3 “healthy” habits that make you gain weight! so called healthy habits cambiat… · 3...

Post on 14-Jun-2020






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3 “Healthy” Habits that make you GAIN weight!

Don’t let these so-called “tips” sabotage your success!

By the creator of the

Eat More, Weigh Less Program



You are in the right place if…✓ You feel overwhelmed by all of the different weight loss advice

✓ You are neglecting or ignoring your own needs and watching the pounds stack on

✓ You feel too exhausted to do your best at work and at home

✓ You feel disappointed with a lack of intimacy

✓ You’re fed up with digestive issues, perimenopause or difficulty sleeping

✓ You feel frustrated that you know what you should be doing but just can’t motivate yourself to do it

✓ Or maybe you have tried every diet but always regained the weight - and you don’t know why.

If you read this book, you will begin to enjoy:1. Eating foods that are actually satisfying without the guilt

2. Feeling more energized throughout the day.

3. Peace of mind knowing that you CAN feel and look great all the time!

Why you should listen to me!● I once gained 30 pounds in 30 days and learned how to take the weight off and keep it off!

● I’m a passionate research junky who loves to investigate everything related to healthy living

● I am a life coach and am trained to help people make positive transitions

● I’ve helped over 5,000 clients get results FAST

I don’t want you to go another day struggling to lose weight or feel better. In fact, I want to help make today

easier for you. So let’s start with the 3 biggest things people think (or have been told!) are super healthy, but

which actually cause them to gain weight. You’ll want to avoid these, fo sho!

To your health,

Rebecca WalkerAccelerated Weight Loss Mentor

Hi Friend!Can’t stand the thought of trying another

diet to change your body? The very idea of

dieting can be overwhelming. Most people

think that they know how to eat healthy

but they keep gaining weight. If you are

finding that you have moved from the

stretchy pants and are on your way to the

larger size then these tips are for you.


Let me be the first to tell you, counting calories is a total

waste of time. If you are struggling to lose weight, counting

the calories you consume and comparing it to the calories

you are supposedly burning on a cardio machine or other

form of exercise, isn’t going to work. There are three major

reasons counting calories fails.

Counting Calories or Points

You know the drill, you ask yourself: “How many calories did I eat today? How

many calories does my Fitbit say I burned?” You do the math and

congratulate yourself if you burned more than you consumed… but that’s

only part of the story.

Are you tired of

counting calories

(or points) like a

crazy person and

still not losing



Calorie counting fails because “a calorie is not a calorie”

For most people who

struggle with weight,

the problem isn’t

simply too many

calories, but the wrong


Mistake #1

Drinking 100 calories of juice has a vastly different

metabolic effect than eating 100 calories of almonds.

While it is true that a calorie is a unit of energy and gives

off the same amount of energy when burned, BUT our

bodies treat calories from different sources differently.

If counting calories worked, then eating 12 packets of 100-

calorie junk food would be a stellar way to lose weight. Can

you even imagine? You’d be starved! Ravenous. Plus your

sugar cravings would be out of control and you’d blaze

through those 12 packets pretty quickly. How 'bout, not...

60 million+ overweight Americans are proof that there's

more to the solution than “eat less, move more.” But old

habits die hard, am I right?


Mistake #1

Let’s explore how calories differ by type. Depending on where the calorie comes from, it will have a

different impact on your body.

Fiber Calories from fiber regulate the body’s response to sugars. They help balance blood sugar and

keep hunger in check. Fiber keeps us full and delays stomach emptying time.

Protein Calories from protein take more energy to metabolize than from carbs, meaning our bodies

have to expend more energy to process protein. This is the “thermic effect” of food.

Fat Calories from trans fats are super bad and clog our arteries. But aside from those, calories from

fat are beneficial. Omega 3’s in particular keep our hearts, skin and brains healthy and our cellular

walls strong and malleable. All fat is not the same. All calories are not the same.

Sugar Calories from sugar, now, have the biggest (negative) impact on our bodies. What makes us

fat is sugar, not fat. Sugar really is a formidable nemesis! We are hard-wired to love it and it is

everywhere. Turn over your favorite savory foods and you will probably find it in there too. Pasta

sauce is a great example of this. Take a moment to read your favorite pasta sauce label.

Recently some pretty groundbreaking information came out – it’s been called the “closest thing to

causation and a smoking gun” between sugar and Diabetes that we’re likely to get. The study (done by

Dr. Robert Lustig and other badasses) basically looked at sugar consumption and diabetes rates in

175 countries over the past decade.

What they found was that higher sugar consumption/availability led to higher rates of Diabetes. And

it was independent of obesity, previously thought to be more tightly related to developing Diabetes.

Skeptical? The study carries the same level of confidence that linked cigarettes and lung cancer in the


So which calories are the worst?

So what should you do with sugar? Do not

make eye contact. Do not be seduced! Avoid,

eliminate, fear and scorn that sugar no matter

how good that offer looks!

(at least if you love yourself and want to live a

healthy, happy life and hang around living that

life as long as possible). You do, right? If not,

this ebook is not for you! Let’s part as friends, but

do stop reading this and go do something else

(hopefully productive) with your time.


Mistake #1

Regardless of how well you count the calories in

foods you’re consuming, it’s really hard to know for

sure how many you are burning through exercise.

And the tools you’re relying on to give you this

information, are wrong.

Researchers at University of California at San

Francisco's Human Performance Center were curious

just how accurate calorie counters were – you know

the ones on cardio machines and on watches. So they

compared those devices to VO2 data and found that

the numbers were way off. Machines over-estimate

how many calories you burn.

What throws off the machines are the variabilities of

everyone’s metabolism, which is influenced by their

sex, age and body fat content (among other things

too). Here is the average error by the type of


Calorie counting fails because you don’t know how many you’ve burned




Stair Climber

Stationary Bike






Amount by which devices OVERESTIMATE your caloric burn


While skipping meals and eating small portions might seem like

a fast track to weight loss, it can backfire. If the purpose is

slimness, often that slimness is brief.

Here’s why skipping meals or severely restricting calories is a

bad, bad idea:

1. your metabolism will slow down; the rate at which your

body burns energy will decrease

2. you’ll train your body to store more fat from food when you

do eat

3. you’ll likely be low in the key macronutrients (protein, fiber,

fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that your

body has to have to avoid illness and disease

4. you‘ll lose muscle mass as your body draws on it for energy

5. you’ll experience rebound cravings for high fat and high

sugar items can lead to excessive snacking

6. cortisol, the stress hormone, will become elevated with

negative effects on your mood and fat storage

7. your body won’t have the combination of nutrients it needs

to safely remove toxins, also leading to fat storage.

I needn’t emphasize that none of those things are good…

And even worse, deprivation and starving yourself makes you a


Its easy to feel sorry for yourself, wish you could eat what other

people around you are eating, or be envious of those people

who seem to eat whatever they want and it never shows. That

jealously and envy won’t get you anywhere worth going.

Honestly, restriction just makes for a bad mental state!

Approach life and food not from a state of deprivation, but from

one of plenty! Your mood will brighten. You’ll be a happier

person. People will like to hang around you. You’ll have more

fun and even get your own reality TV show (just kidding about

that last part.) But you get the drift.

Calorie counting fails because it encourages restriction

I struggled to lose

excess belly fat for

15 years. Once I

learned the trick to

changing WHAT I

ate, I was free to eat

more food than ever

before while finally

fitting into my

skinny jeans.

- Kersti

Mistake #1


Many people believe that eating many, small meals throughout the day and snacking on

something nutritious like almonds will help you lose weight.

Likely not.

Eating frequently (like let’s say six meals a day) means your body is constantly jumping to attention

to metabolize the food we’ve just eaten.

Eating constantly throughout the day means your pancreas is consistently releasing insulin and

sending the signal throughout your body to store fat.

Plus, lots of small meals throughout the day means we feel less satisfied, lose track of how much

we’ve eaten, and that we’re burning energy from the food we just ate rather than fat stores.

Properly spacing out your meals (and there’s an easy formula for this) activates your natural fat-

burning mode.

Calorie counting fails because timing matters

Mistake #1

If you’ve ever been a “grazer,” then you know that odd

sensation of never feeling hungry, but never really

feeling satisfied. You’re never really getting what your

body really needs. Foods most folks reach for don’t

typically top the lists of most nutrient-dense foods out


Crackers, chips, chocolate covered almonds, pretzels…

unfortunately these are also the types of foods that

easily hijack our brains so we don’t hear that clear

“that’s enough” signal.

Hormones are like software that tell our bodies what to

do – whether we’re hungry or not, to have cravings or

not, to burn or store fat and more. Our behavior and

food influence that software, including how much we

sleep (including when we wake and rise), what and when

we eat and how we exercise.

Which of the following

would you rather send your


Signals for a short burst of energy

and to store what you just ate as

fat (eg, eating a croissant)?


Signals for sustained energy,

appetite control and nonexistent

cravings (when we eat, say, a chicken


Put like that it’s a no-brainer! They

may have the same number of

calories but the hormonal effect is

vastly different.


Mistake #1

Calories are merely units of energy. They can’t indicate whether or not your body needs it. They

can’t can used to distinguish from something that will harm your body or help it!

A metaphor is in order, I dare say… Let’s imagine you are going on a ski vacation but you don’t

have any ski clothes. You have a budget of $300 and off you go to the outdoor store. You find a

jacket for $150 and ski pants for $80. You know you might need mittens, hats, long underwear and

ski socks, but you’re not sure. You pass the aquatic section and see some a beautiful swimsuit.

Oohlala! So cute you think! The price is $70. You’re still within budget so you get it and go home

having spent your $300! The next day when you find yourself in sub-zero temperatures, you’re

wishing you had bought the socks, hat and long underwear. You realize the swimsuit was a dumb


Calorie counting fails because it doesn’t focus on what’s important

You may even be eating “healthy

foods” but feel bloated, lack

energy, and still have issue with

sleep. Most diets leave you

starving and feeling deprived

because you are missing out on

key factors for weight loss.

But you’re lucky! Why? No, a handsome gentleman doesn’t ski down the mountain and bring you a

thick pair of socks. No no, you’re lucky because you actually realize the err in your ways. And likely,

you won’t make that same mistake again. It’s not so obvious with food.

You might get to your 1200 or 1500 or 1800 calories a day and find that you are starving. Worse,

you probably ate things that are hurting your weight loss goals. You may even be eating “healthy

foods” but feel bloated, lack energy, and still have issue with sleep. Most diets leave you starving

and feeling deprived because you are missing out on key factors for weight loss.

Or perhaps you know what is “healthy” but just aren’t doing it. You are filling up on bars, cheese,

yogurt and wine yet you are still hungry and are gaining weight.

Lots of “healthy foods” might actually be causing you to gain weight. If you aren’t sure

about negative things happening inside your body, take a gander at the list on the next

page and see if anything sounds familiar.


You are tired all the time

You find it hard to concentrate, especially in the afternoons

You have bowel movements less than once a day

You get constipated

You get bloated or gassy, or have weird pains after eating

You get muscle cramps or spasms

Your skin breaks out or is itchy

You get headaches or migraines

Your urine is dark yellow or brown-ish

You catch every cold or flu

You snore

You are anxious or quick to get upset

You get heartburn or acid reflux, or burp a lot

You have dry skin, dry scalp or dry lips (or cracks in the corner of your mouth)

You wake up in the middle of the night or don’t get 7-9 hours of sleep

You wake up wishing for a few more minutes (or hours) of sleep

You sometimes have have itchy ears or throat

You have bad breath or body odor

You suffer from athlete’s foot, yeast infections or fungal infections

Signs your body doesn’t like the food you’re eating

Eating the wrong foods

is as helpful as punching

yourself in the face


Mistake #1

I can’t tell you how many people have been utterly

shocked to realize this, but here’s the simple truth….

It’s totally possible to eat just a small amount of something

(say, a cupcake or a few pieces of bread) and gain several


Have you ever found yourself gaining a couple of pounds in

a day? Did you wonder how the heck you gained a few

pounds when you didn’t eat a few pounds more food? That

is how you can tell that you are not consuming the RIGHT


I have measured body composition changes for over 5,000

people and these spikes in weight happen ALL THE TIME.

It happens to me, and there’s a good chance it happens to


When it comes to hidden food sensitivities, eating even a

small amount of something you’re highly sensitive to can

make you gain pounds. Literally, pounds.

But it’s not fat – it’s inflammation! Rather than storing fat,

your body tries to protect itself from whatever it can’t

handle and does so by trying to “dilute” (with water) what

it’s considering toxic to your individual systems. Result?

Bloat around the belly and more health consequences.

More Reasons Counting Calories Doesn’t Work

In addition to the nutrient content of the calories we eat,

there are a few other factors that can influence whether

that food causes us to gain weight or not.

Insider Tip: Regarding supplements, I do not recommend grocery store brands. Maybe

one day in the future I will, but right now the quality you would get at a Trader Joes or

CVS just isn’t up to snuff. You have absolutely no idea if what’s on the label is what

you’re putting into your body. And this has been proven by consumer research studies

that found what the label says doesn’t match the contents for 80% of products. Yikes!

The products I sell are the best quality out there and the manufacturer voluntarily

(and at their expense) submits their products to third parties to confirm that what’s on

the label is inside the container!

When it comes to

hidden food

sensitivities, eating

even a small amount

of something can

make you gain


Literally, pounds.



Mistake #1

“The first time I went through the program, I felt awesome! Within a week I could feel many of my gut

symptoms improving (cramping, crazy burps, pains), and within 4 weeks, I felt better than I had for 5 years! I

was really curious which food(s) caused me to have intestinal issues, so I followed the instructions to Blueprint

my Metabolism by testing my foods. Like a good scientist, I followed the testing protocol from the program

carefully. and tested my first food. Two days later, I weighed in and was shocked to see I had gained 3lbs of

water!” – Julia

Julia’s Story

Insider Tip: Every meal is an

opportunity to honor your health

& wellbeing – to say “I’m worth

it” or “my family is worth it.” This

doesn’t mean every meal has to

be pitch-perfect, but it does

mean making choices the

majority of the time that honor

your intentions, hopes and

desires for yourself. Feeling,

looking and being your best is

possible and I help my clients

learn this every day.

When it comes to

hidden food

sensitivities, eating

even a small amount

of something can

make you gain


Literally, pounds.

Overnight.I hear versions of this story involving various inflammatory

foods every day. Literally every day. People are shocked when

they find out the food they ate, “all the time” was what was

causing the bloating and weight gain.

Because I measure my clients’ body composition, I see the

drops of inflammation (usually 3-6 lbs) especially in the first

week of working with me, and then I help clients understand

the consequences of certain foods by analyzing the spikes in


But in summary, a calorie is not JUST a calorie! They can have

different effects on our bodies, depending on where they come

from. Some can turn on disease-fighting genes, while others do

the opposite and further degenerative disease.


✓ Step 1: Don’t struggle every day to be healthy. Make some

changes that don’t require counting points or calories!

✓ Step 2: Uncover your hidden food intolerances

✓ Step 3: Learn how to make meals that balance your hormones

and promote weight loss, and make you feel full for several hours.

✓ Make vegetables the star of the show and accompany them

with lean protein, healthy fat, and a small serving of whole

carbohydrates like berries or sweet potato.

✓ Space out meals every 4-6 hours. This will help with blood

sugar balance and – even better – burning fat! If you are

hungry before 4 hours are up, your previous meal didn’t

have the right components for you and needs adjustments.

The Fix


According to a recent UK survey by Laura Graham, a third of

women dread getting on the scale in January more than being

dumped. This post-holiday practice is completely unnecessary

and it takes an emotional toll on women. But I believe if it

equally bad to do it the rest of the year too.

This is because the information the scale offers you is neither a

good measurement of health nor a good indicator of success in

improving your body shape.

A scale prevents you from seeing 4 important things…


Q: What is the most

evil thing a scale can


A: Tell you that you

haven’t lost weight

when you’ve actually


You Stand on the Scale Every

MorningIt probably sounds crazy that I’m calling this a mistake, but…

throw out your scale.


Mistake #2

#1 Your overall health

The scale indicates very little about what’s going on

with your relationship with food, hormones, digestive

health or inflammatory status.

#2 Your big-picture trend

Over the course of the day, your weight can fluctuate

by five pounds! Food and beverage intake, time of day,

dietary choices and activity levels all can contribute to

that misguiding number on the scale.

#3 The real results of your efforts

Focusing on the scale blinds you to the progress you

are making. It does not properly indicated lower body

fat percentage.

#4 How you [should] feel about yourself

You cannot let a number determine your value of self-

image. So many of my clients have a good or bad day

based on what they saw on the scale that morning.

Your actions and efforts should determine how you


A Scale Cannot Tell You…

Don’t worry, there are great

ways to track progress, even

without the very expensive

body composition analyzer I

use at my office.


Mistake #2

Like your smartphone you accidentally dropped in the toilet,

your scale is useless. Sure it can tell you how much you weigh,

but who cares?

Why Your Scale is Useless

Like a calorie, you have to dig deeper to understand what is really going on. Is 150lbs

really the same as 150lbs? Not if the first person has 30lbs of fat and the second person

has 60lbs of fat. You might gain muscle and lose fat, but that won’t lower the number on

the scale, even though your body composition is getting better.

What I want you to care about are changes in your body composition. In particular, I want

you to focus on how much muscle you have versus how much fat you have. The more

muscle, the better!

Worried that I want you to idolize body builders? Yikes, no. But I promise you that the

more muscle you have, the better you will fit in your jeans, the leaner you will be, and the

more fat you will burn even when sitting around.

Your body loves muscle and the more you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be.

That means you’ll utilize more energy (from carbs & fat usually) doing your daily activities

than you would if you did those exact same things, but had less muscle mass.

My program has helped

thousands of people lose

weight and not once have

I bothered to focus on

how much they weighed.


✓ Step 1: Look at your body, not the scale. Weighing yourself will not

show you the progress you are making. That is determined by your

energy level, body composition (the amount of fat versus muscle),

and how you feel in your clothes.

✓ Step 2: Get yourself a truth-telling outfit. Find a tight fitting skirt or

pair of pants in your closet. Try it on every week or so and see how it

feels and fits. This is a MUCH better indication of changing body

composition and you can toss your scale.

✓ Step 3: Monitor your stomach/belly because this is where you see

bloating, and bloating is a signal you are intolerant to your food (and

no, I’m not just talking bloating from salt). Take measurements using

a cloth tape. Take one at the belly button and another two inches

below the belly button. While measuring, stand sideways in the

mirror so that you can see that the tape doesn’t drop and stays even

around your body. Do this just once a month to release the

OBSESSION over weight AND maintain your SANITY.

✓ Step 4: Take progress pictures. Every couple of weeks, snap some

photos under the same lighting to notice small changes in body

composition and the way your clothes are fitting.

The Fix


1. You are spending (or trying to spend) 30 minutes

doing cardio several times a week or more,


2. You binge eat and head to the gym to burn off

those calories.

Oh, the saddest mistake of

all! This is when you [try to]

compensate for what you

eat with exercise.

So, so futile dear friends.

You Try to Out-Exercise Your

EatingHere are some common signs that you are engaged in a futile attempt at

losing weight for good:


Mistake #3

Forget everything you’ve ever learned about how to lose

weight by exercising and listen up. Let’s tackle these

exercise myths head on.

Cardio for 30 minutes several times a week will not help you

lose weight in the long run. Sure it will help you feel

better about your effort. That exercise will release endorphins and boost your

serotonin levels making you feel happier. An awesome side effect! Buuuut… don’t

expect to lose weight. Easy cardio does nothing for building muscle and burning fat.

Not only is the intensity just too low to do much, but the more often you do the same

thing, the more more comfy your body gets with that cardio routine, and the fewer

calories it will burn doing it.

Am I saying never do cardio again? No… because I think it is our most powerful and

least expensive antidepressant and you might get outside and enjoy yourself while

doing it.

The research (and my experience) is clear. High-intensity interval training is far

superior for weight loss than cardio. In a recent study, participants performed eight

20-second jump squats (at an all-out pace) separated by 10 seconds of rest and

doubled their post-exercise metabolic rate for at least 30 minutes afterward. "You

would have to do five times the amount of moderate-intensity exercise—like power

walking or light jogging—to burn the same amount of calories as you did in just 4

minutes, says study author Michele Olson, Ph.D., FACSM. The higher the intensity,

the longer your metabolism stays elevated, and that’s dynamite for fat burning after

your workout. The trick is doing this safely and effectively to maximize your results

and reduce injury, and to pay attention to the timing of your exercise vis-à-vis your

sleep and eating schedule.

The Truth About Exercise & Weight Loss

Waste of Time #1:

You’re spending 30 minutes doing cardio


Mistake #3

I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to eat a bunch of what

I’ll call “stuff” and then go to the gym to repair the damage.

Hoping that 30-60 minutes at the gym every day make it

okay for you to eat that muffin you love likely won’t lead to

long term success. Part of the reason has to do with which

type of calories you’re trying to burn off. Part has to do with

hidden intolerances. If you are eating something your body

doesn’t like, it will be 10x harder to lose that weight with

exercise. And the other part has to do with cravings. If

you’re craving something all the time and you continue to

eat it, you’re conditioning your body to expect it, to want it.

The easiest way to not eat the muffin is to not crave the

muffin. And the easiest way to not crave the muffin is to not

eat the muffin.

Wait, what? Oh.. Insert sad face.

The Truth About Exercise & Weight Loss

Waste of Time #2: You binge eat and head

to the gym to burn off those calories

No matter how

hard you try, you

can't out-exercise

poor food choices.

– We’ve tried!


Mistake #3

Kersti’s Story

“When I was coming of age in the 1990s, low-fat, high-carb diets were all the rage for anyone looking to be

thin and athletic. So since I was a competitive cross-country and track runner and soccer player, I followed

that diet in the hopes that it would help me lose my belly fat and create lean arms and legs. I continued that

way of eating into college where I was a Division I NCAA runner. I ran cross-country in the fall, indoor track

in the winter and outdoor track in the spring. In the summer I prepared for cross-country. I ran ALL YEAR

long, sometimes even twice a day. That's a lot of cardio! Yet I was the heaviest I had ever been in my life.

Sure I was strong, but I could never attain a toned stomach or upper body, despite crunches and weight

lifting. I still recall photos captured on race days of me running in my team's uniform (basically a bikini

bottom and tank top) and feeling embarrassed and confused by all the extra heft all over my body.

Years later I followed the Eat More, Weigh Less Program. I changed the way I ate and I changed the way I

exercised. In just 28 days, I attained my ideal body composition. I was shocked! (And dare I say, a little

pissed off at all those sources of misinformation I had so dutifully followed!) I was so happy to see definition

in my arms and legs and see my belly melt away. And it was awesome to workout for 20-30 minutes instead

of 60+. I so wish I had known then what I know now -- it would have saved so much time at the gym and

anguish! And heck, I would have been so much faster too!” -Kersti

Read Kersti’s story about how a focus on cardio can get in the way

of you achieving your ideal figure:

What can we learn from Kersti’s story?

✓ Obsessing about cardio leads to mental and emotional burnout! Trying to achieve a certain time

limit every day takes a toll on you mentally; you are not likely to enjoy exercise if you continue on

that path.

✓ Cardio is not the only way to achieve an ideal body composition. Think of exercise as a strategy,

and plan workouts that are fun for you but don’t take too much of your time to complete.

✓ Even Division I athletes, regardless of the amount of exercise they do, aren’t satisfied with their

bodies. You can only be satisfied with your body by engaging in a daily routine of healthy eating

and exercise that works for you personally – what works for one person might not work for

another – so don’t compare yourself to other people!


The Fix✓ Step 1: Try burst workouts for quick, efficient weight-loss.

Interval training (alternating between different intensities of exercise)

helps people burn more fat and increase fitness levels. The key is to do

short explosions of exercise that get your heart rate up and then follow

with active recovery.

✓ Step 2: Choose any activity you like and do it as hard as you can for 60

seconds. At the end of 60 seconds you should be either breathing really

hard or unable to do one more repetition in good form. Then do an

active recovery activity for 4 minutes. Easy things to do during active

recovery are walking, using a foam roller or doing yoga poses.

✓ Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 bursts and 16 minutes active

recovery. That’s just 20 minutes, people! Sweet!

✓ Follow with a protein workout recovery shake within 30-60

minutes to maximize your muscle recovery and fat burning.

(Avoid inflammatory protein powders like whey, soy and rice.)


Promise me you won’t fall into these traps:

Next Steps

• Don’t skip meals or purposely not eat enough so

that you can say “I’ve starved myself all day – bring

on the pizza!”

• Don’t eat six meals throughout the day (even if they

are small). That’s a common myth about boosting

your metabolism. It’s not natural for us humans to

be in a perpetually “fed” state and it won’t help you

lose weight.

• Don’t fill up on empty calories that don’t fuel your


• Don’t underestimate the power hidden food

intolerances may be having over you. Find them.

• Don’t fall for the cardio-catastrophe. Your days of

struggling to do mild to medium intensity cardio are


• Don’t look at the scale anymore.

• Don’t ignore the many signs that your diet is

unhealthy for you.

• Even if you think what you are doing is healthy, if

you are not fitting back into your skinny clothes,

then it is time to make a change.

Lose 10 Pounds Now

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with Rebecca Walker,your Accelerated Weight Loss Mentor

Don’t wait another day or

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Get a Personal Breakthrough Session!

Next Steps

Want to deepen your understanding of how to balance meals

for your own hormonal balance, better energy and effortless

weight loss?

Want to learn more about healthy fats and proteins that allow

you to eat more than 100 calories but have better weight loss

results with increased energy?

If you want peace of mind about how to monitor your health,

take action now!

To make this easier for you, I have created a FREE Lose 10

Pounds Now Breakthrough Session.

There, I will guide you through how to avoid these mistakes,

correct them, and continue on the right path toward a

consistently rewarding and healthy life.

Lose 10 Pounds Now3 Secrets to Accelerated Weight Loss

If you are serious

about making

some changes,

this virtual event

is a MUST!

Sign Up Now At

with Rebecca Walker,your Accelerated Weight Loss MentorIt’s time…

Get the tools you

need to get more

energy and more

weight loss

with less effort!

FREE Breakthrough Session


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