2014 c&w | picor thanksgiving

Post on 14-Jul-2015



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“Grateful to be blessed with a loving partner, a great family & awesome friends.”

Rebecca Fuentes

“I am very thankful for my husband, my children, my grandchild, family, health and all the blessings we have been blessed with.”

Maria Ayres

“Thankful for having a seat

near the window at


Thankful for my family.

Greg Furrier

“Thankful for Jan, Sam and Emma, our cute puppy dog Soda, wise old parents, family and friends, good health, and our wonderful place to work together at PICOR!”

Rick Kleiner

“I’m thankful for family, health and well being.”

Tina Olson

“I’m thankful for my wonderful family, Linda, Sumner and Megan.”

Peter Douglas

“I am thankful for LIFE …. for God is giving me the opportunity to LIVE to the fullest!!!! (that includes husband, family, PICOR, friends, health, love, peace) ”

Denisse Angulo-Badilla

“I’m thankful for my children, family/friends and my health”

Aaron LaPrise

“I’m Thankful for my entire family, and Grateful to God for each day that my older sister, Angeleta, who is battling cancer is blessed to wake up. Cherish each day and be joyful!!!”

Estella Armstrong

“I’m thankful to be back at PICOR again….oh, and these guys!!”

Teresa Ryberg

“Am thankful for so much like our health, my partnership with a longtime

friend (Steve), the business we have built and take so much pride in. But

MOSTLY, I am thankful that Tyler and I survived a devastating time in our lives,

and have come out the other side as survivors.”Russ Hall

“For my loving family, for freedoms we too often take for granted; for the individuals willing to lay down their lives to protect that which we cherish; for the millennials who have the brains and will to save our planet and society from the excesses and mistakes of those who came before them; and for the chance to make a difference in the lives of others and for those who have made a difference in mine.

Barbi Reuter

“I am grateful it’s not late at night in the PICOR office.”


“I'm truly thankful for health, happiness and love in my family.”

Maria Pier

I’m thankful for boss, Rebecca.Mary Utermohlen

“I will always be grateful that I had Alfie, a great man and my Father in Law, in my life. He passed away this Summer.”

Rob Glaser

“I’m thankful that my family survived the zombie outbreak that happened at my wedding in May. No, really – very thankful to have the wonderful family that I do – old and new. ”

Angie Hall

“I am thankful for the individual talents, exceptional skills and caring attitudes of all PICOR associates that collectively make this company successful and a fun place to work.”

Mike Hammond

“Thankful for my family”Brandon Rodgers

“Some people make the world a better place, just for being in it. I am thankful for my Grandfather.”

Sarah Rushing

“I’m thankful for these little faces.”

Veronica Campa

“I’m thankful for stilettos and PB&J.”Diane Carlson

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