21 recruiting stats that will transform how you hire

Post on 28-Jul-2015



Recruiting & HR



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21 Recruiting Stats That Will Change How You Hire

69% of job seekers wouldn’t take a job at a company with a bad reputation

75% of professionals are open to switching jobs right


The average job posting will receive 250 applicants

73% of companies have successfully hired a

candiate using only social media

LinkedIn drives more job views than any other social network

46% of candidates will look at employee reviews on

Glassdoor before they apply for a position

78% of sales professionals will take a pay cut to work at a comapny with a product they find compelling

45% of job seekers use their mobile device to look for

jobs at least once per day

90% of the Fortune 500’s career sites do not support applying for a role on mobile devices

LinkedIn is primarily used by men who make up 67% of their audience

Job posts gets 36% more applicants if they include a recruiting video

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48% of candidates drop out of applicant tracking

systems when applying for a job

65% of candidates who job search on a mobile device will leave a non-mobile optimized site

70% of milennials hear about new job opportunities

from their friends and job boards

46% of milennials left their last job because of a lack of growth prospects in their role

67% of candidates say having a diverse workforce is

important when evaluating a company

Employees with a current salary of $75-$100K would consider moving companies for a 1-10% salary increase

76% of candidates want details on what makes a

company an attractive place to work

Most job seekers read 4-7 reviews before forming an opinion on a company

96% of candidates say working for a company that

values transparency is critical

The best way to get positive reviews from employees on Glassdoor is to listen their feedback and act on it

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Start listening to your employees

PeopleSpark helps you collect ideas and feedback from your employees so you create an incredible company culture.

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