
Post on 30-Jan-2016






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Compare & Contrast


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Compare & Contrast

2D-3D Animation

Christina Phasoulidou


Department: Multimedia and Graphic Design

Course: LCE_111

Animation is the creation of many pictures combined to create movement and illusion so it would seem as one sequence. In the 20th century, animation was hand-drawn and later, in the 21st century, it was developed through computer systems. The animation in the 20th century is named 2D animation and the one that is used today it’s called 3D animation.

Both 2D and 3D animation can be brought to life through movement, colors and sound. In addition, they’re both detailed enough. Moreover, 2D is the base of 3D animation.

On the contrary, 2D can be described as a flat image while 3D has more depth and an extra dimension. In 2D animation every frame is re-drawn but in 3D one only image can give movement since it is developed on a computer program. Unlike 2D animation, 3D animation provides a higher amount of vividness and a variety of visual and audio effects.

To sum up, even though 2D animation is the base of 3D animation it seems to have more differences than similarities since 3D is a more evoluted animation which saves more time and takes less effort.

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