
Post on 30-Oct-2014



Health & Medicine



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Ch 37 : The Circulatory System and The Heart

• The heart, a series of blood vessels, and the blood that flows through them are all a part of the circulatory system.

• The heart: a hollow organ about the size of a closed fist.

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Blood Vessels• Three types of blood

vessels, Arteries, Veins, and Capillaries.

• Arteries bring blood from the heart to the muscle tissues, and it carries oxygen rich blood.

• Veins carry oxygen poor blood back to the heart, but contains one way valves to keep blood from flowing the wrong way.

• Capillaries bring nutrients and oxygen to tissues throughout the body, and takes carbon dioxide and waste products.

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Content of Blood

• Blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.

• Red Blood Cells transfer oxygen throughout the body.

• White Blood Cells attack foreign substances or microorganisms.

• Platelets help clot blood using plasma proteins.


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Sydney and Naseme

Lymphatic System

• The Lymphatic System collects fluids lost by the circulatory system and returns it.

• Lymph nodes trap bacteria and microorganisms, they also hold white blood cells.

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Respiratory System

• Contains: bronchi, trachea, larnyx, pharnyx, and nose.

• The respiratory system controls the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

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• The diaphragm creates a slight vacuum in the chest cavity using the lungs and rib cage.

• When you breathe in, your diaphragm contracts.

• When you breathe out, it relaxes.

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Gas Exchange

• Gas exchange is when carbon dioxide and oxygen rotate, causing a switch of places, in the capillaries. This is what happens in the bronchi.

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Lung Diseases

• Smoking is a main cause of lung disease.

• Second hand smoke also kills.

• Smoking destroys your lungs, causing them to collect tar and other substances which make it hard to breathe.

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