23399364 ultimate sweaty palm cure

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  • 8/8/2019 23399364 Ultimate Sweaty Palm Cure


  • 8/8/2019 23399364 Ultimate Sweaty Palm Cure



    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    ContentsDisclaimer ................................................................................................................................................ 3

    Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

    Iontophoresis........................................................................................................................................... 6

    Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

    How to make it ........................................................................................................................................ 9

    Using the device .................................................................................................................................... 12

    Reversing the polarity ........................................................................................................................... 13

    How my device looks like ...................................................................................................................... 15

    You might notice this ............................................................................................................................. 16

    Maintenance phase ............................................................................................................................... 17

    It's not working ...................................................................................................................................... 18

    FAQ ........................................................................................................................................................ 19

    Other tips and additional info ............................................................................................................... 21

    Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 22

    Please send me an email about your experience with this system to:


  • 8/8/2019 23399364 Ultimate Sweaty Palm Cure



    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.


    First I'd like to thank you for giving this system a chance and I'm sure you'll be really satisfied with the


    That being said you have to understand I'm not a medical doctor and the information in this ebook

    should not be understood as medical advice.

    Also, even though this has worked for hundreds of people without any side effects I cannot

    absolutely guarantee you won't experience any either.

    The ebook should be considered strictly informational.

  • 8/8/2019 23399364 Ultimate Sweaty Palm Cure



    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.


    Right now I'm guessing your palms are sweating as you are reading this very text and if they aren't

    I'm sure they'll start sweating in the next few minutes simply because I'm directing your attention to


    I know how frustrating can that be because you know that the second you start thinking about it you

    feel that rush of tingling feeling on your palms and you know it's just a matter of seconds before

    you'll have sweat pouring from your palms.

    Well my intention is not to torture you but to show you that there is a cure that's been discovered

    just lately which can help you get rid of your sweaty palms once and forever.

    I remember the first time I realized that my condition had a "name". I found out it's called

    hyperhidrosis and that only about 1% of population suffers for one or another form of it. Soon I'vestarted noticing just how many cures are being offered out there.

    After self-diagnosing I went to visit my dermatologist to see if there is something he could do. He

    confirmed that my sweat glands were bigger than normal and that indeed I'm suffering for


    I really had my hopes high but after questioning him for almost half an hour it got more and more

    clear he won't be able to help me.

    I was told that there is only one solution which is called treatment with botulinom toxin where they

    inject you the botox which keeps you from sweating for about 6-10 months. After that you have to

    come for a new treatment.

    It sounded good until I realized that my insurance doesn't cover procedures like that and that I

    should pay for it. The price: $1500 for one treatment.

    Things like botox injections sounded like a cure sent from heaven however the second I saw the price

    for one treatment my heart literally stopped for a beat or two. And allegedly it's a living hell to go

    through the procedure.

    That didn't stop me from searching for other solutions. I've read about endoscopic thoracic

    sympathectomy (ETS) and fantasized just how much will my life be easier after the procedure.

    Doctors were explaining how ETS is the ultimate cure for hyperhidrosis, but they also faced me

    with the harsh reality.

    A great percentage of people who go through with this procedure experience side effects that make

    their life even worse than how it was prior to it. They experience things like facial sweating, excess

    sweating on their backs etc.

    Not something I'd be prepared to risk happen to me.

    After that I've found how special antiperspirants can help you get rid of your palmar hyperhidrosis.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    This method seemed like something that could work and I've got myself the 20% AlCl solution but

    I soon got disappointed because it just wouldn't work for me no matter what.

    It's been said that it might work for people with low to mild sweating problems. But even for those

    that it does work it loses its effect in time.

    Among dozens and dozens of methods I've seen, just one produced consistent results without any

    side effects.

    It's been called iontophoresis and it's basically a method where you put your palms in water

    through which low voltage electricity passes and in time it completely cures hyperhidrosis. It just

    sounds too good to be true.

    This led me to start researching it more and more and after reading dozens and dozens of reportsfrom people who bought an iontophoresis machine and got rid of hyperhidrosis I got hooked!

    I knew that there is a way to get rid of it without painful injections or invasive surgeries.

    There was a downside to this method too. The average device costs $2000-$4000.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.


    Here is what's written about it on wikipedia:

    "Iontophoresis is a non-invasive method of propelling high concentrations of a charged

    substance, normally medication or bioactive agents, transdermally by repulsive electromotive force

    using a small electrical charge applied to an iontophoretic chamber containing a similarly charged

    active agent and its vehicle. To clarify, one or two chambers are filled with a solution containing an

    active ingredient and its solvent, termed the vehicle. The positively charged chamber, termed the

    anode will repel a positively charged chemical, while the negatively charged chamber, termed the

    cathode, will repel a negatively charged chemical into the skin.

    Iontophoresis is well classified for use in transdermal drug delivery. Unlike transdermal patches,

    this method relies on active transportation within an electric field. In the presence of an electric

    field electromigration and electroosmosis are the dominant forces in mass transport. These

    movements are measured in units of chemical flux, commonly mol/cm2h. "

    Okay so that might tell you something or it might make you even more confused.

    Basically the iontophoresis is applying positive electric current to one container filled with water

    and negative electric current to another container which is also filled with tap water.

    The containers aren't connected between each other's aside from having the electric charge

    passing through them when you put your hands in the containers.

    This is as basic as it gets.

    It's been proven by the medical community that iontophoresis is the most safe, the least invasive

    solution and at the same time one of the most effective treatments available at this moment.

    The funny thing is that no one really knows the exact process that stops your palms from sweating.

    There are a few interesting theories floating around but I guess that we'll just have to wait to get

    the real answer to this question.

    So, yes, iontophoresis really is the "magical cure" for sweaty palms but there is a little problem

    with all the devices. They cost a small fortune!

    The funny thing is that they all work on the same SIMPLE principle.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    Even the most complex and the most expensive iontophoresis can be boiled down to these simple


    1. a power source

    2. a few wires wires

    3. two aluminum containers

    4. tap water

    That's it. That really is the core of how every single iontophoresis machine on this world is built.

    You must be wondering if the device is so simple, why do the companies who are making them

    charging thousands of dollars for this design.

    The harsh truth I've learned while studying Economics is that every market works on two simple

    forces: demand and supply.

    With hyperhidrosis there is a small demand but the people who want it are prepared to do almost

    anything to get rid of this horrible condition. The social embarrassment, the wet handshakes, the

    handholding and everything else that's so normal for most people is a true struggle for us.

    To finally be able to live like normal social beings we'd be prepared to pay thousands to cure it. The

    companies making iontophoresis machines are well aware of this fact. They are well aware exactly

    how can they abuse this need we have.

    Fortunately I've found a solution for this by researching how specifically are the iontophoresis

    machines made and I've created one from scratch.

    To my surprise it was really easy to construct one. I needed to buy three 6V batteries, a wire and

    aluminum pans. And the most important fact: it worked like a charm. After only 10 days I got

    completely rid of my palmar hyperhidrosis.

    You can imagine how happy I was when I could finally shake hands with confidence, hold hands

    without being anxious and generally being more confident and getting a higher self esteem.

    By now literally hundreds of people used this very design and 95%+ got completely rid of


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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.


    Iontophoresis has been around for quite some years and so far there are almost no reports of side


    The only side effect that I know of is that your hands might get slightly red/itchy right after the

    treatment but the redness and the itching usually disappears in 10-30 minutes and in some rare

    cases it might disappear in a few hours.

    However that doesn't mean that iontophoresis does not have any side effects. Because of the

    nature of the treatment it's not suggested to use it on sensitive skin. Especially on facial skin.

    Also, it's not recommended for people with any other serious conditions, including (but not limited

    to) people with epilepsy, people that are in danger of heart attacks, people with heart stimulators

    (pacemakers), people with skin conditions, pregnant mothers and children under age of ten.

    If for any reason you aren't sure if it's safe for you to use it contact your doctor.

    You must also know that the device is only safe when it's properly used and created exactly on the

    following instructions (next chapter).

    Knowing that too high of a voltage might be dangerous it's smart to know that we will be using

    voltages lower then 24V (lantern batteries) which are safe.

    The thing is that even though amperages higher then 70mA can be deadly you have to understand

    that voltages lower then 24V from lantern batteries simply aren't NEARLY as strong to provide the

    needed strength to make them dangerous.

    Keep in mind that lantern batteries have a lot higher internal resistance then for example car

    batteries. This is why lantern batteries aren't dangerous (when using at low voltage) and car

    batteries can be dangerous. Also, our bodies have high resistance too and this is why our hands

    will pull low amperage from the current.

    This is really simplified but I hope you get the big picture.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    This should cost you $10-20 depending on where you live. If you can't get 6V batteries then two

    9V will work too.

    Connect the three batteries like this: use the first wire and attach it to the minus of the first


    Then take the second wire and connect the plus from the first battery with the minus of the second

    battery. After that connect the third wire with the plus of the second battery and the minus of the

    third battery.

    And when you did that connect the last fourth wire with the plus of the last battery.

    This should look like this example:

    Now fill the two aluminum containers/plates with warm tap water.

    When you are done with that connect the part of the first wire that's not connected anywhere to

    the first container.

    After that connect the fourth wire to the second container. Make sure that the containers aren't

    touching each others as they aren't on the picture on the next page.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    Your device should look like this:


    Notice that there is a red arrow indicating that the pans aren't touching each other's and

    be careful you connect the wires exactly how it's shown on the picture.

    Don't forget to pour water in the pans even though it's not in them on the picture.

    Now depending on the type of the water you have you might need to add a small pinch of baking

    soda in each plate with water.

    You will need to add it if you have so called "soft" water which means that the conductivity will be

    smaller and the treatment won't be as effective.

    So how can you know if your water is soft? With 18V and hard water you should feel a really mild

    "shock" when you'll put your palms in it and a barely noticeable tingling feeling in your palms.

    If you don't feel any of these then try adding a small amount, just a pinch, of baking soda or salt

    and see if you can feel the tingling after that.

    Before using the device read the next chapter.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    Using the device

    Read these instructions really carefully before using the device or you might go through the

    treatment without any effects.

    Now that your device is connected follow these simple steps.

    0. Make sure that there is enough water in the containers so that your palms can float without

    touching the bottom of the containers.

    1. Put your left palm in the left container.

    2. Put your index finger of the right palm in the right container.

    3. Slowly put in other fingers and your whole palm (take about 30 seconds for this step).

    4. Let your palms float in the water for 10 minutes.

    5. After 10 minutes pull out your hands and dry them with a towel.

    6. Reverse the polarity (read how to do it in the next chapter).

    7. Put your palms in the containers for next 10 minutes.

    8. After the 10 minutes pull your hands out the water, dry them and disconnect the first and fourth

    wire from the containers, pour out the water and dry the containers with a towel.

    Do this procedure once a day for 12 days and you should start seeing improvements by day 10. By

    day 12 your palms should completely stop sweating.

    Don't forget to remove all rings from your fingers etc.


    If you are in a hurry you can do the treatment at morning and before going to sleep. This way you

    will get rid of sweaty palms in 6 days. It's not recommended to do it more than twice a day

    because the procedures may get painful because of the sensitivity of the skin.

    Before actually doing the procedure read the next chapter on how to reverse the polarity because

    this step is essential for this procedure to work.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    Reversing the polarity

    This has to be done after the first half of the procedure to ensure that it stays effective.

    Every time you do the procedure you have to do it for 20 minutes combined. Ten minutes on one

    polarity and ten minutes on reversed polarity.

    What does this mean?

    It simply means that after the first 10 minutes of the procedure you have to disconnect the wires

    from the containers and instead of having the first wire connected to left container you connect it

    to the right container (step 1.).

    After doing that you connect the fourth wire to the left container (step 2.).

    Here is how this looks:

    STEP 1.

    Step 2. is on the next site.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    Step 2.

    Just make sure your wires are not touching on the point where they are crossing each other if they

    are not wrapped in plastics.

    After you've done the switch do the last 10 minutes of the treatment.

    Before actually starting the procedure I highly suggest you read the chapter about things you

    might notice and be surprised by them even though they are completely normal.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    How my device looks like

    Here I will show you how you can make iontophoresis even without clips.

    On the left you can see that the wire was simply "tucked" in the alu foil. On the right you can see

    how you clip the part of the alu foil.

    On this picture I'm also using two 9V batteries which is just my personal preference but I've

    noticed that three 6V batteries work better for the majority of people so I suggest you use that.

    You have to be very careful that the batteries are properly positioned, that the wires are actually

    touching the alu foil and the batteries and that the plates aren't touching each other.

    You can also notice I'm using a towel under the pans and that's because sometimes water will spill

    over a bit and the towel helps with that.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    You might notice this

    - A slight shock when putting your palms in.

    Don't worry! This is completely normal and happens with 60-70% of people especially if your water

    is "hard" (has a lot of minerals in it). To minimize it don't touch the bottom of the containers.

    - A slight shock at random times among the treatment.

    Again, no need to worry. It happens with 10-20% of people. Just pull your palms out of the water

    and work your way into it slowly in a few seconds.

    - Strong tingling feeling that might be a bit irritating.

    This happens with 20-30% of people because of various reasons. Some people's bodies conduct

    electricity better, your water might be extremely hard, the batteries vary a bit from producer to

    producer, etc. If you can't stand the strength of tingling try using just two batteries and go back to

    using three after a few procedures.

    - Redness in your palms.

    This is completely normal and should go away in less than a couple of hours.

    - Your palms stop sweating right after the very first treatment.

    This effect happens for unknown reasons. Usually your palms will start sweating in a few hours.

    - You feel a stronger initial shock after you reverse the polarity.

    This happens to most people and is completely normal. Try putting just one finger of each hand in

    the containers and working your way into them after that.

    - Your palms start sweating even more after 2nd or 3rd treatment.

    In 40-50% of cases your palms will in fact start sweating a lot more then normally. The effect will

    go away in a few days and will not have an impact on your procedure. This usually happens from

    3-5 day of doing this procedure.

    - You notice that only one part of your palm is dry while the skin around it is still sweating.

    This usually happens after 8 or 9 days of the procedure and after a few days you'll palms will get

    completely dry.

    - Your fingertips are still sweating.

    Make sure that your fingers aren't touching the bottom of the containers. Also, do two or three

    more procedures even if 99% of your palms is completely dry.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    Maintenance phase

    When you'll see that your palms are completely dry (at around 10-12 procedure) you'll have to

    keep on doing this once every few weeks which is called "the maintenance phase".

    The beauty of this procedure is that when your palms are completely dry you don't need to do it

    over and over again every single day for the rest of your life but depending on a person you will

    probably need to do it only once every two to three weeks.

    With me the effects of iontophoresis after my palms get completely dry hold for about 22 days.

    After that the sweating returns pretty quickly.

    You'll notice that with you the effects of the procedures might stick for more time. With some

    people however it lasts less time.

    Depending on how long do your procedures last you'll have to do the maintenance phase once

    every week, once every two weeks or once every three weeks.

    The key to success with this is to be flexible. Notice what interval works the best for you and stick

    to it.

    In some rare cases people need to do maintenance every 4-5 days. But even in that case I find it a

    low price that you have to pay to get rid of your sweating. Just think about it. You will have to

    dedicate just 20 lousy minutes every 5 to 20 days to this technique and you'll be free of sweating

    for as long as you'll wish.

    That's even less than a proper shower. And you have to shower every day whereas you have to do

    this only once every few weeks or maybe days.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    It's not working

    If after 12 procedures you see no improvement whatsoever study this list and try to apply a few of

    these tips.

    1. For some people 18V is simply too low. About 20% of people need 24V for this technique to be

    effective. Connect another battery to this device the same way as you connected the three


    2. Try adding a small pinch of baking soda every time you do the procedure. This will heighten the

    conductivity of the water and make the procedure more effective.

    3. Try switching the procedures to 15 minutes each polarity.

    4. Make sure your palms are floating.

    5. If you are doing it only once every few days try doing it every single day for 12 days.

    6. I know that this might sound like a stupid question but are you sure that everything is properly


    7. Maybe you got really lousy batteries, try buying another brand.

    8. Instead of using three 6V you can try using two 9V batteries.

    9. And if everything failed up to now send me an email.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.


    1.) Will I experience compensatory sweating?

    No, you most probably won't.

    2.) Can I use this for feet too?

    Yes, you can. Feet are less sensitive so you might not feel any tingling, however that does not

    mean it's not working. Give it 8-12 days.

    3.) I stop feeling the tingling feeling after a few minutes in the procedure, is that normal?

    Yes, it's completely normal. Sometimes you'll feel it for the whole time and sometimes just for the

    first few minutes.

    4.) Do I have to submerge my hands fully or can I just have half the thickness of my palms


    Half is enough. But with some people their hands partially sweat on the upper side of the hand, so

    in that case it's suggested to fully submerge them.

    5.) Is it possible that 12V would be enough for me?

    Yes, in fact there are quite some people who find 12V enough. You can play around with it and see

    what works the best for you.

    6.) How long do the batteries last?

    If they are of good quality they should last for a few months at least.

    7.) Can I use plastic containers?

    You can but make sure that the wires are placed in the water.

    8.) I have a cut on my palm and it hurts when I put it in the water, can I do anything about it?

    Yes, put vaseline/petroleum jelly on it, that should help.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    9.) Is there a way I can keep my fingers from touching the bottom of the containers?

    Yes, you can put washcloth on the bottom.

    10.) Can I use this for my facial sweat?

    It's not recommended and you would need a different design of the device.

    11.) This is extremely painful and I can't stand it. Can I do anything about it?

    Try using only one 6V battery for a few days and move to two batteries after that and then to


    12.) My palms are too dry right now, I don't feel comfortable with it.

    Use hand moistening crme and start doing maintenance less frequently.

    13.) My palms started sweating again after a few months of maintenance, what can I do?

    Do the first regimen of 12 procedures again and do the maintenance a bit more frequently.

    14.) Will this keep my hands dry even if I'm super anxious?

    Yes, absolutely.

    15.) Only one of my palms got dry while the other one still keeps on sweating.

    Are you sure you are reversing the polarity correctly? If you are, I'd suggest you add a pinch of

    baking soda in the container for the palm that keeps sweating.

    16.) I can not find similar aluminum containers as you suggest, is there an alternative?

    Yes, you can use large plates and cover them with aluminum foil.

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    Copyright Andy Goodman 2009 You may not copy, reproduce, post or forward this document in any format.

    Other tips and additional info

    1. Diary

    Lead a detailed diary of treatments. Write how many did you do, when did they start working, whatvoltage are you using, how much of a shock do you feel (if any), how long does the tingling feeling

    persist etc. This will help you understand how should you use it to get the best results possible.

    2. Batteries

    If you buy 6V batteries they'll usually last up to 8 months of treatments but if you buy two 9V

    batteries they usually last 6-7 months depending on many factors.

    3. Itching and redness

    If you can't stand the itching, redness and the intensity of the current I suggest you use this regimen:

    First treatment: one 6V battery. Second treatment: one 6V battery. Third treatment: two 6V

    batteries. Fourth treatment: two 6V batteries. Fifth treatment: three 6V batteries. Sixth treatment

    and for the next 8-11 treatments: three 6V batteries.

    Thing is, if you use lower voltage at the start it will be a lot easier to start using higher voltages. It

    also helps a lot of you distract yourself during the treatments by watching television or listening tomusic.

    4. 12+ treatments

    Sometimes 10-12 treatments simply isn't enough and you'll need to do up to 16 treatments before

    seeing any improvement with your sweating. Even with myself, and I've been doing these treatments

    for really long I usually need only 10 treatments but sometimes I'll need up to 16. It happens due to

    the different water you might use etc.

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    I have to congratulate you for making your way to the very end of this short eBook. Now it's time

    you put this knowledge to use and get rid of those sweaty palms.

    I'll never forget the day when this design worked and helped me get rid of my sweaty palms.

    I cannot express just how great I feel for knowing that you will get rid of this condition too.

    And, of course, I encourage you to share your success story, or a testimonial

    with me, so you could also inspire others and help them, like I have hopefully

    helped you.

    Good luck,

    Andy Goodman


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