2013 december asa newsletter

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2013 December ASA Newsletter


A Publication of the Armenian Sisters Academy December 2013

A Publication of the Armenian Sisters Academy December 2013

8Qorhovrt My/ yv skan[yli5 or 3a3sm avovr 3a3dnyxav91 Hama3n Krisdoneov;yan hamar amynen ovraq yv siryli d0nn e Sovrp ?novntu5 or amen dari my/ ,ovkow gu d0novi1

Krisdos /nav Py;.yhymi me]5amynen hamysd ba3mannnyrovn dag1 Abryxav 33 darinyr mia3n1 Sovrp /novnten min[yv qa6 [ylov;ivnu5 Anor gyanku y.av ardagarc0ren dbavori[ yv martgov;yan hamar ov.yxo3x` jan[nalov j,marid Asdova/u1

Asdova/ ir Mia/in Ortin un/a3yx martgov;yan5 or ovsovxane j,maridu5 lovsavore martga3in midku5 orbeszi mart abri ov wa3yle gyanku aznova6 co3n sgzpovnknyrow1

#isovs [ovzyx /nil baladi mu me]5 a3l naqundryx hamysd undanik mu5 a.kadig msovr mu5 naqundryx qonarhov;ivnu5 orbeszi myzi qonarhov;yan 0rinag ta-na35 o[ mia3n q0skow a3l manavant cor/ow1

A3s d0nagan 0ryrovn5 ha3xynk qa.a.ov;yan Arka3en5 or ,norhe ir qa.a.ov;ivnu hama3n a,qarhi yv manavant Mi]in Aryvylki da-abyal yrgirnyrovn1

Ko3ryru gu mianan in/i in[bes nayv Ovsovx[agan gazmn ov Ba,0neov;ivnu` nyrga3a6 xnylov 2yzi pivr ma.;anknyr yv paryma.;ov;ivnnyr Krisdosi Sovrp ?nntyan yv Ama6 nori zo3c d0nyrov a-;iv1

:o.\ 2014 Darin ulla3 poloris hamar ,norhki5 qa.a.ov;yan5 cor/yrov 3a]o.ov;yan yv Asdova/a3in a-adazy. 0rhnov;yan dari mu1

8Krisdos /nav yv 3a3dnyxav7

2yzi myzi My/ Avydis19



Dear Parents,

Once again we are getting close to the wonderful Christmas season with great excitement under


The stores’ decorations, the Christmas music, the colorful lights on the houses, everything brings us

an atmosphere of celebration, because the one we celebrate is the one who brought salvation into

the world. This is the greatest proof that our God loves us. He gave us his only son because He

wants us to be saved by the love of the One who experienced life among us and knows about our

human weaknesses.

The commercialism that we see at Christmas time gives us the impression that it is taking over the

Christmas celebration, but as people of faith we surely know that the center of our celebration is

Jesus coming into this world . Although this happened over two thousand years ago it still makes a

big difference in our lives because Jesus always touches us in different and exciting experiences.

May the Lord bless you all at Christmas and throughout the New Year.

December 2013


Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=aranu my/ ,ovkow d0nyx ANarad #.ov;yan Miapanov;yan him6

natrov;yan 1666rt amyagu1 Tygdympyr 66i a-av0ryan *rt tasarani

a,agyrdovhinyru hancaman0ren g\artaxin yv paxadryxin Anarad #.ov;yan Mi6 apanov;yan himnatrov;ivnn ov cor/ovneov;ivnu nayv a,agyrdnyrov go.me 3adovg a.0;knyrov yv ma.;anknyrov un;yrxovm gadarovyxav ov..ova/ Anarad #.ov;yan Mi6 apanov;yan polor noviryal Ha3 Ko3ryrovn oronk irynx gyanku novirapyra/ yn ha3 ba-daniin yv yridasartin tasdiaragov;yan hamar5 aba ov;yrort tasarani a,agyrdnyru ma3rabydnyrov ungyragxov;yamp yv irynx ovsovxi[nyrov a-a]nortov;yamp ov..ovyxan war=arani ,r]a’agen nyrs zydy.ova/ Asdova/am0r ar2anin yv a3s gyanken hy-axa/ polor ma3rabydnyrov hocinyrovn hamar a.0;ylow tebi yrgink ar2agyxin gabo3d yv jyrmag ’ov[ignyr5 a3s araro.ov;yan 3a]ortyx a,agyrdagan S7Badarac5 aba dy.i ovnyxav a3s a-I;ow bad,aj naqaja, mu` gazmagyrbova/ ovsovx[agan gazmi yv /no.a0=antag marmni go.me yv yraqdaci6

dagan novernyrov dovov[ov;ivn war=aranis polor ko3ryrovn1

Gu ,norhavorynk Ha3 Ko3ryrov Miapanov;yan polor noviryalnyru5 gu ma.;ynk polorin a-o.]ov;ivn5 3aradyvov;ivn yv gamki z0rov;ivn5 g\a.0;ynk polor myzme pa=nova/ ko3ryrov hocinyrov qa.a.ov;yan hamar yv nayv g\a.0;ynk or Asdova/ Sovrp Hocii nyrcor/ov;yamp pazmaxne noviryalnyrov ;ivu1

Linda Candilyan

December 2013

December 2013 ASA

“Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine,

you did it for me. “

Matthew 25:4

Armenia Fund

I would like to thank all students and

parents who participated in this worthy

cause by sending their contributions. A

group of students accompanied by Mrs.

Linda Kandilian presented the check .

Part of the collected money was sent to

our school sin Aleppo to help the Ar-

menian in Syria.

Thank you to the parents who par-

ticipated in

-Food Drive

-Toy Drive



Christmas Spirit at the

Armenian Sisters’


“The true measure of a man is not what he does for himself but what he does for


In the spirit of Christmas, parents and students of the Armenian Sisters’ Academy,

came together, as they do every year, to collect nonperishable food items and new

toys for underprivileged families.

On the morning of Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Administrative Assistant Mrs.

Armine Sherikian along with 8th grade students Garen Kejejian, Meghri Markarian,

7th grade students Aleek Derbedrosian and Arlen Nassir, and 1st grade student Aleeq

Keshishian delivered 22 boxes of food and bags of toys to the County of Los Angeles

Sheriff’s Department, La Crescenta station.

Deputy Jorge Valdivia along with Crescenta Valley council member Harry Leon

greeted the students at the station. Each year, one hundred and fifty families benefit

from the food and toy drive.

As we get ready for Christmas, we should remember to be thankful for all of our

blessings and to give to the needy. We hope this experience will instill good moral

values and teach our students to give with open hearts. No donation is too small,

every bit counts, we encourage all of you to make your donations, if you haven’t

yet. As one of our students said, “It is the best feeling in the world.”

Armenian Sisters’ Academy

Armine Sherikian

December 2013

This year ASA, once again, competed in the Constitutional Rights Foundations Mock Trial competition. Mock trial is a way for teaching young people how the American justice system works. This year’s case was called “People vs. Concha.” The goal of the Mock Trial was to allow students to wrestle with large societal problems and through timely educational experience to learn by doing.

We practiced twice a week and some weekends making sure we got the case down in our minds. We even had some people with acting backgrounds from our school help us, Mr. B and Ms. Heather. I admit, that I didn’t think that Mock Trial would be so much work, but I won’t ever regret joining the team.

The first time we went to court, we were so nervous. Because of our lack of experi-ence, we unfortunately didn’t win. The second time around time around because of our dedicated practicing and practicing we won, and, trust me, it felt very good.

Thank you to our principal for supporting the team in many different ways. Also our teacher coach, Mr. Bassett and to our two lawyer couches, Mr.Sarkis Babachanian and Mr. Saro Kerkonian for volunteering your time and effort to help us win! Mr. Saro, a special thank you for inviting us to your house for practices and for buying us all those pizzas and putting up with us!

Next year we will be a stronger and more confident team, so we’ll have a much bet-ter chance for winning.

Thanks again to everyone who helped and trusted us!

By: Elizabeth Hovakimyan

ASA December 2013

ASA December 2013

CPR Training By Garen Kechejian 8th On Monday, November 4th, the students of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade received CPR training. Practicing and talking about this, our students grew there under-standing about CPR and the im-portance of it. With instructors of Mr.Joe Krikorian. our students enjoyed this assembly and learned something to.


at A.S.A!

By Naira Marootian, 8th

On October 25th , 2013, the Student Council organized a day to remember those or

those who have breast cancer for the

second year in a row. Students from

grades 1 to 8 were told to wear pink

shirts, ribbons, etc. with their uni-

form to show their support for

breast cancer awareness month.

There were many supporters ,from

students to teachers, of this respect-

ful day and we hope to have many

supporters next year.


Congratulations to:

Mr. & Mrs. Hovsep Terzian on the birth of their son, Raffi.

May the Lord bless the new baby.

Our deepest sympathy to

Mrs Manuella Kossayan , the art teacher, on the death of her be-

loved mother. May the lord rest her soul in peace and grant her

family consolation.

December 2013




Hinc,ap;i Tygdympyr !@ @)!#i war=arans a3xylyx 8Ha3gagan ?a-adovngi ?racri nyrga3axovxi[ Digin Anahid >aribyanu yv sba-i[ gyrbow q0syxav ha3asdani /a-abadovmi 0cdagarov;yan masin5 nayv ,y,dyx A,qarh moloragi makrov;yan an6 hra=y,dov;ivnu yv q0syxav ;a’ova/ niv;yrov wyram,agman garyvorov;yan masin a3l q0skow pnabahbanov;yan masin yv manavant ha3asdanen nyrs =o.owovrtu tasdiaragyl gynsolordi makrov;yan yv wyram,agman ,ovr]5 aba hydakrkragan wavyracragan ,ar=abadgyr mu xovxatryx a3s a-n[ov;yamp5 orovn mi]oxav a,agyrdnyru dy.ygaxan ;e in[bes gu gadarovi ha3ryniken nyrs gynsolordi yv pnov;yan bahbanovmu1

A,agyrdnyru ,norhagalov;yamp yv hajo3kow ovngntryxin a3s 0cda,ad yv garyvor niv;in masin1

Linda Candilyan

War2kt Gadar

H7 K7 War=aran

?nntyan qorhovrtu gu hamage poloris hocinyru manavant H7K7War=arani me] yrp myr tasdiaragov;yan gizagedn e gyrdyl a,agyrdnyrov ngaraciru himnova/ kridoneagan sgzpovnknyrov wra31

Hajaq gu sdanank myr ,r]anavardnyren ,norhavoragan yv ,norhagalagan paxignyr5 unthanrabes irynx ,arovnaga/ yrgrortagan war=arannyrov dn0re6 nov;ivnnyrov cnahadagan q0skyru oronk q;an gu hantisanan war=aranis an2n6 ovrax Ko3ryrovn yv noviryalnyrovn anngovn ,arovnagylov irynx a-akylov;ivnu andysylow amen qo[untod1

ASA December 2013

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