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Annual Report


Strategic linking

Vinculación estratégica

Strategic linking

El Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas (IIE) difunde y promuevesu quehacer científico apoyándose en las diversas áreas que loconforman, las cuales contribuyen a la vinculación, promoción,

difusión y transferencia tecnológica de sus proyectos y resultados, con elobjetivodecontinuarsiendoelprincipalaliadodelasempresasdelossectoreseléctricoyenergético,particularmentedelaComisiónFederaldeElectricidad(CFE)yPetróleosMexicanos(PEMEX).

IIE disseminates and promotes its scientific work, supported by its diverse areas, which contributes to building alliances and the promotion, diffusion and technology transfer of its projects and their results, thereby continuing to serve as a primary ally for companies in the electricity and energy sectors, particularly for CFE and PEMEX.

Planning, Strategic Management and TechnologyIn January 2012, a strategic reflection meeting was conducted with the Executive Board, in which the current state of IIE was reviewed from the client perspective, income and expenses for 2012 were projected, implications of the financial situation were considered and a situational analysis (SWOT) was performed.

Short-term strategic planning meetings were held in February and October. Short-term actions were determined to improve the financial situation of the Institute, which included two primary areas: organizational climate and finances.

Among the actions taken to get better results, the new 2012 Incentive Plan was developed and implemented in December for staff in the research, administration and technical support areas. Internal communication mechanisms were also strengthened.


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Vinculación estratégica

The actions of the Executive Board that stand out in the area of finances include providing close follow-up on meeting billing schedules in order to achieve the Institution’s goals for the year and implementing an austerity program. These actions strengthen the IIE’s working capital.

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was restructured, which is coordinated by the Department of Planning, Strategic Management and Technology with the participation of the Strategic Planning Committee and the Strategic Planning Group.

At the 21st Strategic Analysis Meeting, the new version of the Institute’s strategic map was approved. This is structured according to four perspectives: clients, which focused on the Institute’s purpose for existing; finances, with a focus on financial sustainability; internal processes; and learning and growth. Two strategic issues were established that relate action-oriented perspectives with those that are results-oriented. The first includes competitiveness, technology and innovation and the second involves financial sustainability. The values statement was updated to include quality, innovative solutions, comprehensive solutions, commitment to the client and technological leadership.

The new version of the BSC is made up of 19 strategic objectives that will be driven by 13 strategic initiatives beginning in January 2013. Of these, the priorities are: defining and implementing incentive strategies for Institute staff; developing the technological planning of IIE; engaging in the process to implement innovation, and establishing financial management processes.

Work was advanced on processes related to the financial planning of the Institute in order to achieve long-term sustainability. A model is being designed that encompasses expenditures, billing and collections plans, reserve funds for incentives, working capital, investments in laboratories and infrastructure, and provisions for the retirement fund. The model will make it possible to plan for feasible scenarios with a certain degree of certainty and analyze risks in order to prevent their consequences. This financial model in its current form has made it possible to analyze information and formulate scenarios and prognostics for use in decision-making by the Institute’s Executive Board.

Planeación, Gestión Estratégica y TecnológicaEnenerode2012sellevóacabolareunióndereflexiónestratégicadelGrupoDirectivo,dondeserevisóelestadoactualdelIIEdesdeelpuntodevistadelcliente,elpronósticodeingresosyegresos2012,implicacionesdelasituaciónfinancierayelanálisissituacional(FODA).

En los meses de febrero y octubre se llevaron a cabo las reuniones deplaneación estratégica de corto plazo. Para el corto plazo se determinaronacciones para mejorar la situación financiera del Instituto, desarrollandoaccionesendosejesprincipales:climalaboralyfinanzas.

Entre las acciones relevantes en el rubro del clima laboral, se desarrollóel nuevo Plan de Incentivos 2012 para el personal de investigación, áreasadministrativas y de apoyo técnico, que se aplicó en el mes de diciembre.Asimismosefortalecieronlosmecanismosdecomunicacióninterna.

En el tema de finanzas, resaltan las acciones del Grupo Directivo en elseguimiento estrecho al cumplimiento de la facturación programada paraalcanzarlametaanualinstitucional.Deigualformaseaplicóunprogramadeausteridad,fortaleciendoconestasaccioneselcapitaldetrabajo.

SerestructuróelCuadrodeMandoIntegral(CMI),coordinadoporlaGerenciade Planeación, Gestión Estratégica y Tecnológica, con la participación delComitédePlaneaciónEstratégicayelGrupodePlaneaciónEstratégica.

EnlaXXIReunióndeAnálisisEstratégico(RAE)seaprobólanuevaversióndel mapa estratégico del Instituto, estructurado en cuatro perspectivas:clientes,queseenfocaa la razónde serdel Instituto;finanzas, conenfoquealasustentabilidadfinanciera,procesosinternos,yaprendizajeycrecimiento.Se establecieron dos temas estratégicos que vinculan a las perspectivas de


Annual Report


Strategic linking

actuación con las de resultados. El primero: competitividad, tecnología einnovación,yelsegundo:sustentabilidadfinanciera.Seactualizólapropuestadevalorparaincluir lossiguientesatributos:calidad,solucionesinnovadoras,solucionesintegrales,compromisoconelclienteyliderazgotecnológico.

LanuevaversióndelCMIestáconformadapor20objetivosestratégicosqueseránimpulsadospormediode14iniciativasestratégicasapartirdeenerode2013,delascualessehanconsideradoprioritariasalassiguientes:definicióne implementacióndeesquemasdemotivaciónparaelpersonaldel Instituto;desarrollo de la planeación tecnológica del IIE; adecuación de la estructuraorganizacional; implantación del proceso de gestión de la innovación;establecimiento del proceso de gestión financiera y gestión efectiva conproveedores.

Se trabajóenelestablecimientodelprocesopara llevaracabo laplaneaciónfinancieradelInstituto,detalformaquepermitaconsolidarlasustentabilidaden el largo plazo. Se está diseñando unmodelo que incorpora el programade egresos, el plan de facturación, el plan de cobranza, las reservas paraincentivos, capital de trabajo, inversión en laboratorios e infraestructura,y previsionespara el fondode retiro.Elmodelopermitirá el planteamientodeescenariosfactiblesdentrodeunciertorangodecertidumbre,analizandoriesgos para evitar sus consecuencias.Estemodelofinanciero en su versiónactual,hapermitidoelanálisisdeinformaciónyformulacióndeescenariosypronósticosparalatomadedecisionesdelGrupoDirectivodelInstituto.

Aprincipiosde2012seatendióelrequerimientodeinformacióninstitucionalcorrespondiente al período 2010-2011, por parte del Consejo Nacional deCiencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) y el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticay Geografía (INEGI), para la Encuesta sobre Investigación y DesarrolloTecnológicoyMódulosobreBiotecnologíayNanotecnología(ESIDET-MBN2012).

In early 2012, the IIE responded to the need of the National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT by its Spanish acronym) and the National Statistics and Geography Institute (INEGI by its Spanish acronym) for information from 2010-2011. The information pertained to the Survey of Technological Research and Development and the Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Module (ESIDET-MBN, Spanish acronym, 2012).

During March and April, actions were taken in response to the need to update the Institute’s information in the CONACYT’s Integrated Scientific and Technological Information System, allowing for IIE to renovate its registration in the National Registry of Science and Technology Institutions and Companies (RENIECYT by its Spanish acronym). With this registration, the Institute will be able to participate in federal support and stimulus programs.

Collaborations with the Secretaría de Energía (SENER by its Spanish acronym) continued during 2012, which included the updating of IIE data in research areas and the development of the National Energy Information System. Various requests from both internal entities as well as the Federal Public Administration were addressed, in particular: the development of the 2011 Self-evaluation Reports,


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institutional contributions to the Sixth Governmental Report, the Sixth Labor Report by the SENER, and the 2007-2012 Sixth Execution Report by the Mexican government’s National Development Plan (PND by its Spanish acronym).

Human CapitalDuring 2012, the research staff was made up of: 98 researchers with doctorate degrees, 199 with master degrees and 232 with bachelor degrees, giving a total of 529. The primary specialty was electromechanics, with 41%, followed by informatics and optimization with 32%, chemistry and materials 12%, nuclear energy and basic sciences 4.5%, civil engineering and earth sciences 4.2% and others 6.3%. The average age of the IIE research staff in 2012 was 46.6 years old and the average experience was 21.7 years.

The number of researchers recognized by the National Researchers System (SNI, by its Spanish acronym) was 43, of which 37 have been appointed as national researchers and 6 as candidates. In addition, 22 were recognized by the State System of Investigators.

Seventy-four presentations were given at international technical events and 50 articles were published in peer-reviewed journals.

During 2012, IIE’s Internal Scholarship Program supported 12 researchers at the graduate level; 3 in foreign countries (2 doctorates and 1 master’s level) and 7 in Mexico (3 doctorates and 4 master’s level).

The external scholarship program had a total of 128 students and graduates working with IIE. There were 35 scholarship recipients in the Technological Research Training program; 11 scholarship recipients presented their thesis for a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree; of the remaining, 58 worked in professional internships, 21 in social services and 3 had incentive scholarships.

The program for building alliances with Higher Education Institutions included 32 visits to the Institute’s facilities from student groups, during which presentations were given by researchers and the heads of laboratories.

IIE Postgraduate Center IIE´s Postgraduate Center is the area where all the expertise and knowledge from over 100 PhD and 200 MSc researchers converge to solve the most challenging

DurantelosmesesdemarzoyabrilserealizaronlasaccionesnecesariasparaactualizarlainformacióndelInstitutoenelSistemaIntegradodeInformaciónCientífica y Tecnológica del CONACYT y así obtener la nueva constanciadel IIE en el Registro Nacional de Instituciones y Empresas de Ciencia yTecnología(RENIECYT).DichaconstanciapermitealInstitutoparticiparenlosprogramasdeapoyoyestímuloquederivandelosordenamientosfederales.

Durante2012sesiguiócolaborandoconlaSecretaríadeEnergía(SENER)enlaactualizacióndedatosdelIIEenelrubrodeinvestigaciónydesarrollodelSistemadeInformaciónEnergética,yseatendióydiorespuestaadiferentessolicitudes de entidades tanto internas como de la Administración PúblicaFederal,destacandolaelaboracióndelosInformesdeAutoevaluaciónal2011,ylasaportacionesinstitucionalesparaelSextoInformedeGobierno,elSextoInformedeLaboresdelaSENER,yelSextoInformedeEjecucióndelPND2007-2012.

Cabe destacar que este 2012, año de cambio deAdministración Federal, secoordinó y elaboró el Informe de Rendición de Cuentas 2006–2012, deacuerdoaloslineamientosestablecidosporlaSecretaríadelaFunciónPúblicay se llevó a cabo la coordinación del Programa para elMejoramiento de laGestión, dando seguimiento al cumplimiento de los proyectos en tiempo yforma,deacuerdoalanormatividadestablecida.

Capital Humano Durante 2012, la plantilla de investigadores estuvo integrada de la siguientemanera:98investigadoresconniveldedoctorado,199congradodemaestríay232de licenciatura,paraun totalde529.Laespecialidadpredominanteesla electromecánica con 41%, seguida de la de informática y optimización32%, química y materiales 12%, energía nuclear y ciencias básicas 4.5%,ingeniería civil y ciencias de la tierra 4.2% y otras 6.3%. El promedio de


Annual Report


Strategic linking

edaddelaplantilladeinvestigadoresdelIIEadiciembrede2012fuede46.6años y el promedio de experiencia 21.7 años. El número de investigadorescon reconocimiento del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) fue de43, de los cuales 37 tienen nombramiento de investigadores nacionalesy 6 candidatos. Asimismo se cuenta con 22 reconocimientos del SistemaEstatal de Investigadores. Se presentaron 74 ponencias en eventos técnicosinternacionalesysepublicaron50artículosenrevistasconarbitraje.

Durante 2012, el Programa de Becarios Internos del IIE mantuvo 12investigadores realizando estudios de posgrado: 3 investigadores en elextranjero (dos en doctorado y uno enmaestría), y siete en el país (tres endoctorado y cuatro en maestría). El programa de becarios externos captóun totalde128estudiantesyegresadospara realizarestanciasenel IIE.Enel programa de Adiestramiento en Investigación Tecnológica se tuvieron35 becarios; para realizar tesis de licenciatura, maestría o doctorado hubo11 becarios; del resto, 58 realizaron estancias de prácticas profesionales,21de servicio social y 3 debeca estímulo.El programade vinculación conInstitucionesdeEducaciónSuperiorincluyó32visitasdegruposestudiantilesalasinstalacionesdelinstitutoqueincluyeronpresentacionesdeinvestigadoresyresponsablesdelaboratorios.

Centro de Posgrado del IIEEl Centro de Posgrado del IIE continuó ofreciendo servicios externos decapacitación y educación para el sector eléctrico, impartiendo de formaestructurada el conocimiento generado en el Instituto de InvestigacionesEléctricas.

Durante 2012 se impartieron 19 cursos de educación continua a un totalde309participantesprovenientesde laCFE,PEMEXyotras 66 industriase instituciones de México, Nicaragua, Panamá, República Dominicana yEcuador.

problems in the Mexican Electrical Sector. MScs and continuing education courses are taught on a regular basis dealing with the most advanced topics in energy.

During 2012, a total of 19 continuing education courses were taught to 309 participants from CFE, PEMEX and 66 other industries and institutions in Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic and Ecuador.

The subjects taught in the continuing education courses included: small-scale applications of grid-connected photovoltaic systems; grounding systems; seismic and wind designs according to CFE’s Standard Design Manual; atmospheric discharge protection; measurement of partial discharges in high-voltage equipment; corrosion and protection of equipment and installations; protection from electrical storms in facilities at risk for fire and explosion; wind energy; grid interconnected electric-wind generation and high voltage.

In the graduate program, a new major was added to the Master’s program and 14 new thesis topics initiated the graduation process.

Technological Intelligence and InformationTo meet the information needs of CFE engineers for


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Entre los temas impartidos en los cursos de educación continua seencuentran los sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados e interconectados con lared. Aplicaciones de pequeña escala; diagnóstico de generadores eléctricosde potencia con mediciones en línea y fuera de línea; corto circuito ycoordinacióndeprotecciones; sistemasdepuesta a tierra; diseñopor sismoyporvientosegúnelManualdeDiseñodeObrasCivilesdeCFE;proteccióncontra descargas atmosféricas; medición de descargas parciales en equiposdealtatensión;corrosiónyproteccióndeequiposeinstalaciones;protecciónante tormentas eléctricas en instalaciones con riesgo de fuego y explosión;energíaeólica:generacióneoloeléctrica interconectadaa red; altovoltaje.EnelposgradosetuvounatitulaciónmásdeMaestríayseregistraron14nuevostemasdetesisdeMaestríaparainiciarsuprocesodetitulación.

Inteligencia e Información Tecnológica Se atendieron los requerimientos de actualización y alerta, de informaciónespecializada ingenieros adscritos a la CFE, mediante la emisión y envíode REFERENCIAS IIE con 17 temas cada uno, seis números bimestrales,enfocadosalaproblemáticadelsectormencionado.

Se proporcionó el servicio de administración, operación y desarrollo decolecciones y servicios del Centro de Información de la Coordinación deProyectosHidroeléctricosdelaCFE.

En su calidaddemiembronacional delEnergyTechnologyDataExchange(ETDE), el IIE atendió a usuarios nacionales que accedieron a la base dedatosETDEWEB, la cual cuenta actualmente con 4.7millones de registrosbibliográficos.

Comercialización, Producción Científica y TecnológicaComopartede lacomercializaciónde lascapacidadesdel IIE,durante2012se formalizaron tres convenios de cooperación técnica o alianza estratégicademonto amplio, con las empresas IBERDROLA, SIEMENS y PROLECGE.Lacooperacióntécnicaoalianzaestratégicaseráenlasáreasafinesalosproductosylosdesarrollosdelaspartes,tantoactualescomofuturos.

En loque se refiere a lapropiedad intelectualdel Instituto,hastadiciembrede 2012 se solicitaron para su concesión 112 patentes, de las cuales se lehan concedido 75, contando con un total de 36 vigentes, de las cuales seconcedieron seis durante 2012. Se continúan las gestiones para agilizar laconcesióndeotras23queseencuentranentrámite,ademásdecontarconuntotaldesietemodelosdeutilidad,deloscualestresestánvigentes.Ademássecuentaconcuatromarcas,delascualestresestánvigentes.

A diciembre de 2012 se han registrado en el INDAutor 678 derechos deautor,ensumayoríacorrespondientesa software.Duranteestemismoañoseregistraron23derechosdeautor.

Adicionalmente se licenciaron a la industria nacional para su fabricación ycomercialización dos desarrollos tecnológicos de contenido innovador, queaportan avances tecnológicos al segmento de las energías renovables: unconcentrador solar de canal parabólico con seguimiento solar automático

updates and alerts containing specialized information, “REFERENCIAS IIE” was disseminated. It included 17 topics in 6 bimonthly issues focused on problems in this sector.

Administration, operations and development for collections and services was provided to CFE’s Information Center at the Hydroelectric Project Area.

As a member of the national Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE), IIE served domestic users who accessed the ETDEWEB database, which currently has 4.7 million bibliographies.

Marketing and Scientific and Technological Production In 2012, as part of the Institute´s marketing strategies, three technical cooperation agreements were signed with international companies such as IBERDROLA, SIEMENS and PROLEC GE. These alliances are intended for technical and strategic cooperation of common interest in areas related to current as well as future products and technological developments.

Regarding the Institute´s intellectual property, as of December 2012, 112 patents applications were requested of which 75 were granted. Nowadays, IIE has 36 existing patents, and 6 out of the 36 were granted in 2012. Efforts continue and it is expected that IIE will obtain 23 patents that are under consideration. Besides this, IIE has 3 active utility models and 4 active trademarks.

Furthermore, IIE has registered 678 copyrights in the INDAutor, most of them related to the creation of software. In 2012, 23 copyrigthts were registered.

In addition, two innovative technological developments were licensed to national industry for manufacturing and marketing. These developments are related to the energy renewable market, where IIE contributes outstandingly to technological progress. The former is a solar concentrator of parabolic canal with automatic solar follow-up, which was transferred to the company Sistemas Energía Alternativa. The latter is a photovoltaic inverter equipment with connection to monophasic electrical grid which was licensed to PROTECSA Ingeniería. Both technologies greatly contribute to innovation and progress of the I+D+I in the country´s industrial sector.


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Strategic linking

transferido a la empresa Sistemas Energía Alternativa y un equipo inversorfotovoltaico de 1kW con conexión a red eléctrica monofásica de 127 Vca,transferido a PROTECSA Ingeniería. Ambas tecnologías contribuyen a lainnovacióneimpulsodelaI+D+ienelsectorindustrialdelpaís.

Relaciones InternacionalesSe recibió a una Delegación de la Embajada Británica integrada porfuncionarias de la SecciónTrade& Investment y en particular a cargo de lostemas deEnergía y Cambio Climático. Se abrió la posibilidad de conseguirapoyosparaqueexpertosbritánicosparticipeneneventosorganizadosporelIIE.

El IIE participó como Punto Nacional de Contacto de Energía enel EU-Mexican Researchers Brokerage Event in Mexico, organizado por elCONACYT- UEMEXCYT, donde se celebraron conferencias y reunionesespecíficasentreexpertosmexicanosyeuropeos.EnelmarcodeesteeventolosespecialistaseuropeosvisitaronlasinstalacionesdelIIE.

ExpertosdelIIEviajaronaEspañaparareforzarelcontactolaAsociacióndelaIndustriaNavarra(AIN),enPamplona,afindeconcretarunainiciativaeneltemadelcanalparabólicoyatenderreunionesconelCentroparaelDesarrolloTecnológico Industrial (CDTI)enMadridy elCentroNacionaldeEnergíasRenovables(CENER),entidadquefuncionacomoplataformatecnológicaenaquelpaís.SefirmóunConvenioMarcodeColaboraciónentre laAINyelIIE,concretandoasíunaalianzaestratégicaentreambasentidades.

SellevóacabolamisióndelMinisteriodeEnergía,RecursosNaturalesyAguadelaRepúblicadeDjibouti,organizadaporlaSENERylaCancillería,enlaque especialistas de laGerencia deGeotermia del IIE coordinaron, con elapoyodelaCFE,unavisitaalcampogeotérmicoLosAzufres,enMichoacán.

International RelationsA delegation from Great Britain was received in January, made up by officials from the Trade & Investment Section; including in particular those responsible for Energy and Climate Change issues. The possibility arose of obtaining support for British experts to participate in events organized by IIE.

The IIE participated as the National Energy Contact Point for the EU-Mexican Researchers Brokerage Event in Mexico, organized by CONACYT- UEMEXCYT. This event held conferences and meetings specifically for Mexican and European experts. As part of the event, European specialists visited IIE facilities.

IIE´s experts traveled to Spain to strengthen ties with the Navarra Industry Association (AIN by its Spanish acronym) in Pamplona, in order to develop an initiative on the subject of parabolic troughs and to attend meetings with the Center for Technological Industrial Development (CDTI by its Spanish acronym) in Madrid and The National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER by its Spanish acronym), which serves as a technological platform in that country. The Framework Collaboration Agreement was signed between the AIN and IIE, formalizing a “strategic alliance” between both entities.


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Vinculación estratégica

Posteriormente sostuvieron una reunión en la Secretaría de Energía en laCiudaddeMéxico,yparaconcluirelrecorridoserecibiólavisitadelMinisteriode Djibouti en las instalaciones del Instituto en Cuernavaca, Morelos, endondesereiteróelinterésdecolaborarenproyectosespecíficos,alamparodeunconvenioqueseprevépodránsuscribirambosministerios.

El Punto Nacional de Contacto Sectorial (PNCS) para Hidrocarburosy Energías Alternas, cuya figura recae en el IIE, participó en el eventoCoordinado por la Oficina de Enlace para la Cooperación México-UniónEuropea,UEMEXCYT, para promover las convocatorias 2013 del SéptimoProgramaMarcodeI+D+i,moderandounamesadetrabajoconparticipantesde diversas entidades del sector energético mexicano. También asistió a laReunión Preparatoria de la Jornada de la Red de TalentosMexicanos en elExteriornúmero95.

Representantes de la AIN visitaron el IIE para sostener reuniones cuyoobjetivo fue atender los aspectos de comercialización, capacitación ydesarrollosconjuntos,paradarvidaalConvenioMarco–AlianzasuscritoconelIIEenmarzode2012.

ElPuntoNacionaldeContactoparaHidrocarburosyEnergíasAlternas,unode los rolesmás importantes del IIE, realizó una gira por países europeosconelfindefortalecerlasrelacionesconlaComisiónEuropeayautoridadesgubernamentalesdeMéxicoquenosrepresentanantedichoórgano,asícomoactualizarse en las reglasdeoperación sobre lasoportunidadesde colaborarconpaísesmiembrosdelamisma.

AsimismosesostuvieronreunionesenHamburgoconelCapítuloAlemaniade la Red de TalentosMexicanos en el Exterior, para definir lamanera deaprovecharnuestrovínculoconladiásporacalificadaenaquelpaís,contandocon aliados en desarrollos y estrategias conjuntas. Se establecieron nuevos

The Mission of the Ministry of Energy, Natural Resources and Water of the Republic of Djibouti was carried out, organized by their Ministry of Energy as well as their Chancellor. Specialists from IIE’s Geothermal Management Department, with the support of the CFE, organized a visit to Los Azufres geothermal field, in Michoacan. A meeting was held later at the Ministry of Energy in Mexico City, and finally the Minister of Djibouti visited the Institute’s facilities in Cuernavaca, Morelos, reiterating a mutual interest in collaborating with specific projects through a formal agreement which both ministries expect to sign.

IIE’s Sectoral National Contact Point (PNCS by its Spanish acronym) for Hydrocarbons and Energy Alternatives participated in the Mexico-European Union Cooperation event UEMEXCYT, coordinated by the Liaison Office, to promote the 2013 Call for Proposals of the Seventh for I+D+i Framework Program, also serving as a moderator in a roundtable with participants from diverse entities from the Mexican energy sector. IIE also attended the Preparatory Meeting of the Network of Mexican Talent Abroad, number 95.

Representatives of the Navarra Industry Association visited IIE to support meetings aimed at addressing joint marketing, training and development, in order to put into action the Alliance-Framework Agreement signed with IIE in March 2012.

The National Contact Point for Hydrocarbons and Alternative Energies, one of IIE’s most important roles, toured European countries in order to strengthen relationships between the European Commission and the governmental authorities in Mexico who are our representatives to the Commission. The tour also made it possible to be updated on the operating rules regarding opportunities for collaboration with countries who are members of the Commission.

In addition, meetings were held in Hamburg with the German Chapter of the Network of Mexican Talent Abroad, to define how to make use of our connections with the qualified diaspora in Germany, including developing alliances and joint strategies. New contacts were established with companies and technological centers in Vasco, Spain to follow up on the business opportunities proposed in conversations with executives from the Mexican chapter of the European Enterprise Network (EEN).


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contactosconempresasycentros tecnológicosenelpaísVasco,enEspaña,como seguimiento a las oportunidades de negocios que se plantearon enconversacionescondirectivosdelNodoenMéxicodelaEuropeanEntrepriseNetwok(EEN).

En el marco del encuentro entre el Ministro de Electricidad y EnergíaRenovabledelaRepúblicadelEcuadoryelDirectorGeneraldelaComisiónFederaldeElectricidad,sesuscribióunConvenioMarcodeCooperaciónentreelIIEyelInstitutoNacionaldeEficienciaEnergéticayEnergíasRenovablesdeesepaís.

Se coordinó la visita de la Dirección General de Asuntos Internacionalesde laSecretaríadeEnergíaen julio,aquiense lepresentaron losprincipalesdesarrollosyretosenmateriadeenergíasrenovablesyenergíageotérmica.


Separticipóen la44ªsesióndelCIGRÉ(ConsejoInternacionaldeGrandesRedesEléctricas),enParís,Francia,del26al31deagosto,lacualcontóconlapresenciadeDirectivosyGerentesdediversasáreastécnicasdelInstitutoyuninvestigadordestacadoeneláreaderobóticaysistemasinteligentes. El Director Ejecutivo del IIE fungió como ponente en el Seminario enInnovación,CienciayTecnologíaparaelDesarrolloEnergéticamenteEficientedeCentroamérica,realizadoenlaUniversidadNacionaldeCostaRica.

During meetings between the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy of Ecuador and the Executive Director of CFE, a Cooperation Framework Agreement was signed between IIE and Ecuador’s National Institute of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

The visit of the International Affairs Division of the Ministry of Energy was coordinated in July, which was presented with the primary developments and challenges with respect to renewable and geothermal energy.

The Dr. José María Luis Mora Institute engaged in a project to develop a “Proposal for Public Policy Guidelines for International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation Day (CTI by its Spanish acronym)” for CONACYT, supported by IIE, which is considered a leading technological center in Mexico and the Latin American region.

IIE participated in the 44th CIGRÉ session (International Council of Large Electric Networks), in Paris, France from August 26 to 31, which included the presence of executives and managers from diverse technical areas in the Institute and a renowned researcher in the area of robotics and smart systems.


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Vinculación estratégica

SeasistióalareunióndelComitéEjecutivodelAcuerdodeImplementaciónsobre gases de efecto invernadero (IEAGHG), de la Agencia InternacionaldeEnergía,asícomoalcongresoGHGT-11,dondesecopresidióunadelassesionestécnicas,celebradosenKyoto,Japón.


CabedestacarqueelBoletínIIEseemiteenformatoimpresoyelectrónico,este último enviado a más de 4,000 suscriptores. Asimismo se encuentradisponibleenelsitiowebdelIIEenformatoPDFparasudescarga,con locual se enriquecen los canales de comunicación con instituciones, colegas yclientes interesados en el desarrollo de la industria eléctrica y energética,además de fomentar la divulgación para alcanzar una cultura del desarrollocientíficoytecnológicodelpaís.

Conlaintencióndegenerarunareddesolucionesdelasmejorespropuestasdeequipoyservicioycomounaestrategiaparaapoyaralossectoreseléctricoy energético, se dio apertura a espacios publicitarios enBoletín IIE, lo cualpermiteunacercamientodelasempresasgeneradorasconlosfabricantesdesolucionesactuales.EnesteperíodotambiénseeditóelInformeAnual2011,conlosproyectosmásrelevantesllevadosacaboenelañoenbeneficiodelossectoreseléctricoyenergético.

Se participó en trece congresos y exposiciones técnicas nacionales einternacionales, destacando la participación del IIE en los eventos: ExpoMéxico Wind Power, Expo ElectriQ, Expo Foro Eléctrico PEMEX-CANAME, Congreso RVP, Congreso de Turbomaquinaria, Expo ForoPEMEX, Congreso Mexicano del Petróleo y Congreso ADIAT, en loscuales se dieron a conocer las capacidades e innovaciones tecnológicas delInstituto, principalmente las relacionadas con la red eléctrica inteligente, lasenergíasrenovablesy losdesarrollosdevanguardiadelossistemaseléctricosyenergéticos.

Como parte de las actividades de difusión y divulgación se mantieneactualizadoelportaldelIIEeninternet,seemiteunSemanariodeNoticiasdelSectorEléctricodenominadoNotiSelamásde8,000suscriptoresnacionalesyextranjeros,quienesrecibensuactualizaciónatravésdesucorreoelectrónico,ysemantienenloscanalesdecomunicaciónenredessocialescomoFacebook,donde se cuenta con 1,540 seguidores, dato relevante comparado conotrosCentrosdeInvestigación.

Responsabilidad SocialEste programa tuvo como uno de sus principales objetivos, consolidaractividades que han sido de interés central en rubros específicos como eleducativo,medioambiente,equidadygénero.

IIE´s Chief Executive Officer was a speaker at the Seminar on Innovation, Science and Technology for the Energetically Efficient Development of Central America, held at the National University of Costa Rica.

A Division Director Attended the International Energy Agency as part of the Executive Committee for the Implementation Agreement on Greenhouse Gases (GHG), as well as the GHGT-11 congress, co-presiding over the technical sessions held in Kyoto, Japan.

DisseminationTo support the dissemination of applied research, scientific investigation and technological development conducted at the Institute, four issues of the journal Boletín IIE were produced on the following topics: technological innovation for competitiveness; technological solutions for power plants; alarm systems in electricity generation units and reliability in the electricity and energy sectors.

It is worth mentioning that Boletín IIE is released in print and electronic formats, the latter having been sent to over 4,000 subscribers. It is also available on IIE´s webpage as a PDF for downloading, which enhances the communication channels with institutions, colleagues and clients interested in the development of the electricity and energy industries. It also fosters dissemination aimed at attaining a culture of scientific and technological development in the country.

In order to generate a network of solutions for the best equipment and services and as a strategy to support the electricity and energy sectors, advertising space was made available in the Boletín IIE, bringing together utilities and the manufacturers of current solutions.

During this period, the 2011 Annual Report was also produced. It contained the most relevant projects to the electricity and energy sectors conducted during the year.

IIE participated in 13 national and international congresses and technical exhibitions, in particular: Expo México Wind Power, Expo ElectriQ, Expo Foro Eléctrico PEMEX-CANAME, Congreso RVP, Congreso de Turbomaquinaria, Expo Foro PEMEX, Congreso Mexicano del Petróleo and Congreso ADIAT. The Institute’s technological capacities and innovations were made known at these events,


Annual Report


Strategic linking

El IIE ha contribuido al acercamiento con estudiantes de nivel primaria,secundaria y bachillerato, a quienes recibió en sus instalaciones: Museo,laboratorios ypuntos estratégicos, con elobjetivodedar a conocer el valorhistórico del Instituto, así como los espacios de trabajo donde se gesta lainvestigación,lacienciayeldesarrollotecnológico.

Porotraparte, el IIEbuscauna relacióncontinuacon la comunidadconelobjetivo de compartir su capital intelectual, por lo que participa en eventosquepromuevenlacienciaylatecnología,conelapoyodeentidadescomoelConsejodeCienciayTecnologíadelEstadodeMorelos(CCyTEM),conbaseensuprograma:ApropiaciónsocialdelacienciaenMorelos.

Como parte del proyecto: Visita a comunidades alejadas, el IIE impartiótalleresenlalocalidaddeSanJosédelosLaureles,pertenecientealmunicipiode Tlayacapan, y en Telixtac, ubicado en el municipio de Axochiapan,ambasentidadesdelEstadodeMorelos.Además,añoconañosepresentanexperimentosinfantilesymaterialdidácticorespectoalquehacerdelInstitutoy al cuidado del medio ambiente, en la Jornada de Ciencia, Tecnología eInnovacióndelCCyTEM.

Enelrubrodelosderechoshumanos,laperspectivadeequidadygénerocomotemadeinteréshaderivadoenactividadesdesensibilizaciónycontribuciónalconocimientodelpersonal, a travésde exposiciones, conferencias y talleressobreel lenguaje sexista, simbolismodeviolenciadegéneroymasculinidad,conloqueelIIEbuscaabordarcuestionesqueconstruyenasimetríassociales,conelobjetivodecontribuiralaconcientizaciónsobreestetemadeimpactosocial.

Respecto a la corresponsabilidad entre la vida personal, familiar y laboral,así como la contribucióna la saludenel trabajoquecoadyuvaaldesarrollo

especially those related to smart power grids, renewable energies and cutting-edge developments in electricity and energy systems.

As part of the dissemination activities, IIE´s internet portal was kept up-to-date and a weekly news virtual magazine (NotiSEl) related to the Electricity Sector was sent to over 8,000 national and foreign subscribers who received their updates via email. In addition, communication channels were maintained using social networks such as Facebook, which has 1,540 followers, a significant number in comparison with other research centers.

Social ResponsibilityOne of the primary objectives of this program was to engage in activities of particular interest in specific areas such as education, the environment, equality and gender.

IIE has contributed to developing closer relationships with elementary, secondary and high school students, who visited IIE’s museum, laboratories and other important areas, so as to make known the historic value of the Institute, as well as the work spaces where research, science and technological development are carried out.


Informe Anual


Vinculación estratégica

humanodeloscolaboradoresenelInstituto,seaplicóelprogramadesalud:VigilanciayControlen laSaludyRiesgosdelTrabajo (VICORSAT), loquepermitió orientar al personal sobre lasmedidas preventivas y de control deenfermedades crónico-degenerativas, orientación nutricional y fomento a laactividadfísica.Setrabajarontalleresdeorientaciónentemascrucialescomo“EscuelaparaPadres”,elcualdefinióalafamiliacomounafortalezaparaloshijos.AdemásserealizólacelebracióndelDíaInfantilIIE,conelobjetivodepromoverlaintegraciónfamiliarylaapropiacióndelespaciodelInstituto.

ElprogramadeResponsabilidadSocial se centra encontribuir a la creaciónofortalecimientodesaberesyprácticasculturalespropiasdeuna instituciónatentaatemasdeinterésparalasociedad.

IIE also works toward maintaining ongoing relationships with the community in order to share intellectual capital, and therefore participates in events that promote science and technology with the support of entities such as the Morelos Council on Science and Technology (CCyTEM by its Spanish acronym), based on the program “Social Ownership of Science in Morelos”.

As part of the project “Visit Distant Communities” IIE conducted workshops in the locality of San José de los Laureles, municipality of Tlayacapan, and in Telixtac, municipality of Axochiapn, both in the state of Morelos. In addition, every year experiments and didactic material for children are presented about the work of the Institute and caring for the environment. This is accomplished through the Science, Technology and Innovation Day held by the Morelos Council on Science and Technology.

In the area of human rights, the perspective of equity and gender as issues of interest has brought about awareness-raising activities and contributions to the knowledge of the staff through exhibitions, conferences and workshops about sexist language and symbolism related to gender violence and masculinity. With these activities, IIE seeks to address issues involving social asymmetries in order to contribute to raising awareness about this important social issue.

Regarding the co-responsibility of personal, family and work life as well as to contribute to work-related health to foster the human development of the Institute’s collaborators, the health program “Surveillance and Control of Health and Work Risks” (VICORSAT by its Spanish acronym) was implemented. This program made it possible to counsel staff about preventive measures and the control of chronic-degenerative illnesses, as well as to provide nutritional counseling and encourage physical activity. Counseling workshops were held on key issues such as “School for Parents”, which defined the family as a source of strength for children. In addition, “IIE Children’s Day” was celebrated to promote family cohesiveness and the use of the Institute’s space.

IIE´s Social Responsibility program is focused on contributing to the creation and strengthening of cultural knowledge and practices pertaining to an institution that is attentive to issues of interest to the society.

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