2013 05 19 safe host conference ta ta_a_quartucci_ presentation terra futura_eng

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Sexual tourism against minors is a world plague that encompasses mainly the south east Asian region, Latin America, Africa and eastern Europe. Western countries are those which register the biggest outgoing fluxes. Sexual tourists abuse of the common channels and networks of tourism to reach their victims. Companies and workers in the sector may play an important role in the prevention and struggle against this practice. To be able to do this, they must learn how to identify and prevent it, they need to possess the knowledge and skills to identify it and have the tools to actively prevent those who exploit and those that make use of this practice from making use of tourist services to reach their victims. To Favor the establishment of a permanent social dialogue platform for tourism, encouraging the exchange and synergies between social parts throughout the whole supply chain, starting from the exchange of actions for the fight against child exploitation in the tourism sector, and the adoption of Directive 2011/92/EU. Analyze the ways in which services and tourism channels are used for illegal aims and identify changes linked with use of information and communication technologies. Evaluate good practices that social parts, individually or jointly, have enacted to prevent and fight against this phenomenon. Equip the tourism industry with innovative and practical tools for the struggle against child sexual exploitation throughout the whole supply chain. Il turismo sessuale a danno dei minori è una piaga mondiale che attanaglia in modo particolare Sud-est asiatico, America Latina, Africa ed Europa orientale. I paesi occidentali sono quelli da cui si registrano i maggiori flussi in partenza. I turisti sessuali abusano dei canali e delle reti del turismo per raggiungere le loro vittime. Imprese e lavoratori del settore possono giocare un ruolo prezioso per prevenire e contrastare il fenomeno. Per farlo essi devono imparare a riconoscerlo e a prevenirlo, devono cioè avere le conoscenze e le competenze per identificarlo ed essere dotati di strumenti concreti per impedire a sfruttatori e clienti di utilizzare i servizi turistici per raggiungere le loro vittime. Favorire l’istituzione del tavolo di dialogo sociale europeo del turismo incoraggiando gli scambi e le sinergie tra gli attori sociali di tutta la filiera, a partire dalla condivisione di azioni per la lotta allo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori nel turismo e l’attuazione della Direttiva 2011/92/UE sul tema.Analizzare le modalità con cui i servizi e i canali del turismo vengono utilizzati per scopi impropri e identificare i cambiamenti legati all’uso delle tecnologie di informazione e comunicazione Censire le buone pratiche che le parti sociali individualmente o collegialmente hanno messo in campo per prevenire e contrastare il fenomeno. Dotare l’industria del turismo di strumenti innovativi e pratici per il contrasto allo sfruttamento sessuale dei minori lungo tutta la filiera


Supporting European Social Dialogue in Taking Action against Sexual Exploitation of Children in Tourism


� 19 maggio 201319 maggio 201319 maggio 201319 maggio 2013

�Anna QuartucciAnna QuartucciAnna QuartucciAnna Quartucci

Presidente T.a.T.A. Presidente T.a.T.A. Presidente T.a.T.A. Presidente T.a.T.A.

SAFE HOST projectThis project is supported by the financial contribution of the European Commission

DG social dialogue

Budget heading:

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Art. 29 “It is opportune that member States promote a dialogue and an open communication with countries outside the Union”


Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

E quindi

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

They represent the supply chain of tourism


Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

All the suppliers of TOURISM services

should be involved

T.a.T.A. activities?T.a.T.A. activities?T.a.T.A. activities?T.a.T.A. activities?

Project LOGO To communicate:

Protection of children in every tourist location

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Label Project

To develop and raise awareness

will be used after the toolkit course. Will be exposed on all materials, travel contracts, in hotels, etc.

In this way the

Safe Safe Safe Safe Host Host Host Host logo will indicate

a place safe for children

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

The base concepts upon which we have built are:

protection, shield, embrace,

heal, defence barriers.

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

The icons represent a handprint dyed in colour, a game for kids

but also

Many colours, like the many nationalities of those working and making use of tourism services

The kid at the centre is protected by many hands

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Training material for: workers in the HORECA sector

Hotels, restaurants and catering, all travel agencies, tour operators, transports etc.

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

What will be in the toolbox?

Information leaflets


Chosen and built upon the material gathered in the last years

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Example of toolbox content

Ecpat France 1 index

Introduction: a responsible tourism for children -a global plague- who are the offenders?- broken childhoods

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Example of toolbox content :

Ecpat France 2

Struggle against sexual exploitation of children- Commitment and actions of professionals working in the sector - Work together

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

GuidelinesFor hotel chains, travel agencies and tour operators, and other companies operating in the tourism sector

To protect children workers and those that could be abused sexually

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

• Include a “child protection” policy in its company operations

• Monitor the presentatoin of destinations on leaflets

• Explain their commitment in information packages to clients

• Inform (and monitor) services suppliers (supply chain) of your commitment

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

• Inform the client about the problem, and of the sector (and trade union) commitment shown in law 269/1998

• Highlight tour operators/hotels which have subscribed the code of conduct

• Raise client awareness on responsible and sustainable – children's rights at the first place

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

• Inform oneself on current laws

• Denounce crimes/legitimate suspects

• Talk about it with others

• Give support to awareness raising initiatives

• Monitor upon the implementation or promotion of the code

• Choose hotels and suppliers which have a social responsibility policy in place (Code of Conduct...)

Grazie per la vostra attenzione!Grazie per la vostra attenzione!Grazie per la vostra attenzione!Grazie per la vostra attenzione!

Any questions?

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Anna Quartucci tata.w.care.association@gmail.com

Translation notes:

Slide 2: Source: European Parliament and Council Directive 2011/92/EU of 13th december 2011

Slide 7: The logo-label philosophy

Slide 8: The logo-label philosophy

Slide 10: Toolkit dissemination

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