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8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 1


CÉLNYELVI MÉRÉS2016. június 1.

8. évfolyam ANGOL nyelv

Általános tudnivalók a feladatokhoz

Ez a füzet idegen nyelvi feladatokat tartalmaz. A füzetben az utasítások is idegen nyelven szerepelnek. A feladatsor három részből áll; először 2 hallott szöveg értése, aztá n 2 olvasott szöveg értése, végül 2 íráskészség feladatot kell meg-oldanod.

Az egyes részek végét Állj! tábla jelöli. Ha ilyenhez érkezel, ne lapozz tovább, amíg arra fel nem szólítanak! A korábbi részekhez ne lapozz vissza akkor sem, ha esetleg nem végeztél minden feladattal a megadott idő alatt.

Az 1. és 2. részben mindegyik feladat tartalmaz egy példát, amit szürkével je-löltünk. Az 1. és 2. részben mindegyik feladathoz tartozik egy táblázat. Bárhova írhatsz, miközben gondolkodsz a feladatokon, de végül a megoldásokat ezekbe a táblázatokba kell beírnod úgy, hogy minden cellába egy betű kerüljön. Ha a helyes válaszban nem vagy biztos, akkor az általad legjobbnak gondolt választ írd be!

Figyelmesen olvasd el a feladatok utasításait! Tollal dolgozz, és ügyelj a kül alakra! Ha javítani szeretnéd a válaszodat, akkor húzd át, és írd mellé a jó választ!

Jó munkát kívánunk!

2 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

1. rész Hallott szöveg értése

Test 1

You are going to hear ten short dialogues. Listen to the people talking and decide which title fits the dialogue. You need to select the right title from three options. You will hear the dialogues twice.

There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Now you have 90 seconds to look at the answers before the recording starts.

0 A Talk about the weather B Buying clothes C Food on sale

1 A School trip B A new staff member at school

C Outdoor classes

2 A Renovating an apartment B Booking a room C Buying a painting

3 A Lunch with a friend B Favourite cake C A weekend family gathering

4 A Learning a language B Finding accommodation C Summer vacation at home

5 A Holiday camp by the sea B Great weather for a trip C Clear sky all day

6 A Shopping on the internet B Going to see a favourite band

C Paying by credit card

7 A Finding accommodation B Holiday with friends C At a travel agency

8 A A summer job B Visiting school friends C Buying a newspaper

9 A Describing a teacher B Choosing a profession C Favourite pet

10 A Travelling in winter B At a winter market C Celebrating a winter holiday

Put your answers in the boxes.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 3

Test 2

Last year Jack Robertson visited some famous cities in the world. Now he is talking about his experiences. Listen to the text and connect the statements to the right city. There are two statements you do not need to use. You will hear the recording twice.

There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Now you have 90 seconds to look at the statements before the recording begins.

Put your answers in the boxes.

A People here are very sociable and helpful.

B There is only one bridge in the middle of the city.

C Lots of artists live in this city.

D It is often hard to find a place to have an early dinner in this city.

E To see one of the most unique sights around here you have to get out of the city.

F Many people go there to live every year.

G Streets are very noisy, day and night.

H There are many foreign companies here.

I It is more affordable here than in some European countries.

J Many people use scooters here.

K This city is in high mountains.

L It is split into three very different areas.

M You can buy the latest models of locally produced mobile phones here.


0 Taipei J

1 Taipei

2 Taipei

2. 3 Mexico City

4 Mexico City

3. 5 Istanbul

6 Istanbul

4. 7 Madrid

8 Madrid

5. 9 Cairo

10 Cairo

Ne kezdj hozzá a következő részhez, amíg arra fel nem szólítanak!


4 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

2. rész Olvasott szöveg értése

Test 3

Below you will find the descriptions of books (0-10). Find the title of each book in the list (A-M) and put the letters in the grid. There are two titles you will not need. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

0 Piper finds a girl amid the wreckage of a caravan. The girl doesn't remember a thing about her life, but the intricate tattoo on her arm is proof that she's from the Dragonfly Territories and that she's protected by the king. Can Piper get the girl home and get his reward?

1 This is a fantastic collection of African folktales retold by a young author. Some stories are very unusual. In the first one, a girl discovers that her young husband may not be a man at all but a wild animal…

2 Never before have the myths of ancient Egypt been so vividly retold or so richly illustrated. 26 legends of people whose pyramids have fascinated the world for thousands of years.

3 Stairs creak in the dark when unseen visitors climb them, headless horsemen ride in the moonlight, and bats fly by your head. This collection of classic stories is everyone’s favorite. Whether you are familiar with them or you are reading them the first time, they never fail to chill readers.

4 The 3D pictures in this book offer a new way of looking at the world. How do they work? First, they seem to be hard to figure out. But with a little practice you can learn to see them without special glasses.

5 First, the Mayans and Aztecs made a drink from the beans of the cacao tree and called it xocoatls. The Spanish returned home with it in 1528. Then, a royal wedding brought it to France in 1615. Today, you can buy it everywhere and there are more ways of using it than anyone would have imagined just a hundred years ago.

6 Over 300 elementary problems for players new to the game. Make the first move with National Master Bruce Pandolfini in this simple guide. Learn how to think ahead, how to guess what your partner’s next move can be and how to train your brain and have fun at the same time.

7 Melody and rhythm, drums, flutes and string instruments. So many details in this amazing volume, you’ll not find in any other source. This illustrated book gives you all you need to know about bagpipes, harmonicas, pianos and singing.

8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 5

8 Would you like to learn how to build furniture and other things made from the natural substance that comes from trees? Would you like to furnish your home? Here is a guide to sawing, drilling, shaping and finishing. The book comes with 77 photos and many ideas for design.

9 This is a collection of brilliantly creative and thought-provoking ideas readers of the American Scientist magazine asked in the “What bugs you…” column over the last 10 years. This is the most entertaining book ever on serious and not so serious scientific problems.

10 Think about all the things you throw out every single day. They are so different from one another but when they all end up in the same place, they turn into something similar. The book looks at an unusual topic: the long journey of garbage from your home.


A Beginning Chess

B How to Make Things Out of Wood

C The Girl Who Married a Lion

D Famous Ghost Stories

E What Time Is It at The North Pole?

F Chocolate

G Magic Eye

H Why do all dustbins smell the same?

I Special Desserts

J The Mark of the King

K Gods and Pharaohs

L Yoga for Beginners

M Long Live Music!

Put your answers in the boxes.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


6 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

Test 4

There are ten gaps (0-10) in the text below. Find the missing parts in the list (A-M) and put the letters in the grid. There are two parts you will not need. There is an example (0) for you at the beginning.


Researchers in Britain show that picking up dropped food in less than five seconds carries less risk

You may have seen a friend drop 0 the on the floor, pick it up, and eat it, while declaring, “Five-second rule!” The old adage says that food dropped on the floor for five seconds or less is still likely to be clean. But is that true?

Students at Britain’s Ashton University, led by microbiology professor Anthony Hilton, tested the 1 and found it to have some scientific basis. The study’s results show that food dropped for five seconds is less likely to contain bacteria than if it sits there, according to Hilton. Some of the results were published in a news release on Ashton University’s 2 .

The students also found that the type of flooring where the dropped food lands has an effect. Bacteria are least likely to transfer from a 3 . It’s most likely to transfer from laminate or tiled surfaces when moist foods make contact with them for more than five seconds.

There is still a risk of infection if certain bacteria are present on the dropped surface, so consumers should still be cautious. “However, the findings of this 4 will bring some light relief to those who have been employing the five-second rule for years, despite a general consensus that it is purely a 5 ,” Professor Hilton said in a statement.

Will You Eat That?

To test out the rule, the Ashton University students dropped 6 , pasta, biscuits, and candy onto a variety of indoor floor types that had been exposed to two common bacteria, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus. They measured how much of the bacteria transferred to the food when it was left on the 7 for durations that ranged from three to 30 seconds. The university has not yet released the complete study.

The research team at Ashton also surveyed 500 people to find out who employs the five-second rule. Of the people surveyed, 87% said they would eat food dropped on the floor, or have done

8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 7

so in the 8 . Of those people, the 9 were women. “Our study showed ... [people] are also more likely to follow the five-second rule, which our research has shown to be much more than an old wives’ tale,” Hilton says.

Still, scientists say you should be careful about eating food dropped on the floor, especially if you don’t know the cleanliness of the surface. A video about the five-second rule embedded on npr.org from the Smithsonian’s website features molecular 10 Eric Schulze, who points out that one in six Americans get sick from food poisoning every year. “Eating food off the floor is a bit like playing Russian roulette with your gut,” Schulze says.

Missing parts

A floor

B toast

C rule

D answer

E past

F carpet

G biologist

H website

I majority

J food

K study

L milk

M fairy tale

Put your answers in the boxes.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Ne kezdj hozzá a következő részhez, amíg arra fel nem szólítanak!


8 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

3. rész Íráskészség

Test 5

Your family moved into a new home. Write a short email (100-150 words) to your foreign friend about the following:

• Where is your new home?• How is it similar to and different form the old one?• What is your room like?• Why is this a great place? (shops, school, bus stop, etc.)

8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 9

A javító tanár tölti ki: Kommunikatív cél Szókincs Nyelvhelyesség

0–4 pont 0–3 pont 0–3 pont

Itt nem ér véget a feladatsor, lapozz tovább!

10 8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv

Test 6

Write a blog post (100-150 words) about your recent visit to an interesting place. Include the following:

• Which place did you visit? When did you go there?• What kind of transport did you use? Who did you travel with?• What did you do there? What were the best moments of your visit?• Why should others go there? Why not?

8. évfolyam :: Angol nyelv 11

A javító tanár tölti ki: Kommunikatív cél Szókincs Nyelvhelyesség

0–4 pont 0–3 pont 0–3 pont

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