom boiitb."

the f1rst lDfant re-! -WaIt Disney, defendlng mOt'- Reviewon ChNtmas Da1 is lea about elves, etc.

'" weicomed WIU1 greaty; the tradition eon-

trutIDB the lot of the infantsaViour aDd that of one of H1&most belpless llttle ones.

Saratoga TrunkPlays Friday AtColony Theatre

One of the top ten films ofthe year, "saratoga Trunk", isschedUled for next Sunday,Monday aDd Tuesday a.t theOOlony Theatre, 18535 MackAvenue.

Ingnd Bergman is the loveIn Gary Cooper's hfe in thehit attraction and both screenstars turn In a masterfUl per.formance.

Because the film saratogaTrunk is extra long the man.agement ha.s booked a featur.ette ,allm( with a newsreel and'cartoon, instead of a seoondfeature length picture .

A treat is in store for thekiddie.-; on Saturday afternoonwhen 'the Colony will presentfive cartoons during the mat-inee only. D:lors open at 1:45on saturdlJY and 12.45 QD. SUnday.

THEATREMack Ave. at Nrne Mile RdFrL. sat. Dee. 1%-131'. )(&cMurray, Anne Baxter

in"SMOKY" (Teehnicolor)

PlusRobert Lowery


cartooniiu., Dee. i~i n.,. Oul,.

Br1a:Il DoDlevy, Diana. LynnGall Russell

in"'ova IlEARTS WERE


!4arthaO'Dr1scoll,John ca.rradUIe


~ carter N'. 11--Ca.-toonsa.. _ ..Tam. Dec. 15-1&-17

I OUr.a De !lavUland.,.., Mllland, S<m1y Tufts


I FJyse ~ Errolin

T-., Wed., Tbllr.. -IUB r.u.ouu t;iiAMi'"'

Dee. 17-J&-19 Newsreel-OartOOl1"JANIE GETS MARRIED" Wet., Than., FrI. Dee. 1101f..1t

Th"ee DaysWlth I OUm. DeHaV1l1

tnand,John Lane!

Joan Le.lie. RODt. HultonPlus '"TO UCB HIS OWN"

"DOUGHGlRLS" I Pinswith I WIllard. Parker. C~)(orrIa

Jane Wyman, An~ Shand.n "'ONE WAf T& LOVE"AInu Smith I Cartoon_~:e~~~.to~e \ I ~~DY C=GPOBEVER ..

1 i Ladles Wed .• Tbars. Nites I A "CD'TENNtAL SUMMER"

1 I -- '-=========~ I.~~(~()~~~

:~ ~f't'r 80trlrnfl 1"1•.,t C~lf Lo~"l1e •• • ~ 1

iI~ 6. P. WOODS BAR-B-QUE =J n F.. - .. d l._ It AnT_ ~

1 ~ PREMIUM DRAF::,Fs:':; MIXED DRINKS ~I; '- j ~ NI. 9638 20515 Mack at Beaufait n!

J '"' InON UIWIU co. OITlon» "UCKI~~He~~~~~~~>.e~>c.

IAbrasha BrodskyTo Play Saturday

Abrasha BrodskY, European

I pia.n.Ist on his first Amenc antour, will be heard in recital

I at Music Hall, Saturday at ~:30p.m .

Mr. Brodsky made his debutIn VIenna before the war, meet-ing wlth great success. He p1ay-ed numerous concerts in Parls,8alZburg and other contmentalcltles.

He served With the UnitedStates Army during the war as I5 aan instructor in phYS1Cal edu-cation and ga.ve many coneertsf()r enlisted men on the WestCoast Irving Berlln's ''Wh1te Christ- - for example - "Hark, The

Following his Detroit appear. mu" has definitely Joined tbe- Herald Angels Sing" <1730>,~ ance Mr Brodsky's Itinerary procqsl.on Of Ch1'1stmaa muatcl "SLlent Night" (1818), and "0

w1ll 'ine1u'de Chicago Toronoo Lest we he6ltate to adm1t .10 IJ.ttle Town of Bethlehem"Cincinnati, Boston ~d othe~ recent a creation 00 the Inner (1868).

. sanctum of cherished traditions,eastern. CIties. let's see Just how old some of There's a. lot of Chr1stmas

He will conclu~e his y<>urin oW' Christmas favoritea zea.lJ1' tied up in the confident expect..carnegle Hall m N"ew York are ancy of cblldhood aDd theCity on April 24.' nostalgic memories of grown-

Denmark launched the annual ups; so,I Sain' N"ch 1 D Chnstmas seal campaign. ap1Dlst, •t I 0 as ay tUberculoa1s in UKK; D1ckeDa' "llay your days be merry and. Uand "Chrlstm.a.s Carol" was wrttleD bnghtObserved m Ho in 1M3; samuel Clemem Moen And may all J'01ll' Christmaae&

__ wrote "Tbe NlIht Before CIlII:IJtr. be WIltte... "-When Cb.ristolDaI roU& around maa" In 1822; W. C. Dall ..

In Bol1aDd, It 1II.quWq ... ft-o .. or ~ ~ ......~ ....'..... . 55 II'.,~"

Day, December e, is tile day of ClU'15tmas car4 ~ ~ r....

gUt-giving aDd JolllfIcatioD.. hIatorIea1ly, tbe lint Obd ..For 'lII~. l1fe-8iled figures tree was let up In 1604.

of st. NicholaB have decorated One can lm&gine the firstshop wmdows and men dressed Christmas carol-the "Gloria Inas Ni~olas have ~tood In front Exce1llls" of tbe ange1L Bow-Of. busmess esta?liBhments ,aDd ever, of our popular Christmasdriven around 1Il horse-drawn carols today "Adeate ndelea" iscarts delivering parcels. . UDdaubt.edly the oldest. Its orl~• At last the great day arrives. gin is uncontroversial' some 118.1

~~:O~~OI~v=e~:mth~ it was a graduaIe of the Cister-are gathered' together from dans, others date its compo-neighboring households Bishop liti~ variously-from 1250 to

. '680. Even accepting 1680, "0NICholas (dressed in full vest- Come All Ye FalthfUl" antedatesments and accompan1ed by hisMoorish servant) attends the ---- _ehlld.ren's party and . impressesthem by his knowledge of theIrshortcomlngs and chldes tbemfatherly before distributing thet r 1n k e t s and glfts he hasbrought for them.

After the youngsters have badtheir fun. the grown-ups sitaround a festive table and opentheir "surprlse.s." Small giltsare baked in loaves at bread,packed In enormous crates,wrapped in bales of paper--each wrapper dlrecting thepresent: the longer the donorand final recipient remain un-known. the greater tile genera.!Jollification •

Indlcat1ve of the spirit of tbesea son, packages eontaLningglfts are often entrusted tostrange passersby who are in-structed to leave- the parec1 onsuch and such a doorstep and:~t::~__< __ _IIL ' I


LEnox 9000

~ nJ ddnct to the sl'/t(Jothrhythms of g u it d ris tChtl'flts Costello tmd hisorchestrA.

W4!' Cater to BanquetsParties and Receptions

Make New Year's Resel'Yations Now!


at the

LIDO• 9 Mile and Jefferson

FiD. Uqucw - B.... - Wi.eed Miud Orbsl.:.

DellClolU Food Served fr01l1 .'i to 11 DaifllAba " to 11 SImdall8

t4941 East ).tfenGII It Iminpo.MUrray 9287

OP£N iOw1.iNG rVtU' DAYt'W 6:30 P.M. .. d Alter 11 P. M. ...

AU Da:r Satanla)'a ... Saada,.

Entertainment Every Nite Except Sunday

5(nown only for the J3estliD eat.rin. to hanqueb, weddt.nll reuptiolll,teetlDlonial dmner. or an,. .0ca.1 oeeamon.

Dine In the Wine In thePO.PElA. ROOI IOLD CUP ROOI

dnJ en101 the rtl4T'YtlousCWSInt of The Whittier.Deliclous food temptinglyserved.

r" '


Famous ~itchen Now Open~ a-,ei.. DiIIMr SInira

-< "~'S_'P:M:" hl1:G8 P.M. DAILY

Frank Gillen'&he Maa of a ThoUUftCI Soap" Now Back to Entertain You!

Treat the Family to One of Our Delicious D;nnersOpen SUNDAYS stlrtinc It NOOIl

Bowl for FunEast Warren Recreation


Beautiful Cocktail LoungeWe Ire now orpnizinl mixed doubles. Also Saturday lIighthoase league It 7:00 P.M. CoatICt Vince Kelly It NIagara0600 or Niagara 9487. $25.00 Pria-MOMf Guaranteed. 'I


Me.', .. Ii L..cIi.' S.it. T.ilored to Or-..Alteration. Reli.wa., CIeuiq aJtd Pr_ia.

14931 E. }EFFERSON, at aty Limits'red M. ScbUIDaO EaL 1925 OvA. Ev.... rdl 7100 l.f SOfO

-se A Coodfel!ow"

....-.-.SHUMW A Y'S----.J



"Be A Coodfellow"








Toilets - LoadingLadies'



Good Corner Location - Plenty Parking SpaceWJ RED FOR 110 and 220

Approximately 2000",f 1= Ir'\r'\ r......., 8' "'- 'V I

Brick Building For. Sale.



Mr 8lad,burnE"'n,nro-- Th. I 2051






LEnox 6300Ar' v j p'C'c:

.... ( "."' ,... ~. .....l"Xlln~ll ... ~~ ..

III -i 'l"'.-$ t .. l..,.;HIl"d

P <; ','r\' LliIIiH I ,rl-..'.' "HI I

~ \ ... & ,,[ H\

Nt=>,., Lc ....~~.-.... 'v '-011 ....

Grosse PointeResale Shopp"



P.perb.ng.nr-Color Seh.m ..Gr.IRlIlIi; -lsSteaDUna


]l<l27 !<",,':no "I cor CO;'€o"l DQ y II a 11 '0 c

18/d; P~lk.)'

ROOMS FOR RE"'iTBEORooM;-W,lh pnval.-b •• ,> 'rd"P'=

1 __r_._._._l.e_Il._T-:U=2=:-9_0:-40_..c.:::::::=...=:=






NI 4255Bel' ,"'if) 'iF-I.(.

TBROl<.oH "' AXT ""5 •

w. h.ve 19-47 S.mpl. Book.r ... dy for your Mleell'"

For AI! Occasions

'M~s!c by M JTCHELL'DO ..,")r::;.n• " L,o,J...,JV

ALTERAT!O~S OD ,,"omens andd:ren 8 clothe. A.lso curtem8

dr.perle. ~laRa.ra ~281HA"\O- KNITS rrom vo~;-';;'~ol

Will c.U fOJ" .nd d~hver For ap.pomlmeot call Ro~eville l2S>.R

-S~ciall%tJlg tl'l-

I 8ltncltn~ Rleher. Darkerland Color Tones, Also •Colora.

I WallpaperSamples



Wrlnaers RebuUt

24-Ho,.n $ervl.:e


TUAedo 2-2275

Gen .... 1 Prunlnr .ntlTlunnU1. Di SiLrub.




Grosse PornteWrndow Cleanrng

CoScreens & Awnings

RemovedSTOrm Windows Put Up

We Specialize In


BTlck Porch RepairS

WALL WASHING& Interior Cleaning

N I. 77771441


ServIce and Repair __ . S~RVl(;t:S I_PAI~ING &I DECOU'ftNG.. 1 PI "4loTFR_Work done Old .nd ,.,.. t., rl"'" .. ..... _ ....or" ru I,...'" I'""W -- ......... _ -. r U

Wa.sher6, irOners seWing Ma I now wo.k AI... repalT .. . l(elOner. 5Z6U e-rvlU.. NI t'4.chlnes. MIXers. Motor. Cellar :..5b6i_ __ _ -- - - - -- U Dol .1 homo ... n rV ..... i.US1.

Pu LA\\P RF.PAIRS ...... 0'\ I.mp •• keep!Ups. Lamps repaired and reo •• l.. ~Dd olhe' obl'cu, el.clrliled

Wired; Kefrlaerators. Toasters. .na m.oa mlo beou,lIol Ubi. I.",p.Door l..ocka, ICtc Olli ,')1. 1I00r I.n p. remoa.l.d •••

reflnishf'd 111\0 !lulu, 8Lyle. ot l~du.tC.l1.1I'lp, find uuctllen LImp .hllJunra {II and r-eco'Jued Pick up and deILVel]l servf'b. Ollnne, L1.m~ and~had. W IOJ I Candl ro & I Ul.

:ecrl Ayling Nt 6248 d.s •. TO~~~n\nl'REFRI<..ERAT10N-Se,v,ce ...U m.k ••

4'TTE.."'l'TIO"-U "'OUT vacUum e.t.n.r I 1:.11It:1nc mot on repaired.. AU workor an, make wa.h ...n. tToubt. you au..rtnteed.. ,..f7 Moro .. R o. cl NI

caU Mr A1Ma1, NI OSIS la. elllciOllt 7Z28""'lea.

rr or,R ~'\'DI'<; "'xp...,~h ,J"'r#fJ ...... Ii"',...... ".. In.r b"..u t..1 f r. tOt 4..r t' I

KELLY II: SON'I ' Electru:al Contractor

L1censedCommercial • ResIdential

Rue Plup • FiXturea • SWitchesFluorescent FIXtures

House WirincLEnox 5727

"ALL WASBINGFOR 8FTTER w.n , h,n.. caU ]1 ..

Ru •• eU~ T.Qwn.end 6 005.WALLS \t'AllHEo by m.ch",o ....0

dripplna w.ter or .ud. VenIce 9 0770or Ar ZS6lfi"LL WA9HIlI1C. p' p., cleanbl ..

w.hll.e work.r., fea.oneble rate., •• t ..ul •• boD .uar ... taed. LE. 1581



,,,:_~c:. ,,:3 ,;-d


ar,T il tv:uslcal, _ 'cJrrenr;:>



Grosse POinte






Uocn Req"!!st



REVIEW.. • , ,. I


1re Crosse POinte ReView

Bet Lakepl>lnlp and M.,ylarul

C'. '" './,JSIC SnapCR 23se

12\21 K..ll .. R........ Wl..rri ••

CHARCE RATE.... • c:on'.'I."c: •.• li. WIll be• cceplecl Ove, th. r.lepbon ..Tlte mInIMum eh ....... Ie i.60" to. I Sword-. four o:aalDfo... eh .dd'b<>n.1 woro. Pa1'merl e." b. made by caah.check 01 mon .. ordar

CAS, RAIE;The mInImum char.. torcl.aib.d acI. w SOc for 15word.. tour eentt lor .eb.c1,lmon.1 wo,d.


DEADLINE5 p. m. Tuesday

w. FttraiaL Complet .. Sou~dMo ...... azul Eqwpment to•• ny

au.e p.rty.


~ONAL8REDEEMER MElliOOIST CHURCH u.nouIlI.... Su..da" old I..bloa.dHymn .,na .ad .,.pel m E.....ryone ID""led

R ... lYll Road .t I ~lIleR... 8eJI J HoU... PUlor


PI '~O Tmlo'lNGf>f..."O h..'N. -=-Elecw~ I"'-C: Have Your Spring

L. E.d"., d. 61I 1 UalV t,. Pl....n... 1311, __ Ip' D N I---DRESS:\UIU~G I rUning one ow.DRE.SS'>'AJo..I"'(,-Ana .llerauOD. M".. I ..fII" 612tlL,PER1- ...t"\i~d-f;U;r"" AlteritiO"ni:'

... 'Is Coal. dr ••• e. FIf .. ' work. I Immed,ale - O"p"nd.bl.n'".r.'IIb.-p OJ. el:OI".l Fuf'tl ,Iteration, SerVlc.e DY Expert.• nd rltl'*I.,. "~(,,,pll~cn m.... mID"hH o~dh..rt '1l (,.o~Lll \IE HtLP 'o~ w,tl, ,""u;;;';;<l.n. i Greater Detr01t

p........." ae"'- rl.R R~uon.ble PI 50401

Landscape Company fiN E

FOR YOl:R ,,"'" balrcut _ Bob (theOld OaJue) LAPGrllllll at the Cl'eNHP.... ta Bar ..... Shop. 1S005 K.adcb.....a1AvltO ..

SKI"foEW: A new J'",ducl ... ol .addevel..".d duru>. lh. w.r. for .U

eku\ ~ For f\lrther mformauoncall HUIh H""ter. S90} M.ryl..,d.PI....... HO'

AIELLO ;.~Mow !1EttwCt:,

TW'inbrook 1-1159

FOB.Ul& I FO& SALE I rOB 8.&LE8E .. UTI!'1JL Ha_I1&D C... l.ar. ""tb) T1It'O CHILQR£N'S Tncycl .. For ~I.-ISERVEL ELECTROLUX, 6 cu It , ..

p,,:II: .... d lutbe .,.... , $4S. c.u TV l.Iu D_ ... Pbo.u TIIbdo I.OZU. relrl"r.tor. IlOOci coAdil,on. NI749UZ.U611. mOrDID,' AV8URN-I;;;.F~d~.r-Cood-"'9tor. TWEED SUIT. wool ",.cldnaw. Ilk.IRISH M.U.-$10.~1I .rlb, '1: wo.k PT.chc.lly new th.nDCNtat, .. 60.. _. $17 .1U 36 ••cilo. \oa.lor.

I FOB SALE bOlO.!; ... ll. bl.ck ..... rd. $4. I>;ll.iola. ii"cioon Sa.1 COIIt.aacall'DI ~"IIII'I" dl ..... , oio :0. Tt.! I H7(M.ryianel. I UOG. DaW ImID" new .1Hv ...... e 11. S1~I Wb,ttle ••

I~..~.".".f~-deQpoE.~,ol.'W!:-'~I'I~h:o'l~d'=:'::I'.l;;'C!!b:':tl.AI A...."'. .. --.-.-- 14 N'•• " ... "., r -nafIt"IlJTAr-g";,:;--\f.;:;,,;;.- ..nd~. - "_ -,~i~~I;k~"'~ii;; ••' .=IUI.2~~';,Q.el'.~L~~~1 CANARiES ror - SaJe-AII- colon. full .. S.--;'~~~;kl ..\110 ~:ed Bendls w •• h~r"" Tu•• do 2.4306 quality, flQm Rollin. TU I ZOII oon.. ",1.0 pare.k_.. all color ..: 110 BaltOlM'. NI•• ar. 51H. 12 """Ii

I,OCKER - t'UPPIES P.dl d. bl.>ftd YOVNG MAN.-will aocrilic. br.nd-n.w I chroma c.r' .nd .1.Dd •. 611 51 CI.,r. S.... cby __ _ _

buff. red fA.y pa"" h ,r deMlr.<I cockt.U w.tch. 17 1.... 1, I. ""r.t INI..... 491& _ __ _ LOVELY RUSSIAN Ivga coat •• "'. 16-~"J Cold.n bull .t 51uc1. )264 L,ver willt •• old. , c1J.mond•• co.t use. for ...CCOROION-12e ...... Stan_II,. 4 II Twtodo 1.01660' Road Block norlh 01 I' MlI•• $ISO. nev.r WOrn 141H Seymour. .hlft, pro .... ,o... i mOdol, aood CDD' ii'i:ACK-VELVET .v.llm, COIIt. lull

I 0". B" V•• v.r 13"". BE...VTIFVL-pl.tlAum .t.r _pblr.-;nd lolitlOD. "'rllnlrl<>n_.?410. Iao.th •• rDUAe tnm. new..... 12.14.fl CYCLE..::Boy••~iUll .lu•• 1.0 metol dl.m""d dlna •• rln,. e.cellotnt color. TWO BUCK Cloth C4a1. 100% wool. NI 5664

""1l'OI' Murr.y 0370 fIn. '''r "'pp •• ;..d .t '1.450 .... n .. 11 On..... ttlmmad. 0.... Wlth beallllllll 1 SX'Z4 a11lcr.ftar .hol1 w.v. radoo .. tBliYS-F1 .. c.-Overcoa~Ie"ZO. for SMO Aloo llne.l q....hly .r.yP.r' miAk collar. both lUte ...... Size 12.14 With ph '65. m.rble Ibpped table,

pl.,d .nd pl.,D color .1I.t 1IOD(o Mur.... n paW coal •• "'e IZ.14. tb .... q....rter R........ bl•• Al.o .v.nla. dro-_, olZAl $U. I.dy lJquo m.ho.II4Y de4 d.y 0J10 I.n.lb. "Orn Z rnoDth•• co.t '295. lor 10. NIa.. r. 304l ch.,r. IDbld wltho molb.r of PMrl: .KARL ERHARDT LOOD wRiNCER. carpat _.por. $12, PR ~~. ELECTRIC-VICTRC>l ...A. bobb,. bon .., lIque llla.. pi...... TUlOdo 1.!S71.

, wh .. lb.rrow M"rr.y 0370. ANTIQUE, mabo_y 0010. .110 m.' .roDlA, board .... lac toy •• paj....... BRAND NEW lPrl". -.lute Cb.ca ... roller12809 Flanders I)ORM...c=.S,uI4.plnktiiJf.~ bot.ny ".11 _t: hr lIT' ..... n, llDurw .. r. cloth .. fin alrl z to 4. boy .... taaWl.b ohooa N.. , ... 071"

PR 5604 I100'/0 woel ,,,it, Dew•• IU lZ. TW<. !;U" pit INctlir. Ir d bri ••• b.. c•• J ... _ '_ T"" ....._ 2:!'1.. WHITE-FUR eVOftina l.cket LL1uI_.

• ,do Z.1564. .2.6~6.__ _ BAA lor Jlacraatloa Room N.... com $10. TU 1.1617BOOKKEEPI NG SERVICE I JrNITH-CONsOLE IHubo R.doo-- SI~R :;.~ M... ~.t EC08t•• 12;:. 14. . pIetoly 8AJII~.2~ 2.61~_ BOYS'-.CE -Sk.t.1 IIU. Z. 1 ... d ,.

BY lHE MON1H CLEAN. neat Inferior and E.cellont .DAciltlOD. $.5. Ph...... Tn. t" ........ 16:aT'u Z.6894..... mp. BOOKHOOSE-lJ vol....... baorlJ":'l bo,.'. b....... reverubl. 61lIe,'IIR' _t,l ••• "d Report S.r>"lc. d I'do 1.03JJ, - --- .----- _VI' I_th.r .r.m.d bmdao ••• bo,. •• lu 16 Zllt iAAca.te< Av•• CrOl~

Fed.r.l. 5,., •• nd C.nod,.. exterior paJntln~ an de- Il.OVELV• well m.M 11ft .p ....... 8E~TI.r:c:L N~~ room tabl•. 1Ut. bodley .Ita~_olzu 9. HIa.... U64. Pta. Woe.hot.ory Pubhc with 5•• 1 coratJn~ Ex per t wall I crochetod h..,k ... , bud _dI toy., . '__' BEAUTIFUL b... Ioz j.cII:ot. par.baNd CAS-STOVE .... 00<1 COClcIJUon-a..

HARRY HAAS. Tax consultant ",ashlng tOldI' .... ..cell.nt .000clatJoD. IH3 80'1' Sic. .ltaw. WIth Iolacll:........ trom MU.nm .. hArdly _111. N...... __ bl,. ptu:.d. Cau N.... r. II".14141 KERCHEVAL "'VE. I IhyburD oroel lS92. _.1&0 6•• ~ _Z.9~. 3043 _ _ _ _ CRUNOW-CONsOLEradl';::'Lke _~

Corne. Alter R,ud LE"o. 1&lZ CALL WALT ,Jo..lSw.U,blD-dm.: aI.o ai_mum pol ••• AACHERY BO'&', .. POIIDd, 4J<a DOw. BOY'S ICE SKA~ ..... Iit,.. Cheap, TV I.Z051REFRIGERATOR And motor .. rvtce. V.ry rood ..... cilU..... uMCI oaJ,. IWlc" TU }.904O. _ _ .Ilhlly ~~ ~~. HI 4'n. BLUE LOOCE-MaoOii;;:," th-.I .....,.

L' ..... ed •• d boDdod Kelvln.lor, E 098 Tu•• do 1.1564. MINNEAPOLIS • HONEYWELL ol.. ft TRICVCLE-£zceIloDt DODd/lloIl. r.' H ... bud a.cea .. d. Alao .... clWlI.t .•f .. "Mlr .. Lec ... rd CoIdopol. Un,•• r. I L nox J PHILCO COMBINATION JlaccDtmodaJ. r• .,.Jator. ",.th .teck _1101. uMCIonI,. ... Dabl. MU 41Z0. 5)1 AoblaAcI. toolo J]6> LakepoIDte TU Z.1141.. I .D".Oth.... Will ...... LE. Jill, N,.... r. 3119 Olla ~. /11.1 476S. APERFECr pa" of ... tlq ... ~-ud Mr•. P_n. •

CARPET LINOLEUM IV .. L"IUT-finl.bod m.lal bod, double SE'&'INC MACHINE. lood C4IIlILlJ..... _to eho ... , valve\ tlilted, tabl. and DAMASCUS-FLDOR lamp. "rl'. tOO'll>

EMPLOYMENT AGENCIEs deck coil .P""'I'. d.--. dr... ",. UO. TU Z.2971. lamp. n"", antlq ... omal. ~"ee.upo. wool .ull; ml.c c1otb'D" bsby .u.REPAIR t.blo. a pay fto_red dr._. O,eJlel TWO PAlRS boy'. Iloell:.y .ltaw ..... v .... : plata ••• ~1IechoD 01 ....... hodc ""'1M' rocker •• t"""lype. NI 60U

STAIR CARPET SHIFTED. MU-U.R - EmpbymeDt.~ F1 101&. S. NI 3U' or bono.boa 11aa •• two ot'I-' thtowll. l..ADY'S- T...ILORED-be k d ......:...,..,.onc> ERIENCE Z". Do_tie h.lp. _ for LARGE DOLL W TU "naOt 1M .....t In J..... Dt bo_; .ocrt- ... • .. -21 A~ EX.P • 1a=4r, ODd cl n.. Part.u- I .... me 2')'r X£DO end full drea •• "'to. oiza'O lIce' N....... Z816. Ibtcbad _pa. P.. cock make .... Ik-

Nt ""03 EVENING waoItI GootI ... ~r 1 cloth .. , .m.U cIoIl ,,-, "rIo' loa •• a-d eo,,,hll LE 'Z74 • - - Ill. b-. - 5B. like _; aIao IolacltDAY - u. - •• I y.- - boob •• ,rlo ......te ••• aze. Z aJlli 5, TWO.PIECE-bl ... ';;o --. --' -- BICYCLE. UN bo,. •• pr.... r. lib -, .u pump •• Rytbm .top. m.e1. bael.ALTERATION. Repaor. Porch •• , Sl.pt. I complete Girl Seout UAllo...... M.... ay .ult. ...........ter"'ll.~..;~. ':: parlect wlu~ ."le •• a11 line, aIao 5IltA Good condillOlL TV I.ZOSI._ WIDdow•• Doo.. _Pl .. 1."",,_ Roof. BELl" WANTED::-"£HAU!: I03!0 _.. tabla, ;.... tal>1.lamp: '0l1li lIDo, ~"'P: ~_'''.:.'':':~I~~~1. . . Pl..AYER-PIANO-"'r -oaJe;-m&J.o .... ,......lumnev. A'L't.lc anet t\e-f..leaUOn n.uom:. ICIRL--or- woman for candy ~t;r NVJ&:. vuR AD OD P... IU--Iwo tiec. .. j.pwc.e bedJ'OOEn .u.it .. WIth ¥aluly rO:R. .lnc.. aouoay .-..oo-SmolUQ III load eou.dIUon-$2:S. 10163S. Eo Barber. NI 6184 ZOl&O N•• b,1 ,.orklftll paper. or 16 alid OWr F"lI I tnc ran ... for UDlD4IdIate ."ve,y. boJl.h. all ... ......u ... 1 011..... all lor "'my.. Read,. for Immadoota do. N•• bit, Delrolt.DetroIt Z4 or "art 11m. Pie.... do not ~boDr Hou.sehold l"du.tn.1 Electric. ZOll7 $lOO Pbollll VeluCIl '.0591 ~~~ E. J. WballA' c.u Cadillac GlRL'S-RED Coat ..... II. $10. brvwrsUPHOLST~RY cI•• n.d by moc~",. In I InOI ("hftrl•• o,~ AI."". n....t.r. I~bck ~ ....~ra~1 N"'''-Y OfFIet:.R S -wblJ'COrol- topcoal. '. •. _lllmper._ .... _14. SS~.poct 7079.

)our bom. V,",,, 90710 or Ar. Z;6J , .- . - --ILIONEL EI.clnc Tr._.027 '811", I"'. ,,_ •• b:e n. TU Z.U42 ClRL S '¥bite b 2. S.. LADIES' AND ChUdren'. alilhll,. _ni"~ft...-J:i'ml .. &. track., 8Wllcbe. cat. t~ndonper B K- ..- - tabl. model radle, IS; jocIpJburboot.. c1 th S 2

Al RESIDE"TIAL .nd comm.rcI.l SITUATION WAn ...........-..~I .1... 16.mm. K.y.;one m~v.e prolooto,"1 L",C 5EAL I". co.!. cl.re •• i.... tb.I.~ J. 6. 'l'ID .hou ..... 2. 6.15 •• l»a.k In:;;. :""r eunotei .':., .. ~palntma: w.U W!lllohmR patch plaater 1-- -- -- almo ..t new Boy Soout umfol"P! for a ... ~~1111116.18, ...newlv baed. lOOt! .t;yl., Tbel'moA hmch bucket... TU 2.9.336. I ._..l I Ita r e pumps. re .n 81UD

'0ll Spec.. 1 rol... W.rr.n C., .. RESPO\lSIBLI:. CIRL. H, ftpOri ... ced 114.• ,,10 .ka,.... lu 3. t~y •• 6f: .--'''' n!....taz. u~V Z.Q6~. ~I':'.~ UONECiiodel-..uroad. 3 ~ollv ---"".-. both .Iz. 1B -!5691 \1~.~11,••"" 2.1186 ;0 c••• for chlldr .... veall>", TI., .wthome Tu.oedo Z len: LARCE RADIO. $30. I.dy'. black 10 lre.rht ......... Ioador •• r SABLE.DYED Mu.kr.t-E.zcellaDt COlI'

I ., ~ _ _ __ 'SKATES ON SH~Z-pr /pd.', .lZe Che.t.rf,eld ...... t. eu. 40. $30; botb .ppro""","I ..I,. 80.ft. tr.ck. .wltc:beo. chtio~ T~edD 2.9711.DAY WORK-Ezpen ...... e1. ".SO ... el I I pr .teel capped boy.' bocke Z I"'. Ilew. C.II TU 1.$649 .c.,...., ..... cCllllpl.tely r.... ote controL RIFLE- ZZ .. hber. with telescopa

car lare D~OI65. ~ed. All .t b.1I pnce' d ~ II MAROONtWO:-plKe-hvIDIr;;;m.-;u;t;; 14}01 CaIJ1deD AR 3-SI4. .ol.hto. iD ... ellent condIt...... TUHIGH SCHOOL aI.l. will ..... for chll. I.aare drum: .!lucr yjoi:~ L)'~ $60. IlODd ooodltJoD. 21414 Co!oJIY. MAN'S-SUIT.- loft,38. -... WOI'JI 1.&Z74. _

dr.n eV.nlns_ or .fter ocbooL 1'01I" H.al,. .1Iv.r b"IlI 600 LlIICD~ TW<. St. Clal. 5bo.... few time.. After • po ... OIJd 011 LONG BRIDESMAID S d...... OJ%e I";3H8 000 2.28H. PREWAA-THOR ..... hine ",.ehine. el:' .... lrenel. TO 2.1tll. aolt rod ... lvet .. n, lull .kirt, litted

IWA:>HII\jv -;n,;. iron.ii"l ciOie-j;; my IUNDERWOOD T"""",~d condi: <:ellent ODDdlllon. '40, baby roclual' PAlR-Io~ttbpaat.,. ".Y chai •• j bocl.lce, throe q.... rt.r len.th .1"*"" ••homo R.f.reac.. Ph_ NI 88ll 110'" SJO l.dles' .boe .ce .... t ...... hon •• 1Ut. aew. $3; bathlD.U., $S. TU .,Iv.r 11~ lamp, poIr L.emsoa Ia_•• f~ ,......2~ot A7Ue1' on.",.II)' pnceil

I \'t'A"'JTED TO R£'rr-:-:- ---=::-:'~m I. .~ .... I~ ~v.....k,..t ~!'e~tt1:: $3, 2 ..'963 ~ excelltont (,-""u.'U'N'! ~a do!-..!oe'''~ Ev~. -00.; :n\Jl~"f'el'::t ~~~ ~tu~.~f!tI~ •

r.EW CAR .1 cellln. price WlU be fur I 120 ba ••• cco..!:..dlon._S7>_ TU ,3.0.".:.. DOLL HOl;1S£ 1.,1 .. le. W' Ion, ... " 7_to 9~0.~ I~~ Badford. 114 •• Tuzedo l.515,' • -~II I ",shed by b,.h olflcw of leachns CIRL S Wblte Fur Coal and MuIf~ WIde. 1& b,,~ _tho ....... d ubor BOYS black Ie3.tber coat, oheep wool - -."d aUlomob,'e COnJp3ny fDr JlJJfun".hed Skinner .. Un 1!JIed •• ire S. S15: tori ..... roof, .Ioctric Iipto. complat ..l, fllr' liJJIJ1,•• lZe IZ. SIO. 41' Calbeuz. DNr T~r:;r~ICVc.:;E •• ,,~~. ""blo ....

'.pa'lm.nl. duple>< flat or .mall bou.. bi.ck lur coat. lnmmed II> .,.,. kron. a.obod !:.OJIOZ 24~. J.llerooa 101 1~7F'1tl=.~'" ::'1OJI~a.ho cb,ld .... or pelo. Call TV ...... mer. pnace •• _lyle ..... S. $IZ. Illrl. LADY'S .. bIt. hockay lee .kotell .... TRICYCLE----.mO .cooter U~ oona. OOlw .:.....2 9256 _ kaobby wool .now.ult. blue wllh bo.".r 7, .. ever 1IOOd. TU 2.0678. • cu1l1""'to~. S7: :t_ pre~.u'" cook. APT SIZE baloy .~ po._Bucb •EX. "I"'VAL OFFICER wif.. lO.;;;o;;th l"m. m.tchm. h.t. ."'.. 4. S9. .orl'. BEN] ...... IN Cry.t.feleclnc---"".e •• ooel er. S15. all Ilk. n.... 0100 pm.. PO". !..aDO Coc>od co..~tiOD.-!.nt~,.I 33~

d..lIghl.r and Bo... , do, ..... ire S o. n.vy blue volvet dr .... with wblte but. condilloD. ~ble. 1111 4094. ..ble. complel' w.th ... ddlao. $2'. biZ SCHWINN CYCLE tnlck-Good COD"PAINTING" DECORATING 6 room hou•••• parlln_t. terr ••• 10 ton., .11. S. '2. tUSt.do•• lU n, SIZ. PAIR-Fr ... ch-riOon:-6' 7,,"-1;,,2' '''" .. _ ..... WIth pad, S50. "" "mbrella _ hOIll 'l~ NI~31_I. _Nottlngh~m .. Cro .. e Po",'e P.r ........ U,. I.... 'ed IMeJr~ 1709_ by I" .. a.t"raI h"ub red tOl1t. $10. law. JDower. $S. m... ,. m COMPLEn: SET ..Jou ..... )'. Tbroa'"

a Relorence.. Pl•••• caU Macha_ 1'00 IMINK COAT-S ... 16.18, "-ullfD! ..... wood. NI +094 ....... •• tem.. 1914 V.. ""tw.rp. T ckI 8ookland'; toy electne .tow; 1O'luta

ICrosse POinte LE h~88 H. B. M.nb.1I .tyl ••• lean .nd ..... .11' to _.r. B,. . - - 1.14116. .ho •• kat •••• Iri 6 NIa•• r. 58&1.

nox ,-" SALES EX£CUTIVE:-I'lII,~""h .... II.ppo ... t~t. T~ado--.!:.!!.6Z. I~~/=';;,:,.t"'~~:~~u.:=:~' BoY'S 14- b••,d•• ..,..u ...t cOIIcilUoa, MUFF-T_ ••kIn .u..,. fo. mulf;t.bHIGHL... - ROCI>mm.......... rell.bl. w.1I N I 5 'f' Z room .partmOJ>t, ful11~.d Or UONEL TRAIN-Tr .... fotID.r. 8 ...... 1%. J6 .hort; ,,~I'. whlt.o ~ ~ $2S~eJIl.':!... 9:!9"_._ ,,-:::S75. _ PhOD._ N1_663!.

w ... r.m .. _rvlC* .. ,. tehned ,.,.h\t.. e swanson tn't \trnu!lhed E:w:change ref~ees. MJ' I 30 ft. track mounted 011 IO.ft. tab!e~ l-kateoBt .1.Z1t S,; record. player: iDdoor SUIT, 1DaD- .. ~ 42. 1.dY~8 1 caat.. SLED. SCOOTER, ml.ceUaD80u. to~"'..... Call ARhn.tDD .192 Palntlrg Paper Han"ln" and Cro.ly, Comm.rc .... ConUQIe Corp .• /\aD. SSO. Bet_ 1 ..,d 9. TU Z.Z4~6. hocke., pm .... t 01 chll.r. craft boob. .IZ. 20: muleal doll' dle: doD and .Iolh ... fin. 1:'.1 6 to 10. TU\1\ A'.1.S --: and oelhnp _.'""" .nd '" " Ioolph HZ}. -- _ _ iBICYCLE-Bo,.. Z6'Jnch. good - .o;;ch. NI 860. WIth cJotheo. balo,. bottle .,arUlzer. TU 2.' 19'.

papo. J100AzJed HI.h qlOAUty work Deco.atlr~ WO\lA"I. with prachcal .."nlel, espcn. UoJJ. S20 3et_ 7 _eJld 9 ~2 2406 THREE :;.II-,;ool-ru .. :-..;.;.t.b ..... ,'i:12' 2 Sll3. 100~ ALL WOOL ..,.,to Gl..... d laD

:::D~;;pe..::~-;:" Ch~::" ao 5059 LENOX Avenue pe;:;:~.w:~.:;~n:.'~~ ••':'Iu;to~:~~dy IA 1.~~~~:-rLI~~tl ~~~il'~:;~: 2.~~ta. 3d. AI"" 7'1"",,4 6". Ta .... do DA:;';:'~~T91::" aaJe. .-...1>1 .. 1...=:= t~:':":'~el=:b:"~~:_,tID •. Al.o .tom> wlDdow...... hed II RUFFLED CURTAINS: .... lIy I..-ed IIpCIrt coato •• "'. 16: I.... kat ... Toll.... LADY'S-bl.~k~~.lIv;;-;;;;-cOn.r. PoRTABLE-Victro1D, bllcr. I to .Ibe 12.14. $2~. TV 2.S393. 341

and h"". Boot workm.n.h,p. Pnc.. PAINTERS - DECORATORS at re."",n.ble pnc ••• DR ~6~. __ • .kate ••• nd ml.c.li.necu. _ NI_l_&6~ .ood oondibon, ._ 14. T""edo 10 ..... ter. coat aAd I '14, McKinley. _.- ble DR 7463. _ _ I Exterior _ Intenor I EXP~RIENCED "rl wi.b ... day _rk M...HOGANY Bow Frobt .hoot OJI .hoot: 1.0161. doll Iou.llY, $I, 1""_ "ioha d ....... CORNET WITH Ca_U5. NIOl-7i:"V S WINDOW and W.U W•• hlftll Tu••. Wed .nd S.t. Cook Or car' Hollywood tWIn bod. 1160 Hol.omlo IFORMAL~';;-14;-hk. new. r.. ...-hl. SIO. Call .fl..... NI.p. ... 30B.

ScrvI~DreaI 08", I 1'w I.S1BS 10, cblldr.n. Sl.y I.l. Ho.......... to Dre:<.1 3434 TW<.do I 0161. TWO 'V ... et,,,, Io1IDdo lS ,,46' -S7 00 WANTED-TO 8U~C..II SO''lll..,. !'IUro ... 9216 n'o B£AUTll'UL-V,<t;;;:II3"-Ch~;r.= NEW 'I bl ---- - TU 2.92&9. ' •

, - -- - - l .. l1li I " ..~o porta * phono..,raph. '20. _ _ _

O'BRIEN BROS Wm HeLnemann Otto Solterlsch I DRI\ ER. wllh 1946 St.t.OQ W•• on. ~., I'lllrr.,....J370 _ I De luse Ph,lco tad",. SM. ".)' Iud lONE CHINA SET... rvtea for ,; OLD CLOTH INGB048 Mt Olivet 1170 Maryland I JS;~Clr ... ht d.llvery. roat.. ele. MfJ 'I COCKER PUPPIE.S-A K C. .....,.t .... l.kla co.'. h.t. ;nufl. .... 1Z. "5. 1111 Ior•• Ida.t .et. ...nO.... ..Iv.... ch.II .

d I Detro t [) G PoInte P It 3D I I lion. In.t 5 weeko old M.ke Id.. 1 6932. • .... 11 lamp. e1eetnc dock. tray .Win OW C eanrng I rosse ar REFINED WOIII.n, DIce _~. Oart.tm ... /pfh. Rod ... d white 1"49 j4.BIJRl'oER-CitY-ea..-SpeaaI-hiitz illiG otbor .tem •. ldAl a. Xma. "fto Blgbesl. prices pa1d for men'shone.l. would hk. th .... or ro- dI~ W...bt.eAow. In Cr.lJDt Towaoblp. OYOD aDd broU.r IlD' portalsi., ....... d All hi DeW _!:loa. l'tJ 1.98". suIts and shoes. Telephon call

Company PAINTING & DECORATING ~rk ..... Loo~ l4'6, am.tlCAL SET5-1 lar .. aDd I -.aJLlpIa:rer. $I Nt 14.... • r CUITAR.-_- ...... -.IJ;ole«ri. e~ _ .....--* .~ ,,--'_ f _", __ .: ~ - WJtIl .tqe: ..... pappet tJ1IllVERSAl. -~tM, .-........ _d~. ,,2. Murray 1506, ~.,.!~ ~ lmm~- ~ OIOT....... WA1.L WASHlNC III!:LI' WA,N'IJa - IUISIP t ",1Iridl ~ ... loaF• ....,..,. .lata.. .tIoa: ~ rocItiIIc 'NO Drasal. "I. 4_ f.38Z.

_n w-- . .-- I ""'";l .. J: ......,. 10M ~ eIactrio: ~~ c.D T IWAitrib fl6ii d Ha ••-- - _ 1J5H£U-WostiD. _ 16. ~ -- ........ 2.J~. ._ ~. '- __ -. _ JOD7 Z.4564. -'" cldhIo-. c1_~ ~

Paper aDd caJc1mme aeanees FOR E:5 TIM ATE 5 ISOO"""-~~.~ A1~_ TbaalJ WAUIUT Il-piece .... -.f ,..,.. KlD.prilJa. Tazedo 2-"69 OONEL-o---cro:rc:.t eIeebIc -... 1- 14122 Ker< ...... - ....bterfOt' Home Washtnc - .EJ:. t ....... L 0.. - _.. .. """'- ..... boy'. WUdo. browa I SABLE.DYED - oqai ..... - -7/8 .... ,ti> W1tb ..... model. H .. _ Iocom~. J:~"& 'i:~ Newport Eaat-perleneed MeD for Every Job DRe>.el 1966 LEnox: 91471 FOR THE - te~ tba I •.1 ~er. ~lIe I~ 16: dres. -t, .lze 40. 1 btallld new. n........ WOrD..... U.14: aU _tad .. Ill p1ywootl tabla. NI '156.

Estimatea Cl1eerfUlly GIven ' I Cre .... PIe Wo;)do':"cl ... e ;: ~'" _ I~~I. 28 b,cyclo. NI Oa6. I mo. TlJ HIS' •• fter 6 p ;n MEADOW'S - flat •...o.--;-eltdnc;-Ilb f1{R~I.~7b~h~'"';.II.::t.~:-,=

IA!lJIiya A Good Joo l.bOre ra. ).room ranch l)l'OC'u.'r.. lI. CAN A R I E S FOR SALE Ch_p--<:ov-emor W';-thTOP I a_. portabl •• TlJ 1.1507. N

LOST AND FOUND George S Dally jmonthlY Adul ... onl,., no pels ... creUrry'type book ...... mabo .... :v CHIL.I)'S-i';;;;~boaJ'do-;-23" hiP. 3S"I~~~,t:"~ .r-:::O ~~.hl=LE..m1.IdY-U1'TU: -Ioleck- S«;tty- do. r... LEnox 8180 ~~r::wdi :O;....Um. 1946 tar pro. FOR X MAS fial.h. "" .. I1""t cODchboD, _old make 1oD••• SI.69 volue for '1.00. 0110 w..."NttD-I'\>." or ]Uiiorbea;:-Pts ....... 1. Hove you __ hID» Kareu Kacr' Painting _ Deccratlng .deal Cb".un .... ft Ph .. e TU Z.1640. cloth .. b.mper ••••• ortad. ... eo aJld TU Z SOZ8beT.......... 2JSO 2925 Holcomb : DECCA-PORTABLE P~p.ph-;-bd.y eolo .. ""lIonl' at h.11 pne. Will de. • -.----------LOST-cbU.... pet-:- -n ---.;oUsa _d ::==== Interior - Exterior COBSBTlEBE BeautifUl smgers _ baby Parra. ..rr.... and .troU.r. Ion. bbrary Ihver. 19l40_ Keno~ ~pe.t 825::.- CHRiSTMAs "mEE hpto aJld 0.....

ohopbcd, ""cuuty fl,~.<1 Blvel. PI_ SPENCER keets. teach tbem to taIlt aDd t.bl •• mloc boby cloth ... TU 2.2714. 4 LEADED cf.uo, oak doon .9",,52'. m... t.. EVOJJUlll_.Tu.oedo 2.CgJ.; •...u TU 1.02... • WINDO "_S_IIAD__ ES___ DR 8004 d CORSETS In~l.,duaIly >..1 1 ..... C Eo DE LUXE E1eelrlc-K .... ,.=.c,od Z.p' rufl1ad o dy cur. MAPLE breoltla.t--;;;:-dlJlaltelAobl;'.

,- d.. lI.n. drus .nd .0rlllc.1 pr' W e. "'&ULnU1O bird cages _ CODcilti_ N...... 1603. tame MCI, 6 1>1 "ulltad. lectory typo. WIth or WIthout cbau-a.L.OST---==- Hom=-rimJD,.d .loo"., .... r m.al,. over IS ., ... r. .'11"- also other fan- .... _ an" - - - - - ---- chOir ~ talole for d1Ilusl' or Ni.- ... 0686-

Bob. D~ SID... Mack .v....... WINDOW SHADE A••-PAINTlNCaAd D.co •• t1tl~ Cbn.' M.lIdo B.nr.rt. NI 40270, TO 7.4312 -.. e....... ... IRONINC on rny home; 10100 c"rtalA. breakl .. t ...;...: chrect b_ Iloor .- --------~-T..-L> Z.704J. - • J6a M"K,nl., stands. Complete line Of pet IInl.bed. 22515 Callfom ... be_ 8 "_p, ---'-"t ~'-IG m-~-- --'f- SIZE S-hPro .k.leo. OD wbUo u-;---------- I "' •• lr .... "",d fUnllture sprayed R. d 'Mile d, M k ...... -.a ..... ... , - do n d t ch.,_ NI 5156.LOST~_dii,.--n.omm •• lA Vl..... t,. 01 CLEAN ING lubl. ~Iored out6t L,lelon. ""pen. • suppUes - dog beda, Christmas .n _..... ..ar ••. _' toble, plata da .. top: blo. NI' ......po an wo

l.&kcohore .nd V.nue< road. wh,te enc.. LE .625, MU 0, &2. SALr-tSM EN stockings for dogs, females for COCKER PUPPIE.S-Ped.....,:t. blond. HoO LARGE---ar-ocH£T£o Bedopr_<I-Call011.. &..,. b.lr.d do.. tan ",.rkmal, --- --- - 1 b eedl.! bull" r.d EA.,. psym ... u If dewlred M"'N'S-fin .u-.--."'-t.-_-m-OII-"'-, -.-_-1 Plu. 1551.b»ehy taU •• l,l!ht IInlp II> 1.11 front lq Repairing and ReplaCing We Ha"e P.oduct r ng. ~~~ ~~Id,en ,~u~ .t .t~e1. ~Z6! L~~or'l )7.38. Wllh hu.h h.t .1.0 two PIC' --------=============="".we .. 10 ,.. me 01 Sk,PPY SIO rew.rd I: '"' R-'--ne .0 .• '-'" .............,no 0' •• MUL ture_ (on. 011 polabna). Call N,... ra ---A1JTOS--FOR SALEIf ret"rn.d 10 644 Lak •• hor •• <>r c:aU Pick Up and Delivery I. L..f t:::'1:>t::: I r We Un Oehvcr RAY'S BIRD STORE Phone B_,. Be.ve, 1_38'''' 1,50Z.JI., 90' ----- 1~946-00d,e C1"b COu_F ...

"'Pra, - I P-Intlng and Decorating We Pay Top CommISSIon 13300 M COR"IER CABI"IEl" - P.,nt.d )Yory. BEAtfi"Il'UL Lo..,. XVI .h., loUR", aew tIre •.• poU,.ht. Iilk ••• t co .LO~~Bl.~ .nd -wbl\.e~oUJItl.rrt MUM FORDS "'. Thl. 1. Your Opportllnlly ACK cor. Coplin m.cilcm: ~.blQe~ I.... th NPI•t• f lll:". 3'»lece f.. m•• Dpholstezoed 111 ... 110•• " cond,t,on, h•• ler Call TV 2.ZI'l.CneaSplC I=:~."~ 6~~m~ew.;d 'rl I 5260 Courville 9939 Mack FIREPLACE LOGS I::,::~r,:' t~:i:.:Bt::; .b~~ ..~I~ USO C~lI Towu ..... d_5_80_4_1 lbelor. 6 p m. Or TV Z.IZZZ•• Itar •l-..d. call TU 2 l 0; 6 FLOO R COV ERING t~Ia"a ra 5"A4 d...... Dev.r worn, .IZ. 16 N..v,. blu. LADY'S IotoWlJ filtad ..,.,t ..... I..-.rttnm. for .ppolOtm.nt. _MUSICAL 1'!>TR'uCT!O...----_-_--. ,,71 I ==== Pill .mpe touor'" coot, URad, .",. 16 _ ""'te!lent toIlchlJOll. 3014 M..... tIq... 1939-UNCOLN, A.l .ollditkm.'_tot'P1Al'oO 'MUu.t,on, .ome penodo 0_ If Not at Home Call TO 2-5257 WANTED TO RE~T AlL SEASONED HARDWOOD La do .. ' btoWlJ ndln. boot;. .... 1 BOY'S 3 1'........... t .. t, ._ •• bluo ..- ov.rh.u1.d, aood rubber. S900. TU

.fter J." ....ry 2 \In Petbt. TU 16127 East Warren --------------1 16" _ 1200 n.",ow. 10k.new. Tvseclo 2.U46 "OIS Kato.b •. Pm_ U18. 2.201$. ~-~-=_.,_-"..".1.2312 0446 H. B0 RMA N EMPLOYED couple. 'O'mer (;'0'" Pte COCKTAIL-SET;--lVlth ttDy. .t.rhlla EASY-IRONEJl~ aceD ... t CDlldlbaa, S4!i. 1946-FORD Sap'" D. L""e T"doJo-:lI=.=.-::..-::..-.:.=.-- -=========1 N I re.,dente. doo ... 4 5 rm unfu.OI.bed 24"_ 15.00 IlInr. " ........ uoed. T"""cIo }.756". K__ ... WDabor. "5. Proopoc:t 6799. .. ..... racilo. b.. te<, clock. .pare UN,_____ f'aA__ TE_._IlN__ AL______ flat. Inoo.... o•• pt. No chlld'on 110 BENDIX WA5HE.R":"JJD~j ... parfeet LAOYSn,r;;;;'lpbornliDe coot. ~ rwotprool. Boot offer. Call .fter ,. TU

---"'-.--'1 _...__-- II\.ITFD. .I,(JO,. ~VT~DI("\D pels Wnle or phono Bo. LB. c,_ TU. 2-6=l05 COIIdotlOD.cau FndD- .fter 6'.30. fn ce>llar..... 10.11. "b 11_. 2.70$3.C=II R A (; Ccl F ~__1 f V~EM." .c.-. nuaa__ - ~ -' ~" I LI' I "-'I' Pomt~ t<evlnrf. Uill Kercheval 3.. - ITuaeclo 2.9736. ~ na~.Dle. NJ 01'''. IBUlCK. 1941 SpecJB1-1-.-D-oo-r--S-Iaclt--

~~r~%VFW ~~~W~~~M~ ~~.nd~~~~ MI~~~LL~~~21------------------------------------------------~~ ~d~ J~Meeta second and Fourth Mon B_m ....lo ......odeled outsld. Olep.. ,..... d •• ,r .. 3 bedroom hou•• tor' BUSINESS OI"PORTUNlTIES BUSINESS 0I'I'01tTUNlTDS B;USlNESS ~ mil ... N, 6375.

sm.n jobs .ccepteel. Dr.... l 6216. 1%9 F!eet\\ood Dr NI 2836 r.e. or lI..t Coli Tu•• do 291 •• ortiays Eacb Month at 1714li st. =======::;;::====;::============== Gro .... Pointe Wood. Ch.rry 9900. E.zt 178Paw Avenue, Grosse Pointe 30, I LANDSCAPING APARTMENT Or t.rrace: th,e •• ~Mlel11gan All VFW and Poten. , penn.n.nt nsld.nlo. J L Hud.o~ Co.Mal Memb~rs I,T R E ERE ~A 0 V I N G '''.CUllV.. Bo. M Cro ... PIe ReVIew.

IVI N 5'. IS121 Kerch.eval. Groue Pte ParoCow nowlng YODNC-COUPL£~w,f .... pO",n" WI.h

Tui:~ ~:82~~l. cocd rerer~~ce3 Call

WORKINC COUPLE .nd mo'~ d •• lroTJ'er:t.6 J. b.d,oom lIal 0' 'ncome

RECfABLE coupl. Wllh b.b -c';-;;-;;:come or flat In Or nee!' <"'rollM"Pt.e.

ISt~~) crupIvY41l'C"'~ _l.'ll.pT • .l691 I

PAPER COMPA~'-------EXECUTIVET__ ... 1._ ,. •

- ~ .. _.- u ......... ,,'1:" or .pan ..rnent. unfutnlahed. by three .du t!ll Will.upply ucelltent refil!lrmc:e3 'X'r t~ 80s~Ol CM~~h:Pte. ReView. Cros,,,,, r' e P.r'k


, I


Page Twenty-t~ref



Sales & ServiceWE REWIND ANY







Bump"ingand PaintingEstimales Cheerhlly Ciftll





10711 Whittier at RoxburyAR 0510 _ AR 2710

• AUA"il&bltCenuiHHudsollParts




OIL BURNER SERVICEOil Burners Stoker and Gaseo...... PI•• ill •• Relli..

Furnaces O'tlrhau!Pd Rcp~ir Servic:eOIL BURNERS NOW IN STOCK

TUxedo 2-3731BROEDELL

Plumbing & Heating Co.20229 ~ACK AVENUE, Crosse Poiftte Woods

EvenIngs and Su~ys Call NI. 3609


RADIO SERVICEon All Makeks of Radios,Combinations, Portilbles and

Ch.ngen. Parts for allMakes

FREB EST1MATBI'tcltup au Deft.,.ONE-DAY SBB.VlCo;.::E:.- _

..... D'5'1.". .. .. DIll,,~ ,,&- _ .....~.....--...o1f:"""... t~.4;

All lIIOrt ~ prlud dd qulItJ ,... , ..WASHERS w• .,. iSpro. '.- .... , .~RADIOS Ma:rtq FadDrJ' DtoJen

COMBINATIONS IIea4iJI: W...., RCA .....REFRIGERATORS Pickup o.a-y ......


Let Us Service Your Car\.Expert '-"'I~--



MICHEl. Sales I Senice14939 E. Jefferson ".::.. LE 3077

Standard Window Shade Company'159JS t Warren at 8ucltilllham TU 2.S440

Between PhIlip and Manistique


LAKE IHOI. MOTOI SALII-:.:::- ~~-== .......



GUDlllllleed Work.alsld, - 1.0. PriceBUMPING and PAINfING

Prompt Service - EXPERT MECHANICSAvailable to Serve You NOW on All Otrysler Cars


TU. 2-4100

Lake Sh'ore Motor Sales14615 E. JEFFERSON I LEnox 1185

Grosse PointeBicycle Co.

15301 MACK AVE.III 8arIwD

* Bicycles

* Wagons

* Scooters

* Doll Carriages

* Blackboards


en... Pol.... w 30, MId,,,",,Rw. Aa.... F. It t", M...I.....

1373billy. ...... PItoIOa Ma•• ra 7341SUNDAY, DEC IJ

1030 ". M.-Back La the M•• onSchool for 1'nomlnl worahlp aervlee endCb"rcJI School.

11 40 A. M.-Jw>lor Choir R.he .... t"'0 P. !\I.-Tu:!," Oub tn.etlOl.•. 00 P M - Torr.y Club nloeLmll .L

the home of MI.. Lorna M•• charn. IH2Brl' Dtlve.

TUESDAY& 00 P ", - Th. monLhly rn•• tu,1I' of

the Men II AtilocaalloD at the \temoruiol• CburcJI, 16 Lake Shore Road.

WEDNESDAY7 30 P. M - Th. Church 5<ohool

Chn.t ..... Wor.h.p Se... i"" In M.mo".1Chu.rch. TblB Hl'Ylee ... plllDDed forpr_tab_ ... the chancel ~- aae- an ....... to _. tMollOdal elfart to attend tJua ...... c:e.Carol.. m..tnaDe:atal nUI.Le. .tor,. ror.hil.... ond j .....or ChoU" Chr .. tmaaontham ..... U be b.ard.

• Spruce

Hydnam.tic £Sperta - F~ Inapection



lolcher Oldsaollile CO.


FURNACESAir conditionen and gravity replacements

and repairing duct work and blowersIMMEDIATE SERVICE

CHAS. M. OLMSTEAD & CO.14926 MlCk AVI. at Alter Road NI 2600-2601

SeniD, Detroit far 17Y-. "'ib Contla_ s.nb

Mollan's Super SemeeHawrhorne .r MaCK - TU. i-9893

A~er Service to Our CommunityCOMPLETE EQUIPMENT FOR

ROAD SERVICEThere is still time to WINTERIZE I

your car before the extreme coldweather appears .. a

General Repair, Tune-Up, General Overhaul,(' nmnlph' l'::.c: c;tatin" Sprvit'e-- r - -

15554 E. Warren at Somerset



W. SptciIlize in

Cleaning CarpetsOn Your Floor

WOZ'ILCuuaDwd'........ Swtt ...

For Fret EsUJaateliPhone T uxtdo 1.1260




I, :~~"~~v~~..lt LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES_.~II..rmOn al Belh.oy Luth.ran Church, SALEM: MEMORIAL LUTKEItAH I~ I" 1:•• 1 W.".n ond Ballour, .t IST. PAUL EV. LUTHt'.JI.AN LHvA ..ii I "IICool Ouler On.. ..nd CallwolLh, I CHURCH U • m and II 00 • m." Th. J.c Scloool A..t1ltorhlltl. IIneat :h,lnd.y al lO jO In the mornJl')g Moro_. 1\0&11 _\ e ~ t...,,~; : .., (honn bv the f».alor iI. Pre rl l11 .d14 Wa'l.ner- Av • .aaut!. II

ApproprlaL. La Lhe Lhlrd Sunday '" Michl Ian E' ) Ln. W..,. of lh. Lord' 1h. e- J. Grew ..... p •• torAdvent. Rleu" theme 'WIll be The R.y. WUbert C. Bu.r •• l.cer, P •• ..-, hOlt WI!! beauhfy the •• rVl~.. SUNDAY S£ItVICESTho\a.a.nde and the Few.' .. .trmen 1930 K.-or. Driye, ~ .he relHJ:erUl8 oj tlAe Ilnthem. II 00 • m.-.\tornmlil' Wonhop- IsOn the Ind, ..,duahly 01 oouJ. Th. Gro_ P.I.ta Wootla ;10. M1cbl.... • I -'u. '" Sons by BortRlu .. ky. II Your B,bl.)" w,lI b. Lh. ocrmontext I. Mtc.h S. Veue 2 • Thuu. PlaoGe TU ..... J-ZOH b~~ j d.....'ly 9 ~h:ol rn .Q.~h.8J~;:oa.CJ~.b: topic 01 p •• tor C.rewenow ilL IhlS8elhl.,!ltUn Lpnr.t.ht th.ouSh t.hou be On Sundlily the lint d .... of .ad"'" • u. J 1_, hThe BlrLn of jDbD the lerv~cellu!e arnone the thouaGnda of Judah. La b~ eonfirl'll.d WlU vske puc. In B I I A nurMry 1. proVided for II 00 • m -Children.. Chul"ch-'yel out of lh .... hall He c.o!ll~ forth S.lem Merllor.aal Luthe1'.n ChuKh tl... ,<Junaer chlldr.. ID Lbo .chool Thh •• ervlu Is fO:Ot'Id&te::tedfor childrenunLl1 Me tn..... ~. to bt!l rulc-r In hr.e1. Che c::l.1III Ulchu'e. the (oUowioa. Mre rv,,", J to 6 ye.,. 01 aa:.wh",e lrQU>, iorlh have been fro", o( John IWpph,.er. Mr. CJyda Pro- I. fin.1 rmdwe.k Advont aervlc. 9.30.. m -S .... da! School wllhold. born .ve-rll.Llng' "encher, Mn A.ne. Koehn. Mn. Ikrt ~, d ..... ftt, &1J -at a:rou.p.

Belhany _ robed chain WIll preae.at 1 heuerkorn, Mn E)mQn Ha._eU, M~.." to held '\\'eu •• day evudn. at • 00. m_Cernl.n ServIce _ keyI I' I III The R,,, f~e, ••• ~tent..t 4 00 ,,'cock In ,h. alt.rnDOn 011 Beth Lan ••• "'n. I:.rn•• t ~.h.rlund ud p< " , ., I:.pl~h.ny Luth.ran Church. PhIllip Schmidt pr .. chlnllDecember IS, • Ncred caodleh.,ht. \1r J.m~. McGl.llre. WI I ~r-llver Lhe •• rmoll 6 30 pm-Senior Luther Lealue.. rvlce Th. p"",ram con.,.I, 01 Lh. AL th. I•• , conll," •• ,I"" ..1 m.. tln. ... ... bn •• t 5t Luk.'. Church A .upand b:rma.a. and. .. tew for.hlll melo. the fol~w'n8 were elec;t.ed •• new ---- per and loci.1 pre,ram are pldnneddUo.. Ev.ryone. mambor of B.tMn} o(l,cen 01 tn. ch ..reh '>Ir Fred. MESSIAH Ll1THItAAN Whll. I.fta WIll be r.c.uv.d fr.mor DOl. I. 1c.. ,L.d ... d ..r •• " lo take Oderf.r. Pr... Mr Em,l Cr .... "".r. V. SOll,ilHIl Co,... at Knc.II ... I .. " "' .... ber...d .'v.n '" Ih. L"Lheranpart III Una ,,",p,...lve Yw.etuh WOT Pre... Mr M..lvJD r-.euma.o. see. MI'. Lak Av.... ChaT1Ue. for ChrJ.tma.. "1ft dl.lribu.ah,p. R.lph Sehn"dt. Tr... Mr Enrill T.l U.." IIII Uoo

____ Deb.ndL. Mr H.rry Koehn. Mr H",b A H. A. p .. lor Sunday. Doe. 22 -The •• nlnr ch.lrTHE caOSSE POINTI: Carl.... Eldo.. , M..... H.rbert 1>1 L .... rd.. A.NI.taa. 'uUr will pr_t th. Chr,.lma. CaDldl.,

CONQa.E.GATIONAL CHURCH :::;~7••• Ray H....... Jo .. ph Koch. I. I... 01 three M,dweek Ad .... L ~. t;b~~: ...<;t'l<I..• , 1 0 clock PlanM.. _. bi ........ ~ LlkeWIM • c.cn.tlluLlon cOl'rumU." Ser ..~ Wil lbe held on W.dne_." orC.tIioou<. _r KncMw.i wa. 'Ppoln,.d The follawlo, ",ake tho n. ".ai<, Do.eembor I'. at , 4S

Claar ... W......... tI, Put... up Lb.. commlll.e Me.... Aa.... 0' l '" tb~ .vemOIl Th•• erle. of r.ASTllUNSnA PJt!.S8YTERIAN!WLday. 1. a m -Wonhtp Serv'l~. I L.... Fred Ode:l'"fu, Mehn.Q Nel.UrWoD~l.c )11> OIl iBJe.. J.n&. oj lb. Jatar CHURCHSunday, II a. m.-Ch\lreb SchooL IErwin Cebondt .nd lI.rhert T.... be. n.,:' wl11b.... neluded. It that ~.UtIC. ...,,1.11..... ad Jell.r ....S"",,"y Etrvellln.-Youth .rollp.. Th. Lad,.. su,ld h.ld Ita "I.lar th ',c fie lime beln. Hel .. h,p Detroit 1•• MI.h1Ia ..Frl"y. 'Jo---o.olr rthee .. al. m... Uo. on FrlClay AL Ih.. meeUftI! I" 'h"d of a aeri .. 01 lour ... ",an. .. •. 11k_dora V. Maldenk ..Won hip ServiCil .nd Church School n,any Jmportan" ••au.. wuc P'I•• ed ;JH ~: I!"/~e~~;~o:::~lor:mJ.--: ~.~ T... D ... D. K. E. MIDJUtr

WllJ coatlnu to be held in M.lre upon. .u.ch ... p~pluaLIOn!l for tne d.. lOr d In tbe .erViCC*' oa SuAda" S~nda" School. 9 45 • hl -Clalle. ISchool until the co! .trlka I. MtLIed. ded,c.hun or tho church. ,h. bu,.",s m • D.c.mbor IS. Th. worel or lot .11 al.' m.. t .1 Lh" lIm•• WIth

Tho C'.'C Oub will m.. t lrom 6 lo o..fbl •••L1v...... r. ond the p.. rc..... of 'he ,.,." to b. tr .. tad at ,bat lima tra.n.d l_cIL ... in char.e8 d hili \I "I !he '>IOT1lIn. Wo.. h,p. II 00 • m -Dr ------------------------

po m. au S"" .y In t • home of SIly After th. m... lIn. tho ..... lIAI • '... kDawD """'11' am MoldeD'" wLlI PIeach. The- w,ll L Ih. IMeeker .11 '0 Balfo.... ~ I h h V," fh. llm. 01 tho ..... l~ Ia •• ...",,"nn.lma. party W•• he d at W Ie l. Ill" r-n and 10 30 • m N,t._m of infanta and .maU children

no. r......'n. CoB ..... lOr... ID hold lIm. tho &ecr.1 .,.L ... ware r ealed. 1, 'unday S<.hool ..... 1..... ". S"". .t Ihla "rY'ee. O\Ir church Dur•• ry I. Ithe! .raa::nal Pot Luck DiDDer aDd Each penon liave her .ecreot te.r a d ()rn "8 frorn 9 1S Lo 10 I S o.cJo~. open durml' lhi. _ervlc:e lo ear. for ICb"",ma. Party OQl T1M!lu)' .venlna. lovely .ICt. Aline tune wa. had. by alL It j(,"'~ It .. Cru...tm •• Pr~ir&:'U en Im.U children while their .r-r...t'l.t! !.t

Doc.mber .7th, .t the hQme of M.. CI r,,\ u•• lve, December 24, .t 1.00 tend church ..... Ie. IWW.am Dr,...aJ.o, J21S Ken.LaILon P£ACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 0 c 'k Youth Group •• (, I J pm-All younllM.. Robart O.botae I. chatr..... of £a.. Worr.. ..d IlaJf.... ' , (hnum.. Pas.ant "Glory to people _com •.lb. ooanmlt_. Detroit, M1~b. Gcd w,1l b. "V." by the l'OUD, people £VOllID, Wor.h,p, 7 30 pm-Dr

The Cbllrda School Chrio1.ma. f'R",. .... £ C CI..... PiUlUr ot h .on~t.8'.t",n Ln {he •• ell'DI of Mold.ok. preachln ••for ..... chUdreD Uld their pareou, -uI Clarence J Cluk Yk.r l);it",\l ....unda~ Oeccsbr-r l'5. at. a 00 ""Id Week Prayer eervlce-Wedne.be held Friday. December 20th, from 7 .... Su.nday .elVlC'" ar. held aL Pe.ce ,) L.IJCr.. __ I he public •• :LnVLlec:l to come: Icb>, at i' 30 P ttl •t.o 9 p m In Maire S<::hooJ Fdward _ _ _

!:~'?h:D:"'~~~f1~::,;:'"w,lI IIr. AnENTION BUILDERS • fAIT: ~..:...~ :"'~~RCH

d Ex . Rw. Co H. L.n .... Pa.lorInterior an terlor Doors Vic.r s.....1 1tI• .m. AtaL

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~~~~:::;"lalSunday Sc:bool. ..ilb a cla.. lor

I I C. I. APPROVED "'.r)'Ooo. at 9 '0.Morn",. Wo.. b,p Service at II 00

I IHOMES FOR SALE cAh'Ser~,.~ml')~Theme' "1. Tb .. Your ~

I Boo_A.C Heat TO SEE ISI FuU 8alep1ent TO BUY! ~ Sennon Tat. M.Lth_ II. 2.10.______________________ 5erm.0II. by the VIlJIII'.

V.. per lIerv,ce of Chrl.trn&a 1II""caL J 00 P VI

M... 1c by tho lh .... choir •.MONDAY I

Teacher'. M.. t1DI at , 30 P. MWEDNESDAY

Brotherhood Chrl.tma. Porty .t 8' 00All 1.lh.... of the broLherhood com.,br!J>1 yo.r cblldren ..p 10 the 0.1. of 12.

is Saving


of the


TIMEThis Year


From Time to Time, We Will Be Able to Obtain NewFactory Built Mercury Engines.

Direct From .The Assembly Line


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CombiztatioDl.£I.ctria Clocuatlectric Room H....ter.

ELtctric Kazon• .1uo...... eat Lilht FixtUJ'1lI.Vletor Reco.ds

FIREPLACE LOGS16 and 24 jnch length - All Oak Well Seasoned

TOP SOIL8y the Yard or LoJad

PEAT MOSS by. the 8ALE • WELL ROTTED MANUREfor Flower Beds

ALLEMON'S WOOD YARDTU.2-9085 Estab 1928 Mack at University

Christmas (;ift Headquarters

The S.me loution



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Our qualifiea staff of furnace men, roofers ana tinners isconstantly at your call, for new work or service. • ••All necessary materials in stOCK .... Estimates FREEt

Happily we approadi trie season wnen everyone opens msheart in JOY and happiness. And as the tIme grows closer,to Christmas, once again our thoughts turn toward you, ourfriends and customers. :Yours, is our fmest wish.

Tradition ...

To Tradition ...


NO RISK TO YOU - J411 Our Mechanics ~re Covered by. Compensation 1nsurance-



We taKe prioe in tlie fact, tnat, Hirougn tne years,we have established a "TRADITION". Ours is a "Tra.aitionU of CONFIDENCE AND SERVICS We cherish th5trust!

Holly ... mistletoe .. ,Santa .. chiidren ... Oiurdi ..•Sleigh bells in the snow ... Christmas trees ... Holly .. :'Homes ... Families ... ALL, "True to Tradition" at Christ-mas Jlme. It wouldn't be Christmas wIthout all of them!


........ ~ ~~~Q'QK .


,-_ ., _._11_ 31 _._ _ ••21 _ 4." n.n•••ca..R4 III•••••n n.n.n.I1••••••••••IE_.I_ _ •••••I1_ _ cbi _ _ _ .


i Ii

" ruxedo 2-583P 15132 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe TUxedo 2-5831I !~i Season's ' iI Greetings I

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