#3 cleanpro cleveland, oh- jim sadens

Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Removing Soda Stains From Your Carpet

When it comes to soda, our kids can get a little excited and before

you know it - stains! But kids being kids doesn’t mean that you have to always look at

soda stains.

How to Quickly Remove Soda Stains

1.◉ With a clean piece

of towel, apply medium pressure in a blotting motion and try to absorb as much soda as you can.

◉ Be careful not to rub the stain, as this will only make matters worse.

2. In a bucket of about a liter of lukewarm water, mix a teaspoon of vinegar with carpet detergent and soak a clean undyed piece of cloth.

3.◉ Starting with small

portions of the stain, apply the mixture to the outside and work your way in.

◉ Take care that you don’t use too much at a time and end up damaging the root of your carpet.


◉ While it’s important to remove the stain as soon as possible, when it comes to soda stains, it pays to take care.

◉ Avoid getting frustrated and rubbing the area, or cleaning in large areas.

◉ Doing this will minimize any carpet discoloration.

5.◉ If your stain won’t budge, don’t

despair.◉ Soda stains can be a little

problematic and may need a few tries.

◉ Continue applying the solution until the stain has been removed.

◉ Your carpet is free of soda stains.

◉ Be careful to blot up any left over solution with a new piece of cloth and clean

warm water.

◉ Again, be sure not to rub as this can cause discoloration.


For more information: http://clevelandcleanpro.com/

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