Post on 15-Feb-2016






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text abt astro


cofee with sunil/dharmesh mehtajup will 2,5,7,9,11 3asp, 2ownership grows gradually, 11 house fulfilment of the expectations and desire, 3 house start of the desire, 5 house unexpected gain chandra budh tare marge floating, House occupied by chandra and budh things always floating, guru shukra samipatre, bank of opposite, go and take bhoum shani dure dure u have to chase them, surya swa sthane sthira by C S Patel, mostly from tajik nilkanthi, pt Neelakanth Shashtri, 83 yrs old, varanasi, vyakarana, mimansa, tarka , tantra , hasta shashtra, jyotish , kamakoti ashram, bhattacharya hastashashtri, umeshchandra sharma near konark temple, pitru dosha, sade sati, 10 h se parampara, 10 l with paapgrrah ke saath 6 or 12 me, father is criminal, no pitru dosha et all, budh sukra in 2nd, 4 7 10 lords, ardhabhukh rahu in 2nd h, dasha does give only half result, gomed, batuk bhairav mantra, durga saptasati, upsargashani ista deva, dakshina kali pooja 4000 mantra, vakri shani 5h 8h bad mati bhram, rishi mantra, 2nd h anishta chintan, kala jadu,chandra md, paap graha antaradasha pati in 6 and 8 gets kala jadutea with dhaval mumbai samacharin astro vastu, sun karaka for agni, venus for electrification, lights, which can beautify, moon conj ketu (grahana yoga) create disturbance, nearest planet venus, asp venus and navamash, in prashna kundali11deg north anticlockwise, see the deg of mars 11.03, planet connected to drainage line is saturn, todays din pati is Saturn (day Saturn), naala near house, navamash, sat trine rahu, premise is made on naala, placement of vastu as per astrology, geometric center, gravity centre, ketuhas a infrared source of power on eighth hosuse from itself, and connected with cracks, replace tile and put some red mud of garden and again finish, mars, yantras in housemercury windowjupitor pujarahu mirrorroad side tea stall astro on retrogradationstationary sat is good, 678 from sun stationary or retrograde

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