22, january 2020

Post on 25-Dec-2021






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VOLUME 30 OF 52Fellow Rotarians,

I wish to welcome you to a new Rotary week and hope my wri�ng this week finds you well.

First of all, let me thank members of our great club for your massive a�endance and support in making sure we had a successful micro-credit scheme renewal at Ososa where we distributed 50 cheques to beneficiaries of these scheme, so also the large a�endance at the joint STAR program at Rolak Hotel, Ijebu- Ode. My sincere apprecia�on also goes to our club trainer PAG Layi Abidoye for his hard work in making sure

this training program became a success. Much apprecia�on also to all our facilitators for a job well done. It was also a night of fun at the pool side, thanks to all for coming out to making the night memorable.To our AG Dele Alimi, we appreciate your presence sir and thank you so much.

The District conference is just around the corner and we need to all key into a�ending this conference. So far, we have just only about 44 of us that have registered for this conference out of our target of 66 members. Please let us take up the opportunity of the N17,500 discounted rate now and register fast. The chairperson Club District Conference in the person of Rotarian Adedoyin shall be pos�ng list of members that have registered so far to all our pla�orms.S�ll talking about the District conference, we have been to Abeokuta and se�led for IBD Interna�onal hotel to accommodate us

during our stay for DISCON. This hotel is just about 500m away from Green Legacy. Details of cost of room per night and all other shall be communicated to club later in the week.

The Rotary Founda�on Dinner is also very close, the date is 8th February 2020 at the Shell Hall, MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos. Time is 4pm. The seat cost is N20,000 per person. All clubs have been advised by the District to pay for one table. Please fellow Rotarians lets plan to a�end this Dinner Dance.

This week we will be having Rotarian Adedoyin Adedeji talk to us about her voca�on tagged Rotarian Job talk. So fellow Rotarians lets come early to hear and know what our Rotarian does as voca�on and learn from her wealth of experience on job.

Please refer to my message of last week on the series of ac�vi�es le� for this month, permit me to however men�on that January 31st is the Magazine exhibi�on. May I on your behalf wish our team led by Rotarian Deola Oke and O’nezer all the very best.

Upcoming Ac�vi�es:Thursday 23rd Jan is the corona�on ceremony HRM Oba Windapo at Ara, Osun State. Please let us block this date to go celebrate

with our own and give our support. Please also note that ASO-EBI is s�ll available. Please contact the president if you are interested.Tuesday 28th Jan is Board mee�ng to be hosted by Rotarian Alozie Nsirimobi. Address will be posted later, on all our social

medium pla�orms. Time is 5pm.Wednesday 29th Jan is our We care fun, spouses and guest night. We shall be hosted by Group H. On this same day we shall also

be giving voca�onal recogni�on awards.The Ethics and Business seminar also will hold at the District office this same day.Friday 31st Jan is the Magazine/ Bulle�n exhibi�on. It is one of the ac�vi�es slated to mark the Awareness week and the venue is

Rotary centre. It is also good to note that we have paid for our booth for this exhibi�on. The chair Public Image and our Bulle�n Editor will represent us at this exhibi�on.There will also be an Awareness walk at KANU PARK ALAUSA, IKEJA on Saturday 1st February 2020. There is T-Shirt and Caps for

sale at the cost of N5,000 and N2,000. Fellow Rotarians please let’s all plan to be at KANU PARK to sell and promote Rotary. Rotarians that are interested in buying the shirt and cap should please contact me or the club admin.Lastly from me, please let us remember to pay full our club annual dues and as well as redeem our pledge in contribu�on to The

Rotary Founda�on. Support towards the Cervical Cancer vaccina�on we should also not forget.Till I come your way on this page next week, I urge you to please con�nually stay United to connect the world in making it a be�er

place this week and for the rest of the Rotary year.

Yours in Rotary Service

Rotarian Akinwale OdutolaPresident 2019\2020RC Gbagada 1

22, January 2020


22, January 2020


23rd January Rotarian Oyeyemi Osinuga

Who is aware?

What are they aware of?How aware are they?How many of your friends and families are aware that you are a Rotarian?How many of them are aware

of Rotary and its ideals?Do they really know what you do as a Rotarian?Are they aware of how they can be a part of Rotary?How many of your friends and families have contributed to Rotary based on your influence?In the spirit of the “Awareness Month” I will implore us all to share Rotary as much as possible via every means. Do have a beau�ful and frui�ul week.Long Live RC Gbagada!

Rotarian Olanrewaju O’nezerEditor.

• What Rotary month focuses on Voca�onal service?o January• What is the Rotary Community Corps?o Groups of Non-Rotarians who want to work to improve the world




22, January 2020

1. 23rd January Corona�on of HRM Oba Windapo at ARA, Osun State. 2. 28th January Board mee�ng to be hosted by Rotn. Alozie.3. 29th January We care fun/Spouses and Guest night.4. 29th January Ethics in Business and Professions Seminar5. 31st January Magazine/Bulle�n Exhibi�on6. 1st February Awareness Walk at Nudibisi Kanu Park7. 8th February The Rotary Founda�on Dinner & Dance


22, January 2020


Members: Odutola (Presiding), Adedeji, Adegbite, Adekunle, Adewunmi Abayomi, Aina-Marshall, Akinleye, Arizor, Ayeni Adeleke, Ayeni Samuel, Ayodele, Banjo, Chikwendu, Dikko, Durojaiye, Erinle, E�m, Ezie, George-Taylor, Ipaye, Iran�ola, Kasim, Koiku, Nsirimobi, Ogunsola, O'nezer, Opanubi, Orohundusi, Raji, Shoga, Williamson Guests1. Kamal Wahab2. Wunmi Majekodunmi3. Owolabi OriolaThe mee�ng commenced at exactly 7.10pm.Rotary Grace: PP Fowoke Williamson Object of Rotary: Rotn. Samuel Ayeni 4 Way Test: Rotn. Nìyí Adekunle Sergeant-At-Arms: Rotn. Nkechi Arizor

PRESIDENT’S INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The Rotarian President, Rotn. Akinwale Odutola welcomed everyone to the mee�ng. He once again thanked members and elders of the club for the support and guidance so far.

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING The minutes of the last mee�ng was read. Subsequently a mo�on for adop�on of the minutes was moved by Rotn. Sam Ayeni and was seconded by Rotn. Dapo Banjo.

ACTIVITIES FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY The Rotarian President highlighted the various ac�vi�es scheduled for the month of January 2020. • Ososa Microcredit Scheme: It was announced that the club would be distribu�ng cheques to the beneficiaries of the microcredit scheme in Ososa on Friday 17th January 2020. • STAR Programme: On the same day (Friday 17th January 2020), the club will be hos�ng the second STAR training for the year at Rolak Hotel in Ijebu Ode. The President encouraged new Rotarians to a�end the programme in order to learn more about Rotary. • Ọba Windapo’s Corona�on: It was also announced that the corona�on of AG Olubayo Windapo as the Alára of Ara would be taking place on Thursday 23rd January 2020. Arrangements had been made for a bus to transport interested members at the rate of ₦5,000 per person. The President also requested that members planning to sleep over should indicate to facilitate planning. • January Board Mee�ng: The mee�ng would be hosted by Rotn. Alozie Nsirimobi on Tuesday 28th January 2020. • We Care Fun Night: Wednesday 29th January 2020. The President reported that the voca�onal recogni�on earlier scheduled for 29th January 2020 had been moved to February due to the clash with the We Care night. He said that the hos�ng group G was unwilling to accommodate the voca�onal recogni�on during the We Care night. However, PAG Kasim said that one of the awardees had already been contacted to come on the earlier date. He therefore pleaded with the President to have a second thought about the change of date. • Ethics in Business and Professions Seminar: 29th January 2020 • Magazine and Bulle�n Exhibi�on: 31st January 2020. The President said that Rotarians Lanre O’nezer and Deola Oke would be anchoring the exhibi�on for the club.


22, January 2020

CLUB IN CLUB PROGRAMME The Membership Chair, Rotn. Alozie Nsirimobi addressed the club about the plans for the next Club-in-Club programme. He said that the event would be held in February 2020 and requested that members send in names of prospects.

ROTAKIDSRotn. Erica Chikwendu informed members about the launch of another Rotakid club in Corona Schools. The event has been scheduled for Friday 17th January 2020. In the same vein, Rotn. Nkechi Arizor promised to provide a link for possible launch of Rotakid Club in Chrisland School.

DUESThe President appealed to members who were yet to pay their annual dues to do so as soon as possible. He also enjoined members to donate to the Rotary Founda�on.

DOYEN’S RECOGNITION The Doyen PDG Niji Raji presented gi�s to four other excep�onal members who were not present at the last mee�ng. He commended them for their efforts so far in this Rotary year.

DISTRICT AWARD The President, Roth Akinwale Odutola announced that RC Gbagada won the award as the club producing the most informa�ve and educa�ve bulle�n at the District Governor’s New Year party on 10th January 2020.

BIRTHDAY CELEBRANTS The members that celebrated their birthdays and wedding anniversary in the week were recognised and celebrated.

CERVICAL CANCER PREVENTION PROJECT It was announced that the club received a dona�on of ₦150,000 from some of the President’s friends towards the project. The President appealed for more dona�ons. PDG Deinde Shoga however advised that the club should go through the route of the global grant on cervical cancer preven�on.

ROTARY FOUNDATION LOTTO GAMEThe Rotary Founda�on lo�o game was played with the total sum of ₦43,000 in the ki�y. The winning numbers were 2, 24, 16, 7 and there was no winner. OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS • Burial of Rotn. Kupola�’s father at Iye-Eki�: 6th & 7th February 2020

SERGEANT-AT-ARM COLLECTIONS Total SAA collec�ons for the day stood at ₦145,200

TOASTRotarian Alozie Nsirimobi gave the toast to close the mee�ng.

CLOSINGThe mee�ng ended at 8.50pm with members reci�ng the Na�onal Pledge.

‘Bamidele Ayodele Secretary


22, January 2020

“It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines realizing the situa�on decided to group together to keep warm. In this way, they covered and protected themselves but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. A�er a while they decided to distance themselves from each other they began to die alone frozen.

So, they had to make a choice. Either to accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely thought out, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the li�le wounds caused by their proximity to receive the warmth and heat needed for survival.

This week calls for evalua�on in your teamwork matrix. The best team do not necessarily pull together perfect gems but individuals who accommodate the imperfec�ons of others, focusing on their merits while each person contributes to the strength and character of the team.

How open are you to the care of others when it comes with a few quills? What can you do now to restore, celebrate the rela�onships in your sphere of influence? You can do something!




22, January 2020

Rotary Community Corps is a group of non-Rotarians and Rotarians who share our commitment to service. RCC members plan Aand carry out projects in their communi�es and support local Rotary club projects. By working with RCCs Rotary clubs:

Find community solu�ons to community challenges by giving residents the power to take responsibility for improving their village, neighborhood, or city.Give a project sustainability and longevity by involving residents in every aspect of planning, opera�on, and monitoring.Develop leaders by mentoring community residents and having them lead projectsThere are more than 8,500 corps in over 90 countries. Some examples of their work:The RCC of San Miguel in Guadalajara, Mexico, gives scholarships to high school students from poor families.Disabled volunteer members of the RCC of Keon in Cortlandt Manor, New York, USA, plan service ac�vi�es at a food pantry and dog rescue facility.

The RCC of Cura Village in Nairobi, Kenya, provides educa�on funding and equipment for a local orphanage.The RCC of Genesis Ameligan in Metro Roxas, Capiz, Philippines, helped its sponsor Rotary club build a rainwater filtra�on system to supply safe drinking water to a community on the Panay River. Its members maintain the system and sell filtered water to generate income to pay for maintenance and other community projects."How do I join or organize an RCC?By joining or organizing an RCC you can make a tremendous impact in your community. RCCs can exist anywhere there is a local club sponsor. You can find an RCC in your area by contac�ng your local Rotary club. If there isn’t a community corps, discuss the idea of star�ng one with your local Rotary club president. Learn more about what you can do through a Rotary Community Corps.How do I sponsor an RCC?By sponsoring an RCC you are giving a larger segment of your community the opportunity to proac�vely address issues where they live. Community members with a vested interest in a project are more likely to make sure that the project lives on.You can form an RCC anywhere non-Rotarians are interested in working with Rotary. Here are some guidelines:

Assess your community needs. Find out where an RCC could have the biggest impact and what kinds of projects would be most effec�ve.Promote the RCC to your club. Make sure you have buy-in from members and outline your club’s role as a sponsor Recruit RCC members. Start with a core group of members. Community organiza�ons and nongovernmental agencies are a good place to recruit.Ask your district Rotary Community Corps chair for help. Request his or her contact informa�on by wri�ng to rotary.service@rotary.org

To sponsor an RCC, complete the Rotary Community Corps organiza�on form and submit it to RI. Collaborate on Projects Refer to Lifecycle of a Project resources for help with planning and running projects with your club's RCC. If your joint project needs extra resources, use Rotary Ideas to crowdsource support. Don't forget to spotlight your project's successes on Rotary Showcase. Remember, involving the local community through an RCC can help your club include key sustainability features in a district or global grant.h�ps://rotaryserviceblog.org/?s=rcc Read about RCC ac�vi�es around the world and watch a recording of the webinar Rotary Community Corps: Community Solu�ons for Community Challenges.Check our discussion groups to exchange ideas about RCCs.Resources & referenceRotary Community Corps informa�onal brochureRotary Community Corps organiza�on formRotary Community Corps cons�tu�on and bylawsRotary Community Corps presenta�onRotary Community Corps visual iden�ty guidelines

Shared byPP. Akeem SunmonuChairman Rotary Community Corps Commi�ee.





ROTARY Membership development is an old horse, we con�nue to flog it, but it won’t go away. Any organisa�on that does not grow is

bound to die, hence annually we con�nue to set membership goals to ensure the survival of our club. For several years, RI has remained stagnant at 1.2 million Rotarians in a world of several billion people. What are we doing wrong? Perhaps our strategies are not working, maybe we are applying same rules expec�ng different results, perhaps we are not doing enough as individual Rotarians and as Rotary Clubs.

I want to discuss with you in this writeup 3 major aspects of Membership Growth for our Great GBAGADA:1. EVALUATING OUR CLUB MEMBERSHIP2. FINDING NEW MEMBERS- Best Prac�ces including Recrui�ng Young Professionals 3. ENGAGING CURRENT ROTARIANS / RETENTION

Why Membership Ma�ers. Donors, and reduced public image due to fewer service projectsSo membership is a priority for us all.

HOW CAN WE DO IT?The following steps will help 1. EVALUATING OUR CLUB MEMEBERSHIP Uncovering our Club’s strengths and weaknesses is an essen�al step in crea�ng an effec�ve plan for membership development • Determine the Clubs current membership state • Establish ambi�ous but a�ainable membership goals (3- year Strategic Plan including an Ac�on Plan) • What makes this Club a�rac�ve to New Members? • Develop a database or proof of poten�al candidates for membership • Reten�on Model • Calculate Clubs membership gain or loss over a specific period • Establish ways to retain members o Do a Termina�on Profile for your club -Length of membership tenure – average length of �me that members stay in our Club before termina�ng their membership.

Membership Sa�sfac�on Ques�onnaire To iden�fy what Club members like and dislike about our Club. THIS WAS NOT PUBLISHED- Develop an ac�on plan that be�er addresses the wants and needs of current members - Club Membership Commi�ee -Do we really have a working Commi�ee? One-man commi�ee ??? 8

22, January 2020

• Make commi�ee appointees for mul�ple years including past, present and incoming chair

ACTIVE RECRUITING – FINDING NEW MEMBERS How do we find new members? There is nothing more certain about the future than the fact that it is not entrenched in the past. One size does not fit all. The rules of Engagement must change.

WHAT ARE CHANGING? - What is in it for me - Instant and mul�channel communica�ons

QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN PROSPECTING FOR NEW MEMBERSWhat are volunteers looking for when they are choosing our Club• What op�ons are available ?• Is our Club offering prospec�ve members opportuni�es that match their expecta�ons • How do the benefits of Rotary membership compere to those of other ClubsLet’s use these ques�ons as springboard for promo�ng our Club as a preferred op�on in the community

WHY JOIN ROTARY Rotarians join and stay with their clubs primarily because they seek opportuni�es for community service, fellowship, and friendship. Many of the non-Rotarians you know are looking for the same things. Invite them to help with your service projects, a�end a networking night, or par�cipate in a club get-together WE CARE NIGHTS and help them see for themselves how Rotary connects leaders to make a posi�ve change.

BENEFITS OF ROTARY Fellowship and friendship - Business networking - Opportunity to develop leadership skills working in well established interna�onal organiza�on

HERE ARE SOME POTENTIAL CANDIDATES TO CONSIDER FOR MEMBERSHIP: • Friends and family members • Business acquaintances • Professional colleagues • Younger community leaders who are already connected to Rotary through Rotaract, RYLA, peace fellowships, Youth Exchange, Rotary Alumni and other programs APPROACHING PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS 1. The most effec�ve marke�ng channel for individual memberships is word of mouth “JUST ASK”

2. Use of CLUB IN CUB METHODOLGYAt a designated mee�ng ask club members to write down the names of friends, colleagues, and business acquaintances in the community who might be qualified prospec�ve members. Review


22, January 2020

the list and write everyone a le�er of invita�on to a special fellowship mee�ng. The guest a�endance is at the expense of the club. A knowledgeable Rotarian speaks at the mee�ng. Those who show interest are invited to a subsequent Rotary mee�ng and those who show sustained interest are proposed to the board for membership. All the qualified members are inducted on same day. THIS HAS WORKED FOR US LETS CONTINUE WITH FEW ADJUSTMENTS e.g. a�endance at Mee�ngs at least 4 �mes.

3. BE MY GUEST Print wallet-size cards with your name and the Rotary Emblem along with the words "BE MY GUEST" state the day and �me and loca�on of your club mee�ng. Distribute them to prospec�ve members as an invita�on to a�end a club mee�ng at the club’s expense

4. Ask members to wear T-Shirts that read "ASK ME ABOUT ROTARY" to generate conversa�on about Rotary membership. WE CAN TRY THIS WITH OPTION 55.SEND WELCOME LETTERS TO OWNERS OF NEW BUSINESSES IN OUR COMMUNITY. 6. NEWS MEDIA -post recruitment video on Facebook etc. in which club members introduce themselves and explain the benefits of becoming a member of your club and more…o Use of Rotary literatures, what is Rotary? o Invite more women and younger professionals o WAIVE OR REDUCE FEES FOR A PERIOD FOR YOUNGER MEMBERSo Reduce Club meals expenses, the new ethos is working well in my view.o Create a Club fellowship and networking that are convenient for younger professions. Let’s adopt the new Bye-lawso A�rac�ng Members through Public Rela�ons

RETENTION The reason for people drop membership are: i. Lack of engagement within the club ii Difficulty in communica�ng the value of benefits iii. Difficulty in a�rac�ng/retaining younger members iv Economy/Cost of membership


- The rule of engagement must change - Approach to young professional men and women must take cognizance of their inclina�ons. ONE HOUR MEETINGS. PROLONGED MEETINGS IS A DISINCENTIVE TO YOUNG PEOPLE.

SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES INCLUDE • Regular ly recogniz ing members for their achievements • Keeping members involved in club projects and ac�vi�es • Encouraging members to take on club leadership roleso Informing and Orienta�ng our New Members (New Member Informa�on Kits) including Mentoring.o Educa�ng and mo�va�ng Exis�ng Members WE CARE is an important tool for Reten�on. Let’s con�nue to Apply it through our WE CARE GROUPSo R e g u l a r l y ke e p m e m b e r s e n g a g e d a n d knowledgeable – STAR – Special Training for Ac�on in Rotary RLI Training. Let more New and old members go for RLI Trainingo Prepare members for future Roles to maintain smooth leadership transi�on. 5 MINS ROTARY INFO EVERY


ACTION IS NEEDED NOW - OUR CLUB MUST CONTINUE TO CHANGE ITS CULTURE. Social media marke�ng and adver�sing efforts are important, but our club must be open and willing to make changes necessary to a�ract younger members.Engaging prospec�ve members and current members in our club in an ongoing process, we need to build rela�onship before asking prospec�ve members to join• Open service projects• Invite non Rotarians including Rotaractors Interactors and Rotary alumni , family and friends to par�cipate in Clubs events to maximise impact and expand community awareness.

Let’s always remember the 7 ACTION STEPS: IDENTIFY, INTRODUCE, INVITE, INDUCT, INFORM, ORIENT, INVOLVE AND EDUCATE.Our next C IN C will improve our winning ways to achieve our ‘MISSION TO RETAIN” so everyone needs to par�cipate ac�vely. INTRODUCE SOMEONE.THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION!!!

Yours in Rotary ServiceAdeniji Raji (mni)Governor 1997-98

PHOTO REEL 22, January 2020





22, January 2020


Some�me in the middle of Year 1999, I was becoming fed up with my state in life. I was

consistently broke; my work was becoming uninteres�ng and everything was sta�c.

Amid all that, I came across a job vacancy adver�sement placed by the Bri�sh High Commission

(in Nigeria) in a newspaper, I was qualified in ALL respects but one. Applicants were required to

show evidence of humanitarian work or ac�vi�es and/ or membership of an NGO. I had no such

creden�als and I belonged to no NGO. But I remembered that my cousin, Doctor Deinde Shoga had men�oned something

about Rotary. So, the next morning, a Saturday, I paid him a visit.

"What is this your Rotary thing?", I asked him; he didn't get upset or angry with me, rather he went to great lengths to explain

Rotary to me. He told me the District Governor was paying a visit to their club and showed me the gi� he had bought for the

DG. He said the Club President had been appointed a Commissioner in Osun State and that he was ac�ng on his behalf most

of the �me.

He invited me to their mee�ng at OLATUNJI HOUSE, Ilupeju. The following Wednesday, I went, I was warmly received, I liked

the crowd and I enjoyed myself.


Because I became convinced, I had been missing so much all my life. In no �me, I was interviewed.

I passed and the "distant" Club President insisted on induc�ng me. Guess what? PP Layi Oyeduntan is the husband of my

primary school classmate, sister and friend...Dupe Oyeduntan. I was among family.

You needed to be with the Gbagada crowd... PDG Raji, Past DGs Adewunmi, Shoga, Shodipo, Onalaja, Eboda, Odutayo,

Oredein, Ayanwale...... We rocked.

I will forever cherish the nights when I gave rides to the Charter President, Pa Adenuga Taiwo and mama because I lived in

Pedro and they lived in Obanikoro. Baba was a rich man by all standards, but you know driver problem and all that; his two

children who are now with us and have gone on to serve as Club Presidents were not Rotarians at that point in �me. We had

to go and turn at Jibowu to go home and Pa Adenuga Taiwo would regale me with stories and words of advice on our trip


The most important aspect of it all however was, and s�ll is, the OPPORTUNITY TO BE OF SERVICE TO HUMANITY.

To be of help to people you would probably never meet in your life, within your community, beyond your community and

even beyond the shores of Nigeria.

And, the opportunity to be a ci�zen of the world? Oh! I have taken my wife to Denmark, Sweden and Portugal for

conven�ons. I have received (is it acquired?) American visa three �mes.

The first �me, in 2005, they even gave my then 18 year- old son!!!

Rotary is good.

I was privileged to serve as Club President in the Rotary Year-2007-2008 when our signature project which became the

signature project of the District 9110 was the LN-4 ar�ficial hand project.

We touched lives and we made waves!

I have since served as Assistant Governor, overseeing 3 clubs in the Service Year of PDG Balogun.

If you want to give back to society, if you want to thank God for His goodness to you, Rotary is the place to be.

Or what would you say of a club or associa�on where you can combine fun with doing good?

This is my Rotary Story

Past Asst. Governor Muyiwa Matuluko



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