2013 lead conflict management_lcp track

Post on 20-Jun-2015



Leadership & Management



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Conflict management



₲ 4 LCPs will be asked to present a topic “ Why I am the master of conflict management” Please based on your color/strength to elaborate


3 mins

₲ How do you feel while you are challenged by other people?

₲ What first reaction do you think of?

₲ If you can do it again, how will you


₲ What do you think the lecturer’s response to the conflict?

₲ Based on your understanding of the color, how will you feedback the lecturer to improve?

What is conflict/ conflict management

• Conflict may be defined as a struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals.

How do people response to conflict

Preferred Behavior

How to learn conflict management

Self-awareness about conflict


Conflict communication


Structure for management

of conflict

Conflict resolution

It’s time for you to explore more about conflict modes₲ First Round Everyone will have one exam paper You need to fill in the blank part ₲ Reveal the answer ₲ Second Round Match the right color to the right place

10 mins

Test Answer

First part: DirectnessOpennessSecond part:AvoidingCompromisingGiving-inDominatingAttacking

Conflict modes introduction






₲ PRISM combinations: High Red, Green-Red, Gold-Red

₲ High Directness and Low Openness₲ Being unbending and closed to any ideas,

but their own₲ Become loud and abrasive₲ Decide even quicker and with

less emphasis on people.₲ “It’s my way or the highway!”


₲ PRISM combinations: High Gold, Red-Gold, Blue Gold

₲ Low Directness and Low Openness₲ Take the form of sidestepping an issue

postponing an issue until a better time₲ Won’t talk about it and no one

knows why₲ “ Let’s not make a big deal out of this!”


₲ PRISM combinations: High Blue, Green-Blue, Gold-Blue

₲ Low Directness and High Openness₲ Self-sacrifice mode₲ Inflexible by claiming that everything is OK

when it obviously is not₲ Say agreeable words, but the body language

does not match the words₲ “OK, whatever you say. We’ll do it your way!”


• PRISM combinations: High Green, Red-Green, Blue-Green

• High Directness and High Openness• Emotionally unrestrained and assertive• Expend their anger quickly and later

feel badly about having hurt others’ feelings.• “Let’s do it our way! This is what I prefer…”


• PRISM combinations: Blue-Red, Gold-Green, Green-Gold, Red-Blue

• Between Dominating and Giving-in• Find mutually acceptable solution that

partially satisfies all parties.• Exchanging concessions, Seeking a quick

middle-ground position• “OK, I’ll meet you half way!”


When you are facing some conflicts, what conflict mode you tend to react first?Prioritize

three conflict modes by your own color






Understand your and others’behavior pattern

Case Study

Case study Questions

There will be total 2 rounds (each round 15 mins)₲ First round 5 mins

Reflect the conflict modes and reality from the two perspectives₲ Second round 10 mins LCP need to find a pair and share his/her

conflict experiences Follow the steps to decide what conflict mode and resolution he/she should use or improve

₲ Am I in conflict?₲ With whom am I in conflict?₲ Why am I motivated to

resolve the conflict?₲ What conflict mode am I

going to use to manage this conflict?

₲What is the nature of the conflict, that is, what is the conflict about?

₲ What might motivate the other person involved to resolve the conflict?

₲ What conflict modes is the other person using, or likely to use?

₲ How might I intervene to resolve/manage the conflict?

Four Step Approach To Dealing With Conflict₲ Pause – before reacting₲ Think outcome – what do you need? What does other person want?₲ Think other person – what approach will get the best from them?

How might they feel about this, and what’s their view here?₲ Act – with fairness, objectivity, maturity, and with an eye to outcome

Create your conflict management plan

₲ First, write down what physiological responses you have when you know you are in conflict (e.g., my palms are sweaty, my heart is racing)

₲ Second, write down what thoughts you typically have when in a conflict (e.g., .I really want to hurt him; I want to get away from her)

₲ Finally, list steps you can follow to help you manage your thoughts and emotions in a productive way to manage/solve your conflict (e.g., 1. I will take a deep breath and try not to run away at first)

How to learn conflict management

Self-awareness about conflict


Conflict communication


Structure for management

of conflict

Conflict resolution

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