2012 2 issue no. 669 in this issue

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2012-2 Issue No. 669 $3.00

In This Issue

How to Recognize an Ascended Master -2

You Are a Trinity -2

Body Changes Prior to Ascension -4

Using Illness Positively -5

Our Bodies after Ascension -5

Karma after Ascension -6

The Real Key to Health and Well-Being -8

What Is Wainwater? -9

Greek Barter Economy -10

Multiple Sclerosis Cure -11

New Pain Reliever -12

Do Not Go to Hell in a Handcart -13

11-11-11 Event a Joke? -15

Ascension Must Be Earned -16

Spiritual Download after Meditation -18

Yearning to Leave the Physical Plane -20

What Is Ascension? -22

Will There Be Communal Living in the

Future? -23

The Banking System after Ascension -24

The Unified States of Awareness -25

Manifesting What You Need -26

The Now Moment and Self-Realization -27

Use Imagination to Re-Create Your Life -28

What to Say to Your Religious Friends -28

The Occupy Wall Street Movement -30

Reproduction and sharing with friends and family is permitted but no alterations except with permission from CAC


CAC General Reading -Will Berlinghof Interpreter -Joan Mills, Questioner and Energizer- October 22, 2011


QUESTIONER: There is a question from PM in Long Beach California. He is asking this question in regards to the reliability of Dr. Georgi Stankov, Steve Beckow and David Wilcock. Steve Beckow edits "the 2012th scenario" website www.steve-beckow.com and David Wilcock has written The Source Field Investigations and publishes the www.divinecosmos.com website. I follow the postings of post individuals with great interest. Recently I discovered Dr. Georgi Stankov and he seems to have a number of articles that resonate with my own thinking. However the entity Dr. Georgi Stankov has a habit of abrasiveness towards both Steve Beckow and David Wilcock which seems inappropriate for one who claims to be an Ascended Master. I request from Awareness…

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness intervenes and asks who is making the claim that he is an Ascended Master? Georgi Stankov? You will find always that Ascended Masters do not claim their ascendancy; they simply are it. This being said, the answer is clear: this man is not an Ascended Master.

QUESTIONER: Very good; and the reliability of Stephen Beckow and David Wilcock?

COSMIC AWARENESS: These two are earnest individuals seeking to present information. The entity David Wilcock is seen to have an ego and enjoys the popularity he has received since his claim that he is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Saying this, much of his information is valid and worthy and one simply needs to bypass the personality. He is at least not claiming to be an Ascended Master. As to the middle individual Stephen Beckow, again it seems this man is sincere and honest. There is seen to be some manipulations around him, some giving of mis-information, but it is not the worst this Awareness has seen, and as long as everyone who reads his material applies the Golden Rule of always asking questions, of not simply embracing it as the complete truth and the only source of the truth, then reading his information and being open, it is the kind of information that is beneficial to a questioning mind and a questioning soul.

This is the same information, of course, that this Awareness continually gives to any and all sources. Even Georgi Stankov has information that is somewhat valid, often resonating as the truth, but you must discriminate that which is his truth from his personality, and see that his anger in life and his verbosity, his willingness to seriously attack others and even be rude and demeaning in his criticisms - marks him not only as a non-ascended being but someone who may not even ascend in this lifetime. Is this clear?

QUESTIONER: Yes it is. He had an attack against Paul Ruzicki and he was very, very rude and not talking very nice, not demanding respect, definitely not.

COSMIC AWARENESS: Does this not simply show the character of the man? All else is redundant after this point.


QUESTIONER: Exactly. Thank you for answering those questions. It's very much appreciated. This next question is from CL. He is asking about Ascension. He writes: "I would like to know what happens with the trinity of one after Ascension: the high, low and middle self? Especially I wonder about the low self - will it be integrated with the middle self for those who do ascend? The low self is very physically oriented, if I understand it correctly, but so are the animals and animals will of course exist on Planet A but maybe a bit differently." Your thoughts please?


COSMIC AWARENESS: First this Awareness congratulates this entity CL on an excellent question. The entity is himself a very strong seeker of the truth, and in his contemplations and meditations of what occurs when the three aspects of the individual ascend, this indeed shows a keen mind with a willingness to understand the nature of things. Basically this Awareness will start the answering of this question not by answering what happens when Ascension occurs, but rather by answering what happens when a death occurs and the spirit being, the soul, goes back to the spirit realm.

The low self that served as the interface in physical reality evolves after a period of time to become itself a middle self. That which was the middle self, after a period of incarnations, evolves to that which is the High Self, and that which is the High Self Itself evolves to an even greater level of spiritual awareness. This evolutionary process is happening continuously for each and every individual, so that the spiritual aspect of the being that has brought itself into physicality time and time again, with the same low self, middle self and High Self combination, is now complete.

It must be seen from the bigger picture, that the many lifetimes that are spent on this earthly plane with the same cast, if you will, have a strong theme and strong purpose behind reincarnating into physicality over and over again until those lessons are learned that were the objective of the soul in the first place and all is complete. When this is so, an Ascension process spontaneously occurs with the death at the time when understanding has been achieved, and the journey is complete, and it is then that the Ascension of the three parts of the High Self, low self, and middle self move in their own directions after Unity.

There is also another thing that happens, and that is the unification of the three parts back into a wholeness as well. It must be remembered that the realm of Spirit is paradoxical in nature, and therefore things can happen that are both for and against. The low self can both go on and become a middle self to someone else, or its own middle self with a new low self, usually an animal that has evolved to such a heightened level of consciousness that it has taken the step into human consciousness, and becomes the low self of a middle self who is now starting a new journey of incarnations, and that which was the middle self has moved into the High Self, and may even now act as the High Self to its previous low self, guiding it through the many incarnations.

This is also part of the reason why the three aspects of self have come together into wholeness to understand a new beginning, a new journey, that might be contemplated to bring all forward into a new level of awareness. In any event, this is how the process goes with the normal sequencing of events and lifetimes. The Ascension experience essentially is simply a bringing together of that series of lifetimes, bringing it to a completion and conclusion, as all will ascend.

This Awareness repeats this: all will ascend to make those choices that are needed as to where they seek to go further. In this Ascension Time, for example, those who choose to go to Planet B will, in a manner of speaking, ascend but immediately turn around and continue the journey on Planet B for their series of incarnations as the High Self, low self, middle self need to go in that direction. This is part of the choice of the soul to continue a new level of experiences.

It is not that they die and then go to Planet B, for there will be a continuance of the experience as they go through the disruption that will be occurring as the planet that is A/B breaks up or ceases to be a singular unit of consciousness. This type of Ascension will occur which will be more a slight movement into a realm, level of consciousness or vibration, before solidification occurs of the purpose and focus, and that purpose and focus will then bring the individual after the period of upheaval and turmoil solidly into Planet B.

For others who will take the Planet A scenario route, where they will ascend to one of the versions of Planet A - they will do this in a concerted, focused way, where they are aware that they are being drawn into a higher consciousness, either by intent and design or because they have, even on an unconscious level, reached a high enough degree that they can go along with the planet itself as it ascends into its higher vibration. In this case the High Self, low self and middle self will


continue to operate together until a point comes in Unity Consciousness where it is decided that it is time now for a mixing up of those three roles, and then the low self will evolve or ascend into a middle self, the middle self to the High Self and the High Self onward.

The majority who will go through a death experience when planet A/B shifts, will be brought into Spirit again and that which was always the norm of things, how things worked, will again take place. The low self will indeed go on to be the low self to the middle self that it is low self to at the present, the middle self will carry on being the middle self to the High Self, and this unit will again choose another life. The other life may be on Planet A, or may be on Planet B, or even may be on another incarnation on Planet A/B.

It must be remembered that even though the planet is ready to undergo this metamorphosis, the spiritual contingency of lifetimes on this planet is timeless, and once one has returned back into the spiritual fabric they are back in timelessness, and when they choose to incarnate again they can choose to incarnate again on Planet A/B, but this time perhaps in the past, as opposed to this moment that they are experiencing in modern times. Thus, through the death experience the normal sequencing of events will carry forth, and therefore the journey will continue of the three compadres, if you will, of the High Self, low self and middle self until it is complete, at which point the division of the High Self, middle self, low self occurs and all move on into their own roles of evolution. Does this adequately answer this question?


QUESTIONER: Yes, I believe it does and I thank you very much. Still with the same theme, there is something from FS in Daytona Beach, Florida. He writes, "I read that prior to Ascension you may expect some unpleasant bodily changes. So far it started with a stiff neck and shoulders, then progressed to sprained wrists and ankles, then to swollen knees. I'm hoping that all this is a good sign and not that I'm simply falling apart." Any comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness could indeed say these are good signs, if that will help alleviate the pain. What this Awareness would also say is that aspirin may help as well, for you are still in the physical realm, and if the use of an ingredient like aspirin can actually help alleviate the inflammation or the swelling, there is no reason not to use it or any other alternative medicine or remedy that could equally help. This Awareness would always favor the alternative sources, but It is not being naï ve here in not recognizing that if aspirin helps in the momentary situation then why not use it?

Everything is a matter of belief and if it is believed that aspirin could help, then this is not such a bad thing for it will then help. However, in terms of the general assertion that body changes will occur such as those described, generally speaking there will be a lightening up of the body as one moves towards Ascension, especially if one is active in their pursuit of eliminating the darkness from one's life by bringing the Light into their lives more and more. The darkness may express itself in physical ailments - this is indeed so but it must not necessarily be so. Therefore, it is as easy to believe that the body, as it lightens up and becomes pain-free, that these changes that have been suggested by many do not necessarily have to take place.

But if and when they do, the understanding that this is part of the shifting, part of the transformation may be beneficial in establishing the belief system in the individual - that they are changing and that they are transforming. It is more a choice of belief, in actuality, as to what exactly occurs. Many are reading reports of the need to have body changes that can be negative and painful and then they bring it into their lives, for they believe this is indicative of their ascending process, and yet it is only a belief, and an expectation.


Others feel these things and there is shifting that happens as the body refines itself but it must be remembered that the refinement begins from the inside moving outwards. Therefore, if one goes within and monitors the changes and stipulates that these changes and transformations can happen without undue pain and discomfort, then this should be helpful in alleviating this pain and discomfort and when there are minor aches or pains, even when there are major issues being resolved, simply allow them to sweep through the individual and use them as a way of working deeper, to understanding deeper what is occurring.

Using Illness to Effect Spiritual Transformation

The Interpreter recently went through extreme flulike symptoms - fevers, aches, pains, lack of sleep, upset stomach and such things. He used this period of time to do very deep and intense work in his own being, routing out his own places where there was darkness, lifetimes that still have energy to them that was involved in the dallying in darkness, if you will. These periods of time when one is going through intense physical illness are very advantageous for those seekers who would deal with the deepest issues they might not normally come to, for when one is ill certain barriers are removed that allow one to go even deeper into issues.

One simply needs to show a willingness to do so and the intent and drive to make it so. One needs to always remember at the same time the new mantra this Awareness has presented, "I am the Light, the Light I am" for as one becomes more and more of the Light, that which was the darkness, whether from this life or other lifetimes, must rescind itself; it must retreat and the intent is to drive it completely from the individual.

Once this process happens a new degree of Light comes into the individual, or the individual could be said to be of a higher Light vibration. Every time this occurs and more of the darkness from this and other lifetimes that are involved in the individual's soul journey are eliminated, the level of or height of Ascension that can be reached will be that much greater. Therefore, this time period where aches and pains are felt, where illness and sickness sometimes do occur, can be used to great advantage, and can be seen to be a cleansing of the body as it lets go of the negative issues and energies, and it can be used as a springboard of opportunity to dive into the fabric of one's being and to truly root out those attachments of the darkness that may still be clinging to one, and to bring the Light to them, to enlighten the situation and to bring a higher level of vibrational energies to the individual.

Therefore, all that many consider to be very unpleasant and uncomfortable can be used in the service of achieving Light Consciousness, of achieving Spiritual Awareness, and this is something that will be even more intense in the next 14 months or so as the last of the opportunities are presented to those who are seeking Spiritual Evolution and Ascension, to deal with the issues and to reach the highest level of Ascension possible to them. And when that event takes place there will even be, as this Awareness has spoken, those who will ascend before December 21, 2012, for their work has been so excellent and so accelerated that they do not need necessarily to wait for a time that will initiate a worldwide event.

There will be many opportunities for many to cross over themselves, not simply through the portal of death but through the Ascension process. But it will be much easier to do in and around the time of Ascension, in and around the dates given already. But as this Awareness says, as more and more truly bring the Light inward and dispel the darkness within, raising their own spiritual awareness and their spiritual vibratory force, they will often bring themselves to a place of Ascension if they are ready.



QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was definitely excellent, a lot of information there. We have one from JE and she writes: "I am under the impression that when we ascend we may choose to express ourselves as Light Bodies, which are perfect reflections of our physically healed bodies. If this is so, are these the physical bodies we presently occupy in this lifetime or will we be the reflection of the physical body that is our true essence or true reflection we wish to express ourselves as at the point of Ascension forward?" Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: The first thing that this Awareness would ask is which level of observation is taking place here? Is one observing the physical from spiritual and seeing a perfect body or does one need to attain a perfect physical status of the body in order to have a spiritual perspective? This is somewhat confusing, but basically this Awareness would say that it is not required that the physical body reach a perfect state before Ascension, for this would eliminate many who are invalids, many who are diseased or in illness at the time. It is not the body, of course, and this Awareness is aware this individual JE is not asking this, but it is a good opportunity for this Awareness to discuss this matter.

It is not that the body must be perfect in order for Ascension to occur, but the power of the mind and the soul and the intent of both, as well is the emotional energies of the heart chakra, all in alignment to the push into Ascension - even if the body is weak, even if the body is incapable of physical journeying, Ascension still can take place, for the aspects of the personality, the mind and the heart and the spirit, all in unison, can bring forth this event. Speaking more to the point of her question, when such a spiritual alignment occurs there is an uplifting then of the energies of the being and this will often include the physical body.

Therefore, as the Ascension experience commences, that the body is brought to a place of perfection and healing that will allow it to ascend if it is a full body Ascension process that is to be experienced. If it is not, it may well be - and the majority will experience this reality - that the body is left behind or the body dies, for it cannot withstand the transformational process of moving itself into the highest Light Consciousness. Thus it is that the body is inconsequential in some ways to the Ascension process, but as one becomes Ascended Spirit and as one understands the power that is now available as the Creator Being, that those who would have the physical body in perfection to allow it to come across with it may indeed do so. Many will simply look at the body and think that they are tired of that old shell and not seek to bring it along.

What is most important - is that the Ascension process is the building of the Light Body and the Light Body that already exists in all is that which goes back and forth from the Spirit Realm into physicality, even on a daily basis. But as the Light Body is built to a capacity where it can withstand and merge with the Light Energies that are ready to come forward, it has the ability to transmute the physical body in this experience so that it can be brought along, as this Awareness has already suggested. It is however the building of the Light Body that is essential for this to occur, and the Light Body may even decide it does not need that physical body that it has used all those years, for it can always create a new physical one. But there is a different set of circumstances for this to occur and sometimes it is simply easier to take along the old familiar model than to go shopping for a new one.


QUESTIONER: That's true, thank you. She has one more question: "I am under the impression that karma is released upon Ascension. Can Awareness explain what will happen when one ascends yet karma is not worked through with others who are also ascending? Also, if one's life lessons or personal issues are not worked through before the Ascension, how will this affect the entity/soul in their new reality/realities?"


COSMIC AWARENESS: This is an interesting and worthy question, for as part of the preparation of moving into a spiritual state of being, where one is ready to ascend, that the working off of karma is indeed very important. At the very highest level of achievement - where one has indeed worked off all karma in one's lifetime to all others - that will allow that individual to ascend at the highest level. There are other gradients, if you will, of Ascension available as well, and in those lower gradients, those lower levels of Ascension, some karma may still remain.

Here lies a problem, for if karma is seen as a chain that binds one to another, then the fact that one has not worked off their karma with another seems to suggest that they will need to still work this off. If it is so then there are several alternatives available. The individuals have all reached sufficiently high levels so that they can ascend and immediately recognize their karma and work it out immediately, even simply acknowledging it and recognizing it, especially if the karma is not of a nature that is of a negative or a dark nature.

It is so that if a being who has high spiritual qualities plays in the darkness and has not released themselves from the darkness of involvement with others, the karma with others - a possibility, a strong possibility, exists that they will be held back and compromised in their Ascension process. There-fore, as this Awareness has already spoken of in recent times, it is absolutely essential now for all to work on their Light Bodies, all to release as much attachment to negative, black, dark energies and beings as possible.

When one has come to see and understand that certain individuals are of an evil nature, but they choose to play with them and engage with them, should it be a surprise when Ascension comes their way and they cannot ascend, or they cannot go in at the level they were meant to, because they have dallied in the darkness, they have played in that darkness too long? Certain challenges now will be presented to those who are seeking Ascension; challenges that Spirit will insist be reviewed and dealt with. The biggest challenge is a deliberate intention of playing with individuals, being involved with individuals, staying connected to individuals who obviously have no intention of ascending, and who are of a dark and negative nature, and one decides they must stay with them because this is one's mother, this is one's husband, this is one's child, and they cannot possibly let go of this individual because they will not ascend and therefore one chains themselves to this individual in the name of love, perhaps, or obligation or expectation.

One may have every intention in the world to ascend and be fully competent and aware of the Ascension process, and yet be blind to seeing how they have chained themselves to those who are in the dark and do not wish to leave the dark, for it is their playground, it is their arena, it is their home. These challenges will become more and more obvious and you will be required to truly look at these decisions and ask yourself, "Why it is that you choose to stay chained when God Itself is asking you to unchain yourself, to step into your Light, to ascend into the Love and Light of God Itself?"

These are serious challenges that this Awareness is bringing forward at this time for individuals to consider, for it is imperative that one do as much as one can, and show the intent and desire to step into the Light as much as possible in order to ascend. Many will complain, many will object, and many will say this Awareness is wrong in asking of such a thing. How can one abandon a mother, a brother, a sister, or a lover? How can one abandon those who need their assistance and their help? All this Awareness is saying is that in the end one simply must answer their own question as to whether they wish to ascend or not, and that God is not judging one on whether they abandoned a loved one or not.

One is simply being given the opportunity to ascend and to trust that those others, those loved ones will also move forward, and that God does not abandon them. God is as simply giving you the opportunity to put yourself in the center of your circle, to take full and complete responsibility for yourself, to clean up all those chains and cords that attach one to those who, for their own reason, may not be choosing to move into the Light at this time. God will bring them forward and they


themselves in their soul's decision and determination of what they need, will pick the right path for them, whether it is Ascension at this time or not.

One does not help another by staying in the karmic loops and chains of another, and saying they must stay there because they cannot abandon them. Karma is also the recognition that the chains, the loop, the cord that binds them needs to be released and an individual in determining and choosing Ascension can indeed choose to let go of those bonds to another that would prevent them from moving into Ascension. They can move out of their karmic bind with them, and this does not mean they are then afterwards obligated to complete their karma with them, for by recognizing and choosing the Light, by recognizing and choosing one's spiritual journey above that which was the karmic journey of individuals, then they will put themselves in the Light and they will move forward free of these karmic loops.

All Karma is Now Coming To An End

It must be also understood that all karma, in a manner of speaking, is now coming to an end, as the planetary experiment that was prevalent where karma was created amongst individuals is coming to a full and complete termination. Therefore, whatever decisions one makes as to whether they choose to free themselves or not is imperative here, for Ascension is that process of moving to the higher vibrations where these karmic loops, cords, and chains do not exist. If one does not wish to go there, one will stay on the normal track where death will be the determination, all soul aspects going across at that time, and a continuance of the roles that others played in your life will carry forth, and you will stay at that level.

Ascension may not then occur for you but you may choose to complete the karmic issues that were prevalent before the termination on this physical plane. At that point you would come back into lifecycles with these individuals, not at this present point but at other points in the history of the planet. Thus you and your mother and your husband and your children, who you were all karmically involved with, may all choose to come back in another existence in ancient Mesopotamia or in prehistoric Iceland as Inuit people. There are many, many choices indeed. Does this answer the question or simply make it more complicated?

QUESTIONER: Well, it certainly gives something to think about and I think most of it has been answered but I will have to read it again, read the response once more to get a good grip on it.

COSMIC AWARENESS: Basically this Aware-ness would say that when karma is ready to be completed, one can do so by choice and move forward oneself. One is not obligated to stay karmically involved with people who do not choose to move forward. If they do not choose then they must face their own consequences. The individual choosing to end their karmic role in a spiritual way with others is freed to move forward, and they will not be dragged down by those they once had karma with, for karma is ending. They simply have chosen to end it more quickly and completely and have chosen to move forward. They are not obligated any longer by those karmic ties.


The Key is Having the Low Self on Board

QUESTIONER: That makes sense, now I under-stand, thank you. I appreciate that and your patience. Ok, we have here something from VT (Vikki). It concerns something from Keith Kaufman. He wrote, "I want to communicate with you because something wonderful has happened in my life


that I want to share with you and everyone. I just discovered an amazing new health product. Have you ever heard of Redox Signaling Molecules? Redox Signaling Molecules are native to our bodies and decline with aging. They work at the cellular level and signal to all cells, aspects, organs and systems of our bodies to perform their natural functions at a high level.

On the bottle label: 'ASEA activates the body's own native ability to empower the immune system and enhance health'. This product regenerates and truly revitalizes cells and our whole being. Most of us even feel healthful vitalizing changes immediately and vitality grows from then on. Of course I can't say that everyone will, but realistically this is by far the most effective health remedy product that I have found in my many years on earth. Your comments please regarding this product and also the effectiveness of it?"

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is a very intriguing product. There are truths in the claims that KK has made and that it could be a product highly beneficial to many but not to everyone. While this product will re-stimulate the cellular nature of the body, the cells themselves being stimulated and awoken again, it must always be understood that it is the low self buying into a belief system of aging and the compromise of the body that is the actual reason for the body's decline as that body ages. This product has the ability of transmitting to the low self the information that it is effective at restoring at the cellular level, and those subconscious minds, those low self minds that accept this and buy into it will be strongly advantaged by this product and will allow this healing to take place.

Others, whose low selves say that they must deteriorate health-wise as they grow older and it is simply the way of things, will not necessarily benefit from a product that could alleviate many of the symptoms many experience in the aging process. One could indeed take a product that is the best product of the times, of the eons even - one could even find the mysterious elixir of eternal life and take it and still not be affected positively by it if the low self denies it, for the low self is that which is the creator on the physical level. It creates mostly the body itself but it also creates the surroundings of the body, the environment in which that body lives, and that environment is created in co-creation with the collective consciousness of the planet and of those regions, nations and cultures one finds oneself in.

Therefore, even though one may take such an excellent product, one may still not have excellent results. What this Awareness would suggest is if one wishes to use this product that one be as positive as possible when taking it, encouraging the low self to be open to the product, even using the mantra, "I am the Light, the Light I am and as I take this product I am being affected positively, it is helping me re-create my physical body so that I am even stronger and more able to be the Light I am." Therefore one can use the new mantra to start an internal process of change, healing and restoration that can be augmented by such excellent products as this Redox.

But one must also recognize that simply putting all one's trust and faith only on this product to do the business would be presumptuous of an individual, and yet it is what individuals do all the time, seeking the magic bullet that will restore health and well-being. There are many products that can help this but what must still be recognized, acknowledged and worked with first and foremost is the restoration of the low self's belief that it can restore health, or even that the belief held by the low self that old age implies the deterioration of the body is wrong and that the low self be encouraged to replace it with the new understanding, with new beliefs where aging is bringing one back into their health and well-being, is bringing one into their Light Body, and is bringing one into a perfect state of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual balance.

Wainwater is not Simply Silver Colloidal Water but also has Tesla Technologies Added

QUESTIONER: Interesting. How does this product compare with silver colloidal water? Is it completely different or do they complement each other?


COSMIC AWARENESS: They are completely different, but they can complement each other. What must be understood is that that product known as Wainwater is not simply silver colloidal water but has had Tesla technologies applied to it that also changes the vibration of the water as well as the silver colloidal aspect. One could simply pick up silver colloidal water or even make it oneself and not have it infused with the energies of the Tesla technology in the Wainwater. This is what makes Wainwater different. Silver colloidal water by itself is simply antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It does not necessarily have the spiritual qualities that both Wainwater has and this product that is being asked about, Redox.

This completes the answer from this Awareness. It is simply asking now that individuals start to understand more and more that their reliance on outside materials or remedies or medicines is always putting their power beyond themselves, outside of themselves, and the power to heal and change truly begins inside oneself. When one brings the low self into the work and into the picture, the results can be even more amazing than when one simply takes the product and it works at the physical level on its own.


QUESTIONER: I see, thank you. That was very, very helpful. Changing topic, this one concerns finances, it comes from VB and it concerns: Truly Revolutionary: Greek City Starts "Rebel" Barter Economy and Alternative Currency and it's dated October 4, 2011. It's quite lengthy, I'll just pick out a few paragraphs to read.

The new Greek barter economy combines and exemplifies the influences of decentralization, free markets, a strong work ethic and rugged individualism, as well as the ideals of localism, sustainable living, cooperation and community organization - all shot through with a healthy dose of the Silicon Valley startup mentality: innovative problem-solving, entrepreneurialism and full of bright optimism - instead of the fear and resignation that characterizes so many markets and communities today. What if the alternative currencies and barter economies created by people like Theodoros Mavridis simply grew to replace centrally issued paper currencies as the predominant monetary products the same way e-mail, companies like FedEx, and even text messaging have come to replace centralized government-sponsored services for exchanging parcels and information? Not as the result of some great ideological revolution, followed by a major political reform, but simply because the alternative works better and people like it more?

The last paragraph: As for the feasibility of such a future, sound money advocates the world over can take hope in the fact that the Greek government is not only not hostile to these locally emerging systems of money and exchange, they're even trying to help. Even the government is taking notice. Last week the Greek Parliament passed a law sponsored by the Labor Ministry to encourage the creation of 'alternative forms of entrepreneurship and local development', including networks based on an exchange of goods and services. The law for the first time fills in a regulatory grey area, giving such groups nonprofit status. Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness has indeed spoken in the past of the fact that should the economic situation that is currently in existence on the planet - one that is controlled by the Elite, the cabal of power; should this collapse - that ultimately despite the upheaval of several weeks, even months, local economies would indeed spring forward, and would indeed create new ways of getting goods and services out there, of exchanging goods and services.

This new way of bartering is being exemplified in this Greek model. It is basically being forced upon them through necessity because of the extreme economic situation of Greece at this time. In a manner of speaking, Greece is at the cutting edge because it has been forced there due to its government misappropriating funds and services, and by its irresponsible people often taking


more than what was in the pot. But in another way this could be understood as that which was needed to drive this country to the edge, so that alternatives, such as this bartering system, this model of communal cooperation at a local level, could come forward.

The irony here is that this new model is anything but new. It is the oldest way that things were exchanged in the past, and that Greece itself with its agora, or city market, once knew this as the primary way by which produce, goods and services could be exchanged in the marketplaces of the towns and villages and cities of ancient Greece. It is now coming back, but it is not because it is the new way, but because it is the way that used to work very well indeed, and the new aspects and elements of this is that there will be a new spiritual understanding and awareness, a new spiritual willingness to cooperate with one another, as those traditional means by which one used to buy things through economic service, through the use of money, banking, insurance, stocks, etc. to create money, through work and other means to create money, will fall by the wayside.

Work will still be available at the local level and this will translate itself into the means by which one can acquire some form of currency to barter with, currency not of a monetary nature. These plans will be presented more and more as the planet itself needs to look towards new solutions and old solutions. This Awareness is not worried as to what will occur on the planet once the economic system collapses, for It has seen all of this before and It knows mankind to be a very innovative lot, and it will be able to adjust and come up with something new that works in replacement of that which has not been working for a very long time.


QUESTIONER: Thank you. There is one from TH. It concerns Likely Multiple Sclerosis Cure Found, MS Societies in Panic. He writes: "Astounding discovery. Apparently MS is caused by narrowed veins in the neck, and not an autoimmune disease. The doctor who discovered this has successfully treated MS patients through surgery to inflate the veins. The infuriating part of this is the American and Canadian MS societies have issued statements urging sufferers to be 'cautious' and not to get tested for narrow veins." Do you have a comment on this please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: The first comment is that of course the MS societies in the United States and Canada, which are in support of the Medical Mafia, the Medical Mobsters, who have so long dominated and controlled medical treatment in North America, need to be appeased. To see many running to those who are practitioners of this new therapy of MS treatment, would not be recommended or supported, for it would be taking away from the profit margin of those pharmaceutical businesses that provide the medicines now used for the treatment of MS. It would not support the medical industry that holds a model of MS that keeps individuals at their sickest.

Therefore, it is only natural that the MS societies of both countries respond negatively, advising against such treatment, advising against becoming too excited by a possible cure. It is not their business to encourage new alternatives, new solutions, but rather to maintain the status quo, which is indeed what they are doing. As to this treatment process itself, it does have high success amongst many but not with everyone. It is also seen that there is a need to be very diligent in how the process is carried out, and that there have even been deaths due to a misappropriate application of treatment. Therefore, one does have to be somewhat of vigil and go only to truly authorized, accredited practitioners. This treatment is seen by this Awareness as definitely being beneficial to MS patients, but It does not see it as the ultimate cure or the ultimate solution.

The reason this Awareness says this, is one must always understand that illness does not simply happen to the body. It is the end result of a process, which is incredibly important to understand. It is important to understand that one calls illness into their lives for a purpose. It is not simply a random attacking of the body, and it is not simply something that has no meaning or no purpose.


Many who are open to their illnesses can truly say that their lives were changed when the illness happened, and what was previously unsatisfactory to them was finally dealt with, if you will.

This is not always satisfactory. One cannot say MS is a satisfactory solution, for it will cause the deterioration and death of the body. What can be said is that, for example, those conditions an individual once used to live in are dealt with, and the individual by claiming an illness, such as MS, no longer needs to deal with what used to be high stress situations, for example, for the body is no longer capable. Therefore, the illness has brought a solution and dealt with in an unenlightened way perhaps, a situation that once may have been intolerable.

The physical solution, the broadening of arteries, the narrowed arteries, may indeed physically help the situation, but unless one deals with the underlying mental, emotional, spiritual and psychological problems that called the illness into the body in the first place, one is simply prolonging the ultimate. There may be much improvement, this is true, but again not for everyone, for they have not dealt with the underlying factors that need to be dealt with. Therefore, this Awareness would say that if one could use such physical procedures and combine this with deep, intense counseling, working at those deepest levels of awareness and understanding to change at the subconscious low self levels, the reasons why illness was called in in the first place, then this Awareness would say these two approaches hand in hand would be highly, highly recommended.

It must be remembered that many become ill with many illnesses and diseases, and they go to their doctors and they receive the standard cure or treatment for the times. A tumor may be removed, diabetes may be treated with insulin, high blood pressure with drugs - but always if the underlying reasons for the illness are not dealt with, that even though a tumor, for example, may be removed and the individual declared cancer free, the underlying reasons for calling the illness in the first place will simply call illness in again and cancer will reappear. If a true cure is sought, then the cure must include emotional and mental and spiritual work, as well as any physical work, operation or medication that is used or given.


LCT-1000 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was very interesting. This last one is from VK and it concerns a new pain relieving modality called LCT-1000 Deep Tissue Laser Therapy. There is a prelude to the actual question: "Five to ten brief treatments with this powerful laser claims to eliminate or significantly reduce pain associated with many different injuries and afflictions, among them arthritis. This LCT-1000 laser floods the tissues with protons, energizing damaged cells and increasing circulation to the painful area. It further claims to rebuild, energize and increases blood flow by oxygenating and removing toxins. This produces a cascade of healing responses in the body thereby reducing or eliminating pain. Its therapeutic effect continues to soothe and heal long after one leaves the doctor's office. However, five treatments for knee stiffness and arthritis proved futile in my experience, thus treatment was discontinued due to the expense." Her question: "If treatment can totally alleviate extreme pain in the knees and legs of an elderly 95-year-old woman, which absolutely did occur, why would it fail in a younger person? An energy healer named Ming Kit Kwan stated cells in the elderly cannot be regenerated, however this has not proven to be true. Therefore, why is it that deep tissue laser therapy modality is inconsistent in achieving pain relief? All we hear is that what works for one person may not work for another, but this is a cellular issue and not simply a temporary band-aid to alleviate symptoms. Thank you very much for an explanation." Your thoughts please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness will go on to answer the bulk of the question. It simply wished to point out that this statement of belief by an expert is exactly the kind of statements that


are so often delivered by those in "authority", those who are the "experts", that so radically affect the low self and the beliefs. This expert has stated that the cells of the elderly cannot be rejuvenated, cannot be replaced with healthier cells. This Awareness refutes this entirely, for this can indeed occur.

However, if the prominent belief held in collective consciousness is that as the elderly do age that the body breaks down, the cells deteriorate, the functioning of the human body declines and this is ironclad, and this is what happens regardless, then this is a belief system that is supported by the subconscious. Such statements as this individual has made then simply reinforce the beliefs of the subconscious, and it simply holds this truth to be so and reflects it in the body of the aging person.

This Awareness wished to point this out and to make it obvious how it is that the "experts" define the belief system. Unfortunately, these experts are often erroneous and it is only their belief and opinions they are truly stating, not the truth. Unfortunately also, such experts are seen on the television all of the time, are encountered all of the time, and going into the doctor's office one encounters the belief system that supports medical belief as it is now practiced. This is constant and individuals must start seeing through these ways of maintaining the status quo of belief in terms of medical health and well-being. Is this clear?

QUESTIONER: Yes, it is, thank you.

COSMIC AWARENESS: As to the entity VK and her question of why the laser system did not work for her, what is seen is that her situation was different than the 95-year-old woman. What this Awareness is seeing basically in this laser treatment is that it is the scar tissue and the build-up of old lactic acid in the muscles of individuals that start to create the pain of the body and the muscles. The locked up scar tissue and lactic acids create situations where pain is occurring, and this pain will get worse and worse as the scarring continues or the injury is not relieved.

The particular laser treatment is excellent in treating such a buildup of scar tissue in the tissue, the muscle tissue itself or alleviating the built-up residue of lactic acid which comes through use of the muscles and in the body. Therefore, this approach will be truly a remarkable and beneficial approach for people who are suffering this sort of problem. The entity VK was not suffering this. Hers is seen to have been a deterioration and depletion of the cartilage in the knee. Lasers cannot create what is not there, and they cannot restore cartilage. They can remove those static places of built up scarring, but they cannot simply replace the cartilage.

Therefore, this is not the muscle of the knees that were being affected, but the cartilage itself that was trying to be healed with this technique, a technique which was not effective. The older 95-year-old woman, however, had a muscle buildup of scar tissue in and around the knee and the knee muscles, not the cartilage. Therefore, when it treated the muscles where the scarring was that had created a tension, a stiffness, the scarring was burnt away, the buildup of the lactic acid residue removed and the cells stimulated to encourage regeneration. It was thus successful for her but it was a completely different operation, if you will, or procedure on a different type of condition. This is what is seen to be the difference.

QUESTIONER: Is there anything she can do for her problem?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is seen that there are some solutions, including the use of shark cartilage, to restore cartilage that has dilapidated. Also, it is seen that acupuncture would be beneficial in building up the new cartilage as well.

QUESTIONER: Thank you for that. She'll be very happy to hear that.


This Awareness would do a closing message at this time. This Awareness is aware that it is approaching that time It has spoken of in the past, the end of October, where major events have


been predicted by this Awareness as taking place. This Awareness will say this at this time: the clock is ticking and the events this Awareness has spoken of during the latter month and the beginning of November are still seen to be events that may indeed show themselves, but not to everyone.

The reason this Awareness is saying this is because often when an individual is successful in their attempt to shift their timeline, or their time track, those events that may have been declared once as what will happen, do not happen for those individuals, for they have altered or shifted their timeline and do not necessarily need to see events as they are happening. Therefore, this Awareness is simply saying at this time: if unprecedented events do not appear in the individual's life, do not dismiss that the energies are changing and that the time clock is ticking down towards Ascension.

It is simply that perhaps you did not need to go through disheveling events that could have radically created a high-tension situation in your life. For those, however, who are to experience these events, this Awareness says to please remember: do not climb into the cart of fear, do not go to hell in that handcart, because many will panic and many will find that this is a ride to hell, and that their lives are seriously compromised. Be aware that the events that are coming have been foreordained, not only by this Awareness, as It is but one voice in the darkness that speaks out and proclaims that events are ready to unfold, events are ready to occur.

Be aware that there are many ways of dealing with these unfolding events. Panic is one of the ways, but to stay in a place, rather, of calm focus, of understanding that all is not necessarily as it seems. Those reporting events often have an ulterior motive in their misinformation/disinformation, and even though everything may seem to be horrendous as things begin to fall apart, this is still not a sufficient excuse to forget oneself and to join in the riot, to join in the rapid decline of circumstances of the individual in their lives. This Awareness is saying that as one stays in relative calmness, in relative focus, one will do more to help oneself and one's loved ones through the stressful situations and the unfolding event than when one just simply jumps in the handcart that is heading for hell.

'Hell' being the complete dissolution of the planetary system that once was so, the way of things that once was prevalent. As the old ways start to collapse all around it may be better to understand that there is a bright new future to aim for, instead of clinging to the old past that is like the Titanic going down quickly. In a manner of speaking, these are most exciting times, for as those events start to unfold that individuals see and witness, they can recognize them as the signs that have so long been spoken of, of the change that is coming, and to remember that this too means Ascension, this too means a brave new world of heightened possibilities, of beauty and love and cooperation.

This too is what lies ahead, and sometimes it is necessary to go through the trials and tribulations of change before one has achieved change and one settles into the new mode that presents itself. Therefore, in the weeks ahead remember always, whether one experiences the profound changes or not, whether they hit one on the side of the head or do not even come into one's own precinct, one's own experiences of life, whether this happens or does not happen, still the times are ticking, the energies of change are building and massing, and one still needs to live in trust and faith.

One still needs to do the inner work, one still needs to be positive and confirming that life is worthy of living and that the future is a bright one, and that change is good, and that it will bring the bigger changes that have long been awaited. When one holds this positive outlook and has that positive nature, it will make life much easier. If one at the same time is dealing with the issues of darkness in one's life and those areas that need to be enlightened, if one is proclaiming on a daily basis that one is of the Light and that they are indeed opened to the Light, then the Light can indeed flow to them and make the situation even lighter. Remember always that the times ahead


are presented by God Itself and are here to help all return home, and that is, and has always been, the goal and objective.

CAC General Reading-Will Berlinghof Interpreter-

Joan Mills Questioner and Energizer- November 19, 2011


The Fundamentalist Mentality Always Seeks God "Out There" and Never Takes Responsibility for What Goes On Within

QUESTIONER: The first one comes from Anonymous. She writes, "11-11-11 was supposed to be a very important day for those who were looking forward to Ascension to the 5th dimension. Cosmic Awareness made it clear that 11-11-11 would signal the opening of the 4th dimensional portals that would lead those who were ready for Ascension to the 5th dimension. When 11-11-11 arrived, sadly these portals did not open up. Many thousands, possibly even millions of people were waiting for these portals to open up. Cosmic Awareness did not suggest that there would be a delay in the opening of these 4th dimensional portals. So the first question I have for Cosmic Awareness is: Why is it that these 4th dimensional portals did not open when they were scheduled to open?

Also, if Cosmic Awareness knew that there could possibly be a delay, why didn't Cosmic Awareness make it clear from the beginning that there might be a delay? Many people now are going to have doubts as to whether Cosmic Awareness is a fully legitimate source of information. I am quite aware of the quality of information Cosmic Awareness has released, but the problem is that there are many people who left Christianity to join the New Age movement who have come in contact with your information who may be wondering now after this failed Ascension prophecy whether Cosmic Awareness is truly what It says It is.

If there is another date for Ascension before December 21, 2012, can Awareness assure us that this will truly happen without another delay? I would appreciate it if you answered my question as an audio update on your website so the entire world can be made aware of why 11-11-11 was a failed prophecy." Your comments please or should I take each one of these separately?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would prefer to answer the questions asked and the comments made in a general manner. It may choose to take specific parts of her commentary on after this Awareness has made Its general comments. First, this Awareness does not accept the blame this individual is laying at Its feet. This Awareness never once said that Ascension would happen on a mass level for millions and millions of individuals. This Awareness has always stated that events such as 11-11-11 and other events during this, the End Times, were opportunities for those who were ready to ascend, who had reached a high enough level of consciousness, of self-awareness, of spiritual understanding, expanded consciousness - the opportunity to ascend if they wished.

This Awareness never once said that those who decided they are ready, are ready, and it would thus happen for the masses. The blame this individual is presenting to this Awareness and laying at Its feet is misguided blame and this Awareness does not accept it, for it is not the responsibility of this Awareness to vouch for these dates as dates that all will ascend or millions will ascend. If this individual did not ascend on this day it was because she was not ready to ascend. Please do not take the words of this Awareness and twist them to suit your own needs and purpose. The assumptions you have made that millions were ready to ascend and this Awareness lied to those millions, misled them, cheated them out of an experience, are ungrounded and unfounded.


It is time now for those who consider Ascension to become fully aware and cognizant of the truth of Ascension. Ascension does not come to those who simply say they wish to ascend, although the awareness about Ascension moves individuals towards the experience of Ascension, but it does not guarantee Ascension at the time an individual feels it must happen. This individual is placing Awareness in a role similar to the role a pastor of radical Christian consciousness placed God in recently when he announced to the world there would be a rapture for those of his faith who listened to his words and this would guarantee that everyone who believed the Christian prophecies he was stating would go to God, and would be raptured, but it did not seemingly happen.

This Awareness said at that time that many were raptured but those who were not, did not have the experience because they were not ready for that experience, the rapture being akin to Ascension in a Christianized understanding of this concept. This individual is placing herself in a situation similar to the pastor, and placing this Awareness in a situation of being the God Voice that spoke and said the date 11-11-11 would be the date for rapture, or Ascension. This Awareness, as It has already said, did no such thing.

Therefore, her assumptions that this Awareness misled, misguided, and cheated those millions who were waiting for this is erroneous. It would be better for her to understand that her perception of Ascension on that day was her own perception and not the truth of the matter. And furthermore, why is it that because she herself did not ascend she assumes that others did not ascend, and that millions were cheated? What if her timeline was such that she was not ready, and did not have the Ascension experience, and thus continued her experience, as the many who did not rapture on the day predicted by the pastor? This does not mean others did not ascend.

Her assumption that all are disappointed in this Awareness, all are in contempt of this Awareness, and all will now seek another divine guru to follow instead of this Awareness, is again erroneous. The assumptions she made were her assumptions alone, for as this Awareness has said, It did not promise, predict or guarantee that 11-11-11 automatically would be the date of Ascension for so many. It simply said it is one day that some may ascend and that not all are ready, as this Awareness said from the report of her not ascending. This Awareness would have to say that this was one who was not ready to ascend and this has nothing to do with this Awareness.

Seeking out a guru, be it a divine guru or an earthly guru, is always dangerous, for doing so puts the power outside of oneself, and denies that the individual needs to work at achieving self-awareness and enlightenment. Proclaiming one to be a follower of this guru or that guru, this organization or that institute, does not guarantee Ascension. Simply saying one is spiritually enlightened is not always the truth of the matter, for many can declare themselves spiritually enlightened and proclaim then that this means they are ready for Ascension, but all they have done is proclaim they are ready for Ascension, or that because they belong to a certain group, organization, or a certain religion, that they are guaranteed to ascend. This too is erroneous.

Ascension is Something That Must Be Earned

It must now become very clear to one and all that Ascension is something that must be earned in some way, earned in the work that one undertakes in enlightening oneself, of bringing the Light into oneself, of dealing with the dark cords that may entrap one, bind one - of finding the truth within, viewing the areas of one's being that are not enlightened. It is the degree of work done towards achieving this that will determine the degree of Ascension one achieves, for as this Awareness has said for a very long time indeed, there are many themes, many scenarios, and many levels of Ascension that will be achieved.


There will be those who ascend not because they have proclaimed they are spiritually enlightened and therefore will ascend. There may even be many who have never even heard of Ascension but in their lives they have lived lives of heightened consciousness, of self-awareness, of good deeds, good intentions toward others, where their lives have reflected high spiritual principles, even if they have never once heard of the term Ascension or even rapture. Such individuals may indeed well ascend with Planet Earth as she shifts, simply moving into a new strata of consciousness that allows them to start to work more and more on their spiritual understanding in a much more conscious manner.

There are those who will proclaim loudly that they will ascend and yet have not lived lives that are spiritually based. Indeed, one could see that these individuals are living in darkness and are trying to mislead others, even themselves, into thinking Ascension is this or that, or that you simply listen to this guru or that religious leader and this will guarantee you Ascension. This is akin to those who go to church on a Sunday who proclaim themselves as good Christians, devout Christians, and yet exit the church and swear at the beggar sitting on the corner, telling them to get a job. Is this Christian attitude or is this hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy is indeed part of the conditions on this earthly plane at this time, and that which is the Divine, that which is the Essence of God Itself sees not the words and brings one home on those words, but sees also the actions that are taken, the way one lives one's life, the way one treats others as a judge of character and that which will signify those who are ready to ascend. Therefore, simply believing that a certain date will be the date of Mass Ascension because one chooses to say it is so and then make another responsible if it does not happen, shows this Aware-ness an individual who has not prepared themselves, and who is not ready.

Therefore, in a manner of speaking, this Awareness was correct when It said those who are ready may indeed have this experience, and those who are not ready will not. Thus, this Awareness challenges this individual to look deeper into herself, look deeper into the state of her preparedness, her true spiritual level of preparedness, and not simply to think because she feels she is a spiritual being that it guarantees that she will ascend.

It is a responsibility now to fulfill oneself to the degree of preparedness necessary to ascend to higher levels. When one has done so, then they will have the Ascension experience, whether they go through a vortex or portal or simply have filled themselves with the Light to the highest degree that they truly understand and see and know they are Beings of Light, that they are the Light. This is what the Ascension experience is truly about - that it is earned, and one has a responsibility to deal with the darkness within and without, to understand how it is that one wraps themselves in the lies of the unenlightened, of those in service to darkness, and this needs to be seen, worked with and released, so that one can move forward.

Ascension is truly what is ahead for humanity but there is also a personal responsibility in achieving Ascension. If it did not happen then it is not because this Awareness was incorrect but because the individual is not quite there, is not fully ready or prepared for Ascension at this moment. There are and will be other opportunities yet ahead, but to moan at this Awareness and accuse It of being inaccurate, of endangering the organization because many will now move away from an entity they cannot believe in, simply suggests that they are not ready for the information of this Awareness, and are not ready to look within themselves, and to do the work that is necessary.

This Awareness does indeed support any and all who in their own journey towards self-awareness go through such a period of challenge, even sending out at this Awareness their anger that they did not ascend in that moment, but It still would ask the individual to look within, to ask the questions that are necessary as to why it was they did not ascend. Simply belonging to a club, an organization, a church or religion or chosen people, does not guarantee Ascension. What does guarantee it is the willingness to deeply commit oneself to doing the work, to looking within, to


bringing the Light in over and over, of being ready for the call when it does come, but not presuming it must be so because a spiritual guru proclaimed to be so. Is this clear?

QUESTIONER: Yes, I understand what you're saying and I hope she will as well. Is there any additional for consideration?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness understands that many may be upset with this Awareness for speaking the truth on this matter, but Ascension is not a process where those who are not willing to work, those who wish to stay in their naï ve niche, will be guaranteed Ascension. There is much work indeed but it is work of the soul, it is work of Spirit, it is the true binding within to the Essence of the Divine that will propel individuals forward into the levels of Ascension they are to attain. This individual will ascend when it is her right time and she is promised a place in the process of Ascension but if she wishes to truly move forward then look at this matter, make it personal, do not go outside to blame another, even this Awareness, when it is her own responsibility, and not this Awareness's. Those who wish to ask further questions on this matter are indeed invited to do so by this Awareness, and It will speak the truth back.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent and very much appreciated.

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness has one final comment on this matter. This response by this Awareness may anger this individual to the point that she quits this organization. If this occurs, this Awareness would simply say that It wishes her well in finding the truth elsewhere, but to always remember the truth truly is within her, and that as soon as she stops looking outside of herself for the truth, for predictions that she feels are the ones she wishes to believe in, when she finds within herself that understanding and awareness, then she will know when she is ready, she will know what to do, where to be, and what to do. It will not depend on this Awareness or any other voice to guide her except the voice that is within her. Any and all who would make this Awareness some sort of Divine Guru have missed the message over the many years this Awareness has been sharing with the readership: The truth is within. Always ask questions. Never blindly accept what is spoken without questioning. This is a revolving issue of this Awareness that It speaks to many times over - asking entities to always ask questions, to seek secondary confirmation from other sources but eventually to certainly go within oneself to find the connection, the validation, and the confirmation from within to anything this Awareness might say or any other source might say.

QUESTIONER: Good advice, thank you. Is there additional?

COSMIC AWARENESS: At this point this Awareness feels complete with the rebuttal to the criticisms of this individual.


QUESTIONER: Thank you. We carry on. This is from PR. He writes: "On 11-11, I did the CA meditation before rising from bed. I immediately connected and had an amazing 'code download' happen. I saw this large amount of code like watching those computer screens from movies where the code is flying down the screen quickly. I wasn't expecting anything to happen but something sure did. As yet I am none the wiser as to what it was or to its purpose. I'm wondering if Cosmic Awareness would be able to comment on this please?"

COSMIC AWARENESS: This could be understood to be a spiritual download. What the individual PR received was valid and has been stored in his low self or subconscious to be available when the time is right, for right now is not the correct time for him to access the materials and information that he was downloaded with. There will come a time when the information he now contains will be needed and it will be available to him. Many receive such spiritual downloads on a continual


basis, often in the dream state. This is information that the spiritual aspect of the being is receiving for its own education and clarification of information held within.

As humans are all multidimensional in their nature, this information is often information that comes from another level of their own being. It is information already known and held by them at another level of consciousness but it is being sent back, so to speak, to the individual so that it is available when it is needed. This is what has happened here. The individual PR received this download, and it is now within his low self, subconscious, and it will be available when the time is right.

QUESTIONER: Question please. Is it quite common for this to happen to many?

COSMIC AWARENESS: It is common. This Awareness mentioned that it happens more often during the dream state. It is not as often perceived in a conscious state, as this individual experienced it, but his conscious awareness has reached a sufficiently high level as he was coming out of a deep dream state, and the information flow simply continued in his conscious state. This is something that others will start to experience more and more, not always in the way this individual saw it: as a flow of data flowing down on the screen, as in the movie, The Matrix.

There will be other ways to perceive it. Some may just feel a buzzing in their surroundings around them and this too may be for them a download that is occurring, and they may hear a buzzing that signifies the download is happening. Others may indeed receive it in other ways - images versus sound perhaps, vibrational sensation, many different ways. But the download of this information is occurring more rapidly and accelerating, for these are the End Times and it is imperative that many have this information with them when the actual process of Ascension on December 21, 2012 happens, for then they will know what to do.

Those who are actively seeking, those who are working at understanding, who are responsible for their spiritual growth and are dealing with the dark energies of attachment that would keep them chained down - they are receiving more and more of these downloads all of the time. What also encourages this Awareness with this question and with reports the Interpreter has heard of, is that contrary to what was stated in the preceding question, many had the most positive experiences on November 11, 2011, and the presumption stated in the first question by the first individual is erroneous again to other experiences where individuals did claim to have a very powerful, enlightening experience.

Those who have ascended have not returned back into physicality to proclaim their Ascensions perhaps, but there are even those who did ascend but have not left the planet yet, for they have understood they are here to be of service, to help others, yet they themselves had an Ascension experience. It was not simply disappearing in the third dimensional reality but it was a download of information, an opening to the higher spiritual reality of multidimensional beings, and their own multidimensional being that has helped them reach new levels of understanding and awareness that will allow them to remain on the planet but be prepared to assist in the Ascension process that is truly a mass process, not simply an individual one.

Yet the paradox is that it is always first and foremost an individual experience. Thus it is both a mass experience and an individual experience. This individual's experience shared with the members will help others in the membership see that their own personal experience, while they may not have disappeared from third dimensionality and found themselves floating on the clouds playing a harp, is still such that they had a truly enlightening experience, one that has advanced them, one that has helped them clarify their spiritual being, and has moved them forward in their work of clearing any and all darkness from their being. There are many ways this can be done and these downloads are to help individuals as they are seeking indeed to purify their being and to prepare the soul for Ascension.



Is This Greedy or Wrong?

QUESTIONER: Thank you. There is another one on a similar tone. It comes from PK. She writes: "With regard to the transcription of the November radio broadcast. When I read that Cosmic Awareness descends from the 12th to the 7th dimensional level of consciousness and that the Interpreter, Will, must rise from the 3rd to the 7th dimensional consciousness, I experienced an intense yearning to leave the third dimensional conscious-ness and never return. I believe that in a dream vision I had many years ago in which my consciousness merged with a beautiful silvery, sparkling, living, loving Light I experienced a consciousness beyond the 3rd.

I wonder if this is so and I wonder if one should seek to experience these levels, and if so, is there anything more one could do for this purpose - not from an ego sense or just because I don't want this one anymore but rather the love and wonderful Light of my dream vision or something higher. Is this greedy or wrong in some way or is this part of what Ascension is? "How" doesn't seem the right question and I remember Cayce's channeling of the statement 'in patience possess ye your souls', and maybe I am needing to have more of that." Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: There are many points of relevance in this individual PK's comments and questions. This Awareness may ask the energizer to repeat certain parts of the letter, but It would wish to start with the beginning of her commentary of the experience of merging with a being of high spiritual nature, even before this, of this desire to leave the physical because of her meditation or experience of going into heightened consciousness, multi-dimensional conscious-ness.

This Awareness would remind all that they are indeed spirit beings who have come into a physical container called the human body to have an experience in the physical realm. There is always the remembrance of Spirit, as to where it comes from and a yearning to return home to that Source, that spiritual source of being. Many who choose to come into physicality have made their choice at the spiritual level, knowing that there is something of merit and worth that they will gain by having a physical experience.

Physicality is Not a Mistake!

Physicality is not a mistake. Enjoying and experiencing and learning on the physical realm propels the growth of the soul and spirit. This physical state of consciousness - with all of the experiences that are available, good and bad - is like placing a metal in a cauldron, a crucible, so that it will be heated to a high degree, so that the dross and corruptions can be burnt off and what is left is of the highest and the purest quality. In many ways human physical existence is the crucible that Spirit puts Itself into so that in the experiencing of the physical state of consciousness, the lessons that are needed are then presented, and over a space of time, over the many lifetimes, the dross and corruptions can be moved aside and burnt off, so that which is left is of the highest, purest quality.

Remember: Spirit is Eternal in Nature

It is to be remembered that Spirit is eternal in nature. What matters if one has one lifetime experience or 20 million life experiences to the Eternal Soul? They all help the soul grow, expand, and in the expansion and growth of the soul the Divine Consciousness of God Itself is increased. It is seeking the many experiences of all who have physical experience, so that It grows and learns as well. Many come onto the physical plane, and as they must pass through the Veil of Forgetfulness and then live under the Veil of Delusion, they forget they chose the physical for the experiences to be gained here.

They have the deepest inclination that they are spiritual and there is a spiritual home, and this


will always drive the individual to yearn to return home, especially when life is hard and difficult. It is like having the backdoor available, knowing there is a back door that one can escape out of, but not knowing where it is or how to get to it. One presumes that the experience is such a bad experience that they would rather be gone out of it, and this unfortunately is a mistake. 'Mistake' perhaps is not entirely here the correct concept.

Many come into the physical realm, have negative experiences, are in pain, and do not accept that this is a chosen experience so that they can learn and grow, so they can deal with their karma, so that they can advance the refinement of their soul when they return with the experiences. Seeking to simply escape the experience because it is a rotten one, evil, dark, or painful, does not allow the individual to go beyond that, to learn from the experiences, to expand, to grow.

Thus it is that this Awareness says becoming involved on the physical, having a physical experience, the spirit/soul choosing physicality is never a mistake. Each and every individual who exists on this third dimensional plane is here by choice with a purpose and plan, and to simply wish to escape it because one knows that there is a greater truth that they can return to - is unfortunately missing great opportunity for growth and development. Yet such is the nature of this third dimensional experience. Coming into it by necessity defaults the remembrance of who one truly is, except at the deepest levels, which yearn then to always return, and which propels the soul eventually back into Spirit through the death experience.

This Awareness is saying to the individual PK to remember that you as a Divine Soul chose this experience, for in your divine nature you knew that this was the experience that you most needed. Rather than trying to run away from it, instead turn and face it, understand that all that you experienced here is indeed exactly that: an experience that you chose for yourself from a higher level of your own consciousness. To run away from it, to avoid it, would return you back to Spirit where you would recognize you avoided the opportunity for growth and development, for refinement and purification.

This Awareness is not saying to simply suffer that which you are suffering and be content, or that you cannot change it at all, so therefore do not try. It is quite the opposite - that by understanding and recognizing that you set this up, as all have, by saying you will face this, you will look into it, you will grow and learn from it - will afford you the greatest opportunity for soul growth and development, will heighten your understanding and awareness, and will enlighten you. It is this that the soul is seeking when it comes into physical experiences.

Know that what is coming is of the highest nature, and will help many who have previously been so trapped in the misery of the experience of physicality, where they are such refined souls that to live a physical life is oppression. Now is the time to work even harder to see this and understand that the choice was deliberate by Spirit, by each individual, as they chose to have the physical experience. Now is the time to turn and face the greatest challenges each has in their life, to see themselves as Beings of Light, not the lies that they have come to believe: the corruption and deceptions they feel are more powerful than they as Light beings.

Now is the time to step into Ascension, calling forth the highest spiritual consciousness, the Highest Light they can to help at this crucial time of final preparation for the Mass Ascension, which will be individual as well. This is the greatest time for such devotion and dedication to understanding the truth and indeed being receptive to the highest levels of consciousness that will help bring about personal Ascension.

QUESTIONER: The consciousness beyond the third that she experienced - which one would that be please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This would have been a consciousness from its own multidimensional being, from a very high level beyond even 5th. It has never forgotten her, is always there. It is as if she herself was reaching back to herself to help her remember who she really is and not to feel so alone, in pain and lost. She has not been abandoned; she could never be abandoned. The sense of being abandoned is


the corrupted lies of the dark ones who are seeking to maintain control and domination- those who when they see Beings of the Light, shroud them in darkness, and wrap them up in lies.

Each individual in physical existence at this time is shrouded and wrapped in the lies of the dark ones, preventing them from seeing that which is the divine truth. This, as Awareness has just said, is the time of greatest opportunity to challenge such lies, to contradict that which all hold as truth and reality in a physical dimension. The being that she experienced was simply trying to remind her that she is not alone. It was not trying to remove her from third dimensionality, but rather to strengthen her to endure the physical experience, to go beyond simply enduring it to using it as the opportunity for growth and development.

This being has become what it is because of her physical experiences; it is trying to support her even now when she does not feel enwrapped by it. It is there with her even now in this moment as Awareness speaks, even when she hears the words of this Awareness the highest level of her being is with her, is guiding her. It is so not only for PK but for all spiritual beings having a physical expe-rience. It is as if their faces have been turned downwards and towards the darkness of the lies that mark the third dimensional reality, and not back upwards, seeing their true source, knowing they are connected, knowing they can swim out of the darkness, out of the ignorance, out of the somno-lence and awaken again to the truth of their being.

This is more than intellectual awareness, this is a deep and profound awakening where they see and know themselves to be Spirit, to be the Light, even in third dimensionality. It must always be remembered that when the Light is turned on the darkness disappears. Therefore, those beings who are seeking their Light in third dimensionality, which is corrupted by the delusion that the dark is more powerful, where the lie is the strongest that the dark ones have greater strength and power than the Light - that they in discovering their Light and awakening to it, will discover how the dark must fall away from them as they stand in their Light, their love, the divine glory of God Itself ex-hibiting Itself in their physical being, in their spiritual being, in their total being.


QUESTIONER: Amazing! There's one other part. She asks: "Is this part of what Ascension is?" She's referring to the dream vision that she had.

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed, the dream vision is exactly what Ascension is. Ascension is the awakening to the truth of one's truest being, one's multidimensional being, One's Divine Being. As-cension is the desire to have this experience, to be driven towards it, to seek it out. Such visions, such dreams, such memories, are all sent to help the individual, sent from those highest levels of the individual's own multidimensional character - to support, to encourage, to motivate and in-spire one to keep on track, to keep refining and developing one's spiritual nature, of challenging the darkest ones, the dark lies, but also to embrace the understanding that even those in the dark, even those who are controllers, are part of God's plan, are also here as the teachers to those spir-itual beings who are choosing to have the physical experience, the experience of dualism, where the soul has left, or the aspect of the soul having the physical experience has left the safety and sanctity of the spiritual realm in order to have an experience, in order to enter into the crucible to accelerate the refining of the soul, to bring it the greatest and most powerful lessons.

Those who have never left the spiritual realm will always be in the bliss energies of God and main-tain a degree and level of consciousness that one could call stagnant. It is the desire of God Itself to loosen such stagnant constrictions so that It can expand Its own consciousness through the multi-tude of experiences that all other aspects of Itself are having. It is part of the experience to stay in

the spiritual realm and to know God's energy, Its Love, Its Light, Its Bliss. But equally, it is part of the divine experience to have an experience where this is not felt, experienced or known; where


separation from the Divine and Spirit occurs, where one falls into that somnolence where one thinks that a physical reality is the greatest reality.

By so separating oneself from the Divine and from the truest spiritual cord that connects one to one's own divine nature, one can play in the darkness and have an experience that even can in-clude great pain and suffering, great grief and sorrow. It disperses when one returns back to the truth of one's own being, back into the energies of the Divine and of Spirit. But while one is having the experience one is totally immersed in it, forgetting the truth, for that would perhaps incite one to leave the experience when experiencing it, growing from it, facing it, embracing it, and under-standing it, which is what is most needed.

Those who have chosen to be specialists in the darkness, who have become the minions and serv-ants of the devil itself, are ones here indeed also having their own experience, their own spiritual experience. And while they may play in darkness for extended lifetimes, lifetime after lifetime, ex-tended periods of time, ultimately they too will need to face the spark within, awaken to the truth within, begin the journey back to the spark of the Divine, back into the truth of their Divine Being. But in the meantime on the dualistic plane they serve God as well, even if in their service they re-fute God and believe in the delusions that they are not part of the Light but indeed choose to wor-ship and be devout to the darkness, to the devil.

Even the devil understands its role and does so in pure service to God for in being complete in its role as the agent or force that separates Beings of Light from the understanding of what they are; it knows that it is helping each and every aspect of the soul, each and every spark of the Divine, have a unique and powerful experience from which the soul itself and God Itself will benefit and grow from ultimately.


QUESTIONER: Good, that really explains it for her; thank you for that. We come to a short one from SM. He writes: "Could Cosmic Awareness please comment on what shifts, if any, lay in the fu-ture regarding living style or arrangements among people in the future? For example, will there be a shift towards more communal living versus the more typical dyadic or singular unit living style that one finds in most developed countries? Will certain functions become more communal while some remain private?" Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: In some ways this is a most difficult question to answer, for the answer is yes it will be so, the answer is no it will not be so. This Awareness reminds all that there are many degrees of experiences that are available. Therefore, for those who feel that living communally will be the way best way for humans to experience cooperation with other human beings, with human-ity, as well as living in alignment with Mother Earth- for them a communal type of lifestyle may be a very advantageous experience to have. For others who do not have that need to be communal in their nature and in having this as their experience, they may have the more static experience that is commonly held now, of a singular family living with only the one family, or even living by one-self.

This does not mean that they would not experience a planet that is seeking to cooperate with one another more and more - humans cooperating with humans to find peaceful balance, harmonious solutions, people who are seeking to live in alignment with Mother Earth. Even if they are not hav-ing a communal experience they are still highly motivated to have the spiritual experience of com-munity, even if it is not living with others. Community infers that one is in commune or communi-cation, in alignment and attunement with others. This includes not only other human beings, it in-cludes the creatures of the planet, the plants and flora of the planet, with Mother Earth herself; this is equally a valid experience. Therefore, what this Awareness will ultimately say is that the experi-ence one will have is the one that best suits their concepts, ideals and beliefs. It will be one that


is equally a valid experience. Therefore, what this Awareness will ultimately say is that the experi-ence one will have is the one that best suits their concepts, ideals and beliefs. It will be one that matches their attitudes and their passions, and it is not a matter of one being the ultimate case for all, but rather all having the ultimate expression of the experiences that they wish and seek.

QUESTIONER: So it's really whatever they prefer?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Whatever they choose to create and their preference marks their belief. Their belief marks the energies of creativity that are expanded outwards and as they energize that, then they will have the experience that best reflects their energies. This Awareness simply wishes to say these are but two scenarios of possibility. There are indeed many, many more.


QUESTIONER: Very good, thank you. That was very, very interesting. OK, I have something here now from VG. It concerns Jesus and the bankers and the federal charter expiration date. According to the Foreign Banking Act, December 24, 1919, section 43 and section 25, it appears that the date the Federal Reserve Bank charter expires is December 24, 2012. He writes, "Did the banking plan-ners know that the FRB charter would expire two days after Ascension or was this divinely pro-grammed to occur? The legislation was passed December 24, 1913 and was given an expiration time of 99 years, which would be December 24, 2012, two days after the Winter Solstice of Decem-ber 22, the alleged target date for planet Earth's 'Divine Mind' planned A and B Ascension separa-tion scenario. Awareness has indicated in the past that an economic collapse was not only a neces-sity but guaranteed to happen in this scenario. Is the Federal Reserve planned to be replaced on Planet B by a centrally controlled 'Big Brother' cashless-checkless 'Electronic Fund Transfer', 'nowhere to run, nowhere to hide' system? In regard to Planet A, is it possible that it's 'full aware-ness' inhabitants will operate and function under a totally new structural pattern of self govern-ance, like the Unified States of Awareness, with, of course, a Bill of Rights and Liberties for All? " Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Yes. This Awareness is of course using the singular answer of yes to point out that what this individual has identified is correct on all levels. There are multiple strands of consciousness and conscious choice that will lead to the multitude of experiences that will be had. Therefore, some will have that version of Planet B, the cashless society controlled completely by Big Brother. Others in their movement into Planet A will have that experience that was so de-scribed by VG as that which Planet A might experience, but there are of course so many other al-ternatives as well. This Awareness wishes however, first to go back to the beginning of the individ-ual VG's statement.

The question posed to this Awareness: Was this a divine coincidence or divine plan that the 99-year contract would expire two days after Ascension in 2012? In a manner of speaking it was not a conscious action, where there was understanding that the Ascension would happen on December 21, 2012, but a divinely orchestrated coincidence or act of synchronicity, if you will. It was under-stood that the planet would come to that place of upheaval and change around that time and by creating a contract that lasted to that period it would open up doors on both the Planet A scenario as well as the Planet B scenario. On Planet B, because the charter expires, this will fully open the door to those who are in corruption to take complete and total control, to create the New World Order, and to submit everyone to enslavement, if that is the line of experience one wishes to have of Planet B. Equally, by expiring two days before, those who choose to have the Planet A scenario will feel themselves freed indeed of the old enslavement of an economic system that was con-trolled by the now famous 1%.

Their reality of economic situations may indeed be quite different because of the Ascension


experience that happened two days earlier. Ironically, one of the experiences they may have in the new Planet A scenario is indeed a cashless society, where one is not controlled by money, where one has ultimate credit, but this is done in Light, in the understanding that one is not enslaved by this. It is simply a viable economic system to be used to help make society happen, to help transac-tions occur. This will be quite a different experience than those who would create the same system in the dark of a Planet B scenario on Planet B.

This Awareness would therefore again say yes to this individual's questions, all are possible, and it is not time not to focus on one path only, versus another path of possibility, but to open one's multi-dimensional nature so that one can be guided to the right path that would suit the individual who is experiencing this. Thus, rather than simply restricting oneself to one set of experiences, vis-ualize something better, greater, higher, more enlightened, and this will move you in that direction to have those experiences.

The problem with such static black-and-white portrayals of this reality versus that reality, that it will happen this way or it will happen that way, does not allow for the multiplicity of experiences that are available, but it rather shrinks one, encapsulates one, captures one to the mindset of oth-ers that are predicting what must be. Whereas this Awareness is saying that the possibilities are endless to experience what one wishes to experience, what one is creating and energizing. This would always be the recommendation of this Awareness: to open up to the highest possibilities and not simply grab onto what one individual or group is saying will be so.


QUESTIONER: That's good advice, thank you. There is a like question on the CAC forum. Several questioners have asked concerning this round of discussion about the Unified States of Awareness that was advocated by Cosmic Awareness back in 1977. In the decades since then Awareness has occasionally returned to a more limited version of the barter club concept. The question was, "Has anyone taken action to implement these ideas or are other ideas suggested? Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is aware that there have been attempts in various regions around the planet to introduce a locally based barter system. There is a very active movement in the country of Greece, that kingpin for the collapse of the European Union, towards such a system, for those in that area are already recognizing that the answer is not to be part of a European Union that is so linked to other members that if one collapses, all collapse, but rather to look locally once again to the true solutions that would be needed to ensure life and prosperity for individuals. The irony is that should there be a collapse of the European Union, of the United States, of South Amer-ica or in Asia, that all individuals would return to localized economies, localized barter systems, or ways by which goods and services can be exchanged.

The false, misleading attempts of those in power, as expressed in the nightly news - that if one nation collapses, all will collapse in a domino effect, is a great lie meant to scare many and to cause upheaval in the economic markets of the planet. This is part of the manipulation, where the truth is simple enough: that even if all economic factors collapse and there is nothing to replace it, human beings will come to solutions. They will become more communal in their attempts, and they will become more human again in supporting one another.

The larger global economic system that is now in play lacks the light to truly guide it and make it into something that is divine in nature. When it resorts back to a local economy type system, this may help individuals exist in a very easy manner, for what they need is what is around them and they are not artificially dependent on products that come from a great distance. Thus, those who live in the northern climates may not receive their fruits and tomatoes from southern climates during the winter periods, but there will be other solutions that are available instead.


The belief that all will suffer and be destroyed because of the collapse of nations and the econom-ic system that is now in existence is, of course, based on lies and manipulations, and corruptions of the truth. This Awareness simply says that life will continue, solutions will be found and these so-lutions in the Light will make all the difference.

QUESTIONER: Interesting; you mentioned some-thing about the people in the North or anywhere where it's colder. If Monsanto has sort of a monopoly on the seeds and how the seeds must be bought from them or obtained from them - how is that going to work out? How can the other peo-ple survive if they don't have their fresh fruit and vegetables?

Surviving is About Cooperating, Not Stabbing Each Other in the Back!

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is stating that the energizer is presenting it with a Planet B scenario, and in this scenario, control and manipulation by such corporatists, as Monsanto would indeed be part of the enslavement process. But if one goes to a Planet A scenario then Monsanto will no longer exist, and it will be replaced by those cooperating with one another to ensure sur-vival. There is a Reality TV show that is quite popular called Survivor and yet this show is not based on the reality of what would occur if a group of individuals was placed in such a disastrous situation where they were forced to survive. Stabbing each other in the back would be the quickest way to ensure death of all.

Survival truly only is achieved in such dire situations when there is cooperation amongst those who are the survivors, if you will, not in destroying each other and sending them off the island. This is simply part and parcel of the delusional conscious-ness that controls the planet at this time. The truth is that in a scenario where the peoples are forced into local economic situations, local situations where cooperation is needed, they will get together and find a solution for all, not just for some. This is of course, again the Planet A energies. Planet B might be more akin to survivalism, each man out for their own, having stockpiled great amounts of food and supplies, so that when the time comes that they can shoot their neighbors who are trying to get at their food, so that they will survive.

Is this Awareness presenting this clear enough - the difference between a cooperative attitude that will ensure the survival of the many versus a much more restrictive survivalist attitude that ensures perhaps the survival of the few?


QUESTIONER: Yes it does, and this would also bring to those on Planet A the ability to manifest what they need. Is this correct?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This indeed also is part of the Planet A scenario. This Awareness thanks the energizer for bringing this very important point forward. As one begins to understand that they are creator beings and that they are Light beings, they can come up with solutions that are not available where consciousness is restricted and controlled, where the individual is taught they are not creator beings but victim beings, and that things happen to them that they cannot control and that everything is of a dark and nasty nature. When individuals truly understand how they as crea-tor beings can manifest what is needed, they will start to learn to manifest responsibly. The greed factor that controls Planet A/B at this time and which will continue in the various scenarios of Planet B, will not be one that controls a world where it is understood that one's needs can be mani-fested and created out of thin air, or created so that if one has a need, that which is needed is pre-sented to the individual, perhaps by another who suddenly feels they wish to share something and this is the exact thing that the individual is requiring.


The higher levels of Planet A will see instant manifestation by intent. The lower levels of Planet A will see manifestation through the arrival of what is required and needed, and an understanding will start to develop that if one needs something it will arrive somehow, and it will be made availa-ble. Both are forms of manifestation; it is simply that one has more consciousness behind it than the other.

This Awareness would say that many are starting already to have such experiences of manifesta-tion, where they think of something and it happens. Sometimes it is as simple as thinking of a song on the radio and having it play as the next song. Sometimes it is more complex, such as feeling that one would appreciate a sweet treat and having a friend come over with a chocolate cake, and sometimes it is manifesting what is truly needed, such as a new car and winning the lottery. There are many ways that manifestation will occur, but what is most important to understand is that when one is starting to live in alignment with the higher levels of consciousness, when one is living in Light, one is not trapped in a consciousness of victimhood, one is not left powerless and mean-ingless, but rather one understands that as a creator being they can create to the limit of their own talents and abilities, and as these are limitless, anything and everything is possible.


QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was very, very interesting and helpful. There is something from SS. It concerns the Now Moment and self-realization. If I could read it through and then have you offer comments on it please? He writes, "I have an interesting observation on the Now Moment and soul individualization which is difficult to put forward in words but I thought it may be interesting to present it to Awareness and membership, if it makes sense. Of course this came as a result of seeds planted by Awareness through general and personal readings. The observation came from contem-plating on how we can choose to be born either in a past, present or a future time frame, which will allow past, present and future lives to influence each other and will drive each other's experiences, all contained in a complex Now Moment. Each Now Moment provides the opportunity to influence past, present and probable future for that Now Moment, so to speak.

This Now being what Awareness describes as the subjective four quadrillionths of a second. What it means is that in one way experiences and realizations of past life could have been built on top of the experiences and realizations of the present or future lifetimes of the Now Moment and vice versa. I personally visualize this Now Present Moment as the spheres of all past, present and prob-able future events, all spheres coinciding together and interacting to build this Now in layers and driving the experiences in each layer, so all aspects of all the souls are already experiencing en-lightenment in some part of the present Now, and they can tune into that if they can realize this deep in their hearts through personal subjective contemplation and visualization. Probably this is what Buddha meant when he noticed and said that all were Buddhas." Thank you, your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This individual has indeed encapsulated an understanding that exceeds the understanding most hold, and is a valid understanding of the concepts. This Awareness would say that his recognition of himself being at the very center, in the center or globe of consciousness, is important, for what he is identifying himself as is the Focus Personality of his life. As the Focus Personality he can extend his consciousness forward or backwards into probable future lives, and even to that which this Awareness could say - probable past lives. There is still an understanding and conceptualization that the past has already happened and is fixed. But this is erroneous, for if one is truly aware that as the Focus Personality, they can alter future lifetimes that allegedly have not happened, they must also understand as the Focus Personality that they can also alter lifetimes that allegedly have already happened.


This it is why working with regression therapies and past life, other life experiences is valid, for working with a past life, or other life, can alter certain strands of consciousness that connect all three levels of "time". Thus it is that an individual in a present focus can go back into another life-time, future or past, and by seeing it and realizing where things went wrong, can, in a manner of speaking, change those events or at least the energies around the events, freeing the individual in the future moment.

If, for example, in a past life experience one experienced a profound degradation, profound suf-fering at the hands of others, even profound destruction by the darkest forces, one can indeed change the energies around those experiences. One way of changing those energies is by under-standing that those energies, those experiences were necessary, for the soul was choosing to have an experience. By disengaging the energetics of that experience by understanding them, one can indeed heal those energy flows in the present Focus Life, and by doing so one changes one's life in the present moment, the moment of focus.

This equally could be done for future lives, but this is much more difficult for most because of the concept that future lives have not yet happened. This individual's choice of probable future lives is indeed the correct way of phrasing it, and by understanding this one could still look at a probable future life in the same way one looked back at a probable past life and could change energies around that life- so indeed they reflect back to the Focus Life and will also reflect back at the future life; that one affects the other and vice versa.

The Power of the Imagination to Recreate One's Life

When it is understood that all are happening now versus the linear concept of a past life behind the present life, which is behind a future life yet to come, then one is able perhaps to better work with these concepts in a meaningful way. The way that they are all worked with though is through the imagination, the imaging of what was or could be or is now. By using the power of imagination one can re-create one's life, whether it is re-created in the present Moment of Focus that is called the present or in the past Moment of Focus or in a future Moment of Focus, probable on all levels.

The concepts that this individual SS expressed are highly valid indeed, and this Awareness thanks him for sharing this with others. It is also a way that in the future many will come to understand the interplay of various timelines or time tracks and how they can play themselves out, and why it is so important to understand the Focus Life and the Focus Personality, for herein lies the point of power, as the Seth personality would describe it in the Jane Roberts materials. The Point of Power is in the Moment of Focus, in the moment of Now.


And Do We Need To say Anything At all?

QUESTIONER: OK, this comes from DA. He writes: "Those of us who have been following Cosmic Awareness for a long time know that organized religion is problematic, but what do we tell our friends and family when they ask, "What religion are you?" I have been saying that I am my own religion or that I am spiritual and don't follow any organized religion, but no one understands what I am actually saying. They think I am an atheist or an agnostic. Is there any answer we can give to the average Christian, Jew or Muslim that makes any sense to them? What would Aware-ness suggest that we could say in order to increase their understanding rather than alienating them?" Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: The answer this individual uses is a very good answer indeed. He is follow-ing his own belief system and he seeks the God within, the spark of the Divine. He is not responsi-


-ble for others as to how others judge him for his beliefs; he is only responsible for himself. Indeed, this is what this Awareness says to all: One does not need to justify their spiritual understanding and beliefs; one does not need to make others understand or believe what they themselves hold to be the truth. It is more than time now for all to simply state, "I believe in the Divine and I am part of the Divine." If others have difficulty with this, it is in effect their problem, for they still are asleep, they are still controlled and manipulated and it simply may not be that one telling another who is so controlled and manipulated will get acceptance from that individual for their answers or their belief.

Therefore, this Awareness says, in a manner of speaking - do not even try, for many will oppose you for holding such beliefs. They are not in accordance to their restricted, controlled beliefs and they have very little tolerance often to any who do not share the more traditional belief system. If one is trying to engage in debate with another and convince another that they themselves are right in their spiritual outlook and needs to be in conflict with another, then one can pursue this matter. But be aware that it is highly unlikely you will convince someone who is closed minded of a greater truth, for they are not open to this truth; they are after all, closed minded.

Therefore, ultimately the individual must decide for him or herself whether it is of any value to try to even convince another. If it seems like they must tell them, then this Awareness would say to question themselves within to find out why they have this need to be accepted by those closed-minded, restricted ones who would judge you. Why would one need to be so judged? What is important about someone who is a "nonbeliever" in the way you believe you need their approval, you need their sanctification? This is part of the individual's own problem, where they themselves are still wrapped up in the lies of a society that deems that God is a personality that sits upon a throne, judging those who come to them and throwing many into an eternity of hell, damnation, pain and suffering.

Most who hear those words would disagree that this is the truth, so therefore why would one need to get the approval of those who hold such limited and childlike belief systems of religious belief? This Awareness says that the answer this individual gave, as It has already said, is a perfectly adequate answer, and if the individual cannot understand, do not necessarily try to explain further, unless the individual openly asks for further explanation and is seen as willing to listen, and to be open to the explanation. If the individual is not so prepared, is hostile and resistant to the explanation, then this Awareness would say it would be better to offer no further explanation but to turn around and walk away.

QUESTIONER: Would it be appropriate when somebody poses a personal question, which could be religion or other life matters, would it be appropriate for them to say, "Why you do you want to know"?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This would indeed be one way of approaching the situation. By asking the question, "Why do you want to know?" it automatically turns the tables, and either the individual will answer that he/she wishes to know so that they can understand the individual better, or it will show a degree of hostility that can be walked away from.

One thing further this Awareness would add is that it is time for those who are of spiritual inclination to stop being embarrassed about stating they are spiritually aware, and that they seek their own spiritual attunement, their own spiritual connection with what is the Divine Force of God Itself. Many are very embarrassed to have to explain to those of strong religious persuasion that they do not believe as they believe. Part of this is due certainly to the corruption of the dark energies that have created the mass mind, a darkness that is asleep yet, that holds that such restrictive religious understandings are somehow correct and that even they - even though they may be seeking spiritual attunement and awareness, consider themselves spiritual beings - feel that there is something incorrect about what they are seeking, for otherwise those who are of


spiritual inclination would never feel embarrassed to state their spiritual persuasion and inclination.


This too is part of the times that are at hand. It is a time of discernment, to discern even within yourself your own concepts and determinations, your own understandings of what it is to be spiritual, what it is to be of Light, of God. When one is feeling uncomfortable about explaining this, when one is in conflict of standing up and stating this in a loud and clear voice, then one is indeed still involved with the dark lies that have pervaded all elements of consciousness on the third plane of existence. It is time to actually see how one can feel this way because they are still linked into the common mindset, that is itself controlled and manipulated by those who are not of the Light, whose purpose it is to separate individuals from their spiritual background, and their spiritual truth.

It is an excellent opportunity to see so clearly how these lies control and manipulate on all levels. How, for example, the belief that one must earn much money to find happiness, how one must save for the future in order to be secure in the future when one is no longer able to work, how one must be pretty and wear the height of fashion in order to be loved and accepted. These are all the lies of the dark energies that control largely the third planet and the third level of consciousness.

Coming to see these as the lies they truly are is the first step towards freeing oneself of these lies and corruptions, and each time such lies are thrown off then one will move more and more into the purity of an enlightened consciousness. At this time there is a grassroots movement known as the Occupation Movement or the Wall Street Occupation Movement. This grassroots movement is the movement of those who are seeing the lies for what they truly are and are starting to step forward and are starting to demand that things change, and that the 1% no longer has the right to control the 99%.

This movement is a movement of the Light, bringing lightness and consciousness into mass consciousness, and yet there are many who oppose the Occupation Movement, who come from the darkness of the lies they so totally accept. They stay within their box of their comfort zones and criticize those who are questioning the lies, for in truth they are threatened by these beings who are speaking the truth, for if they start to accept what they are saying they must themselves make changes, they themselves must question the power structure, the status quo that they so blindly obey and follow.

This grassroots movement is very much part of the rebellion and the movement towards rebellion that this Awareness spoke of in Its forecast for 2011, the mass movement worldwide to question the power structures, and ultimately to question the lies of power, and who deserves power, and why they deserve it -this is what is behind this. The fundamental truth is that control and manipulation by a handful over the masses is not the way forward. This is the old way, the old paradigm of belief that has for so long been totally accepted by the masses. But there is a spark that has started to light up the darkness and this spark of rebellion that is now worldwide has finally reached North America, and the Occupation Movement is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Art of Protesting is Being Rediscovered

Protest as once known and practiced in the 60s and early 70s is being rediscovered, and all the forces of darkness that would oppress it, that would extinguish it, either through intention or through a lack of support of the Light by those who are still in their comfort zone, will be brought to focus to the point where many will see the discrepancies and the indiscretions, where many will wake up to the truth of the darkness, and the lies that they have so long perpetuated. This movement of awakening is indeed part of the Ascension movement, part of that which is bringing forth the Light into the darkness. The Ascension Movement in the end times is indeed well underway.

This completes this session at this time.



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COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna,

Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as "Channels" for the "Heavenly Father" and who

speaks again today as the world begins to enter the "New Age" of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of "Readings" given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only "indicate" and "suggest". Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter.

Mother Earth Being Reborn



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