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Material sobre conos volcánicos en la Patagonia


  • Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558

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    j ourna l homepage: www.e lsev ie r.com/ locate /geomorphStructural and morphometric irregularities of eroded Pliocene scoria cones at theBakonyBalaton Highland Volcanic Field, Hungary

    Gbor Kereszturi a,b,c,, Kroly Nmeth a

    a Volcanic Risk Solutions, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, PO Box 11 222, Palmerston North, New Zealandb Department of Geology and Mineral Deposits, University of Miskolc, Miskolc-Egyetemvros, H-3515, Hungaryc Geological Institute of Hungary, Stefnia t 14, H-1143, Budapest, Hungary Corresponding author at: Volcanic Risk Solutions,Massey University, PO Box 11 222, Palmerston North, N

    E-mail address: kereszturi_g@yahoo.com (G. Keresz

    0169-555X/$ see front matter 2011 Elsevier B.V. Adoi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.08.005a b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 7 January 2010Received in revised form 8 February 2011Accepted 4 August 2011Available online 16 August 2011

    Keywords:Morphometric ageLava-spatterScoria coneSlope angleDigital Elevation ModelSlope decrease rateScoria cones of the Mio-Pliocene BakonyBalaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF) are built up by wide rangeof volcanic rocks, including intercalated lava flows/dykes, pyroclastic breccias and scoriaceous lapilli withvarious degrees of welding or agglutination. According to KAr and ArAr dating, ages of the fourteen scoriacones within the field span between 5.2 and 2.5 Ma. From these fourteen, seven cones were selected whichare suitable for morphometric analysis, i.e. visible in the field and have identifiable boundaries. Themorphometric data were either derived by manual measurement on topographic maps and by DigitalElevation Model-based calculations. Using the same input contour line data from 1:10,000 maps, basic coneparameters such as cone height, basal and crater width have been measured in order to calculate parameterslike Hco/Wco ratio and average slope angle. The results of these three-parameter-based manual calculationshave been compared to the DEM-based results in order to highlight the controls of degradation, pitfalls inmorphometric parameterization and the differences between these two calculation methods. Based on theresults, three main controlling conditions have been identified that are together responsible for thepreservation and erosion of the scoria cones located in the BBHVF: (1) age of the cone, (2) climate during thedegradation and the (3) inner architecture of the edifice. In terms of morphometric dating, the traditional,three-parameter-based method tends to give inaccurate results on (1) scattered and/or truncated cones and(2) on the edifices characterised by highly effusive behaviour during the emplacement.Institute of Natural Resources,ew Zealand.turi).

    ll rights reserved. 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1. Introduction

    Scoria (or cinder) cones are themost commonvolcanic landformsonEarth (Wood, 1980a,b) as parasitic cones on larger polygeneticvolcanoes or as volcanic fields (Settle, 1979). Eruption styles associatedwith scoria cone formation range from periodic magmatic fragmenta-tion to minor intermittent phreatomagmatic phases (Martin andNmeth, 2006). Given dominantly a basaltic magma composition, themajority of the eruptions are generally governed by the speed of therising magma, which is primarily determined by viscosity and gascontent and can produce predominantly Strombolian-style eruptions(McGetchin et al., 1974; Parfitt and Wilson, 1995). However, typicalStrombolian-style eruptions at most of scoria cones are completed byadditional Hawaiian lava fountaining (Di Traglia et al., 2009), violentStrombolian (Pioli et al., 2008) or phreatomagmatic eruptions (Gisbertet al., 2009).

    Previous work revealed that the main morphometric parameters ofscoria cones, such as cone height and average cone slope decrease duringdegradation (Colton, 1967; Porter, 1972; Settle, 1979). Other morpho-metric parameters have been developed (e.g. cone/crater elongation,breaching azimuth etc.) to characterise cone erosion (Dohrenwend et al.,1986; Hooper and Sheridan, 1998), and tectonic setting (Corazzato andTibaldi, 2006). Morphometric characterization also aims at providingbasic information about the relative age of scoria cones (e.g. Sucipta et al.,2006). However, as a consequence of the aforementioned scoria conediversity as well as of post-eruptive tectonic influence and erosion, inmany casesmorphometric age estimation is particularly difficult on older(N1 Ma) scoria cones.

    Our knowledge about the precision of morphometric dating is alsolimited because most of the morphometric studies have focused onrelatively young (b1 Ma) scoria cones. Scoria cone dating based on theirmorphometry benefits from standard morphometric characteristicssuch as ratio of cone height/basalwidth (Hco/Wco) and slope angle (Save,Fig. 1). Both characteristics decrease with time (Dohrenwend et al.,1986; Hooper and Sheridan, 1998). Since they are determined fromcone height, basal and crater width (if any), these three parameters areessential to get age-representative values for the calculations.

    According to Favalli et al. (2009), the Hco values of flank cones ofMt. Etna (Italy) are largely controlled by the inclination of the substrateas well as the lava burial effect, which reduce the cone height. Favalli


  • Fig. 1. Definitions of traditional morphometric parameters of a scoria cone.

    46 G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558et al. (2009) also suggest that a slightly decreasing trendofHco/Wco ratiowith time can be observed among the flank cones in spite of therelatively young age of the examined cones (6500 years BP).

    Another morphometric parameter for scoria cone datingmethods isthe slope angle, which has been partly studied by Favalli et al. (2009). Itraises some unsolved questions: how slope angles vary with differentmethods of calculation, e.g. formulae-based or Digital Elevation Model-derived? How the eruption/erosion diversity of the cones is reflected inthe slope angle? What are the precision and limitations of slope angle-based dating?

    Here, we explore the complexity of scoria cone morphologypreserved in eroded, Pliocene scoria cones of western Hungary withan aim of understanding internal and external factors that may havebeen involved in the formations and preservation of the morphologicalfeatures of scoria cones. Scoria cones of the BakonyBalaton HighlandVolcanic Field (BBHVF) are older, 3.82.5 Ma (Balogh et al., 1986;Wijbrans et al., 2007), than the cones which have been analysed bymorphometrically elsewhere (Wood, 1980b). At least ten scoria coneremnants, with an addition of two deeply eroded cones (Tihany andKab-hegy) and a further two covered by thick Quaternary sedimentshave been recognised at BBHVF through detailed investigations over theFig. 2. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the centrapast decade (Martin and Nmeth, 2004; Auer et al., 2007). Of thesefourteen scoria cones, this study deals with the morphometry of sevenselected locations (Fig. 2), which have identifiable/visible geologicallywell-defined boundaries and available, reliable KAr and/or ArAr ages.Each scoria cone of the BBHVF has a unique eruption history recorded intheir primary pyroclastic successions such as intercalated welded lavaspatters (Figs. 3AB), interbedded coherent lava units (Fig. 3C), andvarious types of scoriaceous lapilli-dominated cone-building pyroclasticsuccessions (Fig. 3DF). These types of deposits are typical ofStrombolian-style explosive eruptions, Hawaiian-style lava fountainingand lava effusion (Martin and Nmeth, 2004). The majority of theseprocesses have been inferred to take place during the cone-buildingeruptive phases, except for post-eruption mass-movement, and aretogether responsible for the complex cone-buildingevents. However, therelative roles of these processes are not yet fully understood in terms ofmorphometry. A further aim of this study is to demonstrate the possiblepitfalls in automatic application of formulae-based morphometricaldating generally used for younger, b1 Ma, scoria cone fields to establishthe relative morphological age of the cones.

    2. Materials and methods

    The input data for both the manual and GIS-based parameteriza-tion were the Hungarian Military maps with scale of 1:10,000 with5 m contour intervals. After georeferencing, Hungarian National Grid(EOTR) projection and Hungarian Datum (1972), the contour lines ofthese topographic maps were digitalized. The boundaries of lavafields/flow (if any) and the scoria cones derived from 1:50,000geological map of the BBHVF (Budai et al., 1999) updated by new fieldobservations.

    2.1. Manual parameterization

    Hco (Fig. 1) is expressed as the arithmetic mean of the difference ofthe basal height and maximum (Hco max) and minimum (Hco min)elevation of the cone measured on topographic maps (Porter, 1972;Settle, 1979). This parameter only gives valuable results in the case ofscoria cones located on gentle slopes (2.55), platform-type volcanicfields (Favalli et al., 2009), and the BBHVFmeets this requirement. Priorto the volcanism at the BBHVF, the intra-Carpathian basins (especiallythe later Pannonian Basin) were filled by a large volume of siliciclasticsediments of Lake Pannon and associated river systems during the LateMiocene through the Pliocene (Magyar et al., 1999) and therefore amorphologically flat landscape was in place before the volcanism.l part of the BBHVF with the studied locations.

    image of Fig.2

  • Fig. 3. Textural diversity of pyroclastic successions of scoria cones of BBHVF. (A) Agr-tet: lava spatter-rich blocks around the scoria cone remnant; (B) Kopasz-hegy: alternatingerosion-resistant, lava flow units (LR2) and intercalated tuff breccias (TB1); (C) Bondor: outcrop at the breaching site (TB1weakly agglutinated, scoriaceous breccias; LR1dykeunit); (D) Kopcsi-hegy: ballistically transported, weakly agglutinated scoriaceous lapilli-dominated unit; (E) Badacsony: contact zone of the maar lake infilling lava lake (LR1) andthe capping (TB1) scoriaceous pyroclastic breccias; white arrows represent small-scale tumuli structures; (F) Boncsos-tet: alternating highly (TB1) and weakly (TB2) agglutinated,scoriaceous pyroclastic breccia units.

    47G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558Wco is the average of themaximumandminimumdiameter of a cone(Fig. 1). Based on the pioneering works of Porter (1972) and Wood(1980a) the worldwide median value of Wco is ~800 m, whereas themean value is ~900 m (based on datameasured from910 scoria cones).The average terrestrial and still intact scoria cone size is characterised bythe following equations between the cone height and width (Porter,1972; Wood, 1980a):

    Hco = 0:18Wco 1

    Wcr = 0:40Wco 2

    Crater diameter or width (Wcr) is calculated from the average ofthe minimum and maximum diameter of the crater measured fromtopographic maps.

    From the parameters above, further age-representing parameterssuch as Hco/Wco ratio or average slope angle can be calculated. Bothparameters decrease gradually with time, thus, correlate well with theage of the volcanic edifice (Porter, 1972; Dohrenwend et al., 1986;Hooper, 1995; Hooper and Sheridan, 1998; Sucipta et al., 2006; Donizet al., 2008; Favalli et al., 2009).

    The average slope angle (Save) derived from the three basicparametersnamely theHco,WcoandWcr. Formallywrittenas (Hasenakaand Carmichael, 1985):

    Save = tan1 2Hco = WcoWcr 3Save = tan1 2Hco =Wco 4

    where the Eq. (4) is for those scoria cones with lack of measurablecrater.

    2.2. DEM-based parameterization

    As parallel with the manual parameterization, DEM-based slopeangle calculations were performed for the study areas. The DEMs wereobtained by linear interpolation method (Gorte and Koolhoven, 1990).This method rasterizes the input contour lines into the user-definedhorizontal grid cell size (Gorte and Koolhoven, 1990), which iscommonly referred to horizontal resolution. Extremely high resolutionDEMs therefore can be created from relatively low-scale topographicinput data. However, the proper DEM resolution is dependent on thenature of the input data, i.e. contour lines or spot heights,and theproperties of the terrainmodelled (Hengl, 2006; Jordan, 2007).Thus, theresolutionof DEMswasdetermined on the basis of input data propertiessuch as distance between neighbouring contour lines (Hengl, 2006;Hengl and Evans, 2008). To find the proper horizontal grid cell size,neighbourhood operator was used to find those rasterized contour linepixels that lie immediately adjacent to each other on a 33pixelmatrix.This special pixel, called touchingpixels,maybea sourceof error. Thesemeasurements showed that a 22m grid cell size was small enough toavoid touching pixels in the area of interest (outer flanks). In order to

    image of Fig.3

  • 48 G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558get a more generalised picture for slope angles, our final DEMswere smoothed by an average 33, i.e., 66 m, moving window. Theelevation values for each pixel have been calculated for 3 decimals.

    An additional source of error in digital modelling is that flat pixelsare mostly the result of an inadequate determination of horizontalgrid cell size (Garbrecht and Martz, 1997; Jordan, 2007). These pixelshave zero first derivates, i.e. zero slope angles, thus can modify theresults of slope angle estimates. No flat pixels have been found withinthe area of interest. The overall accuracy of DEMswas characterised byroot mean square error, which is defined as (Fisher and Tate, 2006):

    RMSE = ZDEMZref 2

    = n 5

    where the ZDEM is the pixel elevations of the DEM, the Zref is thereference points (in this case spot heights from the topographicmaps)and the n is the number of reference points. The RMSE is alwayspositive. In terms of accuracy, the DEM studied in the present studyare characterised by 0.8 m up to 2.8 m.

    The first derivates, i.e. slope angle, of a DEM is formally written as:

    SLOPE = arctanfx2 + fy2 6

    where the fx=z/x and fy=z/y, for bivariate function, z=f(x,y),then the absolute value of the gradient vector. In a grid-basedenvironment, first derivates can be calculated by various filters forexample three-, four- or eight-point methods (Sharpnack andAkin, 1969; Zevenbergen and Thorne, 1987; Jones, 1998). In thesefilters above, the numbers correspond to the number of pixels evolvedin the gradient vector calculation on a 33 pixel matrix. In the case ofmorphometric parameterization for scoria cones, the user usuallyFig. 4. Agr-tet: (A) The location of the scoria cone and the measured morphometric paramecross-section of the present cone and lava field with the applied base height surface whichcurve) slope angles of the outer cone's flank.intends to approximate the average slope angle regardless thesmall, local-scaled variance of the terrain modelled. In other words,the linear, eight-point, unweighted (called Prewitt operator) filtergives the best results because this filter (1) calculates a moregeneralised slope estimates as compared to three- or four-pointmethods (Jones, 1998), (2) shows high resistance for interpolationerrors (Raaflaub and Collins, 2006) because of its high smoothingeffect due to the first-order trend surface fitted to the 33 pixelmatrix (Sharpnack and Akin, 1969). In this filter, the derivates definedas:

    fx = Z3 + Z6 + Z9Z1Z4Z7 = 6X 7

    fy = Z1 + Z2 + Z3Z7Z8Z9 = 6Y 8

    where the Z1Z9 correspond to the pixel elevation reads from the topleft cornel to the bottom right position in a 33 pixel matrix. The Xand Y refer to the grid cell size along the two main directions.

    In this study, four types of slope angle values such as Smean, Smed,Smode and Smax were calculated only on the outer flanks of the volcaniccones. The Smean is the weighted average of the slope angles by thetotal number of pixels related to a slope value, while the Smed, Smodeand Smax refer to the median, mode and maximum values of the slopeangles, respectively. The inner crater slopes, the breached side of thecones, slopes dissected by large valleys as well as local flat areas, e.g.local maxima/peaks or local minima/depressions, due to interpolationerror were eliminated from the delimited areas (e.g. Figs. 4 and 5).Nonetheless, the delimited cone slopes still contained 3686191,677individual pixel values, which bring relevant information on thepresent slope angle pattern (Table 1).ters such as maximum andminimumWco as well as the measured outer slopes. (B) Thewere used in the volume calculations. (C) Slope angle histogram and cumulative (red

    image of Fig.4

  • Fig. 5. Kopasz-hegy. For detailed information see Fig. 4.

    49G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558Besides the slope angle estimates, the volume of the preservededifices (Vcone) and related lava flow field (Vlava) were calculated fromthe high resolution DEMs by applying various dipping base heights(see details in Figs. 410). The source of lava flows have beenestablished on the basis of (1) stratigraphical and topographicalrelationship, (2) existence of the low, radial alignment of lava rockcovered ridges around the base of the cone, (3) existence of outcropsas well as (4) present cone morphology.

    3. Studied locations

    In this section, seven scoria cones from the BBHVF have beendescribed,whichhave various geomorphic shapes and ages.Wepresenttheir locations, eruption ages, main volcanological and geomorpholog-Table 1Morphometric parameters of the seven scoria cones from the BBHVF Estimated by bothmanualweighted arithmeticmean (Smean),median (Smed),mode (Smode) andmaximum(Smax) slope ang

    Cone Measured from DEM


    Hco min Hco max Hco Wco min Wco max Wco Wcr

    In metre

    Agr-tet 511 56 81 68.5 620 788 704.0 250Kopasz-hegy 303 8 22 15.0 699 732 715.5 Bondor 378 40 60 50.0 916 1614 1265.0 650Kopcsi-hegy 303 20 43 31.5 529 742 635.5 350Badacsony 437 17 29 23.0 710 876 793.0 400Boncsos-tet 448 52 67 59.5 665 1207 936.0 Gajos-tet 373 20 22 21.0 786 1226 1006.0 ical features as well as the main morphometric values, and addresswhether or not they are suitable for traditional morphometric dating.Furthermore, we also select which slopes represent the best the roughage of the cone-formation (i.e. not disturbed by subsequent volcano-logical and/or erosional processes) and are therefore suitable for testing(e.g. compare with the existing KAr and ArAr ages).

    3.1. Agr-tet

    Agr-tet Volcanic Complex is located at the northern, elevated partof BBHVF (Figs. 2 and 4). The volcanic cone is surrounded by a lavaplateau erupted on Mesozoic carbonates (Budai et al., 1999). Based onArArgeochronology the scoria coneerupted about ~3.3 Maagoand theextended lava field was emplaced around ~3.0 Ma ago (Wijbrans et al.,andDEM-basedmethods. Notes: 1Calculated by Eq. (3); 2Calculated by Eq. (4); 3Thele values. Values inboldwereused to evaluate the cones' age basedon theirmorphometry.

    Calculated manually Calculated from DEM

    Dcr Hco/Wco Eco Save 1 Save2 Smean3 Smed3 Smode3 Smax3 Std. Dev. Vcone

    Ratio In degree in km3

    bre 0.097 0.787 16.9 11.0 14.5 13.3 12.7 41.9 6.0 0.01632bre 0.021 0.955 2.4 11.9 10.8 10.1 36.4 4.3 0.00065bre 0.040 0.568 9.2 4.5 10.8 10.8 9.4 35.9 3.5 0.0318515.0 0.050 0.713 12.4 5.6 11.7 11.0 8.3 35.6 5.7 0.00592bre 0.029 0.811 6.6 3.3 8.0 7.1 8.3 40.9 4.1 0.00592 0.064 0.551 7.2 9.2 8.7 5.4 36.1 3.5 0.01277 0.021 0.641 2.3 4.0 3.8 1.7 13.9 2.1 0.00796

    image of Fig.5

  • Fig. 6. Bondor. For detailed information see Fig. 4.

    50 G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 45582007). The relatively long-lasting eruption (~0.3 Ma) indicates a stablemagma supply beneath Agr-tet (Martin and Nmeth, 2004) resultingin the accumulation of 0.365 km3 lava (Table 2).

    Explosive volcanic activity of Agr-tet is characterised by Strombo-lian- and Hawaiian-styles that produced scoriaceous fall beds inter-bedded with agglutinated lava spatter (Martin and Nmeth, 2004;Csillag et al., 2008). The inner structure of the eroded cone consists ofstrongly to moderately agglutinated, lava-spatter dominated deposits(Fig. 3A).

    The original crater of Agr-tet is still recognisable; however, a largebreach has occurred at the NW side of the cone (Fig. 4). The preservedgeomorphology of the cone is characterised by the existence of low,radial ridges around the eastern foot of the Agr-tet, which can beinterpreted as the remnants of individual lavaflows (Csillag et al., 2008).

    The size of scoria cone of Agr-tet is slightly smaller than anaverage scoria cone after Wood (1980a), with ~704 m (Wco) and~68 m (Hco) and a ~250 m wide crater as well as small cone volumeabout 0.016 km3 (Table 1). The Save calculated by traditional methodbetween 16.9 and 11 (Table 1) and with the DEM-based method~14.5 (Smean). In addition, the Hco/Wco ratio is around 0.097.

    Morphometric assessment: Agr-tet and its lava field are not a classicexample of a scoria cone because the present cone mostly compriseserosion resistant, lava spatter-dominated deposits as a result of Hawaiianand Strombolian-type eruptions. Furthermore, the long-lasting eruptionwith multiple lava effusion stages, according to Wijbrans et al. (2007),likely influenced the freshly deposited scoriaceous lapilli and ash bedscausing significant welding and agglutination. However, the cappingscoria cone edifice is suitable for all methods of morphometry-baseddating because its shape is preserved, except for the crater opening fromNNW. Consequently, both the traditional (including Eqs. (3) and (4))and DEM-basedmethods yield valid results, which are in the same range(1214; Table 1).3.2. Kopasz-hegy

    Kopasz-hegy Volcanic Complex (KVC; Figs. 2 and 5) consists of twoindividual volcanic centres in the western boundary of the Kl Basin(Fig. 2). According to KAr dating, the age of Kopasz-hegy spansbetween 2.82 and 2.59 Ma (Balogh, K. pers. comm.). Based ondistribution, type and bedding characteristics of pyroclastic deposits,initial phreatomagmatic activity at Kopasz-hegy was within a NSaligned paleovalley (Kereszturi and Nmeth, in press). The northerneruption centre is capped by at least four preserved, lava spatter andscoriaceous breccia-dominated (Fig. 3B) mound-shaped hills, whichare ~515 m high and few hundreds of metres in diameter today.These mounds consist of layers (usually a few dm thick) of greyish toblackish, densely to non-welded, scoriaceous pyroclastic breccias(Fig. 3B). Rootless (clastogenic) lava flows 1015 m long with avolume of a few tens of m3 were emplaced during the late stageevolution of Kopasz-hegy. These erosion resistant rocks must havehad control over the erosion of the cone.

    The distribution of the preserved scoria cone flanks is limited dueto the quarrying and the volcanic/erosional processes. The craterwidth is doubtful and its location is only inferred between the small,preserved scoria mounds (Fig. 5). The direction of the breaching issouth. This has an obvious effect on morphometry; for example theWco is 715 m and the Hco is only 15 m and the volume is relatively low0.0006 km3 (Table 1). This results in a very low Hco/Wco ratio 0.021.The slope angles strongly vary between 2.4 and 11.9 (Table 1).

    image of Fig.6

  • Fig. 7. Kopcsi-hegy. For detailed information see Fig. 4.

    51G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558Morphometric assessment: The present geomorphic shape, in spite ofits young age, indicates that theKopasz-hegywasprobably truncatedbyvolcanic (e.g. vent migration) or erosional processes, e.g. gully erosion.The existence of a double cone systemwith a phreatomagmatic tuff ringbase, one partly destroying the other and the central crater, is supportedby the contrasting KAr ages measured (Balogh, K. pers. comm.). Thus,the cone is not suitable for traditional, morphometric dating because itscrater has almost been removed: only the Save is calculatedby the Eq. (4)(Table 1). However, the DEM-basedmethod for Smean gave a reasonablevalue of slope angle (~11.8; Table 1).3.3. Bondor

    Bondor is a remnant of a complex volcano situated at the northernpart of the BBHVF (Fig. 2). Several KAr radiometric datings from thecoherent lava body of Bondor suggest an age range of 3.8 and 2.29 Ma(Balogh et al., 1986; Balogh and Pcskay, 2001). Thewide range of KArages may result from long-lasting and intermittent volcanic activitywith individual eruption stages (Kereszturi et al., 2010). Based on thedepositional setting, the age of the upper scoria cone is inferred to bebetween 2.9 and 2.29 Ma by KAr dating methods (Balogh et al., 1986;Balogh and Pcskay, 2001; Kereszturi et al., 2010). This age intervalhas been confirmed with the last unpublished dating of 2.52 Ma(Balogh, K. pers. comm.).

    Initial stages of the evolution of Bondor comprise a basalphreatomagmatic tuff ring unit, which is ~1.5 km in diameter. Thisbasal tuff ring hosts a few lava flow units and the capping scoria cone(Martin and Nmeth, 2004). A few outcrops at the eastern sectorexpose the inner structure of the Bondor scoria cone. The scoria coneis characterised by chaotically bedded, reddish, moderately vesicu-lated, partly welded scoriaceous lapilli and block layers and cross-cutting dykes (Fig. 3C). The effusive activity, which is directly linked tothe scoria cone, produced lava flows that are only preserved at theeastern part of Bondor (Fig. 6). Small topographic ridges at the SEfoot of the cone indicate that the lava flow came from the scoria cone(Kereszturi et al., 2010). The rest of the lava plateau may be related toother effusive activity during the evolution of Bondor, probably afterthe initial maar-forming eruptions.

    The Bondor is one of the largest scoria cones within the BBHVF inWco (~1265 m), Wcr (~650 m) and volume (V=0.031 km3; Table 1).The cone height is small (~50 m). The Hco/Wco ratio is 0.04 due to thelarge basal diameter of the cone (Table 1). The slope angle variesbetween 4.5 (Save calculated by Eq. (4)) and 10.8 (Smean and Smed).The Smode is 9.4.

    Morphometric assessment: Bondor is one of the largest erosionalremnants of BBHVF built up by typical scoria cone deposits. Small-scale breaching occurs at the eastern slopes, but this morphologicalirregularity does not significantly disturb the morphometric param-eterization process. As a result of this, the Bondor is suitable for bothdating methods (Fig. 6).3.4. Kopcsi-hegy

    The Kopcsi-hegy scoria cone (Figs. 2 and 7) has a well-preservedcone with a still enclosed crater, located near the largest nested maar-system of Fekete-hegy Maar Volcanic Complex in the central part ofBBHVF (Martin and Nmeth, 2004; Auer et al., 2007). The age ofKopcsi-hegy is about 2.61 Ma (Wijbrans et al., 2007).

    The basal part of the cone consists of massive lapilli tuff bedsinterpreted as products of initial phreatomagmatic explosive erup-tions (Nmeth and Martin, 1999). A NS elongated ridge can beidentified south of the present foot of the volcanic edifice (Fig. 7),which may have been formed by valley-filling deposits of the initialphreatomagmatic eruption (Nmeth and Martin, 1999). The scoria

    image of Fig.7

  • Fig. 8. Badacsony. For detailed information see Fig. 4.

    52 G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558cone grew over these basal phreatomagmatic rock units and ischaracterised by chaotically bedded, reddish to brownish, partly toweakly welded, highly vesicular lapilli and block-sized scoriaceousdeposits with abundant ballistically transported spindle bombshosting mantle-derived peridotite lherzolite nodules (Fig. 3D). Nolava flows are known to be associated with Kopcsi-hegy (Fig. 7).

    The morphometry of the small Kopcsi-hegy scoria cone is simplewith Wco 635 m and Hco 31 m, as consequences of the partly closedcrater that has a diameter of 350 m and depth ~15 m (Table 1). Thecone volume is about 0.005 km3 (Table 1). The lowest slope angle is5.6 (Eq. (4)) and the highest is 12.4 (Eq. (3)). The Hco/Wco is around0.05.

    Morphometric assessment: The Kopcsi-hegy scoria cone, the onlycone of the BBHVF with an almost intact crater, was formed byStrombolian activity following initial phreatomagmatic eruptions. Nolate-stage lava flow is known to be derived from the Kopcsi-hegyscoria cone. This cone is one of the most suitable for morphometricparameterization both with the traditional and the DEM-basedmethods. However, in the case of the latter method, we calculatedthe slope angle only from the undisturbed slopes (Fig. 7). Here, Smeangave an 11.7 relatively steep slope whereas formulae-based methodsgave 12.4 (Table 1).

    3.5. Badacsony

    Badacsony (Figs. 2 and 8) forms a butte in the southern part of theTapolca Basin (Fig. 2). The Badacsony volcano is about 3.45 Ma old onthe basis of KAr radiometric datings (Borsy et al., 1987). Badacsony isan eroded tuff ring filled with thick capping lava and associated scoriacone (Martin and Nmeth, 2004). The contact zone of the cappingscoria cone and the basal lava lake units are exposed due to quarrying(Fig. 3E). The Badacsony volcanic complex consists of a present day23 m high, intra-maar scoria cone with ~793 m basal width and~400 m crater width, which correlates well with average worldexamples (Wood, 1980a). The cone has been largely removed by theerosional processes, thus the present volume of the cone is only0.005 km3 and the Hco/Wco is very low (0.029).

    As a consequence of erosion, the crater of the scoria cone is notclearly visible in the field and it seems to have been breached from thenorth. In addition, the original edifice has been incised by a small gullyfrom the east. The present boundary of the scoria cone is slightlyundermined by 20th century quarrying. As a consequence of slopeangle pixels in rim position are higher due to the quarrying (Fig. 8).Thus, wemeasured DEM-based slope angle parameter (Smean) only forthe S and SW slopes of the Badacsony (Fig. 8). The Save of the wholevolcanic edifice is 6.6 and 3.3 calculated using the Eqs. 3 and 4 and aslightly higher values (Smean=8.0) is accounted for the southernslopes of Badacsony (Fig. 8).

    Morphometric assessment: The morphometry of the present scoriacone has been modified by the quarrying as well as the marginalsituation of certain (e.g. eastern and western ones) slopes of the cone(Fig. 8). This destruction highly disturbs the traditional, formulae-based results of slope angle. However, for the DEM-based slope anglecalculation, the southern slopes which are less eroded have beenfound suitable (Fig. 8).

    3.6. Boncsos-tet

    Boncsos-tet (Figs. 2 and 9) is a large asymmetrical scoria coneremnant in the central part of BBHVF and it lies at the margin of theFekete-hegy Maar Volcanic Complex (Auer et al., 2007). There are noavailable KAr and ArAr radiometric ages directly from the cone, but

    image of Fig.8

  • Fig. 9. Boncsos-tet. For detailed information see Fig. 4.

    53G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558there is a KAr age date obtained (3.3 Ma) from the nearby lavaplateau of Fekete-hegy (Auer et al., 2007). In addition, morphometricestimation and comparison to the nearby Gajos-tet scoria coneconfirmed partly a similar age range (Kereszturi, 2010).

    The inner structure of Boncsos-tet scoria cone is exposed in a small,abandoned quarry at the northern side of the remnant (Fig. 3F). In thisquarry, thickly bedded, reddish to greyish, alternating densely (TB1 inFig. 3F) and partly welded (TB2 in Fig. 3F) scoriaceous pyroclasticbreccias and lapilli tuffs with steeply dipping beds (3545) are inagreement with its proximal location relative to the presumed originalcrater (Csillag, 2004).

    The position of Boncsos-tet (located on the rim of the lavaplateau of Fekete-hegy) favours the formation of large landslides dueto slope instability (Csillag, 2004). There is nomorphological evidenceof any type of breaching because the location of the crater is alsodoubtful.

    The morphometry of Boncsos-tet is still youthful because Hco isabout 59 m and the Wco is 936 m. The volume is 0.012 km3. Theaverage slope angle parameters vary from 7.2 up to 9.2 (Table 1).

    Morphometric assessment: The present erosion remnant of Boncsos-tet is largely asymmetric due to degradation during the post-eruptiveperiod. As a result of landslides and the crater removal, Save is onlycalculated by the Eq. (4) (Save=7.2) due to the missing Wcr value.Although only the eastern slopes of Boncsos-tet have been foundsuitable for the slopes-angle calculation by DEM, it gives a similar resultSmean ~9.2 (Smean).

    3.7. Gajos-tet

    Gajos-tet (Figs. 2 and 10) is a poorly preserved, eroded scoriacone from the Fekete-hegy Maar Volcanic Complex in the central partof BBHVF (Fig. 2). The lava flow of Gajos-tet was penetrated by theKapolcs-1 drill hole (Jmbor, 1980; Kereszturi, 2009) and its age of3.82 Ma is constrained by the upper lava flow unit (Balogh et al.,1986).

    The scoria cone and related lava flow are inferred to have filled apreviously formed maar crater and spilt over the crater rim (Auer et al.,2007). TheGajos-tet scoria cone ismade up of black to reddish-basalticscoriaceous pyroclastic rocks, but the exposure of the cone deposits isvery limited due to the vegetation cover and the gentle slope angle.However, small, WE aligned lava ridges can be identified in the DEMand confirmed in the field, which are similar in size and location to theridges in the cases of Bondor and Agr-tet.

    The advanced erosional stage is reflected by the morphometry ofthe volcanic cone (Fig. 10). Hco is 21 m, Wco is 1006 m, hence Hco/Wcoratio is only 0.021 (Table 1). The preserved volume of the deeplyeroded scoria cone is as low as 0.007 km3. The related lava flowvolume has also been calculated as Vlava=0.017 km3. Because thecrater is fully degraded, the Save calculation is only carried out by theEq. (4), giving a result of 2.3. At the same time, for DEM-basedcalculation, we sampled the southern slopes, which are situated in asheltered position on the lava mesa of Fekete-hegy, and the resultshows a slightly higher slope angle value ~4.0 (Table 1).

    Morphometric assessment: The Gajos-tet is a normal-sized scoriacone, when compared with the world average of 800 m in width,sitting on relatively undisturbed position upon the basalt mesa ofFekete-hegy. The small-scale topographic ridges demonstrate thateffusive stage(s) led to the emplacement of a 1.5 km long lava flow(Fig. 10). The preserved volcanic edifice is suitable for the morpho-metric measurements (with the DEM-based method), but due to themissing crater the calculation of Save values by the traditional,formulae-based methods is impossible (Table 1).

    image of Fig.9

  • Fig. 10. Gajos-tet. For detailed information see Fig. 4.

    54 G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 45584. Discussion

    4.1. Controls on scoria cone degradation in the BBHVF

    According to early papers (Breed, 1964; Colton, 1967; Dohrenwendet al., 1986), two parameters (Save and Hco/Wco ratio) are the mostsuitable for the morphometry-based dating of monogenetic scoriacones. However, neither slope angle nor Hco/Wco ratio decreases at aTable 2Morphometric age vs. radiometric age. Note: 1DEM-based mean slope angle values of the scone related lava fields; 4Geological ages based on KAr and ArAr radiometric determina2007; Kereszturi, 2010).

    Cone Smean1 Hco/Wco2 Vlava3

    degree Ratio km3

    Agr-tet 14.7 0.097 0.365

    Smean based morphometrical age estimateKopasz-hegy 11.9 0.0001Kopcsi-hegy 11.7 0.000Bondor 10.8 0.056Boncsos-tet 9.2 0.084Badacsony 8.0 0.102Gajos-tet 4.0 0.017

    Hco/Wco based morphometrical age estimateBoncsos-tet 0.064 0.084Kopcsi-hegy 0.050 0.000Bondor 0.040 0.056Badacsony 0.029 0.102Kopasz-hegy 0.021 0.000Gajos-tet 0.021 0.017constant rate, thus the morphometric modifications do not show alinear trend (Dohrenwend et al., 1986). Because, the slopes of youngcones are more susceptible to rapid erosion, whereas degradationespecially where vegetation developsslows down with time (Wood,1980b). Thus, the precision of the relative dating also decreases withincreasing geological age. Consequently, whereas general rules areapplicable for young and fresh cones, the older cones may follow thesetrends to a lesser extent having larger errors in relative age estimation.tudied cones; 2Hco/Wco ratio calculated from the Table 1; 3Volumetric parameters oftions (Balogh et al., 1986; Balogh and Pcskay, 2001; Auer et al., 2007; Wijbrans et al.,

    Effusion scale Expected age basedon morphometry

    Real geological agebased on KAr andArAr dating (Ma)4

    Large-scale Absolute youngest 3.33.0

    Small-scale Youngest 2.52.8Non 2.6Medium-scale 2.32.9Medium-scale 3.3 and (2.83?)Medium-scale 3.4Medium-scale Oldest 3.8

    Medium-scale Youngest 3.3 and (3.02.8?)Small-scale 2.6Medium-scale 2.92.3Medium-scale 3.4Small-scale 2.52.8Medium-scale Oldest 3.8

    image of Fig.10

  • 55G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558Previously, two main factors have been identified that determinethe major changes on the shape and morphometry of the scoria cones:age of the edifice and the climatic setting (Wood, 1980b). Based onmorphometry and volcanological settings of the scoria cones of BBHVF,the effects of these main factors on degradation can be recognised.However, we also found a third factor, namely, the textural character-istics of the cones (e.g. erosion-resistant components), which has alsoplayed an important role on slope processes and thus morphometry.

    4.1.1. Age control on degradationPrevious attempts that were targeted to date scoria cone fields used

    various parameters to approximate edifice ages (Sucipta et al., 2006). Inorder to detect the variations of these age indicator parameters amongolder cones, we systematically examined the behaviour of Smean andHco/Wco ratio (Table 2). The results are varied because Hco/Wco ratios donot show a clear trend (for the detailed explanation see later; Table 2).Only the DEM-based Smean values show a systematic decreasing trendwith time similar to other studied scoria conesworldwide (Dohrenwendet al., 1986; Favalli et al., 2009). However, there is one exception, Agr-tet, which does not fit to the overall decreasing trend, because of itshaving an old age but the highest slope angle values (Table 2). Based onthis trend, the eruptive age control on morphometric parameters isconfirmed in the case of older scoria cones as well.

    4.1.2. Climatic control on degradationThe progressively more gentle slopes, i.e. the decreasing slopes

    values with time due to degradation were calculated from theobtained Smean and Save parameters (Fig. 11). The rates show a widerange because of the differences in morphometric methods. The slopeangle rates derived from the traditional, formulae-based methods(Eqs. (3) and (4)) are 3.94/Ma and 0.79/Ma, respectively. A higherrate (5.03/Ma) was calculated using the DEM-based Smean values(Fig. 11). In the case of formulae-based method (Eq. (3)), the lowerFig. 11. Diagram of slope angle values and degradation rates of scoria cones of BBHVF calcunewly developed DEM-based (Smean) methods. Note the poor line fitting for the slope angletruncated cones.value of Save degradation rates are the result of the limited number ofsuitable cones (only three cones were suitable for parameterizationdue to the lack of crater), whereas the DEM-based estimation is basedon six cones. The Agr-tet scoria cone, which evolved in a differentway (e.g. dominant effusive activity, different deposits preserved inthe scoria cone successions), was systematically discarded from theslope angle rate calculations in order to get more representative slopedecrease rate for the classical scoria cone examples. From the abovementioned rates, we accepted the result of DEM-based methodbecause these result are in agreement with KAr and ArAr ages (seedetails later).

    The calculated rates of slope decrease at BBHVF (~5/Ma) arecomparable with other published rates, for example in the Cimavolcanic field, Mojave Desert, California, where the average rate ofslope angle decrease (Save) is around 6/Ma (Dohrenwend et al.,1986). In addition, the San Francisco Volcanic Field (Arizona) hasshown similar slope decrease over the last 2 Ma period of time, forinstance the Woodhouse age cones; ~8/Ma (Wood, 1980b).However, we have to keep in mind the fact that these cones aremostly characterised by erosion resistant inner structure, such aswelded or agglutinated deposits, thus the calculated Smean decreaserate is at least minimum estimate. Interestingly, both of the analoguefields for BBHVF are characterised by mostly low annual precipitation(100500 mm/year) and dry climates which favour a slow degrada-tion and relatively good preservation of the volcanic edifice (Wood,1980b). This slow rate of slope degradation may indicate a similarsemi-arid climate in the Carpathian Basin during the Pleistocene,which is in accordance to other climate studies (Fbin et al., 2000;Kovcs et al., 2011; Sebe et al., 2011).

    4.1.3. Architectural control on degradationInternal settings, e.g. age of the edifice, and external factors, e.g.

    climate, both control scoria cone degradation as we have seenlated by various methods including traditional, formulae-based (Eqs. (3) and (4)) ands calculated by traditional techniques and the limitation of this method on older and/or

  • 56 G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558previously. In the BBHVF, however, an additional third maincontrolling parameter such as volcanic architectural diversity can berecognised in the BBHVF that affect the cone morphometry.

    In general, the architecture of the scoria cones has two end-member types based on their explosive and effusive activity. Onthe one hand, most explosive cones are built up mostly by loose lapilliand ash as well as minor, e.g. locally distributed, lava spatter,favouring rapid erosion. Alternatively, the more ash-dominatedcones can be generated by violent Strombolian type eruptions (Martinand Nmeth, 2006; Valentine and Gregg, 2008). On the other hand,more effusive scoria cones are made up of the lava spatter-dominatedbeds, which in turn are more resistant than the lapilli-dominatedones. Both types above are usually formed by Strombolian-styleeruptions. Based on field observations, the scoria cones of BBHVF arecloser to the last end-member, i.e. lava spatter-dominated cones.

    In order to understand the role of effusive activity on degradation,we categorised the seven studied scoria cones of BBHVF by the totalvolume of the emitted lava flow/field (Table 2). The groups are thefollowings: (A) large-scale (0.1 km3); (B) medium-scale (~0.10.01 km3) and (C) non-effusive or small-scale effusive activity (~00.0001 km3).

    (A) Large-scale effusive activity means a large volume (0.1 km3) oflava emplaced during the course of the eruption, forming anextended lava field, e.g. in the case of Agr-tet (Fig. 4).Nevertheless, at Agr-tet, the large volume of lava may beinterpreted as the effect of possible additional fissure vent(s)during the emplacement of the lava field. However, the existenceof small ridges around the cone seems to confirm that Agr-tetemitted at least a certain portion of the measured lava plateau.Theeruptionhistory ofAgr-tet is theonly example forwhichnoevidence exists for phreatomagmatic activity, theentire evolutionseems to have been governed by magmatic processes and notphreatic and/or phreatomagmatic fragmentation (Kereszturiet al., 2011). The large-scale effusive activity of Agr-tet makesthewhole inner part of the volcanic edificemore erosion resistant(Fig. 3A). This resistance largely controls the morphometricparameters as well as slopes of the present volcanic cone andhence the result of morphometric dating and relative age of thecone.

    (B) Medium-scale effusive activity (Table 4) ranges between 0.1 and0.01 km3 of emitted lava, for instance Bondor, Boncsos-tet,Badacsony and Gajos-tet. These cones are characterised by mildStrombolianeruptions. In individual cases (e.g. Bondor, Boncsos-tet), we documented weakly to moderately agglutinate orwelded pyroclastics; however, their distribution is limited andgenerally associated with the central crater area and along cross-cutting dykes. These types of architectural irregularity have notdisturbed the morphometric parameters to any great extent northe age estimates.

    (C) Non-effusive or small-scale effusive activity means that the totalvolume of the lava is relatively small or not evident, e.g. Kopcsi-hegy, Kopasz-hegy. Although they have been formed around2.6 Ma, these cones have not shown as young morphometricparameters as the Agr-tet. This anomaly can be explained by arapid degradation period. As a consequence, the minor effusiveactivity is favourable to rapid erosion of the cones.

    Based on this classification and the preserved Smean values, theimpact of this architectural diversity may correlate with the totalvolume of the lava flow field related to the monogenetic edifice. Inother words, the larger effusive activity is favourable to a higherdegree of welding or agglutination leading the formation of anerosion-resistant inner core of the edifice. Due to erosion, these innerirregularities may be exposed and are able to distort the morpho-metric parameters of the cones, like in the case of Agr-tet.4.2. Morphometric dating of the Pliocene scoria cones of BBHVF

    4.2.1. Pitfalls of traditional morphometric dating method on older scoriacones

    The traditional morphometric dating (based on either Save or Hco/Wcoratio) has a wide range of pitfalls, especially for older scoria cones or forcomplex cones that underwent various post-eruptive tectonic/erosiveprocesses. Scoria cones are obviously more diverse volcanic landformsthan previously considered, and it is likely that the classical loose coarseash and lapilli dominated edifices rather represent a small fraction of thefull spectrum.

    The eruption diversity, both internally (e.g. eruption stylevariations, magma flux changes) and externally (e.g. gravitationalcollapse and/or cone over-growth) strongly affect the initial geometryof the cone on which the syn and subsequent erosion takes place(Nmeth et al., 2011). Thus, understanding and identifying any sign ofthese processes could play a key role in interpreting morphometricdata. The initial effects of eruption diversity can be enhanced overlong-term (millions of years) erosion history, and likely createunexpected morphological scenarios of the eroded cones such asyouthful morphology on an otherwise old cone.

    However, not only are the traditional methods, i.e. Hco/Wco orSave, affected by syn- and post-eruptive processes. The evidencefor these modifications can clearly be seen in the large diversity ofslope angle histogram and the standard deviation of slope angles(Figs. 410). As a result of various eruptive mechanisms and thedistribution of pyroclastics preserved in the cone edifice, the scoriacones in the BBHVF can be subdivided into two groups based ontheir shapes.

    The Type 1 cones have either a scattered/truncated shape, e.g.Boncsos-tet and Kopasz-hegy and/or a multi-peaked slope anglehistogram such as the Agr-tet. The standard deviation of slope anglesis generally large in this case4 that Type 1 cones (Figs. 4 and 9). Theseasymmetric cones resulted from syn- and post-eruptive modificationand truncationof theedifice, e.g. landslide, ventmigration, gully erosion.These two cones show the largest morphometric irregularity anddisturbing effects on traditionally measured Save and Hco/Wco (Table 1and 2). In these cases, the Save is only calculated using the Eq. (3) due tothe removed crater.

    In the case of Agr-tet, the multi-peaked and slightly asymmet-ric slope histogram can be the result of physical properties onpreserved pyroclastics on the western and eastern flanks of thevolcanic edifice (Fig. 4). In terms of morphometry, the Agr-tetscoria cone also differs significantly from the other cones studied dueto its different eruption mechanism (magmatic processes withoutphreatomagmatic eruptions), architecture (lava spatter-dominance)as well as its large-scale lava effusive activity (lava field volume0.365 km3). The absolute age of Agr-tet is 3.3 Ma (Wijbranset al., 2007) which is similar to Boncsos-tet, 3.33.0 Ma (Auer et al.,2007), but the primary morphometric age-indicators, Save (14.7 vs.9.2) and the Hco/Wco ratio (0.097 vs. 0.064), differ considerably.Consequently, the aforementioned differences together may beresponsible for deviance of Agr-tet, i.e. the very youthfulappearance in spite of its old age.

    The Type 2 cones are mostly symmetrical in shape that favourbetter the results of parameterization both by tradition and DEM-basedmethods. The cones, e.g. Kopcsi-hegy, Badacsony, Bondor andGajos-tet, show generally compact, one peaked slope histograms andrelatively narrow, i.e. under 4, standard deviation of slope angles(Figs. 6 and 8). The only exception is the Kopcsi-hegy, which ischaracterised by three mounds and saddles between each other(Fig. 7). Around these saddles, the slope angles are lower than on theflanks, leading to multi-peaked slope histograms and a wider range ofstandard deviations, i.e. 5.7. In terms of morphometry, however, theKopcsi-hegy is one of the most suitable cones for morphometricdating because of the intact shape with a relatively closed crater. A

  • 57G. Kereszturi, K. Nmeth / Geomorphology 136 (2012) 4558possible explanation for the symmetrical shape may be the presenceof a homogenous distribution and properties of the cone-buildingmaterials such as lapilli and breccias-dominated tuffs derived from aseries of Strombolian-type eruptions. Only locally do these conescontain pyroclastic beds that are more resistance to erosion, i.e. lava-spatter beds, welded or agglutinated pyroclastics. The presence ofthese erosion-resistant pyroclastic beds, however, has little apparentinfluence on the morphometric parameterizations of the conesregardless the type of method that has been used.

    To sum up, the possible pitfalls in the traditional, formulae-basedscoria cone age-estimation method are (1) highly scattered cones, e.g.Type 1 cones: Kopasz-hegy and Boncsos-tet; (2) truncated cones and(3) cones associated with significant effusive activity, e.g. Agr-tet.Any of these conditions may modify the results of relative cone dating(Table 2).

    4.2.2. Validity of DEM-based slope angle estimation and its implicationsto older scoria cones

    Our most significant result is that the DEM-based morphometricdating results has been found appropriate with regard to the KAr andArAr radiometric ages. In order to assess which of the morphometricparameters (Smean and Hco/Wco) are more suitable to characterise theage of the eroded cones of BBHVF, we carried out morphometricestimation using both methods (Table 2). The Agr-tet was notincluded in this test because of its different large-scale effusive activity,which is suspected of causing the apparently young, morphometric age.

    In the case of the Smean-based age estimation, the cones haveprogressively,more gentle slopes in accordancewith their age spectrumfrom 2.4 to 3.8 Ma (Table 2). Effusive activity does not significantlydistort the age obtained, because all the cones examined emitted0.1 km3 lava (medium-, small-scale or non-effusive activity).

    At the same time, the Hco/Wco ratio shows a slightly distortedtrend. According to this ratio, the youngest cone is the Boncsos-tetand one of the oldest is the Kopasz-hegy (Table 2) which significantlyconflicts with the KAr ages. In addition, these two examples from theBBHVF have been truncated by various eruptive and/or erosional-related processes. In these cases, the DEM-based method provides amore precise age estimate.

    5. Conclusions

    (1). Scoria cones are built up of wide range of eruption material,such as lava rocks, densely to non-welded breccias and lapilli,rarely ash. This textural and structural diversity of simplescoria cones is common. At BBHVF, the present shapes ofstudied scoria cones are influenced by diverse primaryeruption-related (e.g. Hawaiian-type eruption, large to small-scale effusive activity) as well as secondary syn- and/or post-eruptive erosion-related (e.g., scoria cone breaching, large scaleslope failure and anthropogenic activity) processes.

    (2). Comparison of DEM-based and traditional methods shows that anumber of examples, e.g. Kopasz-hegy, Boncsos-tet and Gajos-tet, are unsuitable for the traditional, formulae-based morpho-metric parameterization (Eq. (4)) due to the erosionof the crater.Specifically, Hco/Wco ratio does not show a strong correlationwith the radiometric age of the scoria cones (Table 2) owing tothe diverse nature of cone materials as well as the highlydegraded and breached present morphology.

    (3). The DEM-based method gave more reliable and acceptableresults compared to the radiometric ages (Table 2) determiningundisturbed outer slope angle values for the studied cones.The DEM-based slope angle parameterization method is alsouseful for highly truncated/asymmetric scoria cones, whichhave only scattered remnants (e.g. Type 1 cones). This isbecause certain parts of the outer cone slopes are still agerepresentatives after nearly 4 Ma of degradation. At the sametime, the Hco/Wco ratio does not show strong correlation withthe real, geological age of the older scoria cones (Table 2).

    (4). Assessing the precision of the measurements, the DEM-basedslope angle estimation, based on thousands of pixels repre-senting the cone surfaces, is more precise and robust. Thetraditional formulae-based method is dependent on threeparameters (Hco, Wco and Wcr), hence imprecise parametermeasuring or taking highly disturbed, eroded zones of the conecould yield unreliable results (see Kopasz-hegy or Boncsos-tet). A similar tendency between data obtaining methods hasbeen documented for the flank cones of Mt. Etna by Favalli et al.(2009). However, the DEM-based slope angle can also showscattered ranges of the slope histogram leading multi-peakedhistograms and high standard deviations. If the interpolationnoise is low, the individual peaks on the slope angle histogramrepresent either differences in the architecture, i.e. eruptiondiversity, and/or in the behaviour of erosional processes thatshaped the flanks of the scoria cones.

    (5). The accuracy of relative dating decreases with increasingedifice age because the inner structure of the cone (probablymore erosion resistant) gradually becomes more exposed withtime. The properties and the distribution of these exposedresistant layers govern the precision of morphometric dating.

    (6). In the BBHVF, three difference controlling factors have beenidentified namely the age of the edifice, the climate during thedegradation and the inner architecture of the edifice, i.e.erosion resistance of pyroclastic rocks. The last factor is morelikely to have played a major role in the formation of erosion-resistant collars of scoria cones in the BBHVF.Acknowledgements

    This research was supported by Department of Geology and MineralDeposits, University of Miskolc, Hungary and PhD Research Fellowship ofthe Volcanic Risk Solutions, Massey University, New Zealand (GK). Theauthors would like to thank to K. Balogh (Institute of Nuclear Research,Debrecen) for the help in interpreting the existing KAr radiometric data,to G. Jordn (Geological Institute of Hungary, Budapest) for the helpfuldiscussions about digital modelling and to G. Csillag (Geological Instituteof Hungary, Budapest). Constructive comments by J. Procter, K. Arentsen,D. Kartson, F. J. Dniz-Pez, J.-T. Thouret and A. Harvey significantlyelevated the quality of the manuscript.


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    Structural and morphometric irregularities of eroded Pliocene scoria cones at theBakonyBalaton Highland Volcanic Field, Hungary1. Introduction2. Materials and methods2.1. Manual parameterization2.2. DEM-based parameterization

    3. Studied locations3.1. Agr-tet3.2. Kopasz-hegy3.3. Bondor3.4. Kopcsi-hegy3.5. Badacsony3.6. Boncsos-tet3.7. Gajos-tet

    4. Discussion4.1. Controls on scoria cone degradation in the BBHVF4.1.1. Age control on degradation4.1.2. Climatic control on degradation4.1.3. Architectural control on degradation

    4.2. Morphometric dating of the Pliocene scoria cones of BBHVF4.2.1. Pitfalls of traditional morphometric dating method on older scoria cones4.2.2. Validity of DEM-based slope angle estimation and its implications to older scoria cones

    5. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferences

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