2015 subscription price adjustments

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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| 1Open Access

Title 2014 Price ($)Price Change 2015 2015 Price ($)

Vision Research 5,010 -5.53% 4,733

Toxicology 7,101 -2.75% 6,906

Mechanisms of Aging and Development 4,662 -4.12% 4,470

Clinical Immunology 3,222 -4.72% 3,070

Trends in Parasitology 2,472 -3.94% 2,375

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 4,057 -8.24% 3,723

Progress in Planning 1,201 -5.02% 1,141

Mechanisms of Development 3,125 -6.92% 2,909

Brain Research Bulletin 5,281 -4.29% 5,054

Enzyme and Microbial Technology 4,134 -2.84% 4,017

Material Science and Engineering: B 6,502 -6.26% 6,095

Journal of Materials and Processing Technology 6,919 -10.67% 6,181

Computer Languages, Systems and Structures 1,167 -12.78% 1,018

Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 746 -3.04% 723

Cancer Genetics 4,430 -13.13% 3,848

Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 2,617 -1.62% 2,575

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 1,993 -6.62% 1,861

European Urology 5,059 -2.30% 4,942

No double dipping

We do not to charge subscribers for open access articles and when calculating subscription prices only take into account subscription articles

– we do not double dip

Elsevier’s policy


In 2015 we adjusted the subscription prices of 18 journal titles downwards to reflect falls in subscription article volume.

Price adjustments for 2015

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