28dec07e-mailrelease barstow part1

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1




    Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PAThursday, May 18. 2006 16:34civ, OASD-PALawrence, Dallas , OASD-PA;Re: mil analyst can

    hi. ltc maka just advised that rodman would like to do a call on monday with the analysts reothe china militaryreport. i know that jed babbin will be allover it, but not sure how much more interest we will get. more thanhappy to set it up with your ok . will send out the invite tomorrow and then remind them on monday morning?thanks

    OSD Public AffairsCommunity Relations and Public LiaisonThe PentagonWashington, D.C. 20301

    OSD Public Affairs

    -----Orisz inal Message-----From: CIV, OASD-PATo : Barber, Allison , CIV, OASD-PACC: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA;Sent: ThuMay 18 16:21:37 2006Subject: mil analyst call

    Let 's give it a shot.


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    RIBrian MakaLTC. USArmyOffice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public AffairsThe Pentagon, RoomWashlnaton. DC 20301-1400

    Ma'am, As part of the rool-out plan for the upcoming China Military Power Report we would like to conduct a session withavailable military analysts and Mr. Peter Rodman. I starting to coordinate I realized that I have inadvertently left you out.With your approval, I would like to set this up through for Monday, May 22 at 9:45-10:30 a.m.

    Maka, Brian, LTC. OASDPAThursday, May 18, 2006 15:50Barber, Allison , CIV. OASD-PAMilitary Analyts


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    Hi there

    Dallas B. LawrenceDirector, Office ofCommunity Relations & Public Liaison United States Department ofDefense

    Hi there . Can you get me the email from legal that blessed this about 5months ago? As I recall you were theconduit that we got it through. Thanks. III do tjhe dorrance memo.

    Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PAThursday, May 18, 2006 10:36, CIV, OASD-PA; Barber. Allison, CIV, OASDPARE: TravefMemo

    Thank you!!!!

    -----Original Message-v-e-From : Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PAprovided - W-Ith pertinent poucy tnat ne can rererence. Mope to near oacx rrom rum soon.

    Allison/DallasI've worked up a draft memo for Dorrance's signature and just forwarded it to for a review. I alsoprovided with pertinent policy that he can reference. Hope to hear back from him soon.

    Can you find the memo we had signed by the lawyers so we could put analysts on travel? The bottomline is Ineed a brief, formal memo for dorrance to sign that says military members attending being recognized at thememorial day events will be allowed to bring on e guest . The travel and accommodations for the militarymember and the guest will be paid for by the dod.

    -----Original Message---From: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PATo: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASent : Thu May 18 08: 10:46 2006Subject: travel memo

    -----Original Message-v-e-From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASent: Thursday, May 18,20068:14 AMTo: eIV,OASD-PASubject: Fw: travel memo

    -----Original Message-c-o-From: CIY,OASD-PASent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:20 AMTo: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASubject: Travel Memo


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    on it before I give it to dorrance. Would like to get dorrance to sign it this afternoon.



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    Alexandria. Virginia 22314-2007

    Roxie T.MerrittOffice of the Deputy Assistant SecretaryofDefense for Public Affairs (Internal Communications)U.S.Department ofDefense

    "This position would lead our Global War on Terror "Key Influencer Engagement Strategy", This person willlead and develop the Department ofDefense's efforts to boost our communications strategies by tapping into thethere may be some other options as wentnat WOULO giveus me appropriate vfl"Slams cooesror oiuenng andtransportation so she will keep hunting some solutions for us.

    Barber. Allison, elV, OASDPATuesday, May 16. 2006 16:35Merritt, Roxie. AFIS-HQRE: Temp SES for taking groups to Iraq/Afghan istan.

    Pefect.Thanksab----Original Message----From: Merritt, Roxie , AFIS-HQSent: Tuesday, May 16, 20064:23 PMTo: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PASubject: FW: Temp SES for taking groups to Iraq/Afghanistan.

    "This position would lead our Global War on Terror "Key Influencer Engagement Strategy", This person willlead and develop the Department ofDefense's efforts to boost our communications strategies by tapping into theinfluencer audience and reducing our reliance on mass communications. By deliberately building relationshipsbetween senior DoD/military leaders and key influencers like media analysts and think tanks , it increases ourability to quickly and credibly disseminate strategy messages. This position needs to be of sufficient rank. (SES)to engage with flag officers and policy-level decision-makers and successfully leverage assets to manage aprogram that requires international travel into key war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition to beingable to secure the appropriate high-level briefings from top GWOT leaders, this individual would also need tohave sufficient seniority levels for securing dedicated inter-theater airlift and billeting."

    I spoke vlith . about options on temp appointments to SES for the purpose of leading ourengagement strategy with key influencers (taking analysts to Iraq/Afghanistan). There may be some otheroptions and, she is exploring those, but to use the temporary appointment option, there needs to be an existingposition to temporarily promote into. It may be possible to rotate through currently unused billets in theorganization that we could use on an interim basis (kind oflike a shell game). To get her started she asked for abrief description ofwhat this individual would be doing and I provided her the below paragraph. Like I said,there may be some other options as well that would give us the appropriate VIP status codes for billeting andtransportation so she will keep hunting some solutions for us.

    email: roxie.merritt@-----Original Message----From: Merritt , Roxie , AFIS-HQSent : Tuesdav. Mav 16.20063 :39 PMTo:Subject: RE: Temp Promotion


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    will something like this work?This position would lead our Global War on Terror "Key Influencer Engagement Strategy", This person willlead and develop the Department of Defense's efforts to boost our communications strategies by tapping into theinfluencer audience and reducing our reliance on mass communications. By deliberately building relationshipsbetween senior DoD/military leaders and key influencers like media analysts and think tanks, it increases ourability to quickly and credibly disseminate strategy messages. This position needs to be of sufficient rank (SES)to engage with flag officers and policy-level decision-makers and successfully leverage assets to manage aprogram that requires international travel into key war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition to beingable to secure the appropriate high-level briefings from top GWOT leaders, this individual would also need tohave sufficient seniority levels for securing dedicated inter-theater airlift and billeting.Roxie T. MerrittOffice of the Deputy Assistant Secretary ofDefense for Public Affairs (Internal Communications) U.S.Department ofDefenseAlexandria, Virginia 22314-2007

    email: roxie.merritt@m--Original MessalZe--mFrom: A&MPOMSent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 3:00 PMTo: Merr itt, Roxie, AFIS-HQSubject: Temp Promotion

    Roxie, could you send me a few words, maybe a short paragraph about theTo: Merr itt, Roxie, AFIS-HQSubject: Temp Promotion

    Roxie, could you send me a few words, maybe a short paragraph about theduties this person would perform? The "easy" part about Jim Turner's temppromotion was that there was an existing position to promote him into and,as I said, it was GS to GS, not GS to SES...Ifwe can put the duties onpaper, we can better speak to the Executive personnel office about why weneed to make this happen or it may give them enough info to come up withanother solution. thanks, nancy

    HC&OM/NSPS ManagerOASD/Public Affairs & AFIS


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    MilitaryAnalysts 4 21 06 (2).doc

    MJUtaryAnalysts42106 (2).d... I' t:: . Bottom me: Straightforward comments, essentially supportive.

    MilitaryAnalysts 4 21 06 (2).doc

    AFIS-HQ/PIAFriday, April 21. 2006 13:45Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASO-PARuff, Eric. SES. OSO; Barber, Allison , CIV , OASO-PA; Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASO-PA: OiRita , Larry; Thorp, Frank, ROML, OASD-PA; Richard , Joseph, Col OASD-PA;JSMC. OASD-PAMore media coverage from the Military Analysts about their Meeting with the Secretary)ubject:


    From:Sent:To :Cc:

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    Military Analysts in Coverage Regarding Their Meeting With The SecretaryApril 19 - 21 (as of 11:00 am on the 21st )

    SummaryRetired Major General Donald W. Shepperd and retired General Tom Wilkerson bothreceived additional airtime on CNN 's Anderson Cooper. They were both on a roundtablediscussion with retired Lieutenant General Dan Christman, generating about 5 minutes ofairtime. Overall, there has been a noticeable drop in coverage of the military analystsmeeting with the Secretary.Comments by Thomas McInerney, William Nash, Jed Babbin and Don Shepperd werereference in the April 19 edition of the National Journal 's Hotline. Out of those four, JedBabbin wrote an article for the Fam ily Security Foundation focused primarily on the"generals' revolt" but referenced Tuesday's meeting.On the issue of the meeting, all of the analysts commented that the Secretary did not actoverly concerned with the criticism and was focused on more pressing matters. They allexpanded their ana lysis to include thoughts concerning the reasons and impact of the 80 -called "generals' revolt" - generally agreeing that the issue of'vruffled feathers" over theSecretary's effort to transform the military probably pLayed a significant role in the publiccriticism.

    Hi2hli2htsJed Babbin

    Calls for the resignation was not the focus of the meeting Babbin essentially argues that the "generals' revolt" is motivated those in thePentagon frustrated by the Secretary's efforts to transform the military At Tuesday meeting, he describes the Seclzef as "relaxed, war, intense,responsive" and more "ebullient" then "beleaguered" He also argues that the so called generals' revolt has "blown itse lf out withoutnoticeable effect"

    Frank B. Campbell No comments found

    (Tim) J . Eads No comments found

    John Garrett No comments found

    OSDPublic Affairs Research and Analysis

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    William Nash

    Jed BabbinSOURCES



    Thomas McInerney

    He pointed out that if the President asked the Secretary to resign it would"abrogate the policy that took him to war" and label the military transformation a"failure"

    National Briefing: RUMSFELD - Cb-Ch-Changes - 19 April 2006(National Journal: The Hotline)According toMcInerney, the calls for Rumsfeld's resignation "came up only briefly."Mcinerney: "We didn't waste the secretary's time with that" (AP, 4/19) .. .McInerney saidthat "much of the meeting" focused on discussions withRumsfeld and Pace about theglobal war on terrorism, and "improving communications about the effort" (Bloomberg,4/18) .

    Donald ShepperdCNN: Anderson Cooper 360 - April 19, 11 :17:53 PM*Note: This clip is a roundtable discussion with Shepperd and two other militaryanalystsCOOPER: General Christman, in the "New York Times" today, Thomas Friedman wroteabout how the perception ofRumsfeld could affect a possible threat from Iran, possible

    National Briefine;: RUMSFELD - Ch-Ch-Chaoe;es - 19 April 2006(National Journal: The Hotline)Ex-Reagan defense official Jed Babbin: "That certainly was not the central focus of themeeting. "

    Keep the Big Dog Runnine - April 20(Family Security Foundation)I was among the military analysts who met with Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Paceand Rumsfeld on Tuesday. I've seen Mr. Rumsfeld when he' s been agitated, pressuredand even a bit down. But on Tuesday, he was relaxed, warm, intense, responsive in hisnormal rapid-fire way and even a bit funny. Ebullient is not the word one normally usesto describe a cabinet officer. But for Mr. Rumsfeld - when I met with him on Tuesday -it was much more accurate description than the New York Times' "beleaguered."

    OSDPublic Affairs Research and Analysis

    National Briefing: RUMSFELD - Cb-Ch-Cbanges - 19 April 2006(National Journal: The Hotline)Nash: "It was a love-in."

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    Yes. Send it.thanks .. .

    CIV ,OASD-PAWednesday, April 19, 2006 17:40Barber , Allison, CIV, OASD-PARe: Military Analysts

    From :n L _ " F _ .-I . .J _

    We will do another sweep on Friday unless you 'd like one earlier.

    Did you see dorrance's email about the daily product? What can I do to help you make that happen fast?

    May we send out the report sent you earlier to our regular distribution or just leave it as is? Thanks, andmy apologies for being late this morning. -

    -----OriginalMessage-c-s-From: Barber, Allison Ms OSD PATo: .CIV, OASD-PASent: Wed Apr 19 17:34:352006Subject: RE: Military Analys ts

    From : _ _CIV, OASD-PASent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 5:27 PMTo: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PASubject: Military Analysts


    Thx. No . J did not see it-probably in my afis email. Will read and send you a followup in a bit.

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    , is the memo from yesterday's analysts' meeting with the Secretary.se let us know if you need anything else.

    Page 1 o

    CfVOASD-PAWednesday , April 19, 2006 13:37Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA

    From:Sent:To:Cc:Subject: Memo on SecDef/mil itary analysts

    Military Analysts 4.19.06.doc

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    Military Analysts in Coverage Rega rd ing Their Meeting With The SecretaryApril 18 -19Summary

    Retired Major General Donald W. Shepperd received the most airtime of the 15 attendingm i 1 i t ~ analysts, generating about 13 minutes of clips on CNN and Headline News onthe 1St Shepperd was followed by: Robert Maginnis, who appeared on MSNBC for approximately three minutes Thomas Mcinerney, who appeared on Fox News for roughly three minutes Tom Wilkerson, who was on CNN's American Morning for about three minutes.

    Wilkerson was also quoted in a front pageNew York Times article by David S.CloudGenerally speaking, all four of the analysts interviewed shared similar views on themeeting. They agreed that: The Secretarywas positive and not overly concerned with the generals' criticism

    The Secretary and General Pace felt they had consulted with mi litary and otherexperts frequently and sufficiently on war strategy/plansThe focus of the meeting was not on the generals' criticism, but on the moreimportant topies at hand regarding Iraq - including forming a new governmentand getting the right messages out to the American publicThe meeting was productive, a chance to share ideas and the Secretary clearlylistened to the analysts

    Don Shepperd provided the most insight on details discussed during the meeting,followed by Torn Wilkerson, while Thomas McInerney focused specifically on theSecretary's concern about setting up an Iraqi government. By comparison, RobertMaginnis spoke less about meeting specifics, including Iraq, and more about thegenerals' criticism of the Secretary.

    HighlightsJed Babbin

    No comments foundFran k B. Campbell No comments found(Tim) J . Eads

    No comments foundJ ohn Gar rettOSDPublic Affairs Research and Analysis


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    Thomas McInerney The Secretary is "very concerned" that an Iraqi government is not yet formed, andknows things will "fall into place" after this happens.

    No comments foundWilliam F. "Buck" Kernan

    No comments foundRobert L. Maginnis Secretary was both "forthcoming ' and "energized"

    Secretary wondered "why these generals didn't, while they were on active duty,push back and ask these questions that they're raising after retirement" General Pace primarily talked about transformation and its necessity Repeated General Pace 's point that troops on ground have not raised concernsabout the civilian leadership and feel that generals do represent their best interestin Washington Pointed out that commanders have plenty of opportunities 10 express theiropinions In response to questions of ' being arrogant and dismissive" Maginnis reported

    that the Secretary was a "tough cookie," but a "reasoning man"JeffMcCausland

    No comments found

    Chuck Nash No comments found

    William L. Nash No comments found

    Robert H. Scales. Jr. No comments found

    Donald W. Shepperd The focus was on Iraq, and "things of concern" around the world - Afghanistan,piracy in the Pacific, things in the Southern Command Little focus on the generals' controversy. However, although the Secretary and

    General Pace were in good moods, the Secretary is "clearly distracted" by it. Heand General Pace are "puzzled" about where it's coming from, as they thoughtthey had been extremely "consultive" about strategy

    The analysts discussed the need to better communicate to the public about theimportance of the war, and a "forward strategy"

    OSDPublic Affa irs Research and Analysis2


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    SourcesRobert L. Maginnis

    Wayne Simmons No comments found


    3SDPublic Affairs Research and Ana lysis

    Martin StronS! No comments found

    The analysts asked what are the next things coming up in terms of a milestone tomark progress - the answer was clearly setting up an Iraqi government andtraining Iraqi security forces General Pace reiterated the level of collaboration on war plans with the generals,combatant commanders, General Franks and others, who all "made their inputs,

    voiced their concerns. . .talked it out .. .we all had a hand in this" The Secretary and General Pace definitely see progress thus far in Iraq, and arehopeful that a new government will be in place soon This was the 16th meeting between the Secretary and analysts, ofwhich theSecretary has attended all but one. The analysts also have regular teleconferenceswith briefers for Iraq background and Qand A sessions

    Tom Wilkerson To call th is is a "firestorm' of criticism is an exaggeration. There are some 78,000 retired Generals The criticism is at least a temporary distraction to the Secretary in that it takestime away from prosecuting the war in Iraq and the global war on terror The criticism misses the point because we are at a crucial stage in the changeneeded to bring Iraq back to self-sufficiency; that's far more important than whathappened in the past to an individual The meeting was a good exchange of views, with tough questions asked The Secretary appeared energized at the meeting rather than chastened The Secretary and General Pace emphasized that the big event to watch for in Iraqis the formation of the government there

    MSNBC: News L ive - April 19, 9:35:48 AM (approximately three minutes)"I've been meeting with Mr. Rumsfeld for over four years prior to the beginning of thewar in Iraq. He 's a tough cookie. He 's a tough debate partner. He 's a tough person whenyou ask a question. If you have your ducks in a row, then you can perhaps win orpersuade him. He's a reasoning person, a very bright person but if you don 't know whatyou're talking about, he's going to push back and rightly so."

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    And the answer was unanimous from both the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff andalso the secretary . It's the formation of the Iraqi government. That's the next importantevent and from there, the continuing training of the Iraqi forces. That 's the message,Wolf.C N ~ Paula Zahn ow, April 18, 8:17:14 PM (approximately 2 minutes)...SHEPPERD: If I could say one other thing about the session, I n I honestly believethat the secretary and the chairman were both puzzled by this reaction from the generals.They didn't expect it. They don't know why. General Pace laid out all of the meetings that-- that the various high-level generals responsible for the war plans attended.They went back and forth, a series of 40, SO , 60 meetings, before they made decisions.They went over all of that. So, I ~ I think they were -- they were puzzled about this.We didn't challenge him from the standpoint, but we did say, look, it is very clear, in theAmerican -- the eyes of the American people, that the impression is, this war is not goingwell. Your -- your message is not getting out. What are you going to do to change themessage? What is the next visible thing that Americans are going to see that can givethem some confidence?

    CNN Headline News 4/18/2006, 6:16:23 PM (approximately two minutes)SHEPPERD: The headline out of the meeting was not what you'd expect. I thought itwould be focused on the Generals ' controversy, which did corne up, but the Secretary didnot seem embattled at all . He was affable, much like the Pentagon press conference thattook place ahead of time. He seemed mystified by all of this and so did General Pace, theChairman of the Joint Chiefs. They said there was plenty of consultation all along theway, plenty of consultation with the Generals and they don't know where this is comingfrom orwhy . . .This is the 16th meeting that Secretary Rumsfeld has invited analysts to. I've been at 12of them. He's been in all about but one of those 12. We have regular teleconferences notwith the Secretary but with various briefers for background, giving us information on thewar and we get a chance to ask questions.


    5SDPublic Affairs Research and Analysis

    C Nts The Situation Room April 18, 5:00 PM (approximately 5.5 minutes) Note: This clip is a roundtable discussion with Shepperd and two other militaryanalystsSHEPPERD: I thought the focus ofour meeting would be on the generals controversycalling for the resignation. He was very upbeat, he was humorous. He appeared verymuch as he did in the press conference. But he was very, very intense,Wolf, as he alwaysis .. .They (the Secretary and General Pace) feel that there's progress. ot light at the end ofthe tunnel. They think it's going to be a long, hard struggle inmany places. But what theysaid unanimously and immediately when we asked the question, what's the next big eventthat's going to take place? They said the formation ofthe Iraqi government is the mostimportant. You can train all the Iraqi troops , but those troops have to be loyal to thegovernment in which the people have confidence. They see that as the next big eventbefore anything else can happen.

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    Tom WilkersonCNN American MorninK - April 19,8:35 AM (approximately three minutes)And one of the things emphasized is the most important thing to come in Iraq is about theformation of that government .. ."Here's Donny" - New York Times - April 19, page 1"He said it's a diversion, and that it's taken him away from the full-time focus on thingshe needs to do," he said. Mr. Rumsfeld "was not chastened. If anything, he looked like hewas energized by it."

    6SDPublic Affairs Research and Analysis

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    Make sure jack keane is invited to tomorrow. He is an ABC analyst.


    just spoke to didn't realize jack isn't on the list. let's invite him as he is local and he has already been talking to themedia. thanks.

    OSDPAMonday, April 17, 2006 13:35Barber, Allison , CIV OA$D-PALawrence, Dallas, OASO-PARE:

    Barber. Allison Ms OSD PAMondav. APril 17,20061 :30 PMOSD PALawrence, Dalas,QASD-PA


    absolutely. since you and i had just talked about it, i asked eric if he had talked to you...and he said he'd send you anema il.thanks

    From: OiRita, Larry, av, OSDsent: Monday, April 17,2006 1:08 PMTo: Ruff, Eric, SES, 050Subject:

    From: Ruff, Eric, SES, OSDsent: Monday,April 17, 20061:18 PMTo: Barber, Allison, ClV, OASD-PAC . .hi... , . . . r:v.J.

    From: Ruff, Eric, SES, OSDsent: Monday,April 17, 20061:18 PMTo: Barber, Allison, ClV, OASD-PASubject: FW:

    HiGo ahead and invite him. On these issues.. when eric direct tasks you.. first ask him if he has mentioned it to me. then ifhe hasn't , which is fine.. you need to let me know asap that he has given you direction. I try to lead in a waywhere peoplecan feel free to work directly with anyone on my staff..but I need to be in the loop because I am the person heldaccountable for these issues.



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    ?Qv," IV"" ' .l gg ..... '"II""""' ...., "" " 1" '-"""-""'-'"1 ... "' " I "'IIiiiII"" n.....''''' 'U'" ..Y I ......... , f _ Y ~ ... w , ,_ 'v " ...... _,,, __ """'-'1 _,,_,}'' ' '.....,. 1._ n.rour defense civilianexpertoutreachandwas invited (but couldn't attend) to ouroutreach2 monthsago. Ifwe cherry picfolkswhoaren't retiredmilitary analysts, wewill need to cast a bigger net.Please letmeknowif there is someoneelse I needto followup onabout thismatter.Thanksab

    Hi steveI got yourmessage about frankGaffney but I can't invitehim tomorrow because he isn't a retiredmilitary analysts . Heisour defense civilianexpert outreachandwas invited (but couldn't attend) to ouroutreach2 monthsago. Ifwe cherry picfolkswhoaren't retiredmilitary analysts, wewill need to cast a bigger net.Please letmeknowif there is someoneelse I needto followup onabout thismatter.Thanks

    Page 1 o

    -----Original Message----From: Barber, Allison MsOSD PA [mailto:Allison.Barber@Sent: Monday, April!7, 2006 11:56 AMTo: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSDCc: Ruff, Eric, SES, OSDSubject: frankgaffney

    From: Bucci, Steven, Dr.,asoSent: Monday , April 17, 2006 11 :58To: Barber, Allison, CIV,OASD-PASubject: RE : frankgaffneyt is finewih me. Butcouldyou guyscall him, explain andmakenice? Hecalls heredirectlyall the time. Thanks.

    . Steven P. 8ucciDirector. Office of Sec:Def

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    CIV, OSDMonday, April 17, 200611:43 AMRichard, Joseph, ColOASD-PAj Capt. USMC, OASD-PAjRead Ahead tor 18April seeDef MeetIngs

    CIV, OSDMonday, April 17, 200611:43 AMRichard, Joseph, ColOASD-PAj Capt. USMC, OASD-PAjRead Ahead tor 18April seeDef MeetIngs


    Page 1 o



    by 1300 Today (4/17).

    CIV, OASD-PAOSD PA; Barber, Allison , CIV. OASO-PA;

    in room

    PA Prep w/Eric RuffOutreach w/MiIltary Analyst

    From :Sent:To:

    Capt. USMC, OASDPAMonday , Apr il 17, 2006 11:52Lawrence, Dallas , OASD-PA;OASD-PA

    Cc: Richard , Joseph , Col OASD-PA;Subject: RE: Read Ahead for 18 April SeeDef MeetingsAttachments: Capt. USMC, OASD-PAvcf


    - 3:15-4 :00

    e Secretary is scheduled to attend the follow ing meetings on 18 Apri l:

    s see below.thx.

    ease deliver the read aheads to

    Fidelis.initary Assistant to the Assistant SecretaryDefense for Public AffairsDefense Pentagoninoton. DC20301-1400

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    TSgt, USAFOffice of the Assistant Secretary of DefensePublic Affairs


    Semper Fidelis.CaptainMilitary Assistant to the Assistant Secretaryof Defense for Public Affairs1400 Defense PentagonWashington, DC 20301-1400

    CIV,OASD-PAand invitehim

    Capt. USMC, OASD-PAvcf

    . Capt. USMC, OASD-PAMonday, April 17, 2006 10:54Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Lawrence. Dallas, OASD-PARichard, Joseph, Col OASD-PA; Ms OSD PA;FW: Dr. Bucci called at 1045. Wants us to call Frank Gaffney atto Mil Analyst gel together 16Apr w/SecDef.

    T'Sgt, OASD-PAMonday, April 17, 200610:50AMcapt. USMC, OASD-PASFC , OASD -PA; av, OASD-PA; Richard, Joseph, Col OASD-PA

    _ ...~ ~ = ~ ~ c a l l e d at 1045. Wants us tocal FrankGaffney at andinvite himto Mil Analyst get together 18AprT'Sgt, OASD-PA

    Monday, April 17, 200610:50AMcapt. USMC, OASD-PASFC , OASD -PA; av, OASD-PA; Richard, Joseph, Col OASD-PADr. Sucd called at 1045. Wants us tocal FrankGaffney at andinvite himto Mil Analyst get together 18Apr






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    3:00pm-3:15 - PAPrepwID. Smith3:15pm-4:00- Outreachwith Military Analysts- RoomTBO3 May1:45pm-2:00 PAPrepwID. Smith2:00pm-2:45- Outreachw/BusinessCouncil - RoomTBO

    CIV,OSDMonday, April 17, 2006 10:14CIV,OSD; . CIV, OSD-LA; YN1 ,OSO;CIV,OSO; CIV_OASO-PA; CIV,QASD-PA ;Whitman. Brvan. SES. OASD-PA; CIV, OASD-PA; . . .OSO; CTR, OSD-P&R: Barber. Allison, CIV. OASD-PA; Ruff, Eric, SES,OSO; Merritt, RoxieT. CAPT, OASO-PA; Capt. USMC, OASO-PA: Lawrence,Dallas,OASO-PA; CIV, OASO-PA; Bucci. Steven. Dr.. OSO:CIV.OASD-PA; Richard. Joseoh. Col OASD-PA: eIV.OSD:LtCol, OSO; CIV, OSD; , CIV, 050 ;CIV, OSO; OSOProtocolAOsTwo Outreach 18April + 3May)

    Outreach for 18April:SUbJect:


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    HiI don't see a time on secdef schedule tomo rrow for the analysts outreach. Can you tell me the windows of opportunity?Thanksab

    Page 1 o

    is fixing all the

    --Origlnal Message----From: Barber, Allison MsOSD PA [mailto :Allison.Barbersent: Monday, Apr l l !7 , 20069:04 AMTo: Ruff, Eric, 5E5, 050; Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSDCC: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASUbject: t Ime tomorrow

    HiI don't see a time on secdef schedule tomo rrow for the analysts outreach. Can you tell me the windows of opportunity?Thanksab

    rom: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSOSent: Monday , April 17. 2006 09:11To: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Ruff, Eric, SES, OSD ; Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSDCc: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASubject: RE: time tomorrowhave it on for 3:15 4:30. That was what I was given by Dal las late on Friday . We are holding it.as we speak . Steve

    . Steven P. BucciDirectorOffice of seebef

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    -- - - - - - _ ._ - . ... - .rom: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PAent: Monday, April 17, 2006 08:50o; Barber,Allison, crv.OASD -PA; Ruff, Eric, SES, OSD

    : rsvp'sfor tomorrowRetired Military Analysts:. Jed BabbinJames Jay Carafanoonel (Tim) J. Eadseral Ronald Fogelmannel John Garrettmand Sergeant Major Steven Greerutenant Colonel Robert L. MaginnisChuck Nashral William L. Nash

    jor General Robert H. Scales, Jr.or General Donald W. Shepperd. Wayne Simmonsn Martin L. Strongneral Tom Wilkerson

    (USAF, JAG) .(LTC, USA, Ret ired)(USA, Retired)(USAF, Retired) (flying in)(USMC, Retired)(USA, Retired) (flying in}(USA, Retired)(USN, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USAF, Retired) (flying in)(USN, CIA, Retired)(USN, Retired)(USMC, Retired)

    \ _ _ ~ O . _ . I

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  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    tting a copy now ma'am.

    you have the weekschedule for seedef? Needto review tomorrow for analystsmtg..

    Page 1 o

    Capt. USMC, OASD-PA.vd

    Capt. USMC, OASD-PAMonday, April 17, 2006 08:44Barber, Allison, CIY, OASD-PARE: secdefSubject:ments:

    Barber, Allison Ms OSD PAMondav. April 17, 20068:18AMCapt. USMC, OASD-PA; Richard, Joseph, Col OASD-PAseedef

    you have the weekschedule for seedef? Needto review tomorrow for analystsmtg..Capt. USMC, OASD-PA; Richard, Joseph, Col OASD-PAseedef

    F j n p . l i ~in .aryAssistant to theAssistant SecretaryDefense for Public AffairsDefensePentagon .inaton. DC20301-1400

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    text to r your siruauonar awareness. Mr. UI.Kna - you are qUOlCO in m at aru cie.

    Newsweek has an Evan Thomas/John Barry column today "Anatomy OfA Revolt; What made a chorus of exgenerals call for the SeeDefs head? The war over the war-and how Rumsfeld is reacting." I have attached thetext for your situational awareness. Mr. DiRita - you are quoted in that article.

    The most pertinent items about "the Pentagon memo" to military analysts are already in the Early Bird andDialog, including yesterday's p.I NYT article.Ofnote also is the David Brooks column yesterday- "The Good Fight, Done Badly" (#38 in Sunday's Bird) calling for the Secretary to resign.

    . . AFIS-HQ/PIAMonday, April 17, 200606 :24Smith , Dorrance, HON, OASO-PARuff, Eric, SES, OSO; Wilkie, Robert, CIV, OSO-LA; Rangel, Robert S. CIV, OSO; Whitman.Bryan, SES, OASO-PA; Thorp, Frank, RDML. OASD-PA; Barber. Allison, CIV. OASD-PA; DiRita, Larry; Richard, Joseph, Col OASD-PA; Capt. USMC. OASD-PA; Earl,Robert, CIV, OSDRapid Reaction ReportRapid Reaction Report for April 17.doc


    Rap id ReactionReportfor Aprl...


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    Rapid Reaction ReportAprill7,2007

    Newsweek- April 24, 2006Anatomy 0/A Revolt; What made a chorusofex-generals callfo r the SecDej's head?Thewar overthe war--and how Rumsfeld isreacting. By Evan Thomas and John BarryGen. Eric Shinseki, former chief of staffofthe Army, says he is "at peace." But reachedlast week, he didn' t sound all that peaceful. Inthe winter of2003 , alone among the top brass,Shinseki had warned Congress that occupyingIraq would require "several hundred thousandtroops." Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeldand his deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, had rewardedShinseki for his honesty by publiclycastigating and shunning him.Last fall, Shinseki went to the 40th reunion ofthe class of'65 at West Point. It has beenreported that his classmates were wearingcaps emblazoned RIC WAS RIGHT. Lastweek NEWSWEEK e-mailed Shinseki to askabout the reports. Shinseki called back to sayhe had heard "rumors" about the caps. But,NEWSWEEK asked , wasn't he the re? "Well,"he replied, "I saw a cap. "Shinseki, who has retired to Hawaii wasclearly uncomfortable with the role ofmartyr.He had no desire to join the chorus of retiredgenerals calling for Rumsfeld's resignation.He was circumspect about criticizingRumsfeld at all, but he seemed to bestruggling to disguise his feelings. Hepointedly said that the "person who shoulddecide on the number of troops [to invadeIraq] is the combatant commander"-Gen.Tommy Franks, and not Rumsfeld.Some critics have argued that Shinseki shouldhave banged on the table, pushed harder tostop Rumsfeld from going into Iraq with toofew troops . How does Shinseki respond?"Probably that's fair. Not my style ," said theold soldier, who nearly lost a foot in combatin Vietnam . There was, he added cryptically,"a Jotof turmoil" at the Pentagon in the leadup to the war . Was that Rumsfeld 's fault?"Partly," said Shinseki. Did Rumsfeld bully

    General Franks, the overall invasioncommander? "You'll have to ask Franks," saidShinseki, who indicated that he had talkedlong enough. "I walked away from all this twoand a half years ago," he said.The former four-star general appeared to betom between his strong sense of duty and anuneasy conscience. The moral dilemma is asold as the republic. When does a militaryofficer stand up t o -and push back againsthis civilian masters? And when does he justsalute and say, "Can do, sir"?It's a question of enormous consequence for ademocracy with the world's most powerfulmilitary. The balance between the civilian andmilitary is precarious. The model may beLincoln, firing his commanders until he foundone (Ulysses S. Grant) who would fight. Butthe modem reality is messier. It is generallyforgotten tha t Franklin Roosevelt rejected therecommendation of his sainted Army Chief ofStaffGen. George C. Marshall to invadeEurope in I942-which would have been afiasco . Harry Truman was widely vilifiedfor-wisely-recalling the great Gen.Douglas A. MacArthur when MacArthurwanted to widen the Korean War by attackingChina. On the other hand, Lyndon Johnsonoverreached when he stayed up at nightpicking bombing targets during the VietnamWar. In 1997, Army Gen. Hugh Shelton, thenchairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assignedthe top brass to read "Dereliction ofDuty," aclassic study accusing Vietnam-era generalsof failing to stand up to their civilian bosses.Somehow, the lesson did not sink in. Beforethe Iraq invasion, the senior military did notforce a discussion of what to do after the warwas won. Rumsfeld was obsessed with theplan of attack, but not the aftermath. Theconsequences are by now a familiar litany:Rumsfeld demanded a swift, lean force thatworked superbly to depose SaddamHussein-but was woefully inadequate totake over the more onerous task of securingand rebuilding Iraq. Only now are the retiredgenerals coming forth to complain of

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    Rumsfeld's bullying and demanding hisresignation.The Revolt of the Retired Generals hascreated considerable discomfort in the E-Ringof the Pentagon and at the White House.President George W. Bush felt compelled lastweek to issue a written statement expressinghis "full support" for the SecDef. For now,Bush has no intention of firing Rumsfeld. "Helikes him," says a close friend of thepresident's, who requested anonymity indiscussing such a sensitive matter. "He's notblind. He knows Rumsfeld sticks his foot init." Adds a senior Bush aide, who declined tobe named discussing the president'ssentiments: "I haven't seen any evidence thatthe ir personal rapport is at all diminishing.They see each other often and talk often. "Rumsfeld says he has twice offered hisresignation to Bush, who has declined it.The old generals can be quite biting aboutRumsfeld; retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinniwrote an op-ed calling the secretary ofDefense "incompetent strategically,operationally, and tactically." But theircriticisms are probably best understood as"the first salvos in the war over 'Who LostIraq'," says Douglas Macgregor, a retired U.S.Army colonel whose book "Breaking thePhalanx" was influential in inspiring themilitary's blitzkrieg assault on Baghdad. "Yes,Rumsfeld should go," says Macgregor. "But alot of the generals should be fired, too. Theyshare the blame for the mess we are in."Rumsfeld is the chief villain of a veryinfluential new book, "Cobra II," by retiredMarine Corps Gen . Bernard Trainor andNewYork Times reporter Michael Gordon. In theirdetailed, thorough accounting of the invasionand occupation of Iraq, Rumsfeld is shownbadgering the reluctant bu t mostly quiescentgenerals into attacking with as few troops aspossible. Despite all the talk of the war'sbeing hatched by a neoconservative cabal,Rumsfeld himself appears indifferent to .ideology; he was profoundly suspicious of thenotion that America could bring democracy toIraq. Rather, he focused on forcing a

    transformation of the hidebound, heavy-laden,slow-moving Army. Rumsfeld disdains"nation-building" and blithely counts on theIraqis to rebuild their own country. But rightafter the invasion he signed off on orders bythe American proconsul, Paul Bremer, todisband the Iraqi Army and fire most of thetop civil servants-leaving the countryvulnerable to chaos and a growinginsurgency.The publication of "Cobra II," plus talk-showcomments from Zinni, the former chiefofCENTCOM who was promoting his ownbook, "The Battle for Peace," appear to haveencouraged retired generals to attackRumsfeld in public. "There was a lot of pentup agony," says Trainor. "The darn broke. "One of the most powerful ind ictments camefrom Marine Lt. Gen . Gregory Newbold, whowas chie fof operations for the Joint Staffduring the early planning of the Iraq invasion.Writing in Time magazine, Newbolddeclared, "I now regret that I did not moreopenly challenge those who were determinedto invade a country whose actions wereperipheral to the real threat-A I Qaeda."Actually, it was not the job of a uniformedofficer, even a high-ranking one likeNewbold, to challenge the president's decisionto invade Iraq. That's a political judgment: it'sup to the president and Congress to decidewhom to fight. The military's job is to win thefigh t.Still , Newbold has a point when he writes thatthe decision "was done with a casualness andswagger that are the special province of thosewho have never had to execute thesemissions-or bury the results." The rea lresponsibility for Iraq , of course, lies withPresident Bush. Together with Vice PresidentDick Cheney (draft-deferred in Vietnam) andRumsfeld (Navy jet pilot who did not seecombat), Bush (Texas National Guard pilot)seemed determined to brush past or roll overthe cautious national-security bureaucracy.Bush made little or no effort to prod hisnational-security staff to ask tough questions)such as how the Sunnis and Shiites would


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    bury centuries of resentment when Saddarnwas gone. (Bush has said he listens to thegenerals, but it does not appear he heard anywords of caution.) The get-tough trioessentially cut out Gen. Colin Powell, thesecretary of State and former chairman of theJoint Chiefs of Staff, who was regarded as toosquishy, too much a creature of the go-slowbureaucracy.Powell has come in for some criticism for nottrying harder to slow the Bush juggernaut intoIraq. And the various generals have takentalk-show grief for not speaking out until theirpensions were safely vested in retirement. Butit i important to understand the militaryculture to appreciate why more soldiers do notcross their civilian bosses . It is true enoughthat "political generals" get ahead by neverroc ing the boat. And it is fair to say thatRumsfeld's shabby treatment of Shinseki- thesecretary did not bother to attend theretirement ceremony of the Army chief ofstaff, whose replacement was leaked 14months before his term was up--had achilling effect on other officers.But it is unlikely that senior military officersgo 0 sleep at night thinking that if only theykowtow a little more they will win that nextstar on their shoulder. They are far morelikely to believe that their duty is to do thebest they can with what they've got: themilitary culture breeds a "can do" attitude inits most successful officers. They are acutelyconscious that squabbling at the top can be amorale-crusher for troops who must risk theirlives in battle.Rumsfeld's persona and management style aregrating to many buttoned-up, by-the-bookofficers. He constantly asks questions, oftenwith sarcasm and in-your-face oneupmanship. Briefing the secretary can be anintimidating exercise. Rumsfeld has beenknown to get so hung up on a single slide,peppering some hapless colonel or generalwith antagonistic queries, that the briefernever gets a chance to finish his tidy, orderlypresentation. Some soldiers like the machogive-and-take, or at least get used to it. "When

    you walk in to him, you've got to be prepared ,you've got to know what you're talkingabout," says Marine Gen . Mike DeLong,deputy CE TeOM commander from 2000 to2003 . "I f you don 't. you are summarilydismissed. But that's the way it is, and he'seffective. "Other officers, particularly those with lessexposure, just find Rumsfeld to be animpatient meddler who jumps around, nosinginto subjects he knows nothing about andshould leave to the professionals. Rumsfeldhimself seems impervious to criticism. Lastweek, at a Pentagon news conference,confronted by reporters quoting fromembittered retired generals, he dismissivelyshot back, "There's nothing wrong withpeople having opinions ... you ought to expectthat. It's historic. It's always been the case,and I see nothing really very new orsurprising about it."But in fact, Rumsfeld is bothered by the furor."He's concerned about the impact on theinstitution, " says Lawrence DiRita,Rumsfeld's counselor. The controversy,DiRita says, can "make generals clam uparound civilians, and civilians wonder, 'Isthis the next general who is going to leak toThe New York Times?' " Rumsfeld worriesthat the whole concept 0/civilian control is"turned on its head" by the revolt of thegenerals. "Conceptually, institutionally, thata handful ofdisgruntled generals coulddetermine who will lead the Department ofDefense-s-that 's not the way it's supposed towork, " says DiRita.As a practical matter, the rebellion maysecure Rumsfeld's job." 0 president is goingto be bullied by a bunch of retired generalofficers into firing a secretary ofDefense,"says Thomas Donnelly, the editor ofArmedForces Journal. Of course, by defendingRumsfeld, the president has "moved into thetarget area," notes General Trainor. "Now theDemocrats .can say, 'Look, the president'sdefending an incompetent'."Rumsfeld is not the sort to fall on his sword,at least willingly. He liked being teased as


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    "Matinee Idol" by President Bush after heheld forth so confidently (and, to manyAmericans, reassuringly) about "killing theenemy" in the traumatic months after 9/11. Hehas only retirement to look forward to, aboring prospect for a vigorous 73-year-old.His advisers do not expect him to quit anytime soon. For many months , on a shelfbehindDiRita's desk in his old Pentagonoffice, stood a Rumsfeld doll that ",as soLdinPXes on military bases after the war inAfghanistan. Pull a str ing on the backsideanda mechanical version ojRumsfeld's richvoice intones, "I don't do diplomacy. "DiRita attached a slip ojpaper near thedoll 's mouth with his boss 's mantra. It readsfaster. DiRita's not sure what happened tothe doll. But his boss, Iresays , is stillchargingforward, trying to change aninstitution that sometimes resists change. Inthe weeks ahead, he is sure to meetmoreresistance from old soldiers who think he isnot so much a change agent as a wreckingball.With Michael Hastings, Richard Wolf fe,Holly Bailey and Dan Ephron

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

    Sent frommy BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

    When was the last time secdefmet in pewrson with analysts?

    Oi Rita, Larry, CIV, OSOSunday, Apr il 16, 2006 19:52Ruff, Eric, SES, OSD; Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PAFw: Sorry really...to bother u again

    -----Original Message-----From : Starr, Barbara

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    Regarding a nyt reporter that called me.

    Regarding a nyt reporter that called me.

    HiWhat number are you at?

    Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASaturday. April 15, 200611:13Barber, Allison. CIV, OASD-PARe: Need to chat thjis morning

    1 v . .o w V v l , r u u .:>v u , ' - '1 Y , v r > . ~ J J -Sent: Sat Apr 15 10:36:56 2006Subject: Need to chat thjis morning

    -----Original Message----From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PATo: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PASent: Sat Apr 15 10:36:56 2006Subject: Need to chat thjis morning

    The reporters name is mark mazzetti and his number is Its regarding our analyst outreach. Whenyou get a second il l be on my cell on a bike ride and can fill you in. I also left eric a voicemail but he's golfing.-----Original Message---From: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PATo: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASent: Sat Apr 15 11:03:18 2006Subject: Re: Need to chat thjis morning


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    As I said earlier, he is blocked from 2:30 to 4:00. Dr. B

    We have the chairman tent from 245 to 315. Ifwe could lock the secdeffrom 315 to 4 that would be great.Thanks folks. We have 12 rsvps as of 5pm.

    Did I miss something? I thought he said we had secdefblocked from 230 to 4? Not that 230 to 4 was blockedout. I'm not really clear here what he means . Do we have seedeffrom 315 to 4 or no?



    Lawrence , Dallas, OA$D-PAFriday, April 14, 200622 :18Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PAFw: mil analysts

    -----Original Message----From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA

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    We now have 10 confirmed for next week with secdef.

    i have a quick question

    Val lely is going to use the numbers in their wsj opted.

    ......... -, .. ,'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PAFriday, April 14, 2006 16:31Barber, Allison , CIV, OASDPARE: are youreachable?

    ----Original M e ~ ~ a g e . -From : Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PASent: Friday, April 14,20064:25 PMrrn ieavmg snorny" _ . - - - .

    Anyhow, babbin was just on, he was great, and mcinerny was on earlier and he was incredible.

    Sorry I missed your call. Everything ok?

    Why in the world we didn't release this number (and still havnt) is a mystery to me .

    Funny thing is I sent it to michele davis and brian mccormack as well and she emailed back "gosh I have beenasking for this number all day!"

    ----Original M e ~ ~ a g e . -From : Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PASent: Friday, April 14,20064:25 PMTo: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASubject: Re: are you reachable?

    ----Original Message-----From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASDPATo: Barber, Allison, CIV , OASD-PASent: FriApr 1415 :12:262006Subject: are you reachable?

    Yes I was a bit nervous about sending out that last email to the analysts with the general officer numbers as thedirecti ve came from a chat I had with adm stavridis and dr bucci. They amt really in the "pa chain ofcommand" and before I released numbers no one in press ops had Iwanted some top cover (even though buccisaid it was good to go). I was able to reach eric and had him give me approval over the phone.


    1m leaving shortly.

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    sure more will respond over the weekend and then I can make calls on Monday.

    rom: CIV. OASD-PASent: Friday, April 14, 2006 15:29To: Barber, Allison, CIV. OASD-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASubject: mil analysts roundtable

    Page I o

    (USAF, JAG)(LTC, USA, Retired)(USMC, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USAF, Retired)(USN, Retired)

    iswhowe haveso far:firmed Retired Military Analysts:Jed Babbin. James Jay Carafanoonel John Garrettmand Sergeant Major Steven Greertenant Colonel Robert L. MaginnisWilliamL. NashGeneral Robert H. Scales, Jr.or General Donald W. Shepperdtain Martin L. Strong

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    FYI folks,

    Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PAFriday, April 14, 2006 14:49Barber, Allison , CIV. OASD-PARE: Update on Analysts

    Great work, dallas.

    -----Original Message-_mFrom: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PASent: Friday, April 14,20062:47 PMTo: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASubject: Re: Update on Analysts

    I hope jed uses my line "less than 1/2 of 1%"

    I appreciate it. I know rangall still has no idea who I am and dorrance I cant get a read at all that dorrance hasany clue what our office does.

    He called me an evil genious for that one . (my right pinky finger is now headed towards my lip ala dr evil...

    MG Bob Scales (FOX)LTG Tom Mcinerny (FOX)MG Don Shepard (CNN)COL John Garrett (FOX and others)- _ . . . . . . .. .. 1

    -----Original Message- m -From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA

    -----Original Message-_mFrom: Lawrence, Dallas , OASD-PATo: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD; Stavridis, James , VADM, OSD; Ruff, Eric, SES, OSD ; Barber, Allison, CIV,OASD-PACC: Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Di Rita, Larry, CIV, OSD; Rangel, Robert S, CIV, OSD; Whitman,Bryan, SES, OASD-PASent: Fri Apr 14 14:44:242006Subject: Update on Analysts

    I wanted everyone to see what you can pull off. Way to go Ab


    I've just learned from two of our analysts, MG Vallely and LTG Mcinerny, that they will be writing an opled forthe WSJ for Monday addressing the current comments being made by a few retired Generals. Jed Babbin,another of our analysts will be on Fox at 4pm today to address the issue as well. He asked for the total numberof active duty GO's, which I provided (88 I) . As he mentioned, the NYTs six represent roughly 1/2 of 1% of thecurrent active duty GO force .Invite to the Analysts was sent out at 140 pm today for our regular series of SECDEF outreach events for nextTuesday afternoon. RSVP's to date include:

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    Carafano(Senior Fellowat Heritage)I anticipate we will have a very good groupof folks in for the meeting. We are now coordinatingwithMNFI fora VTC briefingwith General Dempsey and we are workingwith the Chairman'soffice for General Pace to briefthe groupprior to the SECDEF.I hope allhavea greatEaster weekend.dlDallasB. LawrenceDirector,Office of CommunityRelations& PublicLiaisonUnitedStatesDepartmentof Defense

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    Great work on tom allison!

    Happy Good Friday folks, I hope this email finds everyone well.

    Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PAFriday, April 14, 2006 13:54Barber . Allison , CIV, OASD-PAFW: SECDEF OUTREACH

    Please email .cc'd with this note, today if possible but no later than Mondaymorning , on your availability to attend this outreach event with the Secretary.

    -----Original Message--- -From: Paul Vallely {mailto:paulvallely@Sent: Friday, April 14,2006 1:51 PMTo: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASubject: RE: SECDEF OUTREACH

    I hope you all have a wonderful Easter Weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week at the Pentagon.

    -----Original Message-----From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA [mailto:Dallas.Lawrence@Sent: Friday, April 14,2006 11:43 AMCc: OSDPASubject: SECDEF OUTREACH

    I know many of you have been asking for our team to schedule the next SECDEF outreach event sooner ratherthan later, and due to the Secretary's cancellation ofa foreign trip next week, some time has just opened up onhis schedule. The SECDEF would like to invite you all to the Pentagon next Tuesday, April 18th for aroundtable discussion and briefing on current operations.

    Fox News ChannelPaul E VallelyMilitary Analystpaulvallelytd;tel:fax :mobile:www.soldiersmemorialfund.orgpaurvaueryra,tel:fax :mobile:www.soldiersmemorialfund.org

    Thanks I am at home in Montana and will not be in DC. Tom McInerney will represent me. WSJ justcalledTom and me to do an OpEd for the Monday on the "The Generals" that are speaking out against the SECDEF.Starting towrite it now.

    The exact time of the briefings is still being worked out and will be forwarded Monday morning, however, weanticipate a start time of no earlier than 12Noon and an end time no later than 4pm.


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    All the best,dlDallas B. LawrenceDirector, Office of Community Relations & Public LiaisonUnited States Department of Defense

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    Page I o

    rom: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PAent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:53o: Berber, Allison, civ, OASD-PA

    Subject: fyijust let me know that a number of our analysts have asked for an outreach roundtable, allard, nash, etc. so we havea goosn to say "because so many of you have asked, and beavuse his oconus trip was canneled we had a date come up..."

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    Thanks steve. Things are nutty so I appreciate you clearing things up.

    Stavridls, James, VADM, OSDFriday, April 14, 2006 12:45Bucci, Steven, Dr., 05D ; Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA;Ruff, Eric, SES, OSO; Whitman, Bryan, 5ES, OASD-PA; Rangel, Robert 5, CIV, OSDRE: mil analysts

    I'd think wewould want to stay with Tuesday for impact on the current story.

    ur. S l e v ~ n - f . " . 6 U 1 ..;\,;r Staff DirectorImmediateOffice of SecDef

    Dr. Steven P.BucciStaff DirectorImmediateOffice of SecDef

    Before spending theNSC bullet-Is there a time on wed instead? That would give our big guys on thewestcoast a littlemore time to buy the ticket and get here.

    -----OriginalMessage-v-From: Barber,Allison,Clv, OASD-PA [mailto:Allison.Barber@Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:24 PMTo: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSDSubject: Re: mil analysts

    -----OriginalMessage----From: Bucci, Sleven, Dr., OSDTo: Barber, Allison, Clv , OASD-PA; Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSDSent: Fri Apr 14 12:19:122006Subject: RE:mil analysts

    There reallyis not a time as good as the Tuesday one. Wed is 0945-1045 (this one is sandwiched),or1600-1645. Also, I think the Boss wants it early. Please giveme the pros/cons and info all so they can givedirection. Steve

    -----OriginalMessage--mFrom: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSDSent: Friday, April 14,2006 12:32 PMTo: Barber, Allison, crv,OASD-PA; Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Ruff, Eric, SES, OSD; Whitman,Bryan, SES, OASD-PA; Rangel, Robert S,CIV, OSD; Stavridis, James, VADM,OSDSubject: RE: mil analysts



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    expending a silver bullit with the NSC bystiffing them on their meeting, I just wanted to make sure it is worthit.Yes, you have authority to make it so. Again, I apologize. Steve

    Dr. StevenP.BucciStaff DirectorImmediateOffice of SeeDef----Original Message-----From: Barber,Allison, OASD(PA) [mailto:allison.barber@Sent: Friday, April 14,2006 12:05 PMTo: Bucci,StevenSubject: RE:mil analysts

    that is why i need to know if this is good to go so we can start calling right now to lock in the time.i know mybusiness, steve.ab-----OriginalMessage-----From: Bucci,Steven, Dr., OSD [mailto:Steven.Bueci@Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:04 PMTo: Barber,Allison, CIY, OASD-PA; Bucci, Steven, Dr., 080 ; Stavridis, James, VADM, OSD; Ruff, Eric,SES, OSO; Lawrence,Dallas, OASD-PACc: Smith. Dorrance.HaN. OASD-PA; Oi Rita. Larrv, CIV. OSD:Rangel, Robert S, CIV. OSD; Whitman,From: Bucci,Steven, Dr., OSD [mailto:Steven.Bucci@Sent: Friday, April 14,2006 12:04 PMTo: Barber,Allison, CIY, OASD-PA; Bucci, Steven, Dr., 080 ; Stavridis, James, VADM, OSD; Ruff, Eric,SES, OSO; Lawrence,Dallas, OASD-PACc: Smith, Dorrance,HaN, OASD-PA; Oi Rita, Larry, CIV, OSD; Rangel, Robert S, CIV, OSD; Whitman,Bryan,SES, OASD-PASubject: RE:mil analysts

    Allison,The key is to ensurewe don't end up with second tier folks. Steve

    Dr. StevenP. BucciStaff DirectorImmediateOffice of SecDef-----Original Messagem nFrom: Barber, Allison, OASD(PA) [mailto:allison.barber@Sent: Friday,April 14, 2006 12:00 PMTo: Bucci, Steven; Stavridis, James G: Ruff, Eric; Lawrence,DallasCc: Smith,Dorrance;DiRita, Larry; Rangel, Robert S; Whitman, BryanSubject: RE:mil analysts

    we can make anvthinz ha en. es. if this is now aooroved. we will send out the invites asa for tuesda

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    afternoon.ab-----Original Message- m -From: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD [mailto:Steven.Bucci@Sent: Friday, April 14,2006 II :59 AMTo: Stavridis, James, VADM, OSD; Ruff, Eric, SES, OSD; Barber, Allison, crv, OASD-PA; Lawrence, Dallas,OASD-PACc: Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Di Rita, Larry, CIY, OSO; Rangel, Robert S, CIV, OSD; Whitman,Bryan, SES, OASO-PASubject: RE: mil analysts

    PA Staff, Can you make this happen if I free up the time?

    Dr. Steven P. BucciStaff DirectorImmediate Office of Seclzef-----Original Message-----From: Stavridis, James, YADM, OSOSent: Friday, April 14, 2006 11:57 AMTo: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD; Ruff, Eric, SES, OSO; Barber, Allison, Cry, OASO-PA; Lawrence, Dallas,OASD-PAcc.Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Di Rita, Larry, CIY, OSO; Rangel, Robert S, CIV, OSO; Whitman,Bryan, SES, OASD-PASubject: RE: mil analystsTo: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD; Ruff, Eric, SES, 080; Barber, Allison, Cry, OASO-PA; Lawrence, Dallas,OASD-PAcc.Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Di Rita, Larry, CIY, OSO; Rangel, Robert S, CIV, OSO; Whitman,Bryan, SES, OASD-PASubject: RE: mil analystsClassification: UNCLASSIFIEDI vote do it. Robert?

    From : Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSOSent: Friday, April 14,2006 11 :56 AMTo: Ruff, Eric, SES, 080; Barber, Allison, CIY, OASO-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASO-PAce. Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Stavridis, James, VADM, OSD;m Rita, Larry, CIY, 08D; Bucci,Steven, Dr., OSO; Rangel, Robert S, crv, OSO; Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASD-PASubject: RE: mil analysts

    Monday and Tuesday were filled about 60 min after the Boss killed the trip. That being said, we have someoptions. I recommed we pre-emptively pass the PC on Tuesday (we still don't have a subject). This would freeup a 90 min block on Tuesday afternoon (2:30-4:00). This gives you time to gather a good group, do your otherbriefs / activities, and wrap up with the Boss. Guidance?

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    Dr. Steven P. BucciStaffDirectorImmediate Office of SecOef-----Original Message-----From: Ruff, Eric, SES, OSO [mailto:Eric.Ruff@Sent: Friday, April 14.2006 I I :08 AMTo: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PAce. Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Stavridis, James, VAOM, OSO; Oi Rita, Larry, CIV, OSD; Bucci,Steven, Dr., OSD; Rangel, Robert S, CIV, OSO ; Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASD-PASubject: mil analysts

    the sd wants to put a program together for the military analysts early next week, and given the canx of themexico trip, hopefully this should be easy rather than hard. we should plan to bring the analysts to the building.

    let's look at something like the following:

    train and equip of the is f - ideally dempsey can call in as we have done before;

    update on army transformation - gen schoomacher

    update on army transformation - gen schoomacher

    u.s. military involvement in national security decision making - gen pace

    q & a with the secdef


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    Page 1 o

    From: Lawrence. Dallas, OASD-PASent Friday. April 14, 2006 12:12To: Barber, Allison, CIV. OASD-PASubject: RE: mil analysts

    Dr. Steven P. BucciStaff DirectorImmediate Office of Sec:Def

    PA Staff, Can you make this happen if I free up the time?

    "'--Original Message--'"From: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD [mailto:Steven .Bucci@Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 11:59 AMTo: Stavridis, James, VADM, OSD; Ruff, Eric, SES, 050; Barber, Allison, OV, OASO-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA1"'_. _ ..... , , _ ~ . U/" \M r \A(: , I 'LOA . r'\1 D I I "' ..... r rT \ / ncn . 0",.""",1 D"hAr t C n\/ nc;:n W"'inn"," Rrv",n c : ~ c : : nto.c::

    I vote do it. Robert?

    -----Original Message-----From: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD [mailto :Steven.Bucci@Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 11:59 AMTo: Stavridis, James, VADM, OSO;Ruff, Eric, SES, 050; Barber, Allison, OV, OASD-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PACc: Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASo-PA; 01 Rita, Larry, av, 050; Rangel, Robert 5, av, 050; Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASDPASubject: RE: mil analysts

    C ~ s s ; f i c a t i o n : U N C L A S S I R E D

    -- - Original Message-----From: Stavridis, James, VADM, OSDsent: Friday, April 14, 2006 11:57 AMTo: Bucci, Steven, or., 050; Ruff, Eric, SES, 050; Barber, Allison, crv, OASo-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PACc: Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASo-PA; oi Rita, Larry, ctv, OSO; Rangel, Robert S, ctv, 050; Whitman, Bryan, SESOASD -PASubject: RE: mil analysts

    you kidding me? can we push back a bit? im afraid that if i rush out an invite on friday afternoon for an event on tuesday itok a bit desperate in lite of all of the news today . Id much rather send out a "save the date possible next week regularlyroundtable" and then do it next wednesday or thursday.

    can make anything happen . yes. if this is now approved. we will send out the invites asap for tuesday afternoon.

    iously we can make anything happen

    Barber, Allison, elV, OASD-PAFriday, April 14, 2006 12:00 PM: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSO ; Stavridls, James, VADM, OSO; Ruff, Eric, SES, OSO; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PASmith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Di Rita, Larry, crv,OSO; Rangel, Robert 5, crv, 050; Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASO-PA

    RE : mil analysts

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    ssage Page 2 o

    sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 11:56 AMTo: Ruff, Eric, SE5, 050; Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PACc: Smith, Dorrance, HOO, OASD-PA; Stavridis, James, VADM , 050; Di Rita, Larry, CIV, OSD BUCCi, Steven, or.,050; Rangel, Robert 5, CIV, 050; Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASD-PASUbject: RE : mil analystsMonday and Tuesday were filled about 60 min after the Boss killed the trip. That being said, we have some optionI recommed we pre-emptively pass the PC on Tuesday (we still don't have a SUbject). This would free up a 90 miblock on Tuesday afternoon (2:30-4:00). This gives.you time to gather a good group. do your other briefs I activitiand wrap up with the Boss. Guidance?

    Dr. Steven P. BucciStaff DirectorImmediate O f f i ~ e of SecDef

    -----Original Message-----From: Ruff, Eric, SES, 050 [mailto:Erlc.Ruff@Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 11:08AMTo: Barber, Allison, av, OASD-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASO-PACc: Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASO-PA ; Stavridis, James, VAOM , OSD; Di Rita, Larry, CIV, OSD; Bucci, SteveDr., OSDi Rangel, Robert 5, CIV, OSDi Whitman, Bryan, SES , OASD-PASubject: mil analyststhe sd wants to put a program together for the military analysts early next week. and given the canx of themexico trip. hopefully this should be easy rather than hard. we should plan to bring the analysts to thebuilding.let's look at somethIng like the following:train and equip of the isf - ideally dempsey can call in as we have done before;mexico mp, nopenmy trus snOUJO De easy rame r man narc . we snouic plan lODring me anaiysts (0 mebuilding.let's look at someth ing like the following:train and equip of the isf - ideally dempsey can call in as we have done before ;update on army transformation - gen schoomacheru.s. military involvement in national security decision making - gen paceq &a with the secdefthanks

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    Agenda.doc (55 KB)

    3:01 p.m. Update on Joint Intelligence Operations Centers

    here are the agenda and rsvp's for today's call.thanks

    Community Relations and Public Liaison

    . . CIV, OASD-PAWednesday, April 12, 2006 13:22Barber, Allison Ms OSD PA; Hicks, Gregory, CDR, OASD-PARuff, Eric, SES, OSD; Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PAmil analysts callAgenda.doc; Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 Picture; Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 Picture



    Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

    Lieutenant General Boykin

    Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

    Military Analysts

    Conference CallRetired Military AnalystsWEDNESDAY, APRIL 12,2006 TIME: 3:00 - 3:30 p.m,

    Conference CallR e t i r e d ~ n a l v s t s

    As ofApri112 - 1:30 p.m.

    3:30 p.m.

    3:00 p.m,

    3:15 p.m.


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    Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    Conference CallRetired Military AnalystsWEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2006 TIME: 3:00 - 3:30 p.m,

    Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:Colonel Ken AllardMr. Jed BabbinColonel (Tim) 1.EadsColonel John GarrettCommand Sergeant Major Steven GreerLieutenant Colonel Robert L. MaginnisColonel Jeff McCauslandLieutenant General Thomas MclnerneyCaptain Chuck NashMajor General Paul E. Vallely


    (USA, Retired)(USAF,JAG)(USA, Retired)(USMC, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USA, Retired)(USAF, Retired)(USN, Retired)(USA, Retired)



  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    SIr ,here are the details for tomorrow's conference call with the military analysts:

    Perfect.Thxto ; \...1 v , f ' \ ~ l J - . r f ' \Subject: Re: Military Analysts Conference Call

    CIV, OASD-PAFriday, April 07, 200617:41Barber, Allison, elV, OASD-PARE: Mi litary Analysts Conference CallFrom:Sent:To:Subject:


    -----Original Message----From: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PASent: Friday, April 07,2006 5:32 PMTo: CIV,OASD-PASubject: Re: Military Analysts Conference Call

    the call begins at 9:00 am and will last approximately 30 minutes, longer if the discussion continues. there willbe five service members from iraq to share their thoughts and experiences from their first deployment and howthey compare with their current deployment, three years later. they are :SOM Linda Allen

    MAl Mathew AndersonMAl Robert Hookness, JrLTC Thomas MurphreeCPT Elliot Rogers

    -----OriginalMessage-c-From: CIV,OASD-PATo: Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PACC: Capt. USMC, OASD-PA; Richard, Joseph, Col OASD4PASent: Fri Apr 07 17:30:562006Subject: Military Analysts Conference Call

    you're welcome!btw, i saw an interview on cavuto this afternoon that i think you should see.juanita wilson lost her left hand in iraq. i met her at walter reed at last year's superbowl party with angels ofmercy and she is amazing. she has re-enlisted (on the steps of the capitol!) and was talking about the importanceof supporting the troops. it was really amazing. she talks about how important it is to remember that the troopsneed the support of the american people, no matter how they feel about the policy...is there some way we could get a copy of that interview?? would i check with shop or ? assumingyou're interested... might be a great piece to have for asy pitches!thanks

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    the call will be on the record. the dial-in number is ask to be joined to the analyst conferencecall. if you are able to join us and would like me to introduce you, i am happy to do so. please just let me know.i have attached the agenda and rsvp list for tomorrow's call for your review. we do not normally have a roll call,as some of the analysts prefer not to be named on the call. most will introduce themselves when they askquestions or make comments. please let me know if you have any questions.thank you


    OSD Public AffairsCommunity Relations and Public LiaisonThe PentagonWashington, D.C. 20301

    www .AmericaSupportsYou.mil

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    9:15 a.m, Q & A

    Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are

    9:01 a.m. Opening CommentsCommunity Relations and Public Affairs

    Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

    As ofApril 7 - 5:00p.m,


    Military Analysts

    SOM Linda Allen MAl Mathew Anderson MAJ Robert Hookness, Jr LTC Thomas Murphree CPT Elliot Rogers SUM Linda Allen MAl Mathew Anderson MAJ Robert Hookness, Jr LTC Thomas Murphree CPT Elliot Rogers

    Conference CallRetired Military AnalystsSATURDAY, APRIL 8, 2006 TIME: 9:00 - 9:30 a.m.

    9:30 a.m,

    9:00 a.m, Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    www.AmerlcaSupportsYou .mil

    the analysts prefernot to be namedon the call. mostwill introducethemselveswhenthey ask questions ormakecomments. please let me knowIf you haveanyquestions.thankyou

    OSDPublic AffairsCommunityRelations andPublicLiaisonThePentagonWashington, D.C. 20301


    CIV,OASD-PAFriday, April 07,2006 17:31Smith,Dorrance, HON, OASD-PA; Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA_. Capt. USMC. OASD-PA; Richard, Joseph , Col OASD-PAMilitaryAnalystsConference CallAttachment8:

    sir,hereare thedetailsfor tomorrow's conference call with themilitary analysts:the call begins at 9:00 amandwill last approximately30 minutes, longerif the discussion continues. therewill be fiveservicemembers from Iraqto share their thoughtsand experiences from their first deploymentand howtheycompare withtheir currentdeployment. threeyears later.theyare:SGM Linda Allen

    MAJ Mathew AndersonMAJ Robert Hookness, JrLTC Thomas MurphreeCPT Elliot Rogers

    the call will beon the record. the dial-in number is ask to be joined to the analystconference call. Ifyou areable tojoin usandwouldlike me to introduce you, i am happyto do so. pleasejust let meknow.I have attached the agendaand rsvp list for tomorrow's call for your review. wedonot normallyhavea roll call, as someofthe analysts prefernot to be namedon the call. mostwill introducethemselveswhenthey ask questions ormakecomments. please let me knowIf you haveanyquestions.thankyou

    Agenda .doc(55 KB)


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    Conference CallRetired Military AnalystsSATURDAY, APRIL 8, 2006 TIME: 9:00 - 9:30 a.m.


    Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired) - NBCMr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG) - American SpectatorColonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired) - MSNBCCommand Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired) - Fox NewsLieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired) - Fox NewsColonel Jeff McCausland (USA, Retired) - CBSLieutenant General Thomas McInerney (USAF, Retired) - Fox NewsMajor General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired) - CNN


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    Page 1 o

    rom: Smith, Dorrance. HON, OASD-PASent: Friday, April 07, 2006 12:43To: Barber, Allison, elv.OASD-PASubject: RE: military analysts

    me the details and I will try

    Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PAFriday, April 07, 2006 12:07 PMSmith, Dorrance, HON,OASD-PAmilitary analysts

    st fyi, we are doing a call tomorrow (Saturday) with our military analysts and several military members from iraq. Theywereolved in the fall of Baghdad and are now back in iraq.re are the militarymembers:Mathew Anderson , CPT El l i o t Rogers , SGM Linda Allen, MAJ Rober t Hookness J r . and LTC Thom

    xie and made t h i s happen... our ana l y s t s are th r i l l ed about t he o p po rt un it y - 7 of theme c all in g i n.you wa n t t o be on t h e ca l l ?

    e ca l l ing i n.you wa n t t o be on t h e ca l l ?

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    hi. so far i have 7 analysts who would be interested in a conf callon saturday. waiting on baghdad to let me know jfwe're ago. will set up as soon as j hear back from them.thanks


    , CIV, OASD-PAThursday, April 06, 2006 16:58Barber, Allison, CIV.OASD-PAMerritt, Roxie, AFIS-HQmil analaysts

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    .WWW .AmericaSupportsYou.mil

    Most Prolific Retired Military Analysts:

    Strategic Opinion Communicators:

    CIV, OASD-PATuesday, April 04,200606:19Barber, Allison , civ, OASD-PApontificators

    OSD Public AffairsCommunity Relations and Public liaisonThe PentagonWashington , D.C. 20301

    Ambassador Marc Ginsberg - Fox NewsBrit Hume - Fox NewsMort Kondracke - Fox NewsBill Sammon - The ExaminerTony Snow - Fox NewsJames Taranto - Wall Street Journal Best of the Web Today (daily bloglblast email to subscribers)

    Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Ret ired) MSNBCMr. Jed Babbin (AF, Fonner JAG) American Spectator, Fox News, National RadioGeneral Wayne A. Downing (USA, Retired) MSNBCCommand Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired) Fox News, National Rad ioColonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired) MSNBCLieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired) Fox NewsDr. JeffMcCausland (Colonel, USA, Retired) CBSLieutenant General Thomas McInerney (USAF, Ret ired) Fox NewsMajor General Burton R. Moore (USAF, Retired) Fox News; local and national radioCaptain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired) Fox NewsMajor General Robert H. Scales, Jr. (USA, Retired) Fox NewsMajor General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired) CNNMr. Wayne Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired) Fox NewsMajor General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired) Fox News\" 'i1}JUl l l l \,..lIU\;1\. l 'f a ;:>u I . . V ~ I ' l , " ' L I 1 " ' U J l 'V A 1"" ' ' ' ' ; )Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr. (USA, Retired) Fox NewsMajor General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired) CNNMr. Wayne Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired) Fox NewsMajor General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired) Fox News

    hi there . here is the list of mil analysts. i also included a few names of strategic opinion communicators who get ou thereoften and regularly that might be good to get information out to quickly.thanks


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    I don ' think I have seen the memo. Did you e-mail me something?

    File: MEMORANDUM re Ken Allard's request.doc

    crv,OASD-PARuff, Eric, SES, OSDMonday, March 27, 2006 19:04Oi Rita, Larry, cw.OSD;Barber, Allison, elY,OASD-PARE: ken allard

    OV,OASO-PAFriday, March 24, 20064 :55 PMDiRita, latTy, CIV,OSDBarber Allison,eIV, OASO-PAkenallard

    crv, OASD -PAFriday, March 24, 20065:04 PMDIRta, larry, crv, 050Barber, Allison eIV, OASO-PA

    O Rta, Larry, ov, 050Fridav. March 24\, 2006 4:57 PM. . :IV, OASo-PA; DIRIta, Larry, av, OSDBarbero, Allison, civ, OASD-PARE: kenallard

    OV,OASD-PAFriday March 24, 20065:04 PMDIRIta, larry, civ, OSCBarber, Allison eIV, OASD-PARE : kenallard

    - uOriginal Message ----From:sent:To:ceSUbject:

    nOnglnalMessage-.. .From:sent:To:Cc:


    ---Or1glnal Message-u uFrom:sent:To:Cc:Subjett:here it is. you sent it forward on tuesday to mr. smith and allison ask ing them to look at it and think about it beforeproceeding.thanks

    i haven't seen anything from ken so can i please see his inquiry as well? what is he plann ing to do with the info and why ishe asking? thanks .

    hi. ken emailed me again today asking if we could get him the info on the outreach program. did you have achance to look over the memo i put tocether and decide if you were happy with it? please let me know how you

    From: Di Rita, Larry, CIV, 050sent: Mondav, March 27, 2006 5:24 PMTo: ClV, OASD-PA; Di Rita, Larry, av , OSDCc: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Ruff, Eric, SES, OSDSubject: RE: ken allard1. please don't make it a "secoer' program, but a DoD program .Let eric r. look at it and let's decide it. It looks basically okay to me.I'd like to emphasize if there is a way to do so that we have tried to include as many analysts as possible, some of theinteractions involve severa l, some only a few. Emphas ize as well that we often bring them into the department, for a dayof briefings and interactions inclUding the secretary, and try to quantify those as distinct from the calls.

    From:Sent:To:Cc :SUbject:

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    would like me to proceed.thanks!

    OSD Public AffairsCommun ity Relat ions and Public Liaisonfhe PentagonWashington, D.C. 20301

    www.AmericaSupportsYou.mi l

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    hi.went ahead andadded the general we talked about the other day (maj gen burtmoore, usaf, ret). there's another onethat j thinkweshouldadd.... Itgen mike delong (usrnc, ret). he was thedeputy commander of centcomand hasbeenonfox lots recently . eric asked for his contact infoand thinkswe shouldadd him. i tracked him downandwill reach out to himif okwith you.thanks


    OSD Public AffairsCommunity Relations and Public Liaison. The PentagonWashington , D.C. 20301

    CIV, OASD-PA, CIV, OASD-PATuesday, March21, 2006 11:34Barber, Allison, CIV,OASD-PALawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA;ret mil analysts


  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1



    To: Larry Di Rita

    crv,OASD-PAMonday, March 20, 2006 13:22Barber, Allison, crv,OASD-PARE: di rita/allard's request

    Allison Barber

    b)(6)From :


    HiAre you sure there wasn't a outreach group ofmiitary analysts befor 2002? Seems like other administrationswould have brought in that group for briefings too.Ab

    Hom : ' . v , t - \ ~ J . J - r t - To : Barber, Allison, CIY, OASD-PASent: Mon Mar 20 12:09:04 2006Subject: di rita/allard's request

    m --Original Messagem - -From: CIY ,OASD-PATo : Barber, Allison, CIY, OASD-PASent: Mon Mar 20 12:09:04 2006Subject: di rita/allard's request

    allard said he was only interested in what rumsfeld has done ... since th e run-up to the wa r, which was the firstmeeting he remembers .m -Original Messagem - -From: Barber , Allison, CIV, OASD-PASent: Monday, March 20, 200612 :14 PMTo: CIV,OASD-PASubject: Re: di rita/allard's request


    hi. here is a draft of the memo i've pu t together for larry reoallard's request about an overview o f the outreach toret mil analysts. would like to send this forward to larry today to review if you're ok with it. allard emailed himjust now (forwarded below), so i'm sure he will be asking for it shortly.thanks

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    RE: Colonel Ken Allard 's request

    Below is an overview of our outreach program to Retired Military Analysts for Ken Allard's book. For yourreview, I've preceded the overview with his comments to me clarifying exactly what he is looking for. Pleaselet me know if you are satisfied with the proposed response.

    Ken Allard's Request:Please tell them that it need not be comprehensive .......t imely is a lot more important. What I'm really interestedm:

    1.When the program began.

    2. Keybriefings from OSO's point of view.

    3. Some estimate of how many meetings, briefings et al took place ( ie, once a week/twice a month from 2003,for example?) That obviously cannot be a perfect number so a reasonable SWAG is fine. I think it's significantthat you guys have put a lot ofwork into this, including trips, and that's what I want to show.


    Proposed Response:The Secretary ofDefense outreach program to retired military analysts started in October 2002 with aroundtable meeting.

    Since then, there have been more than 80 conference calls (at the least one per month, sometimes as often asweekly) and 16 roundtable meetings with senior DoD officials in the Pentagon. Topics covered range from thework up to the war to operations in the global war on terror, including Iraq and Afghanistan, to BRAe,Operations at the Guantanamo Detention Facility, Veterans Healthcare and the DoD budget. Additionally, the



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    analysts have participated in four DoD-coordinated trips to Iraq and three DoD-coordinated trips to GuantanamoBay, Cuba.

    From:Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 11 :53 AMTo: Di Rita. Larry, CIV, OSDCc: CIV, OASD-PASubject: Book

    Larry - Really appreciate the help from you and - am working on the chapter this week about thoseencounters. Is there any chance of getting the Boss on the record about them?Best

    Ken Allard

  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1



    . Key briefings from OSD's point of view.


    Allison BarberMarch 20 , 2006

    LarryDi Rita

    Colonel Ken Allard's requestE:

    . When the program began.

    Colonel Ken Allard 's request

    From: CIV, OASD-PASent: Monday, March 20, 200613:09.To: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASO-PASubject: dl rita/allard's request

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    Response:he Secretary of Defense outreach program to retired military analysts started in October 2002 with a roundtable

    n Allard's Request:lease tell them that it need not be comprehensive timely is a lot more important. What I'm really interested in:

    nce then, there have been more than 80 conference calls (at the least one per month, sometimes as often as weeklyd 16 roundtable meetings with senior DoD officials in the Pentagon. Topics covered range from the work. up to th

    is an overview of our outreach program to Retired Military Analysts for Ken Allard's book. For your reviewpreceded the overview with his comments to me clarifying exactly what he is looking for . Please let me knowu are satisfied with the proposed response.

    . Some estimate of how many meetings, briefings et a1 took place ( ie, once a week/twice a month from 2003, forThat obviously cannot be a perfect number so a reasonable SWAG is fine . I think it's significant that youuys have put a lot ofwork into this, including trips, and that's what I want to show.

    is an overview of our outreach program to Retired Military Analysts for Ken Allard's book. For your review. 1. \ " .lm ",11 ~ ",vvv 'I . - - - - - - - u A- _ . - -- - - _ . _ ~ ! _ _ ---- _ .LI 1_ _ L L _ 1 _ _ I _!__ _ n t 1_ ... __ L

    i. here is a draft of the memo i've put together for larry reoallard's request about an overview of the outreach to ret mil analystould like to send this forward to larry today to review If you're ok with it. al1ard emailedhim justnow(forwardedbeIOW) .sol.mure he will be asking for it short ly.

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    Page2 o

    r to operations in the global war on terror, including Iraq and Afghanistan, to BRAe, Operations at theantanarno Detention Facility, Veterans Healthcare and the DoD budget. Additionally, the analysts haveticipated in four DoD-coordinated trips to Iraq and three DoD-coordinated trips to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

    Monday, March 20, 200611:53 AMDi Rita, larry, CIV, OSDCIV,OASD-PABook

    arry - Really appreciate the help from you and am working on the chapter this week about those encounters. Is thereny chance of getting the Boss on the record about them?


  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


  • 8/14/2019 28Dec07E-mailRelease Barstow part1


    www .Ame icaSupportsYou .mil



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    Capt. USMC, OASD-PA

    is tres interested

    Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PAWednesday, March 08, 2006 19:12Barber, Allison, civ,OASD-PARe: tomorrow's schedu le

    nelp us Integrate au or me services tnrougn me tHV\ \ ' " process. we wOUJO Jove to nave you jom us lor Junco,but if that doesn't work, wewill be back at the Pentagon around 2:00. Would you have the time?

    As Imentioned this morning, Mitch Semel will be in town tomorrow and I would really appreciate 15minutesof your timewith him to discuss the PentagonChannel. He helped create it and is back on as a contractortohelp us integrate all of the services through the BRAC process. Wewould love to have you join us for lunch,but if that doesn't work, wewill be back at the Pentagon around 2:00. Would you have the time?

    Can you email me the Military Analysts lists

    Hi dorrance


    -----Original Message-c-s-From: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PATo: Smith,Dorrance,HON,OASD-PACC: Richard, Joseph, Col OASD-PA;Sent: WedMar 08 18:36:072006Subject: tomorrow's schedule

    Sent frommyBlackberry Wireless Handheld

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    rom: Ruff, Eric, SES, OSDFriday, February 24,2006 11:14

    o: Smith, Dorrance, HON, OASD-PACc: Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASD-PA; Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PASUbject: military analystsmight want to think about asking either the joint staff or mnfi for someone to brief our military analysts about the situation inthis

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