23 things cambridge (cam23)

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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A race through the first 6 weeks of the Cambridge 23 things programme looking at web 2.0 tools and libraries. Ends with my tribute to the Sound of music!


The 23 things programme in Cambridge libraries:

My journey so far

LK – a cam23er

The beginning …

There was a call to the librarians of Cambridge University – join a programme to explore web 2.0 tools.

Over 100 of us responded.

What’s it all about

The programme is:“designed to help you become

familiar with new and developing technologies, which will be useful not only for you and your career but also for the library you work in.”

From http://23thingscambridge.blogspot.com/p/frequently-asked-questions.html

Getting Started

The wonderful 23 things Cambridge blog at http://23thingscambridge.blogspot.com/

instructs us each Monday on what our tasks are for the week. Two new things a week to explore, create and most importantly blog about.

Week one – gently does it

We started with an igoogle page, the base camp for launching our things, including thing 2, RSS feeds

Week two – who will still be here for week three

• The BLOG! Would I have anything to say, would anyone care and how difficult would it be. Just start and then it gets easier. My version 2 blog – updated design at http://23thingsventured.blogspot.com/

Week three – organisation is the key

• Getting organised with calendars and doodle – and a chance to meet other cam23ers – do we need a secret hand shake?

Week 4 - tweeting

Time to twitter at #cam23 and explore a whole new world of tweets

Week 5 – snap, snap

Flickr and libraries (image from flickr by jhoweaa), chance to explore and discover how libraries are using the resource.

Week 6 - sliding

Slideshare and the reason for this. Great place to load presentations from conferences and training sessions. And my tribute to cam23

Where to next…

Things are getting delicious and moving towards facebook and youtube and more.

Move on for my tribute to The Sound of Music[Image from Flickr, taken by Rennett Stowe ]

Some of my favourite things …

Meetings on doodle and chatting on twitter,

some igoogle pages and blogs where we witter,

bright flickr images fit for a king,these are a few of my favourite [23]


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