2017 tacking point public school annual report...tacking point public school, a proud member of the...

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Tacking Point Public SchoolAnnual Report



Printed on: 10 April, 2018Page 1 of 18 Tacking Point Public School 4617 (2017)


The Annual Report for 2017 is provided to the community of Tacking Point Public School as an account of the school'soperations and achievements throughout the year. 

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

Mr Phil Harris


School contact details

Tacking Point Public SchoolBangalay DrivePort Macquarie, 2444www.tackingpt-p.schools.nsw.edu.autackingpt-p.School@det.nsw.edu.au6582 3478

Message from the Principal

Tacking Point Public School has served our community for 21 years, having been established in 1996. The school hasestablished a reputation for providing quality education and the pursuit of excellence which emphasises:  thedevelopment of strong literacy and numeracy skills; a commitment to positive student welfare; and home/schoolpartnerships encouraging effective learning.

Our aim is to enhance and maintain a positive, cooperative, educational environment that produces literate, numerate,well–educated citizens. Students will have the capability, independence and confidence to make a positive contribution toour society. Tacking Point Public School provides a stimulating and innovative educational environment in whichstudents are supported in realising the full extent of their abilities.  

Students, parents, staff and the community work collaboratively to ensure positive self–esteem and high expectations.We expect and encourage students to become active, responsible learners and mature contributing members of an everchanging society. Students demonstrate respect for themselves and others, for education, property, laws, traditions andthe environment. 

The success of Tacking Point Public School can be attributed to a very hard working and talented staff and a wellorganised and supportive P&C. The school is immensely proud of its reputation in the area and showcases best practiceand innovative programs.

The school has just acknowledged its 20th anniversary and our P and C has coordinated the building of a SensoryGarden for outside learning and incorporated the 20th anniversary pavers into a centralised meeting spot within thegarden

My sincere thanks the school community for their support and encouragement over the last 12 months. 

Message from the school community

Our P & C is involved in funding many events, fundraisers and causes for our school. We represent the parents of theschool community and become their voice in various issues that affect our school and its community.

This year we have actively campaigned for better traffic management at school drop–off and pick–up. We requested areview of both of our school crossings, parking zones and the behaviour of drivers during these times. We met with boththe RMS and Council to discuss several issues. However, they were not so forthcoming in agreeing to suggestedchanges. We will be undertaking a further review in 2018 and pursuing the cause as the safety of our children isparamount.

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Ultimately, we have the responsibility of the safety of our children and we ask that parents actively continue to ensurethat they comply.

We have hosted three great social events this year, kicking off with our Pool Party in February. This is a mainstay on oursocial calendar and is essentially a 'Welcome Party' to the new school year and provides an opportunity for new familiesto experience the community of the school.

Of course, the most hilarious and fun–filled event of the P & C Calendar every year is our Trivia Night. Donna Hughesand her team made us proud for the fifth year in a row. Donna’s Hawaiian Luau theme was a great hit. Sadly, for us thiswas the last year that Donna will organise our Trivia Night! We greatly appreciate the time and effort that she has put intothe Trivia Night’s for the last five years and thank her profusely.

And lastly, our 'Girls Night Out Paint the Town' fundraiser! The P & C hosted the event and by all accounts it was a greatnight! We witnessed creativity and giggles which was just wonderful and we managed to raise just over $1000. This isone event that we hope to repeat in 2018!

The P&C would like to say a huge THANKYOU to Tony Menjivar for taking on the task or organising our volunteers forthis year’s Ironman event. Thank you also to the wonderful people who were able to volunteer their time on the day asBike Marshals. The weather was perfect and our presence greatly appreciated by the competitors.  The time spent onthe course by our volunteers raised $850 for the school, so well done all! Hopefully next year, it will be lovely and sunnyand we can fill all the places to raise even more money for our fabulous school.

Every year we hold our traditional fund–raising events being the Easter Raffle, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Stalls. Wethank the community for your support of these fund–raising staples that have allowed us to provide much neededadditional funding to the school. Asa result of fundraising over the last few years, the P & C has been able to make thefollowing donations to our school:

•                Approx. $2 000 to the Life Education Program

•                Payment of $3 200 for Kindy Mats

•                $896 to the K–2 Toy Appeal

•                $1 000 p.a to the future maintenance of our Sensory Garden and Outdoor Classroom

•                $1 000 p.a to the School Assistance Fund

•                $24 000 to the construction and completion of the Sensory Garden & Outdoor Classroom

On 12 December 2017, we were very honoured to have Costa Georgiadis from Gardening Australia present to officiallyopen our Garden. This was achieved in collaboration with Matthew Attard from Port News, the children of K/1J and theirteacher Lina Jackson who appealed to Costa via a very strong Facebook appeal so that really, he had no option but tosay yes!

The project is a tangible project that we can shape over time – we look forward to achieving our vision and the result willbe a garden and learning resource that keeps giving over time.

Of course, our major event this year was our Schoolyard Twilight Market and Movie Night Without a doubt our Market &Movie Night was a huge success! The three months of planning and organising –blood sweat and tears – paid off! It wasa great sunny day and the rain held off until we had finished packing up! Everybody seemed to have a great time andenjoyed themselves. It was great to see such a huge crowd attending and not just from our school community but thePort Macquarie community at large – a wonderful sense of community!

The Market and Movie Night was not so much a fundraiser but a thank you to our fantastic school community for yoursupport throughout 2017. Without even trying, we managed to turn a small profit of just under $5000 that will be used forupgrades to our canteen.

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School background

School vision statement

Our vision is to provide innovative quality education and engaged school community that is committed to delivering arich, inclusive holistic education in a safe and nurturing environment

Our students will be critical thinkers, creative and innovative learners. They will be connected, active and informed globalcitizens through excellence and equity in education. As a result, our students will develop a passion for life– long learningbecoming successful, confident learners in today’s fast changing world.

School context

Tacking Point Public School, a proud member of the Hastings Valley Community of Schools, located in Port Macquarie. Itis a dynamic, modern and inclusive school with an enrolment of 750 students, including 3.9% Aboriginal students. Theschool has 29 classes and two stage extension classes.

Rich and diverse programs compliment modern technology, quality pedagogy and commitment to achieving academicexcellence. The school has a comprehensive range of extra curriculum activities to broaden and enrich the curriculum.Co–curricular programs are diverse, structured and effective. Our focus on best teacher practice and collaborative teambuilding has supported our achievements.

The school is very active in the area of student welfare encompassing our core values of Care, Courtesy, Respect andResponsibility.

Our school reflects pride and a sense of belonging. There is a strong community connection.

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supportspublic schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practiceacross the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

In the domain of learning, our main focus was that teaching and learning programs were reflective of student data andachievement, with relevant adjustments being made.

Our staff used the School Excellence Framework to inform, monitor and validate the progress and impact of our teachingand learning strategies throughout the year. We reviewed the school plan to determine the elements of the SchoolExcellence Framework that the plan most strongly addressed. Staff reflected on the progress being made across theschool based on the expectations identified in the Framework. Initially done in stage groups and correlated by executiveand relayed back to staff

The wellbeing of students is a priority for all members of our community. Our whole school approach to wellbeing hasclearly defined behavioural expectations, which have created a positive teaching and learning environment for bothstudents and staff.

In the domain of teaching, our focus has also been on collaboration. Collaborative practices have ensured thesuccessful sharing of innovative teaching practices that explicitly aim to improve student outcomes. Opportunities havebeen provided for staff members to plan, share and to receive and provide constructive feedback as a team throughlesson study and the Quality Teachers, Successful Students (QTSS) initiative.

In the Domain of Leading, our priorities have been to improve leadership and management practices and processes.School leaders have supported teachers’ professional learning in developing Performance and Development Plans(PDPs) that reflected the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers as well as school and personal goals through

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executive–led meetings, team discussions and meetings with mentors. Professional aspirations are further supported byproviding opportunities for teachers to a lead a wide range of school based activities. This approach recognises thatleadership development is central to the achievement of school excellence. The leadership team has been successful inthe initiatives outlined in this report, building the capabilities of staff to improve student outcomes.

• As a school we plotted ourselves, based on evidence, in the following areas:  • Learning Culture: Sustaining and Growing  • Well Being: Delivering   • Curriculum andLearning: Delivering  • Assessment and Reporting: Delivering  • Student Performance Measures: Delivering  • Effective Classroom Practice:Delivering  • Delivering Data Skills and Use: Delivering  • Collaborative Practice: Delivering  • Learning and Development: Delivering  • Professional Standards: Delivering  • Leadership: Delivering  • Planning, Implementation and Reporting: Delivering  • School Resources: Delivering  • Management Practices and Processes: Delivering 

Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in thedelivery of education to our students. 

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:


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Strategic Direction 1

Wellbeing and Engagement


A school wide focus that, through various programs, actively supports the well–being of our school community andengages students in developing to their potential in a safe, respectful and supportive school. We aim to inspire a love oflearning in a dynamic and innovative environment where high expectations engage students in diverse capabilities thatdevelop rich knowledge, skills and experiences needed in today’s world. The school will foster a vibrant school culture toallow students to lead successful lives in the future.


Overall summary of progress

Our strategic direction of ‘Wellbeing and Engagement’ is driven by the Wellbeing Framework of Connect – Succeed –Thrive encompassing several domains that are multi–dimensional throughout the school. Our professional learningthrough the KidsMatter Framework has allowed growth and development within the staff that is reflected throughout thecommunity. Staff have developed more confidence when conversing with parents and community members and studentsare becoming more aware of their social environment. The #369 initiative has made stronger links with staffmakingregular contact with parents sharing a positive about their child at school.The Learning Support Team is pivotal inmonitoring and maintaining best practice for all students. Our weekly meeting involving all key stakeholders ensuresconsistency and follow up in all cases. The introduction of explicit teaching in wellbeing around Social and Emotionallearning through Program Achieve ‘You Can Do It’ has demonstrated a deeper understanding from students that has hassupported their school experiences and connections with staff. Transition programs are continually reviewed and refinedthe ensure students moving on are supported and parents are well informed about the new environment that their child istransitioning too.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Our wellbeing framework hasresulted in a 20% annualreduction in student referrals tosupervisors for inappropriatebehaviour as evidenced fromSentral data.

Sentral $7,700 Sentral data shows that students referrals to asupervisor has not shown a 20% decrease.

TTFM Survey results have indicated that 92% ofstudents do not get into trouble for disruptive orinappropriate behaviour

Data collected from whole schoolKidsMatter survey has indicated100% of students have beenengaged as a result of wellbeingprograms in place.

Program Achieve

PL $1,680

100% of students have engaged in the socialemotional learning program, Program Achieve ‘YouCan Do It’. This is timetabled systematically acrossthe school K–6 and reflected in the teaching andlearning programs in each classroom.

83% of students stated that they feel better thisyear at handling things when they go wrong withschoolwork and friendships.

71% of parents feel that this year their child is betterthat handling things when they go wrong.  

TTFM Survey states 80% of students feel they havesomeone at school who consistently providesencouragement and can be turned to for advice.

Next Steps

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• Systems need to be put in place to provide clear data to support the wellbeing and engagement positively for allstudents in our school. Evidence from focus groups of students and parents, TTFM surveys from student, staff andparents and school generated surveys. Sentral data will also be used.

• Revisiting the anti–bullying plan and align with the TPPS Wellbeing Guidelines and DoE policies. • Continue the Social and Emotional learning through Program Achieve ‘You Can Do It’. • Focus on building stronger connections with parents and our community.

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Strategic Direction 2

Knowledge and Practice


To provide a high standard of education through continual improvement and reflection of knowledge and practice.

To develop a school culture in which staff strive for innovation and aim to excel and teach to their full potential resulting inconfident students who can problem solve, collaborate and communicate in and beyond school. The staff has acommitment to ongoing professional development and use systematic data collection to monitor progress of studentsand identify target areas for improvement and resourcing.

Overall summary of progress

Staff are extremely happy with the recent focus for professional learning that is looking at teaching practice. The systemof professional learning called 'Reflective Conversations'

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

100%of teaching staff haveaccreditation with the AustralianProfessional Standards atproficient or above as they comeonline.

NA School email confirms that 1oo% of teaching staffwill be accredited with the NSW EducationalStandards Authority by 1st January 2018.

100%staff have engaged in anddemonstrated evidence forPerformance and DevelopmentPlans (PDPs)

QTSS staffing allocation1.233 from Semester 2 tofund 'ReflectiveConversations'

All staff come prepared to Reflective Conversationsand bring videos as evidence of teaching practice.Term 4 Reflective Conversations was approved asRegistered hours and many staff are now choosingto enrol though MyPL

An improvement of 10% ofstudents achieving expectedgrowth in NAPLAN  and PLANdata.

QTSS staffing allocation1.233 from Semester 2 tofund 'ReflectiveConversations'

MyPL. PLAN data shows a decrease in the numberof students that are still working towards expectedgrade skills in writing. The PLAN data showed anincrease of students working beyond gradeexpectations in Kindergarten and Year 1. 100% ofstaff survey feedback showed they feel moreconfident at using evidence to inform and refinetheir teaching practice in order to cater for allstudents.

100%teachers have developedand integrated approach toQuality Teaching by providingintegrated STEM activities asevidence in teaching and learningprograms.


Professional learningafternoons and schooldevelopment day

Many staff are setting up buddy classes to teamteach using STEM pedagogy in authentic teachingand learning experiences. Integrated teaching andlearning opportunities are now evident in manyclass programs showing a STEM pedagogy.

Next Steps

• Build on from STEM pedagogy through quality integrated teaching and learning to deepen understanding oftransferrable learning through the Critical and Creative Thinking Learning Continuum.

• Reflective Conversations will have a focus on making learning visible. This involves transparent and clear learningintentions, success criteria as well as feed back in motion, matched to the intentions or goal. All staff will continueto video their teaching practice as evidence of observations. these videos align with the Quality TeachingFramework. their PDPs and the School Management Plan.

• Learning and Support case loads revisited with SMART goals that aim at supporting students equitably.

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Strategic Direction 3

Quality Relationships


Fostering quality, sustainable relationships throughout the whole school community to promote and maintain a positiveand successful school culture. Partnerships are strategically established through collaboration and team building toenhance learning outcomes for all students.    

Overall summary of progress

• The school is extremely happy the the progress made in this strategic direction. Communication at at school levelhas greatly improved and with Skoolbag, FaceBook and Twitter. Social media devices have enabled parents to bekept up to date.

• High School knowledge and awareness has improved and Year 7 over the last few years have increaseddramatically.

• Parents still need to take the time to read the school newsletter.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Opportunities have existed for allstudents to engage inextra–curricular enrichmentprograms with 100% participationas evidenced through reports toparents.

Transition Days have been a huge success andwith the High School Information Roadshow usingpast students to showcase the high school and all ithas to offer. Feedback from parents was extremelypositive. Future growth is expected in 2018.

Participation as evidencedthrough reports to parents.

All returned school communitysurveys show positive feedback: • Positive school culture(KidsMatter) • Tell Them From Me (TTFM)survey

The surveys have allowed parents to have a voiceand for the school executive to work for futureimprovement.

Increased annual improvement ( our aim is 5%) of studentsremaining in public educationfrom years 6 to 7 as evidencedthrough Year 7 Expression ofInterests (EOIs)

Information from HastingSecondary Colleges verifiesgrowth.

Next Steps

• Continue with the HVCS partnership supporting all school through regular meetings. • Awards Of Excellence to be implemented in 2018. All feeder schools to be involved on the evening to promote

unity. • Further increase number of Year 6 students attending Hastings Secondary College. • Ceremony Of Excellence to continue with feeder school support. • Maintains links with high school transition to main present  improved data of children now attending Hastings

College. • Continue with the successful school FaceBook Page, Twitter and maintenance of new look webpage. • Increase administrators of Skoolbag and FaceBook accounts.

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Key Initiatives Resources (annual) Impact achieved this year

Aboriginal background loading Total $31 482 includinga SLSO  at a cost of $22000 

Compared to the state, we have fewerAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studentsperforming below Minimum NationalBenchmark in most areas. 

Re–evaluation of future directions will takeplace for the new school plan to improve 5%of students performing in the top bands,hence improving our value adding studentgrowth.

All Aboriginal students have a personalisedlearning plans that is written by the teacher,student and carer. The program targets bothliteracy and numeracy skill development.

English language proficiency  0.2 allocation in Staffingentitlement

The EAL/D teacher is funded from this sourceto support identified students in classrooms toenhance their attainment of the Englishlanguage.

Low level adjustment for disability $173 533 via funding All students requiring adjustments andaccommodations are catered for at both classlevel and through the support of theLearningSupport Team. 

The Learning and SupportTeacher is fundedthrough this program to provide specialistsupport to students, and professional adviceto teachers

Quality Teaching, SuccessfulStudents (QTSS)

Staffing allocationincreased from 0.555 to1.233 in Semester 2

100% staff surveys state staff feel moreconfident in using evidence to refine teachingpractice and support students in achievinglearning goals. 

Many staff acknowledged and requested thecontinuation of Reflective Conversations as asystem that supports teacher and studentgrowth. 

Evaluation at the end of this School planshows the need to continue what has juststarted in the last year of this plan.

Socio–economic background $40 581 via funding This funding is utilised to support familiesexperiencing financial hardship, enablingstudents to access teaching and learningprograms through the provision of resourcesand additional support.

Support for beginning teachers A total $21 576 wasallocated via DoE.Additional funding isexpected in 2018 for newbeginning teachers.Funding can be delayed inarriving.

Two beginning teachers were released fromclass for 2 hours each week to participate in arange of activities to support their professionaldevelopment. These included mentoring andcoaching sessions, lesson observation,classroom management, student engagementand curriculum. 

Teachers were also provided time to gatherand annotate evidence to support theiraccreditation. There will 2 additional teachersin 2018.

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Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2014 2015 2016 2017

Boys 372 377 416 396

Girls 379 350 348 349

Student enrolments peaked at 762 in 2017.

The school has now been officially closed to 'out ofarea enrolments'. Enrolments for next yearsKindergarten are strong and indicate 4 classes.

There are a number of families moving into PortMacquarie with the Lighthouse area being a preferredarea. A medium density housing complex has just beencompleted near the school and we anticipateenrolments from this development. 

More land is is being made available in Crestwood andEmerald Downs.

Student attendance profile


Year 2014 2015 2016 2017

K 97 95.9 95.4 95.1

1 94.7 95.8 94.5 94.8

2 95.4 94.8 94.8 95.6

3 94.8 94 94.6 95.5

4 95.7 95 93.6 94.2

5 95.1 94 94.2 94.2

6 94.2 93.6 94.7 94.1

All Years 95.3 94.6 94.5 94.8

State DoE

Year 2014 2015 2016 2017

K 95.2 94.4 94.4 94.4

1 94.7 93.8 93.9 93.8

2 94.9 94 94.1 94

3 95 94.1 94.2 94.1

4 94.9 94 93.9 93.9

5 94.8 94 93.9 93.8

6 94.2 93.5 93.4 93.3

All Years 94.8 94 94 93.9

Management of non-attendance

Regular attendance at school is essential to assiststudents to maximise their potential. Schools, inpartnership with parents, are responsible for promotingthe regular attendance of students. Encouragingregular attendance is a core schoolresponsibility.Teachers implement programs andpractices to address attendance issues when they ariseand provide clear information to students and parentsregarding attendance requirements and theconsequences of unsatisfactory attendance.

Class rolls are marked daily and monitored regularly bythe class teachers for patterns of students’ partial ornon–attendance. The Principal and Deputy Principalmonitor the attendance of students and notesrequesting an explanation are sent out weekly. 

Parents are contacted by the school and informed oftheir responsibility to ensure children attend schoolregularly. The support of the Home School LiaisonOffice is sought if required.

We are hoping that parents will be more pro active in2018 by providing information about absences viaSkoolbag and informing the teacher. The school will beusing ebs OnTrack in 2018 which endorses the DoEAttendance Policy. All absences must be explainedwithin 7 days.

Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal 1

Deputy Principal(s) 2

Assistant Principal(s) 4

Head Teacher(s) 0

Classroom Teacher(s) 26.02

Teacher of Reading Recovery 0.92

Learning & Support Teacher(s) 1.2

Teacher Librarian 1.2

Teacher of ESL 0

School Counsellor 0

School Administration & SupportStaff


Other Positions 0

*Full Time Equivalent

By the end of 2017, we were fortunate to welcome anumber of new permanent teachers. Mrs Sally Cooperand Ms Cass Tonkin via merit selection and wewelcomed Miss Megan Essex, Mrs Rebecca McCannand Mrs Hayleigh Osborne (who will commence in2018) as a permanent graduate teachers.

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We have been fortunate in employing some long termtemporary teachers but a number of these positions willnow be filled by permanent staff in 2018.

2017 will also be the last year for Mrs Helen Rammwho will commence retirement in 2018. We wish Helenall the very best in her new chapter.

We have one staff member that has identified as.aboriginal and she has a significant role with the localAECG.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 100

Postgraduate degree 0

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

Staff participated in a number of professional learningactivities designed to build their capacity to achieve keypriorities as set out in our School Plan. Additionally,staff have been involved in professional learningprograms that have built the capability of early careerteachers, current teachers and aspiring and currentschool leaders. Significant hours of professionallearning were undertaken by all staff in 2017. Weeklyprofessional learning sessions and five SchoolDevelopment Days covered a wide range of aspects inour School Plan.

The major focus in 2017 has been with: • literacy & numeracy continum • implementing the NSW History & Geography

syllabus documents • embedding Formative Assessment practices in to

classroom practices • using PLAN software; • Reflective conversations • STEM and PBL • the principal, SAM and SAO's attended finance

and EBS4 training in preparation for deploymenttoSAP/SALM system

• participated in professional learning, whichexamined the elements of the School ExcellenceFramework;

• mandatory training. Completed their compulsoryEmergency Care, CPR and Child Protectionprofessional learning.

Teachers at the beginning of their careers attractedadditional funding which afforded them time with amentor and additional release from face to faceteaching. 

The Quality Teaching Successful Students (QTSS)funding enabled all teachers the opportunity to teamteach, observe expert practitioners at school anddevelop reflective conversations about best practiceand quality teaching.

Financial information (for schoolsusing both OASIS and SAP/SALM)

Financial information

The three financial summary tables cover 13 months(from 1 December 2016 to 31 December 2017). 

The financial summary consists of school incomebroken down by funding source and is derived from theschool Annual Financial Statement. 

• voluntary school contributions has seen a markedimprovement in parents supporting this initiative.Approximately 75% of families supported thesecontributions. Funds targetted literacy andnumeracy resources and the purchase of ipads.There will be a small increase in 2018.

• A paper levy was introduced this year and thiswas in paid in conjunction with schoolcontibutions

• The Information and Resource Centre (library)had a significant make over with funds providedby the P and C and also from school funds. Thepainting that happened at the end of 2017 was viaPublic Works and of no cost to the school.

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Receipts $

Balance brought forward 363,020

Global funds 543,082

Tied funds 289,374

School & community sources 253,552

Interest 5,227

Trust receipts 6,198

Canteen 0

Total Receipts 1,097,433


Teaching & learning

Key Learning Areas 63,793

Excursions 139,344

Extracurricular dissections 53,508

Library 10,120

Training & Development 0

Tied Funds Payments 181,981

Short Term Relief 120,177

Administration & Office 95,382

Canteen Payments 0

Utilities 36,855

Maintenance 31,235

Trust Payments 10,171

Capital Programs 43,804

Total Payments 786,372

Balance carried forward 674,081

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

The information provided in the financial summaryincludes reporting from 1 January 2017 to 31December 2017. 

2017 Actual ($)

Opening Balance 0

Revenue 745,663

Appropriation 678,190

Sale of Goods and Services 2,805

Grants and Contributions 64,143

Gain and Loss 0

Other Revenue 0

Investment Income 525

Expenses -300,676

Recurrent Expenses -300,676

Employee Related -167,158

Operating Expenses -133,518

Capital Expenses 0

Employee Related 0

Operating Expenses 0



Balance Carried Forward 444,987

The Opening balance for the 2017 school financial yearis displayed in the OASIS table as Balance broughtforward. The financial summary table for the yearended 31 December 2017 shows the Opening balanceas $0.00 because the Opening balance for the 2017school financial year is reported in the OASIS table (asBalance brought forward). 

The amount displayed in the Appropriation category ofthe financial summary table is drawn from the Balancecarried forward shown in the OASIS table and includesany financial transactions in SAP the school hasundertaken since migration from OASIS to SAP/SALM.For this reason the amount shown for Appropriation willnot equal the OASIS Balance carried forward amount. 

<Use this text box to enter a general statementdescribing: • your school’s financial management processes

and governance structures to meet financialpolicy requirements

• any unusual spending patterns or substantialunderspending/overspending(e.g. accommodating leave, illness, savings forplanned capital expenditure)

• intended use of funds available>Delete text not required. 

Financial summary equity funding

The equity funding data is the main component of the'Appropriation' section of the financial summary above. 

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2017 Actual ($)

Base Total 4,518,184

Base Per Capita 116,759

Base Location 5,605

Other Base 4,395,819

Equity Total 245,595

Equity Aboriginal 31,482

Equity Socio economic 40,581

Equity Language 0

Equity Disability 173,533

Targeted Total 41,070

Other Total 159,088

Grand Total 4,963,937

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

A full copy of the school’s financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning thestatement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance


In the National Assessment Program, the results acrossthe Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy andnumeracy assessments are reported on a scale fromBand 1 to Band 10. The achievement scalerepresents increasing levels of skillsand understandings demonstrated in theseassessments.

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The My School website provides detailedinformation and data for national literacy and numeracytesting. 

Go to http://www.myschool.edu.au to access the schooldata.

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Parent/caregiver, student, teachersatisfaction

Each year schools are required to seek the opinions ofparents, students and teachers about the school.

In 2017, the school sought the opinions ofparents/carers, students and teachers, about the schooland the collection of data, used to facilitate change. 

General responses are outlined below:  •  Parents/carers believe that all staff have the best

interests of their children.  • They support continuous celebrations of all staff,

community and student achievements.  • The majority of parents/carers feel that the quality

teaching and learning programs at Tacking PointPublic School cater for the needs of their child. 

• Parents/carers would like the school to continueenhancing opportunities for communityinvolvement in all facets of school.

The tabled results below, are based on data from 301students at this school that participated in the surveybetween 23 Mar 2017 and 30 Mar 2017.   SM= SchoolMean

Student participation in school sports.  70% SM

Student participation in extracurricular activities  74%SM

Students with a positive sense of belonging. 81% SM

Students with positive relationships. 88% SM

Students that value schooling outcomes. 96% SM

Students with positive behaviour at school. 93% SM

Students who are interested and motivated. 80% SM

Effort. 95% SM

These results were all very positive about and amajority of these reports were higher than the NSWGovernment Norm.

In essence, the children at school are enjoying theteaching and learning at Tacking Point Public School

On a different survey, Tell Them From Me  resultsbelow are based on data from 88 parents in this schoolwho participated in the survey between 28 Aug 2017and 17 Sep 2017.

I feel welcome when I visit the school.  7.9 SM

I can easily speak with my child's teachers.  8.2 SM

I am well informed about school activities.  7.8 SM

Teachers listen to concerns I have. 7.5 SM

Written information from the school is in clear, plainlanguage.  8.1 SM

The school's administrative staff are helpful when Ihave a question or problem. 7.9 SM

Reports on my child's progress are written in terms Iunderstand. 7.8SM

Future Directions: • One of our new Strategic Directions in 2018, will

be focussing on further increasing relationshipswith the community by altering the way we meetparents at the beginning of the year and we touchbase with concerns to start the school year off ona positive note. The emphasis will be on two waycommunication to further develop and support ourchildren.

• Parents wanting to be informed quickly about adecline in student application/effort.

• The 'Approaching The School' Document allowedfor parents to see a flow chart of communicatingto all layers of staff including the senior leadershipteam.

• The school leadership team is already very visibleat the school and many incidental conversationare had with parents in the course of the day.Their presence can be further  showcased.

• The school is already extremely proud of itse–Newseltter and its communication via theschool website, Skoolbag and FaceBook. Parentswill have additional reminders communicated tothem that important information requires their

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

In accordance with the school plan, Aboriginal studentshave been supported in all aspects of their educationand the broader school community has achieved abetter understanding of Aboriginal achievements andculture.

Fifty two students with an Aboriginal backgroundattended Tacking Point School in 2017.  There was amarked increase of 30 students now identifying withtheir ATSI heritage

In consultation with the students and their parents, aPersonal Learning Plan (PLP) was devised for eachchild, implemented and monitored. Initiatives topromote self–esteem, cultural pride and enhancestudent well–being were also discussed.

There are plans to further promote this process in 2018,with teacher professional learning on the 8 Ways ofLearning

'Acknowledgment of Country’ is used at the start of allour assemblies and, where possible, we endeavour tohave students of Aboriginal heritage present thisacknowledgement.

Multicultural and anti-racism education

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Tacking Point Public School ensures that multiculturalperspectives are included into daily teaching andlearning practice, to ensure students are respectful andinformed of other cultures. Students developknowledge, skills, values and attitudes to trulyappreciate and understand our culturally diversesociety. Primarily this is delivered through exploring thehistory and culture that influence Australia’s diversepopulation. Teachers ensure they foster an inclusiveschool community and provide an inclusiveenvironment for all our students and families. 

This year we participated in Harmony Day andincorporated multi–cultural perspectives throughout thecurriculum. 

A member of our teaching staff is now  a qualifiedAnti–Racism Contact Officer (ARCO). In her role, shesupports the school in ensuring that multiculturalismremains a priority in our curriculum and that any form ofdiscrimination can be dealt with in a concise manner.The ARCO role involves promoting the values ofrespect for all races and cultures. 

The ARCO is also the contact between students, staff,parents and community members who wish to make acomplaint regarding racism. We had no complaintsregistered with our Anti–Racism Officer this year.

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